If you have a question about food in Arkansas particularly about where to find the best food in Arkansas ask Kat Robinson. She s been writing about it since 2012 and "The Great Arkansas Pie Book," just released, is her 12th publication. Robinson, who also authors "River Valley Eats" for the River Valley Democrat-Gazette, answered these questions for Hidden Gems: A Book Column.
Kat Robinson s 12th book revisits the topic that she s known best for: pie. And this book delivers what we ve all been wanting since Robinson s first pie book was released more than a decade ago: recipes.
Good cooks never divulge their ingredients. Great cooks throw open their pantries and kitchens alike to whoever wants to watch, knowing full well that components themselves don't keep 'em running back for more, but the executional skill to combine pinch and dash in such measure to create something memorable.
Good cooks never divulge their ingredients. Great cooks throw open their pantries and kitchens alike to whoever wants to watch, knowing full well that components themselves don't keep 'em running back for more, but the executional skill to combine pinch and dash in such measure to create something memorable.
Little Rock-based food writer Kat Robinson has a collection of more than 400 Arkansas-related cookbooks. They come from church groups, schools, ladies' auxiliaries, 4-H clubs, music clubs, homemaker organizations and more.