couple of weeks. hi, chuck ross from gwinnett last summer, the speaker referred to the budding tea party movement as astro turf and then there was an article written by the speaker and the leader in u.s.a. today, describing their tactics as unamerican and i m wondering, if you ve noticed that since that time, a lot of tea party rallies, there s been a lot of rhetoric about we are americans, you know, there is, you know, we are not astro turf, we are an authentic movement. i m wondering if you could address, was that the largest tactical error of this campaign so far? you know, one op-ed kind of leads to, i mean, the tactical mistake is on the republican side and that turned into a democratic pickup of a seat in new york 23. the republicans went out and recruited a candidate, he did not immediate, was not conservative enough for the pea party and the tee tea party ran their own candidate and hijacked the election. guy, what do you think? i just am kind of focused,
qdr to assess the a kind of agenda that the qdr will look at. it can inform the qdr. having it come afterwards is of limited value because it is already done. people are doing all kinds of things with it. i think the qdr has about you but the outside review is better done at the front end up the process. thank you all. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2010] over the next hour and half, up two views of national security. first admiral hayden. then a news conference with robert gates. later, a debate with republican candidates for governor in georgia. i would tell you, based on a review under to tapes, hundreds of hours, that they are not conspirators. they re not sitting there saying, thinking about this or that playing. they really do not know what is going on. this week marks the anniversary of the 1974 resignation of richard nixon, and almost 40 years later watergate still resonates in the ameri