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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer And Martha MacCallum 20160527

states because we have to win. i want my energy to be put in states where it could go either way. we are going to play heavy in california. and we are going to focus on new york. by the way, i'm going to win michigan. normally a republican would not go to campaign there. i'm going to win michigan a lot. i have been talking about michigan for five years about what's happening with the horror show with closing the factories. martha: trump also laying out his new attacks against hillary clinton. he says she has declared war on the american worker. >> 15 state, that will mean a lot of travel in the last five months or so. it's only 6:00 in the morning. donald trump got on his plane to come up here from los angeles. we are expecting there may be some protests at this rally. however, there have been admonishments and editorials in the "fresno bee," saying keep it cool and don't tolerate the violent punks. since he went past the 1,237, donald trump making a full pivot toward the general election. at a press conference in bismarck, north dakota, trump hammering hillary clinton for her email server. here is what he said yesterday. >> this was all bad judgment, probably illegal. we'll have to find out what the f.b.i. says by the. it's devastating. there is no reason for it. skirting on the edge all the time. you look back at our history, this is our history. it's a very, very harsh report. reporter: donald trump tried to sideline hillary clinton by throwing down the gauntlet to bernie sanders saying, let's debate. donald trump said his campaign and the sanders' campaign have talking about the possibility of it. both donald trump and bernie sanders seem eager to meet each other. trump insisting it would be a charity event for charities associated with women's issues. martha: he also pushed back against president obama who speaking about him in japan said he was rattling world leaders. reporter: president obama said in japan that world leaders were rattled by the prospect of donald trump becoming president. that he's ill informed. yesterday at that press conference in bismarck i asked him if he wants to respond to president obama. >> when you rattle someone, that's good. many of the countries in our world, our beautiful world, have been absolutely abusing us and taking advantage of us. if they are rattled in a friendly way, we'll have great relationships with them. if they are rattled in a friendly way, that's a good thing. reporter: rubio saying yesterday he will go to the convention. he will release his delegates and speak on donald trump's behalf. donald trump tweeting out marco rubio should run for his senate seat in november. they need to win that senate seat in florida and he's the best one to do it. martha: very interesting how it comes around. bill: let's analyze this with "digital politics" editor chris stirewalt. president obama and hillary clinton used the word "rattled." >> the democrats are being careful not to portray him as risky as risk coul c conotes up. you will hear danger, danger, danger. hillary clinton's goal is to disfallify trump and that's what she is trying to do. >> i think he's upping to get in this thing. 15 states in play. that's the argument trump is making. is he right? here is the map from four years ago. >> obviously he's right in that he will have to fight in florida ohio and virginia. without those states, you don't see a path, unless of course, then the next bunch of states he mentioned where he talked about minnesota, he talked about michigan, and he talked about northern white states or overwhelmingly majority white states where his coalition which is dominated by white males can do particularly well. he mentioned maine and other places. especially pennsylvania that have pendantallizingly close for republicans in the past. they believe if they can get blue collar democrats to come into their column, they can win them. they haven't won them since 1992. but for trump it doesn't matter, he's not doing the organization, the republican national committee is. bill: but the map looks similar to what republicans have faced in the past. what's the logic? >> the logic is this. you witness marco rubio who says he will speak on trump's behalf. he's trump positive now. he was called a conman before, now he's in. the republican coalition has come together. it won't be as good of a coalition among republicans as it was for mitt romney or john mccain. he will now relentlessly aggressively go find voters. focus on things like being anti-intervention on the world stage. focus on get out of nato and those other things. find white dude wherever white dudes may be, be they minnesota or wherever, necessity must be with trump. bill: all the white dudes. good analysis. >> big story about the 180 at the rnc. so is trump right about throwing out the play book for winning as you all were just discussing? we'll get more into that in the next hour. we are talk about how it end up looking essentially the same as far as the electoral votes. but this has not looked like anything i have seen before. so you have to wonder. bill: a lot of these republican leaders, they are in or out. to watch them gauge their commitment daily is fascinating. martha: president obama became the first sitting u.s. president to visit hiroshima since the u.s. dropped the atomic bomb on that city 70 years ago. leland vittert is with us. how did it go and what did the president have to say there? >> depending on who you are and what you think of the president's visit you can make your decision on how it went. if the question is would he apologize for the use of the atomic bomb. he did not use the words, "i apologize." but critics will tell you his message was just the same. president obama the first sitting u.s. president to visit hiroshima since that fateful day in august. >> we sit here and force ourselves to imagine the moment the bomb fell. we force ourselves to feel the dread of children confused by what they see. we listen to a solemn cry. reporter: in the past the president has envisioned a world without nuclear weapons. he spoke on that theme today, saying we need the courage to see beyond the logic of fear. he did not talk all that much about the courage of the american gimplets who died in world war ii. >> a pair of navy fighter jets collide mid-air. details on this dramatic rescue of all four pilots. plus this today. >> we are going up against a candidate who will say anything, do anything to take us backwards on every issue and value we care about. the last thing we need is a bully in the white house. martha: expect to hear a lot more of that as hillary clinton warms up for attacks against donald trump saying he's running a fantasy campaign. but with the nomination not clinched, is she focusing on the wrong opponent. bill: the man who wrote "clinton cash is next. >> it's shocking to see what she did. more than anything else it's bad judgment. put some distance between you and temptation with meta appetite control. clinically proven to help reduce hunger between meals. new, from metamucil, the #1 doctor recommended brand. >> i knew past secretaries of state used email. secretary kerry did for a period of time until the triewls were clarified. they were not a model of clarity and it seems there is still more work to do on that. i believe it was allowed. but that's not the point. i said it was a mistake. i provided the department with all the work-related emails that i had. >> she is with a public strong defense. hillary clinton doing interviews saying everyone did it. with me peter schweizer, author of "clinton cash." good morning to you in florida. lewis lukens has given his deposition. who is he and what did he do at the state department. >> he's a long-time state department employee. he has been there since 1989. he deals with technical matters assisting the secretary of state. according to his testimony, he had conversations with secretary clinton and senior aides. this whole issue she wanted to have emails related to personal matters for family. he offered to set up a laptop. she said city wouldn't be convenient, that she didn't know how to operate a laptop or computer. he said he assumed the email situation would set up so she could have a private email for personal reasons. we now know that of course a lot of official state department business went through that server as well. bill: he tried to set up a laptop and it didn't happen. he gave her a blackberry. you read through this deposition. what did it tell you? >> the clinton story keeps changing and it doesn't make sense. one of the points they made repeatedly is they did this for convenience purposes. she wanted to use the blackberry for convenience purposes. but as mr. lucas points out in his deposition, you have purposeful dead zones where blackberries can't be used. secretary clinton when she was in her office had to leave the office to go into the hallway to send and receive emails. that's not convenient. again and again they shifted the story and i think it will continue to get worse as it circle tightens. bill: you listened to her defense this week, why do you say that? the defense has changed and the explanation did not make sense. the story is shifting. >> she deleted more emails than they kept. so they are trying to argue that she actually sent more private and personal emails than they did on official business. there are gaps on the emails that are released. despite the claims they made, they turned over all the professional emails they had. we know there were emails from general petraeus. that she never turned over that were personal, as we get into the details, the problem gets more difficult for her. bill: lukens is the first to be deposed. cheryl mills is today. what is the expectation how this unravels from here? >> i expect the cheryl mills deposition to be more contentious. she has also been a personal attorney for the clintons. she invoked attorney-client privilege at previous discussions on this matter. i think what is happening with these depositions that judicial watch is doing, it will make it harder for them to make the arguments that this was an innocent mistake or there is no big deal here. >> we happened to have you on since the state department report came out two days ago. how and where has this story moved since releasing that report. it has gone from a he said she said scenario. you have the state department itself coming out and saying she violated these rules. it's really violating the law. and that it was done so intentionally. that this was done with design. so, you know, this is no longer a dispute about what might happen and what the significance of this is. you now have the agency at the stated department saying this was a problem and you had rules that were consistently broken by secretary clinton. bill: thank you, sir, in tallahassee today. martha: incredible footage of a deadly shooting. a rapper opening fire as he was set to perform. what prompted him to pull that trigger and who got caught in the crossfire when we come back. can the tsa turn things around for the traveling public. what super poligrip does for me is it keeps the food out. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. super poligrip is part of my life now. bill: murder backstage at a concert venue in new york city. minutes before he was to take stage a rapper known as troy av got into a deadly shooting with another rearp. a 30-year-old friend of the rapper died at the hospital. two others inside that venue for injured as well. martha: airports across the country bracing for the busy summer season, and the tsa is struggling to keep up with travel demand. the head of the agency says he believes they are ready, ready for the challenge. >> clearly the summer travel season will be busy. in the short term tsa airlines, airports and travelers working together can improve the traveler experience while we maintain the security we need. martha: mike tobin is at o'hare in chicago. how's it going there? >> if you are expecting an alarming image of a security line snaking out the door, it's not that bad right now. i want to go down here to answer the question. if you do any better by getting your tsa precheck certification. of course, to do that you have got to pay $85, you have to make an appointment, and show up at your appointment which is the hardest part of the whole program. the cause for the backup is it's an all of the above answer. a lot more people are carrying wheelie cart. they don't trust the airlines and they don't want to pay their $25 fee each time they fly. we are arriving at the tsa precheck line. frankly it looks longer than the standard line. if you look just past that, the priority line. you have to fly a lot to get the point for priority. so everything you thought you knew in term of getting through the line faster with this visual at this point in time is not really any faster. in terms of all the point you get as far as speeding thing up, arrive at the airport early, don't carry bottled water. don't carry a weapon. but if you have carrying a weapon through security you have got bigger problem than waiting in line. martha: i make it appointment and the day comes and work gets in the way. i notice when i go to the airport that sometimes my closest airport, newark, they don't have a precheck line. has the tsa said anything special about how they are trying to handle it. here in chicago some 150 employees have been concerted from part time to full time. they approved the use of overtime. here is the. i focused on security, revise the alarm procedures and trained the entire workforce. we are holding ourselves accountable to high performance. reporter: dealta airline is bringing up some of their staff to do the thing you don't have to be certified for. mike were thank you very much. hillary clinton saying the possibility of a donald trump presidency is dangerous. >> the only thing standing between donald trump and the oval office is all of us. and i mean all of us. bill: the likely democratic nominee unloading on trump saying she's ready for whatever he throws at her. but should she be worried about bernie sanders at the moment? >> bernie sanders talking about a possible debate between him and donald trump. what was that all about? >> i feel like i can continue this in congress. i can build bridges. 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>> it's interesting when you look at the things she is using. he's a loose cannon and he's dangerous and he doesn't care about you, he only cares about himself. you can picture donald trump turning that right on its head and saying who do you care about? >> she is trying to turn two of donald trump's strength with voters against him. after the paris attacks, donald trump went up in the polls. and people said, well, i think donald trump projects strength. so his poll numbers went up. they are trying to turn that strength into dangerousness. the clinton campaign may think donald trump's unpredictability a feature and not a buzz. she is trying to make trump seem he's more of the same. the message i'm look out for the little guy has been a part of donald trump's success. martha: if anyone has articulated a battle against donald trump, it's elizabeth warren. let's look at this. >> what kind of a man does that? i'll tell you exactly what kind after man does that. it's a man who cares about no one but himself. a small, insecure money grubber who doesn't care who gets hurt so long as he makes a profit off it. martha: she used to be this numbers cruncher, wonkish, going against wall street. i'm amazed she has gotten into the twitter mud with donald trump and they are slinging it at her big time. >> there we have elizabeth warren unplugged. no more harvard academic proper senator from massachusetts. she is unleashed and unplugged and going after him in a way going after trump's skin because it's calling her pocahontas and goofy. this is on the level of reality tv, but she respond with a passion i don't think we see from hillary clinton. it's intriguing. possibly a vp pick? martha: i think she is keeping her powder dry. she hasn't endorsed her. she is the on democratic dpee female senator who hasn't endorsed hillary clinton. she said we have to work out our nomination process. >> she is respecting sanders. martha: if sanders is able to close this gap, is there a scenario here for a contested convention, for an elizabeth warren element here? >> it's hard to manage it goes all the way to a contested convention. but it's remarkable that donald trump wrapped up the nomination process on the republican side before hillary clinton on the democratic side. this far left socialist-like kind of view will make a play at a minimum into the democratic platform. they pulled the party far to the left. elizabeth warren and bernie sanders represent perhaps the soul of the party even if they are not collecting enough delegates for bernie sanders to be the nominee. martha: she is the paul ryan of the democratic side. she is someone who democrats see aspirins and she gets the crowd going to no doubt -- juan, do you think -- the question back to you. there is a lot of reasons to think she might be a very formidable presidential candidate with hoik. do you think hillary clinton would ask her? >> hillary clinton said she is open to having two women on the ticket. when you think about elizabeth warren, you have got to come back to that bernie sanders populist base. these people are more focused on the economic argument and the socialist point. but that's the power at the moment in the democratic party. that's what animates people. >> i think donald trump is worried about that. thank you very much to both of you. have a great weekend. good to see you. >> you made it possible for us to have a very interesting debate. >> that's right. >> about two guys who look at the world very, very differently. >> oh, boy, do you look at it differently. that would be some debate. i think it might be one of the highest rated events in television history. >> the goal would be to have it in some big stadium here in california. >> has anyone contacted you? >> your network. your boss contacted us. he said you are fired. bill: bernie sanders keeping an open mind on the debate proposed with trump. trump was on the show the night before and said he would face off with sanders if they could raise money for charity. hillary clinton turned down a debate with her democratic rival before the contest in california. martha: can you imagine? it would be like a soccer match, a football matchup in england where you have to divide both side with a little wall in the stadium to make sure everybody kept it safe in there. we'll see. will they do it? who knows. in the meantime, a navy training drill takes a scary turn forcing rescue crews into action. bill: the state department praising the progress against isis. we find out where the terror group is gaining ground. >> we believe there is a decrease in the number of fighters travel together conflict. make sure the germs they bring home don't stick around. use clorox disinfecting products. because no one kills germs better than clorox. think fixing your windshield is a big hassle? not with safelite. this family needed their windshield replaced but they're daughters heart was set on going to the zoo. so guess what, i met them at the zoo. service that fits your schedule. that's another safelite advantage. ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ incredible bladder prthat lets from always discreeyou move like you mean it now comes with an incredible promise. the always discreet double your money back guarantee. always discreet is for bladder leaks and it's drier than poise. try it. we're so confident you'll love it, we'll give you double your money back if you don't. incredible bladder protection. double your money back guarantee. that's always discreet. martha: the coast guard saying four u.s. navy pilots have been rescued after two fighter jets collide in mid-air. the jets were conducting a training mission at the time. all four pilots, which is great news sustained only minor injuries. good news. >> you think we are turning the tide. you think there are fewer foreign fighters coming into the middle east and therefore less of a risk to the united states. >> i think there has been a decrease in the syria conflict. but an increase in other areas like libya. isis continues to attract new followers and they continue to associate themselves with existing insurgencies. that's a problem. it's not something localized in iraq and syria. bill: the state department admitting isis is growing elsewhere other than iraq and syria. progress or not. is it real? >> within iraq we are gaining territory. but as the state department spokesman said. they are metastasizing to cancer. they have these islamic terror groups that are affiliated with isis. >> have you been able to pinpoint why iraq and syria is no longer a draw for these fighters if indeed that's true? >> we have done and better job of shutting down the flow of foreign fighters. we have gained back some territory. but it's been 20 months since president declared our goal to defeat and degrade isis. it took four years to defeat nazi germany. we are making some progress. but islamic terror has been me as sizing, it's a growing and real threat. >> you look at new threat. jack keane told us there are 7,000 isis fighters in that country now. >> nobody knows the exact numbers, but it's a growing threat. it's a breeding grounds for additional terrorists. we need a committed coalition of the willing of the civilized world, and we have to be denation. we -- we have to be tenacious. we cannot let up. bill: march of this year, senator johnson, u.s. not taking isis seriously enough. were you convinced in this hearing this week that that's changed? >> no. we are making some progress in that area, but it's me as sidess metastasized and it's growing. refugees coming through the visa waiver program and the southern borderer. individuals from somali and pakistan and syria being picked up in central america. bill: you came into the hearing with three questions, all three of them pertaining to that issue, how do we keep folks here at home safe. the answers you got are what? >> inconclusive. we are making some progress. but i don't think we have the intelligence gathering capability. we are not getting the human intelligence. president obama wants to shut down guantanamo. we should be questioning them over a long period of time. but we have got to have a long-term commitment to this. >> there is a campaign component to all of this. would a wall make a difference? >> in certain places, absolutely. walls prevent illegal immigration. we need a functioning guest worker program. but we have all kinds of incentives in our law. we have to end those incentives. bill: i know you have got gotten on board the trump train, but you would support him on that. >> we need to strengthen our military and defeat isis and secure our borders. bill:ill you endorse him? >> i will support those goals. no two people agree on everything 100%. so you look at those big issues, and on those big issues we are in agreement. bill: i'll put you down for a maybe. >> i'll support those goals. martha: a dangerous super bug showing up in america for the first time. the head of the cdc said it could mean the end of the road for antibiotics. bill: a former state department adviser is speaking out about the hillary clinton email and server controversy. for the strength and energy to get back to doing... ...what you love. ensure. always be you. 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[laughter] saying she did not know what the rules were and, more or less, it was not her fault. >> well, you know, this report makes clear that personal e-mail use was the practice under other secretaries of state, and the rules were not clarified until after i had left. but as i've said many times, it was still a mistake. if i could go back, i'd do it differently. and i understand people have concerns about this, but i hope voters look at the full picture of everything that i've done and the full threat posed by a donald trump presidency. and if they do, i have faith in the american people. bill: so there you have that. peter doocy live in d.c. do we expect more from hillary clinton about the server? will she say something perhaps today or not? >> reporter: bill, she's not mentioning it at her rallies. she said yesterday she thinks she's already gone into enough detail about the thought process behind setting up that server. >> i testified for 11 hours before the committee, the benghazi committee. i have answered numerous questions. we have posted information on our web site. and the information that we had is out there, it's been clearly public. >> reporter: clinton also continues devoting most of her energy to donald trump who she refers to now as a loose cannon. she does not really attack bernie sanders, instead talking of joining with him to unite the democratic party. until that uniting happens, though, clinton needs more money. a campaign e-mail this morning told supporters her donations are down since april. bill: there's a lot of commotion about a debate between sanders and donald trump. is that going anywhere, peter? >> reporter: now we've got sanders and trump both saying that they want to do it. sanders adds that clinton backed out of a california debate, so he thinks that this is going to be his one crack at it. and now they may have some help setting up a debate, because a prominent boxing promoter has stepped up. he says that he will set everything up. bob air rum is quoted as saying it would be the biggest pay-per-view of all time. i'm not going to charge crazy prices. i'll take a fee, and i'll put a guarantee up, and it'll be for charity. trump obviously said that he wants to do it if it's going to raise at least $10 million for charity. and in california bernie sanders thinks he's got momentum on his side. he thinks by primary day he will have spoken to at least 200,000 supporters at his rallies. bill: they could raise $100 million. i mean, let's get ready to rumble. in this corner, peter doocy. martha: picturing a boxing ring and the shorts. all right, so the rnc slowly beginning to rally around the party's presumptive nominee, in fact, they're borrowing one of donald trump's favorite nicknames for hillary clinton, and they've used it in the latest rnc web ad. so they're saying, we give in, we surrender. we're going crooked hillary. here's a clip. ♪ ♪ >> the laws and regulations in effect when i was secretary of state allowed me to use my e-mail for work. that is undisputed. >> no evidence she had requested or received approval to use her personal account for official business. >> and you've said it was allowed too. >> yes, it was. >> who allowed it? >> it was allowed under the rules of the state department. and, again -- >> so nobody signed off on it. >> no. martha: chris wallace joins us now, the anchor of fox news sunday. chris, good morning. good to have you back. >> good morning to you, martha. martha: talk to me about the fact that the rnc is embracing, or giving in -- one or the other -- the sort of name-calling practices of donald trump. in that ad the rnc calls her crooked hillary. >> yeah. you know what's so devastating about that ad? it's all true. usually there's a certain amount of license in political attack ads, one side attacking the other. but in this one they've used hillary clinton's own words x they use either the actual words from the inspector general's report or newspaper accounts, as you could see there, from "the new york times" and other legitimate reporters that there's no kind of political spin here. it's her words and then the reputation that came out of the inspector general. and as they point out at the end of that ad, this was her own state department that she ran for four years and a democratic obama-appointed inspector general. so what's really damaging about this is it's all factual. martha: you know, it's uncanny in many ways how donald trump has come up with these sort of monikers for the people that are his opponents. and in time after time, they've sort of stepped in and tried it on, and it's fit them perfectly in one way or the other along the course of this campaign, at least in the minds of voters. who knows whether it will work for him in the general election. it's a whole different ball game now as you look at that. but when you look at the facts of what we learned this week about hillary clinton's situation, how damaging is it in her campaign? >> well, you know, i keep asking myself that, and the answer is we don't know until we see polls. obviously, it bolsters the argument that she was not forthcoming and that she did something wrong with the e-mails. and, obviously, she's already taken a heavy hit on that when you look at her honesty and trustworthy numbers which are heavily underwater. whether it's going to change more minds or not, i don't know. but again, i think the most damaging thing is not the new facts, it's the source. it's the fact that it came from an inspector general appointed by barack obama in the department that she ran more four years, and the investigation was ordered by her successor, the democratic secretary of state john kerry. so in that sense, it's damaging because this isn't coming from a republican committee, it isn't coming from the benghazi committee and democrats or independents can dismiss it and just say, well, this is partisan warfare. this is as independent or, if anything, pro-clinton a source as one could have. and they're still finding fault with her. whether it's going to affect her, i don't know. because, you know, you've got to figure the people who were upset by the e-mails were already upset, and people that weren't upset weren't going to be persuaded by new information. but to the degree that it gives republicans something to talk about, that it blunts the attacks on trump, and lord knows he's a target-rich environment as well, it certainly keeps hillary clinton on defense. and, remember, it was just this week that she was trying to make a big deal about the fact that trump back in 2006 was quoted as saying that he kind of hoped that the housing bubble would burst, because he could make a lot of money. it seems like a somewhat damaging line of attack. well, that's just gone. we forget about that now because we're all talking about this. martha: yeah. it's the effective counterpunch again from donald trump in turning that around, and he embraced that statement. that's what i should do as a real estate executive, buy things at the bottom. what about this debate, the bernie sanders/donald trump debate talk. what do you make of it? >> well, i've got to say i'm having great trouble concentrating on this because the image that one of you presented of bernie sanders and donald trump in boxing shorts -- [laughter] with gloves on in a ring, you know -- bill: you watch -- >> -- it's something i'm going to have to get out of my mind, and it's going to take some time. [laughter] i don't know, it certainly makes sense from sanders' point of view. he's behind, you know, it makes him look like, you know, he's willing to stand up and debate and defend the democratic party's ideals when hillary clinton was unwilling to debate him. i'm not quite as sure from trump's point of view but, you know, trump never met a big event or a huge crowd that he didn't, wasn't attracted to. and he was very clever in saying let's make it about women's health and women's charities. obviously, one of his concerns r when it comes to women's issues, the gender gap. and for him if he's able to raise $10 or $15 million for women's health issues, that kind of would help him in that area. it would be must-see tv. martha: i mean, you know -- >> as long as they don't wear boxing shorts. martha: i'm picturing the robe, i'm trying to think of the little phrase that each one of them gets. they're basically two guys from new york, so it would be fun to see them do that. chris, thank you very much. it's good to see you, sir. don't miss chris this sunday. corey lewandowski will be on the program with him, plus senator jim lankford will react to the hillary clinton e-mail scandal. did she put national security at risk? that's the big question for the doj. that is the essential question behind all of this, and that is coming up sunday on fox news channel. check your local listings, don't miss it. bill: 41 secret service agents facing disciplinary action after they dug around for dirt on a congressman. the punishment stemming from a report from the dhs inspector general, that's department of homeland security, that found agents went through the personnel files of congressman jason chaffetz. doug mckelway's on that story out of washington. what prompted all this in the first place? where did it start? >> reporter: well, bill, it appears to be a simple case of underhanded pay aback by members of the secret service who were just unhappy with representative chaffetz because he had been investigating a series of problems at the agency. an ig report found that dozens of individuals within the secret service improperly accessed on some 60 different occasions the personal records of chaffetz when he applied and was rejected for a job in the secret service years ago before he was a congressman. the information was leaked to the press. the matter was referred to the department of justice, but doj declined to prosecute. now jeh johnson, the secretary of homeland security, has taken action himself. he reviewed the conduct of 57 secret service personnel including 11 senior executives. 41 are being disciplined ranging from a letter of reprimand to some being suspend without pay for up to 45 days, and the person who leaked the information to "the washington post" has resigned. johnson found no reason to punish either the director or deputy director, bill. bill: how did we first learn agents had been looking around the files? >> reporter: the ig found that the secret service staffers improperly breached chaffetz's records only 18 minutes after a hearing in which chaffetz attacked the service for its lapses in perhaps. chaffetz be responded by saying, quote: it shouldn't have happened, and it should not happen again. bill: amen to that. doug mckelway in washington, thank you, doug. martha: donald trump giving a bit of a preview of his strategy for the general election including how he could win, he he says, 15 battleground states or compete in them. we'll talk to rnc communications director sean spicer. bill: also airline passengers forced out of the terminal into the parking garage. the threat that sparked evacuations at a major american airport. martha: and the state department says use of private e-mail servers is a lesson learned but at what cost? ambassador john bolton's here to weigh in. >> this is, you know, i hate to say it, but it's a learning experience. we have learned important lessons. i asked my dentist if an electric toothbrush was going to clean better than a manual. he said sure...but don't get just any one. get one inspired by dentists, with a round brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque and rotates to sweep it away. and oral-b delivers a clinically proven superior clean versus sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels super clean! oral-b. know you're getting a superior clean. i'm never going back to a manual brush. amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. sleep number beds with sleepiq technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. save $500 on the memorial day special edition mattress with sleepiq technology. plus 36 month financing. know better sleep. only at a sleep number store. bill: another day of severe storms triggering tornadoes and severe flooding. let's start in texas. heavy rain causing big problems there. 95 miles north of houston, the images here. at least one tornado also reported in that storm, dozens of homes damaged and at least three destroyed. further north in kansas several tornadoes damaging buildings and knocking down trees in that state. this comes a day after a tornado tore through an area near topeka, kansas. martha: admits using a private e-mail -- hillary clinton admits using a private e-mail server was a mistake, but just how costly was it? a state department adviser tells "newsweek" that clinton's communications that they called sloppy may have blown some counterterrorism operations. the department also saying the e-mail blunder is a, quote, lesson learned. >> you know, this is, you know, i hate to say it, but it's a learning experience. we have learned important lessons. we're not the only federal agency, frankly, that is also addressing these challenges, but we're trying to move forward, and we're trying to address it. martha: ambassador john bolton, former u.s. ambassador to the u.n. and a fox news contributor. ambassador, good morning. good to have you with us today. >> glad to be with you. martha: i'm curious what you think about the spokesperson saying, you know, this is a lesson-learned kind of situation. >> you know, it's kind of mind-boggling. indeed, it is a lesson learned. the best you can say is he also said we didn't have all the facts before, and he seems unwilling to defend hillary clinton. i thought this report was devastating. it demonstrated that for over a year now she's been lying about the permissibility of doing what she did. she never got permission from anybody. in fact, the longer it went on, the clearer it became that they couldn't ask permission because if they did two years into it, it would expose everything they'd done before. i think the recitation of this chronology really should give everybody all the political pundits who have been following her talking points, should give them a real case of heart burn. they've been deceived. martha: yeah. i mean, when you look at the list of breaches, i find what he said to be, you know, the learning experience part of the equation you can understand from one small perspective which is they seem to be behind the game on technology and, you know, the kind of devices that people use and their ability to track them, but they asked many times there was a protocol that was ignored. they asked for those e-mails to be turned in as soon as she was done with that office, it took two years. i don't think you can sugar coat how uncooperative she was with their investigation. i don't know why they feel the need to, you know, sort of paint it that way. >> yeah. well, look, there's no doubt you can't do what she did. you just can't do what she did and get away with it. a human person doing what she did would have been disciplined, their security clearance would have been removed, they could well have been fired. and i think the way that she and her staff treated the inspector general's investigation tells you something. they wouldn't, by and large, speak to the inspector general. why? because they were no longer state department employees, they couldn't receive disciplinary penalties, and they were desperately afraid of violating -- remember this one -- 18 united states code section 1001, false statements to a government official. martha: exactly. >> i think they knew they were in trouble, they didn't have any intention of cooperating with this. and let's be clear, this was a very limited report. it does not get into the issues that the fbi's been investigating. i think it's almost certain the bureau cooperated with the ig to make sure that path wasn't taken. so this is, this report really tees up, i think, the decision we're going to see from the justice department sooner rather than later. martha: yeah. i want to get a quick thought on something i mentioned in the intro which is this former department official who says that he believes there's sloppy communications which may have jeopardized some of their operations in the philippines and in iraq. nick merrell, her spokesperson, said it was patently false. any thoughts on that? >> well, i think there have been indications from material that's been withheld from public view, that is to say it's been classified or executive privilege claimed about it, that could well involve those kinds of operations. and let me just say, again to emphasize, it's not just the e-mail. her use of cell phones and ipads and laptops that were not secure exposed them to being taken control of by foreign intelligence agencies that can use, for example, the microphone in your cell phone to transmit to them. so it's her verbal communications as well as the e-mails that are in jeopardy here. martha: all right. one last thought because you wrote a very strong piece on the president's visit to hiroshima. your thoughts on what you do perceive as an apology. >> look, he is a very subtle speaker. he didn't use the words "i apologize," but most of his apology tour stops in the last seven years he hasn't said that either. he essentially said harry truman missed the moral point about using nuclear weapons as if barack obama thought that there was an alternative. let's be clear. what truman did, in my view, was not just militarily correct, but it was morally correct as well. winston churchill had said that to invade and conquer the japanese home islands would require, churchill's phrase, effusions of american blood. and to save that, truman ordered the dropping of the first two atomic bombs. it was the right thing to do. if ronald reagan had gone to hiroshima, he would have made that point. martha: it's a very strong piece. e recommend everybody take a look at it today. john bolton, thank you, sir. bill: 21 past the hour, what is the key to donald trump winning the white house? he says he can win over women voters. the polling numbers tell a different story. sean spicer here live to talk about it, but first, here is trump just from yesterday. >> looking for absolute competence. i fully expect that we will have many women involved with not only, i mean, i've had it with the campaign, but we're going to have many women involved. and i think that you're going to see that, and you're going to see that very strongly. protection now comes with an incredible double your money back guarantee. always discreet is for bladder leaks and it's drier than poise. try it, love it or get double your money back. always discreet. bill: word from overseas china apparently taking more provocative action. for the first time, beijing has shipped a drone with stealth technology, one of the artificial islands it's been building in the south china sea. fox news obtaining this image of the drone from about a month ago, this comes on the heels of reports that china intends to send nuclear-armed submarines to patrol that part of the sea. rich edson, what do we know about that now? >> reporter: the satellite images show a long-range reconnaissance drone capable of flying up to 40 hours. the drone appears to be unarmed and does not have the capability of firing missiles. image sat international provided the images to fox. the satellite took them last month. other satellite images show recently-deployed surface-to-air missiles on the same island arranged in a manner to make them difficult to destroy. a senior pentagon official refused to comment citing a desire not to discuss intelligence matters. the pentagon's press secretary noted the defense department has concerns about china's behavior in the region, bill. bill: so this is just the latest, right? by china in the south china sea. of just bring us up to speed on what we have learned from this. >> reporter: sure. and this is one of the more contested areas in the world. more than $5 trillion in cargo passes through the south china sea annually. china deployed this drone to woody island. taiwan and vietnam also claim the farther to the south in the spratly islands, china has constructed 3200 acres of artificial islands. the pentagon says the u.s. navy has conducted three so-called freedom of navigation patrols since october, sailing shibs nearby and sending a message that the united states recognizes much of that area as international waters. china has scrambled fighter jets in response. president obama says he denies the is taking sides between the countries that are claiming these islands, though he notes that china has the power to begin a dialogue to settle these disputes. bill: that's good context. rich edson on that story in washington d.c. thanks. martha: bill o'reilly calling out the state department for referring to the clinton e-mail blunder as a, quote, learning experience. >> mr. toner's being ridiculous, referring questions to clinton's team? come on. you're insulting us. martha: could hillary clinton's campaign be in serious trouble? our political panel weighs in. bill: also beam us up, right? high-tech lasers, space lasers that could take us to mars. is that possible? a former astronaut here live to explain. stand by. ♪ ♪ olay total effects a skin transformation that rivals the leading department store moisturizer. revives skin to fight 7 signs of aging. with olay, you age less, so you can be ageless. olay. ageless. ♪ finish♪ ♪ >> hillary clinton is banking on the fbi not recommending charges. if the agency does, it's over for the secretary. finish but if no indictment is forthcoming, voters will most likely shrug. summing up, not a good wednesday for hillary clinton. bill: so that's the case that o'reilly lays out. what do you think about that? tony seig, fox news contributor, david goodfriend, former staff secretary to president bill clinton. gentlemen, good morning to both of you. attorneyny, so rile -- tony, so reilly right? >> i think where he errs, if i can say that, is that i think regardless of what the fbi does with this, this is a brutal report with the potential of being devastating. remember, this is the state department inspector general appointed by barack obama, reports to john kerry. this is not a partisan -- on the republican side -- attacking hillary clinton revealing that she never got the approval to conduct this private server, that she never reported attempted hackings, that she never even cooperated with this investigation, didn't allow eight of her top aides to cooperate. and the most chilling part of this, bill, is when low-level staffers brought this to her attention and top-level attention, they were silenced and intimidated. and all of these things reinforce what the american people intuitively know: she's not credible and not honest. bill: okay. just cut through all this, tony. in your view if there is no charge, do voters make her pay a price for that? >> i think they have, and i think they will continue to. not her base though. bill: david. >> well, here's something you don't hear me say very often on fox news. i tend to agree with bill o'reilly on something. bill: that's okay. >> that's okay, right? i've been on his show, and usually i disagree, but sometimes we agree. and here's something i really agree with. whatever the department of justice does here, that should be the end of the matter. so that also means that if the department of justice does not bring a case against hillary clinton, that should be the end of the matter. but we all know that donald trump and the republican party will keep beating this dead horse no matter what the department of justice says. so illed challenge -- i would challenge donald trump to agree with bill o'reilly, but he'll never do that, because he just keeps beating the dead horse. now, 11 hours in front of a benghazi committee, her willingness for over a year to be able to testify. i think we all see a lot of smoke, but we don't see fire. on the ig report, this is old news in the sense that people have pointed to this ig's behavior, feeding some information to the republicans on the senate judiciary committee -- bill: he's appointed by president barack obama. >> it doesn't matter. he was recommended -- bill: doesn't matter? >> it doesn't matter. bill: all right, that undermines the credibility of that claim. >> he was recommended by republicans. bill: stand by. david, she sat for 11 hours and sat for zero minutes with the state department ig. would not even sit for an interview. the first, the only one who refused, david. >> sure. and as i said, we've all seen the accusations that this ig is not fair and balanced like you guys are here on fox news. i tell you what i'd like to see. now, this will never happen, so i admit it up front. i would love to see the securities and exchange commission investigate donald trump -- bill: all right. bring it back to -- [inaudible conversations] bill: tony. >> donald trump's not under criminal investigation by the fbi. >> put him under investigation, i'd love that. >> your candidate is, and this is an independent inspector general which just shows you the desperation to continually minimize something that potentially disqualifies her. this is an unprecedented breach of the publi trust. she hid it, worse off was the motive identified by this ig, so her server would never be under the freedom of information act that would allow transparency more her conduct. so this, again, is not a partisan attack, it's not a vast right-wing conspiracy. this is an obama administration appointee being hypercritical toward a secretary of state who violated every protocol, who clearly violated some sort of law. it's up to the doj to decide whether or not that rises to criminality. but remember, doj will never indict her. the doj employees have given over $100,000 to her campaign. >> oh, now that's interesting. listen to what just happened here, bill. already the republican talking points are getting past what's going to be the decision of doj to try to blame and keep this to stick on hillary clinton's -- >> it's a fact. it's not a talking point. bill: just cut through this, guys. >> o'reilly said whatever the doj does should be the end -- bill: david, tony -- david, the issue here is every time she takes questions, she has to answer to this. it's not going away. >> well, that is your -- sorry, not your, bill, that is the republican party's hope, that it won't go away. bill: i watched her. no, no be, i saw her on msnbc, on cnn. it's everywhere. it's not going away. >> bill, you and i both know that the reason it keeps coming up is because it's being fed as a story. and that's fine. we'll talk about it until the cows come home. but i agree, listen, let me ask you this. bill, let's trade roles for a second here. bill: all right. >> do you think the media will still talk about it after the doj makes a decision? bill: well, we'll see about that -- let me answer! you asked me a question. it depends on how she answers the question whether or not they are satisfactory. >> okay. bill: so i just did your job. gentlemen, thanks to both of you. we'll see you in a week. >> she's been lying, that's why it's still a story. bill: thank you, gentlemen. martha: so we are about to head into memorial day weekend, and we will pause to remember those who fought and died for our country as we attend parades and celebrations across this country on monday. our wounded veterans and the groups that help them like soldier strong, for one example, live memorial day each and every day throughout the year. we've got an inspiring look at what happened this week when, once again, soldier strong donated an exo suit to the v.a. hospital this time in minneapolis, minnesota, giving quadriplegic veterans an opportunity to stand, to walk, to exercise their minds and their bodies which is so crucial to their development and their recovery. it's multi-beneficial to have this experience of being upright. the suit is designed by exo bionics holdings. it's the 12th device donated by soldier strong, and you all have helped in this effort over the last couple years, and we truly appreciate that. if you would like to help again, is where you want to go. we thank you for your generosity in the past, and we encourage you to do the same, because you see this program is thriving, and it is helping more and more people all the time. thank you for that. bill: awesome stuff. and you're associated with them and have been doing some good work for them. martha: yeah. if they want to reach out and do something bigger than attending a parade, this is one example. bill: it's what this weekend's all about. martha: it really is. and we need to remember that. bill: so what's the plan for november, folks? donald trump says he's got his sights on 15 battle dwrownd states. can he make up ground there? we'll talk to the communications director for the rnc. he is our guest on deck live, next. ♪ ♪ if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. looktry align probiotic.our digestive system? for a non-stop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. live 24/7. with 24/7 digestive support. try align, the #1 ge recommended probiotic. bill: your national spelling bee thisr ends in a tie. three years in a row this has happened, a tie. watch. >> h-a-f-t -- >> that is correct. [cheers and applause] [laughter] bill: i didn't catch the word, did you? martha: no, i didn't either. bill: that's a 13-year-old sharing the title with an 11-year-old. they each receive more than $40,000 in cash and prizes. three years in a row, a tie? are you kidding me? martha: they can spell everything. there's nothing they can't spell. bill: they need to make it harder. they're always winning. martha: i like their spirit. they seem fine with being tied. bill: do they? martha: you don't think so? bill: just want to win. w-i-n, win. [laughter] martha: donald trump revealing his strategy to beat hillary clinton in the general election. the presumptive nominee telling a crowd in montana he plans to focus on states that are not normally very receptive to republican candidates. fifteen states including delegate-rich california where he says most republicans don't even go for dinner. sean spicer is the rnc communications director and chief strategist, good morning. good to have you here. >> good morning. martha: what do you think? california, new york, michigan, how is this going to work? >> i'd love to go to california for dinner. [laughter] it could be nice. look, i think that donald trump, like no other candidate, puts states in play because he speaks to a much broader electorate than has traditionally been the case. so he's right when he talks about states like michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin that traditionally have not been republican states. they've been more of a blue shade of purple. but i think because of his appeal to especially working class americans who have felt left out of what's going on especially in the last eight years, that there are states and areas of this country that haven't been in play for a while that are definitely going to be in play. that combined with hillary clinton's negatives are a huge factor why you're seeing some of these states come in that have not been traditionally part of the winning map. martha: i gotcha, but new york? i mean, have you looked at the numbers -- i'm sure you have -- the numbers of democrats in new york far outpaces the number of republicans in the state of new york. i mean, how do you do that? is it tactical? is it possible? >> well, again, i think that traditionally that's how, you know, you look at a map, you see how many republicans, how many democrats, is there an opportunity to win here. i think the interesting thing about this race is, one, as i mentioned before, donald trump isn't a tradition allocate. he is someone who has a level of celebrity. he is talking about a message that is really focused on making in this country better, bringing back jobs, and i think that resonates with a lot of people who have either lost their job or haven't seen a wage or feel like the company they're working for isn't taking care of them. he'speaking to, he's an outsider that's looking to change the system to focus on jobs, to not make any more political excuses for why things aren't getting done. and you contrast that with hillary clinton, and it's setting up something where you're not looking straight at demographic and political numbers, you're looking at people who feel a certain way who have felt disenfranchised, even traditional voters, there are a lot of folks coming into the system, frankly, that haven't been involved in politics or haven't voted in the past. and that's where i think we're able to look at these states in a way we haven't in the past. martha: big numbers, big turnout in the primary process, and i think anybody who thinks they can call this game based on the previous games is, has already given up doing that because they've been wrong time and time again. you know, after the last go-round when mitt romney lost, there was a lot of discussion, a lot of soul searching at the rnc. there was a exhaustive report that was done on how to turn this thing around next time and how to do better. and here is a quote from a piece that was written about this in bloomberg business, and let's just put that up on the screen and take a look at it. it says: the key to revival was to put a kinder, gentler gloss on the old, stalwart republican ideals, free trade, small government while reforming immigration laws to entice non-white voters who were tuning the party out. is this opposite day? i mean, this is the absolute op is sit of what you -- opposite of what you got when donald trump reached 1237 yesterday, sean. >> i mean, that's one reporter's take on what the report said, so let's be clear. i think the media trying to interpret what we need to do is not exactly a fair interpretation of how we're going to win this election. but as i mentioned before, that report was written, you know, before donald trump got into the race. and i think what we can definitely say is this has not been a traditional race, that nothing has gone according to script or how traditionally things have run. he's added an element of energy, of intensity, and it brought in people that have not been part of the process before. so, again, i think that looking through the prism of the last few cycles and saying this is how we win before is done so without a candidate like donald trump who brings an entirely new element, energy and degree and desire into this election cycle. hillary clinton has one set of rules, most americans don't trust. and it's a dynamic, frankly, we haven't seen in electoral politics ever. martha: yeah. it's fascinating to watch from our perspective, that that's for sure. mitt romney is speaking out in a "wall street journal" piece today, and he is seeing himself as sort of the lonely voice, becoming increasingly more lonely in his sort of quest to to keep donald trump from winning. he says he will write in a candidate if there isn't anybody that he likes. he says that the reason he was motivated to make that speech against donald trump was this: i wanted my grandkids to see that i simply couldn't ignore what mr. trump was saying and doing which revealed a character and temperament unpit for the leader of the -- unfit for the leader of the free world. what do you think about that whole thing? >> i have a lot of respect for governor romney. he was our standard bearer in 2012. i think he's done a lot of good for this country, for the state of massachusetts and for this party. that being said, donald trump ran a race. he bested 6 other candidate -- 16 other candidates. he got the most votes in republican history. the voters made a decision that they think he speaks best to the direction they want this party to go, and they agree with the solutions that he's offering. i think it's incumbent upon all of us who are good conservatives who want to defeat hillary clinton, who want to make sure that we have a supreme court for the next generation that recognizes conservative values, that we get behind it and get behind this movement, get behind this candidate. because not doing so, frankly, is a vote for hillary clinton. it is putting hillary clinton in the white house. and there is really no other way to describe it. and so, again, while i have deep respect for the governor, i think that we have to understand that the consequence of not getting behind the voters' choice in this election is, in fact, electing hillary clinton. and it's not about just four years, martha. it's not about the additional spending or exivetive orders. it truly is the trajectory of this country for a generation because the courts will hand down decisions that will alter the trajectory for a generation if not longer. martha: very quickly, because i've got to go, what if elizabeth warren -- do you think she might be the vp candidate with hillary clinton, and what do you think about that? >> i think it would be awesome. one, because we could replace her with a good republican senator in massachusetts, so that would be good. two, again, i think as far left as they continue to go towards socialism and communism, that really sets up a stark difference between the choice the american voters are going to have this november. i think you're going to see more of the same, more of the establishment from, more pandering from the left and from hillary clinton. and i think donald trump's going to give us an opportunity to really change and shake things up in washington to get a government that's responsive and provide the solutions that this country truly needs whether it's the tsa, the v.a., the irs, whatever. we need a government that's responsive to the people, and that's the direction we're going in. martha: sean, you guys are busy, i know -- >> happy memorial day, martha. martha: you too. thanks a lot. bill: space lasers that could shoot you to mars, that might happen, but you have to keep watching to find out how. next. ♪ ♪ (politely) wait, wait, wait! you can't put it in like... ...that, you have to rinse it first that's baked- on alfredo. baked-on? it's never gonna work. dish issues? cascade platinum... powers... through... your toughest stuck-on food. so let your dishwasher be the dishwasher. see? told you it would work. cascade. think fixing your windshield is a big hassle? not with safelite. this family needed their windshield replaced, but they're daughters heart was set on going to the zoo. so we said if you need safelite to come to the zoo we'll come to the zoo! only safelite can fix your windshield anywhere in the us. with our exclusive mobileglassshops. and our one of a kind trueseal technology, for a reliable bond. service that fits your schedule. that's another safelite advantage. ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ no, you're not ♪ yogonna watch it! ♪tch it! ♪ ♪ we can't let you download on the goooooo! ♪ ♪ you'll just have to miss it! ♪ yeah, you'll just have to miss it! ♪ ♪ we can't let you download... uh, no thanks. i have x1 from xfinity so... don't fall for directv. xfinity lets you download your shows from anywhere. i used to like that song. ♪ ♪ bill: scientists said to be working on a new laser that could send astronauts to mars. think about that. a former nasa astronaut, senior adviser at the intrepid museum, professor of engineering at columbia university and author of "spaceman," because he is a spaceman. how you doing, mike? >> doing great. bill: i think of lasers, i'm thinking about the doctor's office. >> yeah, a little different. bill: this is far from that. what is it? >> it's actually far from now too. the technology they're trying to develop they're hoping in 20 years would be available. the idea is to harness the power of a laser, shoot it at an object that's in space to propel it further away from the planet. and this was something that was announced, stephen hawking was part of it, a billionaire from russia is funding it, so it's kind of this entrepreneurial, commercial space/science endeavor. first, the idea was to send these little sensors to omega -- far away from here, to our closest star system. bill: that's a long way. >> that's a long way. but these are small little wafers. so now what they're proposing, what they hope to do in in addin to being able to do that, larger objects, larger spacecraft and even spacecraft with people in them. you can't go as fast, but you may not have to go as far. sending people to mars is not as far as sending a -- bill: riddle me this because i have a hard time imagining this, you're using an object to help propel another object deeper into space? action/reaction. >> what they've calculated is that the energy in the laser, you know, we could start accelerating an object and do it for quite a ways and get it going so fast that it can cover a large distance, a great distance in a fraction of the time that we can go now. so they're calculating even a larger payload which would be a spaceship with people in it, let's say. it's going to have some weight to it. could get to mars maybe in a few weeks or a month instead of the six, eight months we're talking about now. bill: so you've been up there. >> yes. bill: is this possible? >> i think it is possible, and i think it's really important, because if you look at technology and travel, transportation, you think air to space, you know? we started with propellers, we went to jets and we got to rockets, and we've kind of been sort of stuck at the rocket, liquid, solid-fuel rockets. you make some improvements, but we're kind of stuck. if we really want to go far distances, we need to have a new way to get there. what you see in science fiction is way out, but this is maybe something in 20 years with the technology advancements in lasers, maybe we can get there. bill: you once told me the biggest challenge we have is getting away from our own planet. >> exactly. it's in the wrong direction, it's up. right? it's hard to get away. [laughter] propulsion technology is really a key to us. it solves a lot of problems. bill: great to see you. >> happy memorial day. bill: congratulations on the intrepid. >> yeah, we thatted a great gala -- had a great gala. the kelly twins, the vice president was there. it was a really good evening. bill: thank you, mike. martha: how come bill and i weren't there, mike? bill: what's up with that? martha wants to know why we weren't invited. martha: we'll be right back. the most beautiful hair ever, with our strongest pro-v formula ever. strong is beautiful. ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪ >> . >> . ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪ ♪ there's people who care where i'm going ♪ ♪ and good friends to welcome me home ♪ ♪ so get a full tank of freedom, ♪ ♪ drive the american road ♪ and with a full tank of freedom, ♪ ♪ find your own highway ♪ we'll take you wherever you go. ♪ ♪ take you wherever you go. ♪ . martha: we want to thank all those who have served in our military, the families of those who have been lost having memorial day, we will respectively given grace on monday. thank you. bill: see you next week. jon: donald trump finishing up a strong week with a campaign trick through california and the presumptive republican nominee has enough delegates to win thenomination on the first ballot in cleveland. good friday morning, i jon scott .heather: i'm not jon


Transcripts For MSNBC The Dylan Ratigan Show 20110623

of this war actually change over the next few years? this measure, doesn't appear by much. this afternoon, the president was at new york's fort drum trying to sell his plan straight to the troops, many of whom just bolt got back from afghanistan, 11,000 of fort drum's own are, in fact, still deployed. >> we have turned a corner where we can begin to bring back some ofç our troops. we are not doing it precipitously. we are going to do it in a -- in a steady way to make sure that the gains that all of you helped to bring about are going to be sustained. >> well, foreign relations committee chair john kerry calling the afghan war a sideshow to the real focus, which is the next door neighbor, pakistan. the president insisting in his big speech that he is pressuring our so-called pakistani allies to end the terrorist safe havens, like the one that was protecting bin laden. >> for there should be no doubt that so long as i am president, the united states will never tolerate a safe haven for those who aim to kill us. they cannot elude us, nor escape the justice they deserve. >> lieutenant colonel tony shaver, senior fellow, center for advanced studies returns after a tuesday setup and joined by david courtwright from notre dame's crock institute for international peace studies, a newly released book "ending obama's war, responsible military withdrawal from afghanistan." tony, did he say anything last night that changes what you were saying on tuesday, which is this is insane? >> didn't say anything that affected or changed what i have said the past year and a half with you. we should not be focusing on numbers. we should be focussing on strategy. let me quote two people who are now going into leadership positions. first, ryan crocker, ambassador crocker is going in to be the next ambassador and he has said in his own hearings that the karzai government and its corruption constitutes a second insurgency. now, think about that, we are going to turn this over to these people two in two years, ton press the course. leon panetta in his hearings was pressed on the issue relating to how -- what is the real issue with afghanistan? he said pakistan. so, you know,wp continue to not talk the truth about the real issues. 100,000 troops in afghanistan today does not matter to the actual issues which we need to effect which is pakistan, which is a larger regional issues and we continue to kick the can down the road. this is not progress. >> and not to mention 90,000 contractors on top of the 100,000 troops. >> absolutely. >> david, you say ending obama's war, responsible military withdrawal from afghanistan. the president loved that word, responsibility, last night, threw it around left and right. how do you define it in the context of your book? h >> i think the president moving in the right direction with dough need to draw down but it is not enough, we certainly need to accelerate the rate of withdrawal and most importantly, i think tony is right on this we need a different strategy. under the president's plan, wart will continue two, three, four more years, we don't know it is going to continue, still have 70,000 or so troops next year what are they doing? i think we need to focus instead on seeking a political solution, if we can, within afghanistan between the kabul government and the insurgents to try to work out a political solution. and that means we need to make it clear that we are leaving substantially, we are going to pull our troops out and we want to have a cease-fire so we can end the violence and the killing. so a different strategy focusing on the political side, trying to cooperate with the states in the region to see if we can get a diplomatic compact so that we can get cooperation in stabilizing afghanistan. those are the kind of things we need to do and really recognize that the war needs to end so let's end it sooner and focus on these political acts that are necessary. >> obviously this is not what we are getting, tony. can you give us any speculation as to why it is there's such an aggressive resistance to define the mission appropriately, reallocate resources to achieve the mission and forfeit the commitment to the legacy environment the past ten years, which is clearly -- has been grossly irresponsible? >> there's two reasons. first, i think we are talking about a lot ofç senior leadersp having to accept the fact that over the past eight years, they have selected badly. they have not done well. and the idea here, and that's why they are asking for two more seasons to keep the troops two more seasons, really see progress, it's insanity. and so i think we are talking about some very big names to ho don't want to admit mistakes have been made. secondly, and i think almost as importantly, when you have a hammer and you know how to use a hammer and you do use it well, that is what we are trying to do in this case, we are using the hammer where we are at, made progress no doubt, militarily done what the military does well. that's not the solution that's called for here. one of the stats they have been using, we have eliminated 20 of the 30 midlevel taliban targets. wonderful. now we have 20 replace the 20 who are killed even more aggressive and we have not affected the game. the real issue are the leadership in pakistan, the senior leadership and they are not touchable and we generated all this smoke with no real hope of progress regarding the midlevel and the negotiations. >> when you look at the responsibility that america has had to its own taxpayer and its own people, when you look he at the responsibility that america has had to our troops and our resources on the ground in afghanistan, david, you have to ask how statistics like the following, 10 million a day leaving afghanistan from -- to dubai. wikileaks showing one former afghan vice president went to the united arab emirates 52 million just last year. the largest truck they're brings all of our supplies in $10,000 a month in bribes to fund the other side of the war. the police chief, the local military units, the cost of getting a single convoy through the khyber pass is nearly $1 million in bribes. meanwhile, afghanistan -- or pakistan remains totally unaddressed. how are statistics like that while allowing pakistan to do what they are doing, how on earth can anyone define that asç responsible? >> no it's not, and who's paying for it? we are, the taxpayers. as you know, the cost is now $10 billion every month, $120 billion. and that cost is going to continue under the president's plan. that's another reason why we need to decide now the war needs to end quickly, accelerate the rate of withdrawal and focus on these other strategies, but these costs are unacceptable. meanwhile, all those in kabul are ebb riching themselves and the war will continue. a need for a different approach increasingly. and i think the focus needs to be an on a military solution, there are programs that work, we have to get money and assistance to women and to build schools, those kind of things can continue. but we need to shift strategy entirely. >> i mean, tony, it seems audacious to have the statistics i just laid out about funding both sides war that money being used to purchase when fonce shoot at our own soldiers, while we ignore pakistan, there are the statistics again, how audacious is it for the president to come out invoking the phrasing and framing of responsibility when the irresponsibility exhibited by him, his advisers and his predecessors is stun? >> exactly. i agree with mr. cortwright, we should focus on those, enrich though the things that are not, break away. the president did say he would speak the truth, hard truths. dylan there's no hard truths here it is all fluff. i can tell you this i was over on the hill tomorrow, i will be there tomorrow meeting with lawmakers thereth is a bipartisan issue that congressmen are working. did you flow is a bailout clause for the 23,000, if the military decides next year they don't want 239 to come out? apparently, who do keep them there. there is little things aren'ting about told to the american them a completely honest way and i think congress, bothç parties w are getting wise to it, i think they want to try to move forward in a productive way. >> listen, look no further -- >> i think tony? right on that. >> go ahead, david. >> the bipartisan aspect is really critical, i heard a briefing today by congressman walter jones from north carolina, district is camp lejeune, a leader in the congressional effort to withdraw the troops and he talked to the military directly, the rank and file. he says they want to see an end to this they are asking themselves why do we keep going back year after zeer what are we really accomplishing? especially the families who need support, many of their loved ones are coming back with many injury, syndromes of various kind. we need to focus on these service members, caring for their wounds and focus on building our country. the president said we ought to be doing nation building here at home rather than over there. absolutely. we all agree on that but we will still be pouring money over there while cutting funds for our cities here at home. >> president, by all accounts is better at saying things than doing things. the nation-building line was certainly well said you can the doing, the jury is well out. tony, david, a pleasure, thank you so much for the analysis. i do appreciate it. and coming up here, a wild day on wall street, with the closing bell just moments ago. why the president's decision to tap our strategic oil reserves, something we normally only do in the face of massive natural disaster or war, he just decides to do it because, you know, it's summer, sent the markets in a tizzy. meanwhile, debt talk defections, key republicans walking away from bipartisan negotiations today as the president meets democratically, the white house, a little pro-wrestling play by play from our bought friends in d.c. and then forget osama bin laden, the most wanted man hiding in plain sight right here in america. hanging at the beach, no less. stay with us. jeremy, look at me. look at that smile. that is pudding face. you took my pudding! the evidence is hard to dispute. [ male announcer ] get your pudding face on with oh-so-cool and irresistible jell-o pudding. helps defends against occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating. with three strains of good bacteria to help balance your colon. you had me at "probiotic." [ female announcer ] phillips' colon health. the motorola expert from sprint. its powerful tools help you work faster and smarter so you can get back to playing "angry birds." it lets you access business forms on the go, fire off e-mails with the qwerty keypad, and work securely around the world so you can get back to playing "angry birds." it's the android-powered phone that mixes business with pleasure. so let's get our work done, america, so we can all get back to playing "angry birds." the motorola expert from sprint. trouble hearing on the phone? visit well, a wild day on wall street coming to cleese after oil prices fell 5% by lunchtime. the markets reacting to news the united states will release 30 million barrels from the strategic reserve, a rare and i shouldn't say unprecedentsed, but event with very limited precedence. the release, in addition to the 30 million from others, the u.s. has only done this twice ever, once at wartime, desert storm, and the second be time, after katrina, which we all know was one of our nation's largest ever natural disasters andç human disasters. well, this time, the white house says the move was simply to offset loss supply caused by mideast turmoil, of which, by the way there is limited evidence of lost supply and of course, the summer driving season is coming up. war, the summer driving season, they are kind of the same, but the president didn't tap supplies when gas topped $4 in may. here is a thought. this is all about politics. we have got our megapanel, susan finney, susan dell purse yo and washington insider and a man with a plan, james williams. i like to say things, its it's fun. the market look at that time today, said normally war, katrina. does he know something we don't know? >> especially when oil prices are going down, makes no sense. a month ago, $115 a barrel, now the 90s this is when he decides to tap it? maybe after having not such a popular speech yesterday, last night, rather, politics ahead, he has to do something drasticic. >> politicizing our natural disaster reserves, karen? >> i'm sure i don't know what you're talking about dylan no politics involved. >> this is a new low, never manipulated our oil price. >> but as i read, these discussions have been going on for some time. >> so what? >> it didn't happen because of the speech yesterday, to susan's point. politically speaking, be totally crass and political it is a smart move. particularly, a to do in in conjunction with a larger group so it is not just us doing it and b, he kind of gets ahead of the attacks going to come from the republicans because lord knows democrats do it to republican presidents andç republicans do it to democratic presidents. they will go artificially high -- hold on, go back up again, because it is summer. i can tell you here in d.c., they have surely not come down. >> they are missing the point. we purchase with u.s. taxpayer dollars strategic, keith word strategic, petroleum reserve. the strategic imperative for that reserve is obviously to protect us in the event of global military calamity or global natural disaster, neither of which currently exists no presence of tapping this reserve for any circumstance that is not that the fact of the matter is if we are accepting, jimmy, the new mold is, listen, the president gets to manipulate oil supply like opec does because it is politically convenient, a new paradigm but certainly would be a new paradigm. >> here is what i do know. i do know i look at the gas prices every single day when i drive home out to the mountains of virginia and the price of gas in the last month, in the last 30 days, has dropped 70 cents. now, happened instantaneously, immediately after the president of the united states called for an investigation into price gouging by oil companies. now, i don't think that is a mistake. >> but you guys are both -- both of you are dodging the issue. no, we're not. >> dodging the issue. >> no. >> strategic reserve. there's lots to talk b >> i don't give a damn if he taps the strategicing reserve, i just want the price of gas to come down. and it is going to come down -- >> why don't we just call him king? i say we just give up our -- let's just give up everything and tell the president to decide what we can eat, when we sleep and what the price of everything s. >> why do you care? >> if the president has the option to manipulate operation as he sees fit that is a very effective way to manipulate the political environment. we manipulated the cost of housing, manipulated the cost of food, manipulated the cost of energy and then you wonder why we have consolidated power, massive unemployment and global wealth extraction, it's ridiculous. >> butok dylan, people in gener, there are almost always calls for a president to do exactly that when the prices get too high. >> but they don't do it because it is a strategic petroleum reserve. >> i understand that. but at the same time if you -- >> a new par die i get it. a new paradigm. new paradigm. >> typically been done? here is the thing -- i don't -- i don't disagree -- >> sorry, go ahead >> i don't disagree it is a new paradigm, i'm again speaking purely politically, my point is in doing it this way, at this time, when the prices do go back up, as we know that they will, you know that it's going to be hard for the republicans to call on obama to release more oil for the strategic petroleum reserve that is the only point i was trying to get out. >> this administration is going to once again have nothing to go to. right now, the fed said we can't fix anything, prices are going up, things are becoming very difficult and this administration is trying to use a political trick and just simply -- >> right, 'cause the bush administration used no political tricks in eight years. absolutely. >> the american people don't like it either way. >> you want to go back to eight years ago that's fine. i'm talking currently. >> talking about hypocrisy. >> did i ever -- >> ever say, jimmy, i have never criticized the republicans when they have done something wrong? absolutely v >> i just want to make sure -- i want to make sure there is no amnesia. i don't like amnesia. >> i ever say that the bush administration didn't do it? i don't think so >> denial ain't a river in egypt. folks. >> all you got in your golf bag, the only club you got. >> i don't play golf. i don't play golf. i don't waste time. >> we have a lot of denial going on. >> yes. >> let's talk -- speaking of denial, how about our debt markets and our debt talks, a little pro-wrestling, denial is the drug of choice after all, in those conversations. and we watched some of the republicans, i guess it was what if anything can we interpret from this pro-wrestling, know they are not fundamentally dealing with the structural issues to begin with? jimmy? >> it is simple, the number two in the house on the republican side walk out of the talks, he abandoned the talks. the number two republican in the senate walked out of the talks. and both then, in a coordinated effort, said the president now needs to step n i'm pretty sure that the vice president of the united states, because he is the vice president, is not out there just doing this solo. i'm pretty sure he is doing this with the imprimatur of the president. what it tells me, now we are at the boiling point, at the point where the republican caucuses from both chambers are going to have to make a decision. >> jimmy -- >> i'm not done. either they are absolutely serious about balancing to our budget, which means raising revenue, that's called tax increases, or they are not. it's just that simple. >> what about restructuring a broken market? go ahead, susan. >> what about having a president that steps up and says this is my plan? i mean, he is the leader. >> oh, come on the >> not the vice president. you know what i will say this jimmy, it was political theater with what the republicans did, but it is political these they're is actually going to play well because fine think president is going to have to step up and lead. >> karen, go ahead. it is political theater. you cannot trust people the middle of the talks, wag it hard, say i'm going to take my toys and go home. very clear they felt like they were losing ground on their message about the president needs to show leadership had. as jimmy was just saying, by having the vice president of the united states of america lead those discussions with the goal, as i understood it was supposed to be they would then come to the president with recommendations, not because somebody walked out 'cause it i mean, that's not the president not showing leadership. and that is absolutely politics and a manipulation. >> so last thing we will do here and we will take a break and come back and talk about this, but i want to share one last thought on the oil front, karen, on why you would release the reserves. >> yes. >> when the oil market is down. if your object stiff to manipulate the price of something in the financial markets it is much better to pressure it in the direction it is already going than it is to fight it. so again, if you look at any of the historical insider trading or cornering the market, and all the rest of it basically a version of what we are doing with the national oil reserves, it was very effective and intelligent price manipulation on obama's part to wait for the oil markets to get soft so he could have a bigger impact on its price by place basically hitting the accelerator as opposed to fighting the trend. whether that was his intent or not, i don't know f you are looking to manipulate price, better to lean on the trend that exists i. after this, a little look at 2012, the election's more than a year away. obviously, the politics is getting hot but from the war to gay right, the president clearly already playing or somewhat say pandering to his base. are the words about action or just a crowd pleaser seeking re-election? his former campaign manager, barack obama's former campaign manager, our specialist, right after this. haven't we always wanted our own island? one without car horns or stoplights. but one filled with forts and uncharted paths carriage rides and bike rides. and games we play all day. where the sun can't wait to wake up. and adventure waits around every corner. nestled in the deep blue waters of lake huron our island is mackinac island. our island is pure michigan. your trip begins at show me the carfax. oh yeah, can you show me the carfax? sunglass holder... for sunglasses. just show me the carfax. before you buy a used car, get a carfax vehicle history report. see accidents and service reported to carfax and a price based on the car's history. free, at thousands of reputable dealers. just say, show me the carfax. the last decade, we have spent $1 trillion on war at a time of rising debt and hard economic times. now, we must invest in america's greatest resource, our people. america it is time to focus on nation-building here at home. >> amazing rhetoric from a president who prevails over one of the largest trade deficit we was ever seen and a banking system constantly exporting capital. not sure how you build a nation that is losing tens of billions of dollars every month but either way, obama finally saying what it is the people want to hear. the question though, whether he actually can or will do anything about it or whether it is simply rhetoric ankle ling for support in 2012 n fact the president suddenly playing to his base on a host of front. he is bringing the nato and g-8 summits to his hometown of chicago, a sure-fire crowd pleaser for the local and their economy and holds a fund-raiser for gay rights in new york as new york is on the brink of legalizing gay marriage the president's view on that not quite in alignment with the new york legislature's debate. of course, the last surge of troops coming home just as the presidential race is to heat up. interesting that our afghanistan war strategy times out so interestingly with our presidential election. our specialist knows all about campaign strategies, certainly more than most of the rest of us. steve hill brand, former deputy national campaign managerç for the obama campaign, now a democratic strategist. the rest of the megapanel is in effect. and am i unfair, steve in subjecting that this is basically a lot of crowd pleasing from this president without actual action to back it? >> i think there's a lot of action. he has done more for the lgbt community in this country than any president in history. that says a lot answered should get that credit. has he done enough? we are always going to want more. we certainly, from a gay marriage standpoint, we want the same rights that everybody else. >> what about talking about nation building while facilitating massive trade deficits and ongoing bank extraction? how can you build a nation whose money is constantly leaving it? >> i think, first of all, we can't just walk away from afghanistan and pretend like -- >> not talking about trade. not the war, trade. he says a time for nation-building in america and is unclear to me how you can build a nation whose entire economic system is based on removing capital from your country, either through the trade agreements or through banking system, both of which are his, his banking system, his banking law, his trade agreements, his trade policy. >> okay, you got to give him credit for other things that he has done, dylan. he saved the auto industry. >> did he? >> didn't he? >> he saved what excysted. i don't know what the alternate universe might have looked like. are you suggesting no one would have ever made cars again -- like suggesting there would never be banks again? >> quo not afford, as a country, to have employment go south any further than it already went and i think he -- >> susan makes a good point. go ahead, you can get in the conversation. >> and i just -- i'm curious as to what you think about what the president can do going forward, going to an election year, to really give some confidence to the people of this country. right now, they are not -- all polls indicate they may like him but they don't trust him to get there and as a strategist, how do you get him to kind of build that confidence again? >> well, çlook, there's a mease of confidence that he has over any republican that potentially would replace him. each of us, as individuals, need to have that confidence on their own. the president can do a lot, can't do it all. and while what we see in washington is a broken system t gets more broke every time, so let's share the responsibility here. we have republican leadership walking out of budget talks. you don't just walk out. let's fight this out. let's do something. and come on, let's be fair. got medicare, keep giving tax breaks to the wealthy, keep giving tax breaks to big oil companies when prices are at the highest and they are making the record profits. >> isn't the issue the american people are sick and tired of being given two horrible choices, yes, you can come here and i will agree with us, the republicans choice for -- >> barack obama is not a horrible choice. >> i disagree with that. unemployment, of course, i do. what about makes that an of course? >> you have serious issues. that is your choice. i don't. >> the unemployment you don't mind the deficit, you don't mind the trade extraction? >> of course i do i want a steady leader at the top. >> what if you are steadily driving the car off the cliff? >> i don't. >> go ahead, karen. >> okay, then. >> she is much friendlier. >> one thing that susan said, the most part the polling has shown while people are interested in the economy, frustrated, disappointed, not going in the right direction they actually still don't blame president obama for it they recognize that it was -- a lot of this was brought on by bush, whether you agree with that or not, what the polls are saying and they really like president obama. what was the key though, the last time, was really the work, and you knowç this steve, bett than anybody, the work that was done at the grassroots level, both on the fund-raising front, on the organizing front, so, i'm wondering, you know, starting to hear some of the pieces of, you know what that strategy is going to look like this time but how is the campaign going to be able to both recreate what it had had in 2008 with the existing people in that database and then reach out to new voters and bring in new people? >> look, it's very different seeking re-election than it is going after the problems of a previous administration and seeking to change them. so i think that while they have got a big database, they have got to first and foremost, see if those people still exist. >> [ inaudible ] >> i think a huge section of them do but for a lot of people, it is going to take knowing hot opposition s right now, we don't know for sure. we know they have got a lot of cons on the other side and thing he is aren't going great for most of all of them. >> sure. >> i think barack obama is smart enough to want to be re-elected versus just defeating a poor opponent. >> got it. >> and i think he is going to have to really work to get that. >> jimmy, go ahead. >> steve go,,ed to see you. >> -- steve it is good to see you. this point in time, ronald reagan's first term, he was poll agent 39%, 39%. unemployment was just what it is right now. the country didn't like him. the country didn't want him and he won in a landslide. bill clinton, exactly the same name -- same thing. his numbers weren't as bad but the country was hurting, the country wasn't sure. i'm not sure dylan and steve, maybe you can -- the former deputy of the obama 2000 campaign -- i'm sorry, 2008ç campaign, maybe someone can explain to me why we are holding this president to a different level, a different standard, than we held george bush jr., ronald reagan, bill clinton, who by many accounts, most people in the country would probably say, at least for clinton and reagan, good presidents. i think the jury's still out on george bush. >> yeah. >> but we -- >> we get the question, in the interest of time. >> i don't think barack obama is being held to a different standard. i think is the same conversation that is held every four or eight years. you know this is just a different guy holding the chair. >> okay. >> i really appreciate you coming over and something there conversation with us. i think i learned and we all do by being able to engage with you. >> i'm not sure you do >> no i do i do i appreciate it. i may not agree with you, but i get better insight what people think and i appreciate that. >> thank you. >> before we go one last announcement to make. karen, jimmy, do you know what susan is doing tomorrow night? she has got a hot date. >> what? >> yeah. susan has got a hot date tomorrow night. >> wow. >> in los angeles with none other than bill maher. >> oh, fabulous. >> yeah. yeah. asked around. >> better watch yourself with bill maher. he is all hands. >> he finally asked her out. i think it starts on the show and then what happens after show, you know, probably not much, but we -- >> susan, watch out. watch out for bill maher, he's tough guy. >> so, our thanks to steve, our thanks to the panel and do take a moment to check out susan tomorrow night on bill's show. all the best to you, have some fun, susan. coming up here after the break, a famous gangster finally nabbed after 16 years on the lam. is the fbi finally settling all old family business? [ male announcer ] the network -- a network of possibilities. in here, the planned combination of at&t and t-mobile would deliver our next generation mobile broadband experience to 55 million more americans, many in small towns and rural communities, giving them a new choice. we'll deliver better service, with thousands of new cell sites... for greater access to all the things you want, whenever you want them. it's the at&t network... and what's possible in here is almost impossible to say. it's the at&t network... a vacation on a budget with expedia. make it work. booking a flight by itself is an uh-oh. see if we can "stitch" together a better deal. that's a hint, antoine. ooh! see what anandra did? booking your flight and hotel at the same time gets you prices hotels and airlines won't let expedia show separately. book it. major wow factor! >> a lot of people had to die for me to be me. >> after 16 years on the lam, the man that jack nicholson's character in "the departed" was based on will now stand before a judge and answer for his real-life crimes. boston mobster whitey bolger arrested yesterday in santa monica, california. bolger wanted for his alleged role in 19 murders. the fbi was after more than just an irish mobster, they were after a man that exposed the pure reese corrupt relationship with the underworld informants it was working with with, as it was bolger's handler at the fbi that tipped bolger off to send him on the lam in the first place. that was 16 years ago. and while fellow top ten most wanted criminal, osama bin laden, was hiding on the second floor of a pakistani house, bolger and his long-time girlfriend were traveling the world. just to break it down, it was easier to find a man who used no cell phones, had no internet and stayed in one area in a foreign land than it was to find an 81 isç-year-old american who was traveling europe, south america, while residing on the sunny beaches of southern california. of course, this all lends further credence to the time that i did think i saw jimmy hoffa working at a pizza parlor when i was doing ""fast moneyf" in times square. a thought-provoking conversation about life and death. loss and grief has touched and will touch us all a young author who chronicled her journey to say good-bye joins us with lessons she learned about america, american culture and the way we deal with grief. counts on me to stay focused.m so i take one a day men's 50+ advantage. it's the only complete multivitamin with ginkgo to support memory and concentration. plus vitamin d to help maintain healthy blood pressure. 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>> i mean, as you said in the book, i wanted to write about the fact that i felt that grief was one of the last taboos we have. you know, we will talk about all sorts of things but as i think many of your viewers have probably experienced if you have suffered a recent loss, it is easy to feel you are walking into a room where there is an extraordinary silence and shame or fear surrounding death and when my own mother died on christmas ap of 2008, i was struck by the fact that not only i did feel sad about her loss, but i felt embarrassed and almost pressured to move on quickly, through my grief, as if my job was to kind of get over my grieving and to return to my normal self when in fact it seems to me that grieving my mother was really the only, you know exit was -- it was not -- it was not a disease, it was an expression of the love i felt for a person who had passed from the planet. >> when you look at other cultures he re'lationship with death and you look at tens of thousands of years of human history, american culture, modern american culture stand outs pretty uniquely in the way that we deal with t can you talk about it? >> absolutely. as you say, for thousands of years and across many different kinds of cultures, private grieve was always connected to public mourning knicks time you lost somebody, the village would effecttively come to your door, bringing you bread and soup and supporting you in your grieve and mourning losses. today, if you lose somebody, you are often in a position where you don't know what to do and onele one of the staples of american culture we think about grief comes up with the five stages of grieving supposed to move from sadness through to acceptance. the stress right asway on acceptance and letting go in order to heal, tough let go but other cultures, say in china, mourners have -- often have a very deep connection to their ancestors and will continue to communicate with the dead ones and this is not seen as abnormal or strange n fact it is seen as part of what it is to mourn. a study found many mourners in china feel more emotionally healthy, to so to speak, when holding onto their connection to their ancestors, here, compared to people here told to let go. >> had this conversation on and off in aç variety of contexts fr some time. >> yeah. >> really trying to -- from my perspective, trying to explain religious fundamentalism and apocalyptic thinking, the hyper materialism of the bankster class and the political ideology of the fundamentalism. and it struck me that we have this unresolved fear of death that's in our core that gets us to reach to some sort of outside system if i have enough money, if i behave the right way, if i just do this if you just do this well, then, i won't have to deal with death. well, the fact of the matter is we all do and must deal with that and your point is that there is a healthier way to go about it. >> absolutely. and i really -- i keep saying to people, i think this is a book about living as much as it is a book about death, because it is a book about how to live with the knowledge that we all die and in fact, how there is a deep sorrow that comes with that but kind of enriching that comes with that, too, and i definitely experienced elements of that after my mother died. i experienced great sorrow but i also experienced a kind of wakeup call, all right, this is the life that we are given and what are the things that really matter in it and those things really shift when you go through the death of somebody and if you can live with the knowledge of death rather than kind of against it or evading it you know, you start to sweat some of the small stuff a lot less, for one thing. >> not to mention, you also, i would presume, my own experience, see your fear levels diminish, in general in your life. that the fear that would lead to you religious fundamentalism, hyper materialism, these sorts of things, actually goes down because you are more in acceptance of both the precious brevity and majesty of life and aware that it is a temporary state of being. >> yeah. you know, and i don't know -- one thing i can definitely say i have heard from a lot of people who have read the book and gone through their own experience of over and over again, the feeling they just want recognition of their loss and that to have that recognition would create much less strife and anxiety in their own lives and we know that those things, as you say kind of barrel to out into other forms. so i think that one thing that's really important is to kind of acknowledge that grief isn't a disease it is part of our humanity and it is actually the thing that connects us all. and when you start to think about that can really change the way you deal with your own grief and also the way that you deal with the grief of a person near you who is suffering. and you know, i think there can be something very isolating about grief because we don't have the shared language for it anymore that we don't know how to say to our friends, what can i do to help you? it is very scare troy say that, because we are all worried about saying the wrong thing and that can breed all sorts of complications for all of us. >> indeed it can, you carry perhaps one of life's most valuable and important messages, the book, "the long good-bye, a memoir," meghan o'rourke, the author, incredible compliments due to you for doing the hard work of publishing something like this. thank you so much. >> meghan o'rourke. we take a momentary break, on "hardball," more talk on the budget talk. we return, right after this. 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former philadelphia 76ers' owner pat croce won a $2 million arbitration award, a penny in the scheme of things but won it against the swiss bank, ubs, specifically for selling him faulty financial products tied to investment bank lehman brothers. you might think a former 76ers owner doesn't need an extra 2 mill, this guy is big shot as is. but the award is significant because it is part of an increasing trend of legal rulings from judges that backes have been violating their duties to customers when they failed to disclose information about the products and services they are selling or to do due diligence to even know themselves. the charges included a breach of fiduciary duty along with a string of others. with us is the lawyer who beat the bank and not only got his client's money back, but was able to do so by attaching responsibility to the big banks and jake it is a pleasure to welcome you back. >> thank you. >> it this as hopeful as it appears and if it is hopeful why are is it hopeful? >> think we are seeing a trend both in courts and arbitration phnels, giving money back to invest years banks have acted improperly, they failed to disclose material information. in the case with ubs they lied about what they knew about lehman that it was a sinking ship and sold it. other banks, merrill lynch, countrywide, are being hit by the courts. it's a good thing for investors. >> is this a sign that while the federal government and the treasury might not be there to defend the american people from the banking system, that the judges on the bench may be? >> yeah, the judges are open-minded. they look at the law, they see that banks lie about what they knew about subprime exposure. we are seeing it in citigroup, in the merrill lynch case. just yesterday with jpmorgan, $156 million giving back to investors. so i think we are seeing a a trend, the pendulum is swinging in favor of investors against the banks. >> how do you add to that momentum? how do we create an environment that really starts to move us toward not only holding the banks responsible but also supporting the judges that are -- have the open mind that you talk about? >> well, the only thing that gets to these bank when they get hit in their pocket book, we actually just won a case, a judge to issue an order that mortgage companies who negligently issue loans can be held responsible. >> what does ma mean? >> that mean it is a mortgage company sloppily gave money to an elderly person or somebody that couldn't pay the mortgage, in this case you can the money was stolen by a guy that was running a ponzi scheme, they are going to be held responsible for giving shoddy due diligence in making those loans. so we are starting to see cracks in the wall of the banks' liability. they are going to be held responsible in courts. the judges, one opinion adds on to another. so we are seeing body of law that investors, if they were lied to banks if they were negligent, are going to be held responsible. this is truly nickels and dimes, but in the scheme of the amount of money that we are dealing war, few million dollars here and a few million dollars there in a multitrillion dollar housing finance system and housing finance scheme is nickels and dimes. at what point do we see this type of precedent and liability ata tall. ed to -- liability attached to larger scale distribution systems at fannie may, freddie mack or the federal reserve when those loans were not camp pliant with the standards that they were purported to be adhering to? >> starts in one case. this mortgage case, which we are going to be hearing more about is an important case that is going to be cited by other courts in other cases. country wide he is going to have to pay $700 million back to investors that they agreed to. could be talking hundreds of millions in each of these case that will have a rippling effect and maybe deterrent of banks committing fraud. >> does it open up any gateway for either the attorneys general on the public prosecution or anybody else as we look at the american def circuits as we look at the macroproblems, so many which are directly tied to housing finance and the transfer of all that debt in 2008 to the u.s. government from the banking sector? >> well, the problem is this, the taxpayers bailed out all of the major banks. wall street got a bailout. they have done very well. but the average guy, it was a hit and run, he is lay october side of the road, his house is under water, he has lost his life savings as the stocks collapse, we are beginning to see some restitution made to those investors and i think the attorneys general, particularly the states, are going to get involved and make sure that some of that money is givenç back t the people where they have been taken advantage of in the mortgage area, in the securities area. so i do see a lot of hope coming up. >> you fl that time is a friend of justice? >> i


Transcripts For SFGTV 20101018

>> hello. i'm joyce louis. i am a longtime resident of the area, for over 40 years. i have seen a lot of changes in the neighborhood. that area that you were just talking about at 1685 sacramento, i remember it as the brownie hardware store, which moved across the street. these changes have been in the demographics and business, both good and not so good. in response to the conditional use application for the liquor license, i oppose this action. stores are selling liquor for off-premises consumption within a four block radius. in addition, there is a bar right next door. so there's always access. i personally oppose any more access to liquor, as this is related to crime and it decreases the quality of life in the neighborhood. we are trying to revive and maintain the area to make it a more safe and family-oriented area. so having another site for liquor sales goes against the core of maintaining the neighborhood's safe and family-oriented. the planning commission's consideration and denial of this application would be appreciated. thank you. president miguel: thank you. >> my name is anthony. i manage the property directly above the proposed site. i would like to support him. he's done nothing but improve the quality of that corner. he's added a lot of lighting for security. i know that the sale of alcoholic beverages can result in violence on the streets. i feel that happens at around -- between the hours of 2:00 and 4:00 in the morning when the barses let out. he's proposing staying open until 9:00. i think that's a good idea because he wouldn't be connected with the violence on the street. it has been happening, but i think that that's a result of people getting drunk and coming over to the doughnut shop we have right across the street, which is wonderful. in terms of over-saturation of businesses, liquor-wise, i think people should be given the option of shopping there. he's given local jobs to local people. he's been very friendly. he keeps the place very clean. and i just think he should be given the opportunity at this point. i know he's been denied before, but i think it's about time that he be given the chance to prosper. and i think the people who oppose him are a little afraid of the competition. so i do support him. president miguel: thank you. michael, anthony, wiley, rebecca. >> commissioners, i live on clay for the past 13 years. i have a lifestyle-based business, meaning i work at home. i walk my dogs three times a day. so i know the neighborhood pretty well, ok? if you can take a look at this map, everybody has been referencing the eight liquor stores that are around the proposed knobb hill beverages. these stores are open anywhere from 8:00 in the morning -- basically you can get liquor in my neighborhood 24 hours a day, seven days a week. if you can't get liquor after 2:00 a.m., you got a problem. russian hill neighbors, lower polk neighborhoods, they have all submitted neighborhoods. pana's board, 27 people unanimous. tina boylan said that's the first time it's ever happened. we take pride in our neighborhood. we have monthly meetings, monthly cleanups. this is about pride. it's not personal. we believe that there's just too much liquor in our neighborhood. and we've got to draw the line. so i ask you to please deny this conditional use. thank you very much. president miguel: thank you. >> good evening. my name is wiley adams. i live one block away. i live in the neighborhood for 11 years. i am also the building manager of a 20-point building at the corner of sacramento and larken, and i'm a member of the middle polk neighborhood association. i am opposed to another liquor store. while this issue is very emotional and there's a lot of varied interests, i'd like to take this opportunity to share an article. i also have copies for all the commissioners. this article entitled neighborhoods, alcohol, outlets discusses the link between high concentration of alcohol outlets like the store being proposed here and partner violence. while it's clear that alcohol is an aggravating factor in violence, this article actually analyzes the importance of environmental strategies aimed at violence prevention such as changes in zoning, community activism, and policing. simply put, as physical availability of alcohol increases, so too will actual alcohol use and the increase of violence. the conclusion is that restricting the availability of alcohol is an effective measure to prevent the attribute to violence. we have an opportunity today to recognize an acknowledge the obvious link between alcohol, the availability of alcohol, and violence, not to mention the multitude of other environmental and societal factors that have already been mentioned here in the testimony. the polk street corridor and the surrounding area is over-saturated with liquor licenses. there are real effects and consequence of this. and it's not just a quality of life issue, but a really critical concern that affects our community. a conditional use for a liquor store is not necessary or desirable. we asked that you deny this. thank you. president miguel: thank you. >> my name is anthony. i've been living in the area for my entire life. i just wanted to reiterate the point of oversaturation. i mean, really, if i wanted alcohol, i can just walk or or two blocks in any direction and there would be one or two stores that i could buy it from. about caly foods closing, there's seven or so if areas if the open for consumers to buy from. when it closes, there's going to be a store right across the street, knobb hill liquors one. also, i wanted to say that the standard of living has gone down a lot. i think a big part of it is due to alcohol itself, and i think that just having another store in the area is not going to do us any good at all. and that's it. president miguel: thank you. rebecca, rowenna, linda, james. >> i'm lynn ca -- lynn ca chapman. -- linda chapman. a lot has to do with the oversaturation of alcohol licenses, not just the off-sale, but the on-sale as well. totally changed the character of the neighborhood. it was the most attractive residential commercial street if the city because it had a wonderful array of services and not an oversaturation of decorator stores or clothing stores or something like that. now the area is awash in prostitutes and pimps shooting it out at my corner, 48 rounds exchanged, the police said, just before i moved there. i had moved over to south knobb hill when i moved back to west knobb hill completely different. since that time, another shooting at my corner, two doors from me, i understand. now, when we were submitting a protest to abc about a different alcohol license that won't come before you, because somebody gave it a conditional use before, i counted six store fronts proposed for either bar or off sale, one or the other. now that we're aware of, and we are going to have to fight these one by one. i would like to give you these. this is an ad for a pub crawl on sale, they say the people go and buy at the off-sale and drink in the lines that form outside these. these places were restaurants. some are still licensed as restaurants but they have a conditional use for alcohol. and your enforcement person will not deal with it because she says, well, they have conditional uses. two of these were important license. two of them were certainly retail spaces. you know, when i go out on the street at 6:15 in the morning on sunday, i find three streetwalkers on pole exstreet in two blocks. president miguel: thank you. >> good evening, commissioners. i live two blocks from the property. i'm an apartment manager of a 12-unit building. i'm against another liquor license in the neighborhood because it encourages bad behavior, and there's already a lot of it going on. i was born and raised in the neighborhood, have seen a lot and had to see a lot of exchanges. things have gotten much worse. there are many more homeless on the street and all kinds of navy people panhandling and roaming around the neighborhoods. last saturday, someone tried to break in my garage from my lobby. they did a lot of property damage to my door. last year i spent over $500 just in hardware for one door, but this one may need to be replaced because of damage from multiple attempts. when people are inebriated, their judgment is off and they become much bolder. why would someone keep gouging a crowbar above and below a double latch guard where there is nothing to unlatch? i also have had break-ins into garages from streets and cars were broken into and bikes were stolen. about two years ago, my senior neighborhood was blinded in one eye when a thug followed him home from the bank after hearing $200 being counted out outloud and beat him over the glasses with a blunt object. the following week i found tools and bags in my lobby that i removed before someone could do a heist. we don't need any more trespassing, assault, theft, and vandalism. regarding the noise, usually on friday nights, we get a lot of traffic and noise on our block because it's close to the entertainment district. sometimes it wakes me up in the middle of the night. president miguel: thank you. >> please deny this conditional use. >> good evening, commissioners. i live on polk street at washington. i have lived there the last seven years. and the night crowd is getting very intense. there's a big pub crawl going from one end of polk to the other. it's ok. it's very lively. but i think the issuance of a new liquor license wouldn't be in the interest of the neighborhood. just one insdant -- there seems to be a nightly soccer game at the corner of polk and washington after the bars close, and i guess the guys play chicken with the cars that are coming by. it's for about 20 minutes or so, but the more liquor that's available, the more sorts of incidents like that there are. so i ask you to disapprove this application. thank you. president miguel: thank you. tony, david, chris. >> tony spoke. president miguel: oh, that's right. some of these have two cards. >> good evening, commissioners. my name is david elliot lewis. i'm here to speak in favor of the conditional use authorization. i've lived and worked and shopped in this district for the last 26 years. i'm also a vice president of central city democrats and i'm representing them as well. i'm not a customer of this store. and i don't buy liquor from liquor stores, but still, i don't see the problem. i don't see the deterioration that's been spoken of in the neighborhood. if anything, i see polk as improved over the last few decades, not gotten worse. i think the customer should decide. i think the community should decide by either shopping and patronizing this store, or not. rather than any authoritative body deciding what stores they can shop in or not shop in. so i hope you allow the community to decide, not the community of a few vested interest here or competing liquor stores, but the actual people who want to shop and peytonize the store. if they don't patronize it, the store will fail. let the community decide. thank you. president miguel: thank you. is there additional public comment on this item? >> good evening, president miguel, commissioners, i'm gerry -- jeri crowley. our position is to oppose the conditional use permit. the reasons have all been stated by other people. secondly, on a personal level, i recall earlier this year attending a press conference at northern station. it featured chief gascon and neighborhood oh,s. the theme of the press conference was the neighborhoods wanted to take back their neighborhood. crime, alcohol, all of those things were in a very bad mix. and so these neighborhood groups work very, very hard to clean up the neighborhood, and i think if you approve a conditional use permit tonight, it undermines what the neighbors are doing and what they've been doing for the last two years together. thank you. president miguel: thank you. >> my name is chris schulman. i'm here today as a representative of the lower pole ex-- polk neighbors, joining several other nearby neighborhood associations in opposition of this project proposed to you. you've received the official response. thank you for taking our position into consideration. both myself and other members of lower polic -- polk neighbors consider all requests. this is the third time we've considered a liquor store at this location and our position has been consistent. lower polk neighborhoods agrees with others that the concentration of alcohol retailers in this neighborhood is very high and that additional liquor store is not necessary or desirable. i did want to note, cala has come up several times. i personally believe the void will be a true opportunity for this proprietor. however, these will be in the form of grocery, deli, meats, and other staples. president miguel: is there additional public comment on this item? if not, public comment is closed. commissioner moore? commissioner moore: i see the neighborhoods making a very clear case of what we have had here many times, many hours discussing over and over again. i do believe that the surrounding neighborhoods have a very clearly delineated position of what does or doesn't work for them. i do believe they have pulled themselves up on their shoe strings to create a diversity. i do not believe this is an authoritative body. i take strong opposition to that comment and i do have to say that the department's analysis of the situation is very clear and actually not very difficult to take apart. this area is oversaturated. we also have a letter from the chief strongly recommending against a liquor license here. i would like to make a motion in support of the recommendation and disapprove this conditional use application. president miguel: is there a second? commissioner antonini: second. generally, i am a believer that, you know, it's not necessarily the alcohol, but the behavior. you could put the number of outlets in certain places and you wouldn't have a problem and you put it somewhere else and you do. but that being said, i think the neighborhood has made a pretty good case that, you know, they feel there is an oversaturation and it appears looking at the map that that probably is the case. and i probably will be supportive of the motion. it's just too bad that we don't have more of an ability to get rid of those liquor licenses in those establishths that have a record of problems. mentioned, that might be able to do it, but for this one, i don't think it's going to work. >> there's a reason that conditional use approvals exist. they exist for certain areas of san francisco, they exist for certain types of businesses. and there are reasons for that. and liquor is one of those that is under that consideration. it must be necessary and desirable. the department's conclusions, i think, were very well reasoned. i would be supportive of the motion. there is a saturation, without doubt, and one of the things we have to understand is that once this body and the city ok's a conditional use or liquor license, it's out of our control. it's up to abc. state agency. in the vast majority of instances, to control what happens. it's out of our control. and that is why this body has to be very, very considerate how they deal with these. >> i agree with saff recommendation on this. whenever we look at whether or not something that isn't allowed is necessary, desirable, the issue of oversaturation is one that we look at, as is -- whether it's alcohol or something else. though i do respect the work of the noltes and mr. lewis, and the work they do to approve their neighborhood, i don't agree with them on this particular issue. i do want to encourage people, it sounds like he's an hops player, this proprietor he runs a good business, he's respected in the neighborhood, it doesn't sound as though we are going to be approving the license. i do agree with a lot of the comments of commissioner antonini, he's right. a few bad players make it difficult for them, somebody who is a decent proprietor running a good dizz, -- a good business, makes it hard for them to move ahead when these come before us. perhaps we can work with this proprietor to find ways to make his business successful in ways that may not involve the sale of alcohol. so you know, that's what i'd like moewd hopefully will be able to work with him and also the neighbors, sounds like he's an honest person, trying to run a good business, so you know, work with him to achieve those goals, you know. >> commissioner moore. commissioner moore: i'm interested in the commissioner's forward-looking comments, perhaps there is a time to see that the bad operators are weeded out so that the others can sked and do what -- can succeed and do what is part of a good neighborhood. there are liquor stores, or establishments with wine and perhaps the good stores need to come together and talk about growing support and weeding out che ones which don't. we need to make sure the bad ones don't survive. >> i don't know if it's the role of government to do that or not. if you believe one side, the market will take care of it. obviously -- that's why we have rules, i guess. that isn't what i was going to talk about. the bargain bank, i used to buy wine there, but i assume the reason they were able to exup and down is that they already had a permit or c.u. or something to sell liquor and therefore it got bigger. in terms of calla, i would imagine there's going to be some city push to try to he re-locate a grocery store there. i would think. so even though there might be a hiatus in which calla goes away, i believe the city is very strong on trying to encourage and maybe through oewd find an operator that will come in and it may even be, i would think it would be a new development. i would think that the current building and parking lot situation is totally underutilized and that there will be some kind of development proposal coming forth. that may take a while. eventually i would think that the desire of the city anyway, i can't guarantee that, would be to have some kind of mixed use development in that location, including a grocery store. >> commissioners, the motion on the floor is to disapprove the conditional use authorization. on that motion, commissioner an to nee nee. commissioner moore, commissioner segay;. commissioner miguel. thank you, commissioners, the c.u. has been disapproved. you are now on item number 13. case number 2009.1100c, 1095 market street. >> good afternoon, commissioners, i'm tim pi, representing the planning department, the request is for a conditional use authorization to convert the building at 1095 market street from a 61,000 square feet commercial office building to a hostel use with up to 94 rooms. associated uses within the hostel will include approximately 2,500 square feet related to a restaurant, approximately 3,500 square feet related to nighttime entertainment and two rooftop terraces that total approximately 8,50 0 square feet. >> since the distribution of your parkts -- packets, two letters of support have been submitted to the department and i'd like to give you those for the record. one is a letter of support from san francisco architectural heritage, the other from a nearby property owner. the subject building is a category one significant building, identified under article 11 of the planning code, the historic preservation commission hearing on october 6 last week, the h.p.c. granted a permit to alter, with conditions, for the exterior work associated with the project. this was included in your packet for your reference. the department recommends approval of the project and believes that the project is necessary and desirable for the following reasons. we believe that the project will have a positive effect on the neighborhood, the project doesn't propose any offstreet parkering o-- or loaded and is excepted from this provision of the planning code and is consistent with the city's transit first policy. the sponsor is also collaborating with larkin street youth services to provide employment opportunities for emancipated foster youth and formerly homeless youth and the proje


Transcripts For SFGTV 20101016

polk neighborhood association. i am opposed to another liquor store. while this issue is very emotional and there's a lot of varied interests, i'd like to take this opportunity to share an article. i also have copies for all the commissioners. this article entitled neighborhoods, alcohol, outlets discusses the link between high concentration of alcohol outlets like the store being proposed here and partner violence. while it's clear that alcohol is an aggravating factor in violence, this article actually analyzes the importance of environmental strategies aimed at violence prevention such as changes in zoning, community activism, and policing. simply put, as physical availability of alcohol increases, so too will actual alcohol use and the increase of violence. the conclusion is that restricting the availability of alcohol is an effective measure to prevent the attribute to violence. we have an opportunity today to recognize an acknowledge the obvious link between alcohol, the availability of alcohol, and violence, not to mention the multitude of other environmental and societal factors that have already been mentioned here in the testimony. the polk street corridor and the surrounding area is over-saturated with liquor licenses. there are real effects and consequence of this. and it's not just a quality of life issue, but a really critical concern that affects our community. a conditional use for a liquor store is not necessary or desirable. we asked that you deny this. thank you. president miguel: thank you. >> my name is anthony. i've been living in the area for my entire life. i just wanted to reiterate the point of oversaturation. i mean, really, if i wanted alcohol, i can just walk or or two blocks in any direction and there would be one or two stores that i could buy it from. about caly foods closing, there's seven or so if areas if the open for consumers to buy from. when it closes, there's going to be a store right across the street, knobb hill liquors one. also, i wanted to say that the standard of living has gone down a lot. i think a big part of it is due to alcohol itself, and i think that just having another store in the area is not going to do us any good at all. and that's it. president miguel: thank you. rebecca, rowenna, linda, james. >> i'm lynn ca -- lynn ca chapman. -- linda chapman. a lot has to do with the oversaturation of alcohol licenses, not just the off-sale, but the on-sale as well. totally changed the character of the neighborhood. it was the most attractive residential commercial street if the city because it had a wonderful array of services and not an oversaturation of decorator stores or clothing stores or something like that. now the area is awash in prostitutes and pimps shooting it out at my corner, 48 rounds exchanged, the police said, just before i moved there. i had moved over to south knobb hill when i moved back to west knobb hill completely different. since that time, another shooting at my corner, two doors from me, i understand. now, when we were submitting a protest to abc about a different alcohol license that won't come before you, because somebody gave it a conditional use before, i counted six store fronts proposed for either bar or off sale, one or the other. now that we're aware of, and we are going to have to fight these one by one. i would like to give you these. this is an ad for a pub crawl on sale, they say the people go and buy at the off-sale and drink in the lines that form outside these. these places were restaurants. some are still licensed as restaurants but they have a conditional use for alcohol. and your enforcement person will not deal with it because she says, well, they have conditional uses. two of these were important license. two of them were certainly retail spaces. you know, when i go out on the street at 6:15 in the morning on sunday, i find three streetwalkers on pole exstreet in two blocks. president miguel: thank you. >> good evening, commissioners. i live two blocks from the property. i'm an apartment manager of a 12-unit building. i'm against another liquor license in the neighborhood because it encourages bad behavior, and there's already a lot of it going on. i was born and raised in the neighborhood, have seen a lot and had to see a lot of exchanges. things have gotten much worse. there are many more homeless on the street and all kinds of navy people panhandling and roaming around the neighborhoods. last saturday, someone tried to break in my garage from my lobby. they did a lot of property damage to my door. last year i spent over $500 just in hardware for one door, but this one may need to be replaced because of damage from multiple attempts. when people are inebriated, their judgment is off and they become much bolder. why would someone keep gouging a crowbar above and below a double latch guard where there is nothing to unlatch? i also have had break-ins into garages from streets and cars were broken into and bikes were stolen. about two years ago, my senior neighborhood was blinded in one eye when a thug followed him home from the bank after hearing $200 being counted out outloud and beat him over the glasses with a blunt object. the following week i found tools and bags in my lobby that i removed before someone could do a heist. we don't need any more trespassing, assault, theft, and vandalism. regarding the noise, usually on friday nights, we get a lot of traffic and noise on our block because it's close to the entertainment district. sometimes it wakes me up in the middle of the night. president miguel: thank you. >> please deny this conditional use. >> good evening, commissioners. i live on polk street at washington. i have lived there the last seven years. and the night crowd is getting very intense. there's a big pub crawl going from one end of polk to the other. it's ok. it's very lively. but i think the issuance of a new liquor license wouldn't be in the interest of the neighborhood. just one insdant -- there seems to be a nightly soccer game at the corner of polk and washington after the bars close, and i guess the guys play chicken with the cars that are coming by. it's for about 20 minutes or so, but the more liquor that's available, the more sorts of incidents like that there are. so i ask you to disapprove this application. thank you. president miguel: thank you. tony, david, chris. >> tony spoke. president miguel: oh, that's right. some of these have two cards. >> good evening, commissioners. my name is david elliot lewis. i'm here to speak in favor of the conditional use authorization. i've lived and worked and shopped in this district for the last 26 years. i'm also a vice president of central city democrats and i'm representing them as well. i'm not a customer of this store. and i don't buy liquor from liquor stores, but still, i don't see the problem. i don't see the deterioration that's been spoken of in the neighborhood. if anything, i see polk as improved over the last few decades, not gotten worse. i think the customer should decide. i think the community should decide by either shopping and patronizing this store, or not. rather than any authoritative body deciding what stores they can shop in or not shop in. so i hope you allow the community to decide, not the community of a few vested interest here or competing liquor stores, but the actual people who want to shop and peytonize the store. if they don't patronize it, the store will fail. let the community decide. thank you. president miguel: thank you. is there additional public comment on this item? >> good evening, president miguel, commissioners, i'm gerry -- jeri crowley. our position is to oppose the conditional use permit. the reasons have all been stated by other people. secondly, on a personal level, i recall earlier this year attending a press conference at northern station. it featured chief gascon and neighborhood oh,s. the theme of the press conference was the neighborhoods wanted to take back their neighborhood. crime, alcohol, all of those things were in a very bad mix. and so these neighborhood groups work very, very hard to clean up the neighborhood, and i think if you approve a conditional use permit tonight, it undermines what the neighbors are doing and what they've been doing for the last two years together. thank you. president miguel: thank you. >> my name is chris schulman. i'm here today as a representative of the lower pole ex-- polk neighbors, joining several other nearby neighborhood associations in opposition of this project proposed to you. you've received the official response. thank you for taking our position into consideration. both myself and other members of lower polic -- polk neighbors consider all requests. this is the third time we've considered a liquor store at this location and our position has been consistent. lower polk neighborhoods agrees with others that the concentration of alcohol retailers in this neighborhood is very high and that additional liquor store is not necessary or desirable. i did want to note, cala has come up several times. i personally believe the void will be a true opportunity for this proprietor. however, these will be in the form of grocery, deli, meats, and other staples. president miguel: is there additional public comment on this item? if not, public comment is closed. commissioner moore? commissioner moore: i see the neighborhoods making a very clear case of what we have had here many times, many hours discussing over and over again. i do believe that the surrounding neighborhoods have a very clearly delineated position of what does or doesn't work for them. i do believe they have pulled themselves up on their shoe strings to create a diversity. i do not believe this is an authoritative body. i take strong opposition to that comment and i do have to say that the department's analysis of the situation is very clear and actually not very difficult to take apart. this area is oversaturated. we also have a letter from the chief strongly recommending against a liquor license here. i would like to make a motion in support of the recommendation and disapprove this conditional use application. president miguel: is there a second? commissioner antonini: second. generally, i am a believer that, you know, it's not necessarily the alcohol, but the behavior. you could put the number of outlets in certain places and you wouldn't have a problem and you put it somewhere else and you do. but that being said, i think the neighborhood has made a pretty good case that, you know, they feel there is an oversaturation and it appears looking at the map that that probably is the case. and i probably will be supportive of the motion. it's just too bad that we don't have more of an ability to get rid of those liquor licenses in those establishths that have a record of problems. mentioned, that might be able to do it, but for this one, i don't think it's going to work. >> there's a reason that conditional use approvals exist. they exist for certain areas of san francisco, they exist for certain types of businesses. and there are reasons for that. and liquor is one of those that is under that consideration. it must be necessary and desirable. the department's conclusions, i think, were very well reasoned. i would be supportive of the motion. there is a saturation, without doubt, and one of the things we have to understand is that once this body and the city ok's a conditional use or liquor license, it's out of our control. it's up to abc. state agency. in the vast majority of instances, to control what happens. it's out of our control. and that is why this body has to be very, very considerate how they deal with these. >> i agree with saff recommendation on this. whenever we look at whether or not something that isn't allowed is necessary, desirable, the issue of oversaturation is one that we look at, as is -- whether it's alcohol or something else. though i do respect the work of the noltes and mr. lewis, and the work they do to approve their neighborhood, i don't agree with them on this particular issue. i do want to encourage people, it sounds like he's an hops player, this proprietor he runs a good business, he's respected in the neighborhood, it doesn't sound as though we are going to be approving the license. i do agree with a lot of the comments of commissioner antonini, he's right. a few bad players make it difficult for them, somebody who is a decent proprietor running a good dizz, -- a good business, makes it hard for them to move ahead when these come before us. perhaps we can work with this proprietor to find ways to make his business successful in ways that may not involve the sale of alcohol. so you know, that's what i'd like moewd hopefully will be able to work with him and also the neighbors, sounds like he's an honest person, trying to run a good business, so you know, work with him to achieve those goals, you know. >> commissioner moore. commissioner moore: i'm interested in the commissioner's forward-looking comments, perhaps there is a time to see that the bad operators are weeded out so that the others can sked and do what -- can succeed and do what is part of a good neighborhood. there are liquor stores, or establishments with wine and perhaps the good stores need to come together and talk about growing support and weeding out che ones which don't. we need to make sure the bad ones don't survive. >> i don't know if it's the role of government to do that or not. if you believe one side, the market will take care of it. obviously -- that's why we have rules, i guess. that isn't what i was going to talk about. the bargain bank, i used to buy wine there, but i assume the reason they were able to exup and down is that they already had a permit or c.u. or something to sell liquor and therefore it got bigger. in terms of calla, i would imagine there's going to be some city push to try to he re-locate a grocery store there. i would think. so even though there might be a hiatus in which calla goes away, i believe the city is very strong on trying to encourage and maybe through oewd find an operator that will come in and it may even be, i would think it would be a new development. i would think that the current building and parking lot situation is totally underutilized and that there will be some kind of development proposal coming forth. that may take a while. eventually i would think that the desire of the city anyway, i can't guarantee that, would be to have some kind of mixed use development in that location, including a grocery store. >> commissioners, the motion on the floor is to disapprove the conditional use authorization. on that motion, commissioner an to nee nee. commissioner moore, commissioner segay;. commissioner miguel. thank you, commissioners, the c.u. has been disapproved. you are now on item number 13. case number 2009.1100c, 1095 market street. >> good afternoon, commissioners, i'm tim pi, representing the planning department, the request is for a conditional use authorization to convert the building at 1095 market street from a 61,000 square feet commercial office building to a hostel use with up to 94 rooms. associated uses within the hostel will include approximately 2,500 square feet related to a restaurant, approximately 3,500 square feet related to nighttime entertainment and two rooftop terraces that total approximately 8,50 0 square feet. >> since the distribution of your parkts -- packets, two letters of support have been submitted to the department and i'd like to give you those for the record. one is a letter of support from san francisco architectural heritage, the other from a nearby property owner. the subject building is a category one significant building, identified under article 11 of the planning code, the historic preservation commission hearing on october 6 last week, the h.p.c. granted a permit to alter, with conditions, for the exterior work associated with the project. this was included in your packet for your reference. the department recommends approval of the project and believes that the project is necessary and desirable for the following reasons. we believe that the project will have a positive effect on the neighborhood, the project doesn't propose any offstreet parkering o-- or loaded and is excepted from this provision of the planning code and is consistent with the city's transit first policy. the sponsor is also collaborating with larkin street youth services to provide employment opportunities for emancipated foster youth and formerly homeless youth and the project sponsor is here and will be able to go into more detail about this collaboration if you so wish. the project sponsor also submitted as part of the requirements of the conditional use authorization a market study this market study concludes that the project would have a significant market demand in this neighborhood at this location and would further support san francisco's position as a tourist destination. finally, the project would serve to strengthen and extend the continued economic viability of an existing, historically significant building identified under article 11 of the planning code. that concludes my presentation, unless you have any questions. the project sponsor is also prepared to give you a short presentation on the project. thank you. >> thank you. project sponsor? >> good evening, my name is samuel johnson i'm the project sponsor. we've taken what we take to be the best parts of a boutique hotel and a european hostel and squished them together. it's not just a place for you to sleep, it's an environment where young travelers can meet and greet and have an exciting time together, much like a melting pot. we picked san francisco because it's a gateway city, a lot of public transportation, we picked the building because it has great bones, it needs a lot of work but it has a good look which we like. we are very committed to the community. our family has had a 10-year working relationship with the area and would like to continue that going forward with the job internship program, taking kids through the hospitality and hopefully we'll find some kids who like hospitality enough that they wish to stay with us. i'd like to lastly speak to the structure and infrastructure before passing on to our architect. we've had the building since april of 2008 and when we first investigated it, we found that the entire infrastructure was shot. it's mainly original 1905 equipment, plumbinging, electrical, elevators, and what not needs a complete redo we did a structural investigation on the project, on the building, and found that in its current state, it would probably not withstand a major earthquake. with that, i'd like to pass this over to steven lee. thank you for your time. >> my name is steven lee, i'm an architect, we've been working with simon for the last 18 months on this project. in our limited time we want to highlight the rich history and the salient architectural improvements we propose for the project. just so you can see then eprojector, this is the location site. it's on the corn over market an seventh street, adjacent to the court of appeals, across from the u.m. plaza and across from the new federal building. little bit of history about the building, the project is an existing nine stories, including a basement, steel-framed building with unreinforced masonry. it has a wonderful renaissance baroque appearance with sandstone lentles and detailed press work facade. at the time, this was a bustling corner. quite active store front, very populated, retail store front area. so the building was constructed in 1905 by a local san francisco architect who was a pretty good architect considering the building withstood the 1906 architect. but it did not come out unscathed. it sustained quite a bit of damage. on the right hand side you can see the interior was destroyed, partitions collapsed and on the left, you can the windows were blown out during the earthquake. in fact, on the stevenson side, they had to do quite a bit of repair on the facade, a lot had come apart and they had to rebuild that particular facade of the building. the building was rehabilitated shortly thereafter. unfortunately, they rebuilt it using pretty much the same materials so you still have a lot of hollow clay tile partitions there. since then, the building has


Transcripts For SFGTV2 20101015

loitering or graffiti on any of his businesses. he immediately tidies them up. there are a lot of liquor outlets in our neighborhood, but they seem to be springing up all the time. and he, who has an established relationship with all the other businesses in the neighborhood, can't seem to get that little kick, which he needs. because just the selling of cigarettes or lottery tickets or gum is just not enough to cut it. anyway, thank you. president miguel: thank you. newman, michael, shawn. >> i'm michael, but i'm on the next item, item 13. president miguel: excuse me. >> i'm shawn, i own a few properties within a block of the proposed liquor store. this is the third time i've been here over so many years. when he started -- before he opened this liquor store, it was a plant store. i don't remember what it was before. none of the neighbors were particularly thrilled about it being a liquor store and we fought it. he knew it wouldn't be a liquor store when he opened it up. there's too many liquor stores, as everybody has said before. it doesn't do any benefit to the neighborhood to have another liquor store other than to profit the owner of the liquor store himself. there's a dozen bars, as i said, nine liquor stores. and we don't need more. i understand it's not easy, but there were a lot there before he got there and we just don't need anymore. i also urge you not to fall for the ploy of 20%. once there's liquor in the store, it's a liquor store. 20% can go all the way up to the ceiling. that's 12 feet. a few unsquare feet just for liquor as well as the beer cabinets. it's just not needed. thank you very much. president miguel: thank you. >> good afternoon. i live between polk and parking. i think there's entirely too much saturation of alcohol-dispensing businesses there. certainly from where i live, there's no less than six places i can go to and purchase alcohol to take home within four blocks and at least three of them sell until 2:00 in the morning. this is just totally not counting all the bars, all the restaurant bars or beer and wine bars, and as for violence, well, there is violence that is attributed to alcohol. just like night, last evening, early morning, there was a brawl on polk involving eight or nine people. the cops were called. people were arrested. and i'll tell you what, that fight didn't begin because someone was too sober. that fight began because of alcohol. i don't know that i can agree with the assertion that there's no violence on polk or violence related to alcohol. that's it. thank you for your time. president miguel: thank you. erica, paul. >> hello, i am erica byrne. i live nearby on knobb hill. both of the groups that i am a member of have been working really hard to make the sidewalks of san francisco more pedestrian friendly. one of the ways to do that is to put more eyes on the street, more pedestrians. and one of the tips and tricks of doing that is to ensure that identical businesses are at least two blocks apart. if you look at the saturation of liquor stores, nobody has to walk even one block to get their liquor. so for that reason i would like to oppose the addition of another liquor store at that location. the bargain bank was mentioned. when it started out, it was a good addition for-to-the neighborhood, but it gradually added more and more and more liquor and all of a sudden, it was a liquor store. i don't remember there being any notice given to the neighborhood that the bank was going to turn into a liquor store. so we would have opposed the bargain bank, but we didn't know it was going to turn into a liquor store. thank you. president miguel: thank you. >> good evening, commissioners. my name is paul wormer. i live on the other side of the hill on california street. this is an area i walk to regularly. i do want to note that in my neighborhood, we've seen the corner convenience store morph to the corner liquor store. still licensed as the convenience store. they had a liquor license as part of that. and it became dominant in their business. i absolutely endorse the position staff has taken in opposing this. this is a general principle issue. it's a city wide issue of having unexpected or morphing of uses in a way that are inappropriate, and i believe that liquor is one of the big areas where that happens. thank you. president miguel: thank you. >> my name is michael nulty. the owner already owns a property on -- already runs a business at knobb hill liquors. his proposed other business, which is here for you today, is here. and this market is beginning to be probably closed at the end of the year. and so there's one last liquor license. this is a letter from the police department where a decoy has gone into his existing business, and there was no problem. i'm trying to point out that he's a good business owner. he doesn't allow under 21-year-olds to come in and buy liquor. and this is dated january 25, 2010. i also want to point out that i'm one of the founding members of the north america business association, and we do support the position of authorization. not all these problems about people vomiting or pianoing or pooing that people bring up say that's all contributing. what's in frnt of you today is whether or not to allow the conditional use and that's it. i don't know if there's any representation -- person here from the police department saying that. so thank you. president miguel: thank you. >> good evening. my name is tony. i just want to let you know i echo what the previous speaker has said and i strongly support knobb hill beverages number two. thank you. >> good evening, commissioners. this is the third time i've come in front of your commission about this. i keep coming back because this is what the community planned, and a lot of the people there are here weren't even planning a session just to discuss how to plan this neighborhood. i get really concerned about when people don't want to take control of their neighborhood and go to the planning processes that the city provides to deal with this neighborhood. and you see, this is where his property is right here on this map. and this is how it's zoned and everything else. my name is john nulty. this project should move forward with additional use. since it's closing nearby next year. this location will fulfill the void left by the closure. approve the conditional use for this project. thank you very much. michael vick mig thank you. -- president miguel: thank you. >> hello. i'm joyce louis. i am a longtime resident of the area, for over 40 years. i have seen a lot of changes in the neighborhood. that area that you were just talking about at 1685 sacramento, i remember it as the brownie hardware store, which moved across the street. these changes have been in the demographics and business, both good and not so good. in response to the conditional use application for the liquor license, i oppose this action. stores are selling liquor for off-premises consumption within a four block radius. in addition, there is a bar right next door. so there's always access. i personally oppose any more access to liquor, as this is related to crime and it decreases the quality of life in the neighborhood. we are trying to revive and maintain the area to make it a more safe and family-oriented area. so having another site for liquor sales goes against the core of maintaining the neighborhood's safe and family-oriented. the planning commission's consideration and denial of this application would be appreciated. thank you. president miguel: thank you. >> my name is anthony. i manage the property directly above the proposed site. i would like to support him. he's done nothing but improve the quality of that corner. he's added a lot of lighting for security. i know that the sale of alcoholic beverages can result in violence on the streets. i feel that happens at around -- between the hours of 2:00 and 4:00 in the morning when the barses let out. he's proposing staying open until 9:00. i think that's a good idea because he wouldn't be connected with the violence on the street. it has been happening, but i think that that's a result of people getting drunk and coming over to the doughnut shop we have right across the street, which is wonderful. in terms of over-saturation of businesses, liquor-wise, i think people should be given the option of shopping there. he's given local jobs to local people. he's been very friendly. he keeps the place very clean. and i just think he should be given the opportunity at this point. i know he's been denied before, but i think it's about time that he be given the chance to prosper. and i think the people who oppose him are a little afraid of the competition. so i do support him. president miguel: thank you. michael, anthony, wiley, rebecca. >> commissioners, i live on clay for the past 13 years. i have a lifestyle-based business, meaning i work at home. i walk my dogs three times a day. so i know the neighborhood pretty well, ok? if you can take a look at this map, everybody has been referencing the eight liquor stores that are around the proposed knobb hill beverages. these stores are open anywhere from 8:00 in the morning -- basically you can get liquor in my neighborhood 24 hours a day, seven days a week. if you can't get liquor after 2:00 a.m., you got a problem. russian hill neighbors, lower polk neighborhoods, they have all submitted neighborhoods. pana's board, 27 people unanimous. tina boylan said that's the first time it's ever happened. we take pride in our neighborhood. we have monthly meetings, monthly cleanups. this is about pride. it's not personal. we believe that there's just too much liquor in our neighborhood. and we've got to draw the line. so i ask you to please deny this conditional use. thank you very much. president miguel: thank you. >> good evening. my name is wiley adams. i live one block away. i live in the neighborhood for 11 years. i am also the building manager of a 20-point building at the corner of sacramento and larken, and i'm a member of the middle polk neighborhood association. i am opposed to another liquor store. while this issue is very emotional and there's a lot of varied interests, i'd like to take this opportunity to share an article. i also have copies for all the commissioners. this article entitled neighborhoods, alcohol, outlets discusses the link between high concentration of alcohol outlets like the store being proposed here and partner violence. while it's clear that alcohol is an aggravating factor in violence, this article actually analyzes the importance of environmental strategies aimed at violence prevention such as changes in zoning, community activism, and policing. simply put, as physical availability of alcohol increases, so too will actual alcohol use and the increase of violence. the conclusion is that restricting the availability of alcohol is an effective measure to prevent the attribute to violence. we have an opportunity today to recognize an acknowledge the obvious link between alcohol, the availability of alcohol, and violence, not to mention the multitude of other environmental and societal factors that have already been mentioned here in the testimony. the polk street corridor and the surrounding area is over-saturated with liquor licenses. there are real effects and consequence of this. and it's not just a quality of life issue, but a really critical concern that affects our community. a conditional use for a liquor store is not necessary or desirable. we asked that you deny this. thank you. president miguel: thank you. >> my name is anthony. i've been living in the area for my entire life. i just wanted to reiterate the point of oversaturation. i mean, really, if i wanted alcohol, i can just walk or or two blocks in any direction and there would be one or two stores that i could buy it from. about caly foods closing, there's seven or so if areas if the open for consumers to buy from. when it closes, there's going to be a store right across the street, knobb hill liquors one. also, i wanted to say that the standard of living has gone down a lot. i think a big part of it is due to alcohol itself, and i think that just having another store in the area is not going to do us any good at all. and that's it. president miguel: thank you. rebecca, rowenna, linda, james. >> i'm lynn ca -- lynn ca chapman. -- linda chapman. a lot has to do with the oversaturation of alcohol licenses, not just the off-sale, but the on-sale as well. totally changed the character of the neighborhood. it was the most attractive residential commercial street if the city because it had a wonderful array of services and not an oversaturation of decorator stores or clothing stores or something like that. now the area is awash in prostitutes and pimps shooting it out at my corner, 48 rounds exchanged, the police said, just before i moved there. i had moved over to south knobb hill when i moved back to west knobb hill completely different. since that time, another shooting at my corner, two doors from me, i understand. now, when we were submitting a protest to abc about a different alcohol license that won't come before you, because somebody gave it a conditional use before, i counted six store fronts proposed for either bar or off sale, one or the other. now that we're aware of, and we are going to have to fight these one by one. i would like to give you these. this is an ad for a pub crawl on sale, they say the people go and buy at the off-sale and drink in the lines that form outside these. these places were restaurants. some are still licensed as restaurants but they have a conditional use for alcohol. and your enforcement person will not deal with it because she says, well, they have conditional uses. two of these were important license. two of them were certainly retail spaces. you know, when i go out on the street at 6:15 in the morning on sunday, i find three streetwalkers on pole exstreet in two blocks. president miguel: thank you. >> good evening, commissioners. i live two blocks from the property. i'm an apartment manager of a 12-unit building. i'm against another liquor license in the neighborhood because it encourages bad behavior, and there's already a lot of it going on. i was born and raised in the neighborhood, have seen a lot and had to see a lot of exchanges. things have gotten much worse. there are many more homeless on the street and all kinds of navy people panhandling and roaming around the neighborhoods. last saturday, someone tried to break in my garage from my lobby. they did a lot of property damage to my door. last year i spent over $500 just in hardware for one door, but this one may need to be replaced because of damage from multiple attempts. when people are inebriated, their judgment is off and they become much bolder. why would someone keep gouging a crowbar above and below a double latch guard where there is nothing to unlatch? i also have had break-ins into garages from streets and cars were broken into and bikes were stolen. about two years ago, my senior neighborhood was blinded in one eye when a thug followed him home from the bank after hearing $200 being counted out outloud and beat him over the glasses with a blunt object. the following week i found tools and bags in my lobby that i removed before someone could do a heist. we don't need any more trespassing, assault, theft, and vandalism. regarding the noise, usually on friday nights, we get a lot of traffic and noise on our block because it's close to the entertainment district. sometimes it wakes me up in the middle of the night. president miguel: thank you. >> please deny this conditional use. >> good evening, commissioners. i live on polk street at washington. i have lived there the last seven years. and the night crowd is getting very intense. there's a big pub crawl going from one end of polk to the other. it's ok. it's very lively. but i think the issuance of a new liquor license wouldn't be in the interest of the neighborhood. just one insdant -- there seems to be a nightly soccer game at the corner of polk and washington after the bars close, and i guess the guys play chicken with the cars that are coming by. it's for about 20 minutes or so, but the more liquor that's available, the more sorts of incidents like that there are. so i ask you to disapprove this application. thank you. president miguel: thank you. tony, david, chris. >> tony spoke. president miguel: oh, that's right. some of these have two cards. >> good evening, commissioners. my name is david elliot lewis. i'm here to speak in favor of the conditional use authorization. i've lived and worked and shopped in this district for the last 26 years. i'm also a vice president of central city democrats and i'm representing them as well. i'm not a customer of this store. and i don't buy liquor from liquor stores, but still, i don't see the problem. i don't see the deterioration that's been spoken of in the neighborhood. if anything, i see polk as improved over the last few decades, not gotten worse. i think the customer should decide. i think the community should decide by either shopping and patronizing this store, or not. rather than any authoritative body deciding what stores they can shop in or not shop in. so i hope you allow the community to decide, not the community of a few vested interest here or competing liquor stores, but the actual people who want to shop and peytonize the store. if they don't patronize it, the store will fail. let the community decide. thank you. president miguel: thank you. is there additional public comment on this item? >> good evening, president miguel, commissioners, i'm gerry -- jeri crowley. our position is to oppose the conditional use permit. the reasons have all been stated by other people. secondly, on a personal level, i recall earlier this year attending a press conference at northern station. it featured chief gascon and neighborhood oh,s. the theme of the press conference was the neighborhoods wanted to take back their neighborhood. crime, alcohol, all of those things were in a very bad mix. and so these neighborhood groups work very, very hard to clean up the neighborhood, and i think if you approve a conditional use permit tonight, it undermines what the neighbors are doing and what they've been doing for the last two years together. thank you. president miguel: thank you. >> my name is chris schulman. i'm here today as a representative of the lower pole ex-- polk neighbors, joining several other nearby neighborhood associations in opposition of this project proposed to you. you've received the official response. thank you for taking our position into consideration. both myself and other members of lower polic -- polk neighbors consider all requests. this is the third time we've considered a liquor store at this location and our position has been consistent. lower polk neighborhoods agrees with others that the concentration of alcohol retailers in this neighborhood is very high and that additional liquor store is not necessary or desirable. i did want to note, cala has come up several times. i personally believe the void will be a true opportunity for this proprietor. however, these will be in the form of grocery, deli, meats, and other staples. president miguel: is there additional public comment on this item? if not, public comment is closed. commissioner moore? commissioner moore: i see the neighborhoods making a very clear case of what we have had here many times, many hours discussing over and over again. i do believe that the surrounding neighborhoods have a very clearly delineated position of what does or doesn't work for them. i do believe they have pulled themselves up on their shoe strings to create a diversity. i do not believe this is an authoritative body. i take strong opposition to that comment and i do have to


Transcripts For KQEH BBC World News 20100922

>> and now, "bbc world news." >> still the, uninhabitable, unsafe. there are concerns that the gains in delhi may not happen at all. and speculation that kim jong-il will name his youngest son as his successor. and money laundering at the bank of the vatican. welcome to "bbc world news," broadcast to our viewers on pbs in america, also around the globe. my name is mike embley. coming up later for you -- . dementia at the damage. the global problem costing the world $600 billion and no cure in sight. and back on display -- some of the ancient iraqi artifacts looted during the 2003 war. hello to you. the indian government wanted to host the commonwealth games to highlight the country's many strengths. but now the games have become an embarrassment. within two weeks, 71,000 athletes and officials from 71 former british colonies are due in delhi. there are already complaints about filthy accommodations and safety concerns have been raised with the collapse of a foot bridge, injuring 23 people. >> india's dream of glory has turned to its worst nightmare. every deadline has been advanced. the worst monsoon in 30 years has left of flood and an outbreak of fever. the latest worry, blocks of luxury flats meant to house athletes. initially, it was said to be even better than the beijing olympics. but as visitors began arriving, it became clear conditions were far worse. away from public view, they have been confronted with filthy toilets, rubbish, and flooded apartments. >> some parts of the village are not habitable at the moment. it is hard to see how they can be a turned brown. they are appalling, filthy. disgusting. standing water. could be expected to live in those conditions -- no one could be expected to live in those conditions. >> visitors will arrive from 71 common wealth countries, the biggest gathering ever. and today, at the mean athletic stadium, another major setback. a collapsed bridge leaves workers injured. the cleanup those on into the night. you can see the main athletic stadium all lit up behind me. and now, the bridge that has collapsed under its own weight, which have been used by thousands. no questions will be raised over the quality of construction -- now questions will be raised of the quality of construction. this was supposed to be india's coming out party, showcasing its global power. even now, organizers insist they are on top of things. >> the situation is under control. we are doing our best. we are confident we will be able to complete the entirety of the restoration. >> but not everyone is convinced. some officials say unless india acts quickly, the event could be in jeopardy. bbc news, delhi. >> next tuesday, there will be a conference, which is not news in itself, but this one is in north korea an extremely rare. the last time it happened, 30 years ago, kim jong-il succeeded his father. now with doubts about his health, there is speculation he is about to hand over to one of his sons. we have this from the south korean capital, seoul. >> this is the only photo of kim jong-un , taken two decades ago. almost nothing is known about him except that he comes from are ruthless and powerful bloodline. kim il-sung and his son, kim jong il, are the only two leaders of north korea has ever known. kim jong-il had a very long and public grooming for power, seen as the only possible successor for his godlike father. the leadership cold could easily pass at you another generation -- cult could easily pass to another generation. the talk is once again of succession, but this time it needs to be organized in more haste. and with the added problem, many suggest, that none of his three known as suns appear to be promising leaders. the first, kim jong nam, was at once caught trying to enter japan with a false passport, trying to visit tokyo's disneyland. the second son, kim jong chul, is reportedly considered too thin and then by his father. that leaves the third son, perhaps soon to be in charge of a fledgling nuclear power. political successions in totalitarian states are always fraught with difficulty, and kim jong-un is a complete political novice. he may be his father's chosen successor, but the other power elites in north korea might be a different matter. bbc news, seoul. >> the head of the vatican bank is under investigation for suspicion of violating money laundering laws. ettore gotti tedeschi and another official were accused of contravening the laws regarding the release of information. we have this from rome. >> at last week's four-day pilgrimage of the pope to the united kingdom has acted like a tonic to many british and other catholics, restoring confidence where despair alert. said the news that this man, ettore gotti tedeschi, the most senior banking official in the catholic hierarchy was placed under investigation will come as something as -- of a jolt. he is suspected of having failed to reveal information about money passing through vatican accounts. -- back in bank accounts. >> as with all banks, they have a huge power and should be held in check. whether it is the vatican bank or any other bank. they have excessive power. >> i think no one should be above the law. i hope they can work it out. if the money is to -- to the country of italy, then it should be paid. >> the vatican has quickly come to his support, saying it is perplexed and astonished at the investigation. and that the holy see expresses maximum confidence in the president and chief executive. the vatican goes on to say that for some time now it has tried to be more transparent about its accounts, said the timing could not be more unfortunate. there is a sense of moral renewal that the pope's visit to britain created. years ago, a scandal caused the catholic church millions in compensation and its reputation for integrity. it was a murky tale involving this man whose banker had links to the vatican bank, but also to the freemasons and the mafia. he was later found dead under a london bridge. no one has said this investigation is on anything like the scale of that, but the vatican and again finds itself the defender of unwanted, non- religious attention. duncan kennedy, bbc news. >> republicans in the u.s. senate have blocked a proposal to allow gay men and women to serve openly in the american military. they say the repeal of the existing rule would damage morale. it is a big setback for president obama who campaigned strongly for repeal. polls suggest the majority of americans backed him. nine have been killed in a crash in the south of afghanistan. it is not clear what caused the crash. 529 nato soldiers have been killed in the country this year. china suspended a planned meeting with japan. it says the atmosphere of the u.n. summit is not suitable for talks. relations have deteriorated since japan detained a chinese official airboats capt. two weeks ago. an official has resigned. he has not been on speaking terms with the president. they disagreed about a draft constitution and other issues. the rest of the country is under islamist insurgents. >> when you first read the figure, you think it is a mistake, but this year 1% of gdp for the entire world will be spent on the care of them mentioned patients. in studies suggest this will grow rapidly. we have this. >> good quality care for older people cannot be done cheaply. this financial pressure is expected to increase everywhere in coming years because the elderly are growing in number. they's report concerns financial impact of dementia around the world. the estimated cost is $600 billion. the report points out it is much higher than the annual retail revenue of the giant wal-mart. >> inevitably, the cost is going to increase. the number of people with dementia is increasing worldwide. we have an eating population in high-income countries. -- aging population in high- income countries. but the greatest rise will be in low and middle income countries. by 2015, it will exceed 115 million people with dementia out worldwide. >> india is pinpointed in the report as a country likely to see a sharp rise in dementia cases, because it has our rapidly aging population. the parliament in india passed a law three years ago to make young people care for their relatives. campaigners say governments everywhere need to do much more. jane draper, bbc news. >> good to have you with us on "bbc world news." stay with us, if you can. still to come -- how indoor pollution affects the world support. poor. first though, in many parts of the u.s., 15-year-old can legally drive. in britain, you have to be 17. but there are suggestions that there could be changes if the young were banned from the roads at night. >> they say you only really learn to drive after you pass your test. >> that could potentially kill somebody. these young drivers tend to ignore that fact. looking at the road. >> there are claims that many are not properly prepared, even for things like driving in the dark. to combat that, researchers at cardiff university have suggested and nighttime driving band, along with a total alcohol ban and stopping them from carrying young passengers. >> it will not happen to me. >> while campaigners support some of the proposals, they believe others would be unworkable. tony david said's son was killed. >> it would not be able to carry any of their peers in the car. peer pressure becomes involved. no one goes out with the intention of injuring or killing themselves, but that is what can occur. >> and educating people about what can happen is seen as an important lesson at this high school in leeds. but teenagers say new laws would stop them from earning outside the classroom. >> he would not get that experience and everything, learning from that, in making us better drivers. >> for all new qualified drivers, it is knowing these risks and the responsibility of passing. >> the latest headlines for you this hour on "bbc world news." there are fears for the commonwealth games as a bridge collapses. some teams say it is unfit for human habitation. it looks like a conference next week will decide the future of north korea. a second round of talks at the u.n. in new york about the millennium development goals. speakers today included the president of iran and zimbabwe, both delivering angry speeches. robert mugabe was angry at the countries to impose sanctions on zimbabwe. first, we hear from mahmoud i'm in a job. >> they're selfish, sectarian, materialistic pleasures cannot bring about prosperity. the new millennium ought to be based on a cure and righteous leadership throughout the world. the hegemonic approaches are and deceit, and they're getting close to their end. prosperous interrelations are essential. >> we fell short of our targets , due to the sanctions imposed on the country that i have already made reference to. and consequently, the incidence of zimbabwean poverty remains quite high. the government of zimbabwe will increase, from making a positive -- remains committed to making a positive difference in the lives of the poor, the sick, and the destitute among its citizens. >> robert mugabe speaking earlier at the united nations in new york. it is unlikely to be a presence from the kremlin, as the mayor of moscow celebrates his 67th birthday. he appears to have fallen out of favor with president made it yet. that is because he will not say whom he will support in the 2012 presidential election. -- he appears to the fallen out of favor with president needs a fifth -- dmitry medvedev. >> this is city hall in moscow. just down the road, you can see at the end, the kremlin, where the president is. at the two men are not -- the two buildings are very close, but the bosses that work there have become descent after a dramatic and very public falling out. he has been at the moscow mel for 18 years. he is one of russia's most powerful politicians and a senior in the party of power. for the last two weeks, state- controlled television has been broadcasting a stream of programs come up losing criticism of the mayor, criticizing him for his handling of the summer smog crisis and accusing him and his billionaire wife of corruption. he has dismissed all reports as total rubbish. it is widely believed this attack through the airwaves was ordered by the kremlin. relations between mayor and president dmitry medvedev have been strained for some time. the president could fired the mayor at any moment. the president could fire a number of regional leaders. if the moscow mayor is sacked or steps aside, that could be seen as a political victory for the president. >> that from moscow. we tend to connect pollution and global warming with heavy industry. but what about pollution inside the helm? the u.s. secretary of state has announced the campaigns you, that these -- the campaign to combat the scourge of cooking smoke. >> cooking smoke may keep the flies down, but it harms the eyes and lungs of those exposed to it, namely women and children. the black smoke also ushers climate change. the aim is to bring clean- burning stoves to 100 million homes by 2020. the cleanest of all the stoves are those like this in a project i highlighted in india a few years ago. this uses the same principle that a young boy uses to burn all zero in a piece of paper with the magnifying glass. how hot is it? well, the answer is in the newspaper. that is how hot. it will take time for cookers to reach the millions of homes where they are needed. funds are tight. bbc news. >> more of the main news for you. 18 children, two teachers still missing in pakastani kazmir where a school bus crash. officials say it is unlikely any survive. the bodies of 15 children have been recovered. the school bus plunged 300 meters from the road into a river, 16 kilometers from the regional capital. more than 100 have been hurt, 22 critically, when a spectator stands collapsed at a car race in brazil. you saw it there. the pact stand gave way. 500 people are thought to have been sitting on its. united nations has sent emergency teams to northern nigeria it's you investigate the lead poisoning that has killed -- to investigate the lead poisoning that has killed 200 children this year. it will be investigating villages where gold is mined by hand. another tragedy with the looting the loss ofseums, artifacts from thousands of years of history. now pieces have been returned to iraq's national museum. gabriel gatehouse reports. >> it is only slightly bigger than of run man's hand. but it is 5000 years old, and this statute from the sumerian period has come home. it is only one of the objects spanning from the early mesopotamia and civilization to the early islamic. the work done that -- the early islamic period son back. and then they vanished. for years, they were in these cardboard boxes. ed they described what was inside -- metal, daggers. but the prime minister's office had no idea, and they have been languishing around a store room for kitchenware. the boxes were discovered sunday, and prompted -- and promptly moved to the iraqi national museum. >> it is from the beginning of the islamic era. some are babylonian. >> many of the artifacts had been smuggled out of the country by a legal excavators to come to this day, continued to scour iraq's archaeological sites. others were looted following the invasion in 2003 when security collapsed. the museum has never recovered. no one knows when it will reopen to the public. though the artifacts may be found again, no one knows how much longer they will be hidden from view. gabriel gatehouse, bbc news. >> the real live james bonds have been shedding light on their activity. mi6 has taken the unusual step of opening of its past. >> fasted torpedo boats used by mi6 soon after it was created in 1909. secret agents would be hidden inside the torpedo bays and smuggled behind enemy lines. today, mi6 has opened up its archives to tell the story of its early years. for the historian invited inside, it was an exciting opportunity. >> i was like a child in a sweet shop. these are like papers you see in the national archives. but what they do is they tell the secret story of this most secret of the british organizations. >> from the mid-1920's, this building was the headquarters of the british secret service. its very existence was denied by government, and it was here that the secrets were kept in the daring operations plans. like this woman, code-named ecclesiastic. she was used to pass information to her lover in german intelligence. >> she was able to provide to him what he thought was genuine information. but of secret letters. things pulled out of the wastepaper been. >> there were also individual as -- acts of bravery. like this man. the story stops abruptly in 1949, just as the cold war is beginning some secrets, it seems, will remain hidden. >> you'll find more on that and all the international news online anytime. we are on twitter and facebook, too. thank you for watching. >> funding was made possible by -- the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, newman's own foundation, the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation, and union bank. >> somewhere in america, there's a doctor who can peer into the future. there's a nurse who can access in an instant every patient's past. and because the whole hospital is working together, there's a family who can breathe easy right now. somewhere in america we've already answered some of the nation's toughest health-care questions. and the over 60,000 people of siemens are ready to do it again. siemens. answers. >> union bank has put its financial strength to work for a wide range of companies, from small businesses to major corporations. what can we do for you? >> i'm julia stiles. >> i'm kevin bacon. >> i'm kim cattrall. >> hi, i'm ken burns. >> i'm lili taylor. >> i'm henry louis gates, jr., and public broadcasting is my source for news about the world. >> for intelligent conversation. >> for election coverage you can count on. >> for conversations beyond the sound bites. >> a commitment to journalism. >> for deciding who to vote for. >> i'm kerry washington, and public broadcasting is my source for intelligent connections to my community. >> "bbc world news" was presented by kcet, los angeles. presented by kcet, los angeles.


Transcripts For KQED BBC World News 20100922

hello to you. the indian government wanted to host the commonwealth games to highlight the country's many strengths. but now the games have become an embarrassment. within two weeks, 71,000 athletes and officials from 71 former british colonies are due in delhi. there are already complaints about filthy accommodations and safety concerns have been raised with the collapse of a foot bridge, injuring 23 people. >> india's dream of glory has turned to its worst nightmare. every deadline has been advanced. the worst monsoon in 30 years has left of flood and an outbreak of fever. the latest worry, blocks of luxury flats meant to house athletes. initially, it was said to be even better than the beijing olympics. but as visitors began arriving, it became clear conditions were far worse. away from public view, they have been confronted with filthy toilets, rubbish, and flooded apartments. >> some parts of the village are not habitable at the moment. it is hard to see how they can be a turned brown. they are appalling, filthy. disgusting. standing water. could be expected to live in those conditions -- no one could be expected to live in those conditions. >> visitors will arrive from 71 common wealth countries, the biggest gathering ever. and today, at the mean athletic stadium, another major setback. a collapsed bridge leaves workers injured. the cleanup those on into the night. you can see the main athletic stadium all lit up behind me. and now, the bridge that has collapsed under its own weight, which have been used by thousands. no questions will be raised over the quality of construction -- now questions will be raised of the quality of construction. this was supposed to be india's coming out party, showcasing its global power. even now, organizers insist they are on top of things. >> the situation is under control. we are doing our best. we are confident we will be able to complete the entirety of the restoration. >> but not everyone is convinced. some officials say unless india acts quickly, the event could be in jeopardy. bbc news, delhi. >> next tuesday, there will be a conference, which is not news in itself, but this one is in north korea an extremely rare. the last time it happened, 30 years ago, kim jong-il succeeded his father. now with doubts about his health, there is speculation he is about to hand over to one of his sons. we have this from the south korean capital, seoul. >> this is the only photo of kim jong-un , taken two decades ago. almost nothing is known about him except that he comes from are ruthless and powerful bloodline. kim il-sung and his son, kim jong il, are the only two leaders of north korea has ever known. kim jong-il had a very long and public grooming for power, seen as the only possible successor for his godlike father. the leadership cold could easily pass at you another generation -- cult could easily pass to another generation. the talk is once again of succession, but this time it needs to be organized in more haste. and with the added problem, many suggest, that none of his three known as suns appear to be promising leaders. the first, kim jong nam, was at once caught trying to enter japan with a false passport, trying to visit tokyo's disneyland. the second son, kim jong chul, is reportedly considered too thin and then by his father. that leaves the third son, perhaps soon to be in charge of a fledgling nuclear power. political successions in totalitarian states are always fraught with difficulty, and kim jong-un is a complete political novice. he may be his father's chosen successor, but the other power elites in north korea might be a different matter. bbc news, seoul. >> the head of the vatican bank is under investigation for suspicion of violating money laundering laws. ettore gotti tedeschi and another official were accused of contravening the laws regarding the release of information. we have this from rome. >> at last week's four-day pilgrimage of the pope to the united kingdom has acted like a tonic to many british and other catholics, restoring confidence where despair alert. said the news that this man, ettore gotti tedeschi, the most senior banking official in the catholic hierarchy was placed under investigation will come as something as -- of a jolt. he is suspected of having failed to reveal information about money passing through vatican accounts. -- back in bank accounts. >> as with all banks, they have a huge power and should be held in check. whether it is the vatican bank or any other bank. they have excessive power. >> i think no one should be above the law. i hope they can work it out. if the money is to -- to the country of italy, then it should be paid. >> the vatican has quickly come to his support, saying it is perplexed and astonished at the investigation. and that the holy see expresses maximum confidence in the president and chief executive. the vatican goes on to say that for some time now it has tried to be more transparent about its accounts, said the timing could not be more unfortunate. there is a sense of moral renewal that the pope's visit to britain created. years ago, a scandal caused the catholic church millions in compensation and its reputation for integrity. it was a murky tale involving this man whose banker had links to the vatican bank, but also to the freemasons and the mafia. he was later found dead under a london bridge. no one has said this investigation is on anything like the scale of that, but the vatican and again finds itself the defender of unwanted, non- religious attention. duncan kennedy, bbc news. >> republicans in the u.s. senate have blocked a proposal to allow gay men and women to serve openly in the american military. they say the repeal of the existing rule would damage morale. it is a big setback for president obama who campaigned strongly for repeal. polls suggest the majority of americans backed him. nine have been killed in a crash in the south of afghanistan. it is not clear what caused the crash. 529 nato soldiers have been killed in the country this year. china suspended a planned meeting with japan. it says the atmosphere of the u.n. summit is not suitable for talks. relations have deteriorated since japan detained a chinese official airboats capt. two weeks ago. an official has resigned. he has not been on speaking terms with the president. they disagreed about a draft constitution and other issues. the rest of the country is under islamist insurgents. >> when you first read the figure, you think it is a mistake, but this year 1% of gdp for the entire world will be spent on the care of them mentioned patients. in studies suggest this will grow rapidly. we have this. >> good quality care for older people cannot be done cheaply. this financial pressure is expected to increase everywhere in coming years because the elderly are growing in number. they's report concerns financial impact of dementia around the world. the estimated cost is $600 billion. the report points out it is much higher than the annual retail revenue of the giant wal-mart. >> inevitably, the cost is going to increase. the number of people with dementia is increasing worldwide. we have an eating population in high-income countries. -- aging population in high- income countries. but the greatest rise will be in low and middle income countries. by 2015, it will exceed 115 million people with dementia out worldwide. >> india is pinpointed in the report as a country likely to see a sharp rise in dementia cases, because it has our rapidly aging population. the parliament in india passed a law three years ago to make young people care for their relatives. campaigners say governments everywhere need to do much more. jane draper, bbc news. >> good to have you with us on "bbc world news." stay with us, if you can. still to come -- how indoor pollution affects the world support. poor. first though, in many parts of the u.s., 15-year-old can legally drive. in britain, you have to be 17. but there are suggestions that there could be changes if the young were banned from the roads at night. >> they say you only really learn to drive after you pass your test. >> that could potentially kill somebody. these young drivers tend to ignore that fact. looking at the road. >> there are claims that many are not properly prepared, even for things like driving in the dark. to combat that, researchers at cardiff university have suggested and nighttime driving band, along with a total alcohol ban and stopping them from carrying young passengers. >> it will not happen to me. >> while campaigners support some of the proposals, they believe others would be unworkable. tony david said's son was killed. >> it would not be able to carry any of their peers in the car. peer pressure becomes involved. no one goes out with the intention of injuring or killing themselves, but that is what can occur. >> and educating people about what can happen is seen as an important lesson at this high school in leeds. but teenagers say new laws would stop them from earning outside the classroom. >> he would not get that experience and everything, learning from that, in making us better drivers. >> for all new qualified drivers, it is knowing these risks and the responsibility of passing. >> the latest headlines for you this hour on "bbc world news." there are fears for the commonwealth games as a bridge collapses. some teams say it is unfit for human habitation. it looks like a conference next week will decide the future of north korea. a second round of talks at the u.n. in new york about the millennium development goals. speakers today included the president of iran and zimbabwe, both delivering angry speeches. robert mugabe was angry at the countries to impose sanctions on zimbabwe. first, we hear from mahmoud i'm in a job. >> they're selfish, sectarian, materialistic pleasures cannot bring about prosperity. the new millennium ought to be based on a cure and righteous leadership throughout the world. the hegemonic approaches are and deceit, and they're getting close to their end. prosperous interrelations are essential. >> we fell short of our targets , due to the sanctions imposed on the country that i have already made reference to. and consequently, the incidence of zimbabwean poverty remains quite high. the government of zimbabwe will increase, from making a positive -- remains committed to making a positive difference in the lives of the poor, the sick, and the destitute among its citizens. >> robert mugabe speaking earlier at the united nations in new york. it is unlikely to be a presence from the kremlin, as the mayor of moscow celebrates his 67th birthday. he appears to have fallen out of favor with president made it yet. that is because he will not say whom he will support in the 2012 presidential election. -- he appears to the fallen out of favor with president needs a fifth -- dmitry medvedev. >> this is city hall in moscow. just down the road, you can see at the end, the kremlin, where the president is. at the two men are not -- the two buildings are very close, but the bosses that work there have become descent after a dramatic and very public falling out. he has been at the moscow mel for 18 years. he is one of russia's most powerful politicians and a senior in the party of power. for the last two weeks, state- controlled television has been broadcasting a stream of programs come up losing criticism of the mayor, criticizing him for his handling of the summer smog crisis and accusing him and his billionaire wife of corruption. he has dismissed all reports as total rubbish. it is widely believed this attack through the airwaves was ordered by the kremlin. relations between mayor and president dmitry medvedev have been strained for some time. the president could fired the mayor at any moment. the president could fire a number of regional leaders. if the moscow mayor is sacked or steps aside, that could be seen as a political victory for the president. >> that from moscow. we tend to connect pollution and global warming with heavy industry. but what about pollution inside the helm? the u.s. secretary of state has announced the campaigns you, that these -- the campaign to combat the scourge of cooking smoke. >> cooking smoke may keep the flies down, but it harms the eyes and lungs of those exposed to it, namely women and children. the black smoke also ushers climate change. the aim is to bring clean- burning stoves to 100 million homes by 2020. the cleanest of all the stoves are those like this in a project i highlighted in india a few years ago. this uses the same principle that a young boy uses to burn all zero in a piece of paper with the magnifying glass. how hot is it? well, the answer is in the newspaper. that is how hot. it will take time for cookers to reach the millions of homes where they are needed. funds are tight. bbc news. >> more of the main news for you. 18 children, two teachers still missing in pakastani kazmir where a school bus crash. officials say it is unlikely any survive. the bodies of 15 children have been recovered. the school bus plunged 300 meters from the road into a river, 16 kilometers from the regional capital. more than 100 have been hurt, 22 critically, when a spectator stands collapsed at a car race in brazil. you saw it there. the pact stand gave way. 500 people are thought to have been sitting on its. united nations has sent emergency teams to northern nigeria it's you investigate the lead poisoning that has killed -- to investigate the lead poisoning that has killed 200 children this year. it will be investigating villages where gold is mined by hand. another tragedy with the looting the loss ofseums, artifacts from thousands of years of history. now pieces have been returned to iraq's national museum. gabriel gatehouse reports. >> it is only slightly bigger than of run man's hand. but it is 5000 years old, and this statute from the sumerian period has come home. it is only one of the objects spanning from the early mesopotamia and civilization to the early islamic. the work done that -- the early islamic period son back. and then they vanished. for years, they were in these cardboard boxes. ed they described what was inside -- metal, daggers. but the prime minister's office had no idea, and they have been languishing around a store room for kitchenware. the boxes were discovered sunday, and prompted -- and promptly moved to the iraqi national museum. >> it is from the beginning of the islamic era. some are babylonian. >> many of the artifacts had been smuggled out of the country by a legal excavators to come to this day, continued to scour iraq's archaeological sites. others were looted following the invasion in 2003 when security collapsed. the museum has never recovered. no one knows when it will reopen to the public. though the artifacts may be found again, no one knows how much longer they will be hidden from view. gabriel gatehouse, bbc news. >> the real live james bonds have been shedding light on their activity. mi6 has taken the unusual step of opening of its past. >> fasted torpedo boats used by mi6 soon after it was created in 1909. secret agents would be hidden inside the torpedo bays and smuggled behind enemy lines. today, mi6 has opened up its archives to tell the story of its early years. for the historian invited inside, it was an exciting opportunity. >> i was like a child in a sweet shop. these are like papers you see in the national archives. but what they do is they tell the secret story of this most secret of the british organizations. >> from the mid-1920's, this building was the headquarters of the british secret service. its very existence was denied by government, and it was here that the secrets were kept in the daring operations plans. like this woman, code-named ecclesiastic. she was used to pass information to her lover in german intelligence. >> she was able to provide to him what he thought was genuine information. but of secret letters. things pulled out of the wastepaper been. >> there were also individual as -- acts of bravery. like this man. the story stops abruptly in 1949, just as the cold war is beginning some secrets, it seems, will remain hidden. >> you'll find more on that and all the international news online anytime. we are on twitter and facebook, too. thank you for watching. >> funding was made possible by -- the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, newman's own foundation, the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation, and union bank. >> somewhere in america, there's a doctor who can peer into the future. there's a nurse who can access in an instant every patient's past. and because the whole hospital is working together, there's a family who can breathe easy right now. somewhere in america we've already answered some of the nation's toughest health-care questions. and the over 60,000 people of siemens are ready to do it again. siemens. answers. >> union bank has put its financial strength to work for a wide range of companies, from small businesses to major corporations. what can we do for you? >> i'm julia stiles. >> i'm kevin bacon. >> i'm kim cattrall. >> hi, i'm ken burns. >> i'm lili taylor. >> i'm henry louis gates, jr., and public broadcasting is my source for news about the world. >> for intelligent conversation. >> for election coverage you can count on. >> for conversations beyond the sound bites. >> a commitment to journalism. >> for deciding who to vote for. >> i'm kerry washington, and public broadcasting is my source for intelligent connections to my community. >> "bbc world news" was presented by kcet, los angeles. presented by kcet, los angeles.


Transcripts For WHUT BBC World News 20100921

gains in delhi may not happen at all. and speculation that kim jong-il will name his youngest son as his successor. and money laundering at the bank of the vatican. welcome to "bbc world news," broadcast to our viewers on pbs in america, also around the globe. my name is mike embley. coming up later for you -- . dementia at the damage. the global problem costing the world $600 billion and no cure in sight. and back on display -- some of the ancient iraqi artifacts looted during the 2003 war. hello to you. the indian government wanted to host the commonwealth games to highlight the country's many strengths. but now the games have become an embarrassment. within two weeks, 71,000 athletes and officials from 71 former british colonies are due in delhi. there are already complaints about filthy accommodations and safety concerns have been raised with the collapse of a foot bridge, injuring 23 people. >> india's dream of glory has turned to its worst nightmare. every deadline has been advanced. the worst monsoon in 30 years has left of flood and an outbreak of fever. the latest worry, blocks of luxury flats meant to house athletes. initially, it was said to be even better than the beijing olympics. but as visitors began arriving, it became clear conditions were far worse. away from public view, they have been confronted with filthy toilets, rubbish, and flooded apartments. >> some parts of the village are not habitable at the moment. it is hard to see how they can be a turned brown. they are appalling, filthy. disgusting. standing water. could be expected to live in those conditions -- no one could be expected to live in those conditions. >> visitors will arrive from 71 common wealth countries, the biggest gathering ever. and today, at the mean athletic stadium, another major setback. a collapsed bridge leaves workers injured. the cleanup those on into the night. you can see the main athletic stadium all lit up behind me. and now, the bridge that has collapsed under its own weight, which have been used by thousands. no questions will be raised over the quality of construction -- now questions will be raised of the quality of construction. this was supposed to be india's coming out party, showcasing its global power. even now, organizers insist they are on top of things. >> the situation is under control. we are doing our best. we are confident we will be able to complete the entirety of the restoration. >> but not everyone is convinced. some officials say unless india acts quickly, the event could be in jeopardy. bbc news, delhi. >> next tuesday, there will be a conference, which is not news in itself, but this one is in north korea an extremely rare. the last time it happened, 30 years ago, kim jong-il succeeded his father. now with doubts about his health, there is speculation he is about to hand over to one of his sons. we have this from the south korean capital, seoul. >> this is the only photo of kim jong-un , taken two decades ago. almost nothing is known about him except that he comes from are ruthless and powerful bloodline. kim il-sung and his son, kim jong il, are the only two leaders of north korea has ever known. kim jong-il had a very long and public grooming for power, seen as the only possible successor for his godlike father. the leadership cold could easily pass at you another generation -- cult could easily pass to another generation. the talk is once again of succession, but this time it needs to be organized in more haste. and with the added problem, many suggest, that none of his three known as suns appear to be promising leaders. the first, kim jong nam, was at once caught trying to enter japan with a false passport, trying to visit tokyo's disneyland. the second son, kim jong chul, is reportedly considered too thin and then by his father. that leaves the third son, perhaps soon to be in charge of a fledgling nuclear power. political successions in totalitarian states are always fraught with difficulty, and kim jong-un is a complete political novice. he may be his father's chosen successor, but the other power elites in north korea might be a different matter. bbc news, seoul. >> the head of the vatican bank is under investigation for suspicion of violating money laundering laws. ettore gotti tedeschi and another official were accused of contravening the laws regarding the release of information. we have this from rome. >> at last week's four-day pilgrimage of the pope to the united kingdom has acted like a tonic to many british and other catholics, restoring confidence where despair alert. said the news that this man, ettore gotti tedeschi, the most senior banking official in the catholic hierarchy was placed under investigation will come as something as -- of a jolt. he is suspected of having failed to reveal information about money passing through vatican accounts. -- back in bank accounts. >> as with all banks, they have a huge power and should be held in check. whether it is the vatican bank or any other bank. they have excessive power. >> i think no one should be above the law. i hope they can work it out. if the money is to -- to the country of italy, then it should be paid. >> the vatican has quickly come to his support, saying it is perplexed and astonished at the investigation. and that the holy see expresses maximum confidence in the president and chief executive. the vatican goes on to say that for some time now it has tried to be more transparent about its accounts, said the timing could not be more unfortunate. there is a sense of moral renewal that the pope's visit to britain created. years ago, a scandal caused the catholic church millions in compensation and its reputation for integrity. it was a murky tale involving this man whose banker had links to the vatican bank, but also to the freemasons and the mafia. he was later found dead under a london bridge. no one has said this investigation is on anything like the scale of that, but the vatican and again finds itself the defender of unwanted, non- religious attention. duncan kennedy, bbc news. >> republicans in the u.s. senate have blocked a proposal to allow gay men and women to serve openly in the american military. they say the repeal of the existing rule would damage morale. it is a big setback for president obama who campaigned strongly for repeal. polls suggest the majority of americans backed him. nine have been killed in a crash in the south of afghanistan. it is not clear what caused the crash. 529 nato soldiers have been killed in the country this year. china suspended a planned meeting with japan. it says the atmosphere of the u.n. summit is not suitable for talks. relations have deteriorated since japan detained a chinese official airboats capt. two weeks ago. an official has resigned. he has not been on speaking terms with the president. they disagreed about a draft constitution and other issues. the rest of the country is under islamist insurgents. >> when you first read the figure, you think it is a mistake, but this year 1% of gdp for the entire world will be spent on the care of them mentioned patients. in studies suggest this will grow rapidly. we have this. >> good quality care for older people cannot be done cheaply. this financial pressure is expected to increase everywhere in coming years because the elderly are growing in number. they's report concerns financial impact of dementia around the world. the estimated cost is $600 billion. the report points out it is much higher than the annual retail revenue of the giant wal-mart. >> inevitably, the cost is going to increase. the number of people with dementia is increasing worldwide. we have an eating population in high-income countries. -- aging population in high- income countries. but the greatest rise will be in low and middle income countries. by 2015, it will exceed 115 million people with dementia out worldwide. >> india is pinpointed in the report as a country likely to see a sharp rise in dementia cases, because it has our rapidly aging population. the parliament in india passed a law three years ago to make young people care for their relatives. campaigners say governments everywhere need to do much more. jane draper, bbc news. >> good to have you with us on "bbc world news." stay with us, if you can. still to come -- how indoor pollution affects the world support. poor. first though, in many parts of the u.s., 15-year-old can legally drive. in britain, you have to be 17. but there are suggestions that there could be changes if the young were banned from the roads at night. >> they say you only really learn to drive after you pass your test. >> that could potentially kill somebody. these young drivers tend to ignore that fact. looking at the road. >> there are claims that many are not properly prepared, even for things like driving in the dark. to combat that, researchers at cardiff university have suggested and nighttime driving band, along with a total alcohol ban and stopping them from carrying young passengers. >> it will not happen to me. >> while campaigners support some of the proposals, they believe others would be unworkable. tony david said's son was killed. >> it would not be able to carry any of their peers in the car. peer pressure becomes involved. no one goes out with the intention of injuring or killing themselves, but that is what can occur. >> and educating people about what can happen is seen as an important lesson at this high school in leeds. but teenagers say new laws would stop them from earning outside the classroom. >> he would not get that experience and everything, learning from that, in making us better drivers. >> for all new qualified drivers, it is knowing these risks and the responsibility of passing. >> the latest headlines for you this hour on "bbc world news." there are fears for the commonwealth games as a bridge collapses. some teams say it is unfit for human habitation. it looks like a conference next week will decide the future of north korea. a second round of talks at the u.n. in new york about the millennium development goals. speakers today included the president of iran and zimbabwe, both delivering angry speeches. robert mugabe was angry at the countries to impose sanctions on zimbabwe. first, we hear from mahmoud i'm in a job. >> they're selfish, sectarian, materialistic pleasures cannot bring about prosperity. the new millennium ought to be based on a cure and righteous leadership throughout the world. the hegemonic approaches are and deceit, and they're getting close to their end. prosperous interrelations are essential. >> we fell short of our targets , due to the sanctions imposed on the country that i have already made reference to. and consequently, the incidence of zimbabwean poverty remains quite high. the government of zimbabwe will increase, from making a positive -- remains committed to making a positive difference in the lives of the poor, the sick, and the destitute among its citizens. >> robert mugabe speaking earlier at the united nations in new york. it is unlikely to be a presence from the kremlin, as the mayor of moscow celebrates his 67th birthday. he appears to have fallen out of favor with president made it yet. that is because he will not say whom he will support in the 2012 presidential election. -- he appears to the fallen out of favor with president needs a fifth -- dmitry medvedev. >> this is city hall in moscow. just down the road, you can see at the end, the kremlin, where the president is. at the two men are not -- the two buildings are very close, but the bosses that work there have become descent after a dramatic and very public falling out. he has been at the moscow mel for 18 years. he is one of russia's most powerful politicians and a senior in the party of power. for the last two weeks, state- controlled television has been broadcasting a stream of programs come up losing criticism of the mayor, criticizing him for his handling of the summer smog crisis and accusing him and his billionaire wife of corruption. he has dismissed all reports as total rubbish. it is widely believed this attack through the airwaves was ordered by the kremlin. relations between mayor and president dmitry medvedev have been strained for some time. the president could fired the mayor at any moment. the president could fire a number of regional leaders. if the moscow mayor is sacked or steps aside, that could be seen as a political victory for the president. >> that from moscow. we tend to connect pollution and global warming with heavy industry. but what about pollution inside the helm? the u.s. secretary of state has announced the campaigns you, that these -- the campaign to combat the scourge of cooking smoke. >> cooking smoke may keep the flies down, but it harms the eyes and lungs of those exposed to it, namely women and children. the black smoke also ushers climate change. the aim is to bring clean- burning stoves to 100 million homes by 2020. the cleanest of all the stoves are those like this in a project i highlighted in india a few years ago. this uses the same principle that a young boy uses to burn all zero in a piece of paper with the magnifying glass. how hot is it? well, the answer is in the newspaper. that is how hot. it will take time for cookers to reach the millions of homes where they are needed. funds are tight. bbc news. >> more of the main news for you. 18 children, two teachers still missing in pakastani kazmir where a school bus crash. officials say it is unlikely any survive. the bodies of 15 children have been recovered. the school bus plunged 300 meters from the road into a river, 16 kilometers from the regional capital. more than 100 have been hurt, 22 critically, when a spectator stands collapsed at a car race in brazil. you saw it there. the pact stand gave way. 500 people are thought to have been sitting on its. united nations has sent emergency teams to northern nigeria it's you investigate the lead poisoning that has killed -- to investigate the lead poisoning that has killed 200 children this year. it will be investigating villages where gold is mined by hand. another tragedy with the looting the loss ofseums, artifacts from thousands of years of history. now pieces have been returned to iraq's national museum. gabriel gatehouse reports. >> it is only slightly bigger than of run man's hand. but it is 5000 years old, and this statute from the sumerian period has come home. it is only one of the objects spanning from the early mesopotamia and civilization to the early islamic. the work done that -- the early islamic period son back. and then they vanished. for years, they were in these cardboard boxes. ed they described what was inside -- metal, daggers. but the prime minister's office had no idea, and they have been languishing around a store room for kitchenware. the boxes were discovered sunday, and prompted -- and promptly moved to the iraqi national museum. >> it is from the beginning of the islamic era. some are babylonian. >> many of the artifacts had been smuggled out of the country by a legal excavators to come to this day, continued to scour iraq's archaeological sites. others were looted following the invasion in 2003 when security collapsed. the museum has never recovered. no one knows when it will reopen to the public. though the artifacts may be found again, no one knows how much longer they will be hidden from view. gabriel gatehouse, bbc news. >> the real live james bonds have been shedding light on their activity. mi6 has taken the unusual step of opening of its past. >> fasted torpedo boats used by mi6 soon after it was created in 1909. secret agents would be hidden inside the torpedo bays and smuggled behind enemy lines. today, mi6 has opened up its archives to tell the story of its early years. for the historian invited inside, it was an exciting opportunity. >> i was like a child in a sweet shop. these are like papers you see in the national archives. but what they do is they tell the secret story of this most secret of the british organizations. >> from the mid-1920's, this building was the headquarters of the british secret service. its very existence was denied by government, and it was here that the secrets were kept in the daring operations plans. like this woman, code-named ecclesiastic. she was used to pass information to her lover in german intelligence. >> she was able to provide to him what he thought was genuine information. but of secret letters. things pulled out of the wastepaper been. >> there were also individual as -- acts of bravery. like this man. the story stops abruptly in 1949, just as the cold war is beginning some secrets, it seems, will remain hidden. >> you'll find more on that and all the international news online anytime. we are on twitter and facebook, too. thank you for watching. >> funding was made possible by -- the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, newman's own foundation, the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation, and union bank. >> somewhere in america, there's a doctor who can peer into the future. there's a nurse who can access in an instant every patient's past. and because the whole hospital is working together, there's a family who can breathe easy right now. somewhere in america we've already answered some of the nation's toughest health-care questions. and the over 60,000 people of siemens are ready to do it again. siemens. answers. >> union bank has put its financial strength to work for a wide range of companies, from small businesses to major corporations. what can we do for you? >> i'm julia stiles. >> i'm kevin bacon. >> i'm kim cattrall. >> hi, i'm ken burns. >> i'm lili taylor. >> i'm henry louis gates, jr., and public broadcasting is my source for news about the world. >> for intelligent conversation. >> for election coverage you can count on. >> for conversations beyond the sound bites. >> a commitment to journalism. >> for deciding who to vote for. >> i'm kerry washington, and public broadcasting is my source for intelligent connections to my community. >> "bbc world news" was presented by kcet, los angeles. presented by kcet, los angeles.


Transcripts For WETA BBC World News 20100921

all. and speculation that kim jong-il will name his youngest son as his successor. and money laundering at the bank of the vatican. welcome to "bbc world news," broadcast to our viewers on pbs in america, also around the globe. my name is mike embley. coming up later for you -- . dementia at the damage. the global problem costing the world $600 billion and no cure in sight. and back on display -- some of the ancient iraqi artifacts looted during the 2003 war. hello to you. the indian government wanted to host the commonwealth games to highlight the country's many strengths. but now the games have become an embarrassment. within two weeks, 71,000 athletes and officials from 71 former british colonies are due in delhi. there are already complaints about filthy accommodations and safety concerns have been raised with the collapse of a foot bridge, injuring 23 people. >> india's dream of glory has turned to its worst nightmare. every deadline has been advanced. the worst monsoon in 30 years has left of flood and an outbreak of fever. the latest worry, blocks of luxury flats meant to house athletes. initially, it was said to be even better than the beijing olympics. but as visitors began arriving, it became clear conditions were far worse. away from public view, they have been confronted with filthy toilets, rubbish, and flooded apartments. >> some parts of the village are not habitable at the moment. it is hard to see how they can be a turned brown. they are appalling, filthy. disgusting. standing water. could be expected to live in those conditions -- no one could be expected to live in those conditions. >> visitors will arrive from 71 common wealth countries, the biggest gathering ever. and today, at the mean athletic stadium, another major setback. a collapsed bridge leaves workers injured. the cleanup those on into the night. you can see the main athletic stadium all lit up behind me. and now, the bridge that has collapsed under its own weight, which have been used by thousands. no questions will be raised over the quality of construction -- now questions will be raised of the quality of construction. this was supposed to be india's coming out party, showcasing its global power. even now, organizers insist they are on top of things. >> the situation is under control. we are doing our best. we are confident we will be able to complete the entirety of the restoration. >> but not everyone is convinced. some officials say unless india acts quickly, the event could be in jeopardy. bbc news, delhi. >> next tuesday, there will be a conference, which is not news in itself, but this one is in north korea an extremely rare. the last time it happened, 30 years ago, kim jong-il succeeded his father. now with doubts about his health, there is speculation he is about to hand over to one of his sons. we have this from the south korean capital, seoul. >> this is the only photo of kim jong-un , taken two decades ago. almost nothing is known about him except that he comes from are ruthless and powerful bloodline. kim il-sung and his son, kim jong il, are the only two leaders of north korea has ever known. kim jong-il had a very long and public grooming for power, seen as the only possible successor for his godlike father. the leadership cold could easily pass at you another generation -- cult could easily pass to another generation. the talk is once again of succession, but this time it needs to be organized in more haste. and with the added problem, many suggest, that none of his three known as suns appear to be promising leaders. the first, kim jong nam, was at once caught trying to enter japan with a false passport, trying to visit tokyo's disneyland. the second son, kim jong chul, is reportedly considered too thin and then by his father. that leaves the third son, perhaps soon to be in charge of a fledgling nuclear power. political successions in totalitarian states are always fraught with difficulty, and kim jong-un is a complete political novice. he may be his father's chosen successor, but the other power elites in north korea might be a different matter. bbc news, seoul. >> the head of the vatican bank is under investigation for suspicion of violating money laundering laws. ettore gotti tedeschi and another official were accused of contravening the laws regarding the release of information. we have this from rome. >> at last week's four-day pilgrimage of the pope to the united kingdom has acted like a tonic to many british and other catholics, restoring confidence where despair alert. said the news that this man, ettore gotti tedeschi, the most senior banking official in the catholic hierarchy was placed under investigation will come as something as -- of a jolt. he is suspected of having failed to reveal information about money passing through vatican accounts. -- back in bank accounts. >> as with all banks, they have a huge power and should be held in check. whether it is the vatican bank or any other bank. they have excessive power. >> i think no one should be above the law. i hope they can work it out. if the money is to -- to the country of italy, then it should be paid. >> the vatican has quickly come to his support, saying it is perplexed and astonished at the investigation. and that the holy see expresses maximum confidence in the president and chief executive. the vatican goes on to say that for some time now it has tried to be more transparent about its accounts, said the timing could not be more unfortunate. there is a sense of moral renewal that the pope's visit to britain created. years ago, a scandal caused the catholic church millions in compensation and its reputation for integrity. it was a murky tale involving this man whose banker had links to the vatican bank, but also to the freemasons and the mafia. he was later found dead under a london bridge. no one has said this investigation is on anything like the scale of that, but the vatican and again finds itself the defender of unwanted, non- religious attention. duncan kennedy, bbc news. >> republicans in the u.s. senate have blocked a proposal to allow gay men and women to serve openly in the american military. they say the repeal of the existing rule would damage morale. it is a big setback for president obama who campaigned strongly for repeal. polls suggest the majority of americans backed him. nine have been killed in a crash in the south of afghanistan. it is not clear what caused the crash. 529 nato soldiers have been killed in the country this year. china suspended a planned meeting with japan. it says the atmosphere of the u.n. summit is not suitable for talks. relations have deteriorated since japan detained a chinese official airboats capt. two weeks ago. an official has resigned. he has not been on speaking terms with the president. they disagreed about a draft constitution and other issues. the rest of the country is under islamist insurgents. >> when you first read the figure, you think it is a mistake, but this year 1% of gdp for the entire world will be spent on the care of them mentioned patients. in studies suggest this will grow rapidly. we have this. >> good quality care for older people cannot be done cheaply. this financial pressure is expected to increase everywhere in coming years because the elderly are growing in number. they's report concerns financial impact of dementia around the world. the estimated cost is $600 billion. the report points out it is much higher than the annual retail revenue of the giant wal-mart. >> inevitably, the cost is going to increase. the number of people with dementia is increasing worldwide. we have an eating population in high-income countries. -- aging population in high- income countries. but the greatest rise will be in low and middle income countries. by 2015, it will exceed 115 million people with dementia out worldwide. >> india is pinpointed in the report as a country likely to see a sharp rise in dementia cases, because it has our rapidly aging population. the parliament in india passed a law three years ago to make young people care for their relatives. campaigners say governments everywhere need to do much more. jane draper, bbc news. >> good to have you with us on "bbc world news." stay with us, if you can. still to come -- how indoor pollution affects the world support. poor. first though, in many parts of the u.s., 15-year-old can legally drive. in britain, you have to be 17. but there are suggestions that there could be changes if the young were banned from the roads at night. >> they say you only really learn to drive after you pass your test. >> that could potentially kill somebody. these young drivers tend to ignore that fact. looking at the road. >> there are claims that many are not properly prepared, even for things like driving in the dark. to combat that, researchers at cardiff university have suggested and nighttime driving band, along with a total alcohol ban and stopping them from carrying young passengers. >> it will not happen to me. >> while campaigners support some of the proposals, they believe others would be unworkable. tony david said's son was killed. >> it would not be able to carry any of their peers in the car. peer pressure becomes involved. no one goes out with the intention of injuring or killing themselves, but that is what can occur. >> and educating people about what can happen is seen as an important lesson at this high school in leeds. but teenagers say new laws would stop them from earning outside the classroom. >> he would not get that experience and everything, learning from that, in making us better drivers. >> for all new qualified drivers, it is knowing these risks and the responsibility of passing. >> the latest headlines for you this hour on "bbc world news." there are fears for the commonwealth games as a bridge collapses. some teams say it is unfit for human habitation. it looks like a conference next week will decide the future of north korea. a second round of talks at the u.n. in new york about the millennium development goals. speakers today included the president of iran and zimbabwe, both delivering angry speeches. robert mugabe was angry at the countries to impose sanctions on zimbabwe. first, we hear from mahmoud i'm in a job. >> they're selfish, sectarian, materialistic pleasures cannot bring about prosperity. the new millennium ought to be based on a cure and righteous leadership throughout the world. the hegemonic approaches are and deceit, and they're getting close to their end. prosperous interrelations are essential. >> we fell short of our targets , due to the sanctions imposed on the country that i have already made reference to. and consequently, the incidence of zimbabwean poverty remains quite high. the government of zimbabwe will increase, from making a positive -- remains committed to making a positive difference in the lives of the poor, the sick, and the destitute among its citizens. >> robert mugabe speaking earlier at the united nations in new york. it is unlikely to be a presence from the kremlin, as the mayor of moscow celebrates his 67th birthday. he appears to have fallen out of favor with president made it yet. that is because he will not say whom he will support in the 2012 presidential election. -- he appears to the fallen out of favor with president needs a fifth -- dmitry medvedev. >> this is city hall in moscow. just down the road, you can see at the end, the kremlin, where the president is. at the two men are not -- the two buildings are very close, but the bosses that work there have become descent after a dramatic and very public falling out. he has been at the moscow mel for 18 years. he is one of russia's most powerful politicians and a senior in the party of power. for the last two weeks, state- controlled television has been broadcasting a stream of programs come up losing criticism of the mayor, criticizing him for his handling of the summer smog crisis and accusing him and his billionaire wife of corruption. he has dismissed all reports as total rubbish. it is widely believed this attack through the airwaves was ordered by the kremlin. relations between mayor and president dmitry medvedev have been strained for some time. the president could fired the mayor at any moment. the president could fire a number of regional leaders. if the moscow mayor is sacked or steps aside, that could be seen as a political victory for the president. >> that from moscow. we tend to connect pollution and global warming with heavy industry. but what about pollution inside the helm? the u.s. secretary of state has announced the campaigns you, that these -- the campaign to combat the scourge of cooking smoke. >> cooking smoke may keep the flies down, but it harms the eyes and lungs of those exposed to it, namely women and children. the black smoke also ushers climate change. the aim is to bring clean- burning stoves to 100 million homes by 2020. the cleanest of all the stoves are those like this in a project i highlighted in india a few years ago. this uses the same principle that a young boy uses to burn all zero in a piece of paper with the magnifying glass. how hot is it? well, the answer is in the newspaper. that is how hot. it will take time for cookers to reach the millions of homes where they are needed. funds are tight. bbc news. >> more of the main news for you. 18 children, two teachers still missing in pakastani kazmir where a school bus crash. officials say it is unlikely any survive. the bodies of 15 children have been recovered. the school bus plunged 300 meters from the road into a river, 16 kilometers from the regional capital. more than 100 have been hurt, 22 critically, when a spectator stands collapsed at a car race in brazil. you saw it there. the pact stand gave way. 500 people are thought to have been sitting on its. united nations has sent emergency teams to northern nigeria it's you investigate the lead poisoning that has killed -- to investigate the lead poisoning that has killed 200 children this year. it will be investigating villages where gold is mined by hand. another tragedy with the looting the loss ofseums, artifacts from thousands of years of history. now pieces have been returned to iraq's national museum. gabriel gatehouse reports. >> it is only slightly bigger than of run man's hand. but it is 5000 years old, and this statute from the sumerian period has come home. it is only one of the objects spanning from the early mesopotamia and civilization to the early islamic. the work done that -- the early islamic period son back. and then they vanished. for years, they were in these cardboard boxes. ed they described what was inside -- metal, daggers. but the prime minister's office had no idea, and they have been languishing around a store room for kitchenware. the boxes were discovered sunday, and prompted -- and promptly moved to the iraqi national museum. >> it is from the beginning of the islamic era. some are babylonian. >> many of the artifacts had been smuggled out of the country by a legal excavators to come to this day, continued to scour iraq's archaeological sites. others were looted following the invasion in 2003 when security collapsed. the museum has never recovered. no one knows when it will reopen to the public. though the artifacts may be found again, no one knows how much longer they will be hidden from view. gabriel gatehouse, bbc news. >> the real live james bonds have been shedding light on their activity. mi6 has taken the unusual step of opening of its past. >> fasted torpedo boats used by mi6 soon after it was created in 1909. secret agents would be hidden inside the torpedo bays and smuggled behind enemy lines. today, mi6 has opened up its archives to tell the story of its early years. for the historian invited inside, it was an exciting opportunity. >> i was like a child in a sweet shop. these are like papers you see in the national archives. but what they do is they tell the secret story of this most secret of the british organizations. >> from the mid-1920's, this building was the headquarters of the british secret service. its very existence was denied by government, and it was here that the secrets were kept in the daring operations plans. like this woman, code-named ecclesiastic. she was used to pass information to her lover in german intelligence. >> she was able to provide to him what he thought was genuine information. but of secret letters. things pulled out of the wastepaper been. >> there were also individual as -- acts of bravery. like this man. the story stops abruptly in 1949, just as the cold war is beginning some secrets, it seems, will remain hidden. >> you'll find more on that and all the international news online anytime. we are on twitter and facebook, too. thank you for watching. >> funding was made possible by -- the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, newman's own foundation, the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation, and union bank. >> somewhere in america, there's a doctor who can peer into the future. there's a nurse who can access in an instant every patient's past. and because the whole hospital is working together, there's a family who can breathe easy right now. somewhere in america we've already answered some of the nation's toughest health-care questions. and the over 60,000 people of siemens are ready to do it again. siemens. answers. >> union bank has put its financial strength to work for a wide range of companies, from small businesses to major corporations. what can we do for you? >> i'm julia stiles. >> i'm kevin bacon. >> i'm kim cattrall. >> hi, i'm ken burns. >> i'm lili taylor. >> i'm henry louis gates, jr., and public broadcasting is my source for news about the world. >> for intelligent conversation. >> for election coverage you can count on. >> for conversations beyond the sound bites. >> a commitment to journalism. >> for deciding who to vote for. >> i'm kerry washington, and public broadcasting is my source for intelligent connections to my community. >> "bbc world news" was presented by kcet, los angeles. >> susie: with the economy plodding along, the fed holds rates steady, but says it's


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