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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20160119

iranian prison. tonight they're being examined at the u.s. military hospital in germany. a fourth american decided to stay in iran while a fifth, a student, is already back home in massachusetts. they were freed in a secret deal negotiated at the same time that iran agreed to suspend its nuclear arms program. elizabeth palmer begins our coverage. >> reporter: it took a year and a half, but today jason rezaian was finally reunited with his family and he says he feels good. the "washington post" tehran reporter also met his bosses from the paper. he was arrested in iran on vague spying charges and jailed in a notorious prison at times in solitary confinement. he was one of three americans flown to europe on a swiss air force jet on sunday night. though his brother ali told us until the eleventh hour the family feared iran would renege on the deal. >> they told him lots of things over the course of 18 months, lots of lies, so until he was there at the airport on the plane with the swiss ambassador, they weren't sure. >> reporter: also on the base today, amir hekmati, a former marine jailed since 2011, was reunited with his family, including sister sara, who had flown overnight from detroit, hardly daring to hope he really was free. >> i'm in a fog. this is like surreal. i'm so in disbelief and honestly everything just happened so quickly that i don't think it will hit me until i am hugging him. >> reporter: now, at last, she has. also freed in the exchange was saeed abedini, a christian pastor arrested in 2012. there was also a fourth american released but all we know is his name: nosratollah khosravi roosari. that's all the congressman accompanying the other prisoner's family knew, too. >> we only know it was his choice not to leave iran at this time. >> reporter: in texas, seven prisoners were released as part of the exchange. all were charged with violating u.s. sanctions against iran. now they're free. most have decided to stay in america. the three americans' newfound freedom is going to require a lot of big adjustments and also catching up in all kinds of small ways. for example, amir's sister says when she first talked to him, he didn't even know what a selfie was. >> pelley: liz palmer in germany, liz, thanks very much. the nuclear deal also went into effect this weekend. iran agreed to suspend its program for at least ten years. here's margaret brennan. >> we have now cut off every single path that iran could have used to build a bomb. >> reporter: president obama yesterday hailed the administration's nuclear deal with iran. it went into effect over the weekend after iran made good ahead of schedule on its promise to disable key nuclear facilities. it transferred 25,000 pounds of atomic fuel to russia, mothballed 12,000 centrifuges and poured concrete enter a plutonium reactor, rendering it useless. u.n. weapons inspectors will now be on the ground watching whether iran cheats. in exchange, the white house lifted sanctions, allowing iran access to $100 billion in assets. iranian businesses are no longer locked out of global markets. iran's ships are free to sail into foreign ports, and it can buy or sell goods like oil. today tehran issued an order to immediately pump 500,000 additional barrels of oil a day, a move that could further drive down its price in a market already glutted with too much supply. >> we recognize that there remain profound differences between the united states and iran. >> reporter: but challenges remain. just last week the iranian military detained ten navy sailors at gunpoint. iran is still considered a state sponsor of terrorism, and last fall it twice illegally tested ballistic missiles, which can carry nuclear warheads. just after the american prisoners were released sunday, president obama unveiled limited sanctions on iran because of those launches. the white house says the next test will be whether iran helps to end the war in syria, a conflict that it fuels with funds and fighters. scott, at this point there are no plans to reestablish diplomatic relations with tehran, and it is not at all clear what will happen when president obama leaves office. >> pelley: margaret brennan at the white house for us tonight. margaret, thank you. tonight the mayor of flint, michigan, is asking for a federal disaster declaration. lead has contaminated the water in the city of 100,000, and adriana diaz is there. >> reporter: all day a steady stream of residents received their ration of clean water from the national guard. >> it's all set. >> reporter: state troopers with lead tests, filters and bottles fanned across a city that's parched for clean water. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> reporter: in april 2014, when flint tapped into its own river for water, it wasn't properly treated, stripping lead from pipes. after the switch, ten people died from legionnaires' disease. flint dr. mona hannah atisha found the number of children with high lead in their systems doubled to nearly 70. >> we see the result at five years of age when they need early intervention and have and special education. you see the impact at ten years when they're having adhd-like symptoms. and you'll see the impact when they're 15 years old and they're having trouble with the criminal justice system. >> reporter: elena richardson says her children started getting sick after the water switch. >> what happens after the water filter is gone? we're still going to have the lead, we're still going to have the pipes, we're still going to have the poison, we're still going to have the disease. >> reporter: in nearby detroit, where flint used to get its water, 90% of homes have less than 2.3 parts per billion of lead in 2014. researchers say anything above 5 parts per billion is cause for concern. after flint's water switch, 10% of homes had more than 11 parts per billion. in one house, researchers from virginia tech found lead levels of 13,200, more than twice what the e.p.a. considers toxic waste. flint has switched back to its original water source, but governor rick schneider says fixing the damaged pipes will cost at least $55 million. so far federal aid is limited to $5 million. >> pelley: adriana diaz with the emergency water ration there in flint. thanks very much, adriana. two weeks until the iowa caucuses and as often the races are narrowing. trump and cruz are in a virtual tie. clinton is only slightly ahead of sanders. we have two reports tonight and we're going to turn first to nancy cordes. nancy? >> reporter: scott, in a heated debate in south carolina, clinton depicted sanders as a harsh critic of the commander- in-chief, aligning herself closely with a president who is still broadly popular in his own party. >> senator sanders called him "weak," "disappointing." >> reporter: clinton argued sanders would upend the president's proudest achievement, obamacare. >> to tear it up and start over again, pushing our country back into that kind of a contentious debate i think is the wrong direction. >> we're not going the tear up the affordable care act. i helped write it. but we are going to move on top of that to health care for all. >> reporter: the tension in this once-genteel race is the direct result of polls that show a tie in iowa. secretary clinton seemed to be arguing that she is the rightful heir to president obama. >> there is no heir to anybody. look, i have supported barack obama in his election effort, his reelection efforts and almost all of the initiatives he's had out there. he's a friend of mine. but we got to stand up on our own two feet. >> reporter: i'm major garrett in washington. the ongoing feud between republican front-runners donald trump and ted cruz has grown increasingly personal. >> he's a nasty guy. nobody likes him. nobody in congress likes him. nobody likes him anywhere once they get to know him. >> donald seems to be a little rattled. for whatever reason, he is very, very dismayed. >> reporter: cruz said being disliked in washington is a badge of honor. >> reporter: at liberty university, a conservative christian college, trump courted the same evangelical voters cruz has pursued. >> two corinthians, 3:17, that's the whole ballgame. where the spirit of the lord right, where the spirit of the lord is, there is liberty? is that the one you like? i think that's the one you like because i loved it. >> reporter: the standard christian citation is second corinthians, not "two" corinthians. on the stump, cruz sites scripture much more readily, even so, trump runs competitively with cruz among evangelical christians in iowa. >> pelley: major garrett, thank you. today british lawmakers debated whether trump should be banned from britain. there is a law there against hate speech and half a million britons signed a petition condemning trump after he proposed banning muslims from entering the u.s. here's mark phillips. >> reporter: donald trump has long been seen as a brash american curiosity in britain, even back when he was promising to invest millions in scottish golf resorts. then his critics included michael ford, who was refusing to sell the great deal maker his farm. >> what are you prepared to tell him? >> he's fired. >> reporter: but not as fired as he would be by the petition, which called for him to be banned from britain. >> unacceptable behavior. >> reporter: that triggered this debate within a parliamentary committee, which asked one essential question: >> is this the kind of man that we want in our country? his words are not comical. his words are not funny. his words are poisonous. his policy to close borders if he is elected president is bonkers. >> reporter: donald trump is free to be a fool, but he's not free to be a dangerous fool in britain. >> reporter: but should the response be to ban him or to invite him to come? >> i'd take him to the synagogue. i'd take him to the church. i'd take him to the mosque. i'd invite him for a curry. >> reporter: donald trump has done in britain what he's done at home, become the news. >> thank you all very much. >> reporter: there's another worry, that donald trump could one day be landing in britain on air force one and that this debate could help his cause. paul flynn led the argument. >> we shouldn't give him the privilege of being banned. we don't want to see him emerge with a halo of victimhood on his head and say, "look what these brits have done to me," you know? >> reporter: in the end, scott, the brits did nothing. the committee has no powers to ban anybody. but donald trump has received another invitation from the leader of the main opposition party here, who has asked him to come to his electoral district, visit a mosque and meet his wife, who is mexican. >> pelley: mark phillips reporting tonight from the houses of parliament. mark, thank you. in health news tonight, there is a growing outbreak of a mosquito-borne virus that is linked to birth defects. travel warnings are going up and last week the first u.s. case of a baby infected in the womb was reported in hawaii. dr. jon lapook has more. >> reporter: christine arce-yee was looking forward to one last getaway before the birth of her first child. then she heard about the danger zika virus might pose to pregnant women. >> i read an article about zika spreading into the caribbean. i thought, oh, my god, is it in aruba, because i can't take that risk. >> reporter: the c.d.c. is advising pregnant women to avoid travel to 14 countries and territories in latin america and the caribbean, including puerto rico, mexico and haiti. dr. nikos vasilakis is a virologist at the university of texas medical branch. >> we do not need to scare people, but we need to be able to educate them to be able for themselves to make rational decisions. >> reporter: the mosquito-borne illness has been linked to a condition called microcephaly, an abnormally small head and underdeveloped brain at birth. in 2015 as zika infections spiked in brazil, more than 3,500 women there had babies born with the condition, that's compared with a previous average of 163 a year. >> the zika infections have gone from asia, africa to south america, and it's only matter of time it seems before it makes its way up to north america. >> you're correct on this. this is a consequence of the jet age. this is life in the 21st century. >> reporter: zika symptoms include fever, rash and joint pain and usually resolve within a week or so. there is no vaccine and no specific anti-viral medication. so brazilian officials are focusing on eradicating mosquitoes and educating the public on how to prevent mosquito bites. >> pelley: and i want to point out the infection in hawaii was in a woman who had traveled from brazil. dr. jon lapook, thanks very much. a lack of diversity has led to an oscar boycott. and, we'll remember glenn frey, the co-founder of the eagles, when the "cbs evening news" continues. the "cbs evening news" continues. ♪ ♪ morning ted! 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academ decision not to nominate any actors of color this year despite a number of critically acclaimed performances by african american actors. today director spike lee said he would join the boycott, posting on instagram saying, "i would like the media to ask all the white nominees and studio heads how they feel about another all- white ballot." academy president cheryl boone isaacs. >> i hope this isn't discouraging for anybody and for filmmakers in particular. >> reporter: oscar nominees are chosen by a 6,200 member voting body, 93% who are white, 74% male. urban and pop culture professor todd boyd says the oscar nominations are the symptom of a bigger problem. >> there is only a small number of people in hollywood who can say yes. until the people in hollywood who can say yes are more reflective of the population as a whole, this is not going to change. >> reporter: "straight out of compton" producer ice cube gave his take on "the daily show." >> we didn't make that movie for the oscars. we made it for the people, and the people loved it. >> reporter: scott, the academy says they are looking to become more diverse, inviting 300 new members of color to their ranks, although that number is a small fraction of the 6,000 plus voting body they already currently have. >> pelley: mireya villarreal, thanks. and we'll be right back. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if 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glenn frey, has died after a long battle with an intestinal illness. his hits include "hotel california," "life in the fast lane," and this... ♪ you can't hide your lying eyes ♪ >> pelley: frey helped the eagles soar. one of the world's best-selling bands with 150 million albums before the eagles broke up in 1980. frey then turned to acting, notably appearing in "miami vice." >> he's going to jail without us. >> pelley: he also began a solo career. ♪ the heat is on >> pelley: in 1994, the eagles reunited with their album "hell freezes over." ♪ well, i've been running down the road. >> pelley: glenn frey was 67. ♪ take it easy >> pelley: martin luther king had a dream that will never die thanks to some of the people you're about to meet when we come back. you're about to meet when we come back. rns. you know, to show the importance of saving for the future. so you're sort of like a spok more of a spokes metaphor. get organized at only glucerna has carbsteady, diabetes, steady is 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talent appears at wx center with generic >> pelley: f >> pelley: for many this was a day of public service in memory of martin luther king, jr. someone who knew dr. king very well is determined to keep his dream alive. here's mark strassmann. >> over to your right here is the martin luther king center for non-violence. >> reporter: you want tom houck to give this weekly civil rights tour in atlanta. now 68, he once drove for a king, the leader of the movement. >> we would drive in here as the kids would be upstairs waiting for him to come home, jump all over him and say, "daddy, daddy, daddy." >> reporter: in 1966, houck, a 19-year-old civil rights volunteer, admired the king family. by chance one day he met them at lunch. >> it was really coretta that made me the accidental driver. >> reporter: he told us the story inside ebenezer baptist, the king family church. >> she said she had a driver that was taking the kids to school but he wasn't working out and could i drive the kids to school. i said i'd be delighted to do that. so she didn't even ask me if i had my license. this is a white kid, okay, we're talking about 1966, driving four black kids around atlanta. >> reporter: dr. king later lobbied to keep houck in the movement and out of vietnam. houck gave us a private tour. >> dr. king's office was a beehive of activity. he was a chain smoker. he smoked two packs of cigarettes a day, which coretta hated. he was a big pool player. he'd have a beer and show us tricks he learned along the way. he was a very kind and a very gentle person. coretta got the first word that king had died. >> reporter: houck has a dream, to keep this history alive. >> i want people to be involved with what king was about and his vision 365 days a year. this is where martin went to elementary school. >> reporter: behind the wheel he had a front seat on history. mark strassmann, cbs news, atlanta. >> pelley: and that's the "cbs evening news" for tonight. for all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh a standstill. ".i'm a working man i m tryg bay bridge shut down. traffic is brought to a standstill. >> now i cannot get to work. >> this is really holding me back.>> the ks on martin luther king jr. day. -- chaos on martin luther king jr. day. how the anger over a police shooting is getting personal. giant waves eating at the coastline. sewage could start spewing into the ocean. good evening. i am elizabeth cook. >> i am allen martin. we have look for you at the bay bridge. cars are moving again slowly after an afternoon of share gridlock. registers change their cars together -- protesters chained their cars together on yerba buerna island they were the first group on scene at this massive practice. she is at the bay bridge toll plaza tonight. andria ? spoke -- >> reporter: traffic is still backed up east of the toll plaza across the span of traffic on this holiday. the protest spans all five lanes of the westbound bay bridge. about a half about from yerba buerna island. the highway patrol says 10 people used heavy chains to connect the vehicle to cement barriers on either side of the bridge. it took bolt cutters to


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