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Transcripts For DW Close Up - In The Eye Of The Storm - Christians In Egypt 20171227

you decide what's on. sunday d.w. story. the images of a family peacefully going to a church service but not in twenty seventeen. this year has been the most violent for christians in egypt in a long time. a series of extremist islamist attacks have killed eighty one copts. more heart fuzzy's children are unaware of the extent of the terror he's hoping it stays that way. but. the danger is ever present soldiers and police guard the gates of large churches in monasteries like this one in so hard in southern egypt. radical muslims are using social media to persecute christians and incite hatred against them. the posts say the cops are foreigners infidels and western agents. ignores the vitriol and shields his family from it so they're not going to stop them from the high gotta have the most. of the we don't pay attention to it we're not afraid of their speeches. we don't listen to them. we've got our views and we're on the. young egypt is a country of different religions and thank god we coexist well. you know there are extremists that's nothing no. but you how you see them. almost almost for grown from this heinous their hate speech isn't just aimed at christians offical for the they just want to exercise control that's off. so they don't really have the christians in their sights and some of the. radicals have been increasingly hostile toward christians since the wave of islam as ation began in the one nine hundred eighty s. . for more than three decades islamists have been hounding christians by denying them their rights to equality or even to exist. is a deacon the rituals of the coptic church are inch and they date back to the time before islam. but some islamists ignore the history of these people. they claim for example that the french and british colonial powers imposed christianity on the arab world in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in order to oppress muslims. that's downright wrong. the fact is that the cuts were there already. protected area and. the shadow the christianity came into being after the resurrection of our lord jesus christ so after he ascended into heaven and a faith has been passed on from generation to generation and since the first century after christ until today according to the current pope college ross the second is the one hundred nineteen pope since the founder of the coptic church sent mark it was one of jesus's design tools and said. it wasn't until six centuries later that islam conquered egypt and then began to push back christianity. the color of the brick walls of the red monastery is also the origin of its name it's located near so hard. the copts support a strong national state because there have been waves of violent persecution in the past above all in rural areas with low levels of education. the extremists want to take copts lives and their wealth it was particularly bad when the muslim brotherhood was power in. and after the brotherhood was ousted. and here i am a shop he will deliver. a one hundred dollars you have when the people rose up against the muslim brotherhood they burned more than sixty seven churches. for what they are there many robberies took place at that time and they were widespread. these people wanted to create major chaos in the country. they wanted complete confusion. that's why they were stealing to go they still tractors and motorbikes. but things like sugar or a wood and other things too. we had wood stolen as well. for nothing and there is such a. there were many extremists back then at the time of the muslim brotherhood. was in the is mostly after president morsi was asked or we got our rights back enough to know how to guide the army intervened and secured the streets. i get that now it was on the same about them of the doctor and now there aren't any problems at all. because now we can safely transport our goods to went from cairo. nothing. members almost soon go almost. around two hundred thousand people live in so hard. compared to cairo the nile and the environment here are relatively clean and intact. i. know that there's a party of no hobbs today they're celebrating a graduation. mohammad's nice sylvia has finished school with top marks. she got almost perfect grades. on the forehand i'm very happy i studied hard so i got very good grades i want to become a doctor now everyone can celebrate with me because they also suffered through the hard work with me and i suffered at home and i think the. education is the key to success for egypt's coptic minority cops have better than average education and they're successful professionally and therefore earn incomes that are above average. that triggers envy and ill will. mother knows all about that. before she retired she worked for the government telephone company. my listen when i started working three or four years later i was the first one to get a salary bonus even if it was only a pound and a half and i was also the youngest person in the country that got a bonus like that. my muslim colleagues were a bit put out real given me but that wasn't under my control. it came from god. and the. being better and trying harder are typical reflexive ways minorities cope with discrimination. right. mo have sister openly explains the strategy. yet i haven't had been we have more love for life and we love our work selena we don't have to be better than everyone else who we simply except we have to do whatever it takes to do with the head yet. this is a private function that's why only christians are here there are hardly any interfaith families. copts may marry only eastern orthodox christians. but that doesn't mean that the cops don't have any muslim friends. my heart is meeting ahmed on the corniche a prominent on the nile which attracts people when the weather is just right. mohammed's friend ahmed is a muslim. sees the cops as part of egyptian culture and part of the country. maid is shocked that the religious fanaticism of the group called islamic state is also raging in egypt and it rejects christians right to exist. amid says that's not islamic religious faith is a highly regarded value. that's why he respects the beliefs of his christian friend . look. at them the thing is with them that removing them would involve you're my friend and i don't care what your religion is you believe in god and the rest is none of my business which is friends like brothers enough said. if you are a christian then i'll encourage you to go to church joining card me to go to the mosque to get both of them on the model and know if christians are being harmed here and if something happens to them elsewhere they still have their friends and neighbors from the high river it was almost as if the don't want you to worry about me. like i'm going to have a. long habs family sells wooden lumber the main lumber yard is about ten kilometers from so hot. you have spreader has just gone to china to set up new sources of supply. the fuzzy family wants to expand their business. in so hog and in cairo and alexandria as well the family sells wood at small subsidiary shops business is good. egypt's economy grew by four point three percent last year and will have a good trade grew with it. he might even employ some new workers soon. all that matters to him is that the workers are qualified you know much. of course we have muslim employees to one of them has been working for us for twenty five years another fifteen and there's another one who's been with us for more than five years . it's a mix of christians and muslims that have been working together for many years. you . know halves family also supplies the red monastery with wood. which i could only wish. for your father and tony is a prior of the red monastery. father karol us runs the carpentry shop where benches chairs tables shelves windowsills sofas and much more are made. the monastery has a well established commercial business. so even though most of these monks rarely leave the compound they are still oriented toward the outside world. but in this one of the customers come from all over the area to foster care or loss from as yet for example and this is how many local people come to buy a whole bedroom sent off on a chip for the bride of christ and schiller went to visit a kids is a bad one to see who are comes to missouri engineers and the government to work they buy for most of the. that is untrue we saw furniture for wedding dowries as well to muslims and christians on. this than was i heard you don't want to share. information. the monks want to see if the furniture is comfortable. the a poster is a muslim. even a christian institution like the red monastery sees to it that it employs muslims. and a minority demanding acceptance should not practice discrimination themselves. i don't know if we're all treated the same here we're like brothers there's no marginalization in the whole. you know although it seems to contradict their withdrawn and traditional lifestyle the monks of the red monastery are in step with the times. they're even raising ostriches which is a bit of a new trend in egypt. ostrich meat is in demand here because it's low in cholesterol. i don't know. whether you are. on the. record i think. the red monastery is relatively large it's a mid-sized business with olive groves vegetable gardens livestock and a joinery. but above all the red monastery is one of the most important religious centers in southern egypt. behind this store is a genuine treasure. it's the part of a church that dates back to the sixth century and one of the oldest remnants of cup to culture. it's also a masterwork of byzantine architecture. that the lithium because. i love this child very much i can celebrate the most wonderful masses in this church or goodrem of will always when i look up to the icons i'm really in or. for example what i really like is the image of the messiah but it's about him he's raised his arms to grant blessings. give me a good bye like the picture of the gazelles to a longing for water and it reminds me of a longing for god. give me good though then there's this image of mary that placid virgin especially how she holds the baby at her breast. you know. another one i like is this icon of the holy trinity where the trinity is in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit but ultimately there's only one god but not we believe in only one god god is wild. who are look well and finally you know i like john the baptist on the show with wings and he would be nice if people had wings to them but again. thank you erica thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you ok are you actually are you experiencing you yeah we are you anyway oh you. more herb is a bit subdued he doesn't want to be filmed at home at all his muslim neighbors pressured him not to do it they say they're afraid that as a christian he'll present a negative picture of egypt on german television he didn't do that quite the opposite that's why he brought his family album to the café. he wants to show us that he and his family are doing very well in egypt. and she wished we all lived together in loving harmony material wealth is not why we get along no our money is not everything mother and father taught us that money isn't everything and. more hugs family is spread out over a large area. mario mo have his wife's younger brother lives five hundred kilometers to the north in cairo. he's studying art at the university here. he was here when an islamist terrorist attack the center of the coptic church the seat of its papacy . mario can see through the radical strategy. like so many others regardless of their age he's not falling into their trap. or people but there are people who spread rumors to divide us but they won't succeed with the egyptians we're gyptian are one people like almost a lot of what. we are one people is a leading tenet of the coptic orthodox church. but not only the cops and here to that most muslim egyptians believe the same thing. that's why they view the attack in december two thousand and sixteen which was apparently aimed at the coptic pope as an act of terror against all egyptians. in that incident a suicide bomber forced his way into st peter's church and killed twenty eight people. there horrible pictures that really have sent me terrible images. that are not because the victims were christians no it's just because it's typical to their of the with solving. the bomb had been coated with small bits of metal. or the. traces left by the deadly shrapnel can be seen in the columns of the church they remain as a grim reminder. the terrorist detonated the bomb on the right side of the church where the women sit. now who lost both her daughters in the attack. friends and family know visit the childless couple regularly to celebrate friendship and the good times they had with their daughters. the living room resembles a memorial shrine more than a place to sit and chat. february and marina were eighteen and twenty one when they were killed in the attack on december eleventh two thousand and sixteen. when a thought in the eyes and getting what had a call with was saying i want to get there as fast as i could to see the girls if they were still alive. i went into st peter's church it was a terrible sight it was the whole church was full of rubble diskette all the pews were smashed there was blood everywhere everywhere and from about as if i were in a butcher's yard. hearts of bodies everywhere for the six days with me i couldn't find the movie but i think they told me to go to the hospitals as the british. so i went to look for my daughters as doris sheaffer hospital and i couldn't find them for i was about to give up hope of ever finding them and had to get torn to pieces here and that was that why i couldn't find them . it had finally someone told me to go to this room. they look at sea and one more issue for there were refrigerators and i had never seen anything like it forthwith draw ours was from the library i told the man to open the bottom one that you've got so he did. he uncovered her face it was her. little for a brownie and then i said open the upper drawer so they did and i found her older sister then i found it. i mean. they hadn't done anything to him i'm sure they didn't harm him. what should i say. it's a path full of pain and sorrow a road of thorns. had life without our daughters has no heat no point. a memorial plaque in the church courtyard various pictures of the attack victims. back in so hug mohammed got something to celebrate his muslim friend mahmoud is getting married. christians are of course invited to attend just as they are to many other muslim weddings in egypt. the proud bridegroom greets each guest personally and with several hundred guests the welcome could take some time. a few particularly close friends are invited to join him for a snapshot. i . i. i i i. i more hope says that parties like this one are the best evidence that egyptians won't let the islamists divide them and they haven't stripped the country of its lust for life either. the joy in partying dancing and laughing are typically egyptian. something else the self-proclaimed guardians of virtue abhor. the islamists influence has fallen sharply the government has come down hard on the radicals. that's been welcomed by christians like. it's why the copts see the government as an important ally. this is good it's good that women haven't first and foremost security is what is important to egypt and security is the most important thing i guess so well thank god we are safe again since the army and police have taken control of them and gone has protected the country from the unrest after the revolution. there's another important reason more have doesn't back down in the face of pressure from the islamists who would prefer to see all christians leave egypt. let me save us you can't leave so hard so hard with it's friendly and good people. even if i went all over the world i would always return to egypt. so our people are friendly and good they don't distinguish between muslims and christians. unlike in iraq or syria people in the country on the nile refuse to allow themselves to be split along religious lines the radicals strategy is failing. the fast pace of life in the digital shift has the lowdown on the web showing new developments and providing useful information the wittiest finds and interviews with makers and users. should flow next on d w. crime fighters the new season of radio crime thrillers begins. in. motion domestic violence cyber crime and human trafficking for investigative cases that will keep you on your toes the first crime fighters stories of the best idea ever so every young person needs to listen to crime fighter and share tell a friend tell a friend to a fake crime fighters don't miss it. for . sure living in the digital age coming up living life for followers.


Transcripts For DW Close Up - In The Eye Of The Storm - Christians In Egypt 20171226

g.w. . the images of a family peacefully going to a church service but not in twenty seventeen this year has been the most violent for christians in egypt in a long time. a series of extremist islamist attacks have killed eighty one copts. mohan fuzzy's children are unaware of the extent of the terror he's hoping it stays that way. but. the danger is ever present soldiers and police guard the gates of large churches in monasteries like this one in so hard in southern egypt. radical muslims are using social media to persecute christians and incite hatred against them. the posts say the cops are foreigners infidels and western agents. ignores the vitriol and shields his family from it so they're not going to stop them from the high gosh i had the most. of the whole of being we don't pay attention to it we're not afraid of their speeches in phenomena how we don't listen to them. for one we've got our views and we on the. egypt is a country of different religions and thank god we coexist well you know they said that you know there are extremists that's nothing no. you how you view them i want to show my wish for going from this heinous their hate speech isn't just aimed at christians offical for the they just want to exercise control that's often. so they don't really have the christians in their sights some of the. radicals have been increasingly hostile toward christians since the wave of islam is ation began in the one nine hundred eighty s. . for more than three decades islamists have been hounding christians by denying them their rights to equality or even to exist. is a deacon the rituals of the coptic church are inch and they date back to the time before islam. but some islamists ignore the history of these people. they claim for example that the french and british colonial powers imposed christianity on the arab world in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in order to oppress muslims. that's downright wrong. the fact is that the cops were there already. i. was a barrel rid of iraq before the shadow the christianity came into being after the resurrection of our lord jesus christ so after he ascended into heaven and a faith has been passed on from generation to generation and since the first century after christ until today according to the current pope tallent ross the second is the one hundred nineteen pope since the founder of the coptic church st mark who is one of jesus's disciples said to. him and it wasn't until six centuries later that islam conquered egypt and then began to push back christianity. the color of the brick walls of the red monastery is also the origin of its name it's located near so hug. the copts support a strong national state because there have been waves of violent persecution in the past above all in rural areas with low levels of education. the extremists want to take cops lives and their wealth it was particularly bad when the muslim brotherhood was in. and after the brotherhood was ousted. i live here in the shop he will deliver. a one hundred dollars you have when the people rose up against the muslim brotherhood they burned more than sixty seven churches. for what they though many robberies took place at that time and they were widespread. these people wanted to create major chaos in the country. they wanted complete confusion . that's why they were stealing to. tractors and motorbikes. with things like sugar or a wood and other things too. we had wood stolen as well as i know for nothing and there is such a baton and. there were many extremists back then at the time of the muslim brotherhood. was in the is mostly after president morsi was asked are we on our rights back that nothing or no god how good guide to the army intervened in securing the streets did i get that you know because i was i on the same objective about them and the doctor there aren't any problems at all. because now we can safely transport our goods to and from cairo. nothing. around two hundred thousand people live in. compared to cairo the nile and the environment here are relatively clean and intact. so. i. was. like oh there's a party of no hobbs today they're celebrating a graduation. mohammad's nice sylvia has finished school with top marks. she got almost perfect grades. on the forehand i'm very happy i studied hard so i got very good grades i want to become a doctor now everyone can celebrate with me because they also suffered through the hard work with me and i suffered at home and they think. all this. education is the key to success for egypt's coptic minority copts have better than average education and they're successful professionally and therefore earn incomes that are above average. that triggers envy and ill will. more mother knows all about that. before she retired she worked for the government telephone company. when i started working three or four years later i was the first one to get a salary bonus even if it was only a pound and a half and i was also the youngest person in the country that got a bonus like that and what he did lydia my muslim colleagues were a bit put out real given me but that wasn't under my control. it came from god would it. be the was. the man that i'm. being better and trying harder are typical reflexive ways minorities cope with discrimination. that. mo have sister openly explains the strategy. yet i haven't had been we have more love for life and we love our work so in that we don't have to be better than everyone else who we simply accept we have to do whatever it takes a little bit ahead yet. this is a private function that's why only christians are here there are hardly any interfaith families. copts may marry only eastern orthodox christians. but that doesn't mean that the cops don't have any muslim friends. my heart is meeting ahmed on the corniche a prominent on the nile which attracts people when the weather is just right. or have this friend ahmed is a muslim. sees the cops as part of egyptian culture and part of the country. i. made is shocked that the religious fanaticism of the group called islamic state is also raging in egypt and it rejects christians right to exist. says that's not islamic religious faith is a highly regarded value. look at that that's why he respects the beliefs of his christian friend. and i think. living as we go in the ring has been the mission would involve but you're my friend and i don't care what your religion is you believe in god and the rest is none of my business which is friends like brothers enough said. if you are a christian then i'll encourage you to go to church and joining current me to go to the mosque to get both of them on the model. if christians are being harmed here and if something happens to them elsewhere they still have their friends and neighbors them alive if it was so much as it is out i don't want you to worry about me. going to the. law has family cells wooden lumber the main lumber yard is about ten kilometers from so hog. know how to spread it has just gone to china to set up new sources of supply. the fozzy family wants to expand their business. in so hog and in cairo and alexandria as well the family sells wood at small subsidiary shops business is good. egypt's economy grew by four point three percent last year and we'll have a good trade grew with it. he might even employ some new workers soon. all that matters to him is that the workers are qualified for the only in the hole and of course we have muslim employees two of one of them has been working for us for twenty five years another fifteen and there's another one who's been with us for more than five years if. it's a mix of christians and muslims that have been working together for many years always you. know helps family also supplies the red monastery with would. have wondered. what i could only wish. for your father and tony is a prior of the red monastery. father karol us runs the carpentry shop where benches chairs tables shelves windowsills sofas and much more are made. the monastery has a well established commercial business. so even though most of these monks rarely leave the compound they are still oriented toward the outside world. when there will be good when the cost must come from all over the area to fatah care or loss from as you had for example for the how many local people come to buy a whole bedroom set off furniture for the bride to run us to visit very good is a bad one to see our cost him or is our engineers and the government to work they buy from us. that is untrue we saw furniture for a wedding dowries as well to muslims and christians a lark. this is not how you heard. the monks want to see if the furniture is comfortable. the a poster is a muslim. even a christian institution like the red monastery sees to it that it employs muslims. any minority demanding acceptance should not practice discrimination themselves. on the way we're all treated the same here we're like brothers there's no marginalization of the whole. people. although it seems to contradict their withdrawn and traditional lifestyle the monks at the red monastery are in step with the times. they're even raising ostriches which is a bit of a new trend in egypt. ostrich meat is in demand here because it's low in cholesterol. i don't know. what you are. on the. record i think. the red monastery is relatively large it's a mid sized business with olive groves vegetable gardens livestock and a joinery. but above all the red monastery is one of the most important religious centers in southern egypt. behind this store is a genuine treasure. it's the part of a church that dates back to the sixth century and one of the oldest remnants of coptic culture. it's also a masterwork of byzantine architecture. he said than with you because. i love this child very much i can celebrate the most wonderful masses in this church or goodrem of will always when i look up to the icons i'm really and all. i've given for example what i really like is the image of the messiah and for anything about him he's raised his arms to grant blessings. give me a good i like the picture of because owls to a longing for water and it reminds me of a longing for god. give me good though then there's this image of mary that blasted virgin especially how she holds the baby at her breast. well you know we've. got another one i like is this icon of the holy trinity. the trinity is in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit but ultimately there's only one god. we believe in only one god god is wild. or look what and finally i like john the baptist with wings and it would be nice if people had wings to them again hi. good to be. very. very. very. very. few. ok. thank you thank. you thank. you thank. you. very. much you. know. i mean i. know. i will have is a bit subdued he doesn't want to be filmed at home at all his muslim neighbors pressured him not to do it they say they are afraid that as a christian he'll present a negative picture of egypt on german television he didn't do that quite the opposite that's why he brought his family album to the cafe. he wants to show us that he and his family are doing very well in egypt i know how she behaved but on the mission we all live together in loving harmony. material wealth is not why we get along no our money is not everything mother and father taught us not money isn't everything. more hubs family is spread out over a large area. that. was. mario mohammed's wife's younger brother lives five hundred kilometers to the north in cairo. he's studying art at the university here. he was here when an islamist terrorist attack the center of the coptic church the seat of its papacy . mario can see through the radical strategy. like so many others regardless of their age he's not falling into their trap. or feel. that there are people who spread rumors to divide us but they won't succeed with the egyptians we are gyptian is our one people had almost double what. we are one people is a leading tenet of the coptic orthodox church. but not only the cops adhered to that most muslim egyptians believe the same thing. that's why they view the attack in december two thousand and sixteen which was apparently aimed at the coptic pope as an act of terror against all egyptians. in that incident a suicide bomber forced his way into st peter's church and killed twenty eight people. so they're horrible pictures that really upset me terrible images. that are not because the victims are christians no it's just because it's difficult to bear with solving it. the bomb had been coated with small bits of metal. or the. traces left by the deadly shrapnel can be seen in the columns of the church they remain as a grim reminder. the terrorist detonated the bomb on the right side of the church where the women sit. now who lost both her daughters in the attack friends and family know visit the childless couple regularly to celebrate friendship and the good times they had with their daughters. the living room resembles a memorial shrine more than a place to sit and chat. brawny and marina were eighteen and twenty one when they were killed in the attack on december eleventh two thousand and sixteen. when a tall i lay in hines and getting what had a clue what to say i wanted to get there as fast as i could to see the girls if they were still alive. i went into st peter's church it was a terrible sight to see the whole church was full of rubble diskette i saw the pews were smashed there was blood everywhere everywhere and from about as if i were in a butcher's yard when the hearts of bodies everywhere. i couldn't find the movie but they told me to go to the hospitals they were there. so i went to look for my daughter's she for hospital and i couldn't find them i was about to give up hope of ever finding them twenty pieces here and i thought was that why i couldn't find them. it had the kid and finally someone told me to go to this room. to look at. there were refrigerators and i had never seen anything like it. for withdrawal. i told the man to open the bottom one met the evil fat so he did. fell and he uncovered her face it was her fabulous i've got to give them i said open the upper drawer so they did and i found her older sister then i fainted. i mean. they haven't done anything to him i'm sure they didn't harm him. what should i say. it's a path full of pain and sorrow a road of thorns. i have no life without our daughters has no heat no point. a memorial plaque in the church courtyard bears pictures of the attack victims. i i i. i back in so hug mohammad got something to celebrate his muslim friend mahmoud is getting married. christians are of course invited to attend just as they are to many other muslim weddings in egypt. i. the proud bridegroom greet each guest personally and with several hundred guests the welcome could take some time. i few particularly close friends are invited to join him for a snapshot. i. i i. i i. i i i i i i i more hope says that parties like this one are the best evidence that egyptians won't let the islamists divide them and they haven't stripped the country of its lust for life either. the joy in partying dancing and laughing are typically egyptian. something else the self-proclaimed guardians of virtue abhor. i. the islamists influence has fallen sharply the government has come down hard on the radicals. that's been welcomed by christians like. it's why the copts see the government as an important ally. because he's good it's good that women haven't first and foremost security is what is important to egypt one hundred security is the most important thing i guess would so well thank god we're safe again since the army and police have taken control of the vendor and has protected the country from the unrest after the revolution i'm a little bit of that although. there's another important reason more have doesn't back down in the face of pressure from the islamists who would prefer to see all christians leave egypt. so let me save us you can't leave so hard so hard with its friendly and good people. even if i went all over the world i would always return return to egypt leave egypt that just won't happen so our people are friendly and good they don't distinguish between muslims and christians almost. unlike in iraq or syria the great majority of people in the country on the nile refuse to allow themselves to be split along religious lines the radicals strategy is failing in egypt. the fast pace of life in the digital. shift has the lowdown on the web showing new developments and providing useful information the wittiest finds and interviews with makers and users. should next detail. images from an isolated country. images from north korea or any telling photographer captured fascinating shots every day life in a regimented society. an exclusive peek behind one of the last iron curtain is. a north korean dial starting december twenty eighth t w. shift living in the digital age coming up and living life for followers. google's app of the year. and digital in.


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