Tamil Nadu CM MK Stalin inspected the ongoing work at the Chennai Trade Centre and directed the officials to launch the facility as soon as possible. The facility will also have 11 kilolitres of oxygen
Chennai Corporation hands over 300 oxygen concentrators to govt hospitals
Published on
Tue, May 11 2021 18:36 IST |
Major ports to waive-off charges for ships carrying oxygen-related cargo Image Source: IANS News
Chennai, May 11 : The Greater Chennai Corporation has handed over 300 oxygen concentrators to the government hospitals in the city for the treatment of Covid-19 patients.
A total of 50 concentrators were handed over to the Covid care centre at the Stanley Medical College, 33 to the Rajiv Gandhi Government Hospital, 50 to the Kings Institute Guindy, 80 to the Communicable Diseases Hospital in Tondiarpet, 40 to the Chennai Trade Centre and 40 to the Kodambakkam Meenakshi Care Centre. As many as 293 of the total 300 oxygen concentrators received have been distributed till now.