for injuries. the driver is facing disciplinary action and could be fired for not wearing her seat belt. tom brady didn t say inch about the deflate gate report. it says he was generally aware of the deflated footballs. oo will oo he s still digesting a report at an appearance at salem state university last night. i dealt with a lot of things in the past i dealt with this three months ago before the super bowl. i dealt with a lot of adversity. i accept my role and responsibility as a public figure, and i think a lot of it you take the good with the bad. brady said the scandal does not take anything away from the patriots super bowl win. the nfl is still determining what punishment he will face. that brings us to our look who is talking. new york giant punter steve
assistance. he remains on asylum in russia. tom brady p didn t say too much about deflate gate. the report says he was generally aware team members were reducing footballs during the championship game. brady said he is still digesting the report during an appearance at salem state university last night. i dealt with a lot of things in the past and three months ago before the super bowl. i dealt with a lot of adversity in my career and life. certainly i accept my role and responsibility as a public figure, and i think a lot of it you take the good with the bad. brady also said the scandal does not take anything away from the patriots super bowl win. the nfl is still determining what punishments he will face. that brings us to look who is talking. tom brady s agent says the report has several flaws and the nfl has a history of spotty discipline. the recent history i believe