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Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20140729 10:00:00

mcdonnell and his wife. the jury is made up of four women and eight men. the senate is expected to vote on the nomination of robert mcdonald to be the next secretary of on the next secret veteran affairs. to fix the troubled agency. later, the rnc will hold their fire harry reid rally on capitol hill and aimed at getting voters to elect republicans to the senate in the upcoming mid terms. that is going to do it. a tuesday edition of "way too early." "morning joe" starts right now. ♪ >> flares have turned night into borrowed daylight in the skies over the gaza strip. >> today was supposed to be a cease-fire it didn't work. >> intense fighting prevented investigators reaching the crash site of mh-17 for the second day running. >> much more substantial sanctions will come into place across broad sectors of the russian economy. >> two americans are fighting a for their lives. >> the spread of a dangerous illness like ebola is no longer somebody else's progress. >> now three-month examination by "the new york times" clams that governor cuomo's office deeply compromised the panel's work. >> if you had watched the movie to the end, the name of the movie would have been "independence." you named it "interference." >> donald sterling lost again today. >> go clippers! >> a victorious shelly sterling emerged from the courtroom and she can now move ahead with her plans to sell the los angeles clippers. >> stephen a. smith addressing the fire storm he triggered with his choice of words. >> to say what i said was accomplish is an understatement. >> you hit somebody, they hit you back. don't be surprised! >> oh, we will get to that. that is a big debate here. good morning, everyone. it's tuesday, july 29th. welcome to "morning joe." with us on set senior political editor and white house correspondent for the huffington post is sam stein, sitting next to willie. hi, willie. managing editor for the news website bobby ghosh and pulitzer prize winning editor and with the "the washington post," eugene robinson. you know what i'm talking about whoopi goldberg and stephen a. smith controversy. they were fighting about this yesterday because of comments made. have you been following that? >> i heard about it. i didn't get to see it but i look forward to it. >> we will lay it all out but it's definitely one of the old debates renewed in a very different way. we begin this morning in the middle east where the crisis between israeli and hamas is now in its fourth week and the hopes for a resolution appear to be dwindling. last night air strikes lit up the sky in the center of gaza city as israeli hit key hamas locations. the targets including a tv station and the home of one of the group's top leaders. the strikes came as israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu delivered a national tv address. he warned of an extended conflict and said, quote, there is no war more just than this. israeli and hamas are trading blame for an attack that left nine palestinian children dead and dozens injured. palestinian officials say israeli air strikes hit a park as children were playing on swings. israeli, however, says militants in gaza fired the rockets which failed to reach the intended targets and that brings the death toll to more than 1,100 palestinians, according to officials there. 53 israeli soldiers have been killed, including four yesterday, as well as three civilians in israeli. joining us no from you gaza nbc news foreign correspondent ayman mohyeldin. >> reporter: last night was a marked difference in terms of where we are here in gaza city. it's a scene we have seen throughout other parts of gaza but yesterday the fighting arrived in gaza city and 35,000 people live here. late flares were dropped early in the evening 3:00 p.m. local time and paved the way for a series of intense shelling that targeted, among other things, the gaza port, the house of hamas leader here in gaza, and others. there are also this morning, disturbing news about the humanitarian situation here according to the spokesperson who is in charge of the gaza electrical power tank, two fuel tanks belonging to that tank were hit and caught on fire and still burning well into the hours of this afternoon. as a result of that now, they say the representatives at the power plant a humanitarian disaster is going to unfold here. 1.8 million who depend on all types of electricity for water, sanitation, and other subinfrastructure needs are now wa without power and no place to store the fuel burning for the last couple of hours. a sense to what the palestinians are waking up to this morning. the death toll continues to find. along the front lines, there is still fighting taking place. hamas militants were able to, yesterday, fire at israeli soldiers and infiltrate across the border into israeli with some of these tunnels, so it shows you that the situation here is still very tense to say the least. mika? >> ayman, it's willie. good to see you this morning. is there any changing pressure over the last four weeks inside among palestinians about what they should be doing here in terms of stepping back? as these civilian casualties mount, as they see women and children being carried into hospital and many of them dead and some of them wounded. have they thought twice now and said maybe we should step back from this or are they only emboldened by the ongoing attacks from israeli? >> reporter: here it's important to make the distinction between hamas and palestinian factions and ordinary palestinian people who are bearing the brunt of this. when you speak to ordinary palestinians they feel they are reaching a point of desperation. they feel the situation is very much out of their hands. the political factions and the military wings of these political factions still remain very defiant and emboldened and they say their backs up against the war and they have nothing to lose and living a life under siege the past seven years and for them this is now about fighting until the end and that end is a struggle for them and they want to continue the struggle to get the international community for once and for all live the siege and that is how they are portraying it and how a lot of the palestinian factions and representatives we are speaking to are saying that is what this struggle is about. >> ayman, thank you. on capitol hill, kirsten gillibrand and ted cruz came together and announced a resolution criticizing using civilians. the israeli press is pushing a cease-fire that the reports claim would be more beneficial to hamas. secretary kerry is standing by his actions. >> make no mistake, when the people of israeli are rushing to bomb shelters, when innocent israeli and palestinian teenagers are abducted and murdered, when hundreds of innocent civilians have lost their lives, i will, and we will make no apologies for our actions. in a column that you entitled kerry's gaza blunder. in part you write this. secretary of state john kerry has made a significant mistake how he is pursuing a gaza cease-fire and not surprising he has upset both the israelis and some moderate palestinians. kerry's error has been to put so much emphasis on achieving a quick halt to the bloodshed that he has solidified the role of hamas, the unpopular islamist group that leads gaza, along with the two hard line nations that and in the process he has undercut not only the israelis but the egyptians and the fatah movement that runs the palestinian authority all of which want to see an end to hamas rule in gaza. david ignatius, i see what you're saying and i'm wondering how it's possible to blunder something that has been devolving for decades. >> the gaza mess is not john kerry's fault but it's a tragedy that has been going on as you say for so many years. i think the mistake kerry made in seeking a cease-fire quickly in this intractable conflict without thinking about a pathway for the future so that the situation in gaza wouldn't simply revert to the status quo which we see means another war and another round of misery two years, three years ahead. kerry's first effort was with egypt when he got to the middle east, he tried to use egyptian mediation to broker a cease-fire and that didn't work. so he then turned away from the egyptians who were right next to gaza who are angry at hamas, almost as angry as israeli itself is, and turn to the hamas friends in turkey and in qatar and try to use them as the mediamea meadmea mediators for the cease-fire. he then upset palestinians and moderate palestinians and others in the region who thought he was enfranchising the region who were obstacles to peace. if one thing i hope secretary kerry can do is get back on the track of finding a more stable and permanent transition to a future where hamas is not the only dominant force in gaza. >> we are bringing this back to you. but, bobby, jump in and take it to david. when you listen to leaders on all sides of this conflict, it doesn't sound like there is a lot of room for negotiation. first of all, i'm not sure what you would hold off any call for a cease-fire for because they are not stopping and they are not pulling back. rhetoric especially on the side, i'm sorry, of benjamin netanyahu seems to get tougher and tougher every day. having said that, what do you think is possible at this point? >> nothing until the shooting stops. until the shooting stops, nothing is possible. i think that explains kerry's sort of sense of urgency. it's not like this was his first attempt as david pointed out. he did try to work through the egyptians. that did not work. the egyptians no longer under general, no longer have the flun influence in gaza they used to. the position is now so small it might as well not exist. so it's unlikely that you're going to get a immediate if egypt is a mediator. i can see the sense in trying to work through them. obviously, there was something inarticulate in the way kerry presented his proposal, but the response from egypt has been beyond caustic and so counterproductive. this is a guy trying to solve a problem. there is a global uproar. president obama called netanyahu two days ago and called for immediate cease-fire, basically, the same thing kerry is saying. stop the shooting now. instead the israeli officials speaking many of them speaking off the record or speaking without attribution are mounting pile on top of john kerry who wants to just be ahead. >> it's difficult for americans to accept something is beyond their reach, betweut isn't it possible this is a conflict, america despite its great power cannot exert its influence without two parties who want to come to the table and speak to each other? >> if history proves this is not a conflict that american can just solve. my view is -- and this is a view that has evolved over the years -- it's just better to be involved than not involved. just saying you guys are crazy, call us when you're ready to talk seriously, both of you. you know, that's a tempting position but, in fact, that doesn't work. that tends to make things worse. i think we need to be involved. my question for david ignatius, turkey is a nato member, a major country. so why not work through turkey to try to resolve this, especially given, as bobby pointed out, the lack of influence that egypt has right now? of course, it used to under the muslim brotherhood but it certainly doesn't now. so why not go to a government like that of turkey to try to work something out with hamas? >> well, it's a reasonable question. obviously, one that secretary kerry thought. if turkey could create working with the u.s., a stable situation in gaza, if turkey could deliver negotiators among the gazan within hamas or any other faction that could negotiate the kind of cease-fire and longer term arrangements for gaza that would lead to stability, i would have no quarrel with it but there is no evidence that is possible. what is unfortunate here is that in april, secretary kerry recognized that in the agreement between fatah, the more moderate palestinian faction, and hamas, for fatah and the palestinian authority to take control in gaza, which they agreed to do, was the opportunity to negotiate something longer lasting. i think my biggest regret, gene, is secretary kerry turned away from that sensible longer term program that would actually get at what is wrong and went for the very short term 24-hour cease-fire which, as we have seen, is falling apart because there isn't a structure yet that can create stability. >> okay. we are going to get to the other crisis, foreign policy crisis, the downing of malaysia airlines flight 17 and russia now pushing back against sanctions and saying it will only embolden in a moment. i want to get to domestic politic as well. a follow-up to a story we talked about yesterday. new york governor andrew cuomo is pushing back hard against allegations his office interfered with a political ethics commission one he put in place and stems from a front page article last week in "the new york times" which alleges cuomo's office squashed certain subpoenas that would have looked into the governor's own dealings. the governor emphatically denies this and saying no proof. one to a media firm connected to new york's democratic party. now one of the firm's three co-chairs at the center of the "times" story fitzpatrick is claiming that the panel was, indeed independent. he says, quote, the bottom line is that nobody interfered with me or my co-chairs. governor cuomo quick to praise the press conference yesterday in a news conference in buffalo. >> when you look at the facts, this moreland commission performed exactly the function they were supposed to perform. we passed a law that happen brought historic reform to the state. it was an overwhelming success and the commissioners have not gotten the credit that they deserve. independent. they were talking to people from the second floor. of course, they were. of course they were and they were talking to people from the senate and the assembly and the good government groups. it's not -- independence is will never talk to anyone, it's that they exercised their independent judgment. >> but despite yesterday's denials, e-mails obtained by "the times" showed, quote, mr. fitzpatrick had privatelily expressed frustration with meddling by the governor's office and cuomo needs to understand this is an independent commission and needs to be treated as such. yesterday, the governor disputed "the times" characterization of the remarks. >> read it again. >> the second floor needs to understand this is an independent commission and needs to be treated as such. >> okay. so what he is saying, at some point in time, is larry is having a conversation with him and larry is advocating a point. that is true. follow the movie to the conclusion. and what does chairman fitzpatrick say? no. resoundingly, no. what does the chairman's actions show? no. resoundingly, no! because he rejected the request! the rejection is ioion is ipso statement of independence because he said no. and he could, and he did. if you had watched the movie to the end, the name of the movie would have been "independence." you named it "inference." >> all right. so, sam, i special to governor cuomo. most of it was off the record last night about this because he saw our very heated conversation here on the show. also, we were sort of having a hard time getting through the quote, his very defensive quote about the commission that he created. but he says while "the times" is making a conclusion, that doesn't necessarily say it's true and that they have gone too far in their conclusion. while it may look like you can make a connection, you actually can't. and even the members of the panel say that the commission was independent. anybody? >> i mean, the question, i guess, is how much influence can you exert without the panel actually responding to your influence and does that matter? cuomo is saying the panel was ultimately independent because they said no to the request but the request was still made and influencing meddling in its own right. >> why can't a request be made? >> it depends how you want to -- do you want the commission to be completely independent from the other parts of the government? and i think when you establish, most people when they establish an ethics commission, yeah, you don't want anybody meddling in their influences and you want them to investigate and not have any contact with the outside world. boom. but cuomo is saying there is a gray area and that they do need to talk to other elements of government and they need to talk to other officials to do their work. i think part of the problem is cuomo has he is a secretive governor the entire time and now he is speaking out, people have a tough time sort of reconciling -- >> i will say my own personal, i would like -- i would love for him to come on. it's one thing to do a press conference really far away. i understand. we talked about the different reasons why he doesn't really want to do a lot of interviews right now. but i'm wondering if he should. you know? and it would help a lot because it seems incredibly defensive. sort of pushing back saying, don't you understand what this looks like? >> this is someone who has tried to control the narrative around him from day one. and i think doing an interview in this form sort of counterintuitive everything he has done as governor and it shows. this is someone who did interfere in the broadest sense of the world in the ethics commission and that is someone who likes to have a control of the environs around him. >> governor cuomo came into the office i'm going to clean up albany and new york and said it over and over and over again and that was the whole impetus for his campaign. now if he can clean up albany unless it pertains to him is what the problem is. gene, you read through "the new york times" piece this morning. his office says to "the times" a patient staffed by the executive cannot investigate the executive. so then "the new york times" asked governor cuomo about that apparent contradiction there. he said i never said it couldn't investigate me. see, facts matter, even for "the new york times." it appears his own office can't quite get the story straight. >> yeah. it's very confusing. and one wondering about, you know, that -- the question you were jug talking about, why is governor cuomo, why is his style so secretive and why is everything so behind closed doors? especially the workings of a commission that is supposed to clean up all of the corruption and problems in albany. you would think that at least he would be more forthcoming and sort of open about -- about how this is working, what he is trying to accomplish and how he is doing it, and i think that just generates more suspicion and makes people wonder what this is really about. >> you know, the secretiveness, i think, comes off what appears to be a reticence to be tv interviews because potentially he might not want to get involved in the presidential politics conversation. 2016 might be waiting or ready for hillary, depending on where he has been. you know what? i think he should do an interview on this. i told him that. i really do. i think that this is taking a life of its own. still ahead on "morning joe," everything you wanted to know about richard nixon, not pertaining to watergate. historian douglas brinkley is here with thousands of hours of audio from the 37th president. a decisive ruling in donald sterling's bid to block the sale of the l.a. clippers but is it finally enough to stop the defiant owner? and espn stephen a. smith and his apology for his controversial comments on domestic violence which sent the ladies of "the view" especially whoopi goldberg into a very provocative and heated discussion. first, bill karins with a check on the forecast. bill? >> mika, did you see the pictures from outside of boston yesterday? a tornado? >> oh, my gosh. yeah. >> we had a tornado in connecticut two days ago and then yesterday up there outside of boston. this is very rare. this was actually near the coast. only about 10 to 15 miles north of downtown boston. there was 120-mile-per-hour winds and ef-2 tornado went right through this highly populated industrial area and fortunately no injuries. can you imagine that? look at the huge trees that came down. a picturesque picture in los angeles. you can see a tornado twisting there but it stayed harmlessly over the open fields. yesterday in new england wind damage and a lot of cleanup and trees down. storm system that produced a tornado is gone. so the lower humidity has moved it. cooler temperatures. it's going to be an absolutely gorgeous day today and you can feel it outside. probably didn't need your air-conditioning last night. many areas top out to the low 70s to the 80s for a high. this picture just out from yosemite national park. a small fire formed last night and now, all of a sudden, it's starting to spread and look at that active fire in yosemite national park. we will watch that today. again, it's a small fire now. but potential there is to grow. of course, the california drought, everyone knows how dry it is. the low humidity is not just in the northeast. appreciate it this morning. little rock, memphis, all the way through atlanta, a gorgeous day and it's like early fall throughout much of the country and that includes new york city. what a gorgeous day! lunch outside! light jacket, maybe even for some heading out the door this morning in july! you're watching "morning joe." we will be right back. ♪ after nine days i let the horse run free because the desert had turned to sea ♪ but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. the summer of this.mmer. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. where memories will be forged into the sand. and then hung on a wall for years to come. get out there, with over 50,000 hotels at $150 dollars or less. expedia. find yours. now, that's progressive. time now to take a look at the morning papers. we will start with the l.a. times. the $2 billion sale of the los angeles clippers to former microsoft ceo steve ballmer will go through after a judge ruled against team owner donald sterling yesterday. the court sided with shelly sterling saying she had negotiated a good deal for the clippers and had the authority to take away her husband's control of the family trust. doing so after doctors determined he was mentally unfit to manage his affairs. under the ruling, donald sterling can't delay the sale from going forward as he appeals the case. >> poor donald sterling. only gets $2 billion. >> it's almost over. "the washington post" police in washington, d.c. are scrambling to deal with a new ruling that lifted the ban on carrying legally registered handguns in the nation's capital and comes after a federal judge ruled the district ban on firearms possession in public is unconstitutional. they are wanting to appeal to let new gun carry regulations. gene robinson, how is this playing in d.c.? >> not well at all. you know, i haven't seen anybody walking around, you know, strapped the last day or so. but, you know, the crazy thing is that people in the district of columbia overwhelmingly want gun control and they support gun control. they don't want people, you know, owning handguns, much less carrying them around in the street, however, congress and the courts are essentially saying, no, go ahead, shoot it out. >> let's go to the richard times dispatch. the fourth circuit appeals court struck down virginia's ban on same sexy marria-sex marriage. as other states are in the fourth circuit. it does not have a direct impact on gay marriage in other states the attorney general in north carolina says it means the ban will eventually be struck down. a new studied finds that a third of americans delinquent in debt and on the ground $5,200. that includes credit card bills and medical bills and child support. southern states have the largest number of people who are late on their bills. that includes alabama, florida, texas, and out west in nevada. "the san francisco chronicle" two men are accused of squating in a palm springs california condo they found on a website. the bothers had been living in the condo for over a month and refused to leave, despite only paying for 30 days. since the brothers had been living in the condo for more than 30 days, they are protected by california's tenant laws but that is not the only problem they are having on the web. the called air b&b squatters raised $40,000 on kick-starter for a video game that appears to have been abandoned. angry owners were redirected to another game's kick-starter play looking to raise another $25,000. >> what does that mean? >> these guys are taking advantage of every internet function out there. they are living for free and they are raising known a game that apparently doesn't exist. kind of brilliant. >> the california -- >> the tenant law? it serves a purpose but not that purpose. >> so they can't leave. >> i don't know what the hell is going on in california but that is histoysterical. >> this is a movie by the people who made "pineapple express." coming up following a headline grabbing, whoopi goldberg jumps to stephen a. smith's defense. we will also explain what this has to do with baseball. oh, my! sports is next. i think that is sports. ♪ we're changing the way we do business, with startup ny. we've created tax free zones throughout the state. and startup ny companies will be investing hundreds of millions of dollars in jobs and infrastructure. thanks to startup ny, businesses can operate tax free for 10 years. no property tax. no business tax. and no sales tax. which means more growth for your business, and more jobs. it's not just business as usual. see how new york can help your business grow, at fancy feast broths. they're irresistabowl... completely unbelievabowl... totally delectabowl. real silky smooth or creamy broths. everything she's been waiting for. carefully crafted with real seafood, real veggies, and never any by-products or fillers. wow! being a cat just got more enjoyabowl. fancy feast broths. wow served daily. when sends him a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what salesman alan ames becomes? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! a "selling machine!" ready for you alert, only at ♪ i might have to close my eyes because i think i'm going to glinflinch if i see the ball coming. does that look like a good spot? >> yeah, sure. >> ah! >> are you all right? >> oh! >> i could hear that one whipping by me. >> what an off day. >> yes! >> terrible! >> that is the best picture in baseball right there. clayton kershaw of the l.a. dodgers are jimmy kimmel playing a little game last night. the nfl thought it had moved on from ray rice domestic violence arrest when he was suspended for two games for his alleged striking of his then fiancee in a casino early this year. mitchell beedle making these comments after saying this. >> we also have to make sure that we learn as much as we can about elements of provocation. not there is real provocation but the elements of provocation. you got to make sure you address it because what we got to do is do what we can to try to prevent the situation from happening in in any way. >> so yesterday, stephen a. smith offered an apology. >> my words came across that it is somehow it is a woman's fault. this was not my intent and not what i was trying to say. yet the failure to clearly articulate something different lies squarely on my shoulders. to say what i actually said was foolish is an understatement. to say i was wrong is obvious. to apologize, to say i'm sorry doesn't do the matter its problem justice, to be quite honestly but i do sincerely apologize. >> all of this got the ladies of "the view" talking leading to this passionate exchange between whoopi goldberg and her co-host. >> i want to say for a man hitting a woman, unless his life is in jeopardy. >> i'm sorry. >> he knocked her out. he knocked her out cold. >> i'm sorry. if you hit somebody, you cannot be sure you are not going to get hit back. you have to teach women, do not live with this idea that men have the chivalry thing still with them. don't assume that that is still in place. >> right. >> so don't be surprised if you hit a man and he hits you back! you don't hit -- >> use it. >> listen. you hit somebody, they hit you back. don't be surprised. >> wow. you know, i think it could devolve no a really bad conversation that could get incredibly bad reaction because, obviously, what stephen a. smith said got an incredibly huge, terrible reaction which led to his apology, which i will just say i think it completely outweighs exactly what he said. he was trying to to have a constructive conversation but the bottom line is, unfortunately, there is an unequivocal truth. men may not hit women in any circumstance. it is hard to have an honest conversation in saying that. but i think what whoopi said had value too. i do. >> i think you just don't hit a woman, period. you stop. >> that's a given. you think stephen smith didn't know that? i just think, you know, he got -- >> his comments underscored a -- >> to be curious and have a conversation. >> but if it's a steadfast rule. >> he shouldn't have used, in my view, the word provocation was a poor choice of words. >> does anybody want to try to have this conversation? >> maybe what he was trying to say everybody stop hitting everybody else or something else. but provocation is a provocation. >> but to have this conversation beyond a man should not hit a woman is impossible to have without a backlash. >> because there is no situation in which you can say a woman has put this man in a place where he need to strike back. no such situation exists, short of maybe the woman threatening the man's life. >> of course. >> i think if that is the basis of the conversation, then there is really not much to talk about, to be honest with you. >> it's not just men hitting women. i got into a fair number of scraps when i was a kid. my father and teachers always said afterwards, you don't hit anybody. you walk away. >> men don't hit women and women don't hit men. you don't hit anybody. you leave it there. >> i would say it's one thing to defend yourself if a man or woman is coming at you. if you're ray rice and you can bench press 400 pounds and you can suppress the woman and you don't need to knock her out. >> the big problem here is the two-game suspension for ray rice which seems so lenient compared to anybody else. >> you suspend him for far more games than other people were suspended for their -- so. >> all right. let's go to japan on a slightly different note. an actress with a background in martial arts breaks boxes with her head before throwing out the ceremonial pitch. >> what is that? >> wow. >> how about that? >> that's crazy! >> awesome. >> rifles ovals one of our favo first pitches of all time. this that is a rhythmic gymnast. >> which way do you go? i think i take the rhythmic gymnast. >> it's crazy. >> break the bricks one more time so we can render a decision here. >> i'm going with the bricks. >> we haven't seen the pitch is the only thing. >> finish the job! >> i think that was it. >> you got to finish the job. still ahead, how iowa has turned from a small caucus state into a year-long tourist destination and mark leibovich is here with his columnist. the latest in the ups and towns of the toronto mayor rob ford. oh, no! don't do it! oh, no! we will be right back with more "morning joe." ♪ ♪ fill their bowl with the meaty tastes they're looking for, with friskies grillers. tender meaty pieces and crunchy bites. in delicious chicken, beef, turkey, and garden veggie flavors. friskies grillers. and cialis for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any allergic reactions like rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use the ca♪illac summer collection is here. ♪ during the cadillac summer's best event, lease this 2014 ats for around $299 a month and make this the summer of style. ♪ >> 45 past the hour. joining us is chief national correspondent for "the new york times" leibovich. your piece in the upcoming issue takes a look at the politics of iowa and how one state turned its adorable little caucus into a year-round tourist destination and you write in part this. iowa may be a flat landlocked state with six electoral votes but it has become the premier tourist destination for political brown-nosers. if there is one thing every republican presidential candidate can agree upon, it is that branstad represents the peak of american leadership, if not the pinnacle of all human achievement. homage must be paid. we want iowa to be the envy of the whole nation he told me in the parking lot. not just because we have the first in the nation caucuses, no, of course, not. certainly natural for the governor of new jersey to check out the cows here in the middle of july. iowa is going in the right direction branstad continued and the rest of the country is going in the wrong direction. while he is milking this political little sort of first stop thing that iowa has going, mark? >> yes, he is. the thing that i wanted to look at was the anthropology of the early state. we have had iowa and hamp as the early primary states for a long time but in case of terry branstad the long time governor has been running the state on and off since the '80s it is a study of incredible exhulltation how wonderful of a person he is and people falling all over themselves how great terry branstad is. >> who are the worst defenders? >> well, everyone. >> everyone? >> it's one oof another. i spent a day with chris christie there last week in iowa and he -- chris christie, it was actually the day of the ground invasion of gaza. it was also the day, i think the day after the plane went down in ukraine. and mr. tell it like it is, tough talking new jersey governor, you were expecting he was going to weigh in on the subject but, no, no. he was very concerned, mostly about talking about how great terry branstad is and how much of a legend he is and also how inspired he has been by the governor of iowa. >> you point out, mark, christie, perry and jindal have all passed through iowa this year. is there any indication or any evidence that all this butt kissing helps? helps a would-be presidential candidate? does it work to go in a couple of years out and kind of make your way across the state? >> i think, obviously, you need to pay attention to iowa if you want to do well in iowa or new hampshire. i think what is interesting and new now it's starting two, three, years out. >> yeah. >> it used to be there was an off-season. it's like so much in american life now. you see christmas decorations on sale in the spring. you see people lobbying for the oscars the week after the academy awards ended the year before. there is really no off-season and that certainly has proven true in presidential politics also. >> gene? >> mark, is there any indication or did you see any that people in iowa are getting sick of all of this? do they really accept that chris christie is actually there for the cows? >> you mean he is not? >> i think they would get fed up with all of this stuff. >> i think on the contrary, i think they love it. i think from a strictly economic standpoint it's probably great for the state. a lot of national media comes through. it's fun for them. i don't think there is any major downside, although i think it's important we tell it like it is, which is that, look. i mean, this is not necessarily a natural, you know, recitation of the rhythm of american life, yet this is part of the excess that has taken hold in so many areas. >> but, i mean, it's not full-proof obviously, because mike huckabee won in 2008 and rick santorum run in 2012 and neither ended up as president, at least as far as i can tell. >> you're wrong, sam. >> oh. >> in iowa, there are actually pictures of mike huckabee and rick santorum as our president. it can cut both ways like anything. barack obama would not be president today if it weren't for iowa so you don't know what impact it will have. >> it is really bizarre. mark is right. why we have a system because we all go to iowa. >> you can write this state. >> let's have a rotation of states. >> you should. >> just do one for every state. can you do one for every single state capitol? >> you could have a handbook. >> mark, thank you. we will be reading your column at "" dr. nancy snyderman will be here to explain how much risk to the u.s. with the ebola outbreak. first, toronto politics at its finest and another classic from rob ford. yes, that is rob ford. he is going to break it. news you can't use is next. let me get this straight... 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military action. ♪ america, you cast your votes. now, go to xfinity on demand and select the people's hotlist to see this summer's top 100 shows and movies. i voted! the mayor managed to get a little bit of exercise in over the weekend. on sunday, he and his brother doug went to the opening of a dinosaur themed playground where they took the opportunity to break in the brand-new see-saw. >> woo! >> oh, okay. wee! i got you. >> no. >> look at him. gracefully. watching rob ford work a see-saw makes me fear for mrs. ford's life. >> that is rob ford after the two-month stint in rehab and comes out campaigning for re-election. he and his brother good ole doug get after it on the see-saw. >> look at the kids looking at them. >> does he have staph? that is the first question. is there an advance here? >> who is the guy saying, mayor ford, this is a brilliant picture. get on that see-saw with your brother. >> i think the fun continued. >> please stop. >> i think the fun continued. he tried to go up the rope climb. >> what the heck? >> what is he doing? >> the greatest. we are so glad he is back in our lives. >> i would take my children home. >> do the right thing. >> do it for us, please. mika, you'll love this one. baby ilee and pit bull puppy clyde. bouncy seat. look at clyde gets up there. isley's mom has been instagraming photos of the two together. come on. how cute is this? >> oh, my god! >> baby and puppy. >> oh, my goodness. >> i love that baby! >> posted last week has 2 million views. >> he's a pit bull, too. people say bad things about bpi bulls. >> they can be great. last week this photo bomb by queen elizabeth smiling at two australian hockey players sneaking in there and not to be outdone. prince harry gave a grin of the commonwealth games last night. one of the men made this his facebook profile pick and you would do the same. >> a little crazy there. coming up at the top of the hour, a path to victory. how democrat mitchell nunn planned to win a u.s. senate seat and how that plan could backfire. benjamin netanyahu is facing a lot of questions. new sanctions against vladimir putin and russian officials reportedly entering a third phase and we will explain what that means when andrea mitchell joins us. we will be right back with more "morning joe." ♪ you owned your car for four years. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends. three jobs. you're like "nothing can replace brad!" then liberty mutual calls. and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. the summer of this.mmer. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. where memories will be forged into the sand. and then hung on a wall for years to come. get out there, with over 50,000 hotels at $150 dollars or 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of underwear, is no big deal. join us. support the cause and get a free sample of depend at ♪ >> flares have turned night into broad daylight in the skies over the gaza strip. >> today was supposed to be a cease-fire. it didn't work. >> an explosion on a busy street where children were playing. >> israeli says it was a stray hamas rocket. >> hamas doesn't accept that. and used the attack on the children as a reason to go on the offensive. >> intense fighting prevented investigators reaching the crash site of mh-17 for the second day running. >> much more substantial sanctions will come into place across broad sectors of the russian economy. >> two americans are fighting for their lives. infected with the deadly ebola virus. >> the spread of a dangerous illness like ebola is no longer somebody else's progress. >> last july, andrew cuomo pointed a special commission to tackle public corruption. >> now three-month examination by "the new york times" claims that governor cuomo's office deeply compromised the panel's work. >> if you had watched the movie to the end, the name of the movie would have been "independence." you named it "interference." >> we will get to that story in a moment. welcome back to "morning joe." joining us now from washington, nbc chief foreign affairs correspondent and host of "andrea mitchell reports" andrea mitchell. senior editor at the "the new republic" julia yanfey. good to have you both with us. the west increasing pressure on vladimir putin. president obama and leaders of several european countries agreed to a sweeping new set of sanctions. they will target defense, energy, and financial industries in russia. moscow, however, remains defiant. the country's foreign minister downplayed the impact of the sanctions and warned they will would only make russia stronger and more independent. in another sign of stepped-up tensions, moscow is now accused of violating a 1987 nuclear missile treaty by testing cruise missiles as early as 2008. u.s. officials say president obama addressed the issue in a letter to putin, calling it a, quote, very serious matter. meanwhile, ukrainian investigators say flight 17's black box has revealed a massive explosive decompression brought down the jet and the shrapnel destroyed the plane. u.s. forces are making their way toward the crash site after another fighting with russian rebels. kiev says they gained controlled of two towns in eastern ukraine and more battles under way. the clashes are being blamed for 50 deaths between the two sides and 800 civilians have been killed there since mid april. the newest human rights chief is calling for a full investigation who shot down flight 17, adding that it may be considered a war crime. andrea, i want to start with you here. set the scene for us, first, in terms of russia's response, at least in their words, to the sanctions. >> well, russia will be tough rhetorically and doesn't mean the sanctions won't hurt. i want to look at the details of these sanctions when they are finally explained to all of us later today, because up until now, they have been giving france a pass, a waiver for arm sales that were already agreed to. any time you grandfather arm sales to russia, that is a big loophole in these sanctions. in any case, it is described to me as the toughest set of sanctions yet and it's clearly getting russia's attention. the fact is that europe is pretty organized now by the president and in sync with the united states because russia has been firing live artillery across the border. there is plenty of evidence of that. plus marbling its forces along the border to move more sophisticated efforts into the milit militia. that is being more aggressive. >> julie, conventional wisdom the last week or so that european countries were hesitant to go along with tougher sanctions because of the impact the sanctions might have on their own economies. it looks like europe, at least for now, has moved past that? >> that's right. the fact of the matter is that, you know, it's a two-way street and, you know, as much as europe is dependent on russia for certain things, like energy, russia is dependent upon europe. it gets 40% of its food and medicine from europe. so it goes both ways. so if one party shuts off -- basically, the consensus is also the russian economy would crumble a lot faster and much more devastating fashion than the european economy would. >> where is this going to go? what is the strongest measure that can be taken on the part of europe to unequivocally depend what is happening. >> it is a big issue and i think what europe is scared of is the kind of the wildcard that is putin's behavior. he has shown time and again that he can do really unpredictable things. things that, you know, will hurt his opponent but also hurt him, but he decides it's worth the pain. so i think what europe is scared of is that russia will turn off the energy tap, which, you know, for some european countries, they get as little as 10% of their energy from russia. some eu countries get as much as 100 of their energy from russia so that would really hurt. >> the netherlands which is most severely affected by the tragedy of the malaysian airliner and the horrible impact on the dutch. the netherlands their pension funds are all tied up in shell and other major corporations so they are going to take a huge hit from this from whatever sanctions do take place. it's also finance. it's the banking in the uk. the brits have been tough about this but when putin was first flexing his muscles toward crimea everybody was caving in because they are integrated they are with russia economically. >> bobby, the other sort of level of thinking in this is a point you just brought up and that is if russia gives more sophisticated weapons to the rebels, do we do the same for the ukrainian military and start jumping in that way? >> if russia has gone to the point where it's shelling across the border in support of the rebels, then what -- how can we make sure the ukrainian military doesn't get completely pounded on this? andrea, has there been any discussion on that in d.c.? >> more of the risks. >> yeah. there is real concern about the risks because there have been principally republicans on the hill, the usual hard-line conservative arms committee folks like mccain and graham who have been saying why aren't we arming the ukrainians. oerds is the fear at the pentagon and elsewhere. once you give the sophisticated weapons to the ukraine government, you'll have the same possible tragic result that you had the separatists. they are not really ready to run these things that you're thenes situation. the best thing help with the ukrainians on the intelligence and see where the weapons are on the opposition side. the analysis is that russia has escalated so dramatically in the last couple of weeks because the kiev government was making progress against the separatists in eastern ukraine and gaining territory and that is why the fighting. the fighting was even as keir simmons was showing us yesterday, they were fighting right around the crash site. >> julie, there is a level of sanctions the west and the world community could do to take putin to pause and step back. up until now the sanctions have only emboldened him and allowed to say to his own people it's us against the world. >> i don't think it's -- in a certain sense, it has stopped him from doing certain things. you know, there are people in moscow who say that for a period of about four days in april, russian troops were poised to go across the border into ukraine and that it was because of sanctions that he didn't give them the order to go across the border. publicly, though, the problem with sanctions also is the more you sanction vladimir putin, the less he can actually give you what you want. because of all the image that he has portrayed in russia for the last, you know, what, 14 years he is standing up to the west. the more the west pressures him to do something, the less likely he is to do it. so unless there is kind of something happening behind the scenes where they are offering putin an off ramp where he can, you know, tout something at home as a win, as something that he was able to bring home, and to get out of it, you know, on his terms and to save face, i don't think we are going to see much movement on the russian side. >> julie ioffe, thank you very much. we turn to the middle east. the crisis between israeli and hamas in its fourth week. hopes for a resolution app to be dwindling. israeli hit key hamas locations overnight. the targets including hamas tv station and the home of one of the group's top leaders. the strikes came as israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu delivered a national tv address. he warned of an extended conflict and said, quote, there is no war more just than this. israeli and hamas are trading blame for an attack that left nine palestinian children dead and dozens injured. palestinian officials say israeli air strikes hit a park as children were playing on swings. israeli, however, says militants in gaza fired the rockets which failed to reach the intended targets and that brings the death toll to more than 1,100 palestinians, according to officials there. 53 israeli soldiers have been killed, including four yesterday, as well as three civilians in israeli. secretary of state john kerry is facing criticism now in the israeli press for pushing a cease-fire that reports claim would be more beneficial to hamas. secretary kerry is standing by its actions. >> make no mistake, when the people of israeli are rushing to bomb shelters, when innocent israeli and palestinian teenagers are abducted and murdered, when hundreds of innocent civilians have lost their lives, i will, and we will make no apologies for our engagement. >> andrea, we had had a discussion with david ignatius who has a pretty blistering piece on john kerry. >> he did. >> yeah. there is sort of the concept that he put on the table about sort of this giving hamas kind of more of a platform. but i have to say i'm not sure what anyone can do at this point. that would be productive when you hear what all three -- leaders on all sides of this are saying. >> well, what kerry was trying to do with the support and sort of alliance of ban ki-moon and the u.n. and many other people in the world is get a cease-fire to stop the killing and that was viewed in israeli as a way of, you know, tying their hands because they felt they had to deal with the tunnels, they had to deal with the long-range rockets. and so i have never frankly seen such blistering personal criticism on the left and the right in the israeli press. the israeli people, 87% according to channel 10's polling yesterday, the prime time top station, the top channel in israeli, 87% popularity what the government is doing and pushing it now to be even tougher. so kerry is just being blistered in israeli and it will inevitably hurt his effectiveness in the short term. he was already being blamed for the long term peace negotiations for nine months that, you know, collapsed. i think that, you know, susan rice came our show yesterday and defended him and the white house is trying to rally around. reports he is still trying to resurrect some sort of cease-fire but the focus now i'm told is on a short-term cease-fire, not on the long-term relationships. of course, ignatius criticism is that in some way, he has empowered hamas by going to qatar and hamas sponsors and trying to engage them. >> i want to bring in some washington nbc news chief white house correspondent and host of "the daily rundown," chuck todd. we will get to a couple of political stories with you but sam first has a question. >> we have gone through a list of horribles in the world basically from ukraine to the middle east. we haven't even touched on the ebola virus. when i talk to white house officials they have a calm about it they are on top of these things, but it seems pretty clear that a narrative is developing of a world that is basically out of control. from your conversations with the administration officials, how are they prioritizing these issues and grasping with the sheer number of them all? >> funny you say that. i had the very similar conversation it sounds like that you had and it's my understanding that president himself is trying to project more calm and some on his staff are eyes wide open saying when the global chaos going to stop and the president sort of trying to say, hey, this is about a globally connected world. we see more of the problem, more of them are at our doorsteps because there's not many and because the united states is the only super power. he is trying to project calm with his own staff to sort of keep everybody at bay. i think as for the prioritization they see it right now as two priorities and that is you see where john kerry is. there is a reason they sent kerry to the middle east. a, what is going on with russia and the decision they made. they got the europeans on board and we will find out in about a month. i think you have to realistically give the sanctions about a month and we will find out in about a month if what the u.s. has been calling for some time which is serious sanctions from europe, will it actually change putin's behavior in ukraine? >> chuck, on the question of israeli. obviously, now the israeli press and some members of the government there have been openly critical of john kerry, openly critical of the obama administration. what is happening privately between the united states, the white house specifically, and israeli to try to mend that fence a little bit? >> well, look. you already have the ambassador here who is the israeli ambassador of the united states. he is very close to netanyahu. he has been trying to ratchet the rhetoric back here look. there has been distrust between the obama administration and netanyahu's administration basically from the beginning since president obama came in and it's never really -- the rifts have never really healed and there is time they scab over, but the wounds never go away and it's very easy to start up. and remember who the missing player is. the last time there was a hot war between israeli and gaza, you had a member of the muslim brotherhood in charge of egypt, mohammed morsi. regardless of everybody's criticisms of morsi as a leader inside egypt and these other issues, on this particular issue he was somebody that helped broker the last major truce between gaza and israeli and right now egypt is not a legitimate player in the eyes of hamas. >> chuck, we want to get you in on some domestic politics here. michelle nunn's campaign brushing off the leaks of her victory plan in the state of georgia that calls for the candidate to spend 80% of her time raising money. conservative national review released a atrophy of her strategy memos giving a rare glimpse in inside a campaign. her campaign highlighted what they saw as her biggest vulnerabilities including running the points of life when irs filing show may have provided money to an organization accused of having loose ties to hamas. also a memo highlighting what the campaign saw as an opportunity in the jewish community saying, quote, michelle's position on israeli were largely determined the level support there adding that her message was tbd, nunn is locked in a tight race with david perdue. her campaign doesn't dispute the authenticity of the document writing in a statement, quote. chuck, these plans exist on every campaign. >> of course. >> is we have got one in the spotlight this morning. >> absolutely. look. this is why you hire political consultants and you can them in some way do due diligence on yourself. that is what this was. this sort of, you know, what are her vulnerabilities and what should be working on and focus on and how are the republicans going to attack her. in many ways exactly what you pay a political consultant to come up with is to, you know, look through her background and all of this stuff. here it is. it's the equivalent in football terms of the new england patriots getting a copy of the new york jets playbook although i guess you could argue the jets playbook they could have and it wouldn't matter because it's the jets. the point is it's seeing the other team's playbook. the republicans are pouncing saying she is all image conscience and she is trying to portray she is new to politics and another image want that beel this stuff. it's an uphill battle to run as a democrat in georgia and she is trying to be authentic. in this day and age when authenticity matters this makes it look like oh, my god, it's esche everybody's worst stereotype what politicians look like. the seen in "simpsons." >> gene, 80% of -- i guess it sounds crazy, but -- >> welcome to reality. >> might she be the only one that does that? >> it's how it works these day. dialing for dollars 24/7 basically. it looks kind of crazy and artificial when it's all written down like this but i think chuck is absolutely right. this is what candidates do and what political consultants do and this is what it's like to run for office these days. especially for a senate seat. >> the major embarrassment might not be for michelle nunn. it's how money driven the political process is. >> everybody, actually. andrea mitchell, thank you. we will be watching "andrea mitchell reports" at noon on msnbc. chuck todd, see you after "morning joe." the cuban missile crisis retold. one of the definitive moments in u.s. history. up next, the quest for 10,000 steps. how running just five minutes a day can literally save your life. dr. nancy snyderman is standing by with that. you're watching "morning joe." ♪ when salesman alan ames books his room at, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. and when alan gets 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and what is happening there because it is a resurgence. >> he let's talk about ebola. it's a brilliant spectacular virus in that it kills magnificently and shockingly people get sick very quickly and nausea and high fever and 104 and is 105 and have kidney fail and die. it's like a big wildfire but it's not a smart virus like hiv and doesn't now how to get to one person to another and keep itself live. we normally see these ebola outbreaks has are isolated and go kaboom. now we have seen an ebola outbreak jump a border and last week a man who had a fever got on an airplane and ended up in another country and died several days later. so, for the first time, the world health organization, the centers for disease control is speaking to foreign countries to sort of talk about border control, screening passengers before getting on airplanes. no doubt this is very little risk to the united states. however, it does mean that if you are an aide worker and traveled to western africa and you talk to your doctor, where you've been in the world now has to be part of your basic history and physical. it can no longer be, well, i just had a sore throat and fever for a few days without saying, have you been out of the country? >> oh, my gosh. and also the person with the fever what came and then died. >> right. >> you were talking about screening? >> right. as you and i in maknow screenin to get on an airplane is minimal at best if any screening at all. health care workers saying maybe let's take your temperature. you just don't get on that plane. if a patient were to arrive in the united states and look like that, that person would be immediately isolated and hospitalized. the only way to really shut this down is treat it like a wildfire. if there are brush fires popping here and there, you have to make sure they are all out. the challenge is, especially for this person who got on the airplane and maybe came into contact with at least we know 65 people, follow that chain link fence everywhere, find out all of those people he may have been in contact with and you have to make sure you do reasonable surveillance. >> how does the virus spread human-to-human? >> it's very much direct contact. saliva, vomit, diarrhea, maybe semen, we are not sure. but because aide workers when you see them in the field are in these hazmat suits. >> right. >> what concerns us is one of the american women who is infected and now being treated, her job was just to take off the hazmat suits and help bleach down the guys getting out. she was not even in direct contact. so the death rate from ebola is as high as 90% in. in this current outbreak it's hovering around 68%. the idea is jump in early because if you can stop the kidneys from going into failure. >> we will get to this new study. gene has a quick question. >> my question was just that, nancy. first world medical treatment, do we think that death rate would be lower than the 90% or even the 60%? >> probably, gene. so what we are running into right now is people, particularly in guinea and sierra leone haven't seen this before because this is a new illness in these countries. at the same time, they are seeing ebola kill neighbors and friends and family, the red cross is coming in and catholic charities is coming in. some villagers are seeing western medicine come in at the same time family members are dying and stoke the fear that outsiders have brought the illness. so that need for western medicine and sort of old beliefs and -- i'm going to say, you know, like the voodoo kind of home medicine that you see in many villages, it's all colliding. so aide workers have talked about 17-year-olds with machetes stopping their cars, cutting down trees, and putting up road blocks to keep aide workers out. so they really want aide workers to work with local elders who are respected to try to demystify this. it's horrific. and i should say in this part of the world, ritual bathing of the dead is part of the custom but if you touch someone who is dead you're going to get the virus. >> let's now turn to this new study from the journal of the american college of cardiology on running. >> fascinating study. you know, we have been told before to run -- to work out an hour a day and you're going to live longer. impossible for most people. >> right. >> this study looked at over 55,000 people and showed that for runners, the reduction of heart disease and stroke is 30% or so. but even for the average person, if you run five minutes a day, you can reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke by almost 50%. so that use it or lose it, a little bit is better than nothing is significant. >> five minutes at like a dead sprint? >> no, just five minutes a day. >> sam wants to know how. >> how bad can i run? >> mika, i'm not a runner. never loved it and never got that endorphin high and never figured out what is so great to it. mika love to get out there and run. i would like to wave them on. but i am very conscious of how much i walk a day. if you're not a runner, at least get in 10,000 steps. on the weekend, 25,000 steps. >> i would think that is doable for a lot of folks and it's really nice and probably has the same benefit. >> about three years ago, yes. >> 25,000 steps seems like a lot. >> on a weekend, absolutely doable. >> i think edition to bars. >> make sure you're drinking the dark alcohol because that stuff is good for your heart. >> all i drink. >> nancy, it's basically 30 to 60 minutes a week. let's say you took the low end 30 minutes a week. you could run twice a week, 15 minutes? that is doable for everybody. >> i do something every day. there was a study about three or four years ago looking at very fit men with no risk factors for heart disease and stroke. their jobs, however, were desk jobs. and they found that sitting at a desk was an independent risk factor for having heart attack. >> why you need a treadmill desk. have you seen those? >> al roker has one. he walks all day long. >> we should get them here. >> show it on the air. >> everyone else is on their treadmills watching. everyone says i watch you from my treadmill every morning. i feel jealous! >> trip on them. i like that. >> nancy, thank you so much. great to see you. ahead outrage in new york city as residents in a luckry apartment building want a separate door for the so-called affordable units. really? we will break down the city's so-called "poor door" policies. keep it right here on "morning joe." ♪ somewhere out on that horizon ♪ ♪ out beyond the neon lights i know there must be somebody ♪ vo: this is the summer. the summer of this. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. where memories will be forged into the sand. and then hung on a wall for years to come. get out there, with over 50,000 hotels at $150 dollars or less. expedia. find yours. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all 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have actually lost money. 9 out of 10 years. in fact, the reporters of all those government reports offered online can be found on other sites and almost always free of charge. that's why they named their bill the, quote, let me fooling that for you act. mccaskill saying a government agency for paying for things after realizing they could get it for free elsewhere. good foy. she noted a tiny banner at the top of the branch's website informing consumers of that fact seems awfully difficult to read. yep, you could get rid of that. anybody disagree? >> i know nothing about this agency. so i'm going to reserve judgment but it seems like if you did google something. >> let me google that for you. up next, the stakes have never been higher than back channel. a piece of historical future set during the cuban missile crisis that takes us to the brink of world war iii. keep it here on "morning joe." that is coming up. ♪ have you ever looked at someone and right away thought you know exactly 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help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. i call upon chairman to halt and eliminate this clan dah stein and stable relations between our two nations. i call upon him further to abandon this course of world domination and to join in a historic effort to end the perilist arms race and transform the history of man. our goal is not the victory of mig might, but the vindication of right. both peace and freedom. here in this hemisphere and we hope around the world, god willing, that goal will be achieved. >> that was october of 1962. the cuban missile crisis put the u.s. and soviet union and a military face-off. what went on behind the scenes to avoid a full-out war. with us is "the new york times" best selling author, steven l. carter who is out with his latest novel "back channel." great to have you back on the show. >> thank you. >> congratulations on this. we will also talk about the poor door controversy here in new york city coming up which i think is fascinating. you reimagined, speaking of fascinating, the cuban missile crisis and you bring in a couple of different aspects to this. the game of chess and young woman by the name of margo jensen. >> here, there's two historical facts that i worked with. one is that president kennedy really did have an affair with a 19-year-old college student that did actually overlap the cuban missile crisis. second, behind the official negotiations, there was an unofficial negotiation, a secret negotiation only a few people knew about in the white house. my fictional premise supposed the affair with the college student didn't really happen but a cover for the secret negotiations. >> okay. take it from there. that affair did happen with kennedy, correct? >> i really did have an affair with a 19-year-old but my fictional 19-year-old he does not have an affair with but she is asked to pretend to have an affair with the president using his reputation as it were as the cover so that she can ferry messages between him and an official of the soviet embassy. >> when we look back on the history of what that time meant for the world internationally it was a big chess game and trying to figure it out and a lot of it went with the national thought leaders who could think like the luck of trying to figure out the situation. why does chess play to prominently for you in your books? you say you're an amateur at chess, which i doubt. >> no, i'm an absolute amateur. but what chess involves is figuring out what your opponent is going to do and not letting your opponent know what you are going to do. when you look at foreign policy crises today and there are a lot of them and a lot of people criticizing the president or supporting him and a lot of the criticism i think is undeserved. foreign policy is hard. but the one piece of advice that i would give, if ever asked, wanting to learn from this crisis what kennedy did, he kept guessing. whether kennedy was willing to push the button or not. we still don't know. keeping his opponent off balance that way and keeping his cards so close to his vest and his close advisers didn't know i think was the successful completion of the crisis. >> discussion of the difficulties of writing and melding the two together. >> i think written seven or eight works of nonfiction and it is my sixth novel. you're right. to me writing novels is harder and writing historical novels is particularly difficult. it appeals to me as a scholar. i get to do the research and i try in this novel to bring washington, d.c. to 1962 to life and it all takes place in europe and so on but i try to bring the city to life as it really would have been. i have a a lot of real historical characters in the novels, not only the kennedy brothers and national security adviser but people like bobby fisher, the chess champion and others. to me half the fun of it is trying to make sure i have to the extent possible my facts right and that takes a lot of time. >> why not go full nonfiction and retell the story of what happened from a purely historical end? >> but i like to tell stories. people like to read the stories. >> you have a story to tell. >> i do. >> i want to bring you to real life for a second. as you have written in bloomberg view about the corridor controversy here in new york city and you write in part this. everyone is mad about the poor door. this is the name critics bestowed upon the separate entrance for the affordable housing units on the western side of manhattan. it is a little outrageous but some of it may be optical. the separate entrance for the cheaper units which is hardly heard of in manhattan real estate is part of a consequence of the very policies that new york is trying to enforce. so the title of this is "the poor door concept is nothing new in u.s. cities." i don't think that makes it okay. >> it's not okay. >> it's not okay. >> no, it's not okay. it's a terrible thing, but new york is one of the most economically segregated cities in the united states. well studied. already in new york city, there is an enormous separation between where the with to do live and where the poor live. >> right but to have the poor people who live in the affordable part of that building bringing in a separate door is bringing us to a past time. >> i'm agreeing. the way to resolve this, is number one, the economic segregation in new york we have the sections of the city that are rich and sections that are poor and tend to not overlap with each other is number one. second the way to solve the problem of affordable housing is not only to reduce some of the regulations that make it expensive to build housing but to get people with actual money they can go out and find a place to live that meets their standards rather than some standard that was designed by the city itself. >> stephen, in talking about this specific building on the upper west side and also to the divide in the city, a lot of people being priced out of living in manhattan directly. if i understand about the building, the residents in one section say the higher cost apartments are not going to share the same amenities and same floors. it's like two separate buildings built in one structural space so that these builders are getting the big tax exemptions and kick-backs from the city? >> i agree. what i would do i would stomp giving the builders those benefits. what the builders do with these benefits and not only build separate spaces and extra benefits to sell off for millions of dollars. what the city is doing for this program is subsidizing the construction from luxury housing where builders make billions of dollars. >> >> you have a lot of buildings in manhattan have the separate entrances we both object to and the only way we are going to stop that is stop giving them the subsidy which they are happy to get. >> why put the affordable housing units in the building? >> more housing can be built you may have someone else put in -- >> good to have you back on the show. >> a pleasure. >> up next, will voters hurt the democrats this november? we are going to explore in the mojo polling place. plus the nixon tapes you never heard. historian douglas brinkley will be on the set and some of these are fantastic. did you hear some of these? >> yes. family friendly. >> yeah. we will be right back. ♪ shopping online is as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is. start shopping online from a list of top-rated providers. visit today. 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[ female announcer ] lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort. and for more 100% real dairy treats you'll 100% enjoy look for lactaid® ice cream and lactaid® cottage cheese. he gets a ready for you alerty the second his room is ready. when sales rep steve hatfield books at, so he knows exactly when he can prep for his presentation. and when steve is perfectly prepped, ya know what he brings? and that's how you'll increase market share. any questions? can i get an "a", steve? yes! three a's! amazing sales! he brings his a-game! la quinta inns and suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at! la quinta! flares have turned night into broad daylight in the skies over the gaza strip. >> today was supposed to be a cease-fire. it didn't work. >> an explosion on a busy street where children were playing. >> israel says it was a stray hamas rocket. >> hamas doesn't accept that, and uses the attack on the children as a reason to go on the offensive. >> intense fighting prevented investigators reaching the crash site of mh-17 for the second day running. >> much more substantial sanctions will come into place across broad sectors of the russian economy. >> two americans are fighting for their lives, infected with the deadly ebola virus. >> the spread of a dangerous illness like ebola is no longer someone else's problem. >> last july, governor andrew cuomo created a special commission to tackle public corruption. >> and now, a three-month examination by "the new york times" claims that governor cuomo's office deeply compromised the panel's work. >> if you had watched the movie to the end, the name of the movie would have been "independence." you named it "interference." >> welcome back to "morning joe." sam stein, eugene robinson still with us. joining us now, columnist for "bloomberg view," al hunt, in new york. i'm confused. first time on the set here in new york. >> is it really? >> it's usually a d.c. thing with al. >> my dream has been to be with mika in new york and finally -- >> that's one way to put it. >> and with steve. >> what about me, al. >> don't leave sam out. >> former mccain campaign strategist and msnbc political analyst, steve schmidt is here as well. nice to have you on board. >> thank you, mika. let's start with breaking news, as the crisis between israel and hamas enters its fourth week, nbc news has confirmed moments ago that two u.n. staff members were killed in gaza today. the new barrage of strikes came as israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu delivered a national tv address, warning of an extended conflict there. joining us now from tel aviv, nbc news correspondent, kate snowe with the latest. kate? >> reporter: good morning, mika. secretary of state john kerry is still pushing all the parties for an end to the bloodshed here, but i have to tell you, he faces an uphill battle in israel, because look at what the public and the press are saying about john kerry. here's the headline in this morning's paper, it says obama and kerry are playing with fire. overnight, more explosions in gaza. this morning, the main power plant took a hit, columns of smoke are still rising. israel confirmed ten soldiers died yesterday, pushing the number of military deaths over 50, the highest casualty count since a war in the north in 2006. that's only increasing israel's resolve to keep going, and it helps explain why it's been so tough for john kerry to negotiate a peace deal. >> i just want to say a very few words, quickly about the events in gaza. >> kerry's been soundly criticized in the israeli media for the way he pushed for a cease-fire. a columnist for the liberal newspaper says senior government officials in jerusalem described carri kerry's cease-fire proposal as a strategic attack. >> it's not just that kerry and the obama administration is taking the side of the palestinians, but in the arab world in general over israel. and the feeling is that this america led by this president won't actually be there when it matters for israel's security needs. >> one paper called kerry a nudnnik. >> somebody coming again and again and again and doesn't do much. >> reporter: the coffee crowd in tel aviv thinks kerry is out of his league. >> he thinks he can make some agreement, he can write some nice words, some nice statements. come on. get real. >> reporter: the obama administration spent monday bending over backwards to defend kerry. >> the reality is that john kerry, on behalf of the united states, has been working every step of the way with israel in support of our shared interests. >> reporter: so here's the situation. a lot of analysts are worried that kerry, with all this kerry bashing going on, is going to lose some of his power to even negotiate some kind of cease-fire, let alone a lasting peace over here. and meantime, while all the diplomats are talking, more than 70 palestinians were killed in that fighting overnight. >> sam stein? >> kate, i had a question for you. the israel ambassador to the united states yesterday spoke out in defense, actually, of john kerry, and tried to minimize the distance between the netanyahu government and the secretary of state. do you pick up any sense that the israeli government thinks that the talk has been overblown, or what is the imperative for them in having the ambassador come out and saying something like that? >> reporter: publicly, they still want to talk about their alliance with the u.s. they need america as an ally. behind the scenes, it's harder to say. the sense from here, when you talk to the people, at least, is that israelis, they're not giving up. they don't want a cease-fire. they're not going to stop this offensive, because they strongly believe that those tunnels still exist and that they haven't yet demilitaryized hamas. that's the mood on the street that benjamin netanyahu is dealing with here. and of course, he has to balance that with the diplomacy. >> nbc's kate snowe in tel aviv, thanks so much. al, you heard netanyahu in the past 24 hours pulling this just war. kerry, obviously, the secretary of state in the crosshairs of criticism. and you know, at what point, really, is he to blame for continued fighting, when all sides of this are so at each other's throats, literally, and show no sign of backing down. it's almost like the criticism of kerry is an excuse to keep fighting, instead of to listen and to stop. >> it's kind of hard to blame john kerry for -- >> for trying. >> for fighting in the middle east. he may have made a tactical mistake. i don't know enough about what's on the ground there. but to say that john kerry is not a friend of israel. to say that john kerry is somehow trying to help hamas is just utter and complete nonsense. >> it's ludicrous. >> and i think for the israeli -- those israelis who perpetuate that are going to find it self-defeating. >> they're not only perpetuating it, this time it's being stirred up as an excuse not to consider a cease-fire, which, i mean, at this point, we're looking at day after day after day of video of civilians and children, getting caught in these massacre. >> i think the key quote from yesterday was when netanyahu talked about continuing this operation until they closed all of the tunnels from gaza into israel. that could be a serious and long-term operation in terms of the war hostilities. and it suggests that israeli is in this mind-set where they want to, you know, figuratively, mow the lawn, chop down hamas's military capabilities for now, for a couple of years, and they'll have to end up coming back. and my question for everyone who talks about this is what is the long-term strategic objective of israel here? i'm having trouble figuring out what they're trying to do in the long run. what replaces hamas as the military outfit of the palestinians? >> and does it spread to the west bank? >> steve? >> look, the reason there is fighting now, today, is 100% entirely the fault of hamas. this is a terrorist organization. the lobbing of missiles into israel, the attacks on the civilian populations in israel have precipitated this crisis. and the strategic goal of the israeli nation, of the israeli army is to demilitaryize, to disarm, to defang hamas. and they have sustained casualties, great sacrifice on the part of the israeli people. and it should be the job of the government of the united states in this situation, to communicate with absolute moral clarity that we will stand side-by-side with israel. that we will not give cover to those who draw false equivalence with the two sides. the images on television are tragic, because all war is tragic. but the israeli people don't live in the fantastical world of washington, d.c. the threats that they face are real, they are lethal, and the people that you just saw being interviewed in cafes have a visceral understanding of that in a way that our policy makers can't seem to at an intellectual level. >> and i don't want to start a -- because every conversation usually results in an emotional back and forth, and i don't want to get there. i think, in theory, that's fine. but you can't just ignore the severe humanitarian crisis that's going on in gaza, as well as the civilian casualties. we can't have a foreign policy in a vacuum. yes, it makes sense to stand with israel. yes, israel has vulnerability from hamas. but at the same time, there are clearly issues in elements of the palestinian cause that resonate with the american public, and certainly with the european public and the world public that can't just be wiped away. >> who is that you're negotiating with? >> that's the great question. >> when the people that you are trying to do a deal with do not recognize at any level your legitimacy -- >> nothing, exactly. >> the hamas chief said -- >> that's true! >> gene, jump in? >> the question, to me, steve, is, okay, who are you negotiating with? well, if you don't want to negotiate with hamas, because that's the opposite party, under any circumstances, and the only way to get at hamas is essentially through the people, the civilians who live in gaza, there's a problem there. and we can't ignore that problem, that if the only way you can get at hamas is, you know, killing thousands, potentially, before this is over, of civilians in gaza, there's a real question there, that we can't just look past. and you know, there's a question of proportionality here and i think it's, you know, i can understand, you know, i know what israelis feel, i know how under attack they feel, with good reason. but there is a question of proportionality. and in the end, can you bomb hamas into oblivion? can you totally get rid of hamas? and if so, isn't it replaced by something very much like hamas? >> or worse. >> or worse. >> well, look, at the end of the day, you have a densely packed civilian population. hamas operates within that civilian population. they use that civilian population to hide weapons systems, to hide rocket systems. the israeli army does everything it can conceivably do to avoid civilian casualties in its operation. this is a moral country. this is a moral fighting force. what is happening in any war, where there are civilian casualties, where there is collateral damage, it is very tragic. but now that this has begun, it must be finished. >> sure. >> and the israeli army must be supported by this country in its quest to do as much damage to disarm hamas and to demilitaryize them, to degrade them, and to weaken them as much as possible or these losses will have been in vain. and the secretary of state should not be drawing false equivalence between the two sides. >> i don't think he did draw -- he did not draw a false equivalence, steve. that's just not right. he tried to get a cease-fire. you can argue that was a mistake. >> but to what -- >> to end violence. >> but the strategic goal here should be the degrading of hamas, not the -- the strategic goal is not the achievement of a cease-fi cease-fire. a cease-fire achieved without a degraded hamas means we will likely see more military con fli flikt in the future. now that this has begun, there is only one way for it to end, and that is for hamas to be defanged to the largest stent as possible. >> we're saying, what happens? what are the ramifications of a defanged hamas? as eugene possible, i don't think any of us know this, but is it a possibility that what replaces hamas in gaza could end up being worse. it could be a series of terrorist groups or terror cells that we have no control over, that provide no social services to the people of gaza. those are the questions we're not grappling with. we have a very short-term mind-set about this conflict when we should be thinking about the long-term. >> it's entirely possible that it could be worse. and if it is worse, then the israeli army will need to continue into -- >> and here we are. >> this is why these conversations -- >> i want to get two political stories in this block, before we go to break. first this one, u.s. senate hopeful michelle nun's campaign is brushing off the leak in georgia. it calls for the candidate to spend 80% of her time raising money. the conservative national review released a trove of nunn's international campaign strategies. it highlighted her biggest vulnerabilitie vulnerabilities, including her work, an organization that may have loose ties to hamas. and there's a memo highlighting what the campaign saw as an opportunity in the jewish community. saying, quote, michelle's position on israel will largely determine the level of support, adding that her message was tbd. nunn is currently locked in a tight race with georgia businessman, david perdue. her campaign doesn't dispute the authenticity of the document. writing in a statement, quote, this was a draft of a document that was written eight months ago. like all good plans, they change. but what hasn't changed is all the more clear today, that michelle's components are going to mischaracterization, to mischaracterize her work and her positions, and part of what we've always done is prepare for the false things that are going to be said. i'm not sure if that's in response to what happened or not, but that's their response. al, are you surprised by anything in the memo when you know the inner workings of politics? >> no, i'm really not. >> i'm not. it hurts, but i'm -- i can't stand that 80% of her time has to be -- >> you wish you didn't have campaigns, where you spend 80% of your time. >> but you do. >> points of light, as i recall, was a george bush foundation, a george bush initiative. look, it's embarrassing and it doesn't help. michelle nunn is a very strong accompanied. is the best single opportunity to win a republican seat. her father is still revered in the state of georgia. he's running with jimmy carter's grandson. and they've got a shot in a red state, in a year that's not going to be -- >> you must have written tons of these memos. has anyone -- >> what stands out? >> i have a couple of reactions. first off, she's only spending 80% of her time raising money? >> only?! good god! >> i'm serious about this. my line to candidates has always been, you're going to submit about 90% of your time raising money. in that this is a revelation to anybody is just shocking to me. look, this is what american politics is like. candidates spend more than 80% of their time, spend much more like 90% of their time raising must be. and that's how broken the system is. and then the second part of it is, and i've been for a long time now, in a campaign. i just don't hand out paper around the table. everything gets put on the dry erase board. the notion that you're going to put this into long strategic memos and pass out 100 copies is beyond crazy. >> well, this one was accidentally posted online, which is even crazier. >> oh, come on! >> that's how they got it. who would post that online? >> the former campaign aides. >> look, when i was running the arnold schwarzenegger campaign, we got a call from the l.a. times one day, saying they had hours of taped conversations, we had no idea how they got them. we eventually figured out, with arnold schwarzenegger talking, you know, in, you know, you know, off the cuff. and i love him to death, but let me assure you -- >> that's good stuff. >> -- he's a colorful character. and i always thought hours of arnold schwarzenegger tapes with nothing particularly damaging in the media was the equivalent of a 747 doing an emergency landing in lower manhattan and doing no damage and hurting no one. >> so you can survive this thing. >> you can. >> sam -- >> in 2008, the obama campaign accidentally sent us their district by district plan from february through june. went through every district. and when i called him up and said, it's terrific, they said, you can't print that, and i said, i can, and they said, we have lots of plans, and i said, send us every one and we'll print every one. >> and they survived. >> i got a memo about how to court a high-profile donor and what it was going to entail and how they were going to talk to the guy. it was what would you expect they wanted to do to a high-profile donor, but it was hugely embarrassing to have something like that revealed in public. i don't know what happened to the donor. i assume he department donate. >> probably ambassador of lu luxembou luxembourg. i remember infamously the in 2008, the giuliani campaign memo about how he was going to run for president was leaked and obviously that didn't turn out well for giuliani. >> we're also following a story with andrew cuomo. you seen this? new york governor andrew cuomo pushing back hard against allegations that his office interfered with a political ethics commission, a commission he himself put in place. it stems from a front-page article last week in "the new york times" which alleges cuomo's office squashed certain subpoenas is that would have looked into the governor's own dealings. including one to a media firm connected to new york's democratic party. but now, one of the firm's three co-chairs at the center of "the times" story, william j. fitzpatri fitzpatrick, is claiming that the panel was, indeed independent. he says, quote, the bottom line is that no one interfered with me or my co-chairs. but disappoint yesterday's denials, e-mails obtained by "the times" show that fitzpatrick had expressed frustration with meddling with the governor's office. at one point, e-mailing that mr. cuomo's office needs to understand that this is an independent commission and needs to be treated as such. yesterday, the governor disputed "the times" characterization of the remarks. >> read it again. >> the second floor, larry, needs to understand that an independent commission needs to be treated as such. >> okay, so what he's saying is that at some point in time, larry is having a conversation with him and larry is advocating a point. that's what that is saying. that is true. follow the movie to the conclusion. and what does chairman fitzpatrick say? no, resoundingly, no. what does the chairman's actions show. no. resoundingly no. because he rejected the request. the rejection is ipso facto a statement of independence because he said no. and he could and he did. if you had watched the movie to the end, the name of the movie would have been "independence." you named it "interference." >> okay. so, i want to get steve's take on this. the governor is -- has also said -- i spoke to him on the phone yesterday, most of it off the record, but denying vehemently that he didn't -- they did not squash subpoenas. so "the times" is making a connection that everyone is running with. and the question is, in terms of looking at his response here and looking at the story as it was laid out, the actual facts making no connections, just the facts, is he in trouble in any way? >> no. and by the way, what i think is, and what he said, i find very compelling. and i think he is correct. and my advice to him would be to speak no more of this matter ever again forever. if the chairman of the commission says that i was not interfered with, and as the governor just went through, and the e-mail to me is dispositive of the fact that he asserted his independence, did not yield to political pressure in a conversation with a political aide who was trying to make a point, and there's no actual evidence, just supposition that there was a quashing of subpoenas, i don't know what the story is here. >> he didn't squash a subpoena? >> i think the answer is no, there is no evidence that subpoenas were squashed politically. so in the context of the story, you understand why he seems a little bit emotional, what his reaction is on that. but i don't know what the basis of the story and the allegation is, given the other facts that we just laid out here. >> i think you're -- i'm not quite so benign on this. he may not have squashed subpoenas, i don't know. i'm not familiar with this story. but what is clear, albany is a cesspool of corruption, they tried to clear it up, they tried to interfere, someone from his office, maybe they didn't succeed. i think andrew cuomo does not look good here. >> and here's a governor, ipso facto, he is in trouble. >> that's a different issue. >> i just wanted to get ipso facto in there. >> people have been trying to clean up albany since the 1920s. it's always been a sacesspool. the fact that albany is a cesspool has no bearing on this story. >> unless you said you came to albany to clean it up. >> but bring that up in the re-election. is there any evidence that the governor was involved in squashing subpoenas? there's no apparent evidence to me of that. if the chairman of the commission says that -- >> he did shut down the commission. >> there was no political interference. >> that's a problem in its own right. >> it's a problem, i suppose, if people want to make a political argument that he ought not to have closed down the commission. but the notion that, you know, that the story that ran, i think, is absent facts, alleging what he did. >> the question is what is interference, right? >> guys, so we have chris christie on one side of this thing and -- >> tri-state area. >> the tri-state governors are being looked at, and in both the cases, the optics are very bad. but to the governor's point, there are no facts right now that prove that he quashed subpoenas, right? does anybody have any? okay, we don't. but it doesn't look good. i think that's fair to say. >> closing down the -- >> the optics are bad. >> shutting down a commission that you created and it looks like there may be some timing that would indicate that it might be effective, but you've got no proof. >> you created it because you were a great corruption fighter. >> and then you shut it down. >> but, again, there's no actual fact that chose that. and you could also say that the new jersey governor, you know, tried that as well, saying there are no facts that show i was connected to the lane -- but that did not stop the press from talking about it is and saying these could be connections that could be made. it's an interesting trifecta. all right. we'll revisit this. we'll be following this. and maybe we'll hold a news conference closer to new york city. that would be nice. because that's another optic issue. >> buffalo's not good enough? >> buffalo is hard to get to. i'm like, are you kidding me, buffalo? now it seems like you're trying to make it far away -- >> tim russert is looking down on you somewhere, be careful, mika. >> i love buffalo, i'm just saying, but if you want to address the story, come to the reporters who are covering it. eugene robinson, thank you, steve schmidt, thank you as well. al hunt, stay with us. 40 years ago after his resignation as president, we'll take a look at some new uncensored tapes from the nixon administration. they're fascinating. and later, the impact of two opposing forces on the modern family dynamic. we'll explain what those forces are with a fascinating new study ahead and the impact of women working and making money and how that potentially affects marriage. but, first, here's bill karins with a check on the forecast. bill? >> morning to you, mika. a lot of activity lately. we had those tornadoes in boston yesterday, one in virginia last week. and then we had that lightning strike on the beach that killed that person in california, three rare events. what's not so rare is summertime fires in the west. and they continue to spread and we've been having a very active period. these are coming from near yosemite national park, and we're going to watch this area closely today, because they do have the chance to spread with warm temperatures and some breezy conditions out there. in all, we now have 27 large fires burning in the west. it actually died down just a little bit. we had about 36 last week. so some rainfall has been beneficial. this picture came to us overnight. this is from yosemite national park, and you can actually see on here, how active the fire is, right through the middle of the night. a pretty eerie looking picture there. so across the country, we had that storm in new england yesterday, gone. now we're looking at beautiful conditions. no problems with the mid-atlantic, ohio valley. dry air all the way to the south. one area that's needed the rain, new mexico. and you're getting drenched. we've seen too much, too fast, and we have some flash flood warnings. colorado and new mexico, flash flooding. your tuesday forecast, flash flood threat continues for colorado, new mexico, some afternoon storms in florida. and as we head towards the end of the week, the predominant weather story will be what happens with this tropical disturbance. it looks like it could become tropical storm bertha by the end of the week. somewhere near puerto rico by the time we get to sunday. and it could go somewhere just off the east coast it looks like, next week at this time. so that's good news with that. shouldn't be much of a problem for the lower 48. but our friends in puerto rico, we'll keep a close eye on it. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. over 20 million kids everyday in our country lack access to healthy food. for the first time american kids are slated to live a shorter life span than their parents. it's a problem that we can turn around and change. revolution foods is a company we started to provide access to healthy, affordable, kid-inspired, chef-crafted food. we looked at what are the aspects of food that will help set up kids for success? making sure foods are made with high quality ingredients and prepared fresh everyday. our collaboration with citi has helped us really accelerate the expansion of our business in terms of how many communities we can serve. working with citi has also helped to fuel our innovation process and the speed at which we can bring new products into the grocery stores. we are employing 1,000 people across 27 urban areas and today, serve over 1 million meals a week. until every kid has built those life-long eating habits, we'll keep working. machines will be sprayed to be made. and making something stronger... will mean making it lighter. one day, factories will work with the cloud. one day... is today. one of the first recordings made after president richard nixon installed a private taping system, and an eerie warning from his chief of staff. joining us now, professor of history at rice university, douglas brinkley, who is the father of cassidy, it's cassidy, right, sweetie? yeah, i'm good. also the co-editor of a new book, "the nixon tapes: richard nixon unfiltered, uncensored, and in his own words." is your dad nice? >> yeah. >> a good writer, right? and cassidy says she's best behaved in the household. i'll let you go figure that out between your brother and sister, because we're going to be talking about inappropriate behavior among pandas, apparently. so cute. so good. we've got a lot of fascinating things to talk about pertaining to your books and these tapes. here's a conversation between president nixon and henry kissinger when they wanted to produce criticism against soviet jews, worried it could harm their secret talks with the soviet union. what do you think of this conversation? >> henry kissinger, being jewish, is constantly worried he's going to be taken out of being a negotiator in the middle east, anything to do with israel or foreign policy in general, but nixon told halderman, i don't want any jews regarded with foreign policy. so kissinger always trying to overcompensate and being macho. in this case, he says, i don't care about the human right s jes and soviet unions. it's none of our business. we don't ask russia to tell us about african-americans, we don't care what happens to them. at one point, he says, i don't care basically if they go in gas chambers, it's none of our business. they're in russia, it's not america. he's a realist, kissinger, and this is his real politic vision. >> al, have you been listening to these tapes at all? >> i've listened to some. >> it's fascinating. >> i can't wait to read doug's book. everything about nixon is fascinating. the contradictions, this incredibly smart man who was so insecure, had good policies and did them in the worst possible way. but kissinger also was pandering to him. >> absolutely. and nobody spoke up to the boss. and you have to give kissinger to -- you know, he didn't know he was being tape recorded. nixon had everything voice activated. it wasn't like johnson or kennedy, where they were doing limited taping. this was everything. they even bugged camp david. so you can imagine kissinger, years later, when these come out, you have to be -- you get mortified. but nobody, except halderman, and maybe once or twice, really stands up to the boss. they're afraid of him. >> and kissinger in his defense, pandered to him rhetorically, but it didn't affect policy. >> often would just do the opposite or at least try to work other channels. in fact, we owe kissinger a little bit of credit in october of 1973 with the yom kippur war, nixon was drinking all the time, completely dissolving, because of the pressure of watergate, and it was kissinger and scowcroft who kept our foreign policy going. >> so had it been today, there could be cameras everywhere. it would be like the kardashians. one of the more humorous exchanges in the book, nixon's conversation with a washington reporter about chinese pandas heading to the national zoo. nixon was apparently amazed at how they mated. >> pandas are voyeurs. what in the world?! what in the world? >> well, nixon's sort of an odd man. >> yes. >> but, of course, his best moment in history is the 1972 breakthrough to china and the pandas coming to america were a big deal. and on one of the tapes, nixon was talking about the problem of what zoo, san diego, st. louis? and he decided on the national zoo, because he thought the climate was right for pandas. so he started reading a lot about pandas, so far that he was getting into their mating habits with a reporter. >> a real aficionado. so '72, you talk about, that's when the breakthrough he had with china. but when we look at his most powerful years, really is just prior to that. because watergate, you know, '73, as you say, he was drinking a little more than he should have been. but '71/'72? >> yeah, he was a big deal. he won in '68, improbable as it was. '72, the biggest landslide in american history against george mcgovern. on one of the tapes, he's so victorious, he says, why isn't somebody writing a book about 1972. all that i've accomplished. his sense of grandiosity is extreme. and of course, we know, by '73, watergate just starts ripping him down. and you get a whole new batch of tapes that a man name stanley cutler had put into a book called "abuse of power," a great scholar from wisconsin, and now john deans also adding to that record. >> did you like putting this together? >> it was unbelievable, because my friend, luke nicktor, we had transcripts so high, he's been working on it for a decade. and we went through and edited it down to try to be fair. ones that are historically significant, some lighter moments, and some moments of dark nixon. >> before we go to break, we're going to bump out with him talking about women who swear, which we ran earlier. it is something to listen to. the book is the nixon tapes. and you can read an excerpt on our site, douglas brinkley, thank you so much. thank you, cassidy! your daughter's adorable! always bring her. al hunt, thank you as well. i know you've got to run. tomorrow on "morning joe," we'll continue our look at president nixon. john dean will be our guest for his book, the nixon defense, what he knew and when he knew it. coming up this morning, the revolution at home. how men and women are learning to coexist in a new era of equality, or no coexist. "morning joe" will be right back. think the tree we carved our names in is still here? probably dead... how much fun is this? what? what a beautiful sunset... if you like sunsets. whether you're sweet or salty... you'll love nature valley sweet and salty bars. caman: thanks, captain obvious. wouldn't stay here tonight. captain obvious: i'd get a deal for tonight with deals for tonight from and you might want to get that pipe fixed. the dynamics of the american working family are constantly evolving. affected in large part by the economic gains and losses made by women in the family. it creates what the director of the research council, research at the council on contemporary families call the new instability in a piece for "the new york times". she wrote in part this, over the past 40 years, the geography of family life has been destabilized by two powerful forces, pulling in opposite directions. and occasionally scraping against each other. much like tectonic plates. one is the striking progress toward equality between men and women. the other is the equally striking growth of socioeconomic inequality and insecurity. and here with us now to weigh in on these two trends, editor in chief of "glamour," cindy levy, and chairman of myers, jet myers, the author of the upcoming book, "the future of men" and "the age of dominant males." we've got to talk. i don't know who's losing more in that. but let's talk about this study. so cindy and jack, and thomas, show us some of the numbers here we're talking about. because there are some real shifts taking place. >> there are definitely shifts. let's talk about gains for women and redefining the ideal family arrangement. the question was asked, how have these two trends impacted the notion of an ideal family relationship based on these numbers. and look at this, we have the ideal family arrangement, 1977, two-thirds believed the husband should work, and the wife should be at home. now, 2012, we've got one third believe that the husband should work and the wife should be at home. so, obviously, there is huge gains in terms of how families are looking at who's going outside the home to work. >> and add one more outcome to that, looking at divorce, which is so interesting as well. >> so marriage 101, we look at the 1980s. if the wife was better educated, divorce was more likely. in the 1990s, if the wife is better educated, there is no e added divorce risk. >> let's stop there with this new instability. what's happening? cindy and then jack? >> what's happening is work is a reality of women's lives. and it is basically holding up the american economy. and most americans are pretty fine with that. i mean, the statistics that you just showed, showing how people's views towards women bringing home the bacon have changed are remarkable. you know, there used to be this idea that that was a men's world. and now, particularly, young men and women think, you know what, as long as there's bacon coming into the home, i'm good. it doesn't matter who's brought it. >> it's not just a push for equality anymore, it's a necessity. i look at the next generation as girls are going to work. >> it's not about having it all as some sort of greedy or selfish choice. it's about, this is what the economy and everybody's family is -- >> but it is impacting the family, jack? >> there are clear economic -- >> and marriages. >> it's impacting across all society, culture, business, education, politics. but the reality is that in 2015, for the first time, women will surpass men in the workforce, in managerial and professional jobs, in 1970, men represented over 75%. today, they represent only 45% of managerial and professional jobs. and while women's income has been increasing since 1970, about 25%, men's income has been flat. so while we have more women in the workforce, there's still overall family income, even with more two-family homes is declining. and that's the real challenge. that we can't raise total income, even as more women are entering the workforce. >> interesting results from this, also, in terms of who does the housework. who bears the brunt of the family responsibilities. >> well, there was this study last year, that got a lot of attention, that hinted that couples in which men do more of the housework or at least their fair share, actually have less sex. and that turns out not to be true. i'm pretty sure it was a rumor started by a guy who did not want to unload the dishwasher. >> it's a good one! >> but i think that speaks to something that jack just raised. as women gain in education, they are not actually raising their risk of divorce. that has been a long-standing fear among a lot of women. and it was based on the fact that it used to be true, up until about the 1990s. but one of the things that "the times" piece points out, is that for the last couple of years, couples where women have equivalent or greater education than their husband, have more stable marriages than those where women are lagging behind. and that's reassuring. >> and even where there's a working husband and a working wife, the working wife still does on average 25% more housework than child care. and in working homes where there's a working wife and a working husband, the husband still has 40 minutes more per day of leisure time. so women are -- there's definitely not a balance -- >> it's almost matching up. but in your new book and talking about the age of men and male dominance lacking, is that, and these numbers may contribute to that. the fact that when couples are getting together, men and women, they're deciding that their personal and professional lives don't need to be mutually exclusive. and they can achieve these dreams together, communicate about it, talk about it, and achieve it together. it seems like that's the big difference we're seeing in modern relationships. >> it is a balance. and a good man today is not defined by his conquests. >> he's just hard to find. >> that's the opening line of my book. >> very good! okay. very good. it is so interesting, because i think we're kind of in the middle of all of this, these challenges, watching, and reading this article, it was sort of like, i don't know where this is going. >> i think part of what it means is that the definition of being a great man and a great provider has changed. it doesn't necessarily mean that you are doing the providing as a man. you might also need to support your wife if she needs to go back to school to increase her earning power. move across the country to take another job. all the things that wives have traditionally done for their husbands, it's a two-way street. >> thank you both for being on the show. come back when your book comes out. still ahead, new earnings from wall street, including new concerns from bp over russian sanctions. business before the bell is next. welcome back, everybody. "business before the bell" now with cnbc's sarah eisen. >> bp warned about further sanctions if the eu and the u.s., as they're discussing, but economic sanctions on russia. it could have, according to bp, a material adverse affect on their operations in russia. remember, bp has about 20% stake in rosnef, which is a major russian energy giant, controlled by the state. so obviously these countries that do business there are starting to worry about more sanctions as discussed. also i want to mention some moral outrage today. okay cupid, the offline dating site, apparently has been lying to its users, doing all sorts of social experiments, taking away pictures, taking away content on professional. and get this, telling people that they were 90% matched when, really, they were only a 30% match, which, guys, they found actually worked in terms of the number of correspondences. people are pretty upset about that. but okcupid says, this is what websites do. >> doesn't that mean that people will just keep shopping on okcupid? >> or it doesn't matter. >> good point, sarah eisen, you're the best. up next, what, if anything, did we learn today? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Saturday 20160521 10:00:00

hi, everybody. good morning. today is saturday, the 21st of may, 2016. i'm anna kooiman. we are starting with a fox news alert. signs of smoke before the disappearance of egyptair flight 804. investigators getting new clues this morning as they try to figure out if it was terror and if it was terror that took down that passenger plane. new security changes coming right here in america. >> and then donald trump picks up a big endorsement last night from the nra and gives hillary clinton a brand new nickname. >> hillary wants them to be defenseless, wants to take away any chance of survival. that's why we are going to call her heartless hillary. >> heartless hillary. a brand new name for his foe in the general election. will it work? >> it's the internet going wild for. >> this is worth every penny. >> the story behind the mom and the chewbacca mask now seen by millions. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ fun, fish, loving every day ♪ that's a prayer every country boy makes ♪ thank god he made mow this way ♪ loving, fishing, and loving every day. ♪ early in the morning, late in the evening. >> summer is almost upon us. we have bass pro out on the plaza. looks like a campground out there. >> big kayak race this morning. show us all the tents, kayaks, those stand up kayaks, the paddle boards. stand up with the big paddle board. >> i have been told we are not wearing our microphones and ear pieces because we don't want to get anything to get wet. >> electrocuted. >> who is getting into the drink. >> there anything more wholesome and healing than fishing? i think we could get rid of half the medical establishments just fished more. no scientists. >> rick was stressed this morning. we sent him outside in order to deal with some the medical conditions. >> is he outside in a tent. like a nomad good morning. >> good morning. i have wanted to get that extra 30 minutes of sleep. i just rolled out and stayed right there. put my suit in there last night. >> very peaceful in 48 and in manhattan with sirens going by. we're headed toward summer although it's felt like spring for a lot of people this week will t. will start to feel like summer. the eastern half of the country things finally changing around. nobody all that bad. everything is looking pretty calm out there. we have some rain, again, across areas of florida. today we will see that as the day heats up again. take a look at this. there is big race, the preakness going on. washout in and around the baltimore area. a lot of rain today. we will deal with rain the next couple of days but just stay patient because we will get through it and things going to warm up for the latter part of this week. take a look at that big storm across the west. that is going to be bringing severe weather. we are in the season we will get it. it's here. today up and down the high plains. moves off tornado alley for severe weather. tomorrow the biggest day for potential tornadoes and then for monday across the southern plains. three day severe weather event that we're going to be watching. temperaturewise today, look at that fargo 83. we're still cool across the mid-atlantic and northeast because of cloud cover and cooler temperatures. we are warm across areas of the south. going into monday and then take a look by the time we get to wednesday, guys. how about we finally start to fell to like summer. >> it's about time. >> there you go. >> no more freezes. >> we feel that way. thanks a lot, rick. >> go back to sleep. >> night, night. four minutes after the hour. we will start with a headlines. fox news alert, smoke on board flight 804 before it crashed. french investigators confirming smoke detected in multiple places including a bathroom near the cockpit. still unclear what caused the smoke. meanwhile, teams are focusing on finding the plane's black boxes hoping they will provide concrete answers. human remains and luggage belonging to passengers all recovered off the coast of egypt. the victims' families meeting with french foreign ministry. still not ruling anything out, including terror, as the cause. also this morning, a standoff at the white house ends with gunfire. >> police were around him with a gun and i got really scared. the police started of screaming at us like get out of here. get out of here. get to the floor. >> the white house on lockdown for an hour friday while the agents tried to convince pennsylvania man, jesse olivere to drop his gun. officers shot him when he refused. investigators saw the toyota nearby with ammunition inside. they believe it is his. vice president biden was inside the white house. president obama was out playing golf. governor mary fallon turning down the unprecedented measure passed by the state's legislature. fallon said the measure was so big doctors wouldn't be able to determine when an abortion was necessary to save a mother's life. slamming the bill calling it unconstitutional since it was challenge the 1973 roe v. wade decision. alan young also known as wilbur on mr. he had has passed away. >> like a morris code. >> yeah. only ours is a horse code. [ laughter ] >> do you really think you could teach me enough to talk to ladies? >> three lessons from me, wilbur, and you will be growing a tail. >> beloved 96 actor passing away of natural causes in his california home. before his star dumb in mr. he had he was known for hosting the mr. young show. he went on to be the voice actor portraying scrooge duck. those are your headlines. >> hello. >> hello. hello, wilbur. >> so donald trump was not the first ping of the national rifle association. they did not endorse him in the primary. some question whether they were going to but they did yesterday. trump went to louisville kentucky for nra meeting. gave a speech there, and accepted their endorsement. here is what he said. >> hillary wants to disarm vulnerable americans in high crime neighborhoods whether it's a young single mom in florida or a grandmother in ohio, hillary wants them to be defenseless. wants to take away any chance they have of survival. that's why we're going to call her heartless hillary. we can do without that. [cheers and applause] >> somehow i look crooked hillary better. >> obviously he suffered among women voters and maybe perhaps seeing an opening, talking about that hillary clinton wants to take away the guns of single moms in high crime areas that wouldn't be able it defend themselves or the grand mother who wouldn't be able to defend herself. >> turning the tables in that way. also, calling on the clintons to drop their body guards that they have had since the 1990s, the secret service. if guns are so unimportant by could all your body guards have them. also this week he released his list of potential replacements for supreme court justice antonin ask scalia who passed away why doesn't hillary clinton. he is giving red meat saying she wants to abolish the second amendment all together. here she is on may 9th this year speaking about gun violence. listen. >> we have got to do a better job sort of dealing with the gun culture and dealing with the kinds of attitudes we're now seeing where people reach for guns to solve their problems. and it's never solved anybody's problem. it's only made more heart break and blood shed. >> guns have never solved anybody's problems. i guess it depends on what the problem is if someone is coming at you to harm you, it's a huge problem and only solved with another firearm. i grew up in gun culture, the one that she mocks and revials and say we somehow need to undo. i have never hurt anybody and nobody else who grew up in the culture that i know of. trump makes a good point about body guards. i was on amtrak train yesterday and vice president gets on with like 25 armed guys. so if guns don't solve any problems, what is that about? hillary clinton has a massive scrutiny, they have guns. >> she was on twitter defending herself yesterday. >> so silly. >> she fired back at dromp saying you are wrong, mr. trump we can uphold without promoting gun violence. let's get this done. 90%% of americans in this vin diagram that she tweeted about. come to your screen right now and look at it, 90% of americans in top bubble and in the middle support universal background checks and in the bottom now hard for me to see it. of gun owners at the bottom there. immediately twitter exploded with the problems with this vin diagram. >> here is one tweet that was mocking her tweet. stereotypes hillary is smashing. women being bad at math. >> that's not how vin diagrams work. the union of two different groups and, yet, american citizens and gun owners are, of course, the same group. it doesn't make any sense at all. >> the idea that half of the diagram aren't americans or more than half of this diagrams are not americans. >> 90% of americans support universal background checks. it depends on what that means. do i have to give my sun a background check if i give my son for christmas? >> maybe that number will go down a little bit if people understand. >> mentally i will background checks? there is an argument that i don't think she is making well. here is the spending in the campaigns. mitt romney $443 million and republican party 1.12 billion trying to get him elected. money doesn't necessarily buy victory. hillary clinton spending $182 million-to-dwarfing donald trump's $54 million so far in the campaign. >> more than three times what he has spent. here's a breakdown of their staff. the clinton campaign employs 732 people. trump employs 70. so who has the advantage? it's interesting. i think we have learned in the primaries our assumptions about money were probably wrong. we always assumed that the guy with the most money, with the most staff, with the ground game. we talk this up so much wins. this guy just beat 16 people spending basically no money at all. >> you also watch politics for such long time, tucker, and the clinton political machine is unlike any other, right? >> yeah. >> do you think mr. trump needs to worry a little bit more about money or no? >> i don't know. he needs money, of course. the clinton people are super smart. a lot of them are talented. i know a lot of them. i like some of them. they know what they are doing. i think they are backing in the wrong candidate. in the end is it dispositive? does it make a difference? trump needs money to get his message out? no, he doesn't. >> you make a big point about the ground game. that was all the talk during the fall. he has a terrible ground game in ohio. >> senator ted cruz just logistically because of that organization. if it's going going into the general election. >> it's not irrelevant. maybe not the biggest thing. i always thought it was the biggest thing but i have been wrong a lot. >> big show coming up, hillary clinton says she will bring in her husband to fix the economy. >> my husband, who i'm going to put in charge of revitalizing the economy because, you know, he knows how to do it. >> yeah, big feminist, she will let her husband do it. what do voters think about that. brand new details from the dial test. pretty interesting. >> never trump floated mark cuban's name as a third party candidate. he says he would be open to being hillary clinton's running mate? what? so yoless intense?k out. there we go. which means you need to know your heart rate. when you're going up that hill. or holding up that post. or hiking on that trail. baaaaah! that was weird. or you want to know how many calories you burned. when you're doing this. or this. or this. which means,is. you should probably wear this. beat yesterday with vivoactive hr. from garmin. & in a world held back by compromise, businesses need the agility to do one thing & another. only at&t has the network, people, and partners to help companies be... local & global. open & secure. because no one knows & like at&t. in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. all across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, the lowest taxes in decades, and new infrastructure for a new generation attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in rochester, with world-class botox. and in buffalo, where medicine meets the future. let us help grow your company's tomorrow - today - at hi, friends, good morning. 16 minutes after the hour. the battle for the white house heating up even more this week as the race continues to narrow. how are the people reacting to what donald trump, hillary clinton, and bernie sanders have to say? let's ask lee carter she is back. good morning. >> good morning. >> thanks for being here so early so often. let's roll the dial and get your take and reaction. >> my husband, who i'm going to put in charge of revitalizing the economy because, you know, he knows how to do it. [cheers and applause] especially in places like coal countries and inner cities and other parts of our country that have really been left out. >> so, overall here, you could see that the republicans and independence were on the floor there, they gave it an f. democrats even gave it a c. rare you see a frontrunner get that low on the dials. what people told us was the most important issue to us is the economy. that's the number one thing. that's why we are going to elect the next president and she can't even do it herself, she has to outsource it to her husband. that didn't work for her. >> next is donald trump on tax returns. hillary clinton has been calling on him to release those. he has found a way to t+honest and trustworthiness. >> how can she ask anything when they are missing right now 30,000 emails, when she is under fbi investigation for being essentially a very dishonest person. i don't even know how she can run. honestly, people have been destroyed. their lives have been destroyed for doing a tiny fraction, sean, of what she has done. >> you can see democrats were on the floor not that surprising, republicans loved it, a, and you could see that independence were independents were b. it's interesting to see where they are tracking. hillary clinton going after him for tax returns. not a smart strategy number one issue is trustworthiness. can he go right back at her and you can see how it works. >> he will do it over and over again if it's work for him. >> bernie sanders says don't count me out even though hillary clinton says i am the nominee. bernie sanders says don't count me out. i'm in it until the very end. >> we are in until the last ballot is cast. [cheers] >> the democratic party is going to have to make a very, very profound and important decision. it can do the right thing. >> yes. >> and open its doors and welcome in to the party people who are prepared to fight for real economic and social change. >> you know, and this is really fascinating to me. you see bernie sanders there. republican were even pretty favorable toward him and that's rare. he got a c both independents and democratics b plus. depending who you talk to. people want him. in rattling the doors and saying there is a new day. very antiestablishment message they want a new day in the party on both sides of the aisle and he is tapping into that. >> hillary clinton likes to paint donald trump as this brash billionaire who is reckless. she says he is not qualified when asked by another network. listen. >> you think that donald trump is qualified to be president? >> no, i do not. i know how hard this job is and i know that we need steadiness as well as strength and smarts in it. and i have concluded he is not qualified to be president of the united states. >> very big differences there g.o.p. f and item crass an a. >> independents give a c. that's the highest i have seen in her base for along time. this is a message that works for her when she is talking to democrats. she needs to move the independents and she didn't do it there. lee carter, thanks for your time today. >> thank you. >> a man removed from a women's restroom he claims that is the victim of a hate crime. does this man have a case? that's next. and did the white house pay off the press to win support for the iran nuclear deal? the outrageous accusations and why it could be true. what's it like to be in good hands? like finding new ways to be taken care of. home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh... but with added touches you can't get everywhere else, like claim free rewards... or safe driving bonus checks. even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee! in means protection plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. it's good to be in, good hands. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla, apremilast. otezla is not an injection, or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months. and otezla's prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your dermatologist about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. welcome back. quick headlines for you. more security changes may be on the way in the t.s.a. in the wake of the egyptair crash. more agents expected to be add to reduce wait times. already adding 800 tissue workers by summer. tsa under fire for long lines and enraged fliers missing their flights. and is he one step closer to facing a trial in the united states. mexico now approving the exthat addition of notorious drug lord el chapo to the united states guaranteeing he would not face the death penalty. is he facing murder, kidnapping, and drug smuggling charges. his lawyers have 30 days to appeal that tucker? >> be thanks, clayton. the battle over the country's bathrooms facing another hurdle. a fee pail security guard at washington, d.c. grocery store has been arrested for removing a man who identifies as a woman he says from a woman's restroom. police are treating the case as what they are calling a hate crime. let's talk about this radio talk show host and fox news contributor tammy bruce and trial attorney. great to see you both. >> good morning. >> i'm confused by this, tammy, i will begin with you. >> sure. >> a hate crime. the definitions of gender are still fluid. they have not been defined by the white house or anyone pushing this stuff, how does the average person even know what the new rules are sufficient to commit hate crime? >> see, that's an interesting part of the problem and maybe part of the intention is that you won't know what you're doing that will actually be a crime and this is why i have been against the hate crime dynamic well since the initial concept. to attach a thought crime on top of a regular crime becomes a problem because then as we are seeing in this case you have got to presume or guest guestimate what was in someone's heart as effectively and in this case someone was doing their job. if there was an assault, that's something that will have to be adjudicated within the dynamic of the exchange of those two people. to say it's a hate crime for a security guard to be acting upon what she thought was the right thing to do in that moment because it suggests that she did it because that person was claimed to be transgender and then we are in this argument well then what was in that other person's heart? this is a problem. it's a major mistake. and i think that ultimately i don't think it will prevail. i don't think they will actually go through that kind of charge. but it's a signal to everyone, boy, you might get charged with a crime if you don't say the right thing or if you don't do the right thing. >> exactly right. hate crimes give greater protection to some groups than others which makes a mockery we are all equal under the law. in this specific case, lisa, what does it mean to be transgendered? how do i know if someone is transgendered? >> that's the main question. >> you can't define. >> in this case they can enforce this law because in d.c. they passed a dc human rights act back in 2006 and they specifically protected gender identity in public places this includes the rest rooms. >> i live there and i'm aware of that i still don't know what it means. does it mean i am whatever i say i am at whatever moment i say it? >> apparently under the d.c. statute that's what it means. apparently that statute is a broad statute and it is enforced in that manner. >> how can we keep our federal prisons, for example, segregated by sex? if i'm on my way to jail can i just say i'm a many with now, i would rather be in the women's detention center? >> that will simplefully. >> that's not theoretical it's a real thing. >> it's a real thing and overspill into a lot of areas until we define it what really has to happen is just last week the supreme court denied a case that would probably have helped us identify what the federal law is on transgender and define the issue. but we won't get that from the supreme court this year so we're going to have to rely on these cases out of north carolina and the federal circuit courts to define what transgender is. and as you see, it's turning into quite a muck because we have different laws everywhere. >> it just makes the society more chaotic and vulnerable. maybe that was the point. you have thought a lot about this stuff, tammy, what is the point. >> as a gay woman, i have friends across the spectrum, some who are cross dressers who identify as transgendered, generally everyone is kind of laughing pause we all have always made the choices about where woe are going to go to the bathroom. what's happened now it's become politicized. we are in a presidential election year as an example and this is the conversation we are having. and most people realize that this is about moving a certain kind of political agenda. using individuals, whether it be transgendered or gay individuals as pawns in a certain way. >> obama put it at the forewith directions rather than law. >> that's what makes it so political and inappropriate. people are trying to live their lives. they are now being used -- now, when i was on the left, we would actually take an action like this particular situation, make a claim of abuse, and then use that to move something. >> this might do that. this case, the hate crime, and it is a hate crime because it's not about what was in their mind but what came out of this security guard's mouth now qualifies it as hate crime. there is overt action. if this was adjudicated and did go into a federal court or even at the state level, we would get a lot of answers. >> wield get some definitions. i think most americans are people of goodwill. they want to know what the rules rand they don't and it's crazy. >> hopefully they want to follow them. >> we need clarity. this can't be changing on day-to-day, person on person. that makes a mockery on the rule of law. >> thanks for joining us. thank you. >> thanks, tucker. >> plane crash setting off new debate between the presidential candidates. who do you trust to keep this country safe? we'll debate that. and with the lines getting longer at tsa checkpoints across the country, is the federal government able to do anything? can it even keep our airports orderly? we have got a panel on that next. and then, a brawl breaks out when two mcdonald workers fight over who gets toll bake the apple pies. it's a plumb -- plum assignment. we'll have details ♪ and i i've made up my mind ♪ i ain't wasting no more -- tho? check your broker with brokercheck. tho? welcome back, a fox news alert now. major developments in the egyptair disaster. french investigators confirming smoke was detected in a bathroom just minutes before the plain crashed. >> many questions still hang in the air. was it a terror attack? was it a mechanical failure? >> our john huddy is live in jerusalem with the latest details. good morning, john. >> good morning, anna, clayton, and tucker. the acr which is the detection and reporting system indicated smoke not only in the lavatory but also throughout the cabin and, again, that raises the theory, of course, and the spector of a possible fire. what led to that fire bomb or mechanical? that's the question. but, of course, that smoke filled the cabin before the plane dropped off the radar it also made a significant, if you look at the this animation, egyptair flight 804 made a sharp turn, a 90-degree turn before essentially going into a spiral dropping from 37,000 feet to 10,000 feet. of course, that would have incapacitated everyone on board. and then as we know crashing into the mediterranean sea. killing all 66 people on board. it was an overnight flight enroute from charles degall, an airport in paris that departed around 11:09 local time there and going to cairo when the airbus 320 dropped off the radar 3:30 a.m. it had entered egyptian airspace just minutes before. pieces of the plane have been recovered. about 180 miles southeast or off the coast of egypt. also, an oil slick possibly from the plane was spotted by satellite imagery as well. so far, anna, clayton, and tucker, the lack boxes have not been found. that will be a critical piece of evidence in determining what happened in seconds and minutes before this flight went down. >> major developments there thanks, john. the egyptair crash setting off new debate national security between the presidential candidates. how will this weigh in on the election? our terror panel joins me now. former white house security counts staff under president obama. licensed pilot and criminal state investigator and lieu ten tant colonel tony shaffer senior fellow at the london center of policy research. welcome all this morning to the show. john, i want to start with you. we heard some strong words from both presidential candidates this week or a number of the presidential candidates this week about this. do you think that this will play a larger role in the campaign going forward? >> well, it's going to be because they're going to take it as an issue, whether it's terrorism or not. you know, yesterday we heard reports that there were no akars recording messages off this airplane. today we are hearing these things. as these facts keep changing it will definitely change the type of debate. there is no doubt in my mind that one or more of these candidates are going to use this as an issue because we do need stronger leadership in the middle east. this is absolutely no leadership in the middle east. these people are not on the run. they are gaining ground. >> jillian, of course we don't know yet if it was terrorism. we see these moments in the campaign where terrorism happens in paris, the candidates talk about it for a little while, and then we seem to come back to the economy. is the american public focused on foreign policy? >> they definitely are in this election cycle than i have seen in the last 10 plus years which, from my perspective, those of us in the foreign policy community who care about these issues it's great news. there is really interesting poll yesterday. it told us that donald trump is more trusted when it comes to fighting terrorism. hillary clinton is more trusted when it comes to responsibly deploying american military power abroad. they were both sort of equally trusted when it comes to u.s. foreign policy and our projection abroad in that sense. people are really thinking about these issues. they are apply agnewanceed approach which i think is great news. i'm happy to see that american voters are focusing on this. i want to play a sound bite of donald trump, speaking of donald trump that gillian brought up. here was donald trump talking this week about airplane terror. listen. >> i have been looking at airplanes getting blown up in the air and lots of bad things happening, it's just not the same. we're going to bring it back, and we're going to bring it back to a real place where we don't have to be so frightened, where we don't have to be so afraid. we're going to bring it back and you folks are going to be so happy and you're going to be so proud of your country again. >> tony, he is making the argument, which is -- sounds similar to what you're making is it all comes down to bad policy why we are seeing insurgency of islamic extremism around the world. >> as gillian said the american people are engaged. people are going to look at who created the bad policy the current white house. isis has grown exponentially. my friend mike flynn was warning the white house about this when he was director of cia. who is response snible the people in power and people closest to those in power hillary clinton. when it comes to going through detail who gets the 3:00 call in the morning she apparently failed when she got the call regarding benghazi. this is going to play out in a very bad word for her. the idea of taking action and fixing a policy, doing it in a sort of way is actually resonating very well with the measure people. >> guys, i want to get your take on the airport security. we heard announcement from the tsa. beef up staff so we don't end one lines like we saw in chicago a few weeks ago. john, will it make us safer or is it just going to make us more efficient? >> there haven't been a lot of incidents at airports. i believe that we have been pretty safe. i wish i could say the same about our country from the son out in texas and guy on the coast came and shot two people and then came to new jersey and shot a young man. guy in the middle east who cut the woman's head off. i believe we are safe. only thing that they are going to key buff is -- deif you have three hour lines to get on an airplane and that's ridiculous. >> the idea gillian homegrown terrorism can we really prevent these sorts of things, getting on aircraft how do we screen for that? >> it's very difficult. screening inside the united states domestically is very air tight. it very good. main point from counter terrorism comes to aviation. terrorists are innovating at much faster rate than governments are able to come up with detection and prevention measures. it's not that the terrorists are some technological edge on us, they are very good at coming up with know ways, innovative ways to conceal explosive devices, and that's -- we don't know yet if two days' ago attack was terrorist attack or not. that's really what we are facing now is that they are very agile, new reports this week coming out about al qaeda in the arabian peninsula developing ways to implant explosive devices inside people's bodies that they can detonate remotely. this is the new wave. >> are our airports secure? >> no. look, dsa is giving isis a great gift by creating large cues of people. this is what we saw happen in belgium. they are not learning from it. look, they need to be putting people further out. tsa has done very creative things. i was actually talking to an agent one time. talking to the line talking to people engaging them before they get to security. need to do that red teaming. asked by a certain entity in d.c. to look at new security profile. this is how i would go about trying to penetrate it we are creating our own problems. >> all right. great discussion this morning, tony, john, gillian, great to see you all this morning, thank you. >> thanks. >> thanks. >> anna, over to you. >> thank you so much, clayton. 41 minutes after the hour. not going quietly. kalamazoo shooter dragged out of the courtroom. >> bag and people drive around and you look at them it gets like real -- it's time people look. >> right here, honey. you are okay. you are okay. [sobbing] >> a witness who was testifying against a former uber driver, jason dalton left shaking on the stand. the woman crying outloud as dalton was literally dragged out as you see. the man accused of going on a deadly rampage in january tried to jump out of his seat leading to the outburst. dalton has been ordered to stand trial. and a new team for cuban the billionaire were dallas mavericks open to being hillary clinton's running mate on the democratic ticket. >> if she is willing to listen. if she is willing to hear other sides of things, then i'm wide open to discussing it. >> cuban says clinton would have to go more toward the center since bernie sanders dragged her too far to the left. last week cuban said he would be clinton's running mate if he could throw bombs at donald trump. and the laugh heard around the world. a hilarious video now going viral. the woman trying on a chewbacca mask. you've got to see this. >> he will probably take it from me. however, this is mine, like when it's said and done at the end of the day, this is mine that i bought. and i'm going to keep it for my own. >> this is worth every penny! [ laughter ] it's really good, isn't it. she originally bought for her son but now plans to keep it for herself. the video seen 91,000 times and counting. kohl's has sold out of the mask. we will have the famous woman on the show in just a bit. love it when you bring your toys to work. >> last night 11:00 i snuck into the boy's room and said i need to borrow your chewbacca mask for the show tomorrow. >> got a weird job. >> he is watching. >> did the white house pay off the press to win support for the iran nuclear deal? outrageous accusation and why it could be true. >> leonardo decaprio is concerned about global warming. he took a private jet to environment awards ceremony vastly increasing his carbon footprint. hypocrite? we'll report. you decide. ♪ king for peanuts? well what if i told you that peanuts can work for you? that's right. i'm talking full time delivery of 7 grams of protein and 6 essential nutrients. ever see a peanut take a day off? i don't think so. harness the hardworking power of the peanut. if legalzoom has your back.s, over the last 10 years we've helped one million business owners get started. visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. legalzoom. legal help is here. 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talk to your rheumatologist. this is humira at work. real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there is only one place where real and amazing live. seaworld. real. amazing just when the cops think the iran nuclear deal couldn't get any more intense, new information that left wing groups paid off the media to sell the deal plow shares left whipping advocacy group gave national public radio, the government radio station $100,000 in 2015 in order to do stories on iran to reflect it view that we need an iran nuclear deal. here to react former congressional advisor rebecca line distribution. great hendrix. government radio station funded in part by tax dollars in order to do pieces that it thinks will help bring about this iran nuclear deal. is that the definition of propaganda or is there another definition? >> well it, definitely looks like the obama administration set out to rig the system, basically. you know, one of the things that the american people rely on is a free and independent press to report the facts, to provide contrary perspectives so the american people can actually understand and see what's going on rather than just hearing the spin and i'd hodge call bent and goals of the administration. we see staff "new york times" he revealed that the administration set out to contrive, to make up a narrative to set iran deal to the american people. it created this echo chamber that we are now seeing with plow chairs fund and various left wing group and those in the media friendly to the obama administration all parroting the talking points to the american people. >> we should say in the interest of accuracy it is true awful lot wasspent on the other side by the way by groups opposed to the iran deal and in the end they, of course, failed. plow shares said this about giving money to npr, quote: it is common practice for foundations to fund media coverage of under reported stories. fundings does not influence the coverage in any way. let's count the lies in that statement. of course funding effects the editorial coverage. it's insulting to suggest otherwise. the idea you fund it and don't care what the outcome is such an appalling lie. why should we stand here and sort of nod and pretend it's true it's not true. >> no, it's not true. it's offensive to the american people. we're not stupid. what is amazing here, too. you brought up a great point, that even with all of this sort of spin that the administration conducted in deal to the american people, the other side did also try to present the facts. in the end support for the iran deal never really broke around the 25% number with the american people. still incredibly unpopular piece of diplomacy. and so the american people really saw how bad this deal is. you know, you can put a lot of lipstick on this pig but it's still ugly. the american people did not support the iran deal. the administration still pushed it through. order to get it to actually happen. >> that's right. never broke 25%. i didn't know that that's amazing number. who cares what voters think. rebekah thanks for joining us, we appreciate it. remember the chaos at the nevada democratic convention the other day? bernie sanders supporters claim the vote there was rigged and they are mad about it. their target? dnc chair woman debbie wasserman schultz of florida. we will tell why they are mad. the number of lyme disease cases has doubled since 1990. do you know how to protect yourself and your dogs? we have safety tips for you coming up ♪ glory days ♪ they will pass you by ♪ in the young girl's eye what's it like to be in good hands? like finding new ways to be taken care of. home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh... but with added touches you can't get everywhere else, like claim free rewards... or safe driving bonus checks. even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee! in means protection plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. it's good to be in, good hands. ♪ no, you're not ♪ yogonna watch it! ♪tch it! ♪ ♪ we can't let you download on the goooooo! ♪ ♪ you'll just have to miss it! ♪ yeah, you'll just have to miss it! ♪ ♪ we can't let you download... uh, no thanks. i have x1 from xfinity so... don't fall for directv. xfinity lets you download your shows from anywhere. i used to like that song. hi, everybody, i hope you are too long well. lyme disease awareness month. since the 1990s the number of cases have tripled in the united states with 300,000 diagnoses every year. >> that's scary. what do you need to know to protect your pets? outdoor survival expert has brought along brash. >> adorable. >> help us out this morning. how do we protect our home from keeping ticks away from our home. >> ticks are predators. when we go out in the wild and everybody says spend time in nature great for you mentally, spiritually, when you go out ticks are looking for you because they use our blood to help their system. if you have a use gravel or wood chip so you can beat back away from the foliage. they will hang on to the back of the foliage wait for you or your dog to walk by. they cling on and if your dog or cat comes inside it's like a bus. brought the ticks right inside. protect your borders with things like that instead of the foliage. >> next, you say we need to dress defensively. in fact, material is special? >> it is it's from insect shield. it was originally designed like all cool technology we have for the military. it's registered by the epa. worked right into the clothing so. for mosquitoes ticks, flies, you put it on good for 70 washings they say. what's cool for me if you don't like the way i'm dressed go on insect, send them your clothes. they will treat them and send them back to you. little kids and can't size them right we know they are protective. >> we know about insect repellent. how about do we protect our pets? >> brash has one of the insect shield vests on and his bed is also covered with it so i know it's acting as a barrier for the ticks right away. then, when you take him out, check through his hair. if you pet your dog a lot like i know you are, absolutely, then you will know you will feel a little bump. last week my son brought our son in from outside, she went to rub his head good night and she found one on the top of his head you have got it really be careful. >> maybe use we tweezers to get them off not a match or something else? >> the key to the tweezers is to make sure they are pinpoint. a particular, if you squeeze it or people say burn it, you know, all these other kind of urban myths then it causes it to cough up contents into your skin. i like to get as close to my skin ascii. kind of depress right where it's head is don't twist but gently pull it out have some of the antiseptic swabs to make sure there isn't any contact illness. big deal the numbers that you say and lyme disease macy messes you up. >> >> nice to see you. >> tucker, inside for you. something to watch out for. >> thanks a million, clayton. it is something to look out for. fox news alert for you. brand new pictures coming out from egypt of that airplane wreckage in the mediterranean. latest on the search top of the hour. so yoless intense?k out. there we go. which means you need to know your heart rate. when you're going up that hill. or holding up that post. or hiking on that trail. baaaaah! that was weird. or you want to know how many calories you burned. when you're doing this. or this. or this. or this. which means, you should probably wear this. beat yesterday with vivoactive hr. from garmin. wrely on the us postal service? 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"fox & friends" begins right now. ♪ chilling on the third row ♪ laid back like i'm george jones >> the paddle barring has begun. it's almost summer. >> we will be racing out there. we will see who is going to go in the drink because i imagine somebody may get pushed off american gladiator style. >> better not happen. bass pro shop is out here with outdoor event this morning. the real question is can you fish from a standup paddle board the answer is yes you can and you should. >> you have done this? >> of course. >> is that a good way -- >> -- i guess get off the shoreline and get in the marsh area. >> it's a great way. i think you are stalling because we have your graduation pictures. it is graduation season. >> is that all you could find? >> i don't know. that's our young tucker carlson. >> that's a long time ago. >> holy smokes. >> you are so handsome. >> san francisco team boat beer. >> no, that is catamount porter and that is a wig,. >> of course root beer and a wig. >> oh my gosh. look at that. [sigh] >> anna kooiman, pride of north carolina, such a cute picture. >> glamour shot with the hands -- >> you should done ham a can. >> angelic. >> you're up. >> oshts, man. >> your turn. >> my turn? >> yeah. let's see. >> whoa. >> nice car, nice wheels. >> my 89 ford escort. i was ready to hit the road and get out of there. >> why red by the way? does that suggest scholarship? >> no. that was like valedictorian? yeah, i was at the top. is your nose growing or is that true? >> no way. >> rick reichmuth is roughly my age. he is exactly my age. is he similar hair. rick, do we have your picture? >> i don't know. do we? do we? >> oh, yeah. >> so handsome. >> my buddy. you weren't born yet we had long hair back in the day. >> with duran, duran. >> your face turned night. >> did you say difference or pimps? [ laughter ] >> a lot of dimples and a lot of curls. >> looks like a spot perm. >> it was curly. i don't get it well now that that's happened for everybody to see, going to talk a little bit about the weather. in fact, guys, it's warming up out here. i think this year instead of the great american "fox & friends" bass pro shops racing i do yacks it needs to be on the paddle board. get ready for that. nice start to the day for everybody in the country. troubles across areas of the northeast. storms across parts of the mid-atlantic. kind of a washout from d.c. to baltimore to philadelphia. and most of this is going to then stay kind of in that mid-atlantic. see some showers also late in the afternoon across the northeast. down in southeast florida more rain again at times especially in the after. we're going to see some storms fire in the afternoon across the panhandle of texas and oklahoma. some of those could be severe. mostly some strong winds and some hail. in across the northern plains, take a look at this. wisconsin, up of michigan, beautiful day, much of minnesota. really spectacular one. temperatures great and tons of sunshine. so it's going to feel like a very nice start to summer there. and out across the west, really potent storm is bringing a lot of rain and more mountain snow across the area, and we will see that become our next severe weathermaker the next few days across the plains. back to you inside. >> thanks a million, rick. >> dimples or pimples. we need to get right to your news headlines at a minutes after the hour on a saturday morning. start with this one. a fox news alert. we are getting our first look at wreckage of egypt air flight 804. these images released by egyptian armed forces. life vests along with pieces of the plane. french investigators smoke discovered in multiple places on the plane before it crashed. showing coming from a bathroom near the cockpit. meanwhile, serve teams focusing on finding the black boxes hoping they will help to solve the mystery. families of the victims meeting with the french foreign ministry this morning. they have been assured that everything is being done to determine what happened. a standoff at the white house ending with gunfire. >> police were around him with a gun, and i got really scared. the police started screaming at us like get out of here. get out of here. get on the floor. >> white house on lockdown for a lockdown friday while the agents tried to convince pennsylvania man jesse olivere to drop his gun. an officer force to do shoot him when he refused. he is now in the hospital and is not expected to survive. investigators found a toyota nearby with ammunition inside, and they believe it belongs to him. vice president joe biden was inside the white house. president obama was out golfing. this morning a major beef over apple pie. a fight breaking out inside a mcdonald's all caught on camera. [shouting] >> hey, hey. [screams] >> oh my lord. >> jesus. >> the fight between employees in south carolina sparked when one employee asked the other to make the apple pies. >> those are hard to make. i will tell you. put them in the microwave. i don't know how to make them. clearly the woman didn't want to brawl. breaking out behind the counter and then they got dangerously close to the fryer. that could hurt. this all happened while co-workers were trying to break it up. leonardo decaprio award winning hypocrite. a list star taking a private jet from france to new york to accept environmental award and back to france at the event cannes film fest. sources close to decaprio says he didn't charter his own flight and he simply hitched rides to make it to all the events. so he carpooled so he was really worried about his carbon footprint. >> he buys carbon offset because is he still a better person than you are. >> he just announced is he going to take a wagon to his next event. >> stay home and do it by video conference, wouldn't that be better for the planet? >> well, donald trump was not on video conference yesterday in louisville, kentucky where he was on hand to accept the endorsement of the nra. we didn't know where the nra would go during this campaign. of course, they sort of went back and forth on maybe what candidate they would support. in the end though it was donald trump stepping forward to put on the towel of the nra last night in louisville. listen. >> hillary wants to disarm vulnerable americans in high crime neighborhoods. whether it's a young, single mom in florida, or a grandmother in ohio, hillary wants them to be defenseless. wants to take away any chance they have of survival. that's why we're going to call her "h hillary." we can do it like that. somehow i like "crooked hillary" better. >> out of touch for someone who is surrounded by armed body guards telling people you don't have the right to defend themselves it is cruel. >> he has been suffering among women in polls nationally and making that line that, look, hillary wants to, you know, single moms who live in high crime areas, hillary wants to not let you defend yourself. you know, grand mothers he referred to and high crime areas. hillary wants to take away your guns so you can't defend yourself. >> basically saying guns are the ultimate equalizer. for a lot of women who may think that guns are scary, he is sort of saying the opposite. look, guns can actually help you in some situations and that's why you want to be on my side of this and not hillary clinton's side of this. also, we are seeing him brand her heartless hillary. we have seen him brand her as crooked hillary. we are wondering if which one will stick or both of them. >> what is she doing with men. men have major problems with hillary. you never hear that. >> trump also before that crowd with the nra, thousands there saying that hillary clinton wants to abolish the second amendment and that she needs to come forward and say who her justice scalia replacement would be. >> meanwhile, democratic party leaders pushing for new convention guidelines, remember that chaos in nevada last weekend. >> yeah. >> garrett tenney remembers it well. on the democratic party's solution to the problem. good morning, garrett. >> good morning, y'all, obviously the democratic party is trying to avoid a repeat of that that happened in nevada. yelling and storming the speakers at stage at one point and accusing the state party of maneuvering in favor of hillary clinton highlighted the discord within the democratic party. the backlash did not stop there though. the state party's offices were vandalized the next day and the state party chair woman has continue to do receive death threats like these since those events unfolded. >> i just wanted to let you know people like you should be hung in a public execution to show this world that we won't stand for this sort of corruption. >> you're a fascist [bleep] fascist [bleep] >> i was interested in your dictatorship. just had a few questions regarding how i need to vote for the dictator in november, hillary. >> now, with roughly a dozen or so state party conventions with the upcoming national convention, yesterday democratic state party chairs met in philadelphia and proposed a new set of guidelines for the convention. the president of the association of state democratic party chairs ray buckley talked about those statements in a statement saying conventions should proceed without interruption or interference of any manner, including auditory or visual distraction. they also asked that the rules be given to the parties at least 48 hours in advance to both campaigns to help avoid any of these type of interruptions there were reportedly no audible protests guidelines. clear from the meetings the party is still a long ways from being united. we will see what kind of impact, if any, these guidelines have though next saturday during wyoming wants state convention. >> lots of luck. so message from the democratic party to its own voters, shut up and obey. fall in line. >> they deserve this, they rigged the system for hillary, they put debbie wasserman schultz over the dnc. >> debates for a while. >> totally true. >> no one is watching television. put the debates so no one can see bernie sanders. >> this whole election is about what happens when you ignore voters on both sides on the democrats are dealing with it now. lots of luck. >> bernie supporters be quiet. don't speak up. coming up here on the show millennials just tied baby boomers as the largest voting group in america. bartenders is promising them lots of freeky-l stuff. >> tuition free. three months paid family and medical leave. a living wage 15 bucks an hour. >> but will those young -- but what will those young voters do if he doesn't get the nomination? we'll debate that next. >> then one police force says they will boycott beyonce's concert. they could be forced to patrol her show potentially. ♪ but they never take the country ♪ i got hot sauce in my bag when a moment turns romantic why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis and a $200 savings card. ask is. welcome back, it's no secret bernie sanders has captured the youth vote and much of that success may be because of promises like this. >> tuition-free. >> three months paid family and medical leave. a living wage 15 bucks an hour. >> healthcare is a right of all people, not a privilege sanders movement based on free stuff has enthralled millennials. tied baby boomers. where will sanders go if he doesn't win the nomination? senior advisor to were campaign and foster with free think chuck, start with you. will these voters actually get out? the old argument is yes, you can try to court the young voter but at the end of the day do they wake up and go out to the polls and actually pull the lever for a candidate? >> you know, i spent 25 years running campaign and it's been the achilles heel for me a long time. they show up at rallies and support the party about will they show up. they have shown up primaries. weanders has won every demographic throughout every one of these states. what you have said is the great unknown shows historically and data would prove they come out now. will they come bang and vote for somebody outside of bernie or sit it out? right now i think it's going to be a constant layered communication operation which will actually tell the day if that will happen or not. >> camille, you listen to the millennials, it doesn't seem like fans of hillary clinton at all. donald trump has made the appeal if bernie sanders doesn't get the nomination they are coming over to me. do you buy that. >> the messages are similar. donald trump and bernie sanders are very much both populist. i'm not quite certain what happens to those voters in the event that bernie sanders will not win the nomination which he will not. i don't think most of them are actually going to transition over to trump. trump has very high negatives. the only person who has nearly as many negatives as he does is north korea. i suspect what you will see is a lot of those millennials will stay home. there ask not a great deal of enenthusiasm with the hillary clinton campaign at this point. once bernie sanders is actually out of the race you will are seeing so much palpable vitriol aimed at the democratic establishment as they see it i just don't see how those voters transition over to the main branch of the party unless g%ey're able to stoke sufficient fear that donald trump is, in fact, the worst possible thing that could happen. this may be a boone for a third party candidate. somebody like derry johnson could come in with a message with millennial voters and pick them off. >> chuck, what do you think about that. >> i think camille head it on the head about something. people are sick and tired of being sick and tired. gary johnson talks openly about legalizing marijuana and talks about some things millennials do care about. millennials reminding us it's okay to dream and think about how what is possible. and how when we come together. key don't talk disparagely will anybody because of the color of the skin and i think that's possible. that's what you see with the enthusiasm for bernie. if they show up, i think they will make the biggest difference. as you just said they speak to each other in a whole different way than older folk does through social media and through the internet. they are constantly communicating. that's what makes this generation of millennials different. >> opening up our hearts, listening, they are not disparaging other individuals. yet, at the heart of this argument is this idea of free stuff, that bernie sanders just wants to give free tuition, raise the minimum wage, all of these things. do you buy that argument? >> i certainly don't buy the argument that he can do this there is nothing free and everything has to be paid for. quite astonishing will that bernie sanders can sell anything in the name while we are watching the slow motion destruction, deterioration of the nation of venezuela very prosperous and but for socialism might still be prosperous. bernie sanders policy proposals are, in fact, a pathway for ruin in this country and pity more voters don't understand that see if you can get those millennials out of bed in the morning. the band that watch their audience get massacred by islamic extremists during the paris attacks in trouble for not being welcoming enough to muslims at their concerts. details on that straight ahead. forget happy wife happy life. our next guest, a woman, says the saying should be hot wife, happy life. and she is taking a lot of heat for it she is here to defend her blog coming up. our trusted network of attorneys has provided guidance to over 100,000 people just like you. visit legalzoom today. the legal help you can count on. legalzoom. legal help is here. we're out ink.nk. not ink. getting ink doesn't have to be painful. staples just cut ink and toner prices. add in our 110% price match guarantee and our prices are unbeatable. staples. make more happen. i wanwho doesn't?ape. so i bike. i get all of my greens. and i try not to faint. this... i can do easily. benefiber® healthy shape. just a couple of spoonfuls every day means fewer cravings. plus, it's all natural, clear, tae-free and dissolves completely. it's clinically proven to keep me fuller longer and helps keep me healthy inside and out. benefiber® healthy shape. this, i can do. find benefiber® healthy shape in the fiber aisle. quick look at head lions money edition. bernie sanders has about 6 million bucks in the bank that's a shortage compared to hillary clinton who still has $30 million in the back. david hasselhoff claims to have 4,000 to do so his name. he is in a heated spousal support war and says he doesn't even have enough cash to pay his ex-wife. she claims he is worth $120 million. >> set up a go fund me. >> some disparity. >> i am sure you have heard happy life to happy life. one woman says the key to happy marriage is staying hot. i see the look on my husband's face when i come out of the bathroom the way he checks out my butt on the way to pay late class. having attractive wife makes him happy. i'm happiest when my husband is happy. >> that writer is taking a lot of heat for that advice. newly wed amanda lauren joins you now. what are some of the things people are saying to you online? >> people are just so mean and they are bullying me and they're writing takedown pieces. people say i'm not a feminist or i'm setting women back 30 years or i have offended them because i said that you need to be a certain size, do something specific to be hot or look a certain way which is frankly just not true. >> well, i mean, look, there are a lot of unhappy single bloggers with cats who throw this stuff out but any normal person knows romance is at the heart of marriage. that's why the spouse is different from your roommate. why is it so crazy to note that? >> i have no idea. i have absolutely no idea. we all do things that make our partners happy. for me it's, you know, trying to look a certain way. for other, you know, for other people maybe it's gardening, maybe it's taking out the garbage. maybe it's cooking. this is what works for my marriage. and the title of the article was staying hot for my husband is essential for a good marriage. i'm not telling anyone what to do or how to live their life. >> hot can mean different things, right? it doesn't have to necessarily be about your butt looking good. >> oh my god. no. >> all that helps. >> that could be hot. >> you know what attractiveness is in the eye of the beholder. >> right. >> and, you know that was not what i -- that's not what i was saying at all. >> we have some reader comments we want to get you to respond to them. here is a writer. >> oh, wow. >> beth cone kramer writes this, this works both ways if a husband does not care about his appearance or shows his wife no respect the same result is to be expected. what do you make of that? >> >> okay, well, everyone -- because my husband is very much average guy, you know, i finally got him to use pom aid and wear shirts without stains on them, i'm kidding, that's taking it too far. if you've decided that appearance is a priority, it does work both ways. but, you know. >> hold on. >> i love my husband no matter what he looks like. >> you know what this is about unhappy feminist enraged by the idea that a woman would do anything to make her husband happy because it somehow diminishes her as a woman, et cetera, et cetera. in a functional marriage don't both people do all they can to make their spouses happy? isn't that the whole point? >> well, you hit the nail on the head there. because my husband does so many things to make me happy, and truthfully, my husband loves me no matter what i look like. but, i like to look special for myself. it makes me feel good. i like to look special for him and then we're all happy. but it is certainly not the only thing that i do. >> when you look good and feel good and you feel good for your husband and it makes the whole thing go around and keep things saucy i think is what you are trying to say. >> exactly. >> danielle writes in when newlyweds give marriage advice as though they are experienced and those of us with 10 years of mort quage and three kids that are inexperienced and don't know how to make a marriage work. trust me, physical appearance is the least of your concerns after the honeymoon. what do you say that to that? you are a newly wed and cut the cake do you have a leg to stand on? >> my mother is over the age of 60, gets cat calls. i have older sisters they have three kids they are still looking pretty hot. so you do what works for you and i will do what works for me. >> we're going to do a segment with the ladies of your family at some point. i hope you'll all come back. great to see you this morning. >> thank you. >> have a great weekend. >> thank you for joining us. >> let us know what you think about this. go to our facebook page. weigh in on the comment thread on ff weekend. right there it is on the bottom of your screen. >> coming up next, she came under fire for her anti-place display at the super bowl. one police being force to do patrol beyonce's show. got details on that coming up. >> we showed you tucker's photo from high school graduation. >> that's that in his hand? >> that's hot. >> but who says -- here is a hint. is he a friend of the show and he is. >> who is that? >> oh, yes. >> who is that? >> i don't know. who is it? ♪ never be, never be anything but loud ♪ ♪ the sun'll come out tomorrow... ♪ for people with heart failure, tomorrow is not a given. but entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow... ♪ i love ya, tomorrow in the largest heart failure study ever. entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don't take entresto. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure... ...kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow i love ya, tomorrow.♪ ask your heart doctor about entresto. and help make tomorrow possible. ♪ you're only a day away ♪ man, it's like pure power at your finger tips. like the power to earn allstate reward points, every time i drive. ...want my number? and cash back for driving safe. and the power to automatically find your car... i see you car! and i got the power to know who's coming and when if i break down. must be gerry. hey... in means getting more from your car insurance with the all-powerful drivewise app. it's good to be in, good hands. welcome back to "fox & friends." we like to celebrate here on this show. >> this day feels dierent from all other days ♪ has been birthday to you ♪ happy birthday to you happy birthday rick reichmuth ♪ happy birthday to you. >> his dad is on the phone. good morning. >> hello. >> dad, why did they wake you up so early? >> well, do it for rick. >> that's so nice. >> thank you. >> dad, do you have a special message for your son >> well, i certainly wish him a wonderful new year in the coming year, 47th. he has been a great son. >> how old? >> pardon? >> i don't believe he is 47. owe doesn't look it. you don't look it that just doesn't add up with all respect, mr. reichmuth. >> well, that's true i guess so. >> my dad is one of the best looking men around. and he does not look his age at all. so hopefully, i have those genes to hang on to. >> bob, earlier on the show we showed rick's graduation picture. what was he like growing up? was he in getting in trouble was he an athlete? was he hiking? was he into music. >> he was a very good kid growing up. he had paper route. i helped him occasionally to get time with him. no, he was just fantastic kid. >> did you ever say to him, quote, get a hair cut you hippy freak? >> no. he was never that bad. it was just a certain occasion. small little period of his life. and he still looks good. >> the funny part is that my dad is a barber. my dad has been a barber in our hometown since 1960. bob's barbershop. >> that's why you were rebelling. >> that's why. i'm sure that was part of it, yeah. best barber in town still there bob's barbershop. >> bob, we're sorry that we woke you up so early but we had to do it to wish rick a happy birthday. >> i'm glad you did. this is real special. >> love you dad. talk to you later. >> 4:00 in the morning. >> i have been trying not to look at you all morning, rick so i wouldn't let the cat out of the bag. happy birthday from all of us. >> happy birthday, rick. >> thank you very, very much. >> i thought it was because he has been lifting weights. >> he looks good. >> looking fantastic. >> 36 minutes after the hour. stories making headlines at this hour. hunt intensified for the killer of a fitness instructor inside a church. the owner is not necessarily a suspect but police want to know if they saw anything that could help the investigation. the car pulled into a sporting goods parking lot 2:00 a.m. half mile down from the church where missy bevers where the woman was found dead. two hours later the killer was seen wearing police swat gear walking into the church carrying what appears to be a hammer before the murder. >> under attack for anti-muslim comments. ♪ ♪ >> the eagles of death metal have been kicked out of two french music festivals for comments made by the lead singer jesse hughes. he says he saw tears at the bataclan theater the night of the attack and saw muslims celebrating in the streets. the festivals say they are in, quote, disagreement with his comments. pittsburgh police are furious over having to work upcoming beyonce concert ♪ i like my negro nose >> police union force to do work due to a lack of volunteers. officers upset over the singer's anti-cop lyrics in album. police union says it's a violation of their contract to threaten them with disciplinary action if they don't work the event. they plan to file unfair labor practice charge. high school student watches her stolen car on television crash violently in intersection. send abby randal this dash cam video. she later confirmed it was hers. >> oh my god, that's my car. and then when i came downstairs in the morning my parents are watching it on the news. my dad said the battery had gone through the dashboard and sitting on top of the wheel. >> abby says she is happy nobody got hurt. her car on the other hand totaled as you saw those pictures. >> >> once again for a look at bass pro shops. >> yeah, today bass pro shops kicks off go outdoors event. family event of the year for next two weekends there is family fun and amazing deals. here with some of the best clothing deal being offered luke snyder. >> hi, rick, thanks for having us. >> we love when you are here you set up the best stuff and bring fun as well. >> these guys are good. >> do you have deals going on. >> we sure do. go outdoors event we are very excited about it going outdoors means taking a 10 day hike in the appalachian mountains or just pitching a tent with your boys and girls in the backyard. it's really special. >> you have crocks. >> if you are going to go out in the river you don't want to bust your toes on rocks. they come in under $40. they are waterproof. the water goes right through them. they are quick drying and then the crocks for the men, you know, you are coming in under 5 bucks. the straps will come right off the back if you want to. and, you know, they are a good shoe. >> i was a tev hippy they smell. have they gotten better. >> they used to have cork insoles and now we have special insoles in here. they will dry out really quick and you don't have to have funky feet. >> i'm glad it's gotten better. shirts and t-shirts. >> ts and polos. 10 bucks go. outdoors in these and experience a great deal. it's great. >> shorts? >> shorts from redhead. under $20. and these are 25 bucks right here if you want to get a little fancier. these are waterproof to a certain extent. it's really great. our life vests right here. coast guard approved is what i really want to enforce on these right here. they are great because you go to a lot of places and our boys and girls on the water that coast guard approved that it's really special. >> you want to have a certain level of that all right. here is another life jacket? >> yep. another levee jacket right here under $50. if you want to get a little more crazy on the tubes and stuff this summer, i would suggest moving up to this. >> and the chair? >>ened at camp chair right here, 25 bucks. you can't beat it you can get about five or six of these and watch redneck tv all night long. >> redneck tv. clayton is going to come out and model clothes for used in the next hour. we don't want to miss that luke, thanks very much. we will send it back to you inside. >> i don't know if those shirts will fit over my guns. >> suns out guns out. >> atheists taking on the pledge of allegiance. one state tells kids they don't need to stand for the pledge. outraged teacher joins us next. >> this will make michelle obama do the happy dance. new rules coming to your food ♪ when the world gets in my face ♪ i say ♪ have a nice day ♪ you wouldn't take medicine without checking the side effects. hey honey. huh. the good news is my hypertension is gone. so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? 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>> i think that it's a threat to their belief system, but, actually, the pledge of allegiance goats back to a hundreds of years ago. it went on to where the pledge was extended to be more applicable to school children and they wanted them to understand that they needed to go ahead and honor our country. >> yes. >> then in 1954, the words under god were actually put into the pledge and that was instituted by the dar and the sar, which are the daughters of the revolution and the sons of the revolution. then the knights of columbus put it in their pledge as well. >> why is this so significant to you as a teacher? >> as a teacher, i believe that students need to show respect for our country. there are thousands of men and women who have given their life for these kids to have the freedom that they have now in our great nation. >> so, we're importing millions upon millions of immigrants among other countries to our country and they are sending their children to public schools. isn't it important to teach them what this country stands for, to prick them in to our common american culture and isn't the pledge part of the way that we do that? >> by all means. i mean, we need to show respect for our country. and i feel that our freedom as americans are -- we have to fight for it now. in our own country. which, to me, is deplorable. >> it is. well, here is a letter from the american atheists on how they are keeping an eye on schools in florida. we will request a copy of your district student handbook to verify compliance with florida's law. teachers in the school have no authority to question the reasons or motives if students don't wish to participate in the pledge ritual it is their constitutional right. how do you respond to that? >> well, actually, this has been brought up several times through history as far as it being constitutional right to stand or not to stand for the pledge and to say or not to say the pledge but, actually, all of that has been null and void because they have proven that it is constitutional to stand for the pledge. >> do you remember, i mean, you have lived in this country for a while. do you remember the idea that people can kind of be left alone to have their own beliefs and do their own thing. if you are an atheist i won't bother you but you don't bother me. when did everybody get so intent the atheists in this case in imposing the views on the rest of us. you have noticed this. >> i have noticed great deal of it especially in the last 10 years. there has been so much more imposition on our freedom and on our constitutional rights as well as, you know, our traditions. american traditions now are getting put on the wayside and the respect for our country very much is on the wayside now. >> how decadent is that? how decadent to attack the country that makes this conversation possible in the first place. debbie, thanks a lot for joining us, you are a credit to teachers and it's great to see you this morning. >> thank you. >> coming up: they are supposed to help the police. this body cam footage shows some officers becoming the victims of it former nypd detective bo dealings is here to react at the top of the hour with his views. we have been showing you graduation pictures all morning. there is particularly embarrassing one. here is one of our next guests cheryl casone, whoa, the top five jobs for graduates who want to get out of debt once they get out of school. don't miss that segment. ♪ working for a living ♪ living and working ♪ i'm working for a living ♪ ♪ tired of working for peanuts? well what if i told you that peanuts can work for you? that's right. i'm talking full time delivery of 7 grams of protein and 6 essential nutrients. ever see a peanut take a day off? i don't think so. harness the hardworking power of the peanut. first lady just announcing brand new nutrition labels. calories will be listed in bigger and bolder fonts. there will be a new line for added sugars. and it's the opposite of what we have heard before, but eating too little salt could increase your risk of having a heart attack. a new study finds regardless of whether people have high blood pressure, low salt intake is link to do greater chance of heart attack and stroke. bring on the soy sauce and the jumbo pretzels for me. >> not a surprise. >> today's graduates facing much different challenges than those in the past like this guy. the word is debt. americans owe more than $1.2 trillion in student loans, about 30 grand per graduate. that's credit card debt way more. >> can we get off my ugly picture? my eyes are closed. >> you are valedictorian picture. good news is this is the strongest job market in years. here with some of the best jobs is fox business network cheryl casone author of "the come back, how moms enter the work place successfully." >> put your picture up talk about student debt, clated. anything you want to share. >> i had a lot of student dent and credit card debt and took years to pay it off. it's a problem. >> kids are really suffering now. i saw a lot of the graduates walking around in new york city yesterday all i could think about in the back of my mind is those kids have so much debt right now. they need to go get a job. >> we have a picture of a graduate here. i think it's a young cheryl casone. that young graduate have a lot of debt. >> did i not have a job when that picture was taken. absolutely not. it took me throw months to go out and find what i was going to do eventually. it's hard out there. >> hottest job market for years for these students. we have been talking for years that kids can't find jobs it's shifting now. >> actually, this is the best year for college grads to find a job since the great recession. the news is actually better. companies are going to hire about 5% more grads this year than they did last year. still, the problem is they are lower paying jobs and a lot of it part time and competing with last year's grawts graduates still trying to find work. not a perfect scenario but better than it was. >> good jobs with benefits that do pay? >> great list of the top jobs that are paying this year. and salaries are pretty impressive. first one is data scientists. now, you need a science degree for this or a computer science degree even better and some knowledge of coding and software. but this -- the average salary $116,000 this is a great job. i have another one hr manager. this may not sound fun. actually very well paying job and companies are investing in employees average salary 85 grand. you need a business degree but working with cap. this one i liked as well marketing manager. this is good for kids. this is actually developing social media content. you need a business degree as well. but you are managing products and events and companies really want their social media skills in their new hires. >> facebook tiding. youtube advertising. >> they want that as well. finance manager is another one. you need a business degree or finance degree as well. bachelor's. nurse practitioner. this is my last one from glassdoor, you do need a master's degree in nursing. with healthcare the way that it's changed so much under obamacare, this is one of the most popular jobs. >> you can work literally anywhere. your book is awesome and it speaks to real need in this country and i'm glad you wrote it i hope everyone reads it? >> thank you so much, tucker. a lot of moms and kids need jobs right now. >> the "the come back, moms reentering the work place." >> close call with a shark. what was that like? he will join us live next hour. >> you saw our high school photos. who sent this one? he is a friend of the show and is he coming up next. 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[phone buzzing] [engine revving] [engine revving] [phone buzzing] ♪ some things are simply impossible to ignore. the strikingly designed lexus nx turbo and hybrid. the suv that dares to go beyond utility. this is the pursuit of perfection. good morning. we start with a fox news alert. brand new photos coming in showing the doomed wreckage of flight 804. this as we learned there was smoke in the cockpit and lavatory. and now there could be changes in airport security right here in the united states. >> and then donald trump picks up a big endorsement from the national rifle association and gives his rival hillary clinton a brand new nickname. >> hillary wants them to be defenseless, wants to take away any chance they have of survival. that's why we're going to call her "heartless hillary." >> heartless hillary, the two of them face off in the general election. give you the latest in the state of play in the presidential race. >> and it's the video the internet is going wild for. >> this is worth every penny! [ laughter ] >> that's right. the story behind the mom and the chewbacca mask now seen by millions. i agree, it's fantastic. she is going to join us live this hour because "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> from chewbacca to fly fishing and paddle boarding. bass pro shop is live on the plaza this morning. also, we are celebrating the armed forces day with a big performance from the west point rock band. >> yes, this is a west point rock band and they are pretty awesome. >> literally i didn't know. i thought it was you in the bathroom. i heard somebody down the hallway singing. i thought wow, somebody has a beautiful voice. >> that's my singing bubble bubble -- double. >> you saw some high school photos from graduation. we bring you another. this was sent to us by a friend of the show. we asked you who it is, who is this man? not one of the village people. it's one of our more enper very sent friends bo dealings. >> come on down. is that photo when you used to work the gondolas in venice? >> nice to see you. >> you worked on the world trade center. >> as an iron worker. >> yeah. >> that's unbelievable. we think of you as heavily armed expert on security. >> there was no roids there. all pushups, pull-ups. we were national champions with the physical fitness team. we used to do four hours a day pushups, pull-ups. no roidtation in the body. >> we didn't have roids then. >> endorsement by the national rifle association of republican presidentialenning presumptive presidential nominee donald trump. here is donald yesterday in louisville, kentucky getting this mantel handed over to him. watch. >> hillary wants to disarm vulnerable americans in high crime neighborhoods, whether it's a young single mom in florida or a grandmother in ohio, hillary wants them to be defenseless. wants to take away any chance they have of survival. that's why we're going to call her "heartless hillary," we did k. do without that somehow i like crooked hillary better. >> the clinton campaign quick to pounce and point out he has waffled in his positions over the years. he used to be in favor of assault weapons ban. he wrote about it in his book. do you think this is going to help him in the general? >> look what he is running against waffle. she has flipped on every issue. she will tell you whatever you want to hear to get elected. what this does is i think it makes it more solid. all the right wingers, all the people who were against trump now i think it brings the group together. i have been on the trump bandwagon from the beginning. i know him 40 years, has he said things and changed? yeah. what is he learning as is he going along. look at the two candidates. is he someone that gets things done. i know him for 40 years. he gets things done. whatever you say about donald trump, he is going to make this place of america a lot better than it is today. >> what about all of the nicknames? it worked in leading up to this in the primary with lyin' ted and little marco and crooked hillary and now heartless hillary. >> he is ready right off the cuff. the whole campaign was he said things that if he didn't say those things he wouldn't be the nehemiah right -- nominee right now. he is going to be the one become the president. have the best people around them and we will will find out how to straighten out the economics of the country and security of the country. who better to lead than a guy who gets things done or four more years of what we have got now? that's all it's going to be business as usual. i want to change. i would rather try donald trump than have hillary clinton. >> we just played donald trump's view of the second amendment. here is hillary clinton on guns. listen. >> we have got to do a better job sort of dealing with the gun culture and dealing with the kinds of attitudes we are now seeing where people reach for guns to solve their problems. and it's never solved anybody's problems. it's only made more heart break and blood shed. >> so, bo, if guns have never soldier anyone's problems as she just said, why is she surrounded by a massive group of taxpayer funded armed body guards? >> also, some of our cities with the tightest gun control laws, chicago, baltimore, have the highest murder with illegal guns. illegal guns are on the street. >> why shouldn't politicians have to live by the same gun control standards they espouse? they are disarming a population, why -- >> -- you know what else i tell hillary? take the secret service with the guns away from you, miller, and go have a couple more office gentleman around you with a gun. this is the facts of the life. i carry a gun all the time. guy to the store i have a gun. i have a right to carry that gun. if i see someone robbing somebody or trying to hurt somebody, i will take action. i don't believe these gun-free zones like what happened in san bernardino there, if we had a couple guys there who were armed, -- they wouldn't be able to kill and get that body count because you have seen how it's changed with the new york city police department. it's no nor oostage negotiations because we know what we are dealing with. if it's a terrorist it's body count. you have got to get in and take that person out before they kill more people. >> donald trump this week was criticized for labeling the egyptair crash terrorism before all the facts were in. hillary clinton came out and slammed trump of course on his so-called muslim ban. let's listen to hillary clinton and get your reaction. >> when he says bar all muslims from coming to the united states, that sends a signal to majority muslim nations, many of whom we have to work with in order to defeat terrorism. it sends a message of disrespect and it sends a message that makes the situation inside those countries more difficult. >> sole your take on donald trump labeling the egyptair crash terrorism? >> my feeling on it, whatever it turns out to be, it brings awareness. the acareness to the fact that the other egyptian airline that was taken down with the bomb, the russian airlineer that they admit to do three weeks later, whatever. we have to tighten up our security. if it brings our attention to it, it is. we have a problem with terrorism. just speak to the families whose heads are being chopped off put on fences, the christians in the middle east. what we have to do is we have to be aware. we can't become complacent because it's going to happen. tighten up the security whether it's a bomb on that plane or whether it was malfunction, it brings the attention that we have tighten our security. people working in these airports, i don't know what their beliefs are. outside the de gaulle airport, muslims came from syria with passports. i don't know who is working in the airports. >> hillary clinton's contention is they are a threat to us, they hate the west because we're intolerant. it's our fault and if only people like trump would stop saying mean things about muslims they would stop attacking. do you buy that? >> why don't we ask those 20 gentlemen, christians on their knees when they got their heads taken off over there on the mediterranean on the name of allah cut their heads off. we have a war going on here. we have got to get the moderate muslims to come forward and understand. we have to be against the radical muslims. i'm not against muslims. i'm against people that don't want me to coexist and people that want to say well, if you don't coexist with us, we kill you. no. we have got to live together. the world has a lot of muslims. i want muslims to be friend, if you are jewish, you are christian, whatever you are, i want us all to try to get together. the only way to deal with that is say the facts of what they're. you have radical muslims. until we know what's coming into our country, i agree with donald you should stop all immigration until we know what the heck we have got coming in the country. and then we have got to understand what's in our country and take out the people that want to see us die. okay? because everybody wants to stand here oh, you can't say that politically correct. hey, i was around 9/11. the picture of me down there by the world trade center, that was the original world trade center. i went down there that day. 3,000 americans were killed. people forget real quick did. they care about americans? we have got to get to the source of what's driving it and try to even it out so we can all get along. >> bo dietl. >> thank you. >> former iron worker. >> also a lab borer, too. >> i didn't know that. >> i was like a slave. i was a laborer first and i promoted up to iron worker. as a labor borer you worked hard. >> some day i would like to know how you got in that union. >> now we know what's under the suit. >> ralph scopo organized crime guy got me in. >> rob, if you are watching, we want to hear from you. >> thanks so much. >> we are following other stories making headlines 10 minutes after the hour on a saturday morning. this is a fox news alert. we are getting first look at wreckage from egypt air flight 804. images just released by the egyptian military. life jackets heavily damaged. parts of a plane and scraps of cloth possibly from a blanket. investigators also confirming smoke was detected in multiple places on the plane just before it crashed. the smoke coming from a bathroom near the cockpit. meanwhile, search teams focusing on finding the black boxes, hoping that will help to solve the mystery. families of the victims meeting with the french foreign ministry this morning and they have been assured that everything is being done to try to determine what on earth happened. order now restored at the white house are a shots were fired yesterday. police were around him with a gun and i got really scared. the police started screaming at us like get out of here! get out of here. get to the floor. >> the white house going into lockdown while secret service agents force to do shoot a man who pulled out a gun. he is not expected to survive. investigators also finding a toyota nearby full of ammunition. vice president joe biden was inside the white house at the time president obama was out playing golf. alan young also known as wilbur, the friends of the talking horse, mr. ed, has passed away. >> like the morris code? >> yeah, only ours is a horse code. >> do you really think you could teach me enough to talk to lady sue? >> three lessons from me, wilbur, and you will be growing a tail. >> the beloved 96-year-old actor passing away of natural causes in his california home. he was known for hosting the alan young show. he went on to be a voice actor portraying scrooge mcduck. those are your news headlines. >> thanks a million, anna. >> rick reichmuth standing by with a forecast outside. >> we have a nice crowd out here. do you want to kayak with us later on? >> sure, absolutely. >> you are going to race clayton. >> i can beat him. >> clayton, he knows you. hey, let's take a look at the weather maps as you are waking up this morning. here are your temps, 62 degrees for when clayton falls in the water in new york city. it's going to be warming up a lot. we have had this storm that we're dealing with across parts of the mid-atlantic. it's going to plague a lot of the area today. the preakness running this afternoon. it looks like it's going to be bit of a washout, unfortunately. don't worry, we will warm up across the east and we will cool down across areas of the west as we have this system we have been dealing with bringing severe weather today and tomorrow across the plains. all right, guys. we will send it back to you inside. >> thanks, rick. >> all right. coming up here on the show: >> democrats lashing out about what they call a rigged primary election. >> i just wanted to let you know that people like you should be hung in a public execution to show this world that we won't stand for this sort of corruption. >> well, that's the voice of voter discontent. the democratic party may now change the rules to make people like that be quiet and accept hillary clinton. we're live from washington with the details. >> plus, a scuba scare, one diver has a really really close call with a school of sharks. he tells us how he survived when he joins us live straight ahead ♪ we'll make it i swear ♪ oh, living on a prayer ♪ ♪ america, they don't call it travel season for nothing. ♪ should i stay or should i go? ♪ this summer at choice hotels the more you go the better. now get a free $50 gift card for staying just 2 times. so go. book now at you always have a choice. and i quit smoking with chantix. i always came back to smoking. i was absolutely frustrated, absolutely. i did not think chantix uld work as well as it did. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. most common side-affect is nausea. i did it. i quit smoking. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. hi, everyone, democrats considering changing the rules for the national convention to curb chaos like we saw last weekend in nevada. >> garrett tenney is in washington, d.c. with the very latest on these rules being switched around. hey, garrett. >> tucker, anna, and clayton, good morning. democratic party leaders are preach ago united party but they would be happy with at least the appearance of it. the divide though was on full display last week in nevada state convention. you will remember the scenes of sanders' supporters yelling at speakers, storming the stage and accusing the state party of maneuvering in favor of hillary clinton. it didn't stop there though. the next day the state party's offices were vandalized and the state party chair woman has continue to do receive death threats ever since last weekend. listen to a few of those that were left on her voice mail. >> i just wanted to let you know that people like you should be hung in a public execution to show this world that we won't stand for this sort of corruption. >> you're a fascist [bleep]. fascist [bleep] >> i was interested in your dictatorship. just had a few questions regarding how i need to vote for the dictator in notified, hillary. >> and the democratic party is trying to avoid a repeat of that chaos at the dozen or so state party conventions that are remaining and especially at the party's national convention. yesterday, state party chairs met in philadelphia and proposed a new set of guidelines for those conventions which they hope will help. such as having senior staff members of both campaigns on site and having the campaigns in dnc chair in the cost of additional security that is required at the events. the president of the group said in a statement interruption or interference of any manner, including auditory or visual distractions should be not taking place. we will see how those new guidelines play out though next saturday during wyoming's democratic state convention. >> holy smokes that will be amazing. >> a shootout. >> i was reading online some sanders supporters are starting to hate debbie wasserman schultz as much as donald trump. >> i wonder why the system is rigged? oh, because it is. [ laughter ] paranoids do have enemies. >> coming up on the show, al gore said global warming would be inconvenient truth for everyone. what's he saying about his movie 10 years later? is it 10 years? holy smokes. >> do you know something weird about this picture? editorial meeting for major online publication. wait until you hear which one. ♪ ♪ my heart doesn't understand why i got you on my mind ♪ why i got you on my mind ♪ tum tum tum tum. chewy delights. only from tums. good luck with the meeting today. thank you. as our business is growing, and you're on the road all day long, it's exhausting. holiday inn has been a part of the team. you're on the fourth floor. it makes life on the road much easier. book your next journey at welcome back, a quick look at your headlines now, 23 minutes past the hour. not going quietly. the accused kalamazoo out of the courtroom. accused of going on a deadly rampage back in january trying to jump out of his seat, leading to the outburst that left the woman on the witness stand in tears. dalton has been ordered to stand trial. more security changes may be on the way for the tsa in the wake of the egyptair crash. more agents are expected to be added to alleviate passenger wait times this summer. the agency already adding 800 additional workers in the coming months. the tsa under fire for those long lines and enraged fliers missing their flights. remember that from chicago couple weeks snag jauch. tucker and anna. >> thanks a lot, clayton. well, a fun family outing, the proverbial three hour tour turns into a nightmare on the high seas. take a look at this. scuba diver randy got separated from dive boat and almost became lunch for sharks circling below. >> he had a go pro and caught the whole thing. 68-year-old lived to tell the horrifying tale. the supervisor reansd joins randy joins us with his tale of survival. is that really me? >> it was fun. >> you were down below and dropped bottom, somehow when you come back up the boat was missing because it had become free? >> the line on the jug had evidently broken. when i got to the surface, i spun around and no boat. there was -- couldn't even see a boat. and i tried -- kept trying to kick up on the waves to find the boat. i realized that at that point probably the line had broken and so i just sort of decided i was going to wade it out. i took my dive bag and handle of my spear gun held it up and waited for the boat to come find me. >> vow no boat, you're in the middle of the ocean, and there are huge sharks circling below. how much more profound did your religious faith become during those minutes? >> well, right then, i was too busy to really be concerned about it but did i say a prayer at the end whenever i saw the boat that came and picked me up. >> what was your plan? these sharks are circling you. were you going to fight them off? what were you thinking? >> well, the first shark that showed up was about five minutes after i hit the surface. and so i was watching him a little bit. after that after i had been on the surface for about 20 or 30 minutes a boat pulled up nearby. so i decided i was going to try to swim over to it and so i kicked on my back and started swimming towards it. and periodically looking down, just checking out where the shark was. after a while i got kind of tired so i said i'm not going to worry about the shark. i'm just going to swim. and about that time the shark came up and kind of nudged me a little bit with one of its pectoral fines. maybe i need to spend a little more time watching him. well, after about an hour and 15 minutes, a second shark showed up and started circling as well. so, i got a little more concerned at that point. >> randy, i think a lot of our viewers can relate to this, going on these excursions whether you are out on a cruise or staying resort off the coast of florida, whatever, you are with a big group. but to be there by yourself, how worried were you that you were going to be lunch before you were able to get to a boat or a boat was able to get to you? >> well, these sharks really aren't that aggressive, the longer i was there the one shocker got bolder and bolder and he kept getting closer and closer. that got a little bit. when the second shark showed up, i was a little more concerned that there would be -- i didn't want to be a tug-of-war between the two of them if they got, you know, start to do get competitive. that's when i got a little more concerned. >> you are a master of under statement. if a is that right that nudges you isn't that aggressive? i wouldn't want to see aggressive. randy, you are a brave man and lucky one. thanks for joining us. great to see you. >> thank you. >> my heart would have been jumping out of my chest. >> that's unbelievable. coming up, the never trump movement floated mark cuban's name as a third party candidate as a true conservative and, yet, cuban says he would be happy to be hillary clinton's vice president. whoa. we have got details. then the force is strong with this viral individualio. >> this is worth every penny. >> the story behind the mom and the chewbacca mask now seen by millions when she joins us live. ♪ happiness ♪ but it can buy me a boat ♪ it can buy me a truck to pull it ♪ it can buy me a yetti 110 silver bullet. ♪ i know what they say ♪ if you need advice for your business, legalzoom has your back. our trusted network of attorneys has provided guidance to over 100,000 people just like you. visit legalzoom today. the legal help you can count on. legalzoom. legal help is here. to be taken care of. in good hands? 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so you woke up at like 5:00 in the morning. you are used to getting up early. this is nothing nothing for you guys. what do you have in store for the rest of the day. >> for the rest of the day celebrating the graduating class of 2016. separate those guys. we want to make it all about them at west point at the academy. >> how do you sound so fantastic at 4:00 in the morning. down the hallway you were waking us up. you sound fantastic. >> you get a taste of our life. 4:00 in the morning we get the bugle call. we make sure you are ready to go. >> round of applause for these guys. [. [ applause ] >> tucker likes to serenade us before the show. sorry i let the cat out of wag and anna, too. >> actually, i really do. all right, clayton, thank you so much. we are easing everybody out of bed this morning. what a great patriotic scene. #proud american. we are following news this morning. starting with this headline. the most notorious drug lord in the world is closer to coming to america. mexico has approved the extradition of el chapo after they guaranteed we -- he would not face the death penalty. his lawyers have chance to appeal it could be weeks or months before he ends up on the other side of the border. new team for mark cuban? he says is he absolutely open to being hillary clinton's running mate on the democratic ticket. >> if she is willing to listen. if she is willing to hear other sides of things, then i'm wide open to discussing it. >> cuban says clinton would have to move more to the center on some issues but would like to be able to throw bombs at trump. the never trump movement already approached cuban about running as a third par candidate to stop trump. >> here is inconvenient truth al gore's release on global warming he now says he got it all wrong [crying] [ laughter ] >> you're probably wondering why your ice cream went away. well, suzie, the isn't foreigners it's global warming. >> instead of denouncing what some say are the film's failed predictions, gore says it didn't go far enough and actually under estimated the global warming threat as the greatest challenge facing mankind. the film won the former democratic presidential nominee two oscars. and notice anything odd about this picture? the huffington post executive editor posted it attempting to point out all the women working. twitter users noted something else tommy wrote you mean the lack of diversity? smitty saying this that it's whiter than a polar bear eating vanilla ice cream in a blizzard. needless to say those weren't the responses the huffington post wasn't looking for. tucker and rick out to you. having fun with our buddies from bass pro. >> yes, we always do. bass pro shops go outdoors kick off today largest event of the year. if you have plans to go camping this summer and you should, you will want some cool new camping gear and you know where to get it. >> some of the best outdoor gadgets is luke with outdoor. you always bring the best stuff. we were talking earlier about ticks and lyme disease. you have great stuff. >> that's right. the go outdoors event. we want people to be aware it's very safe to go outdoors with all the viruses out there right now. this right here i personally use this in the deer stand, everywhere else. they make a great product. >> no deet? >> no deet. all the lotions and everything makes a 15-foot barrier on every side of you. so you don't have to worry about it hang it on your tent. they make -- thermacell makes a product that hangs around your neck. >> it actually works. >> it actually works. >> is it like a spray or something that comes out or noise? >> it is deal that mimics the thing out of i c. -- flower. if you ever see those flowers in the wild. no flies, noceums won't go around them. >> alan turn doesn't attract the bugs. >> under 20 bucks, too. >> i'm actually getting one of these. >> we will let you have it tucker. >> thank you. >> what else do you have? >> this yetti cooler right here. big yety you can pack. go fly fishing. sling this over your back, they have done studies on this. somebody's truck burned down and literally that was in the bed of the truck and it still had ice in it? >> beer was still cold. >> that's under 300 bucks. they make a great product. yeti you can't beat it as far as keeping anything cold. also doubles if you want to keep something warm with no ice. >> most famous cooler in the history of coolers. long and storied history of coolers. >> you know it. >> this is huge tent it?+ >> will sleep 8 people. crazy to me, too. this is under $100 right now. >> i'm telling you, gorman to bass pro. >> under 100 bucks. >> 8 person tent? >> you can see, it's very comfy. put chairs and sleep the whole family in here. it's also 50% sef. a lot of people don't necessarily know that you can still get sun burned in a dent. this will block you up to 80%. >> why am i paying all this expensive money in apartmentin e here. >> under 5'8" you can stand up straight. >> this is bigger than most brooklyn apartments. luke, you're the best. >> thank you. >> you will be back next hour with kayaks and tubes in the pool. coming up next. ' donald trump and hillary unleash attack ads against each other. what do voters think? dial test coming up. >> video taking internet by storm. mom in chewbacca mask. she joins us live in minutes ♪ america, they don't call it travel season for nothing. ♪ should i stay or should i go? ♪ this summer at choice hotels the more you go the better. now get a free $50 gift card for staying just 2 times. so go. book now at you always have a choice. ♪ the sun'll come out for people with heart failure, tomorrow is not a given. but entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow... ♪ i love ya, tomorrow in the largest heart failure study ever. entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don't take entresto. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure... ...kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow i love ya, tomorrow.♪ ask your heart doctor about entresto. and help make tomorrow possible. ♪ you're only a day away ♪ so or a man of adventure.e. or a man of culture who's out for adventure. you know when to hit the scene... or get far away from it. because it's all about striking... the perfect form. beat yesterday with fenix 3 hr. from garmin. jusdoes that mean they have toer grow apart from their friends, or from the things they love to do? with right at home, it doesn't. right at home's professional team thoughtfully selects caregivers to help with personal care, housekeeping, meals, and most of all, staying engaged in life. oh, thank you, thank you. you're welcome. are you ready to go? oh, i sure am. we can provide the right care, right at home. what would help is simply being able to recognize a fair price. truecar has pricing data on every make and model, so all you have to do is search for the car you want, there it is. now you're an expert in less than a minute. this is truecar. 43 minutes after the hour. time for quick tech headlines. a not so smart mistake. apple supplier leaking details of next year's major iphone redesign capture technology says the phone will be all glass. the 2011 iphone 4 s was the last time apple used a glass casing on its phone. and hello moto. looks like motorola's flip phone is making a come back. released teaser video of what looks like a relaunch of the legendary model after the raiser b 3 was released back in 2004, over 130 million phones were sold in total. the big unveil will be on june theth. tucker, i wonder when they will bring back the morris. i heard the new fax machine is awesome. thank you, anna. well, the presidential race is in full force and, of course, getting more intense by the day. the contest between donald trump and hillary clinton most likely. what do voters think of all of this? bunch of new ads on the air. lee carter knows the answer. she is a pollster. a frequent guest on the show. seen on the spot. we will go through them with her. great to see you, lee. great to see you, too. here is a pro-trump ad, watch. i would get rid of the wbr id "wbr98865" attack on our second amendment because that's what obama is doing when he does that i would very, very strongly get rid of the attack on the border. we have a border that's like a piece of swiss cheese. people are pouring through. /b that border will be the single first thing i do and we will work on all these executive orders and the bad ones of which that's mostly what you have, will be terminated immediately my first day in office. is that an ad? because it's obviously extemporaneous. we had some elicit preposition use in that ad. it's not scripted, clearly. it's an ad that he has online. republicans, i don't know if you saw that line, almost appeared it was so high. they gave him an a. independents gave him a b. democrats not surprisingly gave him an f. so many people are criticizing him saying what is he really going to do and what are his policies. we talked to voters look is he very clear what he is going to do. we know wbr-id "wbr99435" what he he is going to do on day one, it's great, is he strong. decisive. might be short on details but people have responded to it. have you ever released a campaign ad someone just riffing on camera like that. no. it's so different. here is anti-trump ad. watch. >> donald trump tells us that he is very, very smart. i'm afraid when it comes to foreign policy he is very, very not smart. >> he would be a chaos president. >> donald trump's foreign policy isolationism will lead to another 9/11. >> everything in donald's world is about donald. >> it's time to set aside bullying, to set aside belittlement. >> he runs on this idea that he is fighting for the little guy, but he has spent his entire career sticking it to the little guy. >> he doesn't speak for the republican party. >> we want to bring unity to the republican party. we have to bring unity. >> so, all during the campaign we kept saying if he gets the nomination they will use the attacks of his opponents against him and of course that's what we are watching there. >> you saw all throughout the republicans were not responding to the attacks the democrats. were as soon as donald trump started speaking, the dials for the republican antenna went up. it totally back fires with the audience he is trying to reach. listen, independents, come on over. and it just didn't work. they just -- it back fired. so they gave it a c. and then democrats thought it was a great ad. a great attack. it didn't move people. moved people who were already moved. exactly. they are already there they wbr id "wbr100416" already read "the new yorker." another one went on tax returns. watch this. do the tax returns when obama does his birth certificate. the state of hawaii released my official long form birth certificate. [ buzzer ] if i decide to run for office, i'll produce my tax returns, absolutely. i am officially running for president of the united states. [ buzzer ] getting any closer to releasing your tax returns? well, i'm thinking about it. i can't do it until the audit is finished. the audit is no excuse. the irs has made it very clear audit does not bar a public release. it is entirely your choice. /b ♪ it's none of your business. message -- does not approve. actually, it's kind of a good ad because it does tell a story. is it working? it works really really well with democrats. can you see at the end it spiked they agreed with it they gave it an a. independents and republicans gave it a d. it's just not something that really matters to these folks. that issue of trust in donald trump he has much more trust than hillary clinton. the latest polls you see 15% wbr-id "wbr101106" higher trust ratings of donald trump than hillary clinton. and so her going after him as somebody you can't trust is a little bit dangerous because it can totally back fire. so interesting, it drives the left bonkers an confuses many on the republican institutional right that people trust this guy but they do. they do, it's so confusing because trump is so hard to take down. i have never seen anything like it. he has had more attack ads come at him. it doesn't resonate the way any other attack its have ever seen before. fascinating. >> i saw you last night. you are just the iron woman of cable news. great to see you this morning. >> great to see you too. >> thanks. >> donald trump says he loves hispanics. the hispanics love him back? new fox news latino polls and how the race shapes up with that group coming up. and the force is strong with this mom. >> this is worth every penny! >> if you signed on to facebook this morning, may have seen her in your feed. but you only see her live here on "fox & friends weekend." not surprisingly the show that gets the guests you want to see. stay tuned. ♪ [star wars theme song] tal [chewbacca] and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira helping me go further. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. doctors have been prescribing humira for over 13 years. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ready for a new chapter? talk to your rheumatologist. this is humira at work. hay everybody. we're gonna have a big old tiem with this. a video the internet is going wild over. >> i'm really excited to share with you something i got. okay here we go. yes. [ laughter ] oh i'm such a happy chewbacca. this is worth every penn. >> this video of this hilarious mother of two has now gone viral. listen to this. it's broken the record for the most watched video on facebook ever with over 91 million views. joining us now the mom from that video, candice. i had no idea a "star wars" mask could so much joy. where did you get the mast. >> i got it at kohls. i love it. it was on clearance even. >> what wheled you to make this video in the first place. i'm a stay-at-home mom and to be honest sometimes i put stuff out there like look what i got today. so i opened up my camera and i was not expecting to see such a happy chewbacca. so i hear that they are actually selling out in stores now because of this. are you going to see any money from it? >> well i don't know. i mean you want to give me some i'll take it. i mean who wouldn't. have you always been pro wooky or is this new? >> no i love chewbacca. the most understated dialogue any character has had with the most fan love in the world. >> why do you think everybody wants to watch this over and over? >> i had ton of messages coming in they werelike hey i want to laugh with you and be your best friend and let's watch "star wars." but the coolest thing. i've battled depression. and been battling anxiety and not able to laugh since i lost a family member. and my autistic daughter laughs every single time she watches this video. and i think our world just needs a good belly laugh and genuine joy in their life. and that is what's attractive about it. >> did your kids steal it from you by the way? >> well kohl's actually surprised us last night and they gave the entire family their own masks. so i don't have to share. >> you know what to to do candace. will you please drive around the whole family wearing these masks and see how many people you can frighten while you drive. >> it is the most happy joyful gleeful bookky. >> if the whole family that is mask what is breakfast like. >> well you get a lot of cereal in the sound chamber. >> peter may hue a fan of fox and friends told me personally he watches this show. so may the force be with you candace. >> by. >> is this going to stay at your office or can you bring it home my boy. >> still ahead all morning long we've been sharing our personal high school graduation pictures. who knew this was bo deedal. check him out. but you can see our next guest. live after the break. wrely on the us postal service? because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. that's why we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. here, there, everywhere. united states postal service priority: you good morning. saturday, 21st of may. brand new, debris found from the wreckage of ms 804. >> and donald trump picks up a endorsement from the national rifle association and fires back at hillary clinton giving her a brand new nickname. >> hillary wants them to be defenseless. wants to take away any chance they have of survival. that is why we're going to call her heartless hillary. >> new nicknames. line of attacks. ads. watch the show to keep up. stay tuned. >> one hollywood star entering crisis mode because she can't get a job. apparently she is too hot to hire. fox and friends, please help. we need you our viewers to help her get a job. fox and friends hour starts right now. ♪ ♪ and i'm thinking about how people fall -- ♪ >> the big go outdoors event. a little kayaking, a little paddle boarding. fishing season. camping season. >> and the west point band is here. ah what a nice way to ease yourself out of bed. >> congratulations to all of those graduates today and happy armed forces. a jam packed show for you this hour and happy graduation all the graduates out there. we have a throwback. >> all morning we've been throwing up pictures, graduation pictures. there is anna b. kooiman. clayton morris. and me in my wig. >> are your eyes closed. >> it was bright sunlight out. >> and man of steel. >> i don't even believe that picture's real. >> he got the job from a member of the columbo crime family. nobody gets that was bow deedle. who is this person. >> ah. >> is she on the right or the left? >> he's on the left kneeling down in the robes. >> we'll found out who. >> sheas a dog that rhymes with. >> -- oh that would just give away. >> more on that in a moment. >> yes we will. three minutes after the hour. straight to the headlines. hortbreaking video from the wreckage of egypt air 804. french investigators also confirming smoke was detected in multiple places on the plane just before it crashed. smoke coming from a bathroom near the cockpit. search teams focused on finding the black box. another alert now. a u.s. military convoy attacked by a taliban bomber in afghanistan. the homicide bombing happening a short time ago in the north part of the country. no troops were hurt but the convoy was heavily damaged. third attack on u.s. troops by the taliban this week alone. >> first look at julie tauber. the woman has denied ever having an affair with the former president claiming she is just a family friend of the clintons. >> and leonardo dicaprio taking a private jet from france to accept an environmental award and then another jet to the cann film festival. a source close to dicaprio said he didn't charter his own flight and simply hitched rides to make it to the events. so he was car pooling. >> okay. we are so honored to have. >> honored. >> -- who by the way was the girl in the picture. you look exactly the same as the day you graduated. >> oh yeah. i think the hair was -- >> do you know who that is? that is my niece, jessica wilkerson. now 25. works on the house commerce committee and she has her first hearing next wednesday being held at the committee. a cybersecurity expert. i'm very proud of her. >> we want your take on donald trump's endorsement. tucker was mentioned this election. if campaign season has gone fast and furious. the nra didn't come out and make an endorsement of romney until much later but watch this. >> hillary wants to disarm high crime americans, hill wants them to be defenseless. wants to take away any chance they have of survival. that is why we're going to call her heartless hillary. somehow i like crooked hillary better. >> is this endorsement a sign that the party is beginning to unify. >> absolutely. this is what i noticed. obviously it is a big endorsement. the nra is very divisive between republicans and democrats and the segment you had on in the last hour with the ad expert showing republicans loved ad about the speech. democrats hate it. and what i noticed at the event donald trump is speaking at if you were to turn the camera around and look at the crowd, they were enthusiastic, nrjdsed, excited on their feet and if i were democrats watching that crowd i would be a little worried about turnout. because i think republicans are going to turn up. but this issue is a big divisive one. but i would say yesterday was a good day for donald trump. >> i know people who are for the second amendment are very concerned about government's encoefficient on it and they tend to vote on it. --. >> i'm not exactly sure. i'm not democrat. but i think what they tend to do is look at it as a whole. most republicans are getting behind trump for a host of reasons. if you saw the fox news poll this week. the economy and terrorism the two biggest issues. they say they trust him over hillary clinton on those two issues. so those are important to them. these other issues, the fact that he supports the nra, supports the second amendment i should say and the nra supports him. that only helps him to try to unify the republican party, which needs unifying! we've heard say hillary clinton is crooked hillary and now heartless. it worked in the primaries with little marco and low energy jeb bush and all. and crooked hillary wants to get rid of all the guns yes she is surrounded by body guards who are fully armed. >> i recognize that it works very very well for donald trump. i don't personally like it. i find it a little bit of a turn off. i understand that crooked hillary works very well. i just think he could actually beat her on the merits and he could have beaten his opponents on the merits. the name calling to me is something that i'm -- i'm old fashioned. i don't like it. it doesn't persuade me. but i understand that it is persuasive and as a tactic to dispense with your opponents it works very well. it's very dehumanizing. >> what about his argument? and you are hearing this more that this is an elite issue and people calling for taking the guns of citizens away ought to live by the same rules themselves. >> if you are talking to women who want to be able to prescott themselves. that is important. there is also issue of gun-free zone. if you look at some of the big mass murders, where do they go? where there is a gun free zone. i don't know if the president himself can actually undo all the gun free zones. it is technical and a local issue. he says i'm going to do away with gun free zones on the first day in office. probably not possible. >> "new york times" cbs news poll asking what should republican leaders who disagree with trump do now? 80% support trump. 17% don't support trump. as the republican thought leader yourself. >> that's come a long way. and part of that is that the primary season is effectively over for the republicans. it's continued for the democrats. i don't think that anybody six months ago would have predicted that because we had 17 candidates. we only had four and thought her opponents were weak. their basis changed. i think at this point shows the republicans are like okay we need one unifying factor and that is hillary clinton. they want to beat her. >> saying things like, you know, i'm not going to endorse donald trump but i'll vote for him. what is that? >> i would hat empathy for them. they know their districts -- >> what is the difference between voting for and endorsing someone? >> well i think there will be some republicans and some democrats who certainly say if you look at their negatives for both candidates that basically means that i might not like if person but i'm going vote for them because i want him or her over the other one. that's what's happening. but the number for donald trump is much improved from where it was. and so i think that can only get better for him in the next month barring some catastrophe on his part. >> facebook faced a pretty tough pr problem two weeks ago when aelss arose they were putting their thumb on the scales in favor of liberal politics. they had a meeting of conservatives this week. what did you think? did they make a good case? >> well you were there too. >> i see myself out of the story. because i'm not the news. what did you think. >> facebook called the meeting because they knew we had a problem and when they walked in the door they didn't try to defend themselves. like oh we don't is really have a problem. they were like we have a problem. we recognize that. that's why we called you here. and thank you for coming. and believe it or not clayton the power went out at the meeting in the first two meetings at the big tech company. i was perfectly comfortable. most women are freezing at meetings. i was having a nice time. >> some of the more insulated gentlemen in the room were getting a little toasty. >> what was the argument that mark zuckerberg gave against the allegations? >> i think the conservatives had many more problems than just this trending topics issue. trending topics being a separate product that facebook uses and the news feed that you see. their point is that if they didn't have some sort of way to filter things out you would always see someday the trending topic of lunch and that is not very interesting. when facebook decided to get into that business it opened itself up to criticism. mark zuckerberg fully admitted that is not a mature product. we have to work on it. and they had a big dive into how the algorithm and all that stuff. and facebook offered an olive branch. conservatives can take it or not. and to me it is better to be on the side of trying to work things out than to try to fight. if they are offering their help, why not take them up on it. >> so bottom line you thought they were pretty sincere. >> absolutely well intentioned. >> i thought so too. >> yeah. >> maybe accept the olive branch. >> i would think so. >> she looks exactly the same as she did 25 years ago. >> donald trump says he loves hispanics. hispanics love him back. and a model/actress in crisis mode this morning because she can't get a job. apparently she's too hot to hire. do you agree? or disagree? will somebody please help her? can i get a show of hands in the studio guys? ♪ ♪ (singing) you wouldn't haul a load without checking your clearance. so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck. if legalzoom has your back.s, over the last 10 years we've helped one million business owners get started. visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. legalzoom. legal help is here. we're out ink.nk. not ink. getting ink doesn't have to be painful. staples just cut ink and toner prices. add in our 110% price match guarantee and our prices are unbeatable. staples. make more happen. i like the bride more than the groom. turquois dresses... so excited. did all her exes get invited? no one's got moves like uncle joe. ♪ should i stay or should i go? ♪ when it's go, book with choice hotels and get a free $50 gift card for staying just two times. book direct at you always have a choice. who don't have access thto basic banking,on people but that is changing. at temenos, with the microsoft cloud, we can enable a banker to travel to the most remote locations with nothing but a phone and a tablet. everywhere where there's a phone, you have a bank. now a person is able to start a business, and employ somebody for the first time. the microsoft cloud helped us to bring banking to ten million people in just two years. it's transforming our world. welcome back. the question that has been debated for months now. what role will latino voters play in the upcoming election? especially with donald trump now effect the republican nominee. there is a brand new fox news latino poll. 4 in 10 latino voters have an unfavorable view of hillary which is interesting. whether does that mean for race and donald trump? >> brian yennis is here. did the taco bowl tweet or instagram post by donald trump help him at all? >> safe to say it did not. we're talking about the infaufrlt. if we look at one of the polls here the big one. the question is who do you prefer? 62% of hispanics prefer clinton. yet the unfavorability for both are high. they are just not liked in general. when we look at obviously the big deal here is is that donald trump is just viewed unfavorable by such a big amount. we need to look at the numbers in terms of what we're seeing for the 23% for donald trump. mitt romney got 22% in 2012. he's lower than that right now. bop dole the lowest on record at 21%. so donald trump has a ways to go with this. and the republican party remember in 2012 with their autopsy report said that in order for them to ever win the white house again, they are going to have to bring hispanics into the fold and over the last four years our poll has shown that it doesn't seem to be work squlg -- voting block is getting even bigger. >> 27 million voters ux yeah. >> at this stage of the game we are starting to hear about potential running mates. if clinton or trump had an hiss panik running mate does that make a difference? >> overwhelmingly for either clinton or donald trump it does not. we've been hearing about suzanna martin martinez. and everybody says you can pick a vp to shore up a group. but 86% of hispanics say it makes no difference. it just doesn't make much sense for hispanic voters. i think they have made up their minds on who they are. >> politicians pander so much, it is good to see people seeing through it. what is the most important issue to you? by far the economy and jobs. >> hispanics were the hardest hit in the great recession. the average house loeld lost 66%. -- after that is education. national security and immigration. immigration they say is fourth on the list. it is not that important. people talk about immigration, it is pandering. it is devilled. from 6% to 12%. the number of hispanics who think it is the most important issue. we've seen donald trump talk about immigration. immigration has been talked about a lot. and hispanics now feel it is the most important issue. >> 66% of household wealth among latino -- that is amazing number. >> it is. about $6,000 is the average household wealth. a lot of the -- california in florida they were hit really hard. >> for sure. we're still reverberation for that event. >> thanks brian. >> thank you. >> millennial just tied baby boomers as the largest voting group in america. bernie sanders is very popular partly because he's promising a ton of free stuff. >> tuition free. free month paid family and medical leave. a living wage, 15 bucks an hour. >> he is a candidate of starbuck's baristas under 30. but what happens if he doesn't get the nomination? will they support hillary? that debate ahead try cool mint. it releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. nexium can take 24 hours. try cool mint zantac. no pill relieves heartburn faster. millennials are nearly as big as baby boomers as the largest eligible voting group. but do millennial actually understand what socialism is? and do they believe these promises are true and can actually happen? camille foster with free think chuck, first to you. i understand the yearning desire of young people to accrue wealth. i know they feel economically insecure. that is all reel and i get it. but there is not going to be free college because the country can't afford it. there is a little much when everybody knows that is not true. >> if we can get tax breaks to ge and target we can afford the youngest and brightest among us have opportunity to have a free college. you ask them to get you have to streets and play by the rules and when they do they are strapped to all this debt for rest of their lives. and bernie sanders has inspired to dream again and you know they can do something and have a right to college affordable like most colleges in other countries. >> half of that is true. there is an education bubble. student debt is a disaster. but shouldn't someone stand up and say the answer isn't it making it, quote, free because nothing is free. someone should tell the truth now. >> whether beef seen already is exal subsidies. educational subsidies have actually increased the cost of university educations. hiding the prices of your education from students and their parents only makes it more difficult to control costs. we've seen this time and time again in programs like this all over the place. we've seen it with healthcare, universal healthcare in various european countries, where you try to obscure prices and the costs continue to go up. we even have that phenomena here in the states. >> i've already expressed sympathy for the plight of millennial because i think it is really. but bernie is raising expectations beyond the point of no return. it is not real. when eosay they are getting a pony and they get a bag of hair they are going to be mad. he's causing social instability. >> we all know you don't like bernie sanders. so let's not run away from that. second of all. nobody thought we'd have the $15 minimum wage. things are possible when people come together and think of solutions to make things happen. and we shouldn't be punishing children. the youngest among us. because it can happen. you should be giving that money to these children who won't try -- >> chuck, again -- camille, we've got a problem with education. no doubt. but if you made ge go away tomorrow and just confiscated their stuff and applied it to colleges you still couldn't pay finish free college. >> citing one other form of wasteful spending and suggesting all we can do is end that and then we can do this other wasteful spending. the fundamental thing is you cannot give things away for free. and even presuming the enormous benefit of sending everyone to college, even student whose don't necessarily need to go to college. that doesn't make a lot of sense. what we are seeing in venezuela is in fact instructive. we should pay attention to that. people were promised a great deal and good intentions aren't enough. >> very quickly, you guys are leading in essence a religious movement. can you imagine hibernie voters getting behind hillary? >> i think they are motivated. i don't know if they are going to go there are or not. there is going to be a lot of senate democrats who are going to suffer if they don't show up. >> interesting to see. the band who watched their audience get murdered during the paris terror attacks a couple months ago is now in trouble for not being welcoming to muslims. >> and one actress in hollywood says she can't get a job because she's too physically attractive. it is a silent plague we're exposing here. 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>> no. egg white surprise. >> holy cow. >> we know you're getting holder and have trouble blowing out the candles. there's only one per decade. >> my cook book. chef next door. have you seen it? >> yes i have seen that. >> fritata recipe. a bacon and avocado salad. and the carrot cake. so delicious. of course cream cheese frosting. and when i thought about brunch for you i thought a little bit healthy. a little good. a little bad. >> a little naughty and a little nice. >> that's the nice. this is the naughty, you know, bacon avocado, bacon jalapeño lime dressing. >> yummy. >> and, you know, on your birthday you always have to have cake for breakfast. >> what's in the cake? >> cocoa powder carrot cake basically. so carrot, walnuts. cocoa powder. it's butter. sugar, flour. cream cheese. >> -- carrot cake. >> yes you can. >> oh you're so nice. >> you can put chocolate in there. you can improve on anything. >> -- yes my new book. >> are you gonna have some? >> am i gonna have some? >> you're one of the nicest people around. >> oh thank you. >> i want to say hello and surprise you for your birthday. carrot cake and give you a book and say cook it at home. i'm on chop junior. this tuesday. so great. jerome bettis. and ali kahn. and some great guest judges and literally these 9-year-olds are incredible. >> happy birthday. all right we are following some news this hour. the hunt is intensifying for the kill ore f a fitness struck outer inside a texas church. authorities have a vehicle of interest and want to question the owner. the driver not necessarily a suspect but was seen less than a mile from the church and may have clues to the mystery. authorities believe she was attacked by the suspect, who was carrying a hammer. and a legendary rock band who performed during the paris attacks is now getting booed for anti-muslim comments. ♪ the eagles of death metal now kicked out of two french music festivals after -- and then saw muslims celebrating in the street. they are in disagreement with his comments. and somebody help this woman, please. she claims she keeps getting turned down for serious roles because people just want to see her in sexy roles. r . and a big and exciting time of year for television. the networks are announcing what shows they are planning to begin and bring back for the new tv season. >> let's step in the fox light. >> whoa, forgot my sunglasses. michael. do you have a preview. >> fox red carpet for stars of their shows. and we were right there. where else would we be to see what's coming back and what's new this fall. check it out. >> stars turned out monday night to celebrate fox's upcoming season. three new comedies, six new dramas and plenty of fan favorites. >> i've listened to you. i've tried to tolerate something that is intolerable to my nature. >> lee daniels is introducing a new drama with queen latifah called star. >> it is the anti-empire if anything. and it is about a portion of my life that i haven't talked about, which is when i came to hollywood before my first job. and what i would do, some of the stuff they had to do to survive in the streets of hollywood. >> returning franchises include 24 legacy. the continuation stars of cory hawken. >> fresh, new, new faces but still has the same intensity. the same rigor. it is like minute by minute, second by second. it is a thiller. >> and bryn break returns as an e present series. >> the first chapters were so loved and well received and i think we're all very conscious of that responsibility as we execute this reboot, is that "this has to live up to the original". >> psyched the tell you which part two of their story, this time set in a hospital. >> it is going to be darker this year, for sure. >> the quality of the writing is only going to get better. the characters are now established so you can go deeper into them i'm wide open and ready to work. >> the series includes a few inspired by the movie. >> the camaraderie, we wanted to maintain that relationship. but i also feel like we wanted to make it our own as well. >> the exorcist is looking to scare up a big audience. >> it is actually not the same plot as the movie or the book but takes place like in the same world that that took place in. >> speaking of the movie. by hollywood, everyone may be doing with this two hour reimagining of the rickocky hor picture show. >> to pay homage and also to allow ourselves to is a vision and express new energy into an iconic piece. >> i for one want to see tucker carlson do the time warp again this fall. and if you do tweet me. i'm just saying. @fox light michael." >> and that's what's coming up this fall. coming up hillary clinton says that she'll bring in bubba to fix the economy. because he's done it before. >> my husband, who i'm going to put in charge of revitalizing the economy because you know he knows how to do it. >> but does he really know how? >> first we're going check with neil cavuto for a lock with what's coming up next on the cost of freedom business block. >> good morning. socialism in the streets take a hard look at the streets of venezuela. a lessen for those pushing social policies here in america. eventually you run out of money. and a new poll showing donald trump is out in front despite for front page attacks than any candidate in recent memory. is the liberal media losing its grip on real america. we'll see you soon. not to be focusingo finaon my moderatepe. to severe chronic plaque psoriasis. so i made a decision to talk to my dermatologist about humira. humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear, and many saw 75% and even 90% clearance in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ask about humira, the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists. clearer skin is possible. your insurance company won't replace the full value of your totaled new car. the guy says, "you picked the wrong insurance plan." no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with new car replacement, we'll replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. liberty mutual insurance. hello welcome to holiday inn. running our own business, we've been traveling a lot. a hotel looking to help small businesses succeed is incredible. thank you. holiday inn is an extension of our team. book your next journey at my husband, who i'm going to put in charge of revitalizing the economy because you know he knows how to do it. and especially in places like coal country and inner cities and other parts of our country that have really been left out. >> hillary clinton's latest plan to win over voters, her husband. hey, he's done it before. he revitalizing the economy during the '90s. the democratic front runner wasted no time this week assigning bill clinton to the economy. but does he really know how to do it? pretty simple right? just invent google again and start another tech boom. >> no doubt the tech boom was absolutely. you talk about the fortunate period. you have to equate that to industrial revolution. how amazing, how much money was flowing. the market valuations. people will write a business plan on wednesday and go ipo by friday. >> >> we all remember on that one. >> amazing and the money was flowing and bill clinton happened to be president at the time. i will give him credit for not trying to regulate it though. >> good point. >> he said look, he understood cutting deficits. getting people in a room and actually trying to hammer out and get a balanced budget agreement today. and in the end bill clinton -- it was probably a republican idea he sort of co-opted. does he get credit for that. >> bill clinton gets credit for moving to the center for a lot of things after 1994. his legacy, why would hillary bring it up? 22 million jobs. but he also left us with ticking time bombs because of some of the things he did. bill clinton is the one who unleashed wall street. he removed glass-steagall so big banks became bigger. the key weapon used that became the biggest ticking time bomb in modern economic times. >> housing collapse. >> the housing collapse. he actually took the community reinvestment act and put it on steroids. why? how many president -- what president wouldn't want to say home ownership increased under my watch. there is one thing to say you can't discriminate against a certain neighborhood there is another say you better give these people money. so he left on a high note but he left this country with the biggest economic ticking time bomb outside of the great depression. >> and there you have it. the good, the bad and the ugly. >> up next on fox and friends weekend. who's ready to race? we'll find out who is faster on the water? me or rick. [phone buzzing] [engine revving] [engine revving] [phone buzzing] ♪ some things are simply impossible to ignore. the strikingly designed lexus nx turbo and hybrid. the suv that dares to go beyond utility. this is the pursuit of perfection. yoga. >> they are doing yoga? >> of course they are. >> proposing to fiancés. dating. having cocktail parties. >> right. the whole nine yards. they are coming in 400 bucks. old school kayak yeah. you can sit three folks very easily and you got room for your yetty cooler and everything. so as the great. >> how much is this one. >> 600 bucks. all these under a thousand bucks. and the recreational type kayak. and rick is demoing our fishing model here. rod holders and the whole nine yards. and as you can see it is very stable. i know they got worried about him wearing his mics on this but it is very stable. >> if you had a race between a weather man and the anchor, who would win? >> well i'll tell you what, all my money is on the blond. >> rick is very competitive. >> rick almost jumped out of there. >> he's totally safe. we got -- what's really good about the kayaks too is sight fishing and sneaking up on fish. no motors involved. really sneaky with the fish and everything. you can drop a rod with the paddle. >> would you fly fish with this bad boy? >> i have. it is a great way to fish. >> and a stand up paddle board as well. >> which you can fish from. >> absolutely. very stable. they sell the upon toons toons that off the side.pontoons toon that off the side. >> coming up a race around the fox and the bear. >> they're getting good. soon. turquois dresses... so excited. did all her exes get invited? no one's got moves like uncle joe. ♪ should i stay or should i go? ♪ when it's go, book with choice hotels and get a free $50 gift card for staying just two times. book direct at you always have a choice. >> all right. it is the 8th annual. maybe the 9th annual kayak race here on fox and friends. first year i'm not doing it. in my stead this year. anna couple kooiman. anna, you have to go around the bear island and pack to where rick is. and rick, you have to go around that side and touch over on this side. on your mark, get so. go. [ cheers and applause ] >> all right. around the bend they come. >> anna might be stuck in the corner. >> uh-oh. >> keep in mind it is rick's birthday. he's got a lot to prove today. he just turned 61. there he goes. rick. do you credit your superior water craft for your victory?


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Kelly File 20160616 08:00:00

donald trump doubles down on his immigration stance. but opens the door to gun reform. this is "special report." association, to talk about keeping people on terrorist watch lists from buying guns. the nra opposes such legislation. but also backs the gop presumptive nominee. senior national correspondent john roberts reports tonight on what could be a true test of leadership. >> some people love me. my problem is they love me or hate me. >> under withering fire from democrats and republicans following his comments on the orlando massacre. donald trump wouldn't back down an inch. insisting doing the same old thing when it comes to terrorism isn't working. >> we have to stop on a temporary basis at least, we have to stop people from pouring into our country we have to stop it. >> until we find out what the hell is going on. >> president obama and hillary clinton are battering trump for what they call divisive, inappropriate rhetoric. obama angrily ridiculing obama's criticism. trump firing back that it makes a difference. >> unless you're willing to discuss and talk about the real nature of the problem and the name of the problem, radical islamic terrorism, you're never going to solve the problem. >> but trump did say something that caught the white house' eye in a favorable way. after meeting with nra officials yesterday, trump said he wanted another meeting to discuss denying gun purchases to people on the terror watch and no fly lists. in an exclusive interview, trump said he might be open to changing some gun laws. >> i'm going to be looking at it very seriously. the terror watch list and the no fly list, i'm going to be talking to the nra about that. >> the issue is a sensitive one for the nra, which opposes a measure in congress to do that. their fear that innocent people often wind up on those lists. trum aides wouldn't eliberate on his thoughts, but the white house cautiously welcomed him to the gun control debate. >> we would welcome the support of anybody. >> the trump campaign is explaining why trump seemed to suddenly take aim at troops who served in iraq at his rally in greensboro last night. trump appeared to accuse service members from taking the money from the hearts and minds of locals. >> i want to know who were the soldiers who had that job. i think they're living well right now. >> trump's campaign insisted he was talking about iraqi soldiers, but it was americans who controlled the money and there were some convictions for theft and bribery. last september trump appeared to implicate americans. >> i want to know who were the soldiers that are carrying cash of $50 million. cash. how stupid are we? i wouldn't be surprised, if those soldiers, i wouldn't be surprised if the cash didn't get there, i have to be honest. >> trump's comments angered a number of iraq war veterans, a constituency that trump can ill afford to alienate. a new "washington post" poll found trump with a 70% disapproval rating. brett? >> john, thank you. while some republicans are questioning whether they can support donald trump, one republican governor said today, he definitively will not vote for the party's nominee. maryland governor larry hogan who endorsed new jersey governor chris christie for president last year said today while he will not be voting for trump, he does not know who he'll vote for on election day. christie did endorse trump, hogan left the possibility open of writing someone in. on the democratic side, hillary clinton focused her attention on the general election, attacking donald trump over national security in the wake of the orlando terror attack. even as she continues to campaign for the white house, her democratic opponent continues to hang on. senior political correspondent mike emanuel reports from virginia. >> a new bloomberg politics poll reveals that hillary clinton has opened up a double-digit lead of likely voters over trump. clinton blasted trump's response to the orlando massacre. >> after all the twitter rants and conspiracy theories, we've been hearing recently, it's time for substantive discussions about how we protect our country. how we respond to terrorist attacks. like the one that tragically occurred in orlando. >> clinton held a conversation with military families and veterans to make the case she should be the next commander-in-chief. >> as president i will make identifying and stopping lone wolves a priority. we will assemble a team from across the government, private sector, our communities, to get on top of this challenge. >> in battleground wisconsin, a new marquette university law poll has clinton leading by nine percentage points, 46-37 with 13% saying they will support neither of them. last night clinton tried to convince her rival for the democratic nomination, senator bernie sanders that it's time for the party to unify. clinton and sanders met privately in washington for almost two hours, with some of their top advisers also in the room. a clinton aide said quote clinton and sanders agreed to continue working on their shared agenda, including through the platform development process for the upcoming democratic national convention. while sanders said the two discussed a variety of issues where they're seeking common ground, substantially raising the minimum wage, campaign finance reform and making health care universal and affordable. at the head of the meeting, sanders said he's also seeking changes to the way the party selects its nominee. >> we need major changes in the democratic party, in converting it to a party of the people. welcoming working people, welcoming young people. we need an electoral process. which is worthy of the democrats. >> primary season ended last night with clinton winning the district of columbia contest. but sanders shows no sign of going away. bret? >> mike emanuel live in new york norfolk. the fight over gun control in the wake of the orlando attack made its way to the senate floor. democrat senator chris murphy of connecticut took over the floor today to demand a vote on gun control measures, senator murphy is demanding that lawmakers strike a deal over stronger background checks and blocking suspected terrorists from being able to buy guns. new details on the orlando terrorist attack investigation and a new focus on omar mateen's wife. what she knew and when. correspondent steve harrigan has the latest on that investigation tonight from florida. >> law enforcement officials are now calling the orlando shooting both a hate crime and a terror crime. but they refuse to say whether the arrest of the killer's wife is imminent. >> i'm not going to speculate today as to any charges that may be brought or indeed about whether any charges will be brought. it is premature to do stuff. it would interfere and hamper the investigation. >> noor salman, the 30-year-old second wife of the orlando killer could face charges as an accomplice to 49 counts of murder. salman told investigators she knew her husband was planning a quote jihadist attack unquote. and said nothing to authorities. salman, from california, met the killer on a muslim dating website. the two were married in 2013 and have a 3-year-old son. fbi agents searched the california home she grew up in, one of four daughters in a conservative palestinian family. salman also said she was with the killer when he purchased ammunition and a hollister. and accompanied him on at least one of his scouting missions to the pulse nightclub. new details are also emerging about the behavior of the killer during the three-hour slaughter sunday morning inside the pulse nightclub. he made at least five phone calls during the attack, three to 911, one to an as yet unidentified friend an one to a local news station, he did not go on air but identified himself as a shooter to the producer and wanted to make sure the station was aware of the attack. the security firm where the killer worked is defending its screening process. mr. mateen passed a full background investigation, criminal history, employment, driver's also, drug, medical in 2007 when he was hired by g 4 s. the weapon used for most of the killings was a semiautomatic rifle developed for use by the u.s. special forces. according to manufacturers and experienced shooter with this rifle can fire up to 45 rounds in one minute. bret? >> steve harrigan in florida. thanks. defense secretary ash carter said our partners need to do more to fight isis in iraq and syria. cy believe there's more that nato can do and i believe there's more that each of us as individual nations can do to hasten the destruction of isil. >> nato defense ministers have agreed to extend training of iraqi troops. some of the wreckage of egyptair 804 has been found a month after the plane crashed into the mediterranean, killing all 66 people on board. a search committee says a ship found the plane's parts in several areas and has provided photo evidence of the wreckage. the cause of that crash, still officially unknown. up next, a live report on the search for a toddler ripped from his family by an alligator at disney world. first, here's what some fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox 13 in tampa, two steps forward, one step back for spacex. the company launched two communications satellites into orbit. but the rocket that sent them hurling into space failed to make a successful landing. it was the first landing failure since march. fox 29 in philadelphia, jurors are deciding fate of 11-term congressman chaka fatah. prosecutors say he ran a quote white collar crime spree that stretched from philadelphia to washington, d.c. defense lawyers say the justice department is trying to smear fatah through the racketeering case. this is a live look at los angeles, the beach in los angeles from fox 11, big story there tonight, where fire ripped through a warehouse near los angeles causing explosions and toxic fumes that led to evacuations of about 300 people overnight no one was hurt in the blaze at the plastics plant. the cause of the fire is still under investigation. a horrific and to a family's vacation to disney world after investigators recover the body of a 2-year-old boy dragged away from his family by an alligator. >> peter doocy is live in orlando with this horrible story and how the events unfolded. >> good evening, bret, instead of waiting in line for rides, one nebraska family was waiting all night to see if their toddler was still alive. this afternoon the sheriff and a priest gave them some grim news. >> at about 3:30 today we recovered the remains of the 2-year-old from the water. that body has now been turned over to the orange county medical examiner for an autopsy. >> the 2-year-old lane graves was near the water's edge, one monorail stop from the magic kingdom when the alligator appeared, snatching the boy and pulling him from his father's outstretched arms. the mom was nearby. the whole thing lasted just seconds. a witness tells the "orlando sentinel" said quote i looked over and here comes one of the lifeguards, he said everybody get out of the water. the mother was there, she was frantic running up and down looking. disney sent down its beaches and marines so the sheriffs personnel could search the lagoon. wildlife officials say that since the waterway is man maima five alligators were caught and killed here. we won't know if they got the killer gator. until the medical examiner compares bite patterns there had been 23 fatal gator attacks in florida, this the 24th is the first at disney world. disney does have a system in place to find and get rid of alligators. but it's a huge property and someone familiar with the landscape told me there are so many alligators here that at night it can be like jurassic park. bret? >> horrible story. peter, thank you. lawmakers take a step towards censuring the nation's top tax man. the irs commissioner. republican lawmakers say john koskinen failed to provide information demanded by congress and lied under oath into an investigation whether the irs targeted tea party groups. the resolution urges koskinen to resue or be removed. no word yet if the full house will take up this matter. the federal reserve will not raise interest rates for now. >> proceeding cautiously in raising our interest rate target will allow us to verify the economic growth will return to a moderate pace. that the labor market will strengthen further. and that inflation will continue to make progress toward our 2% objective. >> and that's how the fed chairman says it today's news did not help the markets break a losing streak now at five straight sessions in a row, the dow down 35 points, the s&p 500 off 4, and the nasdaq closed down 9 points. trish regan the host of the intelligence report joins me now with today's news from the fed. good evening, trish. why when the fed has previously indicated they want to move rates higher are, they saying well maybe not? >> because they want to that's clear, they want to get off of this extremely low rate environment that they're in. but it's challenging, because the economic fundamentals still aren't there, they're growing at 0.8%, that's a reality they can't ignore. be very threatening to overall markets in that the uk, great britain, is thinking about leaving the european union. and investors are rattled by that in terms of what it would mean for global markets. they have that on the horizon. so a lot of stuff out there that makes them reticent to raise in this environment. you know the fed has been so strong in the past, trish, some investigators are now saying that the fed is making itself increasingly less relevant. why are they saying that? >> they're saying it because this is a fed that keeps telling us as you pointed out, bret, over and over again, they want to raise rates and they're to get off of this extremely low-rate environment. every time they don't do it the other thing i would ad d to thi, bret, the more information the better. we want to hear from the fed and yet investors are starting to say okay, guys, enough is enough. janet yellen, how many press conferences are you going to give? back in the old days, the '80s, the '90s, you had to do some research to figure out what the federal reserve did on any given day. we're now in anonnt are they t the world what they're doing, they then are having a press conference about it and it's not just from janet yellen. you have other members of the federal reserve board out there talking all the time and it's having an effect in that it really influences investigators one way or another to the point now where some are saying okay, forget it i'm not going to listen to the fed any more. >> trish, as always, thank you, the intelligence report, 2:00 p.m. weekdays on fbn. check it out. next, my conversation with the dalai lama. we have that going for us. p?p?h the dalai lama met with president obama today. despite objections from china. even before the meeting at the white house, chinese officials criticized it, because they believe that tibetans spiritual leader is sponsoring a movement to divide the country. i got a chance to ask the dalai lama shortly after he met with the president what it was like. >> well i really feel something like, a reunion. i know him. since many years. >> this is your fourth time, maybe? >> as president, maybe. got into a situation in tibet and also china. and then i also mentioned the one of my commitment is promotion of human value. to education. >> the dalai lama's short white house visit is yet another sore point in a decades-long, some say centuries-long conflict between china and tibet. tibet claims china is suppressing tibetan autonomy and its buddhist religion and culture. china says a 1951 agreement gives it sovereignty over tibet and accuses the dalai lama of leading an anti-government uprising. after a revolt in 1959 the dalai lama fled tibet and has been living in exile ever since. every meeting, between dalai lama and a u.s. president or foreign leader, has drawn heavy criticism from china. including today. it is always controversial, because of china's reaction. to your meeting with anyone. >> yes. that's normal. >> normal. >> yes, it's routine. we are not say -- not seeking independence. it's our interest. provided we should have full right for preservation of our own culture. our rich buddhist knowledge. knowledge of buddhist philosophy. out of many buddhist countries, many buddhist, read tibetan buddhist. i think kept, i think best or more complete about tradition. i think president xi jinping mentioned sometime back, the buddhism is important part of china's culture. so this is something, something new. a leader of communist party, you see. mentioning some positive thing about buddhism. wonderful. in the past, they said a communist system. they supposed to say follow -- atheism. people who really believe atheism, not many principles. that's a fact now. so i think chinese people, including leaders, i think are getting some new experiences. so there is change. there's a tight control, it's that kind of system. no future. so you say only question of time. china have to open. >> they said today through their spokes people under the cloak of religion, the 14th dalai lama peddles his political ambitions of dividing china all around the world. we ask all countries and governments not to give him any room to carry out such campaigns. even less risking arousing the firm opposition of 1.3 billion chinese people. >> we have opportunity to ask 1.3 billion chinese, each, i don't think it's the same view. >> do you follow u.s. politics? >> these days, no. the candidates. argument or criticism like that. >> and what do you think about it? >> sometimes okay. i think american people, i think have sort of ability to touch. so you will choose your leader, i think right kind of person. >> one of the issues is immigration. and refugees. you're in essence a refugee. you have now in tibet an immigration issue with chinese coming into tibet to work. so when you hear about the u.s. grappling with that issue, what do you think from your perspective? some politicians in the u.s. are making the same arguments about immigration and border security and you know, limiting the number of people coming in. >> all white americans come if outside. so i think if the several millions or hundred million come if outside. then, you see you have to think seriously. a few millions, easily into this country. no problem. >> the white house said you expressed condolences about the death in florida. >> yes. >> your thoughts about that and if as we're learning this is someone who killed in the name of religion. >> that's wrong. that's wrong. the very word muslim terrorist, that i think is wrong. terrorist is a terrorist. they are not strictly speaking, strictly speaking, there are not practicing religion. the genuine muslim practitioner. wonderful people. and islam, teach this practice of love. they pray to allah, allah consider you see, is love. >> but the main threat that the u.s. seems to be facing is from that one place, a radical version, perverted version of that religion, right? >> no, i feel that's, their use is a religion. if they use it the koran word, it's wrong. and actually these people i do not consider genuine muslim practitioner. >> i've heard you talk about inner peace and trying to get to inner peace. and in today's day and age with all of these things and the technology, all of our families and all of our kids deal with, what do you say to a family who says it's running so fast and the world is so fast. >> i think we should be more compassionate human beings. for your own health. for your own inner peace, a happier family. we need these things. money will not bring inner peace. money, will not bring harmony among your own family members. i think scientists also say the healthy mind, peaceful mind, very important for our health. good health. so healthy mind, healthy body, very close. >> and considering all the things we face around the world, are you optimistic about the world's future? >> yes. because you know i mentioned, the scientists, my friend, is it basic human nature is more positive. basic human nature is more negative, then no hope. >> last thing. have you ever seen the movie "caddyshack"? >> what? >> "caddyshack" the movie. >> i don't know. >> the part about the dalai lama. have you ever played golf? >> no. >> you're not a big hitter. >> badminton. >> but not golf? >> no. >> there's a classic movie called "caddyshack" where they talk about the dalai lama. i had to ask you about it. >> i don't know. >> well thank you very much for the time. >> thank you. had to ask him. big hitter, the llama. thank you for the dalai lama for that time. the sign of a flip-flop or a strong leader? our panel weighs in on truch's stance on gun control and the latest on the campaign trail, next. a ban on muslims would note have stopped this attack. neither would a wall. i don't know how one builds a wall to keep the internet out. >> so not one of donald trump's reckless ideas would have saved a single life in orlando. >> ask the gays what they think and what they do, not only saudi arabia, in many of these countries. with the gay community, just ask. and then you tell me who is your friend, donald trump or hillary clinton. you tell me. >> one issue, donald trump and hillary clinton going back at it. new polls came out today. "washington post" poll about favorability. there you can see clinton 43 favorable/unfavorable. and trump hitting a new high in the unfavorables at this poll at 70%. a national poll out, bloomberg poll has clinton up 12. there you see 37 for trump and libertarian gary johnson at 9%. the real clear politics average has clinton up about 4.2. let's bring in our panel. joan goldberg, senior editor of national review. mara liasson, political correspondent national public radio and tucker carlson, "fox & friends" weekend. thoughts? >> what is there to say? it is every single day you try to get a catch to the raging controversy and then donald trump or hillary clinton pulls the chair out from under you and you have to deal with someone sg else. >> let's start with the nra and trump's suggestion he's going to negotiate with the nra to move forward negotiation to possibly take terrorist watch lists people off being able to buy a gun. >> if we go by the normal rules of politics, he's created a hot mess for himself with this. the nra rightly, i changed my position on the terror watch list thing, it's a bad idea. >> bad idea how? >> that you can't have an extra judicial process the way the terror watch lists are run, it is just simply a bad idea to have the government just simply deciding unilaterally without a review process, who is a terrorist, potential terrorist and who is not. even james comby, the head of the fbi doesn't like the idea. because he says it would interfere with the ability to track these people. i think there's a reason why both the aclu and the nra are against it the problem with the narrow point of nra voters, he made this process and now he's violating the voters when there's a hot controversy. but also for people like me and other conservative who is say that you know his promises that he's going to toe the line on these conservative issues, whenever we run into one of these situations, he makes it clear that his promises have an expiration date. by sort of basically saying i'll going to adopt to the nra about essentially adopting the democrats' position, underlines his argument about how can you trust me to stick to these promises i've made. >> here's what the nra released. quote we're happy to meet with donald trump, the nra's position on this issue has not changed. the nra believes that terrorists should not be able to purchase or possess firearms, period. anyone on the terror watch list who tries to buy a gun should be investigated by the fbi and the sale delayed while the investigation is ongoing. at the same time due process protection should be put in place that allows law-abiding americans who are wrongly put on a watch list to be removed. mara? >> it certainly seems like you could work out a compromise on this. the nra doesn't want people on the watch list to be able to buy a gun and all the democrats in the senate don't want it, either, you would think you could work out those due process issues and come to some kind of agreement. to me the bigger more interesting thing is what jonah is talking about, donald trump, a wrecking ball going through every conservative principle that he can come across, is now arguing the democrats' position on this. he tried to do some clever jiu-jitsu on gay rights, trying to separate gay people from muslims and from hillary clinton. but i'm wondering what he's going to do next. >> tuck centre. >> there are two problems with it the political problem is that trump has kept the conversation on guns, that's not the lesson of the orlando shooting. guy pledges allegiance to isis and kills 49 people, how is that the nra's fault. by wading into this, we're talking about it as if this is a problem that could be solved with gun control. no serious social scientist believes that, there's zero evidence. the second problem is the one that mara alluded to, due process, you can't solve the problem except with due process, do we want 0 to live in canada where the government can take away one of your constitutional rights without telling you, because it doesn't like your opinions. we have a process called the criminal justice system. why are we giving it up? if are you not considered safe enough to be allowed to fly or go hunting, why are you living next door to me? why do we -- if we believe someone is a terrorist, why don't we indict them? >> there are many different perceptions about loshd and the causes and motives -- orlando. i want to read the new york times main editorial today. in which it says the precise motivation for the rampage is unclear, it appears that mr. mateen was driven toward hate for gays and lesbians it occur tragically, this is the state of american politics, driven too often by republican politicians, who see prejudice as something to exploit, no the extinguish. as the funerals are held for those who perished on sunday, lawmakers who have actively championed discriminatory laws and policies and those who have quietly enabled them with votes should force themselves to read the obituaries. the 49 people killed in orlando were victims of a terrorist attack. they need to be remembered as casualties of a society where hate has deep roots. >> i'm reluctant to say this, but that might be the single dumbest editorial in the history of the new york times. it's like a pinata, can you hit it from any angle and get some reward. first of all, the guy was a registered democrat. he swore allegiance to isis. somehow the republican opposition to gay marriage that is somehow associated with this? i know for a fact that a lot of the founders of the nazi party were gays. should we revisit the issue of naziism based on the fact they were homosexuals? it's lewd yus and one of just like with the gun stuff that tucker was talking about, one of the examples from the top down from barack obama to a lot of the mainstream media they don't want to talk about this for what it is. which is a terrorist attack. a guy motivated and inspired by radical islamic terrorism. want to move the conversation back to comfortable topics like gay rights and gun control. it's a giant con. >> there is a the whole back and forth radical islam and what the president said yesterday, whether you say it or don't say it. there's no islam in this editorial. there's one word, terrorist, at the very bottom. is some people have called donald trump a cartoon caricature this is the cartoon caricature of what people would say about a liberal editorial page. however, there's no doubt that terrorism, anti-gay hatred, and easy access to assault weapons were all part of what happened. to say that it's only one thing is ridiculous. >> it's a very specific species of anti-gay hate. it's the islamic species, that's exactly right. >> we should point out it's not clear that he wasn't gay. >> that's exactly right. but this skind of the thing proposition, which if you have a problem with gay marriage, you inspired this attack. no, this is not, this is not an american form of homophobia. this is a middle eastern form. so why is it america's fault? what you're see something very recognizable if you have have talked to liberals or listened to the president, this is america's fault. no, actually it's not. we'll talk about fighting isis overseas after this quick break. constipated? trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax, designed for dependable relief ... they brought this on themselves. now it's war, and i want them dead! the fleas and ticks? their whole gang. we can do that. only bravecto kills fleas & ticks for up to 12 weeks with one tasty chew. starts killing fleas in two hours and kills nearly 100% in under twelve. and it's fda approved. bravecto is for dogs 6 months of age or older. don't worry, princess, we'll settle the score. tonight we ride, with bravecto!! ask your vet about 12-week protection with bravecto. it is apparent that donald trump does not seem to grasp any of this. he has been fixated on the phrase, and i quote, radical islam. as if those are magic words that once uttered will stop terrorists from coming after us. >> unless you're willing to discuss and talk about the real nature of the problem and the name of the problem radical islamic terrorism, you're never going to solve the problem. >> more from the back and forth today from the two main candidates. the presumptive nominees. this is "u.s.a. today" hillary clinton talked to the paper in her first interview after meeting with vermont senator bernie sanders tuesday night clinton did not rule out one of his key demands as his democratic presidential bid winds down that party chair woman debbie wasserman schultz should be replaced. obviously she has supported debbie wasserman schultz in the past but says we have got a great group and maybe so: back with the panel. marah, surprising. >> no. she is not ruling anything out because this is the beginning of a very diplomatic dance with bernie sanders. they want the exit and they want the endorsement of her to be gentle. they are not ruling anything out. and they want his supporters and they want sanders to not just campaign against trump, which he has promise to do do but also support her and signal to his supporters that they should, too. >> she also signaled, jonah, that more progressive -- she is leaning toward more progressive profile toward her vp pick when she was asked about sanders being vp. surprising? >> not really. it's kind of amazing. everything is amazing this political year. it's kind of amazing even now bernie sanders is pulling her to the left, even after thee has wrapped up the nomination. i mean, it doesn't usually work that way. but i think it makes sense. the passion of the democratic party are on the left wing base and she at least wants to sound like she has open mind to those guys. >> were it not for her us husband, of course, she wouldn't be the track nominee or senator or secretary of state. she has disavowed his policy. he is going to be in charge of my economic policy if only, are you kidding? people with elizabeth warren's world view will be. she got the nomination at the price of disavowing everything did i for eight years. >> i want to story dnc hack. there is a gawker story out there. we don't often site gawker. leaked online this dnc report of what they called was opo research against donald trump. in the statement, just moments ago to fox news, trump said this: this is all information that has been out there for many years. much of it false and/or entirely inaccurate. we believe it was the dnc that did the hacking as a way to distract from the many issues facing their deeply flawed candidate and failed party leader. too bad the dnc doesn't hack crooked hillary's 33,000 missing emails. mara? >> makes no sense. the dnc spent a tremendous amount of time and effort, lots of little interns and others have been compiling this huge data file on trump as every party does on the opposing candidate. >> from published reports. >> open sources. and the russians, who i guess were too lazy to do it themselves decide to do hack it but why? donald trump says why would they want to dump it all out there. the whole purpose of opo research is to use it in the most skillful way possible in ads or at the right time. it makes no sense that they would want to dump this out in a big clump. >> what could be in it that would influence the course of the race? what don't we know? if there was a picture of him conducting a satanic mass it wouldn't change things. he has just proved impervious to this kind of politics. this is what we find. >> i think it's very hard to figure that out. the idea of somehow leaping to exonerate russian hackers is an interesting part on the trump administration. trump campaign i'm going to have to think about a little bit. >> we have the online show maybe we can [vet] two yearly physicals down. martha and mildred are good to go. here's your invoice, ladies. a few stops later, and it looks like big ollie is on the mend. it might not seem that glamorous having an old pickup truck for an office... or filling your days looking down the south end of a heifer, but...i wouldn't have it any other way. look at that, i had my best month ever. and earned a shiny new office upgrade. i run on quickbooks. that's how i own it. suspect balanced and unatrade. i'm off for a little while on a little summer vacation. before i go we have "special report" online. log on. we will talk about the llama. >> thursday june 16th. a tragedy ending at the happiest place on earth. the body of a 2-year-old boy grabbed by a gator in front of his parents found. many are asking where is the warning? we are live with the outrage disney is now facing. >> isis vengeance. the chilling facebook post from the cold blooded killer at an orlando nightclub. >> a graduate getting a huge standing ovation for this speech. >> we will win, we will win, believe me, we will win. >> "fox & friends first" starts right now. >> a few showers around new york city as you wake up this morning. bruce springsteen, always like that. >> i am heather childers. >> i am abby huntsman. >> we begin with the fox news alert a little boy dragged away by an alligator in front of his parents was found dead and disney is under fire. >> why were there no swimming signs but not a single one warning about the dangerous reptiles. >> leland has more on the controversy. >> you still don't have an answer on that specific question. any person, any parents has an almost physical reaction to it. we have a picture of a young man who was killed. 2-year-old lane grave on his third day on a trip to disney world in elk horn, februanebras. he was grabbed by a gator around 9:30at


Transcripts For MSNBCW All In With Chris Hayes 20161101 00:00:00

greatest represented democracy in human history and that's us and happy halloween. and that's "hardball" for now. "all in with chris hayes" starts right now. tonight on "all in" -- >> why in the world the fbi would decide to jump into an election with no evidence of any wrongdoing with just days to go. >> fbi director james comey under fire. >> ten days to go? i think it's disgraceful. >> criticism coming from across the political spectrum. >> i think this is probably not the right thing for comey to do. >> but is the fbi decision actually impacting voters? we'll breakdown the state of the race with over 23 million votes already cast. >> jew usa!rom lock her up to -- jew sa! >> if in a donald trump close to the election. a second source later confirmed that same story to "the huffington post." now, this all comes as comey faces growing backlash for his decision three days ago to announce the bureau had discovered a new trove of e-mails belonging to top clinton aide huma abedin discovered during an investigation of abedin's estranged husband, anthony weiner, for allegedly sending elicit texting to an underage girl. we still have no idea what's in those new e-mails and we have no idea if they have anything to do with the original investigation of potential classified information on hillary clinton's private e-mail server. the fbi has now began to review abedin's e-mails but it remains unclear if they are finished before election day. what we do know about the e-mails and the decisions to make them public 11 days before the election has come largely by leaked to the press. comey explains his thinking and acknowledges potential consequences. "given that we do not know the significance of this newly discovered collection of e-mails, i don't want to create a misleading but i wanted you to hear directly from me about it." anonymous sources said he had two main reasons, a sense of obligation to lawmakers and testified this summer and concern that word of the new discovery would be leaked to the media and be reported as a cover-up. the clinton probe has been the subject of an internal feud at the fbi. some investigators pushing for a more aggressive approach. it's been widely reported that in disclosing the new e-mails, comey acted against the guidance of his boss, loretta lynch, and against department policy. earlier today, clinton addressed that issue in cleveland, ohio. >> i'm sure a lot of you may be asking what this new e-mail story is about and why in the host janine piero. >> i think it's disgraceful. i'm outraged because it's a violation of department justice policies and procedures, whatever. >> it was probably inconsistent with protocol so in that sense you have to question the decision. the protocols are put in place for a reason and ensures more consistent decision making and in that sense you have to question this decision. >> comey's actions violate not only long-standing justice department policy, the directive of a person that he works under, the attorney general. but even more important, the most fundamental rules of fairness and impartiality. >> even some of the gop's most famous flame throw ers have bee critical. joe walsh said, "look, i think comey should have said prosecute her back in july but what he just did 11 days before the election is wrong and unfair to hillary." and then a member of the outspoken freedom caucus in the case of the a post-election leadership coup. >> i actually agree. i think this was probably not the right thing for comey to do, but this whole case i think they've mishandled. >> i'm joined by sheldon whitehouse. he's a former judiciary committee. basically, this would leak, so instead of the director of the fbi writing a letter, you would have reports popping up from unnamed official sources saying we found a bunch of e-mails and it looked like a cover-up so he had to do something. what do you think. >> if the fbi is not a safe place for classified information or confidential investigative information to go, that's a problem that he needs to address in a very, very serious way. there's a very important public right at stake behind all of this, which is that prosecutors and investigative agencies, like the fbi, get incredible power to look through our personal lives, to look through our papers, to look through our e-mails and they get that power at the price that they are not allowed to disclose it unless they are bringing charges. when i was the attorney general of my state with broad criminal jurisdiction, when i was the united states attorney, we had a very clear rule. any derogatory information that we developed in an investigation had to be listed in the charging document, in the indictment or in the criminal information or else we didn't talk about it. and if there were no charges, then we would never divulge derogatory investigative information, least of all opinion about the suspect who had never been charged. so director comey broke that rule right off the bat with his first press conference. the second bright red flag is that you don't engage with the legislature. he had no obligation to congress to clarify anything. once a prosecutor goes down the rat hole of trying to make sure that congress thinks that what he's doing is fair, there's no going back. and congress is perfectly able to manipulate that by denying its approval, by false criticism and so comey is caught in a terrible trap now of his own making and it's stunning to people who are prosecutors if someone has experienced and honorable as him would fall into this trap. >> it's fascinating to hear that from a member of the article 1 branch, u.s. senator, to say that this idea of sort of bending the congress or being worried that he was misleading the congress, you don't think that's a legitimate concern in this case? >> that's totally not a legitimate concern. of all of the people that investigators involved in a criminal investigation should be concerned about, they have no obligation to congress. look, they have an obligation to the integrity of their investigation. and the integrity of their investigation includes keeping information confidential and within the investigation until it's charged. you don't get to be a smearer at large with derogatory information and that's what that rule is designed to protect against and that's the trap that director comey fell into and it's astonishing. >> what's so insane to me -- and i've got to give kudos to the team that reported this paul manafort inquiry, but it's the same problem there. this stuff should not be leaking. we're journalists. but from an ethical standpoint -- what was interesting, after the comey letter, you have three straight news days of articles with nothing but warring factions of the fbi leaking info without an investigation anonymously and prosecuting this in the court of the public opinion and shredding any presumption of innocence that might have existed. >> this is a terrible week for the fbi. i have never seen the agency with such indiscipline, with such disregard for these basic prosecutorial principles and ultimately when the dust settles, whether it's donald trump or hillary clinton, the institution that's going to suffer the most will be the federal bureau of investigation for having broken these very, very basic principles of fairness and of prosecutorial conduct. >> senator sheldon whitehouse, strong words. thank you for taking the time tonight. appreciate it. i'm joined by jennifer granholm and richard painter, chief ethics white house lawyer under george w. bush. and mr. painter, let me start with you. i read your op-ed. it was somewhat surprising to me but there seems to be a collective gasp happening after what we've seen played out in the last three or four days. >> well, absolutely. the fbi's job is to investigate, not to play politics and the fbi certainly doesn't have an obligation to report to congress but should not be reporting to congress. and the members of the house oversight committee have no business pressuring the fbi to deliver to them information on their political enemies. in this case, hillary clinton. now, in this situation, it appears that the fbi did not have any derogatory information about secretary clinton because they hadn't even gotten a warrant to look at the laptop. so they didn't even know what was in there and yet they are firing this letter up to the hill telling the members of congress that they have all these e-mails. that was inappropriate and, not only that, a violation of the hatch act. the only use of that letter only conceivable use is political. and that's exactly what was done with it and it went up on the internet and then they passed the torch to donald trump and this is a tragedy for the fbi. >> i am -- i want to ask you a question, jennifer, in a second. but let me just follow up on that. the hatch act is the federal statute that guides essentially that bars political activity while on the federal dollar. it creates bright lines between essentially civil service activity and political activity. it's a very important part of the civil service architecture of the country. you're accusing comey of violating that. that's a very serious thing to say. >> well, it's -- he did violate it. the members of congress, they are not subject to the hatch act. >> right. >> there's the president. but the president can't order the fbi or pressure the fbi to investigate his political enemies. neither can members of congress. and that's what's been going on here and we've had it going on for a year and the fbi's conducted its investigation. they closed the investigation and, by the way, they did not reopen the investigation. i don't know where that came from. but once this letter was sent, it's been blown out of proportion in the media. it's being used for politics and the hatch act prohibits the use of official position to influence an election and i can't imagine a worst violation of the hatch act than the fbi getting involved in partisan politics in trying to influence elections. >> jennifer, the clinton campaign has been very aggressive on this. you know, they've organized several phone calls, they've been public in their frustration and condemnation of james comey. they've accused him in the wake of the report of him keeping the fbi out of that letter about russia of a double standard, that he was careful about that, not here. is the clinton campaign taking a sledgehammer to an important american institution in precisely they've attacked donald trump of doing? >> it's not just the clinton campaign doing it. you have 50 attorney generals who have signed a letter, bipartisan investigation officials, people who are not affiliated with either camp who have long spent their careers as professional investigators or prosecutors signing on saying this as mr. painter has said this is unprecedented. i do think, chris, the double standard issue is a really important one. tonight, you've got this allegation, this acknowledgement that the fbi has opened an inquiry into paul manafort and his ties to russia and about a month ago there was another report by yahoo that the fbi and intelligence officials were investigating another official tied to the trump campaign named carter page and who was supposed to have ties to russia. those things are really explosive and if the fbi -- if comey came out and sent a letter to congress saying, yes, i'm investigating the fbi for this, there should be -- there would be incredible outrage. but you don't hear any of that happening. >> let me stop you right there. the only way we have it is someone leaking it which is improper. >> that is definitely true. my point is, you don't have the director of the fbi coming out and confirming that. and he is the face of the fbi, which is why this is such a pickle and which is why only he, now that he's gone through this door, he needs to step through and tell us what he has. i know that it may be -- you know, we don't know how big the universe is, we don't know if it's just e-mails that huma sent saying print this or something like that, your car's outside. we have no idea what they are. but if it is an innocuous as i know the clinton campaign believes it to be, then he needs -- he has a duty to let the citizens know that there's nothing here, if he can. >> this entire episode is a reminder of what a thin line it is between the fbi independent and fbi rogue and for much of his life it was in the latter category. that's something to keep in mind. jennifer granholm, richard painter, thank you so much. >> you bet. still to come, the new unbelievable pro trump ad from white nationalists. that's after this break. you work at ge? yeah, i do. you guys are working on some pretty big stuff over there, right? like a new language for crazy-big, world-changing machines. well, not me specifically. i work on the industrial side. so i build the world-changing machines. i get it. you can't talk because it's super high-level. no, i actually do build the machines. blink if what you're doing involves encrypted data transfer. wait, what? wowwww... wow? what wow? there is no wow. [burke] hot dog. seen it. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ just serve classy snacks and bew a gracious host,iday party. no matter who shows up. do you like nuts? chanted "jew sa." [ crowd chanting "jew sa" ]. >> it will be a very, very high priority. >> that man has been identified as a 51-year-old and he says that's the way i say usa adding, i'm around mexican people all the time. i speak spanish. that's just the way i say it. not making it up. seeing as he ended his rant by telling reporters, we're worried about the jews, okay? trump campaign manager kellyanne conway described his conduct as deplorable. >> we have seen a lot of anti-semites and racists and misogynists who support the trump candidacy. would you call that deplorable? >> it does not reflect our campaign or candidate. i have to push back on the adjectives that you've described. these are usa-loving americans. >> absolutely. >> who want the country to be safe and prosperous again. >> the vast majority are not those who chant "jew sa" but william johnson leaves a quote, "the white race is dying out" and attacked evan mcmullin who is saying he's going to defeat trump. >> evan has two mommies. he's over 40 years old, not married and doesn't even have a girlfriend. i believe he's a closet homosexual. don't vote for evan mcmullin. vote for donald trump. >> in new mexico yesterday, trump falsely claimed hillary advocates, quote, open borders and certainly suggested she would allow 650 million people to, quote, pour in, more than twice the current population, in just one week. he also cited a baseless claim sayi saying immigrants will murder americans. >> they have warned that hillary's radical plan would result in the loss -- think of this -- of thousands of innocent american lives and an uncontrollable flood of illegal immigrants across the border taking jobs and crime would be rampant. >> joining me now is jason. i guess it's one of these things where you have this conversation, you point to all of these various people and say, look, it's really a thing that these people are supporting trump and the trump folks say -- and i understand why they do, you're painting with a broad brush and the overwhelming majority are not like that. people don't stand at the rally of a major party nominee chanting "jew sa." >> right. right. donald trump was a racist and gets support by racists. this has not been a question for a long time. he started this campaign by saying there are rapist mexicans and good mexicans. and this is a problem. and it's not because we haven't had racist presidents before. we definitely have throughout american history. >> i would say that would be the norm, actually. >> exactly. he's not going to be the first. but he's mainstreamed it. even the turn alt-right. now we have hipster neo-nazis and that's considered fine and sexy. it's dangerous no matter if he loses next week. >> part of this i think is the atmosphere that is driven by the campaign, right? so there's not -- >> right. >> campaigns are not responsible for everything their supporters do. that's just a blanket, important rule. but they do not -- they have been slow to condemn certain things and here's wayne alan root at a trump rally talking about huma abedin and hillary clinton. take a listen. >> i have a name for the feature tv movie called "driving miss hillary" and the ending, if we all get our wish, is like "thelma & louise." >> he's saying we all get our wish that these other two people will die. >> right. >> that is sort of par for the course rhetoric. >> yeah. and it's become normal. and i don't know, maybe that's his new trump tv show. i don't know. but what we've seen here is that whether it's bill burr, a candidate in north carolina, donald trump, the idea of causing direct violence against your political opponent is a degradation of political discourse. the suggestion that i will jail my political opponent is a degradation of political discourse. the reason we have peaceful transfer of power, people don't worry if they lose they are going to end up in a ghoul la. it makes everyone much more concerned. i would not be surprised if we see violence after this election next week and that's not something anyone wants to see. >> i'm praying that's not the case. richard burr in a neck-and-neck battle audio of him addressing it and i want to play that audio making a joke about hillary clinton in a gun magazine. take a listen. >> nothing made me feel any better than i walked into a gun shop i think yesterday in -- there was a copy of rifleman on the counter and it's got a picture of hillary clinton on the front of it. i was a little bit shocked at that. it doesn't have a bulls-eye on it." >> and he says, look, that was a joke and has since apologized. but there is -- you know, you cannot go to any event anymore where the range about the feeling of hillary clinton is either she should be in a jail or she should be dead. >> right. and here's what i see is ultimately the problem with this. kellyanne can say the trump campaign is trying to distance itself from it. this has been the problem in the republican party for years. this is what reince priebus tried to fix saying we need to open up the party but instead they have gone full and the long-term consequences of this, if you have sitting senators who can make jokes about killing someone who may become president, what that does is embolden less stable, less invested people in this country to attack, to shoot, to possibly try to capture a voting location and that's a problem. trump is responsible for it. >> let's all remember, it didn't start with trump. jesse helms joked about the president being assassinated if he came to north carolina back when bill clinton was president. thanks for joining me. >> thank you, chris. still ahead, the state of the race eight days out, coming up. ♪ ♪ and the seagulls they'll be smilin' ♪ ♪ and the rocks on the san♪ it's so peaceful up here. yeah. [eagle screams] ♪ that the whole wide world is watchin'... ♪ introducing the new turbocharged golf alltrack with 4motion® all-wheel drive. soon to be everywhere. [dance music playing] [music stops] woman: looks like it's done. [whistle] [dance music playing] [record scratch] announcer: don't let salmonella get funky with your chicken. on average, one in 6 americans will get a foodborne illness this year. you can't see these microbes, but they might be there. so, learn the right temperature to cook each type of meat. keep your family safe at legality of the actions of north carolina elected republican officials has once again been called into question, this time in a lawsuit alleging the state board of elections in three individual county election boards are purging voter roles in a manner disproportionately targeted against african-americans. naacp claims, "canceling the voter registrations of thousands of north carolina voters has been targeted" and the lawsuit offers details on the disproportionate impact on black voters. for example, in beaufort county, black voters make up 65% of the challenges even though the county is 26% african-american. there's an emergency hearing on that lawsuit on wednesday in u.s. district court in winston, salem. all of this may sound very familiar. it was this past july that a federal appeals court struck down a north carolina voter i.d. law saying its provisions deliberately targeted african-americans with almost surgical precision in an effort to depress and suppress black turnout at the polls. it was only a week ago that an analysis showed that the reduction in early voting sites in north carolina, again, pushed through by the state's republican governor, reduced the number of early votes. for example, guilford county, cut early voting locations from 16 to just one. it saw in-person voting decline roughly 85%. the picture is one of republican-controlled state and local government making it harder for african-americans to vote sometimes targeting the means of voting that they know will be disproportionately used by black voters. nationwide, there have now been 23 million early votes already cast in this election, nearly 12 million in battleground states and that early voting acts as a hedge against wild fluctuations in the final days. what effect is james comey's october surprise having on those polls? we'll talk about that, next. even a rodent ride-along. [dad] alright, buddy, don't forget anything! [kid] i won't, dad... [captain rod] happy tuesday morning! captain rod here. it's pretty hairy out on the interstate.traffic is literally crawling, but there is some movement on the eastside overpass. getting word of another collision. [burke] it happened. december 14th, 2015. and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ [music] jess: hey look, it's those guys. shawn: look at those pearly whites, man. [music] bud: whoa, cute! shawn: shut-up. jess: are you good to drive? shawn: i'm fine. [music] [police siren] jess: how many did you have? shawn: i should be fine. jess: you should be? officer: sir, go ahead and step out of the vehicle for me. shawn: yes, sir. bud: see ya, buddy. today, shawn's got a hearing, we'll see how it goes. good luck! so, it turns out buzzed driving and drunk driving, they're the same thing and it costs around $10,000. so not worth it. so let's start with this idea of how much this is going to affect the race. which a lot of people are thinking about. what's your sort of general working theory right now? >> you know, we've looked back at october -- quote/unquote october surprises in the past and some of them move the polls and some don't and if they move the polls, it's one or two points and so it's possible we get slight movement but no movement works perfectly well. >> christina, one of the reason i want to have you here, there's a way the political sicientists look at these polls and then the cable news does. >> right. >> the political science idea, the fundamentals are the fundenls and most of this stuff is noise. >> uh-huh. >> is that your general working theory? >> if you have asked me any other political year, i would say yes. the only caveat to this is that this year and this particular candidate, djt, i try not to say his name, he's so peculiar and unique because he's a celebrity, he's dominated the media, because essentially created a party within a party. >> yep. and because he has no record in public office at all, which is weird. >> not a drop. not a drop. so some of our theories right now are on hold. >> that's an understatement. >> essentially, they are out of the window in some ways. >> we should say right now the polling average has clinton up in the three or four-point -- >> we have her by five, but, yeah. >> somewhere around there. with 300 plus electoral votes if the election were held today, my general feeling about the election has been that a lot of the moving up and down with donald trump has been it drifts away as he attacks a judge or has a feud with a gold-star family or boasts about sexual assault which is later confirmed by 12 women saying on the record he did similar things, but that that number -- it's like a rubber band. they want to come back because they are partisan force a reason and he's the republican nominee. >> that's exactly right. before this friday, october surprise ever broke, we saw trump moving up slightly in the polls before then. even if he does rise, we can't necessarily say it was because of this. it is because he was getting more republicans than he was before after he shut his mouth. >> the key dynamic, even when he comes up to that ceiling, that is not -- and if you talk to the data folks who think about this a lot, they just think they have more votes. they think that the obama coalition is a bigger coalition and if they identify those voters, turn them out, that they have the bigger slice of the pie. >> so, i'm of multiple minds of this and this keeps me up at night. i do think hillary clinton, if we look at the electoral math, if we look at the states that she needs, i think my political science brain says she has them. if people turn out, not even at obama levels, if we've taken the average from 1992 until the principle, i think she's pretty solid. the issue is, i wonder if these trump people, who are first-time voters, who have never been polled. >> right. >> i wonder if they will turn out and they are the noise that we actually haven't been listening to. >> and there's a lot of uncertainty here. >> exactly. >> yeah. >> and with hillary clinton in a lot of ways, less is more. so the less democrats see of her and the less independents see of her, the more they like her. and so in some ways that's been a strategy, to sort of keep her -- >> although, i would disagree in this way. the less coverage they see of her, they like her. the more they see her, the more they like her. >> she's great one on one and with crowds. it's the coverage of her. >> that's the point. >> we have scandal, drama. we have sort of this throwback to 1992 and it's all of the baggage that the clintons bring. >> the two biggest things that have happened from a polling perspective, the conventions, hillary clinton talking to you and the first debate, here's hillary clinton. so the best things for her have been her actually out there with sustained attention of her as a person and her candidacy and then it ebbs and it moves back in the direction. >> the e-mails are a proxy for distrust. >> right. >> the more information we get about these e-mails, independents are struck with the fact that -- >> but the question about that is one of the things we're seeing is how strong the partisan fundamentals are even in parsing the e-mail story at this late stage of the race. >> asked about the october surprise and you see in fact the clinton voters saying, no, we actually like her more. >> right. and that's the question, in the big uncertainty, how many persuadables are left, how much this stuff affects them and introduced by the johnson/stein -- >> the only reason donald trump has closed the gap in the last few weeks, it's not because hillary clinton dropped. it's because donald trump went out and -- >> that's always the number to look at. if he's consolidating the republican base. it's still not been enough. harry and christina, thank you for that. >> thanks. still to come, candid close accounts from those who work with donald trump and how they coax him away from angry tweets. and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you are being treated for an infection or have symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz. including worsening of symptoms. serious allergic reactions can occur. now's your chance at completely clear skin. just ask your doctor about taltz. [baby talk] [child giggling] child: look, ma. no hands. children: "i", "j", "k"... [bicycle bell rings] [indistinct chatter] [telephone rings] man: hello? [boing] [laughter] man: you may kiss the bride. [applause] woman: ahh. [indistinct conversation] announcer: a full life measured in seats starts with the right ones early on. car crashes are a leading killer of children 1 to 13. learn how to prevent deaths and injuries by using the right car seat for your child's age and size. thing 1 tonight, the president and first lady celebrated their final halloween in the white house today when a group of kids started performing a dance to the michael jackson's hit "thriller," they just couldn't help themselves. ♪ >> it's no surprise, a lot of people based their halloween costumes on two people who want to move in. take this kid dressed as donald trump's hair. that seems to stare at you no matter which way you look at it. katy perry transformed herself into hillary clinton. a woman says she dressed up as 2016 in general with a recreation as this is fine dog. a lot of people have been sharing this throughout the election. very well done. and a common theme at trump rallies, in a jail jumpsuit. not everyone is wearing a halloween costume. thing 2 in 60 seconds. the only one to combine a sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. now i'm back. aleve pm for a better am. you're a smart saver. you fi ways to stretch your dollar. so why not compare your medicare part d plan with other options? call or go online now and see how aetna medicare rx saver could help you save. with a low monthly plan premium. access to over 60,000 pharmacies. plus $1 tier 1 generic medications at preferred pharmacies including walgreens and walmart. shop smart. compare your part d options today. and find out if aetna rx saver is right for you. even halloween is not giving a reprieve of the election. this costume at a far festival where someone dressed as hillary clinton wearing a bright orange jumpsuit getting arrested by two police officers. those are real police officers in uniform pretendsing to arrest hillary clinton and that guy on the right is also president of a medford police union. the pictures were originally posted to the union's facebook along with the caption, look who npd arrested. hillary wasn't the only nominee they posed with. there's a picture of police officers hanging out with someone dressed as donald trump, the caption reading, "making america great again" with a flag emoji, which is sort of a different feeling than the other one. both posts have since been removed and the president of the police union apologized saying, "these were halloween costumes, it was meant totally as a joke. i apologize if this offended anyone in any way. i never expected this reaction. it was poor judgment on my part." nothing quite brings out poor judgment like halloween more than our election. now we're on a winning streak and i'm never taking them off. do i know where i'm going? absolutely. we're going to the playoff. allstate guarantees your rates won't go up just because of an accident. starting the day you sign up. so get accident forgiveness from allstate. and be better protected from mayhem, like me. but the best place to start is in the forest. kubo: i spy something beginning with..."s" beetle: snow. kubo: no. beetle: snow covered trees. monkey: nothing to do with snow. narrator: head outside to discover incredible animals and beautiful plants that come together to create an unforgettable adventure. kubo: wow! narrator: so grab your loved ones monkey: don't even. narrator: and explore a world of possibilities. kubo: come on, this way. narrator: visit to find the closest forest or park to you. toddlers." and here are a couple cool things we should tweet today. it's like saying to someone, how about having two brownies and not six. this theme that trump lacks self-control and discipline and is easily manipulated and also widely stubborn was illustrated when the new york post said trump offered chris christie his position and then rescinded it. manafort reportedly concocted a story and told trump his plane had a mechanical problem forcing trump to spend another night in indiana. pence made the case to be his number two. if the petulance is one aspect of trump's profile, another is his very apparent obsession with revenge. we'll tell you what his favorite bible verse is, and we're not joking, next. [burke] hot dog. seen it. covered it. influenced him most, an eye for an eye. joining me is michael steele and benji. it's also not like hidden. he's very much explicit about the role that vengeance, retribution, you hit me, i hit you, it's central to the way he's conducted his campaign and his world view. >> this is part of what people like about donald trump and what donald trump thinks himself as his guiding principle. i'm a counterpuncher, he'll say, you have to fight fire with fire, he'll say and applies this to so many different things, i thought it would be good to take this as the way it explains his view and politically he'll attack opponents viciously, coming up with some excuse saying they attacked him but also with a policy level, torture, taking out families of suspected terrorists. >> killing terrorist family members is quite illegal. >> yes. >> michael, the thing i keep thinking about it, there's this creation with donald trump's campaign how he went to the last correspondents' dinner and the president dressed him down and poked fun at him and i'll get you back. you wonder how that's going to be directed at the republican party should he fall short or even if he doesn't fall short, if he wins, either way, you know, we saw kelly anne conway when tammy duckworth threw dirt on the grave. you've got to think retribution is going to be on the mind after this election, win or loss, against the people he feels wronged him. >> i think you've already seen some of that. i think we can gather, from benjy's piece, that donald trump is an old testament guy. and because he's an old testament guy and really is coming out of the world of an eye for an eye and sometimes that extends into a lot of things that it shouldn't. for example, you've already seen just in the last few weeks where the trump campaign is like, you know, we're not raising any more money for the party. we're just not. and that's just not what you do. >> right. >> you know, with two or three weeks left in the presidential campaign. so there's some aspects of this where donald trump has had enough of the gop. he's been fed up with this as he would look at them sort of elitists, weak-minded leadership and sort of taking a strike out on his own to finish his campaign up on his terms in the way he wants to and that, again, is a slap in the face to the party. >> part of it, also, this other sort of aspect of his personality, the way that people who work for him talk about him. let me say that, for the record, that there's a sort of common theme like staffers on capitol hill, you have to manipulate them, pro us doers in cable news led to water. this is sort of a common sort of trope among people who have to staff folks but it's another level with the way that trump staff talks about him. i mean, everyone around him is always talking about trying to kind of get this completely unruly undisciplined person to do certain things. it seems like a condemnation of the temperament of the person you want to give the nuclear codes to. you need to cajole him with brownies. we're talking about the most powerful job in the world. >> every president can use a few brownies. >> that's true. >> it's not like this hasn't happened in other administrations. >> that's true. there's a baseline. >> yeah, there is. but i take your point this way because there is something about the difference that has been a stark one for donald trump. here's a guy who's basically done a lot in business and in the private sector on his own against the odds without a lot of people telling him how to do it and, quite frankly, not giving a damn what they thought about how he was doing it from when his dad said don't go to manhattan and it's like, yeah, right, i'm going to manhattan. it shouldn't surprise us that you take this asymmetrical person who has never had to account to anyone other than himself and bring him into politics and we're asking why aren't you doing what we tell you to do? it doesn't work that way and the expectation that it ever would is a shame on us for thinking it. >> right. although, discipline, it matters in the white house. >> no, it does. >> it's not like he's being wild and out of control, right? it goes back to this theme. judge curiel -- >> it's retribution.


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas Election HQ 20160608 05:00:00

the general election match basically seven, hillary clinton versus donald trump as we wait for senator bernie sanders to speak. tuesday evening in west. >> welcome to america's election headquarters, hillary clinton basked in the cheers of her supporters as she became the first female nominee, a historic night, the first one have a major political party. this as fox news can project that after multiple wins tuesday night clinton will have enough pledged delegates to secure the democratic nomination. >> we've reached a milestone. first time in our nation's history that a woman will be a major party nominee. >> so now she has pledged and the super delegates as well. mrs. clinton faced a tough fight in california from senator sanders. he is expected to speak from santa monica any moment now. president obama called the senator earlier in the night to thank him for energizing the voters and we're told the two will meet on thursday. donald trump has already clinched his party's nomination and he won five more primaries and donald trump has enough bound delegates to guarantee him the republican nomination. >> he spoke earlier this evening. a different type of speech from mr. trump because he used a teleprompter tonight appearing more presidential and he came out hard against mrs. clinton. >> we kocan't solve our problem by counting on the politicians who created our problems. the clintons have turned the politics of personal enrichment into an art form for themselves. they've made hundreds of millions of dollars selling access, selling favors, selling government contracts and i mean hundreds of millions of dollars. >> for senator sanders to speak in california trying to see where he is going with this campaign, there are reports that he is laying off many staff members, especially those in the field having do with the campaign. there is the setting or actually he's expected to speak there and they are not happy. those supporters were booing at one point when president obama, they got the word that the president talked with the senator earlier this evening so we will see what the senator says and if he is pulling back on his campaign, if he will concede or vow to continue which he has said in the past taking this to a contested convention because for him it's been more than running for president it's been the start of a movement. >> he probably thought he would do better than he has tonight. he won north dakota. california has not been called but he's behind in that state as well. we will see what he has to say. we'll take you there live. donald trump tallied five more states tuesday night but has he taken steps backwards. he is coming under fire for comments about the federal judge presiding over the civil lawsuits. he has said the judge is biased against him because he's of mexican heritage, those comments causing one lawmaker in illinois to resend his support and now lindsey graham is calling on other republicans to do the same. let's bring in the trump senior representative. good morning to you. >> very early morning but happy to be here. thanks for having me. >> thank you so much. first of all i'll ask your general impression of this evening and the results. >> i mean, look we have made history. there has not been this many votes for a gop primary contender ever. sweeping five states tonight and mr. trump had a great theme in his speech about unifying the party moving forward and how honored he is to have the support of the other candidates and he wants to welcome bernie supporters which i thought was a great thing to add so we're looking forward to shifting to the general election strategy. >> speaking of that support, after paul ryan's endorsement it seemed to -- it seems that donald trump was maybe pivoting and then he pivoted back and he's had all these controversial comments over the judge presiding over the trump university case but then this evening sounding more presidential. do you expect this trend will continue. >> i think what we're going to see now is we're going to be focusing on the issues. i want to clarify hillary clinton has named herself the presumptive nominee and i think it's important for the american public and the viewers to know that the dnc has a very strict process in terms of the super delegates and they cannot count those votes technically until the actual dnc election. she is really misinforming the public to say she is the actual presumptive nominee at this point but looking forward to the general election as i do anticipate that she will be the contender, we will be focusing on the issues because her platform is emotion and when we look at things like the economy, jobs, national security issues, she doesn't have a very strong premise to stand on so we look forward to unveiling those issues specifically. >> but in terms of unity of the gop, how can donald trump now as the nominee bring everyone back together when you have people like lindsey graham asking people who are now endorsing him to take back those endorsements. >> i think if you look at the historic voter turnout he has unified the gop and he's reached across party lines. this has never been done before. it's not a politics as usual career politician and perhaps maybe some of these individuals aren't used to his method of delivery or his tone at times but he speaks from his heart and from conviction and when he puts his heart and mind to a goal he accomplishes it. he's accomplished something so amazing up to this point and we will continue to do so and he will accomplish becoming the next president of the united states. >> he said he has a big announcement coming up this week. do you have any ideas that you can give us as to what that will be. >> i don't at this time. i certainly let him do that. i certainly look forward to that myself. >> what about a vp pick, have you heard anything on that front? >> corey lewandowski is heading up that process and that's tightly held i'm sure for obvious reasons. we look forward to unveiling that at the right time. >> do you think he'll be sticking more to a prompter like he did this evening. >> it's hard to tell mr. trump speaks from the heart. he has conversations with americans at his rallies aened when he's out on the campaign trail they're having behind closed doors. so i think that depends on the format and there's many things that go into the decision to use the teleprompter but i think we'll take it as a goes. he speaks from his heart and he has a connection with the american people that no one has ever had. >> you talked about crossing over, there has to be some concern regarding the hispanic vote when it comes to the general election and the campaign will need to work on that. have you heard how donald trump plans to reach out to those constituents, the hispanic voters? >> i think that's misplayed in terms of the media. i travel with mr. trump and i'm on the front lines of the campaign. at these rallies and the overwhelming support from the hispanic community is already there. so again clearly that's an important voting block and we will continue to touch on those issues but the fact of the matter is mr. trump remains committed to creating jobs for those people and by addressing illegal immigration as it's been ignored by obama and for his eight years of his presidency and giving jobs away to illegal immigra immigrants mr. trump is going to be creating jobs for those people who are here the right way and following the law. >> the economy, the number one issue for people across the board, it always continues to be. thank you. >> absolutely. >> thanks for joining us and congratulation on a big night as well. >> thank you. it is a big night in american history with hillary clinton becoming the first presumptive female nominee of a major party this after her failed bid in 2008 and it marks a turning point in our nation. she's ahead of senator sanders right now and we expect him to take the podium any moment now. so the question is what will he say? joining us now is brad sherman from california he is backing mrs. clinton. thank you for joining us this early morning or evening on the fox news channel. >> good to be with you. >> there were reports of layoffs in the sanders campaign tonight and he will meet with president obama in washington on thursday. what will he say in a few minutes? will he pack it in or continue or will he end his candidacy or as he has said will he still move on to the convention and try to contest it and grab some super delegates away from hillary clinton. >> hillary clinton has won a majority of the pledged delegates, a majority of the super delegates. she's won the majority of any kind of delegate . i am a super delegate. there's no way there's going to be a rush of super delegates away from hillary clinton. she is our nominee. i don't know whether he will keep running for one more week because we do have a primary in the district of columbia but i think whether it's this wednesday or next wednesday that we're going to see him play a historic role and that is do everything he can to prevent a man that's appealing on the basis of racism keep that man out of the white house. >> you're referring to donald trump but how does he do that? how do they get together potentially when he has said some nasty things about mrs. clinton, he's had a movement against her and recently questioning the clinton foundation? >> i think the attacks on our side have been very modest compared to what you saw on the other side. trump has unified a chunk of the republican party but obviously he's having problems. there's nothing that would prevent one candidate from supporting the other. >> you believe that the senator will eventually support mrs. clinton? >> i think at the end of this month and by the middle of this month but it may not be tomorrow or the next day. >> it seems like a blow out by mrs. clinton, 61% to 37%. you've got about 5 million absentee ballots. the polls show it was so close. are you surprised by the apparent huge lead -- there it is. we have it on up on the screen now, that apparent almost nearly double that mrs. clinton has against the senator so far? >> i am very gratified and a little surprised at how well we're doing at this point in the evening. i think when all the ballots are counted and i think that by hillary winning in california, which was sanders last stand, it will be easier for him to bring his people aboard and unify behind a not only a historic candidacy in a good sense of the term, we have a nominee who is by temperament and by experience the most qualified person in the country to serve as president, but also a historic candidacy and turning back the first validly racist candidate for president that we've seen in my lifetime and i'm over 60 years old. >> just over one-third of the vote in. 61% and 37% for senator sanders. surely not what the polling predicted. some said senator sanders would win california and that's not the situation tonight. representative brad sherman we thank you for spending your evening with us. >> thank you. >> heather. donald trump is the gop's presidential nominee winning the garden state and picking up an additional 51 delegates but some republicans appear to be app ensive about trump's success. joining us by phone is the republican committeeman from new jersey. thank you for joining us this morning. >> no problem. >> how was voter turn out in new jersey. >> a little early to tell but i think it was on par four years ago when mitt romney got 80% of the vote and donald trump got about the same amount. 81% so far that we've seen. a big strong win, donald trump won every single county in new jersey. he won every single congressional district so at 81% of the vote shows the broad breadth of support republicans in new jersey are giving to donald trump. >> all 21 countries in new jersey. in terms of the gop leadership in your state, how do they feel about the presumptive nominee? >> he had the endorsement of virtually every single county chairmen. our leadership in the legislator. no one ever has you anonymous support. but the vast majority of leadership were behind donald trump and that's why he had the organizational support and all those counties. won every single and won every single congressional district. >> do you think any of those lawmakers may change their mind based on some of the controversy surrounding donald trump this past week or do you think that they'll move on from that? >> i think they'll move on from that. listen, it's the first week of june. there's a long way to go here. two conventions yet to be held. people will have up weeks and down weeks and i think the support in new jersey is going to grow. >> he definitely sounded completely different in the speech that he gave there this eving in new jersey. what did you think about it? >> i think it was very good. he struck the right tone, very presidential and was looking forward. i think that's what republicans in new jersey and around the country wanted to see. >> thank you so much for joining us. appreciate you staying up late with us. >> thank you. we're waiting for senator bernie sanders to address a crowd of supporters in santa monica. he's going to appear at a podium right there any moment now. the question is will he press on to the washington, d.c. primary next week or will he call for party unity and fall in line with hillary clinton or will he repeat his vow to take his fight to the convention floor. we'll take you live to the senator and show you that crowd. >> they're jumping up and down. >> they can't wait to see him but they are disappointed tonight. >> plus the presumptive republican nominee donald trump vowing he can take california in the general election. coming up, the fight for that key battle ground state and others. this is your daughter. and she just got this. ooh boy. but, you've got hum. so you can set this. and if she drives like this, 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>> it looks like he is as my friend judy miller would say toast but i want to say this. i don't think his movement is and i think that what he will bring in to the party is how super delegates are held or done in the future. i think the platform committee will be meeting actually they're starting to meet tomorrow. he has five people on that platform committee. i think that's going to be very influential in what happens in the general election. >> what do you do with all the dashed hopes of all those millions of people that he inspired. are they going to go with hillary clinton? >> there's a lot of talk about her appointing the senator from elizabeth warren from massachusetts. that would be two women on the ticket but there's a lot of talk about that. that would take care of the bernie crowd. >> he's set to meet with president obama on thursday. what do you think will happen there judy. >> i've given up predictions in this election. i do think that clearly it's going to be a kind of come to jesus moment, a little talk between the president and the leader of the party and i think he will call upon bernie sanders to do the right thing if he hasn't already done it by then i suspect after california he probably. this is a decisive defeat for him. >> if he listen to senator sanders what he's been saying so far, he says these super delegates can change their minds and president obama is a super delegate. what is to keep sanders from trying to change obama's mind. >> that's when he thought hillary clinton wouldn't clinch enough delegates to get the nomination, i think she does clinch it based on delegates alone. i think the president is eager to get into this campaign to take on donald trump so i think that's the reason behind meeting with hillary clinton so quickly. i thidon't think the sanders movement follows certainly not in anonymous way and i think he might have created something even beyond his own control from this point forward. so it will be interesting to see now having lost california likely and having hillary clinton with pledged delegates if he keeps his word to keep the march on to philadelphia but i think that is detached from the movement he's created does. >> bernie sanders argues that he does better in the polling and he beats donald trump if you look at the general election, what about a third-party run? do you think it's possible he would do that? >> no, i don't think that's going to happen. even he hasn't given any indication that's likely and it would be terribly destructive at this point in the race which most people think is going to be very close. >> he is his own third-party. he's not a democrat. it's the first time he's ever run in his whole life as being a democrat. he describes himself as a socialist democrat. he is independent. he was able to remember a whacko party in vermont years ago. >> he described himself as a democratic socialist. >> i stand corrected but the folks in tv land know what i mean. what is his role going forward. >> i think we'll hear a lot from the speech tonight. i think he has to be somebody they consult with like they're going to do on the platform committee. i think he brings in some of the more radical parts of the party to the main fold and i think he influences hillary clinton's agenda. >> when you say radical, the israeli radical thing. >> no wall street, that kind of thing that he has been speaking to and getting crowds for. >> doesn't hillary have to pivot to the center. >> she definitely does and i think you're going to see that start. she's limited by the bernie supporters. it's going to be a very fine balancing act. >> both hillary clinton and donald trump we heard them both reach out to his followers this evening. >> and donald trump made the appeal frankly directly to the working class voter that feels that the economic system in its current form has not served them well. he talked about the free trade agreements that in many minds in this country have failed to create manufacturing jobs. hillary clinton made more appeals that donald trump is unfit and unhinged. he doesn't have the temperament. i think trump is going to make the appeal but it's not necessarily the idea that sanders voters will go on mass to trump it's will they turn out for hillary. remember in almost every single contest, even ones he's lost, he's won voters under the age of 40 in every category by serious double digits. that's a big problem for her. >> hold that thought because we have to take a break very quickly but we're going to go to the sanders event when this happens once again so make sure you stay tuned for that and we'll be right back. stay with us. constipated? trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax, designed for dependable relief we're waiting for bernie sanders to address supporters. we expect that almost any moment now. the one person in america besides the senator and his wife jane who knows what he's going to say on our guy, our fox news digital politics editor. he's further south than santa monica. he's in san diego. chris, what do you think the senator is going to say when he comes to that podium and in terms of the odds? what can he do? >> i think santa monica was the home of "three's company" was that not the case. he'll say come and knock on our door. no, here's the deal for bernie sanders. he lost. she beat him. she's going to beat him. her numbers in california i haven't seen the latest vote share for her but ten minutes ago she was on track to win with unbound, bound, pledged, unpledged, any math you can do. the reality for sanders is he may have stayed too long because the point at which he had the most leverage to make hillary clinton give him the things he wanted as it related to the party or a running mate was before when he was having his good run in may and he was running races in may. you can't stay in too long and start losing. tonight he's losing. >> what happened and why? he was on a roll there for a while and then he hits california which in many places very liberal and it seems like a blowout tonight. 61% to 37% so far with a third of the vote in. >> she's smoking him like medicinal marijuana tonight. may was a good month for him. it had a lot of states that were overwhelming white. he does better with white voters. his footprint looks like donald trump's. you get into a big diverse state like california hillary clinton does quite well with hispanic voters and she is on track to do better with hispanic voters than anybody ever has. the reality for bernie sanders is his base is just in a party that is amazingly diverse, the democratic party, his base is too white. >> over this weekend we had these big stories how he was gaining with looatinos and how e young people at one point 5 million new voters 53% of those were young so one would assume were his supporters, so there was this hope because the polls showed they were neck and neck that he would pull it out. >> can i point out something which is no one would have imagined that we'd be doing this tonight, right? you know why we never covered the california primary like this before, because it never matters. nobody pays any attention because it's at the very end. the very fact that not only one of the two parties made it to the last day, well there's the d.c. primary next week, made it to the last day of voting and the fact that the republicans who we thought were going to go to the convention, that folded up earlier, the very fact this is going on is the reflection of the division in the democratic party. this is the reflection of what's going on and how ret sent democrats have been to take hillary clinton for their taste. >> how does senator sanders kind of gracefully back down especially after everything he said about wall street, about the clinton foundation, about the donations even though he dismissed the e-mail server and e-mails a while ago. how does he get out of this thing. >> i don't how they say it where you're from but where i'm from they say eat the frog first. if you have something bad to do do it first. what bernie sanders has to do to have a career -- remember he's not a democratic, what he needs is to be okay. he needs to be okay with hillary clinton because he stayed too long and he got beat. now he has to be nice and go out on the stage and say congratulations. if he does anything else they'll kill him. they'll grind his bones into dust and bake bread with it. >> bill clinton said he would be out there for everybody until the last dog died. maybe the puppy has four legs in the air. >> i'm disappointed you didn't mention colon os copies. >> this is a family telecast. we don't do polyp humor. >> i encourage everyone to read your piece from june 6th. >> thanks. >> you don't want to miss the interview with hillary clinton. that is tonight because it is wednesday after all on special report starting at 6:00 p.m. eastern, 3:00 p.m. pacific time. >> senator sanders motorcade has arrived so we expect his speech in maybe about ten minutes or so from now. if you want to stay that you can stay tuned because the motorcade is of course always the first indication that your candidate is there and everyone sits and waits. it's got to be tough for those people. there were reports this evening that they were booing when president obama's name was mentioned and this sort of thing so they've had such spirit and enthusiasm, they have backed this unlikely candidate and now they have to sit in the evening in california and potentially see him maybe say we're going to continue the cause but not my candidacy. >> how do you think he will acknowledge hillary clinton's win today. >> we'll have to see. the coming out would be my cause continues but the candidacy may not at least for another week. >> the revolution will continue. >> you don't want to disrespect the voters in washington but we'll see. the voters have made hillary clinton the presumptive democratic nominee. >> when it comes to women she has struggled to shore up their vote during the primaries, specifically younger women. will she have more luck with them going up against donald trump. we'll talk about it. >> i'm going to take a moment later tonight and the days ahead to fully absorb the history we've made here, but what i care about most is the history our country has yet to write. my experience with usaa is awesome. homeowners insurance life insurance automobile insurance i spent 20 years active duty they still refer to me as "gunnery sergeant" when i call being a usaa member because of my service in the military to pass that on to my kids something that makes me happy my name is roger zapata and i'm a usaa member for life. usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. 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[cheers and applause] >> thank you! [cheers and applause] >> thank you! thank you all! [cheers and applause] thank you! [cheers and applause] let me -- let me thank -- let me thank -- let me thank -- let me thank -- let me -- let me thank all of you -- let me thank all of you for being here tonight. [cheers and applause] and let me thank all of you for being part of the political revolution. [cheers and applause] i especially want to thank the tens of thousands of volunteers here in the state of california. [cheers and applause] and i want to thank the people of california for their incredible hospitality. [cheers and applause] it has been one of the most moving moments of my life to be out throughout the state in beautiful evenings and seeing thousands and thousands of people coming out. [cheers and applause] people who are prepared to stand up and fight for real change in this country. [cheers and applause] all of you know, all of you know that when we began this campaign a little bit over a year ago, we were considered to be a fringe campaign. [ boos ] but over the last year, i think that has changed just a little bit. [cheers and applause] by the end of tonight we'll have won, i believe, 22 state primaries and caucuses. [cheers and applause] we will have received well over ten million votes. [cheers and applause] and what is most extraordinary to me is the fact that in virtually every single state we have won by big numbers, the votes of young people -- [cheers and applause] -- you young people understand that they are the future of america and they intend to help shape that future. [cheers and applause] and i am enormously optimistic about the future of our country when so many young people have come on board and understand that our vision, a vision of social justice, economic justice -- [cheers and applause] -- racial justice -- [cheers and applause] -- and environmental justice -- [cheers and applaus [cheers and applause] -- must be the future of america. our vision will be the future of america. [cheers and applause] our campaign from day one has understood some very basic points and that is first we will not allow right wing republicans to control our government. [cheers and applause] and that is especially true with donald trump as the republican candidate. [ boos ] the american people in my view will never support a candidate whose major theme is bigotry. [cheers and applause] who insults mexicans, who insults -- [ boos ] -- who insults muslims and women -- [ boos ] -- and african-americans. we will not allow donald trump to become president of the united states. [cheers and applause] but we understand that our mission is more than just defeating trump, it is transforming our country. [cheers and applause] the vast -- the vast majority of the american people know that it is not that the top .1% owns as much as the bottom 90%. we're going to change that. and when millions of americans are working longer hours for lower wages, we will not allow 57% of all new income to go to the top 1%. [cheers and applause] and we will end a corrupt campaign finance system! [cheers and applause] democracy is not about billionaires buying elections. [cheers and applause] and we will end a broken criminal justice system. and we will break up the major banks on wall street. [cheers and applause] and we will join the rest of the industrialized world and guarantee health care to all people as a right. [cheers and applause] and we will bring about real immigration reform and a path to citizenship. [cheers and applause] and we will -- and we will tell the billionaire class in corporate america that they will start paying their fair share of taxes. [cheers and applause] and what we understand and what every one of us has always understood is that real change never occurs from the top on down, always from the bottom on up. [cheers and applause] that is the history of america, whether it is the creation of the trade union movement, the civil rights movement, the women's movement, the gay movement. [cheers and applause] and that is what our movement is about! [cheers and applause] bernie! bernie! bernie! bernie! bernie! bernie! bernie! >> but you all know it is more than bernie. it is all of us together. [cheers and applause] it is what this movement is about is millions of people from coast to coast standing up and looking around them and knowing that we can do much, much better as a nation. [cheers and applause] that whether wall street likes it, whether corporate america like it, whether wealthy campaign contributors like it, whether the corporate media likes it -- [cheers and applause] [ boos ] >> we together -- together we know what our job is and that is to bring the american people together to create a government that works for us. [cheers and applause] next tuesday we continue the fight in the last primary in washington, d.c. [cheers and applause] we are going -- we are going -- we are going to fight hard -- we are going to fight hard to win the primary in washington, d.c. -- [cheers and applause] -- and then we take our fight for social, economic, racial and environmental justice to philadelphia, pennsylvania! [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] i am -- i am pretty good in arather ma tick and i know that the fight in front of us is a very very steep fight, but we will continue to fight for every vote and every delegate we can get. [cheers and applause] tonight i had a very kind call from president obama and i look forward to working with him to make sure that we move this country forward. [cheers and applause] and tonight i had a very gracious call from secretary clinton and congratulated her on her victories tonight. [ boos ] our fight is to transform this country and to understand -- and to understand that we are in this together. [cheers and applause] to understand that all of what we believe is what the majority of the american people believe. [cheers and applause] and to understand that the struggle continues. [cheers and applause] i want to thank the if this campaign has proven anything, it has proven that millions of americans who love this country are prepared to stand up and fight to make this country a much better place. [ cheers and applause [ cheers and applause ] thank you all. the struggle continues! wow, wow. sounded initially like perhaps he was going to bow out. but oh, no, and interestingly, he did not mention hillary clinton until the end of that speech, about 15 minutes in. and he said that hillary clinton called him, and obama called him, as well. >> he will meet with president obama at the white house later on this week. he was defiant and will continue his campaign for him, not just the campaign and the candidacy but also a struggle for a revolution in this country, he said, to the washington, d.c. primary next week. and then as he has vowed on to the convention in philadelphia, trying to contest that. well aware of the situation with the math. but as we said, he said this was not just about one issue, but changing the terms of the democratic party and the quality, wall street, special interests. social injustice, and the theme of bigotry that he said that donald trump was guilty of. >> that was one thing he said that they would not allow the right wing republicans to control the government. that is a quote. especially true with donald trump. >> let's bring in our panel now to see what all of this means. we'll be joined with our fox news contributors. ellen, let me start with you. are you surprised? >> i am actually very surprised. i didn't think he would not concede, he doesn't have the votes coming in. but he is head of a movement and it continues and frankly the movement will be needed by the democratic party not just in this election, but future elections. don't forget we have a down ballot election, that is very important here and that movement may influence that as well. >> well, what happens when the movement runs against the wall, with the math favoring hillary, apparently? >> well, she is the nominee but the movement is still there. the movement exists whether she is the nominee or not and pushes her from going to the middle. otherwise i think she would have moved to the middle much sooner. >> i think that he congratulated her. but it was at the end of the speech. and the crowd clearly did not like it. they booed, cwhich was amazing. and the only door he left open was his attack on donald trump. the only way he can unify his supporters, he can bring them over to her is to say at some point ultimately it's more important to defeat donald trump than it is to you know, fight forever for a candidacy that will for the go anywhere. but i must say it was a very tough unrelenting speech. and the struggle goes on. and it could not have made hillary clinton happy. >> and as you said, it's more than bernie, and obviously, tony, in his view that is exactly the case. >> that is right, that is why i felt all along own the objective indicator should have led to the conclusion he would have withdrawn from the race. it's hard to imagine he would have after he started. and following this quote, which i thought was one of the most powerful pivots in the piece. our mission is more than beating donald trump, it's transforming our country. to go after the top 1%, hillary clinton is the poster child of the top. criminal justice system reform. bill clinton is the president who basically created the laws that he now wants to fight. and he goes after wall street and the banks. she collects most of wall street donations than any our candidate. she got all of those millions from goldman sachs. he is not letting her off the hook. he is there to keep accountability of her candidacy. he has already won the argument, if not the votes. >> so what is going on in the clinton campaign tonight? >> well, i would imagine there is a tremendous amount of distress, because they would obvious obviously singularly focus on donald trump. >> do you think it was interesting she called him this evening, and he made a point to say that. >> i did, also he said that obama called him, and looked forward to -- >> it was a kind phone call. >> everybody coming, mohammed coming to the mount. but this was interesting, he didn't even acknowledge the historic moment that was hillary's tonight, which is the fact she wille lead the party, the first woman to do so in the election, not only that it was so ungracious. >> it seems that he may have sandbagged the president tonight. let me get you -- >> mike emmanuelle was actually traveling with bernie sanders tonight. wow, i bet his followers were very happy tonight, mike, what is the feeling? >> reporter: and i got to tell you and eric that the place went bananas here at the hangar at the santa monica airport. we were not sure what we would hear from bernie sanders, it sounds like the results in california were not what he hoped for after campaigning here for two weeks. so some of his staffers are antsy, edgy, perhaps suggesting the end was near. but then bernie sanders has the crowd eating out of the palm of his hand, as strong as ever saying the fight will continue. when he said he was going to go on to washington, d.c., next tuesday, the crowd here went absolutely nuts. so that really hit a key withes diehard supporters who gathered here in southern california tonight. they don't want to give up on the movement or the bernie sanders dream. and so when he said he is going to continue the fight that certainly resonated very well in this big room behind me. heather, eric? >> we also heard a lot of boos when he mentioned hillary clinton. what were people saying, did you have an opportunity to speak to anyone before bernie sanders came out. what did they think he would say? >> well, there is a lot of hard feelings after the associated press and some other media outlets called hillary clinton the presumptive democratic nominee last night, when you had six contests on this day. so basically they were accusing the corporate media, if you will, of suppressing the vote. so when sanders made mention of the corporate media, there were boos. the crowd went nuts, unhappy with their broadcast. and so basically they're all about bernie. fired up for bernie. don't want to hear that the end is here, don't want to hear that hillary clinton is to presu the nominee, he congratulated hillary clinton on becoming the presumptive nominee, his diehard supporters don't want to give up the dream just yet. >> you know, obviously, the core beliefs of income inequality, social justice, and the corporate interests and all of this, we have breaking news, he has now notched up another state, the senator we are told has won montana. so he has taken both north dakota and montana tonight. and you can see five points ahead of hillary clinton. besides this movement, is there an indication he will try to follow up on the past and change the minds of the super delegates. you have 720 of the super delegates -- >> she needs about 500 of them to change. >> it's an up-hill battle. he said generally the math is not with im. but do you think that the inner workers of his campaign will continue pressing forward on the international apparatus to try to pick up more super delegates from hillary clinton. >> well, he told us at some point in the morning he will fly back to vermont to reassess with his campaign team. he hoped to go back with a win in california. it's not clear what the final result will be at this hour. but bottom line he was hoping after campaigning nonstop here in california, spending 2 and a half million on advertising that he would be able to pull off a win and help make that argument to the super delegate that he is the strongest candidate to take on donald trump. it's not clear he will have that ammunition. but jeff weaver's campaign manager told us earlier in the day he thought there was zero chance of bernie sanders dropping out tomorrow when he got home to vermont. so what he said tonight, it certainly says he is going to try to strange to twist the arm of super delegates. it will be interesting to see what happens with his meeting on thursday. we hear there will be a rally in washington, d.c. on thursday night without the next contest. so it seems like status quo, even though there are headlines in the wall street journal and "the new york times" that sanders is having to cut his staff, because money is an issue. when you call somebody the presumptive nominee, the money flow tends to run out to the other guy. >> well, certainly the contest is continuing, mike emmanuelle from santa monica, thank you. let's talk about the president's meeting with the senator later on this week. let me read a statement from the white house earlier this evening, the president thanked senator sanders for energizing millions of americans, with issues like fighting economic inequality, and saying the resident looks forward to continuing the conversation with senator sanders but how to build on the extraordinary work he has done to engage millionings of democratic voters and build on the enthusiasm in the weeks and months ahead. does that sound like they had a conversation where he said i'm continuing, i'm pressing forward and going to keep on campaigning. i ain't giving up? >> well, it certainly does sound like that. and in fact the president did meet with senator sanders, a couple of months ago at the white house. they're looking for the small donor because they have to raise a lot of money and sanders has his fingers on that small donor. >> i mean, tony, if you're barack obama, what is in your mind now? you know, saying the math is not there but he is going to continue, you can respect that? >> both the president and secretary clinton have to manage bernie sanders very carefully. i suspect they're not going to strong arm him, they have not up to this point. even though the mathematical rationale has been difficult for his candidacy. he believes he remains with the leverage and will try to use the leverage to make sure some types of the platform are exchange, the rules committee, maybe tackling the super delegates. all of these things are important to him because bernie sanders realizes he has a legacy and has basically created a movement, part of a revolution that he has to honor in many respects. here is something interesting. he said in his remarks he must do better. barack obama has been president for eight years. people for get there is a large part of the progressive movement today very disappointed in this president. i would argue he has been progressive enough, but others don't feel he has gone far enough. so i don't think bernie sanders necessarily feels that loyalty to the president. >> i was wondering why is president obama meeting with him on thursday if bernie sanders just came out this evening and said i'm going through to next week to you know d.c., no matter what. do you think he told president obama in the phone call or perhaps president obama was surprised like the rest of us this evening? >> that is yet to be reported, but we do know that president obama is coming up to be on the jimmy kimmel show, which obviously takes priority over the future of the democratic party. but beyond that, i think he -- as tony said, must handle bernie sanders as a keg of dynamite. for hillary clinton, that is getting his supporters and independence, people who may not turn out. it's crucial for her victory, she cannot afford, no matter how angry she may be, despite the fact she had to spend a million dollars in california that she was not planning on spending on advertising to beat him. she still has to tread very carefully. >> did president obama still come out this week and throw his support as has been projected towards hillary clinton now? does edo that? >> i he he may wait until after the democratic primary in d.c. next week, next tuesday, and then he can do it. but i just want to follow up on what tony said about how there are people disappointed in president obama and bill press, my talk show friend, talked about buyer's remorse. and i think this had to do with president obama, and that is what bernie sanders is tapping into. >> by staying in and continuing does that help hillary in the end, that a lot of these people, millions of people don't go out disappointed tonight because as you say it is a crusade and revolution and his own movement that will start continuing no matter what is in the white house in january? >> that will be the possible upside scenario, i don't think it's likely. i think a large part of the sanders base doesn't like hillary clinton, they don't think they is authentic, they think she is part of the corporate elite in washington, d.c. that has failed the large amount of voters. i think it is obvious she will inspire a lot of young voters. >> he made sure to emphasize that this evening. the young voters, but whom will they dislike more? donald trump or hillary clinton? in the end, i think the clinton campaign assumes that many or most of those voters will come around to her side. i'm not sure if that is correct, but that may be an assumption. >> if they vote at all. >> if they turn out it will be key. >> i'm so interested about the meeting on thursday. >> we do have a quick programming note for you tonight at 6:00 p.m. eastern, brett baier will sit down with the presumptive democratic nominee, hillary clinton, i'm sure she will have something to say about the speech. >> and mr. sanders is kind of boycotting the o'reilly program, when he put him on tv months and months and months ago, so senator, you got an invitation. >> come visit us. >> well, right now we're still waiting for the final results from the democratic primary, even though the initial results show mrs. clinton ahead as the senator. so the gap will close. >> we did have that breaking news, senator sanders now projected winning montana and north dakota. and we will also discuss the top issues coming up, which were on the minds of voters as they cast their plballots today as well a the key voting group they need to court in the general. ♪ you're not gonna watch it! ♪ ♪ no, you're not gonna watch it! ♪ ♪ we can't let you download on the goooooo! ♪ ♪ you'll just have to miss it! ♪ yeah, you'll just have to miss it! ♪ ♪ we can't let you download... uh, no thanks. i have x1 from xfinity so... don't fall for directv. xfinity lets you download your shows from anywhere. i used to like that song. welcome back to america's election headquarters, this is 2:21 a.m. here on the east coast and joining us now is the chief political correspondent for political review. and jessica tarlov, a strategist. thank you for joining us. >> good morning. >> so right away, i'm going to get your response. bernie sanders, he is in it and staying in it, says he is going to fight for every delegate. that is a quote, what do you think? >> well, sure, he is in it until the bitter end, heather. you know he has really energized the young voters, which is something that hillary clinton has not been able to do. he has a lot of energy and momentum behind him. and i'm sure that hillary thought he would have been put away much sooner than now. and here we are in june, bernie sanders is still here. i don't agree with anything he says, the man is a socialist, but he has given her a run for her money, that is for sure. >> and jessica, what did you think, next tuesday, washington, d.c. says he is actually taking it all the way to philadelphia. how is this impacting democrats in general and hillary's campaign explosi campaign? >> i think it's terrible for democrats in general. they is the presumptive nominee, that happened, she won the votes fair and square. i thought he sounded as it was put that it was not gracious. i thought that it was beyond not gracious. i thought it was bitter and narrow minded when you look at the big picture with donald trump. he did not say to his saturaupps when they booed her, and that we are on the same side. i thought it was hugely wrong for the kpap. there is a big piece out tonight by politico, that the in-fighting with his campaign, he is essentially not listening to anyone. he is calling all the shots himself. i wouldn't put it past him that maybe he was going to tell obama that he was conceding, and then no. >> that is exactly what we talked about, why meet with president obama. >> again, he is in it until the bitter end, because don't forget, the fbi is still investigating hillary clinton. she is the first presidential nominee to be under fbi investigation. so that is another historical first in our country. >> yeah, our original topic that we were going to discuss are the female voters and who will be able to get them. who needs them in terms of the general election. and with bernie sanders still sticking in it, you know, he spoke very strongly against donald trump. but as you said jessica, he didn't come out and even really congratulate hillary clinton at all. so how does she get some of the voters, specifically the young female voters who now are going for bernie sanders? >> well, i think that she keeps hammering away at her message and keeps being nice about bernie sanders, which i'm guessing is becoming increasingly difficult under the circumstances. but she has a substantial lead with female voters against donald trump, up 54/30 in the latest polling i saw. the latest poll, she was up 57-33 with white college educators with female voters. that all works in her favor. she has not with a perfect record with female voters but i think it's one she can win, she is ahead with female voters and african-american voters. >> they're trying to reshape her image, something else that bernie sanders talked about this evening is that top 1%, and income inequality. and do you think that she made maybe a misstep with that what, $12,000 armani jacket when she spoke about income inequality? >> well, listen, hillary clinton is in her own club. and for her, yeah, she can wear whatever she wants. that is a big message to the voters in terms of what she can spend on clothing. that is something that somebody would probably pay for a car, for example. but hillary clinton is having problems with female voters. they are not excited about her. they don't trust her. and the polling i've read is that she is having serious problems getting female voters to support her. so we'll see what pans out as time goes on of the but the way i see it, hillary clinton is also her worst enemy. because again, she has a lot of problems going on with the fbi investigation, the clinton foundation investigation. and so there are a lot of issues that people are watching. and again, people just don't trust the woman. >> and you can add to that list now bernie sanders who is not giving up. all right, jessica and denean, thank you for joining us. and sticking around. >> good-bye. >> she was shopping at ralph lauren a few weeks ago, that was just armani. >> they just announced laying off a whole lot of people. >> she was inside when i walked by four weeks ago. still ahead on this hour, we'll have more on hillary clinton's historic evening. and as we told you, she has the delegate votes to be the nominee, but well, with senator sanders not going anywhere, who does she fight first? bernie or donald. and who rains on her parade tonight. what will that mean for the rest of this race. you owned your car for four years, you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends, three jobs... you're like nothing can replace brad. then liberty mutual calls, and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement™, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. kennetthis afternoon closinfor auditions? what's on that piece of paper? oh, miss maroney, your forehead! should not be doing anything. i just had botox. i know exactly what's happening! ah! whoa! this is a bad streaming experience. the girlie show is a real fun lady show. 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(vo) only verizon has the largest, most reliable 4g lte network. switch now, buy two samsung phones, and get a free 50" smart tv, plus up to $650 back. only on america's best network. today, donald trump spoke at the westchester golf course he owns, he quoted the speech, citing many of the same themes. but what happened today, with the big surprise, ain't going to happen soon, because senator sanders is staying in. let's talk to judith miller, adjunct professor, and vp of jamestown associates. let's listen to mr. trump before we go to them. >> well, we have -- it is 2:31 a.m. tony, let me start with you. there was a reporter this evening that senator sanders is calling all the shots. not giving up. he has a meeting with president obama on thursday, what do you think happened? he came out with the big crowd and said he is not going anywhere. he has the deep principles that he relies on and run this race on and he will not give up. >> the energy was unmistakable. even when hillary clinton delivered her remarks on what is unmistakably a big night for her, it was not even a fraction as intense. i think bernie sanders much like ted kennedy in 1980 is willing to roll the dice. he has won 22, maybe 24 states, won a lot of these in the second half. picked up steam here towards the end. i think if he won california he would have certainly a better rationale, but if he wants to drive home he feels that hillary clinton certainly will not pay enough attention to those more progressive sets of issues without him into this race. what i thought was more interesting, because you brought up the trump speech as well is how he appealed to the bernie sanders vote on the economic argument, the trade agreement, getting americans working again. the unfairness in the economic system and economic order. these are things if you are a bernie sanders supporter and that was why you were supporting him, trump is appealing. on the other issues, sanders has a beef with trump, i don't think if you're a social justice -- >> judy, what do you make of trump -- >> earlier it was pointed out that he did not think or even address or was very gracious about mrs. clinton and her apparent historic achievement this evening. and he was coming out strong with his campaign continuing and he did not quiet the boos with he mentioned her name. >> absolutely, this is vintage sanders, he is so unpopular with his party, as unpopular with the democratic hierarchy as donald trump was with the republican hierarchy. and it's so interesting to me that both of these men who have these extraordinary popular followings are really an anat had h o hema to the party they claim to want to represent. >> to those who voted for the other part, i will work very hard to earn your support. to all of those bernie sanders voters who have been left out in the cold by a rigged system of super delegates, we welcome you with open arms. >> all right, well, bernie sanders did not say i'm dropping out both for hillary clinton. but he did say very specifically, we will not allow donald trump to win. so why do you think he was so strong against donald trump this evening? >> well, i have a theory. you know, i have a mental health background. so i tend to look at things from a longer perspective. and they overlapped in the senate almost two years i believe. and i would have loved to have been a fly on the wall, during even though he caucused with the democrats and is quote unquote an independent at that point in time i would have loved to have been a fly on the wall during his interactions with hillary clinton. because i'm telling you, i doubt whether this is just this campaign. >> do you think that was part of the conversation with president obama this evening, if you're not going to drop out, be sure you don't switch over to the donald trump campaign -- >> i also think bernie sanders is very legitimately despited about the fact that the ap committed in my opinion, malpractice, yesterday without one contest taking place all of a sudden coming up with this projection that hillary clinton had the amount of votes. on the eve of tonight where many contests would take place. i thought it was under-cutting and stunning. and i think sanders alluded to that. i think wants to reject this idea that they have to play by the old rules where the establishment elite guard gets to rig the system and call all the shots. so look, i think he is going to keep it interesting, although it will be very curious in how president obama i think manages this relationship. it's very likely he will become as the potential head of the democratic party, the broker between hillary clinton and sanders. >> do you think what he did tonight. that ap decision, because when that came out it then followed that some networks called the race for mrs. clinton, that alone could have been such a blow to senator sanders that it made his decision to press on. because it fits, as you said, tony, right into his rationale that he talks about. >> well, that is one of the questions that we hope the reporters covering bernie sanders with him will be asking him. is this what he intended to do when he walked out on the stage, we really don't know. and i think what he intends to do in the coming weeks will determine her prospects. >> you can look at the latest polling, yesterday they were 2 percentage points apart. and then you look at the votes that came in this evening, and it was what, 60% to 9 -- >> there it is. now we have just under a half. and the senator said it will close up. and it is closing a bit. but look, they're still 20 points apart. but for the senator, it's more than just the race for the white house now. it's a revolution in his mind that he has been fighting for the last 40-some odd years in vermont, that it is spread across the country. >> and they will leave the republicans and democrats in the tough race for the white house next fall. senator sanders has we have been telling you, ain't going anywhere. and coming up, a look at the many issues both candidates will have to confront, all along the way. stay with us. >> many of you feel like you're out there on your own. that no one has your back. well, i do. i hear you. i see you. and as your president, i will always have your back. >> i'm going to be america's champion. because you see, this election is not about republican or democrats. it's about who runs this country. primary and caucuses just about over, the last contest is in washington next week. now the presumptive nominees are looking forward to the general elections. hillary wright has a look at the issues that will dominate the issues. >> good morning, to you as well, eric and heather, bernie sanders, notwithstanding, what happens in the general election, let's take a look at what they may look like. with enough votes, hillary clinton is celebrating her special place in history during a victory rally here in new york city at the navy yard. clinton acknowledged she had just become the first woman in history to become a major nominee for the presidential party. for that she thanked pioneering women in the past, and the party. >> we all owe so much who came before us, and tonight belongs to all of you. >> and with that, hillary clinton praised her democratic rival, bernie sanders, and looked at the efforts to win the general election, and then blasted the presumptive nominee, donald trump. >> he is not just trying to build a wall between america and mexico. he is trying to wall off americans from each other. when he says let's make america great again, that is code for, let's take america backward. we believe we should lift each other up. not tear each other down. >> donald trump, who has come under fire by fellow republicans for his critical comments he made about a federal judge's mexican heritage reached out to ease the concerns of established republicans during a rally in briarcliff new york, trump said he would make republicans proud of their party and the trump movement. instead of talking off the cuff, he used a teleprompter, and focused on the attack against hillary clinton saying she and her husband have used public office to personally enrich themselves. >> they have used hundreds of millions of dollars, selling access and government contracts to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. secretary clinton even did all the work on a totally private e-mail server, something that how she is getting away with it, folks, nobody understands. >> so that is a look at the campaign and the back and forth that will take place between trump and clinton. here are the analysts who some say will determine who becomes president. number one, it's the economy, stupid, if the economy doesn't improve, clinton could find herself in jeopardy if people can't find work and improve their incomes and their lives. a lot of frustrations, analysts say trump, because of his business background could be a strong person for the economy. other issues that impact both candidates how will clinton defend her public record on sec? the state department e-mails, foreign policy, the deaths of the ambassador and three other americans in benghazi. the conflict in syria, isis, libya, all of these are open to attacks from trump. but analysts say will trump win if he continues the campaign in the way he has in the past. he has to change his style, and as some republicans say, become more presidential. so no matter how you see it, eric and heather, it's clear this will be a nasty campaign. so put your seat belts on, this will likely be a bumpy ride between now and november. we ain't done yet. >> and kelly, it just got more bumpy with senator sanders vowing to press on with his revolution. thank you. all right, we can tell you fox has confirmed, this is breaking news from a senior campaign official, that over half of the bernie sanders campaign will be laid off in the next week. fox confirmed that sanders will have two meetings in fact in d.c. on thursday, one of those as we mentioned will be with president obama in the white house in the morning. another one with senator reid, in reid's office in the early afternoon. so additional information for you that has been confirmed from fox. right now -- >> we'll go back to the panel. >> are we going to the the panel? >> to the panel for a second. two meetings, with the president and harry reid, what will he say to both of them when he is in washington? >> well, i think the issue is what harry reid will say to senator sanders, that will be the bigger issue because he now still has him as a senator who is caucusing with him, now he is a democratic party person. so i think harry reid will try to bring him in the fold a bit, so to speak. >> reid has already been critical of bernie sanders and encouraged him to leave the race. the issue of sanders, and particularly with the minority leader reid, there is nothing reid can offer him. how do you buy something for somebody who refuses to buy. i think what you're starting to see is the dialogue being established, the lines of communication for the eventual constitute when sanders does lead for a way that reid and obama both approve. >> quickly, what does sanders do? >> well, sanders is going to do what he has always done. now the unofficial leader of the revolutionary movement. >> all right, we'll continue to talk about it. everyone stay with us. we will be right back. do not move. show me movies with romance. show me more like this. show me "previously watched." what's recommended for me. x1 makes it easy to find what you love. call or go online and switch to x1. only with xfinity. welcome back to america's election headquarters, hillary clinton making history as the first woman to become the nominee of a major party. but bernie sanders is determined to stay in the race. joining us now the president of the women's media center, and well as a clinton adviser and fox news contributor. and ethan bareman, thank you for joining us so early. >> hello. what a night out there. >> what a night, jimmy, i'll actually start with you. i mean, hillary clinton did make history this evening. >> absolutely. >> but has it been over shadowed? >> no, heather, i was in the room when secretary clinton made her speech tonight. and the room was electric. i found it really interesting, because she was so softspoken of the -- and i think that added to just how historic that moment was. softspoken, strong, it was so much more than just about hillary clinton. this is about little girls and boys and how their collective futures have dramatically been changed tonight with hillary clinton getting the nomination. and i think whoever tries to take that away, whether it's donald trump, and i certainly was disappointed in senator sanders' speech a few minutes ago. whoever is trying to take that away, that is playing politics at a time when you really can look at this nomination and see just how far we've come. >> ethan, i want to go back to what jimmy was talking about, and the speech that hillary clinton gave this evening. off the very start of the speech she was talking about a gender, being a woman, and the glass ceiling. what did you think about that? >> well, i congratulate secretary clinton for her victory and she is absolutely right. she is the first major party candidate woman representing and running for president. and getting the nomination. but let's get to the point back here for a second. so she talks in these platitudes just like a politician does. but what is her track record on these issues of working together? she has a terrible track record on this. her likeability, her trustworthiness, these are all major issues, bernie sanders is sticking in this race. that will be a problem for her all the way through. she gave a great speech, it was wonderful. what will she actually do with this nomination? that is what it comes down to. >> and jimmy, you were talking about how she was softspoken, i was thinking about that as well. but do you think that is part of the effort to revamp her image, because even the delivery as you said of her speech was very different this evening. >> oh, no, i don't think so, i have been in many rooms, both labor a large and small, and i think one of the reasons you see the campaign so focused, that is where she connects with voters and really has i think the best interaction. and she is always softspoken, now, there are times she is, and times when you have to take it to donald trump like she did and say that he was unfit, unprepared, and too dangerous for this country. and so she is also a fighter. but i think really when you look at just the historic moment of tonight, 50 years ago, heather, there were states in this country where women could not get credit card or rent apartments. could not even serve on a jury. >> very different now. >> this is history making, history made. >> i have to wrap you up. evan, thank you for joining us as well. our special campaign coverage continues after this break. history made tonight. hillary clinton, the first major party candidate. hillary clinton rewriting the history books of our nation. >> she is the first woman to become the presidential nominee of a major u.s. political party senator bernie sanders is not standing down. >> emphatically not standing down. welcome to the third straight hour of america's election headquarters headquarters. clinton has won at least three more states. sanders has won two. the biggest prize, california, still too close to call. >> breaking minutes ago, it turns out the sanders campaign will layoff what we are told is over half of the campaign staff in the coming weeks. but the vermont senator defiant in santa monica, california this evening, saying he has plans to roll on to washington, d.c.'s primary next week. >> we are going to fight hard to 1 -- to win the primary in washington, d.c. and then we take our fight for social, economic, racial and environmental justice to philadelphia, pennsylvania. >> well, on the gop side meantime donald trump, the republican nominee finished off the primary season with added momentum as well. >> he won the five contests and now fox news can project that they have enough bound delegates that he will win his party's nomination. >> for more on that garrett joins us from the dc bureau. good morning. it is very early morning. >> good morning to y'all. the day the shadow was darker than ever and he came over -- he came under fire after his controversial comments of the federal judge overseeing the case of trump university. he has an inherent conflict of interest because his parents were born in mexico and his stance on immigration. less than a week after endorsing trump paul ryan called those remarks unacceptable. thisy said they were -- they said they were the textbook definition of a racist comment. trump appears to be moving past the controversy and issued a statement saying in part it is unfortunate that my comments have been misconstrued as an attack against people of mexican heritage. i am friends with and employ thousands of people of mexican-american dissent. based on the rulings i feel justified in questioning whether i am receiving a fair trial. while this lawsuit should have been dismissed, it is now scheduled for trial in november and i do not intend to comment on this matter any further. in miss victory -- in his victory speech he did not talk about the trump university case at all. he spent a majority of the time hammering away at hillary clinton. >> hillary clinton turned the state department into her private hedge fund. the russians, the saudis, the chinese all gave money to bill and hillary and got favorable treatment in return. it is a sad day in america when foreign governments with deep pockets have more influence in our own country than our great citizens. >> trump is well aware of the division within the democratic party and with hillary clinton securing enough for her party's m no nation he is also reaching out to bernie sanders supporters who may have a hard time backing clinton. >> garrett, thank you so much. i believe, eric, you will talk more about hillary clinton making history becoming the first woman to win enough delegates to win her nomination. >> now more on the historicky vent -- the historic event. >> at least now the momentum of his strewy is in hillary -- history is in hillary clinton's corner. she is the democratic prooy sum tiff nominee and the first woman to do it. >> thanks to you we've reached a milestone. first time in our nation's history that our woman will be a major party nominee. >> hillary clinton celebrated in brooklyn, new york with enthusiastic supporters who reveled in her historic victory. she paid tribute to her deceased mother, dorothy, who instilled in her the strength to achieve what ever she set her mind to. and winning enough delegates to capture the democratic nomination come eight years to the day she lost the race to obama. clinton had only kudos for her tough opponent, bernie sanders. >> i want to congratulate senator sanders for the extra campaign he has run. he has spent his long career in public service fighting for progressive causes and principals and excited millions of voters especially young people. >> hillary clinton has 2,197 with new jersey, new mexico and south dakota and sanders has 1,663. sanders on tuesday refused to concede the nomination vowing to move on to washington, d.c. which is next tuesday. he won the north dakota caucuses and the montana primary. he tried to stake a claim for the biggest prize, california. our fox news decision team says it is too early to call, but hillary so far has the lead. sanders rallied supporters in santa monica. >> our campaign from day one has understand some very basic points and that is first we will not allow right wing republicans to control our government. especially true with donald trump as the republican candidate. >> the white house says president obama called both mrs. clinton and bernie sanders congratulating them for running inspired campaigns. at sanders' request the president will meet with the vermont senator on thursday. and sanders campaign will layoff half of its staff in the next week. eric? >> despite that it seems he is staying in for now, at least through next week in washington, d.c. he sees it as a revolution in his words and a movement. what will mrs. clinton to react to sanders staying in the race. brett will ask that question. he has an interview with hillary clinton and you can see that this evening on "spcial report" at 6:00 p.m. eastern here on the fox newschannel. heather? he said from the beginning that the nomination process was rigged in his opinion. joining us is the president of rasmusson media. >> i am here. good morning. >> good morning. what did you think? bernie sanderses says he is not going anywhere. he is going all the way to philadelphia and he will fight for every delegate he can get. >> you know, i think this is the natural outcome of the rhetoric that has gotten him this far. just as donald trump's tone has got him friends and foes bernie sanders has been saying this process is rigged and he wants to fight for something and make it more than a campaign about himself. i wouldn't be surprised if part of his effort when he goes to the convention is to change the rules so we don't have so many super delegates next time around. >> do you remember in 2008 hillary clinton herself wasn't too happy with the super delegate system. apparently between 2008 and this time around she learned how to work that system a little bit. >> it is amazing how things go. when things work in your favor you like the system more. something to note that something that was the same in 2008 and 20 20 -- 2016, the democratic primary, the person with the most pledged delegates did win. we did not see a system in 2008 where hillary clinton won the pledge delegates and the super delegates took it away from her. that doesn't look like it i will will happen this time either. >> that's what is surprising to a lot of people. hillary clinton as of this evening is in the lead with pledged delegates and super delegates, but bernie sanders says he is not going anywhere. >> of course. part of the reason is hillary clinton does not have enough pledge delegates to legally clinch the nomination. what that means is if anything happens, anything dramatic happens he is there. >> anything dramatic like the fbi investigation? >> something dramatic like the fbi investigation would certainly be the most likely surprise. politically if hillary clinton did something and she is way behind in the polls that macon vince the super delegates. >> we have to wrap you up, but i believe i will see you at 5:00 a.m. on "fox and friends first," is that correct? >> i am looking forward to. it. >> see you then. >> we are burning the midnight oil here on the fox newschannel all through the evening. despite capturing his party's nome nag done -- nomination donald trump is a thorn in the side of some republicans like the senator from illinois. he is rescinding his endorsement of mr. trump, but he is in a tight race in illinois. and lyndsay graham is encouraging lawmakers to do the same and unendorse trump. can trump unify his party? now vince from "the daily caller." it is just after midnight on the west coast, so the folks in california where they are counting the votes are watching us this evening. you know, the democrats, they are divided even though mrs. clinton has a historic achievement. you have sanderses staying in. what can the republicans do about trump especially after the events of today and the remarks about the judge and the mexican heritage comments. >> it took a full court press from every prominent republican to get ton nailed strum -- to get donald trump to a place i didn't expect. his comments involving the judge, he would no longer address them in the public. the media was misconstruing him and that's wrong, but he is not going to address the issue in public anymore. he feels like it is a losing issue for him. i thought that was amazing for a guy who has spent the entire race anytime he has gotten pushed back, pushing ahead and going with it or changing the subject entirely which is what he did. he said i will attack the judge because this is my best chance of winning in the court of public opinion. >> he will move from attacking the judge to hillary clinton because he has a big speech planned for monday. man oh man was he scorching against her. he said clinton has turned the politics into an art form and mrs. clinton turned it into a private hedge fund. do you think he will get traction for that? >> i think he will. he has had a lot of success and now that it is down to just hillary and trump, it is going to get a lot more media play. if what he is saying is correct and he will go after her with the clinton foundation and the involvement of their private donors and the relationship with the state department, this will be a first for him. he has basically avoided it in clinton of the sex scandals of the 90s. it looks like a full scale attack on hillary clinton. clearly he needs to and this is what republicans want him to do. mitch mcconnell wants him to stay on message. the republican party is getting all lot of heartburn, but also from the electorat. 70% of people went for candidates like ted cruz and ben carson and donald trump. the party is very con -- confused. the voters want something different than the establishment in washington. how do we get that something different? donald trump to play at least a little by our rules so that when we go into november we can stand by our nominee jie. and it looks like he will have a long and grueling list when he deals with mrs. clinton and we will see what he says on monday. vince, thank you for staying up. it is 3:13 in the east. you must be drinking a lot of of espresso. >> i love doing it. fox news has great coffee. >> that's good to hear. >> i live on it. >> just be careful of the green room food. >> that is true. back to the political panel. the bureau chief of talk news and the executive vice president of jamestown associates and all fox news contributors. judy, what does donald trump need to do to move beyond the controversies? what can he do? >> he can't. he can try and change the subject by asserting he was misconstrued, but look at this lineup in his party. paul ryan who is the a author of the 2012 autopsy on why mitt romney did not win pointed out that barack obama got 80% of minority votes. you cannot win in an election if they will repeat the bad performance. donald trump goes out of his way to alienate a judge whom arnold schwarzenegger called a hero. he was determined to fight the mexican drug cartels. >> it doesn't get worse when you say paul ryan say it is the definition of racism. you can't wipe it away saying i am done talking about it. the people in his own party know he went out of the -- donald trump went out of the way to make this accusation. this is a huge problem. this is a problem for donald trump. >> it is the first time they said this is the huge problem. they can't overcome this. every time he does. >> i didn't say he cooperate -- we have been talking about primary elections and a general election is a totally different ballgame. this will not fly on the general public. >> donald trump's ability to self-correct cannot be under smited. -- underestimated. we talk about the media he gets and it goes into the billions. people also listen every time he speaks. moo than a structural generic politician he can fix the problem if he looks at issues related to jobs and the economy and things that we know. even hillary pollster all of the foreign governments and the server and the national security compromise, all of those go against hillary clinton in an affirmative way. he can really change the trajectory and she goes into dangerous territory which she uses trms like she did tonight when she said trump is unqualified. that's because of things he has said. there are things he can -- the two focuses of the criminal investigation of the fbi, the clinton foundation and the clinton family themselves enriching themselves base of her position at the department of state. he is better off focusing on laser beam. >> isn't that the term that bernie sanders described to go against hillary clinton. >> you have gone over the edge and he shouldn't have. what tony was saying is true of the other candidates, both hillary clinton and bernie sanders. without that nobody will make it. >> what is it about donald trump's performance that leads you to believe he is a disciplined candidate. every one fell off their chair. hillary clinton does not talk about the positions as much as temperrent meant. temperament. every time he makes a racial slur and that reinforced the name. >> there is a book about to be released by one of the secret service members that she doesn't have the temperament. donald trump has been mostly on message which is how i would suggest. he focuses on the theme of making america great again and the rigged system and the bad deals the country has suffered through under barack obama. when he gets off message and says things about the judge and people are uncomfortable with. i actually think he has the capacity for message discipline for sure. >> what are we talking about? hillary clinton made history this evening, but we are talking about donald trump and his issues. and bernie sanders staying in the race. a lot of attention taken from hillary clinton. >> the headline is the major event. he has been apparently noteminad and will lead the major party. >> it depends on what party you are affiliated with. jay meanwhile we are -- >> meanwhile we were talking to sanderses. he said the troubles continue. a senator from vermont who doesn't have to be a socialist democrat or democrat socialist. it is right through trying to be a senator and now the democratic nomination, it ain't going anywhere. what does it mean for the race? we will have the analysis wherever you are. thank you for staying with us because we know you have choices. they brought this on themselves. now it's war, and i want them dead! the fleas and ticks? their whole gang. we can do that. only bravecto kills fleas & ticks for up to 12 weeks with one tasty chew. starts killing fleas in two hours and kills nearly 100% in under twelve. and it's fda approved. bravecto is for dogs 6 months of age or older. don't worry, princess, we'll settle the score. tonight we ride, with bravecto!! ask your vet about 12-week protection with bravecto. senator sanders for the extraordinary campaign he has ran. he has spent his long career in public service fighting for progressive causes and principals and he has excited millions of voters, especially young people. and let there be no mistake. senator sanders, his campaign and the vigorous debates we've had about how to raise income, reduce iny qult and in-- inequality and upward mobility has been good for the democratic party and america. >> hillary clinton may have nabbed her party's title of presumptive presidential nominee, she has her work ahead. when it comes to scooping up sanders' supporters he is not helping yet. he vows again to continue on with his campaign. we are joined by the gener is editor of "the doo daily >> the daily caller. i can't wait to hear what he had to say. >> he sounds like a man who wants to continue the revolution. when washington votes the final race in the season perhaps all the way to the convention. you know, in the back of his mind he may believe there is a small chance hillary will be indicted m he will be standing there and win the nomination. on the other hand he may want hillary clinton to offer him something to get out of the race. we will have to see. if i was hillary clinton i would try to set up a meeting face-to-face to see what she could offer him and get his supporters behind her. >> that's what we were talking about being of significance. hillary clinton is the one who called bernie sanders. and then president obama walled bernie sanders versus him calling them. what do you think that means? there was an offer made and bernie sanders came out and said i am going to still in it? >> dl is no question there is pressure being applied and then throughout the next week or so you will see his friends in the senate call and tell bernie there is no chance for you to win. you are only helping donald trump. does that matter? he is a revolutionary, a man who believes in the left wing ideas. he was -- he wasn't even a democrat. maybe they can give him something, but special -- certainly he will not be peer pressured out of the race. >> benefiting hillary clinton in that he came out so strongly against donald trump who was vying for followers if and when he drops out. >> perhaps that's the best hope. bernie may not care about the democratic establish manhattan. he is helping donald trump and win against hillary clinton. that may be enough to say you know what, i believe in my ideas and my disagreements with the democratic establishment. i don't want a guy i totally disagree with. >> meeting with president obama and harry reid and what do you think will be said? >> they are uh lopting some of the ideas and maybe even offer to make a national memorial to his hero left wing anti-war leader leader of the movement. maybe that will insight bernie to get into the race. they should figure out what they can offer bernie sanders to help shape the vice presidential ticket. >> he did not say no to that. allow somebody to shape the ticket. there has been talk about that. >> thank you for joining us. boy a tangled web we weave when we talk about politics. thank you. >> and not to mention the soviet iewn -- union. there promises to be a direct assault on hillary clinton. >> trump announces what he says will be a major speech. p what he could say coming up. welcome back to america's election headquarters. we want to show you the latest number. california, everybody was watching that this evening and it is still too close to call. hillary clinton with 57.7% and bernie sanders with 41.3%. we will continue to watch those numbers and we will tell you when that race is called, if it happens this morning. >> you know, senator sanders said the race would tighten up and that's one reason he is staying in this race no matter what the delegate numbers for mrs. clinton says. hillary clinton has been accused of a lot of things and it is likely on -- likely to get a lot longer in the next eight days. >> designed to keep her corrupt dealings out of the public record and putting the security of the entire country at risk and a president in a corrupt system is totally protecting her and not right. i am going to give a major speech on probably monday of next week. sorry about that. that was donald trump talking about the e-mail server. join ug us what is the on-line editor of the weekly standard and the book about the clintons. >> the uh dishes rebuilding of a political machine. you know the list. where do you think mr. trump will start? >> he give us a good indication. if you go further, hillary clinton turned the swimming pool into her own hedge fund. conflicts of interest and hillary is personally prove fitting because we are made at the state department payings her family in the form of speeches. that's particularly where donald trump will go on monday. it is ripe for criticism and one of the most effective lines he used throughout the primary is he is independently wealthy and he can't be bought off. turning that against the clintons is the next step and it will be mighty effective. >> what would happen if they put the alleged pieces together and any actions taken by the state department. they denied any wrongdoing so far. >> they have denied wrongdoing. there is another book that seeks to detail this in particular. these decisions on arms and meanwhile hillary clinton and bill clinton are receiving checks for bill clinton's speeches while they are being made. there are a lot of dots to be connected and probably more information to be learned. nonetheless i think just -- we hold our government officials to a high standard the width of impropriety should be scrawt niecessed and this is a lot more than that. i think he will . the media -- point in the media from the big speech he said was coming about next monday. >> let's tell you what he said. what he promised is the clintons have turned enrichment into an art form. they made hundreds of millions of dollars selling access and selling favors. she turned the it into a private hedge fund and israel -- what will come of these allegations? >> it is investigated by authors and myself. it has bt -- hasn't been as far as we know. some serious questions need to be asked and that's what donald trump claims to do. somehow he enters politics in the same way. he is independently wealthy and he doesn't need the politics. he is trying to do it as a civic duty as cording to what donald trump says. hillary and bill enter politics dead broke. they left -- bill clinton left the white house dead broke and hillary clinton used their office and closeness to mor and i think that is the tran formation we are seeing in american politics. they created a center that enriched themselves. that is very, very new to american politics and not the way things have been done before. >> you wrote the book and president reagan went to japan for one speech. >> they were killed for it. it was considered gross. >> they are benefiting from hundreds of millions of dollars and it may be a topic in the campaign. always. >> thank thank you. >> one group between the clinton foundation and the money they make is the loriat education who runs colleges all over this country and a lot in latin america. >> and bill clinton as he was serving as the temporary hour honorary chancellor was paid $15 million over five years jie. we'll see what the list s. >> trump giving a shoutout to his victory speech. >> as we have been reporting from the big surprise is he is staying in the race. what are the chances of some of his supporters flocking to mr. trump. we'll have more on that coming up. donald trump is not limiting his request for supporters. he reached out to better 23450e sanders' followers too. listen. >> to those who voted for someone else in either party, i will work hard to earn your support. i will work very hard to win that support. to all of those bernie sanders voters who have been left out in the cold by a rigged system of super delegates, we welcome you with open arm. >> now from our dc bureau, thank you for joining us so early, angela. >> thank you for having me. it is my pleasure. >> it has will be an exciting night. you heard trump there and his speech making a play for bernie sanders. he came out strong and says he will continue on through you next tuesday and then even on to philadelphia. what do you think the best thing donald trump had to say this evening? >> i think the best thing that he is our champion and he wants to unite the party. donald trump looks presidential tonight. i wish it would have happened a longtime ago, but he looks great. he wants to be a champion for america. he laid down the facts. >> can he stick to that or will he continue to go off message? >> i think you have to be a disciplined person to be as successful as donald trump is. now he seems he can't speak his mind and it -- i think he cab do it. >> he has fellow republicans taking away their endorsements. they already endorsed him. i have lyndsay gram telling how to follow suit. how does he bring this back party and how does he overcome my coul lets. >> that he cannot get over. he cannot get over that and some people will pull their endorsements. it is cold for a racist. i am not calling done knolled trump too, but i said here is the apb. he can get supporters even though better san nears is backing him, bought rat trump is a moderate and you can pull the mill ben yells over. >> how? >> by messaging. the rigged system. millennials are upset. they went to college and believe in obama's. some of these people are serving sables. i don't think is a candidate saying one thing will ruin it. people are so aping gree and they are suffering. they want someone they can bring back to jobs in america. that's how he will pull fork over. talking about race and reledge general. if you will represent the united states of america we have to be united and not divided. >> you can do that with the angela mccloud mike thank. >> what comes next in the political campaign? our political panel will tell us. >> it has been a big night for politics and we will have their final words. >> we will fight hard to win the primary in washington, d.c. and then we take our fight for social, economic, racial and environmental justice to philadelphia, pennsylvania! and the final thoughts before panel. the bureau chief of talk media news and judy miller uh junk professor at the manhattan institute of policy research. my final thought is larry david got good news tonight. another month on "saturday night live" playing senator sanders. ellen, let me start with with you. hillary makes great progress and he stands in. >> we have to talk about the movement because the democratic party as i said earlier is going to look at how he could get small continue becauses in. hillary will have trouble doing that. she realized that if they are going to raise that billion dollars they need to raise they have to pay attention to how bernie sanders did it. >> does he complicate her path? >> -- of course, but maybe they will vote for her. >> i think i am still struck by the importance of this milestone in 2008 whether -- when hillary gave her compression speech it was gracious and eloquent and we wondered where was that candidate during the campaign. tonight we saw that candidate again. some some called it boring and others -- this was a major, major event and we shouldn't lose sight of it. >> dramatically vent than bernie sanders. >> and dramatically different from what we heard from donald trump. even though he has a great bumper sticker the speech was negative. the job was being taken away and it was exploited and it was a very down beat message. it is coming from mrs. clinton the politics of hope jie. it was a rare speech by hillary clinton where she is optimistic. she sets a nasty tone whether it is against -- in her speech. you can't take it away from her, but this is an an awfully messy primary season for her and we have seen the remarkable candidacy of bernie sanders live on even after tonight's losses. i will tell you what impressed me about the trump's speed aside from the fact it that he began to move toward issues that matter to voters is he began to engage barack obama in this fight. barack obama got up to 51 approval rating because no one has been paying attention to him. when people don't pay attention to you, they like you. trump said he will bring real change and not obama change. he pointed to the failures of the obama administration. this is a referendum election. it is extraordinarily difficult for the party to win the party for three consecutive terms. the vast majority do not want a third obama term. >> do you see this campaign moving more toward the issues on monday trump will have the alleged list of hillary with the clinton campaign and foundation and everything else. >> you are slightly right. absolutely right. the republican party does have a party with donald trump. we called these people leaky faucets. it is as if -- you know he goes fine and then it leaks alt bit. >> can they get beyond that? will they? >> we'll see. donald trump is a work in progress. i think his negativity and the statements he has made as defined by his -- just like hillary clinton with the past record and e-mails will come back to haunt her. >> going back to bernie sanders, what does he hope to accomplish. coming up on thursday he will meet with president obama and harry reid. what is he doing? >> he truly believes in this message and throughout the campaign cycle do you see the contest? it is my turn. i have been waiting for this and i earned this fnlt beer nissan deers is talking about the injustice and we need morey -- equality. he has a real rational for the candidacy and he wants to protect the issues he is standing up for and the longer he stays into it, the more he potentially gains leverage. >> what happens when mrs. clinton gets the nomination? does he stand outside the window throwing tomatoes at the democratic party. >> this is a long-term problem. i don't think it is even cured if they unite and sanders endorses her. she really has an authenticity problem and they say they are corrupt. >> and they said specifically if he does not do that. if better intoe sanders says vote for hillary clinton, some stay home. >> both leading capped -- candidates have negative rightings. we can't change that. >> it has been one night. >> we have been here almost every tuesday of primary season. good job you guys. >> thank you. >> and we will -- >> thank earn at home as well. >> exactly. mrs. clinton the first woman fume knee. sanders is staying in while there is more to come. >> "fox and friends" coming up at the top of the hour. don't go away. good morning. it is wednesday, june 8th and welcome to an early edition of "fox & friends first." i'm heather childers. >> i'm abby huntsman. the final six months is paving the way for donald trump and hillary clinton but bernie sanders says he is staying in the race. >> clinton declaring victory in at least three out of six races. the critical primary in california not yet called, but clinton is in the lead. >> no surprises for trump with a clean sweep across all five states. >> i'm going to be your champion. i'm going to be america's champion


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Sunday 20160605 10:00:00

good morning. it is sunday, june 5, 2015. i'm abby huntsman. this is not the way to parallel park a cruise ship. look at this. >> [ bleep ]. whoa. >> well, find out how much damage that dock took thanks to celebrity cruises. then the countdown to california under way. bernie sanders says he will never surrender. now he's promising a contested convention and politicizing the death of muhammad ali to attack donald trump. watch this. >> don't tell us how much you love muhammad ali. and yet you're going to be prejudiced against muslims in this country. >> well, he's not line. hillary did the same thing. stay tuned. and donald trump's make america great again hat is the must have item of the campaign season. one school is siding with the bullies who told this kid to take it off. they're banning it. that boy is here live to tell his story. see if he brought his hat. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ oh, at the tilapia farm. yes, we are raising the budget here on the show. trying to raise some money with tilapia. >> we are celebrating national fishing day and we are going to catch some of the massive brown trout -- >> can we eat it afterwards? >> fry it up. >> do you know how to fillet a fish? >> and we're creating a backyard of your dreams. john deere riding mower out there. we have some fantastic stuff outside. we have a jam-packed show. >> doing it all with the great abby huntsman. great to see you. >> great to be invited back. what did i do to deserve that? >> you're a ray of sunshine in an otherwise rocky -- have you seen our crew? >> this show has the best crew around. so i'm happy to be here. >> you stand out. >> you've seen veto? >> you raise the bar around here. countdown to california, bernie sanders and hillary clinton battle for voters ahead of the primary. >> this as sanders vowed to continue his fight. >> mike emanuel has more in santa monica where it's very early but he has the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. bernie sanders' message to his loyal supporters -- it's not over on tuesday night. sanders is promising to take his fight to next month's democratic convention in philadelphia. >> at the end of the nominates process, no candidate will have enough pledged delegates. to call the campaign a victory. the democratic national convention will be a contested convention. >> reporter: sanders held a very large rally last night in olympic plaza in loss an. 13,500 supporters turned out. he said his networks call clinton her the winner after polls closed in new jersey at 8:00 p.m. eastern time. his supporters out west here in california and other westen states may stay home thinking it's over. clinton is telling her supporters if all things go as she expects she will capture the democratic nomination with the help of the super delegates. the clinton campaign said she rallied the supporters in fresno. she's asking the california voters to help her get there. >> i would be honored to have your support in this california primary. so here's what i would ask you to do if you've got -- if you've got a ballot sitting and at home, fill it out and send it in. or else be sure to come out and vote on tuesday. >> reporter: and we expect hillary clinton to campaign today in oakland and sacramento. bernie sanders will head south from los angeles to san diego for a big concert and rally as the two candidates make their final arguments to california voters. >> mike emanuel, just back from dinner in santa monica. >> it's 8:00 p.m. >> it could go to bernie sanders. >> do you think this could happen? he's got 46 pledged delegates right now. she's got like 540 some. can he flip all the super delegates in general at the contested -- >> no, probably not. but he's making a point on principle. he said, voters ought to be able to decide. this is similar to the debate on the republican side during the primaries but there are more super delegates. the democratic system is way more rigged than the republican system was. his supporters are really mad about it. >> and regardless of whether you support sanders or not, i think people appreciate the fact he's saying that. this could be over though before polls close in california because of new jersey. if it's this close, you see 49-47 according to "the wall street journal" poll. >> yes, it could be over before the polls close in california because of new jersey. but bernie is saying only if you count the super delegates is it over. people are only there because they want to be ambassador to belgium in the hillary administration. if you take those people out it's still in play. >> this convention, you guys, could be a nightmare for her. we're hearing what 20,000 potential protesters in philadelphia? >> awesome explosion of democracy. >> so bernie sanders supporters 20,000 strong to show up in philadelphia. i guess bring the chaos there. and also these super delegates promising to embarrass hillary clinton by trying to get them to switch sides. again, she has 547. he has 46. how many of those in this --in the next few weeks would switch to the bernie sanders side? >> starting to make demands on her policy wise. they're demanding she support a higher minimum wage, $15 and above. and repudiate her associations with wall street. >> he's driven this entire narrative. you mentioned immigration and you -- we talked about trade. >> yeah. >> her flip flops on the trade policy. on and on this list has switched because of bernie sanders. >> it's going to get challenging for her to appeal to the middle vote eventually. >> well, they all come home to roost in philadelphia. >> i have a feeling this just the beginning of this. we are learning more about the death of the legendary boxer muhammad ali who passed away friday night at the age of 74. laura ingraham has more on how ali's friends and friends are preparing to honor him one more time. >> reporter: good morning. he was known as the greatest and now the boxing friends and family are mourning a loss of a legend. doctors said it was septic shock that took his life, after he had been admitted into the phoenix area hospital earlier in the week with respiratored from par disease for 32 years. his daughter hana tweeted an instagram out, the account of his final moments saying this. all of his organs failed but his heart wouldn't stop beating. for 30 minutes his heart kept beating. no one had ever seen anything like it. his daughter says it was a true testament to the strength of his spirit and will. the outpouring of support and memories only getting started from friends around the world and those in the boxing world who knew him best. >> friends for life. he brought me into fighting. he was a man of god who believed in god and with that faith and the confidence in himself nothing was impossible to him. >> don king of course. the eulogies will be will be given by former president clinton and bryant gumbel. >> laura ingle, thank you. amazing his heart kept beating for 30 minutes after his organs shut down. we want to get to some headlines now. and a police officer is killed, run over by a suspected shooter. the unidentified man shot three people and then drove into 46-year-old officer verdell smith who was trying to get pedestrians out of the way. >> he was flying down the road. he hit several things down through there. the cops were chasing it. i guess that's where it was. >> two of the victims hospitalize and in critical condition. the suspect is in custody but has not been charged. officer smith was an 18-year-old veteran of the force and he leaves behind a fiancee and three children. well, a raging brushfire in california. that inferno is 200 acres and has been fueled by the extreme heat hitting that area. mandatory evacuations have been put in place. three water dropping helicopters and more than 500 firefighters have been working to put out that fire. the blaze is believed to have sparked after a truck crashed into a power pole knocking it over. and brace for impact. this cruise ship is coming in hot. >> oh, god. [ bleep ]. >> brace yourself. >> whoa. that cruise ship slamming into the dock in alaska causing more than $3 million in damage. the cruise line says strong winds and waves caused the crash. thankfully though, no one was hurt. you guys, i used -- i have never been on a cruise, i have no desire to do one actually. >> that's a little dangerous. >> rick, just back from the cruise. >> nobody could get off at that port. nobody got off in alaska. >> did you go on a cruise? >> for my parent's 50th wedding anniversary for four days. >> how was it? >> it was not my favorite. i'm not going to die. >> trapped for seven days on the ledo deck. >> people love them. rain across parts of the east. we have kind -- been really hot. obviously guys you notice the humidity here yesterday. we'll continue to see this storm pull off to the east. today, some severe weather. we could be watching some big storms in the mid-atlantic and into the northeast. and i-95 corridor, i think we'll see a few tornados today. think of all the population, some tornadoes. could be really damaging. we're watching the tropics. four days into hurricane season. likely by tomorrow we'll have a third tropical storm of the season, it will be colin if it gets a name. impacting florida as early as tomorrow afternoon. some spots maybe four to six inches of rain, causing localized flooding. that's a big issue for florida. phoenix hit 115 degrees. earliest in the season they ever hit 115 degree and i think we'll see that again today. it will move in across parts of the southern plains this week. thinking of all the flooding we have had in texas for the last number of day, now we'll have temperatures into the 90s. it's really humid because all the moisture is going to evaporate and it will stay like that for a number of days. an uncomfortable time across the south. >> 115 in phoenix -- >> we'll stay here. >> not a bad idea. >> thank you, rick. coming up on the show, democrats using muhammad ali's death to attack donald trump. >> don't tell us how much you love muhammad ali and yet you're going to be prejudiced against muslims in this country. >> is his death fair game? david webb is here to weigh in. good morning. a national anthem could be changed to make it gender neutral. ♪ o canada, our home and native land ♪ >> "o canada." ♪ i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at good morning. welcome back to "fox & friends." well, the democrats are politicizing the death of muhammad ali, attacking donald trump. >> one of the great american heroes was muhammad ali. a very proud muslim. and don't tell us how much you love muhammad ali and yet you're going to be prejudiced against muslims in this country. >> on a day when we are mourning muhammad alit is worth remembering that we worth remembering that we live in a country where people can break down barriers, where they can worship their own god and choose their own name and where they can lead and follow their dreams as far as their hard work and talents will take them. >> here is talk show host and contributor david webb. >> does everybody notice that hillary clinton has to look at her notes to say she recognizes muhammad ali's greatness? [ laughter ] for those of you that just watched that video, look, this is what gets me. it's one thing to recognize the historic figure. i'm a boxing fan. he's an incredible boxer. he's a performer in the ring. look at what he did. but the democrats recognize him both sides of the aisle, but then to use him as a political pawn to throw a punch at someone else. that's what's wrong with this. >> well, look, i like muhammad ali but she says he has the right to change his name. did she realize he changed his name to join the nation of islam? >> at the time -- >> did she know that? >> no. look, this is a complex issue. he was against the vietnam war. but on the other side for the democrats out there, let me make their head spin. he also endorsed ronald reagan in 1984 and campaigned for him. actually, went out and campaigned. there were billboards you can look them up on the web and it was because he said reagan was keeping god in schools. >> you know what? that being said, regardless of politic, muhammad ali just passed away. can we have 24 hours -- can we just have 24 hours that we can talk about the man's heart and the good he's done for this nation? >> you know, for those suffering from parkinson's disease, look at the work he did to bring attention. he did a lot of things quietly to help people in neighborhoods they never knew where a check was coming from. he was a very complex man. >> a very religious man as well. >> right after justice scalia's death, same thing. they politicized his death as well. >> far be it from democrats basically to use anyone to get any attention to paint republicans as someone to run away from him. >> unfortunately, no one is making a more serious point -- no americans i don't think discriminating against people on the basis of their religion. look at europe. is anyone asking hillary clinton what do you make of norway, for example or germany? >> outright discrimination based on religion. here in america, i would say this. for the state department that stood out and said we processed 235 syrian refugees in one day, they have to do 60 a day in order to get obama's goal reached. in this country, you bring them in is there rampant discrimination, no. go to europe. see what's going on in some of the neighborhoods on both sides of the aisle. muslims against others and others against muslims. >> do they have an answer for that? >> no. >> i mean what is the plan to prevent that from happening here? >> radicals kill more muslims than any other group. you ask muslims in america do they want to be safe, they say yes they want to be safe. >> david webb. thank you so much for joining us this morning. >> i have very little to say on a sunday morning. >> at 6:20 in the morning. >> by the way, by the way, can i say this really quick? democrats are now okay with women being assaulted in the streets, as that woman was in the video, eggs and other things thrown at her and also when it comes to protesters breaking parking lot signs -- is this okay with democrats, destruction of property? where there's the condemnation from bernie sanders or hillary clinton or obama or debbie wasserman schultz? >> you heard the spokesman say property destruction is okay. coming up, richard simmons is in the hospital this morning. the fitness star, what he was doing at his mansion that has police concerned. plus, it's a twist that not even shakespeare could have dreamt up. students at yale saying studying white authors creates a hostile author. we have a student from that course joining us next. i asked my dentist if an electric toothbrush was going to clean better than a manual. he said sure...but don't get just any one. get one inspired by dentists, with a round brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque and rotates to sweep it away. and oral-b delivers a clinically proven superior clean versus sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels super clean! oral-b. know you're getting a superior clean. i'm never going back to a manual brush. 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"the view" is shaking it up again. michelle collins has been fired as the co-host of the show. she joined the daily talk show last july. but her hours were cut in january and the show's producers they decided not to renew her contract. she is expected to stay through the end of the summer. former bachelor star ben higgins may have a future in politics. he is seriously considering a run for a seat in the colorado house of representatives. software consultant has launched a website for supporters. very interesting. well, call it a shakespearean twist, yale university students are calling on the english department to abolish a course on t.s. eliot and chaucer. they say it creates a hostile environment. >> yeah, the course has been generally well received for years. but the anonymous petition has received over 160 signatures according to the yale daily news. >> joining us is a student who got done taking the course and sees this as an attention grab. thank you for coming in. >> thank you for having me. >> by the way i love this is an anonymous petition. people don't want to affix their name to it. >> i was outraged with it. major english poet sequence is beneficial to the englishmajor. i never heard anyone complain about it being racist or sexist or misogynist, so it seemed ridiculous to me. >> what are they wanting to learn instead? who are they wanting to learn from instead? >> i read someone's facebook, they'd rather be studying people like alice walker and toni morrison who have not been around nearly as long as jeffrey chaucer. >> what i'm struck by, there was no critique included of the text themselves. if you don't like chaucer or shakespeare, tell us why. it was solely focus on the appearance of the people who wrote the poems. did you when you got to yale expect to find more impressive students than the people who would write that? >> exactly. i expected to meet great people who are studying english works and if they're worried about shakespeare being white then they're not engaged to begin with. >> one wrote it is unacceptable that a yale student considering studying english literature might only read white authors. it's time for the english major to decolonize. >> that's silly. this is one of the most diverse courses in the college. and so if people are spending four years in english major only reading white authors they are going extremely out of their way to make that happen. >> well, clayton it goes on, the petition claims that the students are driven a way from the major. when students are made to feel so alienated they get up and leave the room or get up and leave the major, something is wrong. the english department loses out when talented students engage in library and cultural analysis. they're always driven away from the major. >> they're getting up and leaving the class, really? >> is that happening? >> no. i have been -- it's a two part sequence. i have never once seen anyone to get up to leave other than do the restroom. >> sounds like they're having trouble with the text, the words are too long, too complex. the idea that the school needs to dumb down its course curriculum in order to make its students happy, is that what colleges should be doing? >> absolutely not. texts like the canterbury tales and paradise lost are not easy. by starting the course that way you're more prepared for the course. >> i hope you wind up working there. they could use you. >> thank you for having me. still ahead, donald trump coming under fire for attacking the judge in the trump university case based on his ethnicity, by this morning a former attorney general is defending him. sort of. plus, the v.a. has enough trouble taking care of the vets already. now they want to pay for transgender surgery. and that's not all, abby. kicking off national fishing and boating week. do you know the best time to cast your line? >> i don't, actually. >> well, we're going to find out. is it high noon when nothing is biting? we'll show you the best time to land your biggest catch when we come back. 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>> reporter: we should point out curiel was born in indiana. but in an editorial for "the washington post," former u.s. attorney general under president george w. bush alberto gonzales said if judges and the trials over which they preside are not perceived as being impartial people will lose faith. ethics codes for the judges including the federal code of conduct governing curiel require not only that the judges be impartial, but they avoid the appearance of improprietary. hillary clinton has made it a focal point of her attacks over the last week. particularly in california which has a large hispanic population. and she's even used the issue to bring up donald trump's german heritage which some critics are saying is a veiled attempt to get her supporters to call him a nazi. back to you y'all. >> thank you, garrett tenney. well, later in the show we have alberto gonzales joining us. i hope you'll stay tuned for that. >> be interesting to hear what he as to say about this. a fox news alert, richard simmons reportedly rushed to the hospital. >> six, seven, double touch. five, six. and side and side. >> the icon is said to be getting medical help after someone called 191 -- 911 called about his quote bizarre behavior. there was talk that he was being held by his housekeeper. and the parents of the toddler who fell into the gorilla exhibit could be criminally charged tomorrow. >> oh! >> authorities are set to announce whether or not they'll bring charges. the mother said she was temporarily distracted when he climbed into the habitat. well, cincinnati zoo officials were forced to shoot the image to save the boy's life. well, police officers forced to smash a window to save a small puppy outside a mall in georgia. she was locked in for two hours before the police broke the windows. the dog is okay though and recovering at an animal shelter. well, we have heard these lyrics before. ♪ o canada our home and native land ♪ >> well, now canada's close to changing some of those lyrics to make it gender neutral. the bill will only change the english lyrics from and all thy sons command to all of us command. if it passes it would go to the senate and the change could be officially adopted as soon as this summer and those are your headlines. rick on that note i'm tossing it over to you. >> thank you very much. i'm out here camping. we have a nice camp site set up. i'll come outside and do the weather every morning. a perfect plan from the national park maybe. look at the weather maps as you wake up. severe weather coming across the eastern seaboard, especially this afternoon. probably around 5:00 i think they'll be along the i-95 corridor and some could see a little tornado or two in there. so because of all the population, we certainly need to watch that. there you go. kind of a rainout for a lot of the day today, across the northeast. into the southeast, at least the southeastern part of this region here. looking at the rain showers. but look at that. dry across a lot of texas, get ready. it's going to heat up a lot. be back in the 90s. humidity levels will be incredibly high. warm temperatures, look at that omaha 86 degrees and finally out across the west, it's baking. 115 in phoenix again today. look at that portland, oregon, 101. it is hot. all right. tucker? send it over to you. >> that's crazy. i'm just talking to tom keenan from gander mountain, a professional fly fisherman as well as manager for them. if you're looking for a fun family activity, go to the water. it's national boat and fishing month. and tom keenan is here. and he has more on how to get your family on the water. good to see you. >> thank you. >> i think most are open to the idea of fishing, it's medicine, good for you physically and mentally, but getting your family out to do it is a challenge. what would you recommend? >> this is national boating and fishing week. i come from wisconsin, it's free fishing weekend. >> thank you for reminding us of the packers. >> and obviously safety comes first. for boating one of the biggest things, this is from gander mountain, an inflatable life jacket. >> normal life jackets it's uncomfortable. >> that's a claim to fame, it's comfortable and lightweight. it does have an automatic or the manual switch. if you knew you have to get into the water, if you pull it inflates. if not, in three seconds it automatically inflates. >> people perish that way. >> true statement. everyone should wear a life jacket. >> about 100 bucks. these are completely and totally worth it. >> 100%. this is probably one of the biggest things that exist in the world as far as boating safety. pretty simple. hummingbird makes it. you can put a lake master chip in here. you can put a chip in here, it will provide you mass where you go. it's gps compatible, it's a fish locater. looks left and right of the boat. sells for $699. by far one of the best locaters at gander mountain. >> that's fantastic. give us some fishing tips. i like to fish, you're a professional fisherman. this is a fly rod -- under $200 at gander mountain. >> i would tell people to come down to their level of their expertise. if you're going fishing, go to the gander mountain, we have guys who understand the business. who know it well. i have been doing this for 24 years. i want to see people go fishing. >> people say you can't catch a catch fish on a fly rod. >> if you're catching fish, you're pretty good. >> so right time of the day matters. not all times of the day are the same. >> today is a perfect day, overcast day, today is great day to be fishing. >> on the days when you think it's june, but not that nice out, go fishing is the answer. >> we make rain gear every single day. put it on and go out. >> thank you very much. still ahead, obamacare for illegals the feds promised it wouldn't happen. the president swore it wouldn't and yet in one state it is happening and you're paying for it. we'll tell you more. and plus donald trump's make america great again hat, one schoolboy was pulled out because he dared to wear one. that boy is coming up live next. innovative sonicare technology with up to 27% more brush movements versus oral b. get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. innovation and you. philips sonicare. save when you buy the most loved rechargeable toothbrush brand in america. man, it's like pure power at your finger tips. like the power to earn allstate reward points, every time i drive. ...want my number? 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well, americans identify as atheists, agnostic or no religion in particular. that's the fastest growing in country and thousands hoped to boost their political power. what does this mean for you? >> joining us is father jonathan morris. >> good morning. >> good morning. what do you make of this? >> well, the park looked rather empty there. to start off with. >> fishing you mean? >> no, the images there of the atheists rally. they call it a reason rally. i would be all in favor of rallying for a reason. i don't believe that belief and reason are in contradiction whatsoever. what i do find incredible though is that a small group of people who don't affiliate themselves with any religion which is completely acceptable and understandable would be so oftentimes -- not always, but some of them so activist, trying to thwart other people's belief systems. i give you an example. i'm in a school in steubenville, ohio. one of the activist, atheist groups were trying to get them to not pray at the commencement high school commencement activities. and the students stood up themselves, they led themselves in the our father. one thing not to believe, and another thing is to keep others from not expressing their believes. >> they don't want to believe in anything, and look at the numbers. in 2007, you had 16% that didn't identify with the religious group. look at it today, or 2014 it jumped to 23%. that's a big shift. i mean what does that mean politically? why are we seeing this change so quickly. >> the nones, not like nuns, but 95% say i believe in god, but those numbers include the unaffiliated. there are people who go to church with me every week that are unaffiliated. without any label that i'm catholic or i'm evangelical or i'm baptist. i think people are seeking. >> wanting to believe in something bigger than themselves? >> yeah. trying to decide, you know, what group they should be a part of it or what family -- church family they should be a part of. there's a lot of trust lost in religious leaders and lost in church institutions and i think it's understandable there are people who are seeking. >> father jonathan morris, thank you. >> happy sunday to you. >> catch some fish for us. you saw the protesters attacking the trump supporters and now president obama blames republicans and their bad habit forts this. and one boy banned from wearing a make america great again hat banned from school because they said it makes the others feel bad. that story, next. before i had the shooting, burning of diabetic nerve pain, these feet learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. ask your doctor about lyrica. great time for a shiny floor wax, no? not if you just put the finishing touches on your latest masterpiece. timing's important. comcast business knows that. that's why you can schedule an installation at a time that works for you. even late at night, or on the weekend, if that's what you need. because you have enough to worry about. i did not see that coming. don't deal with disruptions. get better internet installed on your schedule. comcast business. built for business. presumptive nominee donald trump has made his make america great again campaign hats a staple at his rallies. after one of young supporters got bullied for wearing the hat, the school told him to stop wearing it due to safety concerns. the supporter joins us now. he's nine-year-old logan autrey and his step mother an gentlemen -- angela. good morning. tell us what happened when you wore this hat to school. >> well, a lot of the kids, their parents are not trump supporters and they just listen to the wrong side of the social media and they did not like me wearing the hat -- well, it wasn't the hat. it's my personality because even two months before the hat, they still didn't like me. >> i'm sorry about that. they made fun of you for wearing the hat and what did the school say to you? what did your teacher say? >> well, the teacher let me wear the hat, but the vice principal said i couldn't wear the hat, and i thought she just meant not inside, so i still wore it, and then the principal told me to take it off and, well, i still didn't take it off, and, well, she said that it was against the directive to wear the hat but i looked in the dress code and it was not against it. >> here's a statement from the school. our job as educators is to facilitate a safe learning environment, it's also a responsibility to take precautions when the discourse begins to disrupt our school climate and interrupt school operations. >> angela what do you make of that? >> i think there are a lot of loopholes in the actual dress code. it's very subjective where it gives the principal or the administration the right to intervene if it becomes an issue. like they said, there are exceptions to the rule. the hats cannot be worn indoors in the assembly rooms and in the cafeteria, in the classrooms, and they didn't have an issue with him wearing it when he came back to school on tuesday, but when he did wear the hat and the teacher actually encouraged him and let him tell his story to the class and they were very excited to hear his story and they were very supportive of logan being able to meet mr. trump and getting his hat signed and he got to shake his hand. he decided to tell his story and everybody thought it was very cool, so the next couple of days he wore the hat to school and it didn't become an issue, i believe, until fifth or sixth grader made a comment out on the playground if -- i don't know if that's how it went. what they called it a disturbance on campus and they were afraid for his safety and they called me and asked me to speak with him about, maybe not wearing the hat to school. maybe keeping it at home and not trying to cause any conflict with the other students. >> it sounds like the other students wanted to cause the conflict and they should have spoken to them. >> we haven't spoken to them since the incident. when everything aired on the news, everything took a tumble from there. you know, we've been talked to by all different kinds of news media and text messages and social media and everyone is wanting to hear logan's story. >> i notice logan is not wearing the hat, your dog is who is a bernie supporter. he hate the hat. >> this is the hat. logan went to swim in the pool and took his hat off and set it up on the patio table and the dogs got ahold of it. this is what's letft of the hat. >> next time, wear a hillary hat and you'll be celebrated. sheriff david clark is here to react. watch what happens when this boy turns his back on a lion. we'll tell you what happens on this one. my mom loves giving me advice. she even gives me advice... ...about my toothpaste and mouthwash. but she's a dentist so...i kind of have to listen. she said "jen, go pro with crest pro-health advanced." advance to healthier gums... ...and stronger teeth from day one. using crest toothpaste and mouthwash makes my... ...whole mouth feel awesome. and my teeth are stronger too. crest-pro health advanced... superior to colgate total... these 5 areas dentists check. this check up? so good. go pro with crest pro-health advanced. mom's right...again! when they thought they should westart saving for retirement.le then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. this gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us aren't prepared for retirement. just start as early as you can. it's going to pay off in the future. if we all start saving a little more today, we'll all be better prepared tomorrow. prudential. bring your challenges. good morning. it is sunday, june 5th, 2016. a massive ship with hundreds of people on door smashes into the docks. why that company now says the ship was forced off course and how the passengers are doing this morning. and countdown to the california primary two days away. bernie sanders says no matter what happens, he will never surrender. now he's promising a contested convention. at the same time he's politicizing the death of muhammad ali to attack donald trump. >> don't tell us that you love muhammad ali and you are going to be prejudiced against muslims in this country. >> holy smokes, there's a lot going on in american politics and sheriff david clark is here to react to all of it. this going viral. what happens when you turn your back on a lion at the zoo. watch this. >> oh, man. >> we're going to show how it ends. mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪ it is national fishing month and we're celebrating, needless to say, on the plaza with gander mountain. >> do you guys have a fire pit? >> we're going to show you the backyard of your dreams. >> abby was casting her line and a random person was talking down the streets of new york city and she almost caught the person. >> she pulled a massive fish out of the pool we have at plaza. we've gone into aqua culture. >> we've got a jam packed show, including new details this morning about the death of boxer muhammad ali who passed away friday night at the age of 74. >> his daughter hana is providing more insight through social media on how her dad left this earth, loved, surrounded by family and certainly not without one last fight. her family held his hand, whispered in his ear, you can go now. we'll be okay. all of his organs failed, but his heart wouldn't stop beating. for 30 minutes. his heart just kept beating. no one had seen anything like it. septic shock finally took muhammad ali after he had been admitted into a phoenix hospital with respiratory problems. his funeral will be in louisville, kentucky. the eulogies will be given by bill clinton and billy crystal. headlines for you this morning. a fox news alert. a memphis police officer killed and run over by a drunk driver. he was trying to lead pedestrians to safety. >> he was flying down the road. he had done hit several thing coming down through there and the cops just chasing him. >> two victims are in critical condition. the suspect is in custody and is not yet charged. he lives behind a fiancee and three children. we're learning theoid of -- identity of nine soldiers. eight of the nine names have been released. an investigation into that accident is ongoing and one soldier had been in the military just nine months. a raging brush fire is raging through the calabasas, california area. chasing away as many as 5,000 residents. 300 helicopters. the blaze is believe to have been sparked by a truck crashing into a utility pole, knocking it over. this cruiseship is coming in hot. >> brace yourselves. >> that does not look like fun. it slammed into the docks in alaska, causing more than 3 $billion in damage -- $3 million in damage. there were a lot of nauseous people on that boat. >> rick loves cruises, doesn't he? >> rick was on a carnival cruise recently. on the shuffle board deck. >> not recently. we couldn't fish off of it but we've got ben and phillip here. they have each caught two fish so far. while i'm doing the weather, we'll see if one of you can break this tie. weather map, we have a lot going on. one of the things is severe weather we're going to be watching across the eastern seaboard. this line of storms moves through and i think it's around 5:00 or 6:00 that it develops across the i-95 corridor, at least into the mid atlantic and northeast. we could see a tornado or two and think about all that with the population. you have to watch out. we will definitely see some very strong winds and a lot of rain. we're watching the tropics. we are about four days into tropical season. we're watching our third tropical storm. it's going to bring rain across parts of florida as early as tomorrow. phillip, you did it! phillip broke the tie. here you go. nicely done. tossing back to you. phillip is in the lead. >> when we were out there, the fish were looking at us. they ran away from us. >> he's got the touch. there's a lot going on in american politics this morning. to analyze and break it down, we're bringing in sheriff david clark of milwaukee, wisconsin. so you may have seen this. bernie sanders and hillary clinton weighing in on the death as many americans did, of muhammad ali. >> one of the great american heroes in recent history is muhammad ali. don't tell us how much you love muhammad ali and you are going to be prejudiced against muslims in this country. >> on a day we're mourning muhammad ali. it's worth remembering we live in a country where people can break down barriers, worship their own god, choose their own name and where they can lead and follow their own dreams as far as their hardwork and talent will break them. >> bernie sanders is obviously use the death of an american icon to make a political point, which is ugly. he's also suggesting that the only reason that you would have concerns about muslims mass immigration. >> what donald trump is against, he's against radical islamic terrorist. he's not get muslims. bernie sanders knows better than that. >> i want to get your take on the riots we've seen. we've seen that horrible video of a woman being pelted. president obama, here's what he said. that's not what our democracy is about. that's not what you do. there's no room for violence, there's no place for shouting. it's very important for us to remind ourselves of who we are and what is best about american democracy and not slip into bad habits that currently manifest themselves in the other party. >> this is nothing more than premeditated organized violence. you create chaos, you create dissenction. rite -- right out of the "rules for radicals" which was dedicated to lucifer. look, trump supporters enjoy their first amendment protection to participate in these rallies just like anybody else and it shouldn't be done having to go through fear, intimidation and get bloodied and battered to participate in our democrat state and how we choose the next president of the united states. they realize, when i say they, president obama, the democrats, mrs. bill clinton, bernie sanders know that they benefit from this sort of thing and what it does is it distracts, it distracts away from what's really going on here, some of the internal strooif that the -- strife that the party has going on right now. nevada, they realize if these hood lumps or goons may show up at a bernie sanders or hillary clinton rally which they have done in the past and do this same sort of thing. they are happy it's haepg over there. they want to keep it over there. >> these conventions could get nasty. it's not bernie sanders and president obama getting political. michelle obama getting political at a commencement speech. let's play that. >> in this country, it's never been each person for themselves. no, we're all in this together. we always have been. and here in america we don't give in to our fears, we don't build up walls to keep people out. some folks out there today seem to have a very different perspective. they seem to view our diversity as a threat to be contained. they tell us to be afraid of those who are different, to be suspicious of those with whom we disagree. >> sher live, there's a time and place to be political. we were talking about muhammad ali just passing away and it's already political. commence many speeches as well, is this a place to get political? >> the best part, she said thank you for allowing me to share this final commencement speech with you. that means no other college graduating class will have to hear this racial and zwis -- dwis -- divisive speech by mrs. obama. >> they are the most powerful and affluent people on planet earth, if they are victims, who isn't a victim? >> they walk around with this chip on their shoulder. they support strife and division. it pains them to know when they go to sleep at night, they sleep in the white house. they said yesterday it's a house that slaves built. that's the last time i believe this country has been that divided, was over the issue of slavery. >> great to see you this morning, sheriff. >> my pleasure. coming up here on the show. we are two days away from the california primary if you can believe that. bernie sanders says he will not surrender to hillary clinton. how far is he willing to go in this race? we're live in the golden state next. a frightening scene as a car bursts into flames and in the middle of the race. >> oh, big explosion! as our business is growing, and you're on the road all day long, it's exhausting. hi how are you? you're on the fourth floor. thank you so much. hey sweetie! how are you? it's important to stay at a hotel with a lot to offer. that's great! and the holiday inn has really been that. holiday inn has been a part of the team. good luck with the meeting today. thank you. i really think small business is tough. it's better to have friends out there. you have a great day. appreciate it. it makes life on the road much easier. now members get more savings with your rate at now members get more savings text mom. i'll be right back. be good. boys have been really good today. send. let's get mark his own cell phone. nice. send. brad could use a new bike. send. [google] message. you decide. they're your kids. why are you guys texting grandma? it was him. it was him. keep your family connected. app-connect. on the redesigned passat. from volkswagen. poallergies?reather. stuffy nose? can't sleep? take that. a breathe right nasal strip instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicine alone. shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. breathe right. to be taken care of. in good hands? like finding new ways home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh... but with added touches you can't get everywhere else, like claim free rewards... or safe driving bonus checks. even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee! in means protection plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. it's good to be in, good hands. >> hillary clinton and bernie sanders battle for voters before the california primary. >> and bernie sanders vows for his fight for a contested convention. >> whoa, christmas is here. >> happy good morning to you. bernie sanders admits its an up hill climb for him but is saying in a very matter of fact way there will be a contested convention in philadelphia. sanders continues to attract huge crowds, including one last night getting an estimated 13,500 at olympic plaza in los angeles. voter registration in california is up 17.9 million and sanders is clearly hoping that is being driven by people enthusiastic about voting for him. he's telling supporters it won't be over on tuesday night. >> for secretary clinton to get to the magic number of 2,383, she would have to win 2/3 of those pledged delegates. frankly, unless i'm very, very mistaken, that is absolutely not going to happen. the democratic national convention will be a contested convention. >> hillary clinton continues her five-day campaign swing through california. her team estimates 1,500 people showed up for her get out the vote friday nie in fresno. she's hoping her endorsement by the governor will help her win. >> i was honored to be endorsed by jerry brown a few days ago. it meant a lot to me because he's a problem-solver. he gets good ideas wherever they come from. he listens to all kinds of people. then he makes up his mind and he gets to work. that's what we have to do together. >> sanders fear is the networks calling clinton the nominee after the polls close in new jersey at 8:00 p.m. eastern time. his fear is that his supporters here in california and other western states will stay home demoralized so he's pressing the media to let it play out. >> 4:00 a.m. in california. >> just back from dinner. i've been sending up my weekly emisscopalian prayers up for a year for this. >> they are vowing 20,000 bernie sanders supporters to descend on the convention. will some of those super delegates actually flip flopped. >> which is so crazy. how long have we been talking about a contested republican convention? donald trump is under attack for attacking the nationality of the judge in the trump university case, or ethnicity. alberto gonzales will be to defend that. a child passing out on the bus because it's too hot. >> maya passed out on the bus. >> fan her. the alarms will go off. >> what happens if your car is locked into a car. you may have to break into a car. the tips every parent needs to hear. next. put some distance between you and temptation with meta appetite control. clinically proven to help reduce hunger between meals. new, from metamucil, the #1 doctor recommended brand. because you can't beat zero heartburn! i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn ahhh the sweet taste of victory! prilosec otc. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. what would help is simply being able to recognize a fair price. truecar has pricing data on every make and model, so all you have to do is search for the car you want, there it is. now you're an expert in less than a minute. this is truecar. great time for a shiny floor wax, no? not if you just put the finishing touches on your latest masterpiece. timing's important. comcast business knows that. that's why you can schedule an installation at a time that works for you. even late at night, or on the weekend, if that's what you need. because you have enough to worry about. i did not see that coming. don't deal with disruptions. get better internet installed on your schedule. comcast business. built for business. about 25 minutes after the hour. quick headlines caught on camera. a heart-stopping moment between a child and a charging lion. the 400 pound cat and a japanese zoo charges when he sees the two-year-old boy turn his back only to be stopped by the glass. he gets excited whenever little kids get near. >> watch this. >> whoa national record holder jack beckman was able to keep the car in his lane before pulling the chute. >> those are some of your headlines. clay, i'm heading out to you where you are trying to break into some cars in the city. >> the big arms out here. imagine sending your kid on the school bus and they pass out from eat. watch -- heat. watch this. >> maya passed out on the bus. >> fan her. >> because the alarms will go off. >> students forced to ride home on a sweltering school bus in washington state last week. the little girl is okay. the truth is most parents think it's okay to leave their kids in a car for a few minutes. joining us now is susan aream. parents i think that's okay. it's only a few minutes. >> oftentimes that's what they think and the reality is even when the windows ajar in a matter of of minutes the car can heat up the interior to 125 degrees. 80% of the heating takes place in the first ten minutes. if you leave a child for a few minutes, it can be fatal. >> is this a big problem? are there a lot of deaths from this every year? >> we see an average of about 37 children per year dying in a hot car and this year to date we've already had nine compared to last year we only had three by this point. >> that's terrible. what is this down here? >> we want to talk about the fact that the baby should always be in the backseat and that's where you have -- that's where you are putting your baby. the problem is sometimes baby is out of sight, out of mind and we've had parents that have a failure of the memory, where their auto pilot has taken over and driven all the way to work and forgot to drop off the baby. >> when you are by a car and you see a baby in a hot car and no one is around. what should we do? >> we encourage passersby is call 911. if you feel the baby is in distress, lethargic, unresponsive, very red and sweaty, you may want to take matters in your own hands. we have a tool we want to demonstrate for you -- several states pass law that cover a passerby from any ramifications if they break a window to free a child. >> how do we want to do this? >> we want to cover our eyes, a pair of sunglasses works just as well. >> not everyone has these in their back pocket. >> if you don't have gloves, you could take a t-shirt or another article of clothing to wrap your hand to protect your hand and we're going to be using a tool called the rescue-me tool. it's a spring loaded punch tool. it fits on your key chain. it can be used if you are trapped inside your vehicle and it also has a seat belt cutter. and it can be used if you see a child or pet who is in distressed in the vehicle. we want to make sure you go to the corners of the window and anyone can do this. you don't need to be a big strong guy. you are going to press it against there and give it a punch and you always wanted to do this in the window farthest away from the baby. >> what is that called again? >> this is called the rescue me tool. on our web, kids in, if you make a donation, you win one of these. >> great to see you, this morning. >> thanks for having me. >> tucker, abby, what's coming up? >> stay away from my car. richard simmons is in the hospital this morning. what he was doing at his mansion that have police very concerned. and trump under fire for talking about the nationality of the judge deciding the trump u case. looking for an outdoor escape. we'll show you how to transform your backyard from a depressing dog run to the yard of your dreams. hi! hey! i've made plans for later in case this date doesn't go well. same here. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? the citi double cash card does. earn 1% cash back when you buy, and 1% as you pay. double means double. ♪ ♪ ♪ take on the unexpected with a car that could stop for you. nissan safety shield technologies, available in the altima, sentra and maxima. my lineage was the vecchios and zuccolis. through ancestry, through dna i found out that i was only 16% italian. he was 34% eastern european. so i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors we thought was italian was eastern european. this is my ancestor who i didn't know about. he looks a little bit like me, yes. ancestry has many paths to discovering your story. get started for free at i don't want to lie down. i refuse to lie down. why suffer? stand up to chronic migraine... with botox®. botox® is the only treatment for chronic migraine shown to actually prevent headaches and migraines before they even start. botox® is for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. it's injected by a doctor once every 12 weeks. and is covered by most insurance. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't take botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. don't take your chronic migraine lying down. stand up. prevent headaches and migraines. talk to a headache specialist today. back on the fox news alert, update on richard simmons and his condition. >> he's been reportedly rushed to the hospital. >> 4, 5, 6, 7, double touch. side and side. not walk up four. one, two, three. >> the 80s icon is said to be getting medical help after someone in his home called 911 concerned abouts his bizarre behavior. there were rumors he was being held captive by his housekeeper. he hit back and said he was taking a break from being a celebrity. the parents of the toddler who fell into the gorilla exhibit could be criminally charged tomorrow. prosecutors are said to announce whether or not they will bring charges. the boy's mother claims she was temporarily distracted when he climbed into the gorilla has been i at that time over the weekend. cincinnati zoo official were forced to shoot and kill that animal to save the boy's life. and homeland security is quietly removing van loads of mexican immigrants without paperwork. this week, 35 were bought to a phoenix bus station without proper processing and it gets better, american taxpayers are forced to foot the bill for the bull fare. planning the perfect wedding to make sure the guests are hitting the dance floor. we've got you covered. ♪ ♪ love this song, highway hey ya by outkast. as for second place. oh, i want to dance with somebody ♪ >> everyone in the studio is saying whitney houston. ♪ don't believe me just watch ♪ and rounding out the top three, mark ronson and bruno mars, "uptown funk." i have a feeling you are dancing out there. >> what are you doing, rick? >> there's a tent there. i thought i would get inside the tent. there's no sleeping bags, there's no place to lie down. it's mostly like a storage tent at this point. these kids forced me into it. i got bullied by her. take a look at the weather map to show you what's going on this morning. if you are planning on camping across much of the northeast. we have a lot of rain and severe weather. you see that line of storms that comes through this evening. that's where the worst is coming through the evening. severe weather also down to the south. more strong winds with some of those storms. you'll notice a little bit of rain across far southeast texas, one last day of it and northern plains, a beautiful day, temperatures in the 80s, tons of sunshine, a little bit more cloud cover and western side, beautiful day. west, it's hot. breaking all kinds of record for heat. you don't like to see that this early in the season. we'll be around 1:30 today in phoenix, portland, high of 101. is heat it on out west. cools down the next couple of days. abby and clayton back to you. if you are looking for a little outdoor get away or the perfect place to entertain why not transform your backyard into the get away of your dreams. >> here to tell us how is missy hendrickson with the national association of landscape professionals. she spends her whole career outside. >> i do. >> tell us about some of the things -- outdoor space. it looks like we're? a living room, something like ernest semg way would -- hemingway would sit in. >> people are discovering they can take their indoors and move it outside. it used to be to create our outdoor living spaces, we will take a picnic table and plop it out on the deck. >> how do you do that with the weather, i in-laws live in cam pa florida, but the storms are outside are terrible. >> some of the storms are short lived. you can make a most of your outdor space with things like pergolas. >> some of these fabric are water resist tan as well. >> the way that designers are creating materials for us to enjoy outdoors today have come a long way. this equipment here, all this beautiful furniture was provided by ballard designs and this incredible greenery that we see, this is created for us by john mini's landscapes. the materials on the furniture is waterproof. >> this is furniture. >> it's made to withstand the elements, very low maintenance is required. other materials for wood that will also work the same way, such as cypress and some of the red woods will also serve your purpose as well too. >> teak is like our own tucker carlson, very low maintenance. come over to the hard escaping. >> this is my favorite thing. everyone loves a fire. in the warm months, fire pits can still work. >> you can enjoy them 365 days a year. part of creating your-out joor living space is figuring out how you want to use that space. if you want to do a lot of cooking, it's beautiful, kitchens that you can create outside. outdoor theaters. it's really what you want to do with your space to make it personal. >> tell us about these custom rings as well. >> this material looks like natural rock but it's actually concrete. >> they are individual pavers. there's a lot you can do with concrete nowadays. >> i tried to do with brick one at one point. these rings will keep it together. >> there's actually hard to hard ska ping professional. some things you want to leave to the pros. >> you'll be back. >> we'll talk about lawn care and how to create a beautiful landscape. >> donald trump coming under fire for attacking the national of a judge in the trump university case. this morning, a former attorney general is coming to his defense, perhaps. we'll get him to weigh in on this. there is alberto gonzales. he will join us live to explain next. fathers day is just two weeks away. you still need a gift. how about a personal system that turns any beer into the perfect craft. clayton's gift guide is just ahead. what's it like to be in good hands? man, it's like pure power at your finger tips. like the power to earn allstate reward points, every time i drive. ...want my number? and cash back for driving safe. and the power to automatically find your car... i see you car! and i got the power to know who's coming and when if i break down. must be gerry. hey... in means getting more from your car insurance with the all-powerful drivewise app. it's good to be in, good hands. i wanwho doesn't?ape. so i bike. i get all of my greens. ... and dissolves completely. it's clinically proven to keep me fuller longer and helps keep me healthy inside and out. benefiber® healthy shape. this, i can do. find benefiber® healthy shape in the fiber aisle. my m...about my toothpasteice. she eveand but she's a dentist so...i kind of have to listen. she said "jen, go pro with crest pro-health advanced." advance to healthier gums... ...and stronger teeth from day one. using crest toothpaste and mouthwash makes my... ...whole mouth feel awesome. and my teeth are stronger too. crest-pro health advanced... superior to colgate total... these 5 areas dentists check. this check up? so good. go pro with crest pro-health advanced. mom's right...again! donald trump under fire this morning for asking u.s. district judge gonzales curio to recuse himself from the trump university trial due to conflict of interest. one person who may agree is alberto gonzales. i'm absolutely willing to believe that this or any other judge may have biases. they have done or said thing that would make it improper for him to preside over the case. trump issic maing a different argument, because this judge's parents were born in mexico, he seems unfit to try this case. >> i did see in the piece i wrote that alone would not be enough, in my judgment, to disqualify the judge. you know, i wrote this piece not to support donald trump's statements about the judge, but to support donald trump's rights. like any other american to have an impartial judge hear this case. that was the purpose for this -- for this piece that i wrote yesterday. >> that's, of course, an entirely legitimate point. all of us have the right to question people's motives but we understand people's motives by the things that they say or do. why would trump bring up the country of origin of this man's parents. aren't what your parents do and where they were born, isn't that by definition irrelevant? >> exactly. that is the point that i made in the piece that i wrote. to disqualify somebody based on that it would be inappropriate. it's perfectly legitimate to look at other reasons. you are a litigant, you want a fair trial. you want to win that case. that's true for anyone. it does not matter who the litigant is. whether or not they are a terrorist, child molester, murderer, everyone is entitled to a trial before an impartial judge. to question whether or not donald trump can receive that in this case, i think it's perfectly legitimate. i would have done it differently, i said so in my piece. to question a judge like this, particularly someone who is running for president a year from now, that could be damaging to the judiciary. >> is there evidence that you think that this judge might be unsuited to preside over this trial? >> i don't know. and again it's perfectly legitimate to ask the question, and i think the judge, as every judge should do before every case, to consider all the facts, to consider the publicity about the case, what's being said publicly about the case and make a decision. it's not about being impartial, it's about the appearance of impartiality, i am -- impropriety. that's the standard. >> what do you think with the legal group that the judge appears to be somehow affiliated? what do you think about them? >> i know very little about the group. i don't know whether or not there's a affiliation with the national group which has been very critical of donald trump's immigration policies. there may be a relationship or there may be not a relationship. that's the question. is there an appearance of impropriety. i understand there are very raw emotions about this. i'm angry with anyone who dispara disparages a hispanic judge. i work very hard to get some hispanic judges in the judiciary. >> you can believe in secure borders but have not regard to any parents or country of origin. >> i would have certainly taken a different approach and i think that's particularly true for someone who is running for president of the united states, because, again, whenever you say something, you know, about judges' nationality, i think it demeans the office and it hurts the judiciary as a whole. >> alberto gonzales, great to see you this morning. thank for coming on. >> it's a pleasure. >> democrats use muhammad ali's death to attack. >> up next, father's day, two weeks away, do you still need a gift. clayton to the rescue as always with high tech ideas. don't miss this. you wouldn't order szechuan without checking the spice level. it really opens the passages. waiter. water. so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck. burning of diabetic nerve pain, these feet learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. ask your doctor about lyrica. great time for a shiny floor wax, no? not if you just put the finishing touches on your latest masterpiece. timing's important. comcast business knows that. that's why you can schedule an installation at a time that works for you. even late at night, or on the weekend, if that's what you need. because you have enough to worry about. i did not see that coming. don't deal with disruptions. get better internet installed on your schedule. comcast business. built for business. great time for a shiny floor wax, no? not if you just put the finishing touches on your latest masterpiece. timing's important. comcast business knows that. that's why you can schedule an installation at a time that works for you. even late at night, or on the weekend, if that's what you need. because you have enough to worry about. i did not see that coming. don't deal with disruptions. get better internet installed on your schedule. comcast business. built for business. >> i want to start off by saying -- >> what do you want for father's day? >> if you have terrible wi-fi in your home, which many of us do, and many of us get frustrated by terrible. it creates a wi-fi network in your home. testing it down the hall in my office, i had 100 megabytes down. went down the hall, i had zero connectivity. you can create in your home, a mesh network throughout your house, depending on where you have dead zones and it is remarkable. the guys i interviewed the ceo, they are a dangerous how pacts of information are transferred. >> how hard to set up? >> incredibly simple. you download the app from the app store and you are set up in minutes. >> the kids could do it. >> a dad would love that. >> i like this situation. what is this? >> recently at a tech convention. people were swarming around. these scientists created this beer system. they stumbled across it by accident. they'll turn any normal beer, you had your home beer, you pour it into the top of it, and it will turn your beer into a draft tasting beer. it's all science behind it and people lined up to try it. >> so you pull this thing down. >> you pull it down. >> poor a beer into the top and you get beer coming out? >> better tasting beer. >> okay. >> i like that. >> so this is for you, tucker. i know you do a lot of traveling. american company been making bags since the 1970s. finest bags anywhere around to hold all of your gadgets. fits right into these bags. they make fantastic different pockets for your gadgets. they make a whole line -- these are my favorite bags for carrying my devices. >> what if you have three pounds of nicorette and back issues of "the new yorker." >> perfect for you. a whole new line of bags to dads this father's day. i'm a huge fan of these and for the nerdy dad. talking about how 3-d printing technology has taken over. this is a structure sensor. you can put it on an ipad and you can actually take 3-d images. look at this video. i want to show you how this works in practice. >> i love this already. >> you can scan around a room. take 3-d imaging of that room. you can also do -- if you went to a museum and wanted one particular item you wanted to printout, partner with shape ways and you can have it shipped to you. >> unreal. >> you can go to a museum and get the thinker and have a copy made. >> if they let you. you have to do it and get it printed out for your desk at home. >> i see legal issues coming up with that. >> i have friends who have gone to museums in boston and done that. >> and unchartered 4 just came out. limited edition. this was record breaking sales. the new nintendo xl for the parent who likes to play old games like new mario and then finally for dads like us that don't get enough sleep. hello sleep sensor. put it by your bedside and tracks your movements every night in the room. partner it with the app and you get points over the course of a month and see how well you're sleep and how you can improve your sleep. >> which one do you want most? >> all of them. >> i want to take the beer. >> this is great. coming up, a judge delivering early morning justice on the curvy couch. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. to be taken care of. in good hands? like finding new ways home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh... but with added touches you can't get everywhere else, like claim free rewards... or safe driving bonus checks. even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee! in means protection plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. it's good to be in, good hands. good morning. it's sunday, june 5th. it's the countdown to the california primary. two days until primary day and bernie sanders says he will never surrender even if he loses. >> the national convention will be a contested convention. >> and now even the bernie supporters say they have or own plan to create convention chaos for hillary. we have details ahead. donald trump coming under fire from both sides politically for attacking the nationality of the judge in the trump university case. >> everyone in this country is entitled to a fair trial before an impartial judge. to question whether or not donald trump can receive that in this case is perfectly legitimate. >> the big story now, we'll hear what trump said straight ahead. a little boy calls the cops on his own father. >> 911. what's your emergency. >> daddy went past a red light. >> so what did dad have to say once he found out about this? we'll ask him when the two join us live this hour. "fox & friends" hour three starts right now. have you ever called the police on your father? >> no. is that not the cutest thing? >> i think it's horrifying. i think your loyalty out to be to your family above all. >> a few weeks ago this woman in a parking lot was looking over and rear ended me. we went home. i didn't tell my wife. a day later my wife says it's interesting the kids said you got in an accident yesterday. they sold me out. >> to their mom. that's okay. >> we're already in the third hour. we want to get to headlines. the world preparing to say a final good-bye to it the legendary muhammad ali. septic shock killed him at the age of 74. he battled parkinson's disease for 30 years. to a fox news alert, a memphis police officer is killed. the unidentified man shot three people and then drove into 46-year-old officer smith who was trying to lead pedestrians to safety. two victims hospitalized and are in critical condition. a suspect is now in custody but has not been charged. officer smith was an 18-year veteran of the force. leaves behind a fiance and three children. the mayor of memphis saying i'm angry at the unacceptable level of violence in our city and we must not accept this as our norm. a raging brush fire tearing through the suburban hills north of los angeles. it's been fueled by that extreme heat hitting the area. thousands of homes are in danger and mandatory evacuations have been put in place. three water dropping helicopters and more than 500 firefighters have been working to put out that fire. the blaze is believed to have sparked after a truck crashed into a power pole knocking it over. an ex-marine fired for doing his job for doing this on memorial day. >> all of you out there fighting for this country, that's what they think about you all. it's a beauty. happy memorial day you all. >> lowering the flag outside the charlotte, north carolina, time warner cable store to half-staff. the next day he was fired because of his "passion for the flag and political affiliation." he served in afghanistan and says he did it because the flag belongs to everyone. and those of your headlines. rick is outside for a report. rick? >> what's going on with our show? >> not the entirely natural world. >> we made it look like a natural world. we have john deere. we have hammocks. look at the weather maps. talk about what's going on. very nice temperatures across most of the country. look at that. 87 in phoenix. it's 5:00 a.m. you get the idea of what's going on out there. here's where all of the rain is. it's going to be across the east and severe weather this afternoon especially along the i-95 corridor. we've seen a few tornadoes. we've been talking about incredible record flooding across texas. more rain across southeast texas. for the most part things are looking a lot improved and the west is very dry. here's temperatures. 116 in phoenix. cools down tomorrow. 113. that heat has to go somewhere and builds in across the south and in toward the southeast for much of this coming week. get ready. summer is here, guys. summer is here. back to you. >> thanks so much, rick. >> you heard a voice. >> we can't help it. donald trump on last night at the height of this controversy over the judge. what did he say? >> you know, it's interesting. i have known donald for decades. we're friends. i've always been fully open about that. the i think the interview last night -- we touched on a lot of issues. trump university, the judge in that case and other issues that are kind of in the news right now. >> we have a clip of it we should play that. >> i have a judge who is truly unfair. i don't know the judge. he's truly unfair in san diego. >> why did you refer to ethnicity, donald? >> his heritage is -- i want to build a wall. >> do you think you need to dial it back? >> i have to be what i have to be. i have to tell the truth. >> did he see that as a mistake? >> no, not at all. >> does he see anything as a mistake ever? >> he's the kind of guy that says what he thinks and he makes it clear. there's no agenda in terms of you're not going to really know what i'm thinking and i'm going to play you. he was very clear about it. he said -- i happen to agree with him. you have a judge appointed by barack obama. and that in itself is not enough. you also have a judge who released sealed records long before this trial is going to take place. the trial is scheduled to take place after the election. and, you know, every litigant as judge gonzalez says has a right to a fair trial. every litigant has a right to ask a judge to recuse himself or herself. judges are not above the balaw. >> trump's argument -- i support him on most issues -- he's argued that this guy can't be fair because he's hispanic. >> that's not the only thing. it's one of the reasons. he said, look, i want to build a wall. this guy's parents are mexican immigrants. whether or not you can assume the judge isn't going to be fair, i don't know. when you put pieces together, you realize that, look, this guy is in a presidential race. i said in the interview a lot that will be played on "justice" tonight at 9:00, i said why didn't you just settle? why are you allowing them to do this? he said because i'm not wrong here. >> it doesn't matter. >> the election is not about trump university or his irritation with the judge, it's about destruction of middle class and our borders being secured. why is he going off in the weeds? >> he says we can focus on other stuff but he says i'm not going to lose my rights. i'm not going to be in a position where i'm not going to get equal justice because i'm running for president. this is what i believe. and in the interview, i mean, you get a real sense of the man. he's a man who not only believes in what he says but he believes in the american dream and when i was in san jose talking to a lot of the people at that rally, i spoke to people who had spanish accent, chinese, polish, i mean all these different ethnicityie who say we want this man. >> we spoke with albert gonzalez on the show. he said this about donald trump having a right to question this judge. >> to disqualify someone just on that would be inappropriate. it's legitimate to look at other reasons. you are a litigant. you want a fair trial. you want to win that case. that's true for anyone. it does not matter who the litigant is and whether or not they're a terrorist or a child molester, a rapist, a murderer or a racist. everyone in this country is entitled to a fair trial before an impartial judge and so to question whether or not donald trump can receive that in this case, i think it's perfectly legitimate. i would have done it differently. i said so in my piece. to publicly question a judge like this particularly someone running for president, could be president a year from now, i think that could do damage to the judiciary. >> damage to the judiciary. >> i have never been from that school. i have never been -- there were years when no one said anything about judges. they were above the law. and then we started seeing decisions of judges that indicated that they were less than fair. no one is above the law. judges are not above the law. that's why a lot of them run for office. a lot of them are appointed. these judges are accountable. judges are taken off the bench. i'm not saying this judge is good or bad. i don't know. any litigant has a right to say i'm not sure this guy will be fair to me based on x, y and z. he gave that. he didn't say one thing. >> there's a lot of talk being the general election he has to start moving his rhetoric a little bit more that appeals to the middle. tucker has been saying why not focus on the economy and some of these other issues. this makes you wonder. he may not change his rhetoric. he may not change much about what he's been talking about. >> what he says in the interview is i am who i am and that's why people are passionate about him. i think that he's an incredibly smart man. when you think about the fact that the guy never run for mayor and he beats out 17 people with a skeleton campaign. he has 70 people and hillary clinton has 732. you know, i think he kind of knows how to dance. we'll see where it goes. >> speaking of hillary clinton and bernie sanders, neck and neck right now in the california primary two days away and they took yesterday to talk about muhammad ali and turned it into a political fight. watch this. >> one of the great american heroes in modern american history was muhammad ali. a very proud muslim. don't tell us you love muhammad ali and say you'll -- >> it's worth remembering that we live in a country where people can break down barriers, where they can worship their own god, where they can choose their own name and where they can lead and follow their dreams as far as their hard work and talent will take them. >> not even 24 hours since his passing. >> you know what's sad about that is we want to talk about this was inappropriate or that one is inappropriate. muhammad ali, the guy was the greatest. but to use his death as leverage against donald trump shows you who they are. donald trump is a huge boxing fan who was friends with ali and for them to twist it into muslims, all muslims and donald is anti-muslim. donald says until we know what's going on, we have to stop who is coming in and vetting process is not there. >> your show tonight at 9:00 you'll watch the interview with donald trump. >> and a lot of other stuff. >> we'll be tuning in. >> thanks, judge. coming up on the show, bernie sanders refuses to surrender to hillary clinton in california. what does that mean for hillary if she loses the golden state? chris wallace is here next. kelly ripa back in the headlines after that messy split with michael strahan. why some are calling her queen kelly behind the scenes. >> we kick off national fishing and boating week. which bait to use or which fly. we have tips for you to have a really good time. stay tuned to "fox & friends." new bikes aren't selling guys... what are we gonna do? how about we pump more into promotions? ♪ nah. what else? what if we hire more sales reps? ♪ nah. what else? what if we digitize the whole supply chain? so people can customize their bike before they buy it. that worked better than expected. i'll dial it back. yeah, dial it back. just a little. live business, powered by sap. when you run live, you run simple. at the end of the nominating process, no candidate will have enough pledged delegates to call the campaign a victory. the democratic national convention will be a contested convention. >> contested convention. with less than two days until the california primary, bernie sanders says he's not dropping out any time soon. even predicting a contested convention. >> what does it mean for hillary? here to weigh in, chris wallace. if you said they would be neck and neck in california, would you believe it? >> no. i have to say i would have thought she would have put him away by now. i will say i'm not sure -- this is clearly the argument bernie sanders needs to make two days before california and wants to get all of his supporters to the polls so he has to say that it means something in terms of who the eventual nominee will be. let's assume the whole day and not just california goes the way it does and she goes over the top between it the dwrincombina of her pledged delegates and millions of votes, i think the pressure over the course of that next seven weeks is going to be enormous on him to get out and to let her run unimpeded against donald trump. now, look, he's not a loyal democrat. he in fact prior to this campaign was an independent. democratic socialist. wasn't even a member of the democratic party. so that may not work with him. but i got to think there's going to be an awful lot of pressure on him to get out of the race and let it become clinton/trump. >> would you think so. on the other hand, he'll have a lot of delegates. a lot of support. and a lot of potential to wreck the convention in philadelphia. do you have any idea what he's going to ask in return for an endorsement and calming words to his supporters? >> i don't know in the sense that bernie has told me but it's pretty obvious that in terms of the platform, he's going to ask for some of the things that he cares about in terms of trade and in terms of medicare for all. a variety of the issues. the democratic socialist agenda. now, clinton is going to have to do a balancing act and how much can she give without it hurting her in the general election against donald trump in the fall. let's be honest here. there's a lot of talk at the convention about the platform and the day they leave the convention, the platform is promptly forgotten and never brought up again. i think a few things that may mean a lot to him but won't affect her a lot in the party platform, he's going to have to have a prime time speech. i would think that's going to be about it. i think it's probably all she can afford to do. >> and coming up everyone needs to tune into your show. you have hillary's campaign manager on, newt gingrich and a number of other guests. a great show. we'll tune into that. >> thank you. >> check your local listings. thanks, chris. great to see you. coming up on the show, matt damon gets political during his commencement speech. >> if there are multiple simulations, how come we have to be in the one where donald trump becomes the republican nominee for president. can we transfer to a different one? >> he said that he wouldn't get a pass. the game show legend joins us next. plus, canada, a country north to here, is about to change its national anthem. you won't believe why. the most sensitive nation on earth. ♪ the exact moment you know you love a home, you should be able to get approved to buy it. ♪ every ingredient is the main ingredient. the strawberry poppyseed... romaine, mandarin, pineapple, blueberry, strawberry, strawberry... strawberry... salad with chicken. at panera. food as it should be. about 25 minutes after the hour. quick entertainment headlines to get to. kelly ripa is ruling with an iron fist after being blind-sided by strahan going to "gma." she's been dubbed queen kelly and "the view" is shaking up. michelle collins has been fired as co-host of the show. her hours were cut in january and the show's producers decided not to renew her contract. collins is expected to stay on "the view" through the end of the summer and don't believe the rumors jack black, he's alive. fans freaking out when the tweet went out that i'm sad to announce the death of jack black at the age of 46. rest in peace, brother. it's unclear if the account was hacked. got to love twitter these days. >> that is the voice of chuck here to talk about big stories including matt damon. returned to the campus to deliver the commencement speech but used the moment at the podium to get political. >> if there are multiple simulations, how come we have to be in the one where donald trump becomes the republican nominee to president? can we transfer to a different one. let's say it to the bankers, specifically the ones that brought you the biggest height in history. it was theft and you knew it. it was fraud and you knew it. i don't know if justice is coming for you in this life or the next, if justice does come for you in this life, her name will be elizabeth warren. >> joining us now with reaction is actor, legendary game show host, it's great to see you. >> i'm not an actor. >> if you turn a commencement speech at m.i.t., this impressive school, into an infomercial for elizabeth warren -- >> here's matt damon. one of my favorite actors. i love him as an actor. it's flipped on its head. in the '50s in hollywood, if you spoke against or for communism, you are black balled. but if you speak against communism, you're black balled. so everything is flipped upside down. with matt damon, he's been doing this for years. i actually have a youtube video that i put up maybe four years ago on matt damon about this very subject. if he is so troubled about making so much money, $76 million reported by the way, and paying so little in taxes and so upset with the rich and all this kind of thing and equity, he can go to parkersburg, west virginia, and give them as much money as he wants to. the federal government has a place for him. but they never do that. let me tell you why they don't. they don't do it because it inoculates them against the left. you make too much money. you don't do this right or that right. i'm perfect. i would do this. they never do it. they say i would do this. then they're inoculated. >> you have a new podcast out called blunt force truth. fantastic podcast. one of your most recent episodes you spent dissecting minimum wage and presidential race and $15 an hour proposed minimum wage and you deep dive this. what kind of consequences this would have on the economy. >> most people don't realize it's not a good thing. it's a bad thing. they don't put it in perspective. it's a liberals job to make simple and make it as complex as possible. it's the conservatives job to take the complex and make it as simple as possible. so we try to take these issues like the things that sound really good, knee-jerk reaction, my son is 20 years old. he would love to make $15 an hour. i would love for him to make $15 an hour. it hurts business. business will react in a way like mcdonald's does it right now. wendy's is doing it right now. we'll have someone at the counter to take that person's job. it's cheaper to make it a robot than to pay people and they're 24 hours a day. they don't complain. there's no houstounion. businesses will find their way around it. you have to earn this way in this world. if it cost them 15 bucks an hour and you're a small business and it ruins a business, what good does it do? people don't think that through and don't reason it through. they have a knee-jerk reaction like 15 bucks an hour. great. minimum wage is -- these are people who are starting off. they're not people who have families by in large. it's like the numbers for unemployment. you and i both know these are so screwy. these numbers aren't real. >> totally fake. >> we all, fox included, everybody says well the unemployment number is 4.5. of course it's not. >> we always put a huge asterisk next to it on this show. >> check out his podcast blunt force truth. >> a lot of truth but you can handle it. great to see you. >> thank you very much. coming up next, where is bernie sanders' money come from? we'll have the numbers to break down ahead. we're kicking off national fishing and boating week. do you know which bait to use? we have tips to you to have a really good time. >> just catch it with your hands. >> he's an animal. what super poligrip does for me is it keeps the food out. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. super poligrip is part of my life now. man, it's like pure power at your finger tips. like the power to earn allstate reward points, every time i drive. ...want my number? and cash back for driving safe. and the power to automatically find your car... i see you car! and i got the power to know who's coming and when if i break down. must be gerry. hey... in means getting more from your car insurance with the all-powerful drivewise app. it's good to be in, good hands. know how to pack uber flavor into ultra thin. sargento ultra thin slices, the same taste, just thinner and 45 calories a slice. that's 45 reasons to layer, fold, mix, match, beg, stack, sneak, peek, tease, taunt, like, love. because real cheese people bite with abandon. hold the sacrifice, no compromise. sargento ultra thin slices, we're real cheese people. welcome back. we've gone fishing on the plaza in honor of national fishing and boating week. here with the top gear you need to get on the water. we have tom keenan. great to see you. >> good to see you. >> we're blocking you out here. we're raising the tent a little bit. so take us through some of these gadgets here that you have for us. >> you have to start with a rod and reel. gander mountain makes quite a few. we set it up so easy for you guys to fish with. we'll give this one to the expert. obviously if you're going to pick different gear out there, if you're going to use a spinning rod like this, a lot of people that fish, this gives accuracy and power. they make cool baits and lures now. they build a line like this. doesn't stretch at all. no matter what, zero stretch. and then if you team it up with something like this, that's your jerkbait. it's designed for walleyes, pike. it's designed when you put it in the water you jerk it and it hovers. >> that's cool. >> what about the fish finder? these gps for fish? >> they make some pretty awesome technology. this is one of the greatest things ever made. it's capable of taking a lake master chip. if you put a chip in here, it will download the lake maps. this will allow you to look down and look left and right. if you're going down the lake, look this way and this way 240 feet. >> you can use that in lockness. >> what about inflatable device? >> it a lot of people want to take their life jacket off. this one designed where if you rip this cord, it inflates. once it hits the water after three seconds inflates automatically. >> this is not a joke. people get in deep trouble. you can get pulled under. it will save your life. >> the other thing we promote at gander mountain is long sleeve fishing shirts. a goofy color. but the biggest thing is it's 50 spf to keep the sun off of you. when i fish tournaments, i wear it because skin cancer is serious. >> plus the laidies like it. >> these are not native to midtown. >> tips on how to cast properly. >> i would start with this. it's pretty easy stuff. you open it up like this. and a you can cast it. in and out like that. in a crowd like this i like to cast underhand so i don't hit the people behind me. >> tucker doesn't care. lets it rip through. >> tucker wasn't watching. he got two different people. >> wonderful. >> does anybody have any idea how many fish we caught this morning? >> you're a brave man. >> that's on national tv there. i hope that your parents are recording that because that will haunt you forever. that's awesome. >> check out where can people go to lerp more about everything that gander mountain has to offer? >> we are at stop in any time. >> thank you so much. >> i do all the time. great store. >> god bless you. >> you guys look like such naturals in your suit and ties fishing out there. we want to get to headlines now. we're learning the identity of the ft. hood soldiers killed while out on a training mission in texas. these are the names of eight of the nine deceased soldiers just released. three others were rescued and released from the hospital. an investigation into that accident is ongoing. one soldier had been in the military for just seven months. the ninth soldier's identity is being withheld until family is notified. richard simmons reportedly rushed to the hospital. >> five. six. seven. double touch. side. and side. walk up four. >> we all know simmons, the '80s icon is getting medical help after someone at his hollywood home called 911 concerned about his "bizarre behavior" earlier this year. there were rumors he was being held captive by his housekeeper. he said he was taking a break from being a celebrity. the 9-year-old trump supporter bullied at school for wearing his autographed make america great again hat gets told he can no longer wear it because of safety concerns over the other students' feelings. logan told us his feelings about it moments ago. >> they did not like me wearing the hat. she said that it was against the dress code wearing a hat. i looked in the dress code and it was not against it. >> despite the school's request, logan says he intends to keep wearing the controversial cap even after it was chewed up by his dog. you heard these lyrics before. ♪ o canada >> we all know that anthem. canada is close to changing some of the lyrics to make it gender neutral. the bill will change english lyrics to an all of us command. if it passes, the bill would go to the senate and change could be made official as soon as this summer. and those are some of your headlines. and coming up, where is bernie's money coming from? one you the of every $4 comes from someone out of work. that's not only good for bernie. it's good for someone else, too. we'll explain next. a little boy calls the cops on his own dad. listen to this. >> 911. what's your emergency? >> daddy went past a red light. >> so what did dad say when we found out about this? we'll ask him. the two join us live ahead. ♪ ♪music continues [daughter] papa! [father] i missed you! [daughter]did you bring new ones? [announcer]you work hard for more than just you... [daughter]you went to montana?! [father] i did. [announcer] working together,we'll help you save for her future geology degree. wells fargo. together we'll go far. of many pieces in my i havlife.hma... so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at you asked for headlines. here they are. gender reassignment surgery may soon be covered by you. it would change a long standing ban. decisions to cover surgeries would be made on a case by case basis. they cover hormone replacement therapy and pre-operative and post-surgical care. the new law about to become law. california would allow illegal immigrants to get health care under obamacare. in 2009, president obama said the law would not extend to illegal immigrants. he called a liar during the state of the union speech and that turned out to be true. the largest group of donors backing bernie sanders have one thing in common. one of every $4 donated to his campaign comes from someone out of the workforce. >> that's amazing. it's two days in a row that you are joining us on the curvy couch on a weekend. great to see you. >> thank you for having me. >> this number, 1 out of every $4 comes from someone out of the workforce who is donated to bernie sanders. what do you make of that number? >> for a start, it's a huge number. these people are unemployed, on disability or more likely retired. it's a very large number. now, let's suppose for a moment that bernie is not the nominee. it's hillary. where will that support go? those people have contributed so much and these outsiders contributing so much to bernie, where will that support go? will it go to hillary? i think not. she's mrs. wall street. she's an insider. trump represents -- he gives voice to outsiders on his side of the aisle. i think it could pull in bernie voters. he's offering growth in the economy, jobs in this economy, i think he could -- >> obviously they want something different. donald trump is offering something different. >> they are the nonestablishment candidates. bernie and donald. if you don't get bernie as democratic nominee, where does his support go? you have to think it goes -- a large amount goes to donald trump. >> she promise mors more of the same. if you have unemployed and still giving money to a candidate, you're not messing around. >> hillary would do more of the same that barack obama has done. that's no growth. not many jobs. a declining economy. these people who are outsiders don't want more of that. they want growth. they want jobs and that's what donald trump offers. >> our graphic designers worked hard. this is fascinating. these are percentage of sanders donations by occupations. 28.6% are unemployed. it breaks down from health care at 7%. education occupation, technology, arts and entertainment and construction. >> he's offering free health care and free education. >> but trump is not going to touch social security for retirees. i don't believe he says he'll touch medicare for those people doing that. there's a natural home for bernie sanders supporters to jump ship to donald trump. i don't know the proportions. i'm told a recent poll 17% of bernie voters would go for trump. i don't know the nature of that poll. it would be more than that. >> it tells you if one of the categories is construction, i think most people imagine bernie supporters are starbucks employees or poet writers. >> sarcasm. i mean, who is going to create new construction jobs? hillary or donald trump? who is it? who is going to create manufacturing jobs? is it hillary or is it donald trump? i mean, i do think that bernie sanders' supporters ignore ideology and socialism for a second have a natural home across the hall. >> who has one of the fastest growing shows on cable news? >> thank you for the compliment. we're doing okay. >> your show has exploded. >> you don't get a day off this week. >> don't need it. >> 9:00 a.m. to noon weekdays on fox business network. >> very kind of you. thank you very much. >> it's true. we're just reading the numbers. it's impressive. coming up, two days away from the california primary. the most populated state. bernie sanders says he will not surrender no matter what happens to hillary but she could lose. what happens then? then a little boy calls the cops on his own father. >> 911. what's your emergency? >> daddy went past a red light. >> sold him out. what did dad say when he found out about this. the two of them will join us live next. >> i can't wait. soon. i like the bride more than the groom. turquois dresses... so excited. did all her exes get invited? no one's got moves like uncle joe. ♪ should i stay or should i go? ♪ when it's go, book with choice hotels and get a free $50 gift card for staying just two times. book direct at you always have a choice. >> 911. what's your emergency? >> daddy went past a red light. >> he did? is he home right now? >> yeah. >> can i talk to him. >> yeah. >> your son said you ran a red light. >> oh no. i apologize. >> his little boy ratted him out and called 911. 6 year old calling the cops on his own father. joining us is robby and his dad, michael. nice to see you both on the show this morning. what did you think when you got a call from the police department? >> well, we didn't get a call. he called. he just came outside and said somebody called. it was just shock at first. it's not something you expect. you come home and enjoying a saturday afternoon. >> what happened, robby, when you were in the car, what did your dad do at the red light? >> he was trying to go through the car wash but he stopped and took a turn. >> you thought he ran through a red light. you decided to get on the phone to call 911? >> uh-huh. >> michael, you didn't really run the red light. did have you to explain to police officers what actually happened? >> no. they didn't ask. >> they didn't ask? >> when the officer called, he said, when robby called he got on the phone and said he said you ran a red light. i laughed and apologized. >> did you think it was funny? >> i did out of shock, you know. i didn't expect him to do that. >> you stopped at the red light and turned right and you had to explain to your son later that it's okay to do that? >> at some intersections. i told him that if there's a sign that i was at there's not a sign that says no turn on red. >> robby, i know that you may have a new fascination with television this morning looking into the camera having fun, i also know that you like police officers, right? you want to be a police officer when you grow up? >> yeah. >> so were you excited to get on the phone with them and have a conversation with them after your dad ran the red light? >> yeah. >> when did his fascination with police start? >> maybe about a year ago. year and a half ago. >> what does the rest of the family think about this? >> everybody got a big kick out of it. ten minutes of laughter at our expense, you know. >> boston could use some humor, right? >> yep. >> guys, thanks so much for joining us this morning. we appreciate it. >> all right. thanks for having us. >> thanks. >> coming up here on the show, the world is remembering muhammad ali. lennox lewis said ali inspired him to pursue his dreams. whose message to voters want to hear? frank luntz is here and will break it all down. we asked a group of young people when they thought they should start saving for retirement. then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. this gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us aren't prepared for retirement. just start as early as you can. it's going to pay off in the future. if we all start saving a little more today, we'll all be better prepared tomorrow. prudential. bring your challenges. ...of fixodent plus adhesives. they help your denture hold strong more like natural teeth. and you can eat even tough food. fixodent. strong more like natural teeth. fixodent and forget it. good morning. it's sunday, june 5th. it's the countdown to the california primary. two days until primary day and bernie sanders says he will never surrender even if he loses. >> the democratic national convention will be a contested convention. and now even bernie supporters say they have their own plan to create convention chaos for hillary. a live report from california in just a few moments. >> and then donald trump has a theory on why some voters still support hillary clinton. here it is. >> it's almost out of habit. why keep eating popcorn when it doesn't taste good? it's a habit. and the same thing with her. she's a habit. you know what? it's time now -- i think people are fed up with hillaries of the world. >> can voters break the hillary habit and go cold turkey? will they gain weight if they do? frank luntz live with the answers this hour. hungry for hpopcorn. a ship with hundreds of passengers onboard crashes into the docks. [ bleep ]. >> good thing no one was sitting on the dock. why the company says that ship was forced off course and how the passengers are doing this morning. "fox & friends" hour four starts right now. ♪ >> wow. not looking at the wilds of manhattan. it's midtown manhattan but we have a pool full of fish. >> is this the first? >> in order to pay extra bills here, we've gone into tilapia farming. just kidding. it's national fishing and boating month and of course we're celebrating on the plaza. people are catching fish out there and building the backyards of their dreams. >> incredible. we have some sod and planters and raised beds. we'll show you how to make a great looking backyard. >> nice out there. not the same old sod but actual sod. >> and also abby huntsman. >> i almost hooked someone with my fishing pole. i'm not sure i'm going to be invited back. >> i'm sure it's okay. nypd is looking for you. countdown to california, hillary clinton and bernie sanders battle for voters ahead of the primary. >> this as sanders vows to continue his fight with a contested convention. >> good morning, mike. >> tucker, abby, clayton, good morning to you. nightmare scenario for democratic party leadership. he says there will be a contested convention in philadelphia and calling on the media to let tuesday night's primary play out. >> the other thing that bothers me, i have to say about that, is somebody who believes in doing everything possible to bring people into the political process, you make that announcement, bosses make that announcement, 8:00 new jersey time, eastern standard time, it will have an impact on voter turnout here in california. >> there are no signs of support for sanders fading. his rally in olympic plaza in los angeles last night drew an estimated 13,500 people. sanders is encouraged about voter registration in california being up 17.9 million hoping that's a sign people want to vote for him. sanders said "hillary clinton is only 1.5 percentage points ahead of donald trump in some polls." hillary clinton will visit churches this morning. her campaign said she rallied 1,500 supporters last night in fresno. clinton notes the historic nature of her campaign. >> we've never had a woman president. that's why i want you to understand that i have spent eight years in the senate on the armed services committee. four years as secretary of state. i have spent a lot of hours in the situation room working to solve some of the hardest problems we face. >> something worth watching in the final hours before tuesday night's primaries, both hillary clinton and bernie sanders are working for latino support. obviously a huge factor here in california. back to you guys in new york. >> all right. bright and early in santa monica. this is getting intense. do you think bernie sanders will go to philadelphia democratic convention and say just tweak the platform and i'll be satisfied? he'll say i want elizabeth warren to be your running mate. what happens then? >> chris wallace was on early. what about the seven weeks in between? everything is wrapped up on tuesday presumably in california, new jersey and other places. there's a lot of time in between and pressure hoisted on him to try to union itte the party and he hold strong and not do that? >> the poll in california, only two points apart. we're talking about hillary clinton already has this thing in the bag. it's pretty clear there's a huge chunk in the democratic party. they are just not sold yet. reports that maybe 20,000 protesters will show up at this convention in philadelphia. i went to school in philadelphia. i was born in philadelphia. this is not going to end nicely. >> it's not because bernie sanders is not running a political campaign. he's running a moral crusade. they're not joking. why would you send money to bernie when it's clear he can't be the nominee. there's one reason. you believe in bernie sanders and not hillary clinton. this will not end until she gives him what he wants. >> interesting segment with stu breaking down the money given to bernie sanders. remarkable that many of those people, 28% of them, are unemployed who are donated money. >> they don't even have jobs and they're giving him money. that's how resonate his message is. i disagree but it doesn't make it any less powerful. this is a real force. she's going to have to deal with this. >> i want to get to this. we played in just a few minutes ago. it's quite hilarious. donald trump talking about hillary clinton being like popcorn. listen to this. >> hillary is incompetent. you know that by just looking at her past record. look at libya. look at what happened with benghazi. look at what happened with so many different things that she's done. everything she's done. >> why do people support her? >> it's almost out of habit if you ask me. almost out of habit. it's like why do you keep eating popcorn when it doesn't taste good? it's like a habit. boom. boom. and the same thing with her. she's a habit. you know what? it's time now -- i think people are fed up with hillaries of the world. >> that's in response to a week of attacks from hillary clinton toward donald trump. >> for one, i like popcorn. >> it's delicious. >> there are healthy versions of popcorn. is it really a bad habit if you can find popcorn that's good for you? >> what he's saying is if you're chain smoking newports, you have to stop. you have to break the habit. >> and judge janine asked him, will you change? he said i'm not going to apol y apologi apologize. i'll hold firm. we asked former attorney general alberto gonzalez under george w. bush about this issue and whether or not it was right to go after this judge this way. here's what he had to say. >> to try to disqualify someone totally on that would be inappropriate. it's legitimate to look at other reasons. you are a litigant. you want a fair trial and want to win that case. that's true for anyone. it should not matter. it does not matter who the litigant is and whether or not they're a terrorist or a child molester, a rapist, a murderer or racist. everyone in this country is entitled to a fair trial before an impartial judge. to question whether or not donald trump can receive that in this case, i think it's perfectly legitimate. i would have done it differently. i said so in my piece. to publicly question a judge like this, particularly someone running for president, could be president a year from now, that could do damage to the judiciary. >> that's all true. who would argue with that? everyone has a right to say what he thinks about the judge in this case. >> why is he making this an issue? >> we talked about in in the commercial break. i'm supportive of the issues that trump is behind. he has the greatest campaign theme ever. the economy stacked against you, borders are porous, that's a disaster. why not run on that? why talk about trump university? ignore it. why talk about yourself at all? talk about the hurting middle class and you win. >> i'm not sure we would talk about this lawsuit right now if he did not bring this up. why not talk about the economy? the issues that voters care about the most. we're getting to general election. he has to figure out how to move into that. >> we saw terrible jobs numbers this week. terrible jobs numbers this week. he could have been talking about that. you'll see more tonight at 9:00 p.m. judge says, look, saying what's politically correct, that's who he is. listen. >> but what he's saying is i'm not going to lose my rights. i'm not going to be in a position where i'm not going to get equal justice because i am running for president. this is what i believe. in the interview, you get a real sense of the man. he's a man who not only believes in what he says but he believes in the american dream and when i was in san jose talking to a lot of the people at that rally, i spoke to people who had spanish accent, chinese, polish. i mean, there were all these different ethnicities who said we want this man. it was stunning. >> he can win those voters. you have to talk about those voters and their concerns. talk about immigration. everyone is afraid to talk about immigration. be the guy brave enough to do it. it worked so far. >> he can be himself and do that. >> we want to get to headlines this morning. the world preparing to say a final good-bye to legendary muhammad ali. septic shock killed the three-time world boxing champion at age 74 on friday night. batt for more than 30 years. ali will be played to rest in his hometown of louisville, kentucky, on friday and eulogies will be given by bill clinton, billy crystal and bryant gumbel. police say an unidentified man shot three people and then drove into 46-year-old officer smith who was trying to lead pedestrians to safety. two victims in critical condition. the suspect is now in custody but has not been charged. officer smith was an 18-year veteran of the force leaving behind a fiance and three children. the mayor of memphis releasing this statement saying i'm angry at the unacceptable level of violence in our city. we must not accept this as our norm. brace yourself for impact this cruise ship is coming in. >> brace yourself. >> that does not look fun. that cruise ship slamming into the docks in alaska causing more than $3 million in damage. the cruise line says strong winds and waves caused the crash. thankfully no one was hurt. another reason why i have no desire to take a cruise any time soon. >> water looked calm there. >> i thought you would want to go on a cruise. that's kind of exciting. >> we're here. take out the dock. >> rick is sitting on the dock of the bay. >> can we have this be a permanent fixture. >> yeah in the weather center. >> this would be "fox & friends" hammock. keep it here all the time. >> i like that idea. >> that's your best angle by the way. >> as i was doing this, i'm, like, this isn't going to look good but it will feel good. let's talk weather, guys. take a look at the maps and show you what is going on this morning. we've got severe weather across parts of the east coast today. in fact, we don't see this too often along i-95 corridor from around raleigh up toward justice around the new york city area where we have chance to see even a few tornadoes today. definitely some very strong winds as a line of very strong storms is going to move through. watch how the storms time out. it's another warm, humid day. it's probably around 5:00 we start to see storms go through the d.c. area into philadelphia and new york and eventually exiting out through boston. we're also watching the tropics. talking about this for a couple of days. we'll see a storm that will develop. 90% chance this becomes a tropical storm collin and impacts florida as early as tomorrow morning bringing rain and in some cases maybe 4 to 6 inches of rain causing flooding. all right, guys. back to you inside. >> thanks a million, rick. >> we'll leave you on that hammock. remember how the state department admitted to deliberately editing this briefing video to cut out our james rosen. turns out it wasn't the only time. they did it again. are cheerleaders more attractive in a group? wait until you hear how much the government spends to answer that question. >> you don't need to spend money. just ask us. ♪ i try hard to get a great shape. this... i can do easily. benefiber® healthy shape helps curb cravings. it's a clear, taste-free daily supplement... ...that's clinically proven to help keep me fuller longer. benefiber® healthy shape. this, i can do. find us in the fiber aisle. to be taken care of. in good hands? like finding new ways home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh... but with added touches you can't get everywhere else, like claim free rewards... or safe driving bonus checks. even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee! in means protection plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. it's good to be in, good hands. >> that response never made it into the official transcript. the omission first reported by abc news was said to be left out because it was inaudible. you can clearly hear it in that video. >> all this comes on the heels in discovery that state department official ordered exchange between james rosen and then spokeswoman general psaki to be deleted. a florida congressman is demanding answers and joins us now. good to see you this morning. the first exchange, the deletion of james rosen's question raised the obvious specter of a pattern. do you suspect this happened on multiple occasions over at the state department and how to you plan to find out for sure? >> i do. before this thing started with iran said iran would be the obamacare of the second term. that's true in more ways than one. obamacare was sold to the american people on a number of deceptions and this iran deal is rooted in a pattern of deception by this administration. we clearly know they edited this. when they claim it was a glitch, that's factually false. it was clearly edited out when james rosen asked that question and now they say we just don't know who ordered it. it's just a big mystery. we'll get to the bottom of it. they need to produce people involved. either they are now covering it up or they are so incompetent they can't piece something as simple as this together a couple years after it happened. >> this comes from administration and president obama that ran eight years ago on transparency and wanting to be something different than we've seen in the past. we had the state department spokesman on "fox & friends" on thursday tipping james rosen for tipping them off about editing the footage. look at this. >> i want to thank james rosen. your correspondent, to bringing this to my attention. if he hadn't a couple weeks ago, i would never have known. we took it seriously and we talked to the technician on duty that day and asked to make this cut. the call that came into her was a call from somebody else passing on a request from another official. that's why it's two removed. >> this comes as jen psaki gave out a statement saying she had no knowledge nor approved of any form of editing or cutting of the briefing transcript on any subject while at the state department. what's your reaction to their responses? >> when this came to light, they said it was a glitch in the system although if you look at it, that's the example when there's a white flash of something being edited out. they tried to get away with saying it's a glitch in the system. a huge coincidence if that was the case. that's not the case. only when it was clear that the position was untenable, we don't know who asked for it, it's a mystery. when that's not something that the american people are going to buy for a second. >> did you do this or didn't you? they haven't answered yet. hope congress can. good to see you. >> let's say you don't want to vote for hillary or trump or bernie. frank luntz says it will be about none of the above voters. who they are and what they might do. that's next. with usaa is awesome. homeowners insurance life insurance automobile insurance i spent 20 years active duty they still refer to me as "gunnery sergeant" when i call being a usaa member because of my service in the military to pass that on to my kids something that makes me happy my name is roger zapata and i'm a usaa member for life. usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. spending the day with my niece. that make me smile. i don't use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well fitting dentures let in food particles. just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in, it's about keeping the food particles out. try super poligrip free. the call just came in. she's about to arrive. and with her, a flood of potential patients. a deluge of digital records. x-rays, mris. all on account...of penelope. but with the help of at&t, and a network that scales up and down on-demand, this hospital can be ready. giving them the agility to be flexible & reliable. because no one knows & like at&t. now it's war, they band i want them dead!lves. the fleas and ticks? 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frank luntz joins us this morning for a clearer view of what's happening in america. great to see you. what does this mean? >> it means that this really is a dead heat and these conventions are going to matter and the debates are going to matter. people thought it would be a blowout. a run away election. that's not the case. i don't know if you can show behind me, i would love if you can put up for viewers that view of hillary clinton speaking because it's one of her greatest challenges and one of the reasons why donald trump has gained ten points in the last 30 days. watch her eyes. she's incapable of delivering an authentic straight to the voters presentation. she's been in politics for 25 years, for a quarter century. she still has to use a teleprompter. not that one because that one is where she's delivering straight to the voters. so often her prepared speeches are not authentic and they don't connect to people. it's one of the reasons why bernie sanders is doing so well in california. >> so you make a really smart point which is they're neck and neck. that's not even close to where most people predicted we would be at this moment. they said if trump gets the nomination, it's over. no one will vote for him. is he doing better than expected because she's weaker than expected or he's better than expected? >> he's doing stronger than expected. i want to remind viewers that what matters is not the popular vote. it's the key states. it's florida. ohio. virginia. north carolina. new hampshire. iowa. colorado. even nevada. in most of these states hillary clinton does have a 1% to 4% lead. he still is behind. this is now truly a battle that anybody can win and in a single day or two with speeches coming from both sides, this dynamic can switch. >> so not everybody is sold on trump or hillary. that's especially true on the democratic side where over 40% of her party is not on her side. there will be some people who won't support either candidate. what happens to them and do they have a meaningful role in the election? >> the most important voters. we heard about soccer moms and nascar dads and we've heard it's the economy stupid. for 2016, it's going to be none of the above. it's the lead editorial in "the los angeles times" today so viewers can take a look at it. 11% of the electorate. they should lean toward hillary clinton. two-thirds of women and a large percentage of under age 40. they should be with donald trump because they voted for mitt romney over barack obama by a narrow margin and feel better about the republican party than most voters. they are none of the above. negative toward both trump and clinton. these people say they absolutely will vote but they do not want to vote for any of these candidates. the reason why, number one issue, honesty, integrity, trustworthiness and they are challenged by both of these candidates. right now nobody has the advantage with them. >> interesting. i wonder if that will change in the next five months. frank luntz, great to see you. thanks for coming on. >> tucker, thank you. the world remembers muhammad ali. and then obama care for illegals. president obama promised us repeatedly that would never happen but it's about to happen in one state and of course taxpayers are paying for it. we'll bring you details. want to make your neighbors green with envy? we'll show you how to turn your lawn into the yard of your greens. a garden of eden complete with a tree of knowledge of good and evil. stay tuned. constipated? trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax, designed for dependable relief >> just a kid. >> so the dangerous zika virus we've been talking about is scaring away its first olympian. american cyclist has pulled his name from consideration competing in the summer games. he says his wife is pregnant and he fears for his health and for his child. zika can cause deformity of a baby in the womb. the cheerleader effect. why more people are more beautiful in groups. it may sound like a frat movie but two researchers were given $1 million of your taxpayer money to study just that. the results having a few wing men or wing women may be a good dating strategy. one of the authors joked some of us need all of the help we can get. liberals are catering to illegal aliens using your tax dollars. a new bill about to become law in california that would allow illegals to sign up for obamacare under the federal exchange. back in 2009, president obama said it would not extend to illegal immigrants. kelly ripa is making sure she's not left in the dark again on any further big decisions dubbing her queen kelly. those are your headlines. >> don't want that title. not a queen or a king, rick. >> rick is outside. good to see you. >> some other kind of title i'm sure is fitting. we're having a garden party. that's the latest thing. nice out here. nice to see you. >> nice to see you as well. >> enjoying lemonade? i just made it for you. let's talk weather. as you wake up in arizona, get ready for this. it's going to be incredibly hot again. yesterday hit 115 in phoenix. that's the earliest in the year it's ever hit 115. you don't like to see that. i lived in phoenix for six years. when you get these kind of temperatures, it's just going to be a long summer. hot again tomorrow. cools down a little bit this week. down toward 107 by middle part of the week. we're watching tropics. you see that blob there across western caribbean right around the yucatan peninsula of mexico. it will pull up toward the north and 90% chance it will develop into a tropical system. sometime maybe tonight or tomorrow and impact areas of florida bringing rain. one last story, severe weather as a front moves through. get ready for a lot of wind and potentially a tornado or two. we'll watch that throughout the afternoon. clayton, send it over to you. >> thanks so much, rick. the world this morning is mourning the loss of the man known as the greatest. muhammad ali. lennox lewis called him his hero. ali inspired him to chase his dreams in and out of the ring. lennox lewis joins us now. great to see you. welcome to the show. >> thank you. >> your thoughts. obviously we've been getting different stories about the champ and how he touched so many people. how did he touch you? >> you know, he touched me many times and i guess the first time was when you go to school and the teacher says can you write down your heroes? and i right down muhammad ali. and when he passed, that's what i thought about. he was my first hero. and the first person that -- that's who i want to be like and who i look up to and i admire this man and he speaks so well and says what he's going to do and he's such a great boxer in the ring. moves like a butterfly, stings like a bee and he's loved by so many people and everybody knows him around the world and everywhere he goes, he's always talking and always happy and always puts smiles on people's faces. i thought that was great. >> when you became the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world what did he say to you? something that changed your life and stayed with you forever. >> yes. he whispered over to me, i used to be the best. now you're the best. and from the greatest muhammad ali is basically flattening when he says something like that. i couldn't believe it. i said to him back, you're still the greatest, muhammad. i don't think he should ever give that title away. >> he likely won't. i want to talk about the boxing aspect. for you, watching him growing up, studying him. what did his skill in the ring mean to you as you were a young man growing up and studying and learning boxing? >> his skill was big to me. his mothto was float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. you can dance around the ring and try not to get hit and make sure you hit your opponent. i guess every boxer would think about that. float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. you get into a fight on the street or in the schoolyard. the kids are pretending their muhammad ali moving around doing the shuffle and throwing punches and that quick jab and showing how fast the jab is. fast as lightning, you know. i used to say about my punches, it's lightning and this is thunder. it all came from muhammad ali. you know, he's a remarkable man. i used to love watching him on tape and seeing all of the antics he used to do to the talk hosts and how they would feel. he would make jokes. even if his later age, he was always playing tricks. he would talk with his eyes. the world has to remember he's had parkinson's and lived with it for over 30 years. so that's a great burden to carry around for 30 years. and once being muhammad ali. >> great lennox lewis, former heavyweight champion who leaned over who said i was the greatest and now you're the greatest. thanks for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> the va has enough trouble taking care of our vets and now they want to pay for transgender surgery. wait until you hear this story. look out, hillary, tens of thousands of bernie supporters have plan to embarrass her at the democratic convention. maria bartiromo is here with details. first, she's riding a tractor. before i had the shooting, burning, pins-and-needles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet played shortstop in high school, learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain, from moderate to even severe diabetic nerve pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. and these feet would like to keep the beat going. ask your doctor about lyrica. ♪ ♪ (charge music) you wouldn't hire an organist without hearing them first. charge! so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck. a♪ should i stay or should i go? travel season fo♪ nothing. this summer at choice hotels the more you go the better. now get a free $50 gift card for staying just 2 times. so go. book now at you always have a choice. . bernie sanders says he's not dropping out any time soon and says there will be a contested convention when democrats meet in philadelphia next month as hoards of supporters vow to wreak havoc and humiliate hillary at their convention. >> here to react is maria bartiromo. her show starts in 15 minutes here on the news channel. nice to see you. >> good morning. >> what do you think about this? >> this is going to be unbelievable. two weeks ago it was harry reid that said bernie sanders is going to be tested and this is going to be a test of his leadership. and that's really what it comes down to. what will bernie sanders say to his supporters who are promising chaos at the convention? >> 20,000 protesters potentially. >> we just had on last week the head of the unions for the nurses union and they said to me, look, we're not just going to create havoc outside. we're going to do it inside. some of us are superdelegates and we'll be in there. i said to her, what does that mean? she says whatever it takes to be heard and make sure democratic national committee understands that there is nothing believable about hillary clinton having 400 delegates even before the first vote is cast. >> they need to pay bernie sanders off and give him what he wants. he won't call off the dogs. let's say he says to hillary you need to pick elizabeth warren as your runningma ning mate. they won't give money to an elizabeth warren ticket. >> let's look at what he's done to the party and how she's already moved. she was for the transpacific partnership. now she's against it. she's already changed her policies as a result of this push from the left. the party, you know, is much different than it was pre-barack obama. because of barack obama, elizabeth warren, bernie sanders, the democratic party is much more left than it ever has been. hillary is there. >> we have seven weeks. could bernie in that amount of time call off the dogs and then will they fall in line or thank you for wanting to unite the party. we'll show up and wreak havoc. >> i think they show up and it's all about tuesday. in bernie sanders wins california, all bets are off. there's nothing to say that he won't feel even more empowered and stronger than ever to actually say, look, my ideas are resonating. it's crazy that she's the presumptive nominee. you cannot say that knowing that i just won california. i think tuesday is so critical in terms of what happens in the following several weeks ahead of the convention. >> there may be an opening for donald trump to say i have something that you supporters of bernie sanders might want. you know what hillary clinton has to offer. i am different. i'm an outsider. i'll change things in washington. >> no doubt that if hillary is not on the ticket, not the nominee, many of those supporters for clinton could go to trump. trump is a real disrupter here. we'll talk about this coming up in the show. paul ryan came around last week and endorsed trump and we'll talk about where common ground is and where are they in terms of the economy? horrible numbers on the jobs report on friday. 38,000 new jobs created. >> is hillary clinton running on an extension of obama policy? >> she wants to support dodd-frank and wants larger government. we know those policies have not worked as it relates to economic growth and job creation. we just saw terrible numbers on friday. we'll talk about that and about where the common ground is on the economy. is it tax reform? does he think tax reform happens in year one of a new president? is it trade? are they changing some positions. platform for donald trump we know is trade and immigration. we know that it's against many of the tennants that ball ryan has talked about and ceo of american airlines with the mess at the tsa and now a lot of people try to go to europe over the summertime. that's not happening. people are afraid of terrorism. >> a shame. 12 minutes your show starts. >> great show every single sunday. >> thank you so much. coming up, a former marine lowers the american flag on memorial day and gets fired for doing it. you'll hear from him next. want to make your neighbors green with envy in we'll show you how to turn your lawn into the yard of your dreams. outdoor oasis is coming up next. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at >> we're ut here on the lawn. >> 70% of americans say their lawn can use improvement and 30% say they don't know how to grow a lawn. this country needs help. thankfully, here to help us is missy hendrickson with the lawn doctors. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. this is important information. this is summertime. >> this is not astroturf. >> it is. >> what do we need to do to have a healthy lawn? >> people think you just need to mow it. you need aeration because the soil gets compacted so the nutrients can get in there. >> that's punching holes in it. >> that's right. we have a tractor you're enjoying. if you have a large lawn, this is what you want, some kind of a tractor to save you some steps. it has an aerator on the back of it. if you have a small lawn, this will get the same aeration into the lawn. >> obviously, small children want to get out of the way. >> we have a lot of safety we want to follow when it comes to this. >> very easy to use. >> they have this lawn mower. once your soil is nice and healt healthy, you need to make sure your grass is healthy. if you're in the warmer grasses -- >> you always think longer grass, you don't want that. >> this is actually a battery-operated lawn mower, one you can plug in. lots of different types of options. >> this battery operation you can get different extenders. you can go for much longer with the extra charges that go in there. almost limitless. >> they do with the weed whackers as well. >> that's what it's really all about, is enjoying your outdoor landscape. >> let's go to the garden. >> once you have your grass looking nice and healthy, it's time to give you pop. who has a green thumb among you. who are the gardeners. >> you can all give it a try if you'd like to. >> we have some petunas. you can put gloves on. >> you gave me the dinky gloves. >> you want to look at a couple different things. >> they look very nice on you. >> what's key to planting these properly. >> it really begins before you bring your flowers home. you want to select the right plant for your location. you have to understand if you have sun or shade within your lawn, and you want to make sure you're planting them because they're nice and fresh. >> the other thing we have going on here, we have the plants positioned in the triangle pattern. people put them in a nice, straight row. it doesn't give you aesthetics so put them in threes. >> as you're planting your flower bed, you want to allow growth. >> you have to take plastic -- >> you're the best. thank you. >> that's why we live in the city. poor mouth breather. allergies? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas Election HQ 20160721 05:00:00

donald trump's vp pick takes the stage. >> hello, everyone. it is 1:00 a.m. in the east, 10:00 p.m. pacific and 11:00 mountain. no one ever says mountain time. and there's no endorsement from senator ted cruz tonight. and for that, he was booed by the delegates. >> stand and speak and vote your conscien conscience. vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedoms and to be faithful to the constitution. >> well, he forgot to mention donald trump in that. later donald trump appeared with indiana governor mike pence, and governor pence gave an impassioned defense of the billionaire businessman. >> you have nominated a man for president who never quits, who never backs down. a fighter, a winner, until now he's had to do it all by himself against all odds. but this week, with this united party he's got back up and on november 8th, i know we will elect donald trump. >> you'll hear all about the governor's remarks later on in the hour. but first, let's bring in james rosen for more on day three of the republican convention. james, it was a cruz intrigue, the trump family, and the debut of mike pence. >> reporter: reporters of our generation have been told for decades you're never going to cover an exciting convention like the conventions of decades past. that's all out the window with this one. it was another raucous evening and laid bare the divisions within the party. but the hall gave a tremendous reception to the republican vice presidential nominee mike pence. he received thunderous applause, when he declared that trump would bring huge change to washington. pence delivered a single stinging jab at the presumptive democratic nominee. >> you know, hillary clinton wants a better title, and i would too if i was the secretary of the status quo. americans can elect someone who personifies the failed establishment in washington, d.c., or we can choose a leader who will fight every day to make america great again. >> reporter: much suspense surrounded the speech of ted cruz, the runner-up in delegates said to be eyeing a 2020 run for the presidency. it was unclear if cruz would keep his pledge to endorse the republican nominee. in the end, cruz congratulated trump but did not endorse him and his speech ended amid some loud booing. >> we will unite the party. we will unite the country by standing together for shared values, by standing for liberty. god bless each and every one of you, and god bless the united states of america. [ crowd booing ] >> reporter: rough stuff. before midnight, donald trump tweeted, wow, ted cruz got booed off the stage, didn't honor the pledge. i saw his speech two hours early but let him speak any way. no big deal. we did see some brief scuffling between trump and cruz delegates, and tomorrow night, donald trump addresses the delegates to formally accept the nomination. >> we will be analyzing everything that happened earlier this evening, as well as previewing what mr. trump will say tomorrow night. >> stay here for every minute of that next three hours. we saw a wide range of speakers at the convention tonight, and here's some of the other highlights. >> this election is not actually about donald trump or hillary clinton. in fact, it's not the election about you or me. this election is about the very survival of the american dream. >> americans face a very important decision. do we want someone who is brutally honest or dishonest? >> vote for the candidate you know who is running for the right reason. vote for the candidate who has never been a politician. >> america deserves better than hillary clinton! and that, ladies and gentlemen, is why we need to support donald trump and mike pence to be the next president and vice president of the united states. >> we can make america safe again. we can make america work again. we can make america first again. and together, we can make america great again for all americans. >> joining us now from cleveland is ashley daniel bell, the ceo and chairman of 2020 leaders of america. thank you so much for joining us this morning. >> good to be with you, heather. >> what do you see as the high points of the night? we just put together a little bit of a montage of some of the speakers. what do you think was the best? >> what a wild night, heather. this was something that we all -- when you ran to become a delegate, this is the moment you are waiting for. i think a lot of people are reading ted cruz's speech wrong. people did want ted cruz to endorse, because we're so eager to end the primary process and move towards the general election. but i have to give donald trump credit and newt gingrich said it best, the reason that ted cruz -- he didn't have to endorse. donald trump did not make that a prerequisite at the convention, and that speaks to his character, that he wanted all his rivals to be part of this convention with no quid pro quo. so we're all excited that we got that moment behind us and hopefully tomorrow night we turn towards the general and get ready to win. >> what about in reference to what senator ted cruz did do this evening, do you think that will be used against donald trump in any way possibly by democrats, by hillary clinton's campaign? >> no, i think newt gingrich said it best. every american needs to vote their conscience. and if you're a conservative and voting your conscience and you want a constitutional conservative, then your choice is clear. governor pence said it best. she's the secretary of the status quo. if you want change and republicans want nothing more than to see a change in the white house, and to win it back. that was a unifying factor tonight in the convention. >> i was listening to some of the focus groups that well had on earlier on hannity's show. they said governor pence and donald trump's children have swayed them into donald trump's camp. so they're doing a fantastic job in that area. >> you know, eric did a fantastic job tonight. honestly, i took notes of what he said. he did a fantastic job of laying out why his father is the right man at the right time. america, a lot of times, you know, to give someone the benefit of the doubt, you have to know them. when donald trump says things that are unconventional, people look at it the worst possible way. but i think now people see him for the father, for the husband, for the leader, for the businessman he really is. so hope any today we took that big step forward to understanding who the man is, and tomorrow we can really get a little further deep into it. i say this also, heather. i think we completely defined hillary clinton, as well. people saw a clear contrast. newt gingrich gave a clear contrast, that if you believe in law and order, if you believe -- if you're african-american out there and you've had a run-in with the police and you believe you didn't get the benefit of the doubt, i think everyone wants that courtesy. clinton received a courtesy from the police that no one else gets, and i think she's not going to be able to run from that next week in philadelphia. >> a lot of the convention so far had been a lot of negativity towards just hillary clinton. we heard governor pence get up there tonight, his speech was definitely different in that respect. thank you for joining us. have a great time down there. one more night. >> can't wait to be back with you, heather. >> thank you. and heather, donald trump earned some cheers when he made a surprise entrance on wednesday night. the nominee usually remains secreted until the big speech tomorrow night. but what about all those boos for ted cruz not endorsing trump? >> i appreciate the enthusiasm of the new york delegation. >> that's a way to put a spin on it, the texas senator took the stage in the name of party unity, but you hear what donald trump's son said? he said there was unity, because everyone was booing cruz off the stage. so what does this mean? so john, do you think that cruz sabotage his political future with this nonendorsement tonight or will it blow over in the next four years? >> i think it will blow over. i think that politics is like warfare, only you die a lot but you live after you die. how many people have been written off after an incident but they come back and win. >> but the elephant has a long memory. >> was this about running in 2020? >> totally. he and kasich and rubio are all assuming trump is going to get beaten in november, and they're setting themselves up to say on the day after, i told you so. had you run me, i would have beaten hillary by ten points. you picked the one candidate who couldn't beat hillary. that's all if trump loses. that's their gamble. >> going back to 1976, if you remember that convention, ronald reagan actually did not endorse president ford, if i remember correctly. >> i think he ultimately did. but it didn't matter. the difference is, reagan, in '76, the hearts of the party was with reagan. the head was with ford because he was the incumbent president. here, the heart of the party is not with ted cruz. it's not. it's not sure where it is. this is a very divided, uneasy party. even this convention you can tell. they're not sure where they're at. there are pledged delegates to trump, many of them don't really love trump but they'll vote for him. >> why do you think the trump campaign put him in, and in such a spot that he's a primetime spot, right before eric trump, and a lot of people were watching. did they think that he would endorse him? >> no. listen, two weeks ago when trump went down and had that day in washington where he met with the house and senate republicans, reince priebus arranged for this meeting. priebus, trump, cruz, at a meeting, in which cruz was invited to speak at the convention. they never said to him a pr prerequisite is you have to endorse trump and he didn't do it. >> do you think he should have? >> no. what human being would endorse someone who insults his wife and accuses his father of being in on the assassination of jfk? i'm sorry. at that point, the honorable thing is to not endorse him but maybe not come and speak at all. what is could he have done? >> not come. just don't come. >> someone asked ben carson about that earlier, they said he insulted you, but yet you still came out and supported him. he said it's not about me, it's about the party. >> well, that's great. but ted cruz is probably all about ted cruz. >> i think we actually have our other two panelists available. thank you all for deciding to join us. where you been? >> we were waiting for the studio to clear. we've been working hard all day. >> and we've not been here waiting. i couldn't get in the studio. >> the answer to the question is that john is right. i'm told that there was a deal between cruz and trump, that there would be an endorsement. that the speech was not reviewed by the trump campaign. they assumed cruz would endorse. i think they were as startled as anyone else. and that, plus the failure of donald trump today to endorse the nato obligations to defend the baltics. it was otherwise successful with newt gingrich and eric trump. >> scott walker. >> absolutely. >> and i totally disagree with john. i keep saying, look, he said some rough things about trump. he shouldn't have come, i agree with that. but for him to get up there and -- i think he really hurt himself in the toucher, because the party is trying to come together. that's the feeling after the convention. you're a big boy, you made an agreement. you made a pledge. politicians keep so few of them. but this is -- if you can't play by the rules, then say you can't and stay away. >> pat's right. couldn't have said it better myself. >> the political insiders, the three amigos. >> i don't know what pat is disagreeing with. i said that, pat. >> you said he shouldn't have come. i'm saying he made a pledge. he and bush and others did a pledge, signed it because they were all terrified. it was all about trump not doing it. they're the ones who sat there and made a pledge and walked away from it. you know what? if you feel that way, don't run. if you don't think you can do that, don't run. you can't play in the big leagues, don't do it. >> not mincing any words. >> all to hillary clinton's benefit. >> gentlemen, we thank you. the three amigos. >> they had more to say. they will be back. we will show you indiana governor mike pence, his speech when hee republican nomination tonight. >> when our coverage continues after this break. stay with us. [ salesman ] congrats on the new car. [ woman ] thanks. the dealership reviews on made it easy, but... [ man ] we thought it might be a little more tense. you miss the drama? yeah. [ technician ] ask him whatever you want. okay. ♪ do you think my sister's prettier than me? ♪ [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] research, price, find. only helps you get the right car without all the drama. indiana governor mike pence officially accepted the vice presidential nomination last night. let's listen to his much anticipated speech. >> mr. chairman, delegates, friends and my fellow americans, thank you from the bottom of my heart. i am deeply humbled by your confidence, and on behalf of my family here and gone, i accept your nomination to run and serve as vice president of the united states of america. [ applause ] and let me thank speaker paul ryan for that gracious welcome. paul, you're a true friend and a great american leader. but paul knows me well and he knows the introduction i prefer is just a little bit shorter. i'm a christian, a conservative, and a republican, in that order. [ applause ] you know, i'm new to this campaign, and honestly, i never thought i would be standing here. i thought i would be spend thin this evening with all my friends from the great state of indiana. [ applause ] yet there i was, a few days ago in new york city, with the man who won 37 states, who faced 16 talented opponents, and outlasted every one of them. and along the way, brought millions of new voters into the republican party. [ applause ] you know, he's a man known for a large personality, a colorful style, and lots of charisma. so i guess he was just looking for some balance on the ticket. [ laughter ] well, for those of you who don't know me, which is most of you -- [ laughter ] i grew up on the front row of the american dream. my grandfather emigrated to this country. i was raised in a small town in southern indiana, in a big family with a corn field in the backyard. although we weren't really a political family, the heroes of my youth were president john f. kennedy and the reverend dr. martin luther king, jr. [ applause ] when i was a young, i watched my mom and dad build everything that matters. a family, a business, and a good name. i was raised to believe in hard work, in faith and family. my dad, ed pence, was a combat veteran in korea. [ applause ] dad ran gas stations in our small town and he was a great father. if dad were with us today, i would have a feeling he would enjoy this moment, and probably be pretty surprised. [ laughter ] but it's such a joy to tell you that my mother is here. [ applause ] would you join me in welcoming the light of my life, my mom, nancy. [ cheers and applause ] you know, growing up, i actually started in politics in the other party. until i heard the voice and the ideals of the 40th president, and i signed on for the reagan revolution. [ applause ] but the best thing that ever happened to me, even counting tonight, is that 31 years ago, i married the girl of my dreams, a schoolteacher, an artist. she is everything to me. would you welcome my wonderful wife, karen pence. [ applause ] and regardless of any title i'll ever hold, the most important job i'll ever have is spelled d-a-d. [ applause ] karen and i are blessed to be the parents of the three greatest kids in the world. a writer named charlotte, a college student named audrey, and a second lieutenant in the united states marine corps, michael j. pence! [ applause ] i'm so proud of you guys. now, if you know anything about hoosiers, you know we love to suit up and compete. we play to win. that's why i joined this campaign in a heartbeat. you have nominated a man for president who never quits, who never backs down. a fighter, a winner, until now he's had to do it all by himself against all odds. but this week, with this united party, and on november 8, i know we will elect donald trump to be the 45th president of the united states of america. [ applause ] now, we'll win because we're running on the issues facing this country. and because we're leveling with the american people about the stakes and the choice. you know, the american people are tired of being told, they're tired of being told that this is as good as it gets. they're tired of hearing politicians in both parties that we'll get to that tomorrow while we pile a mountain range of debt on our children and grandchildren. as ronald reagan used to say, they're tired of being told that a little intellectual elite in a far distant capital can plan our lives better for us than we can plan them for ourselves. [ applause ] in the end, this election comes down to just two names on the ballot. so let's resolve here and now that hillary clinton will never become president of the united states of america! [ cheers and applause ] hillary clinton essentially offers a third obama term. and the role is perfect for her. she championed obamacare because years earlier, she had all but invented it. the national debt is nearly doubled in these eight years, and her only answer is to keep borrowing and spending. and like the president, she thinks the path to a growing economy is more taxes, more regulation, and more government. [ crowd booing ] now, they tell us this economy is the best that we can do. [ crowd booing ] it's nowhere near the best that we can do. it's just the best that they can do. [ cheers and applause ] and let me tell you, i know firsthand, it doesn't have to be like this. in my home state of indiana, we prove every day that you can build a growing economy on balanced budgets, low taxes, even while making record investments in education and roads and health care. [ cheers and applause ] you know, indiana is the state that works because conservative principles work every time you put them into practice. [ applause ] [ crowd chanting ] now, today, while the nation suffers under the weight of $19 trillion in a national debt, we in indiana have a $2 billion surplus. the highest credit rating in the nation. even though we've cut taxes every year since i became governor four years ago. [ applause ] we have fewer state employees than when i took office, and businesses large and small and created nearly 150,000 new jobs, and there's more hoosiers going to work than ever before. that's what you can do with common sense republican leadership, and that's exactly what the no-nonsense leadership of donald trump will bring to the white house! [ applause ] you know, donald trump gets it. he's the genuine article. he's a doer in a game usually reserved for talkers. and when donald trump does his talking, he doesn't tiptoe around the thousand new rules of political correctness. he's his own man, distinctly american. and where else would an independent spirit like his find a following that in the land of the free and the home of the brave! [ applause ] the funny thing is -- >> usa! usa! [ crowd chanting "usa" ] >> you know, the funny thing is, the party in power seems helpless to figure out our nominee. the media has the same problem. they keep thinking they've done him in, only to wake up the next morning to find that donald trump is still standing and running stronger than ever before. the man just doesn't quit! [ applause ] he's tough. he perseveres. he's gone about as far as you can go in business, but he's never turned his back on the working men and women who make this country grow. and donald trump will never turn his back on those who serve and protect us at home and abroad. [ applause ] you know, it's been a heartbreaking time for the women and men in our law enforcement community. and in this time of great testing for them, let's let them know here and now, all across this country, we will always stand with those who stand on the thin blue line of law enforcement in america. [ applause ] now, while donald trump was taking my measure as a possible running mate, i did some observing myself. [ laughter ] i've seen the way he deals with people who work for him at every level. and i've seen the way they feel about working for him. now, i'll grant you, he can be a little rough with politicians on the stage, and i'll bet we see that again. [ applause ] but i've seen this good man up close. his utter lack of pretense. his respect for the people who work for him. and his devotion to his family. [ applause ] and if you still doubt what i'm saying, remember, as we say back home, you can't fake good how about his amazing children! aren't they something! [ applause ] these are the true measures of our nominee. chosen by the voters as the right man for these times. this is the outsider, my running mate, who turned a long shot campaign into a movement. over in the other party, you know, if the idea was to present the exact opposite of a political outsider, the exact opposite of an uncalculating truth teller, then on that score, you've got to hand it to the democratic establishment, they outdid themselves this time. [ applause ] i mean, at the very moment when america is crying out for something new and different, the other party has answered with a stale agenda and the most predictable of names, people in both parties are restless for change, ready to break free of old patterns in washington. and democrats are about to anoint someone who represents everything this country is tired of. you know, hillary clinton wants a better title, and i would too if i was already america's secretary of the status quo. [ applause ] you know, the choice couldn't be more clear. americans can elect someone who literally personifies the failed establishment in washington, d.c., or we can choose a leader, who will fight every day to make america great again. it's change versus status quo. and my fellow republicans, when donald trump becomes president of the united states of america, the change will be huge. [ applause ] you know, for years we've had fundamental problems that get talked to death in washington, d.c. but they never get solved and even get worse. we've seen entire stretches of our country written off in bad policies. we've seen relentless mandates from the executive branch. it seems like no aspect of our lives is too small for the present administration to supervise. and no provision of the constitution is too large for them to ignore. [ applause ] meanwhile, we've seen boarders that go unrespected. a military that's been diminished. and promise after ringing promise to our veterans, probably forgotten. and then donald trump came along. and started saying what practically everybody was thinking any way, that our leaders need to be stronger. under donald trump, our deals will be smarter. our soldiers will have what they need and our veterans will have what they earned. we will secure our boarders, protect our nation, and in all this, we will be more serious, and when we do, this nation will start winning again. you know, that's the message that men and women in both parties have been longing to hear. but none of us should think for one second that this will be easy. the outcome of this election depends on us. and how we contend with an incredible onslaught that's coming our way. you know, this won't be america's first glimpse of the clinton machine in action. as bernie sanders can tell you. this time around, she'll have the press doing half her work for her. [ crowd booing ] the good news is, it won't be nearly enough! not against a candidate who has captured the attention of the country the way donald trump has. on issue by issue, he and i will take our case to the voters. pointing out the failures of the obama/clinton agenda and showing a better way. we will win the hearts and minds of the american people can an agenda for a stronger and more prosperous america. [ applause ] now, the establishment in washington, d.c. thinks it's only a narrow range of voters who are giving donald trump a serious look. but i can tell you firsthand, there's a lot of americans out there who feel like democratic politicians have taken them for granted. it's union members who don't want a president who promises to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business. [ applause ] those miners want an american energy policy, and they know that donald trump digs coal! [ applause ] it's african-americans who remember generations of hollow promises about safe streets and better schools, and they know donald trump will fight for equal opportunity and he loves educational choice. [ applause ] and it's hispanic americans, who respect the law, want jobs and opportunities for their families, who know that donald trump will uphold the law and get this economy moving for every american! you know, the party of lincoln was founded on equality of opportunity. and during these difficult days, it will be our party and our agenda that opens the doors for every american to succeed and prosper in this land. [ applause ] you know, in so many ways, the democratic party has abandoned those it used to protect. maybe they've become too entrenched in power. so comfortable that at times they lose patience with the n m normal legislative process. make no mistake about it, hillary clinton has some big ideas along executive action. [ crowd booing ] as this election approaches, every american should know that while we're filling the presidency for the next four years, this election will define the supreme court for the next 40. [ applause ] we all better think very carefully, very carefully about what this means for our constitution and limited government. elect hillary clinton and yo better get used to being subject to unelected judges using unaccountable power to take unconstitutional actions. so let me say, for the sake of the rule of law, for the sake of the sanctity of life, for the sake of our second amendment -- [ applause ] and for the sake of all our other god-given liberties, we must ensure that the next president appointing justices to the supreme court is donald trump. [ applause ] and hillary clinton's record on foreign affairs gets even worse. you know, it was hillary clinton who helped undo all the gains of the troop surge. a staggering failure of judgment that set isis on the loose. it was hillary clinton who instigated the president's disastrous agreement with the radical mullahs in iran. and it was hillary clinton who left americans in harm's way in benghazi, and after four americans fell, said "what difference at this point does it make?" [ crowd booing ] [ crowd chanting "lock her up" ] as the proud father of a united states marine, let me say from my heart, anyone who said that, anyone who did that should be disqualified from ever serving as commander in chief of the armed forces of the united states of america. [ applause ] 7 1/2 years of barack obama and hillary clinton's policies have weakened america's place in the world. terrorist attacks at home and abroad, grim and heartbreaking scenes from france just a few short days ago. and the attempted coup in turkey, all attest to a world spinning apart. history teaches us that weakness arouses evil. hillary clinton and barack obams foreign policy of leading from behind, moving red lines, faing resets with russia and the rise, rule and reign of isis are a testament to this truth of history. we cannot have four more years of apologizing to our enemies and abandoning our friends. america needs to be strong for the world to be safe, and on the world's stage, donald trump will lead from strength. donald trump will rebuild our military and stand with our allies. donald trump will confront radical islamic terrorism at its source and destroy the enemies of our freedom. and if the world knows nothing else, it will know this. america stands with israel. [ cheers and applause ] you know, if you looked at the calendar this morning, you might have noticed. the presidency of barack obama ends exactly six months from today. [ crowd noise ] and this much is certain. this much is certain of the obama years. they're not ending well. this seems to be so many things that divide us. so few great purposes that unite us as they once did. and it is at moments like this, moments when politics fail that i believe we do well to remember what unites us far exceeds anything that sets us apart in america. that we are as we have always been, one nation under god indivisible with liberty and justice for all. should i have the awesome privilege to serve as your vice president, i promise to keep faith with that conviction. to pray daily for a wise and discerning heart, for who is able to govern this great people of yours without it? my fellow americans, i believe we have come to another rendezvous with destiny and i have faith. faith in the boundless capacity of the american people and faith that god can still heal our land. but we have a choice to make. this is another time for choosing. if you want a president who will protect this nation, confront radical islamic terrorism and rid the world of isis, if you want a president who will restore law and order to this country and give law enforcement the support and resources they deserve, if you want a president who will cut taxes, grow our economy and squeeze every nickel out of the federal bureaucracy, if you want a president who will build strong borders and enforce our laws, and if you want a president who will up end the status quo in washington, d.c. and appoint justices to the supreme court, who will uphold the constitution, we have but one choice. and that man is ready. this team is ready. our party is ready. and when we elect donald trump the 45th president of the united states, together we will make america great again. thank you. and god bless you. and god bless the united states of america. >> that's the one we were waiting for. so how did governor pence' big speech go? the vice presidential candidate mike pence for the very first time. how did he do? john, what does he need to do now to define and defend himself? >> well, first of all that speech did a good job for him. in many ways he represents the heart of where the conservatives are and they are the base of the republican party. the party is in a bit of a confusion. trump is a populist, not a conservative. and he is running insurgency and taking over the party. cruz ran as a conservative in what he thought would be a conservative takeover of the party, away from the bushes and all. pence is more along the cruz line philosophically. but the merging of them is good for the party, having a conservative and a populist together is good. what will happen after tomorrow is pence will go out. he will follow a schedule. he'll go campaigning. we are not going to hear much from mike pence from now on. trump is so big that all the attention is on him. >> you made a point. usually the candidates are together. we're not seeing that now. >> we have not seen it and it makes me think that trump really wants the stage more to himself. i think after tomorrow, it will be all donald for four months. he will win or lose this campaign by himself. >> two things that needed to happen. they were hoping governor pence would hope was unifying the party. they also need some of the swing voters, the independent voters to pull them over. did he say anything you think will help with that. >> no. his job is the other way. seal up the base. slump has to slightly tweak himself, starting tomorrow night. he has to make himself a hill less scary. we'll talk that that coming up. >> we will. we'll be right back. ♪ it's here, but it's going by fast. the opportunity of the year is back: the mercedes-benz summer event. get to your dealer today for incredible once-a-season offers, and start firing up those grilles. lease the c300 for $379 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. controversy and contention. day they have of the republican national convention in cleveland. hello, everyone. >> senator ted cruz calling on supporters to vote for conservative values. >> our nation is exceptional because it was built on the five most beautiful and powerful words in the english language. i want to be free. >> senator cruz did not say something in the english language and that was, i endorse donald trump. after that omission, he was roundly booed by those angry delegates. as for the republican nominee, he tweeted wow, ted cruz got booed off the stage, didn't honor the pledge. i saw his speech two hours early but let him speak any way. no big deal. >> after cruz, a strong defense of the businessman. for more on that, i'm joined by the former deputy campaign manager for carly fiorina and the form he rnc spokesperson. thank you for joining us early. >> thanks for having me. >> very early to say the least, right? a lot of excitement though. >> i feel pretty energized. >> so share a little of that with us. the feeling there. what do you think was the best part of the evening? >> i thought mike pence did a good job. his main rivals at this point were proving that he should have been picked over newt gingrich and chris christie. it wasn't a great speech in the traditional sense but it was a really good speech for him. it was self-deprecating which i think balances his humility against trump's bragadocious style. you can't fake good kids. a lot of people say, be good for company but it is so true. and i think that he came off genuine. it was a good introduction to america for mike pence. >> it was a good introduction. for a lot of folks, he made an introduction about. that we saw his mom stand up, his entire family stand up. he talk about his son who is a marine and did a good job of introducing himself to the country and the world. >> absolutely. and i think that was what he needed to do. his job wasn't to win new voters tonight or to win the election for donald trump. his job was to introduce himself to the american public, most of which had never heard his name before this week. >> and some of the, some folks have talked about how the convention so far has been negative. it has been attack hillary clinton one speaker after another. we didn't really hear governor pence do that in his speech this evening. >> i think that's right, although he has certainly done it on the trail. i think he has shown that he's capable. it is the traditional role of the vice president. one that i think he will do well. tonight he needed to introduce himself. he needed to make a positive message about who mike pence is. >> all right. we'll find out more about him on the campaign trail which will begin shortly. thank you so much for joining us. >> you bet. >> the republican convention so far has become a real family affair. last night donald trump's son eric, it was his turn to take stage after appearances by melania, donald jr. and tiffany. here in its entirety is eric's address. >> good evening. wow! it is such an honor to be here for a man i love so, so, so, so much. that's my father. 13 months ago, my father sat my family down and told us the time had come. he could no locker sit idly by ask watch our beloved country. the country that has given our family so much success, so much opportunity, crumble before our very eyes. he confirmed to us that he was prepared to announce his candidacy for president of the united states. he made sure to acknowledge that ours would not be an easy path. that we should prepare ourselves for what was to come. that we quickly learn who our true friends were. without hesitation, we've committed our own wavering support but this time, none of us could have predict what lay ahead. the records he would break, the stadiums he would fill, the movement he would start. today my father stands before you with the most primary votes of any republican candidate in the history of our nation. he shattered voter registration records across the country. he has defied the predictions of every single political pundit in current traditional debates into must-see tv. he has inspired multiple generations including my own, like millennials like myself, that they no longer even consider public service to be a noble career. a year ago my father was a businessman. but like many americans, he could simply no longer stand to see what was happening to our great country. co-no longer stand to see special interest dollars dictate an incompetent foreign policy that puts foreign countries before our very own. he could no longer tolerate an inept administration that considers giving $150 billion to ir iran. he can no longer bear witness to our continued second amendment attacks. he could no longer stand to see the words christmas stripped from public use or the pledge of allegiance removes from our schools to be politically correct. so my father made the decision to set aside a company to which he has dedicated his entire life, to set aside this local brand that he's made synonymous with successes success, with quality, uncompromising, just the best. at a time when the people at the pinnacle of their career like my father would have held back to a lifestyle that has truly become the epitome of the american dream, my father instead chose to give that dream back to the people hit eluded for so long. as daunting of a journey as he knew it would be, for him it was the easiest decision in the world. who better to implement common sense business approach to this country? who better to find practical solutions to the impractical solution with a $19 trillion debt, one which goes up by $32,000 a second and over $2 billion a day. who better implement common sense tax reductions for one of the highest tax nations in the world. allowing our citizens to keep more of what they earn as opposed to having it squandered away by our inefficient government. who better to return the return of american manufacturers like nabisco and ford and so many others, back to the united states where they began, than a man who has single handedly employed tens and tens and tens of thousands of people around the country? it is time for the a president with common sense. it is time for a president who understands the art of a deal and appreciates the value of a dollar. our tax dollars. it is time for the president who has always been the one to stein front of the check, not the back. throughout my father's career, he has been repeatedly called on by government to step in, for grossly overbudget projects. everything from new york to the iconic post office in washington, d.c., just to name a few. back in 1986, the stiff new york tried to refurbish in central park. the project was over six years and over $5 million over an inflated budget. that's when my father overlooked it from his office window each and every day decided to step in. disgusted by government incompetence and ineptitude, he invested $2 million of his own money in order to complete the project. what has taken the city over half a decade to botch my father completed in less than six months, two months ahead of schedule and over a million dollars under budget. it is time for a president who can make america great again ahead of budget and ahead of schedule, too. my father has revitalized run down neighborhoods, shaped skylines across the country and turned dreams into reality his entire career. it is what hedoes. it is who he is. oprah winfrey once famously asked my father if he ever envisioned running for the presidency of the united states. his answer? only if it got so bad that i had no choice. only if it got so bad that i had no choice. well, ladies and gentlemen, that day has come. as i travel the world with my dad building the greatest hotels and real estate projects, i see in his eyes the indignity of a domestic infrastructure back at home that is in complete disarray and no longer on par with so many other developed nations. i see in his eyes the sadness of innocent lives lost like those of kate steinly and jameel shaw and so many immigrants, victims of a revolving door of government ineptitude and corruption that leaves innocent americans defenseless. i see in his eyes the humiliation of an education system ranked 30th in the world. i see in his eyes that nearly $400 billion trading balance with china. the $60 billion trade imbalance with mexico. and the continued destabilization of the middle east which costs our nation trillions and trillions of dollars and thousands and thousands of lives. but today i see in his eyes a man who truly loves his country. who is proud of his country and who wants his country to be great again. thank you. i want to thank my father over there for the life that he provided me. for the life that he provided my family and the life that he provided all of our employees around the world. i want to thank my father for the life that has enabled me to provide for my future children as my beautiful wife laura and i start thinking about that amazing chapter of our lives. to that end i think about the legacy i wish to leave my children and to me, there are few things that i hold closer to my heart than charity. for me, it is the essence of who we are as human beings. it is the barometer by which we will be measured for our time here on earth. and martin luther king jr. once said, life's most persistent and urgent questions, what are you doing for others? when i was 22 years old i founded the eric trump foundation to benefit st. jude's research hospital. an incredible, incredible organization. i run my foundation based on the principles my father taught me. honesty, integrity and values. i expect other charities to be run by the same moral code. not serve as conduit for personal enrichment. not become a beacon of corruption and scandal. to whom much is given, much will be required. this is the belief, to run this most unforgiving office in the world. there is no greater calling. there is no more self-less act. to the unemployed voter sitting at home watching me right now, wondering how you'll make your next mortgage payment or rental payment, my father is running for you. to the veterans tuning in from his or her hospital, who has been ignored and disrespected by ungrateful system for far too long. my father is running for you. to the school teacher forced to walk through a metal detector each and every day in an underfunded school, my father is running for you. to the laborer watching me right now, forced out of a job by undocumented workers, illegal immigrants, my father is running for you. to the oil and gas industry worker denied a job because of radical regulations from a radical epa, my father is running for you. to single mothers, to families of special needs children, to middle class families who can no longer afford medical benefits sufficient to cover their everyday needs, my father is running for you. this november i ask you to be true to yourself and vote for the candidate who you know is running for the right reasons. vote for the candidate that who has never been a politician. vote for the candidate who has never received a paycheck from our government. thank you. vote for the candidate who can't be bought, sold, bribed, coerced, intimidated or steered from the path that is right and just and true. quite frankly, friends, vote for the one candidate who does not need this job. never have i been more proud to be a trump. never have i been more proud to be my father's son. i'm incredibly honored to be part of this journey in which he has invited all of us, my beautiful wife, our entire family to play such an integral part. dad, you have taught us by example. you are my hero. you are my best friend. you are the next president of the united states. god bless america. >> well, another one of donald trump's sons, eric trump, keeping it in the family at the rnc. >> that's true. but hillary is already pouncing. all night. the most important things in the convention, we go to our panel. the campaign adviser to hillary clinton in 2008. judy miller, a pulitzer prize winning author and journalist. and the chief political correspondent for the conservative review. so let me start with you. what is the most important point that you take out of the convention? >> i would say probably three words. vote your conscience. >> as a democrat, i figured you would say that. >> i think we are going to hear this a lot between now and november. i think we're going to hear it from the hillary clinton campaign. it was supposed to be don's big adventure, and then it was don and ted's big adventure. but he made it clear he is running in 2020 and he has decided that donald trump is not going to win this election. >> judy, we go to you. >> every night at this convention has been marred by mishap or discord. we saw that tonight in ted cruz's nonendorsement. this was sabotage. this was dising him. this was another indication that there is no big tent and there won't be and that donald trump will have his work cut out for him tomorrow. >> donald trump tweeted, it's no big deal. >> i don't think this will have an impact on the supporters for donald trump. i think it was gracious of donald trump to give ted cruz the stage and there were no demands when he did that. >> do you think it will have a lasting effect? >> i don't think so. >> it is amateurish. >> i thought it was very gracious. >> you think about when ted kennedy did this to jimmy carter in 1980, that was the beginning of the end. >> absolutely. you can either run something or you can't. donald trump is running both as an outsider and on competence. he is a competent businessman. if you can't manage the screen in back of your own son and you don't know what ted cruz is going to say, whether or not he will undermine you, that's not a vote of confidence. why should anybody vote? >> do you think he should have appeared? >> i don't know what paul mania ford was thinking. >>er they were thinking that it made donald trump look gracious. >> we'll have a lot more about this as our coverage continues. my business was built with passion... but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. what's in your wallet? . welcome back. it may have been the most asked question at the third day of the convention. will texas senator ted cruz endorse donald trump in let's listen to his speech from last night in its entirety. >> so honored to join you here in cleveland. where lebron james just led an incredible comeback victory. and i am convinced america is going to come back too. i want to congratulate donald trump on winning the nomination last night. 1k3 like each of you, i want to see the principles prevail in november. conventions are times of excitement. but given the events of the last few weeks, i hope you'll allow me a moment to talk to you about what is really at stake. two weeks ago, a 9-year-old girl named caroline was swimming in the pool, playing with friends, doing all the things a happy child might do. like most children she relied upon the love that she received from her mom. heidi, and her dad, a police sergeant named michael smith. that is until he becamethe five down in dallas. the day her father was murdered, caroline gave him a hug and a kiss. as they parted her dad asked her something he hadn't asked before. what if this is the last time you ever kiss or hug me? later, as she thought of her fallen father, and that last heart breaking hug, caroline broke down in tears. how could anything ever be okay again? michael smith was a former army ranger who spent three decades with the dallas police department. i have no idea who he voted for in the last election or how he felt about this one. but his high of was a testament to devotion. he protected the very protesters who mocked him because he loved his country and his fellow man. his work gave new meaning to that line from literature, to die of love is to live by it. as i thought about what i wanted to say tonight, michael smith's story weighed on my heart. maybe that's because his daughter caroline is about the same age as my eldest daughter and happens to share the same name. maybe it is because i saw a video of that dear sweet child choking back sobs as she remembered her daddy's last question to her. maybe it is because we live in a world where so many others have had their lives destroyed by evil in places like orlando and paris and nice and baton rouge. may be it is because of the simple question itself. what if this right now is our last time? our last moment to do something for our families, and our country. did we live up to the values we say we believe? did we do all we really could? that's really what elections should be about. that's why you and millions like you devoted so much time and sacrifice to this campaign. we're fighting, not for one particular candidate or one campaign, but because each of us wants to be able to tell our kids and grandkids our own carolines. we did our best for their future and our country. america is more than just a land mass between two oceans. america is an ideal, a simple, yet powerful idea. freedom matters. for much of human history, government power has been the unavoidable constant in life. government decrees and the people obey. but not here. we have no king or queen. we have no dictator. we the people constrain government. [ cheers and applause ] our nation is exceptional because it was built on the five most beautiful and powerful words in the english language. i want to be free. never has that message been more needed than today. we stand here tonight a nation divided. partisan rancor, even hatred are tearing america apart and citizens are furious, rightly furious, at a political establishment that breaks its promises and ignores the will of the people. we have to do better. we owe our fallen heroes more than that. now, of course, obama and clinton will also tell you that they care about our children's future. and i want to believe them. but there is a profound difference in our two parties' vision for the future. theirs is the party that thinks isis is a jv team. that responds to the death of americans at benghazi by asking, what difference does it make? and that thinks it is possible to make a deal with iran which celebrates its holidays, death to america day and death to israel day. my friends, this is madness. president obama is a man who does everything backwards. he wants to chose guantanamo bay and open up our borders. he exports jobs and imports terrorists. enough is enough. and i am here to tell you, there is a better vision for our future. a return to freedom. on education, your freedom to choose your child's education, even if you aren't as rich as hillary clinton or barack obama. on health care, your freedom to choose your own doctor without obamacare. on taxes, your freedom to provide for your family without the irs beating down your door. the internet, keep it free from taxes, free from regulation, and don't give it away to russia and china. freedom means free speech. not politically correct safe spaces. freedom means religious freedom. whether you are christian or jew, muslim or atheist. whether you are gay or straight, the bill of rights protects the rights of all of us to live according to our conscience. freedom means the right to keep and bear arms and to protect your family. freedom means that every human life is precious and must be protected. freedom means supreme court justices who don't dictate policy but instead, follow the constitution. and freedom means recognizing that our constitution allows states to choose policies that reflect local values. colorado might decide something different than texas. new york different than iowa. that's the way it is supposed to be. diversity. if not, what's the point of having states to begin with? now, hillary clinton believes that government should make virtually every choice in your life. education, health care, marriage, speech, all dictated out of washington. but something powerful is happening. we've seen it in both parties. we've seen it in the united kingdom's unprecedented brexit vote to leave the european union. voters are overwhelmingly rejecting the political establishment and overwhelmingly rejecting big government. that is a profound victory and one earned by each and everyone of you. people are fed up with politicians who don't listen to them. fed up with a corrupt system we deserve an immigration system that puts america first and yes, builds a wall to keep america safe. a government that stops admitting isis terrorists as refugees. we deserve trade policies that put the interests of american farmers and manufacturing jobs over the global interests that are funding the lobbyists. and if we stand together and choose freedom, our future will be brighter. freedom will bring back jobs and raise wages. freedom will lift people out of dependency to the dignity of work. we can do this. 47 years ago to this day, america put the very first man on the moon. that was the power of freedom. our party, the republican party, was founded to defeat slavery. abraham lincoln, the first republican president, signed the emancipation proclamation. together we passed the civil rights act and together we fought to eliminate jim crow laws. that's our collect legacy, although media will never share it with you. those were fights for freedom and so is this. sergeant michael smith stood up to protect our freedom. so do the soldiers and sailors and airmen and marines every day fighting islamic terrorism. and so did the family of alton sterling who bravely called to tend violence. so did the families murdered at the charleston a.m.e. church who forgave that hateful bigoted murderer. and so can we. we deserve leaders who stand for principle, who unite us all behind shared values, who cast aside anger for love. that is the standard we should expect from everybody. and to those listening, please, don't stay home in november. if you love our country and love your children as much as i know that you do, stand and speak and vote your conscience, vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the constitution. i appreciate the enthusiasm of the new york delegation. and i will tell you it is love of freedom in a has allowed millions to achieve their dreams, like my mom, the first in her family to go to college and my dad, who is here tonight, who fled prison and torture in cuba, coming to texas with just $100 sewn into his underwear. and it is love that i hope will bring comfort to a grieving 9-year-old girl in dallas and god willing propel her to move forward and dream and soar and make her daddy proud. we must make the most of our moment, to fight for freedom, to protect our god-given rights, even of those with whom we don't agree. so that when we're old and gray and when our work is done and we give those we love one final kiss good-bye, we will be able to say freedom matters and i was part of something beautiful. the case that we must make is that we will defend freedom and be faithful to the constitution. we will unite the party. we will unite the country by standing together for shared values, for standing for liberty. god bless each and every one of you and god bless the united states of america. >> you hear the booing after senator cruz finished. what does all this mean? john, was it bad manners or just define personal principle. called you lyin' ted. >> we've had candidates in the past that have had very tough primaries and somehow come together. in this case, this is obviously bad blood here. the problem for ted cruz is, i think he gave a brilliant version of the 1976 reagan speech optimism. what our shared values are. but reagan concluded his speech in 1976 by saying we must go forward to victory. there is no substitute to victory. he didn't emphasize ford's name but it was cheer what he wanted them to do. ted cruz didn't do that. some of the cruz delegates felt that he had short changed himself. damaged himself for future possible presidential run and he stepped on mike pence' lines. the story tonight is mike pence gave a great vice presidential speech but the headlines tomorrow will be about ted cruz. >> the hillary clinton folks, she is already tweeting vote your conscience. meaning vote for her that he did, almost like a backwards, although he didn't endorse hillary clinton but giving republican voters to vote for her. >> that's the phrase. damming with faint praise. >> donald trump comes out right toward the end. he is giving the thumbs up. either kind of to ted cruz or maybe all the delegates, there it is, who are booing him. he is obviously applauding at the end of the speech. and later he had a tweet. wow, ted cruz booed off the stage, didn't honor the pledge. i saw his speech two hours early but let him speak anyway. is it a big deal? >> well, i don't think it will have a major effect on the election. but eric, this is a major introduction of the ticket to a national audience that normally doesn't follow politics and it stepped all over itself. if donald trump saw the speech two hours earlier, he either should have negotiated something more cheer when he agreed to let ted cruz speak or he should have strongly suggested changes before this went out. and it doesn't look like the trump campaign quite gets its act together. and of course, ted cruz is to blame for some of this. but donald trump is to blame too. because he's the one who put him up on stage. >> some could say that was a very gracious gesture by the trump campaign. but -- >> gracious gestures -- >> we're up against a hard break. as always, thank you. more on the coverage last night and mike pence when we continue. safety doesn't come in a box. it's not a banner that goes on a wall. it's not something you do now and then. or when it's convenient. it's using state-of-the-art simulators to better prepare for any situation. it's giving offshore teams onshore support. and it's empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesn't seem right. at bp, safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. 123479 let's bring back our panel. always pulitzer journalist. and for the conservative review. before we wrap up this hour, your final thoughts. we heard in their entirety, governor pence ask senator ted cruz's speeches. what did you think? who did best? >> i think the headline tomorrow should have been mike pence. it isn't going to be. it will be ted cruz and he stole the thunder. not only from would be vice president pence but also from eric trump who gave a very, very passionate speech in defense of his father and spoke about why his father ought to be president. which is something we haven't heard a lot of. the other thing that i found astonishing was that it was not only ted cruz who was booed off the stage. his wife heidi had to be escorted from the hall. and people were shouting her down. >> this will be the story of ted cruz. he stole mike pence' thunder that there was an 1,100% increase in searches for ted cruz. 450%. he was the winner of the night. and it was actually a night of really good speeches. i thought mike pence, i thought his speech -- >> that coming from you. >> when you compare it to the last two days. >> 30 seconds. >> the left wing media will focus on the ted cruz speech because he did not endorse donald trump. i think mike pence did a great job presenting himself to the world. >> all right. we'll check back with you. >> all night coverage continues. it sure is. you saw last night, what a scene here. the peach by ted cruz revealed how truly split some parts of the republican party are. tonight's program is called make america one again. of course, the theme is party unit. donald trump will accept his party's nomination with the final remarks at the rnc here in cleveland. the rnc explained to us, the reason behind the scene. they say that we need leadership that will focus what unites us, not what divides us. donald trump will move our country beyond the divisive identity politics that have been holding us back by restoring leadership, building trust and focusing on our shared love of country and our common goal of making america great again. trump's we've and three of his children have already spoken. ivanka will be given high profile slot right before her dad. and she has told us what she plans to include in her remarks. >> i think people don't see his warmth and his compassion and he has tremendous warmth and tremendous compassion. and he just tends to show those sides of himself in more intimate settings. he is a very private person in that regard. so for me it is much easier for me to express all the amazing things about him as a person, as a father. and he is probably more reserved in terms of expressing those things himself. >> other speakers tonight will include oklahoma's governor mary fallin, the influential leader jerry falwell jr., the vent you are capitalist who co-founded pay pal, and reince priebus who worked feverishly revolt against trump and prevas has not had a high profile. keep an eye on him. inside keep an eye on protesters outside. protesters will have their voice heard and it has not panned out like that at least not yet. if anybody wants to protest an rnc convention, tonight is their last chance for another four years. heather? >> and happy birthday to you. >> thank you very much. >> you skidded right past that. we'll talk to you later i'm sure. pence, cruz and rubio were the big names at the convention. there were a range of lesser known speakers. some who they consider the future of the republican part. n party. >> the man you nominated is a man of faith. he is a man of conviction. he is a man you can trust and now we need to send him and donald trump straight to the white house. >> a vote for anyone other than donald trump in move is a no mistake, make nonton. mistake we can't wait four years to get him next time. >> after a long and spirited primary the time for fighting each other is over. it is time to come together and fight for a new direction for america. it is time to win in november. >> we already know those guys, but someone new is governor mike pence. somebody who knows mike pence is our next guest. former aide to president bush and campaign aide and friend of the governor and she is a hoosier and long active in republican politics. what do you want people to know about the mike pence you know? >> mike pence is very positive and he gave a great speech. i am sick of hearing benedict arnold or eddie haskell. what ted did was unbelievable. i don't know what he was thinking. the good news about mike pence is he came on after that and he brought everyone up. it was a negative thing what ted cruz did. i can't even believe it. mike pence comes in and wakes everyone up. he got all of these standing ovations and he was a statesman and so positive and so forward moving and very patriotic. i mean, i have known mike forever and he is really like that. i have to tell you something funny. we are doing a cook book and my husband said wow, he is so corny that he is good. i believe him. he is wonderful and he make me want to vote for him. that's a big deal. i also -- we were cooking and we had a photographer come in and he is a british communist basically, very liberal. he said i could vote for that guy. to get those two guys loving mike pence after what ted cruz did is a big test meant. >> a british communist photographer? >> i like to call him that because he is so liberal. i'm like, dude, i don't know what the word is for it. the point is these are people who have not seen or heard mike pence. i have always known mike and he has been this way. he will never change. two people who had never seen him before say wow that was impressive. and he is so positive and he is very much like regan. and mike -- he is really reaganesque. >> he was really personal talking about growing up next to the corn field and his son is in the marines. and the accomplishments he had in indiana and he would like to spread out across the country. how do you think he will do in the next few months? >> i think he is going to be incredible. i think -- look, donald trump i am a big fan. i was on "hannity" five years ago say figure this guy runs he will win. for my governor to be his vice presidential running mate, i can't even believe it. it is a dream team. mike pence will bring the social conservatives and those doubting trump is conservative enough, wow with mike pence on the ticket i can go for trump-pence and mike will take mr. trump to the finish line, and i think we will have a trump-pence winning team. hillary is so old news. give me a break. she and ted cruz can go and do whatever they are gone 2345u -- gonna do because come january we will have donald trump and mike pence. the hoosier and the guy who did grow up next to a corn field and went to my college. he will be the vice president. the thing about mike is he is always the same. he is that great guy you heard tonight and i couldn't be prouder. indiana raised a great guy in mike pence. >> you know, you have a unique american there no matter what side of the political fence you are on. he has been introduced to us and we will see him in the next few months. >> i know you love indiana. you are an honorary hoosier. >> we do uh the lo of stories about voter problems in indiana. thank you as always. say hi to big pauly. a lot of people don't know you are married to paul sorveno from good good fellows." >> that's saying something. >> thank you, deedee. from you talking the future of the republican party you have to talk ted cruz, the senator using the convention stage to lay the groundwork for a future presidential run. but did it work? joining us now from cleveland, the great state of ohio is ellen radner. she is the bureau chief for talk media news. she loves ohio. >> especially cleveland. >> you do, your hometown correct? >> my hometown, absolutely. >> give us your take. what happened tonight? what in the world was ted cruz thinking, and what in the world was donald trump campaign thinking? >> well, that's exactly right. if i was his campaign i would have said to ted cruz way before i got him on stage, are you going to endorse mr. trump? if they said no then i would have said you are not speaking. i would have asked him clearly and maybe they did. we don't know. i will tell you this, ted cruz somehow in his heart of hearts thinks that he is going to by the next mom -- be the next nominee in the year 2020 and that's what his speech was about. i say you have 100 senators looking in the mere seeing the next president of the united states. he clearly sees himself as the next president of the united states and he thought he could take a risk with a bunch of delegates in that hall who voted for donald trump or they wouldn't be delegates. in addition to the television audience which is another matter. in the hall he got booed. and he also didn't get invited to the suite afterwards because shell done adelson absolutely endorses donald trump and he didn't. >> a big spender when it comes to contributing to campaigns. one of the things we did hear was about 10 minutes prior to cruz's speech and party officials told hemer that they expected him to congratulate donald trump and apparently he went forward and did not do that. let's look at past history though. >> i think he did say congratulations, but he didn't support him. >> didn't officially endorse him. all right, so you were talking about what cruz sees in the future for himself. let's take a look back in the past and perhaps this is what he would think -- was thinking would happen with him this evening. this is from the ford and reagan handshake you will remember. so do you think this is the type of moment that he thought he would have? >> i don't really know what was in senator cruz's head, but i think that his outside ego at this point is bruised because he is not the nominee. he was convinced he would be the nominee. i was told by a bunch of texans, oh ted cruz will be the nominee. that was how things were happening there. i think that he -- his ego was bruised and i don't know how he will overcome the boo. of course bill clinton over came the fact he gave a huge, long speech in 88, and when he was actually nominated in 92 he said i am here to finish my speech. he made humor of it. maybe he can make humor of it if he is the nominee. he is clearly going to run and he will start running the next day after the election whether it is trump in the white house or not. >> maybe hillary though. he did perhaps benefit hillary clinton's campaign. they are already using a couple of his phrases right away. as soon as he exited the stage. >> you know, i have never seen so many e-mails in my life as i get from the hillary campaign. i'm sure you do too. >> there was a lot. ellen, thank you for joining us. have fun there. >> thanks. and joining us is jim owe green, the campaign advisor to hillary clinton in 2008 and pulitzer prize winner whose latest book is "the story" and a political correspondent for the conservative review. there is another headline tonight. judy, let me start with you. it is not just the convention, but donald trump gives a front page interview to the "new york times" questioning the adherence to the principals of nato if the balkan nations are attacked. what is the significance? >> he said if russia were to attack any baltic states or the 28 members of nato that he wouldn't necessarily feel obliged to defend them. it would de memorial -- depend on whether or not they met their obligations to the organization. the whole point of nato is to have an automatic commitment to defend the member states against such aggression. once again i think this raises all kinds of questions about why mr. trump wants to spend so much money rebuilding a military he seems so hesitant to use. he went on to say he wants to pull back from south korea and from japan and that it might be more cost effective to keep the troops at home. he seems unaware that it is cheaper to keep them over there. >> he is correct in saying the spending because out of the 28 nato states only five of them from what i understand are meeting their obligations which is for the defense spending 2% of the gdp, correct? >> absolutely true. this runs counter to republican doctrine for the past 40 years. it is bound to be extremely controversial and raises questions about what john danforth who was george bush's ambassador to the united is worried about. she says i am worried about my party and isolationism. it is astonishing that hillary clinton is actually more uher is tiff when it -- assertive when it comes to nato than donald trump. and he seems to be sympathetic to vladimir putin and russia that raises questions. >> should republicans be worried? should they be concerned about the so-called isolationism? >> donald trump would surround himself with people who could brief him on what he would need to do and what is best for our country. in terms of hillary clinton the comment you made about her, "crooked hillary" people don't trust this woman. she put a lot of lives at risk with her e-mail server, with the classified information when it was removed from the documents. she has put more lives in danger than we know of. >> what happened to vladimir putin when you are dealing with the record of secretary of state. >> i think one of the best kept secrets is what donald trump's team did with the platform to make it more friendly to russia and putin. this is a dangerous man. >> what is the platform? >> i think it was interesting and i was watching greta tonight and she asked representative marcia blackburn what her biggest concern was with hillary's strength. do you know what her answer was? she is informed. that's the exact opposite of what this interview that donald trump gives and steps on his speech. the policy has many heads of state pulling their hair out right now. and he is also now stolen his thunder. this level of incompetence -- >> he is right about defending nato. he is correct because the total u.s. spending is 72% of all of the other nato allies combined. he is correct about that. >> he is correct about that. he is correct about five of them meeting their requirements. >> it is true. but is the response to get them to pony up, or is it to say we are going to withdraw from nato, both of which they are threatened to do. what happened was basically the platform was changed and it was a provision that the u.s. government should provide the ukraine which has been invaded by russia and with defensive weapons. that was removed from the platform because donald trump has already said. >> and that was before or after the reset button? >> no, i'm talking about the invasion of ukraine. >> the invasion of the ukraine was after the reset button. >> and it lead chris christie in this convention to say hillary should be pillard. >> he wrote the art of a deal. is he doing a negotiation of the art deal? >> the actual art of the deal has come out and said if donald trump wins it will be the end of civilization. these are his former colleagues now. again, i think that tonight could have been the best night of the convention. there are some solid speeches. there was even that attempt to expand to other comawnts -- communities. his son eric started to say undocumented when talking about new americans coming in and then switched to illegal. there is all of this good will building up, but yet again the campaign through whether incompetence or lack of understanding of how foreign policy works and our commitments and what it takes us as a country. >> you didn't answer the question about that. donald trump didn't understand it. her efforts did not work either. that's my point. >> the source of the argument -- >> she is a cheerleader for vladimir putin and is dangerous. >> i don't think that the american people are looking for a president who is cheerleading putin right now. that is what the convention platform process seems to be indicating and what his own words have said. if russia attacks they will take their marbles. nato is to protect our own facility and calling them into question raises pea found, profound issues that i am not sure donald trump understands. >> i and it will continue through the campaign and we will hear more about it. >> police officers injured and flags burned. there was a protest that is raging on. >> more protests are planned as donald trump gets ready to accept the nomination on thursday night. >> more on what you can say and expect ahead. they brought this on themselves. now it's war, and i want them dead! the fleas and ticks? their whole gang. we can do that. only bravecto kills fleas & ticks for up to 12 weeks with one tasty chew. starts killing fleas in two hours and kills nearly 100% in under twelve. and it's fda approved. bravecto is for dogs 6 months of age or older. don't worry, princess, we'll settle the score. tonight we ride, with bravecto!! ask your vet about 12-week protection with bravecto. welcome back. police arrested 23 people so far including protesters who burned a flag in the streets outside the republican national convention. but the large fears, the fears of large scale protests and violence, they have not materialized. jackie ibanez picks it up. >> good morning, heather. we are learning more about what happened on wednesday night. but there was notable commotion outside. >> five, six, seven, eight. >> cleveland police say 18 people were arrested and two police officers were injured following a flag burning incident near one of the entrances of the quicken loans arena. it was one of the most heated protests since it kicked off on monday moments after the flag was set on fire the officers made their way into the crowd with distinguishing spray that they took at pepper spray. it got the crowd riled up and that's when pushing and shoving broke out. it took about 10 minutes to get the crowd under control. >> they attempted to burn an american flag which is their right, but in doing so the individual that lit the flag lit himself on fire and as we were trying to put him out and trying to push my officer away he got a couple of other people lit on fire which we tried to put out too. >> the revolutionary communist party organized the burning of the american flag and the crimes of the american empire. in total police say there were 23rnc-related arrests. far fewer than they were expecting at this point in the con veption. they have one day left. >> are they okay? the people that were burned? >> they are okay. just minor burns and nothing significant. that's what we are seeing right now. we'll check back. >> at the convention there was a stark and blunt warning about radical islamic terrorism. it came from newt gingrich. he said we are at war and need a new policy on the threat. >> that's coming up next. don't miss it. >> one network delivers bringing you smart, fair and balanced insight of every critical rnc moment. >> there is only one choice. >> there is a better vision for our future. >> it is time for a president who can make america great again. >> we can make america safe again. we can make america work again. >> i accept your nomination to run and serve as vice president of the united states of america. >> what happens next? tonight, don't miss our powerful coverage. there is a reason why we are america's election headquarters. we are number one on all of cable. welcome back. one of the candidates on trump's vice president short list and one of his most effective defenders made an appearance at the convention last night. let's take a listen to newt gingrich. >> thank you for that very generous welcome and thank you calista. she makes documentary films and best selling children sorries and sings in the basilica choir and plays the french horn. i am amazed at her achievements. i am also proud to be here as republican activists to see the extra effort donald trump has invested in bringing the republican party together. with no requirement for endorsement he encouraged his competitors to speak once again. governor rick perry, governor chris christie, governor scott walker, ben carson, marco rubio and senator ted cruz have all responded to donald trump's generosity. now, i think you misunderstood one paragraph to ted cruz who is a superb orater. i just want to point it out. you can vote your conscience to anyone who will uphold the constitution. in this election there is only one candidate who will uphold the constitution. >> so to paraphrase, said cruz, if you want to protect the constitution of the united states the only possible candidate this fall is the trump -pence republican tech ket. ticket. >> that way we have a republican ticket to implement republican principals in washington. now what i want to focus on is a subject that has dominated my thinking for testimony cades. for decades. how do we keep america safe? keeping america safe is the first responsibility of the american president. there have been many fascinating things to watch about the extraordinary historic rise of donald trump. the most significant is donald trump's courage to tell some important truths about our national security. for example we are at war. we are at war with radical islamists and they are determined to kill us. they are stronger than we admit and there is no substitute for victory. >> in contrast to donald trump our national security and foreign policy elites lead by hillary clinton are incapable of speaking with such honesty. while they lie about the threat. we need the truth about the danger. if our enemies add their way not a single woman in this room could define the future. if our enemies had their way gays, lesbians and transgender citizens would be put to death as they are today. if our enemies had their way every person on earth would be subject to conversion by the sword and by a cruel and violent system of law. there would be no individual liberties. there would be no equality and no freedom. if you doubt we are at war, and if you doubt this threat is as real as i say, let me refresh your memory. on monday they used an ax and knives while shouting. last week a few -- tunisian man went moo a crowd and he murdered 84 people including 10 children and three americans and injured over 300 others. two weeks ago almost 300 people were killed and more than 200 were wounded in bombing attacks in baghdad. two days before that. radical islamists killed 20 hostages including three college students. three dayses before that in turkey, isis attackers armed with guns and bombs killed 44 people and injured hundreds more. last month a radical islamist in paris stalked a french police officer to his home where he murdered the officer and tortured his wife to death in front of their 3-year-old son while streaming it on social media. he was pondering whether to kill the 3-year-old when he was killed by police. two days before that an attacker pledging allegiance with isis killed 49 people in an orlando nightclub and wounded dozens more. all this in the past 37 days. we cannot let ourselves grow numb to these accumulating atrocities. one analysis estimated that since january of 2015 some 30,000 people have been killed at the hands of terrorists. let's be clear. donald trump is right. we are at war with radical islamists and we must change course to win the war. let me be very clear. i know the news media will do their best to distort this. we have nothing to fear from the vast majority of muslims in the united states and around the world. they are often the victims themselves. they are happy to have them as friends and neighbors. the challenge is when a small percentage of 1 billion 600 million people support violence to those who disagree with them that's a giant recruiting base. for example, pue research finds 9% of muslims in pakistan view isis favorably. unfortunately 9% is 16 million people the truth is although we are losing the war with radical islamists we have been very lucky. the danger we face is much worse than the horrors that happen on new year's eve when 1200 women were assaulted. it is worse than what is happening in france where there are stabbings of jews in the streets and the nation's security chief warned that they are on the brink of civil war. it is worse than what is happening in israel where average citizens fear for their lives when ever they leave their homes. >> the danger is worse than september 11thth when 19 hijackers murdered 3,000 americans. the worst case scenario is losing an american city to terrorists armed with weapons of mass destruction. instead of losing 3,000 people in one morning we could lose 300,000. instead of losing two great buildings we could lose block after block after block to a nuclear event. that's not just by you. they warned that the terrorist, quote, will acquire weapons of mass destruction and some will use them. the americans will likely die on american soil and possibly in large numbers. 15 years later the dangers are greater and north korea has nuclear weapons. this is catastrophic attack on innocent americans is a very real threat. that brings us to the heart of the matter. we are sleep walking through history as though this is all about politics. it is not. it is about our safety and survival as a country. we cannot keep in place the people and the systems that have brought us to this point and lie to us every day about the threat. that is why every american should be terrified at the prospect of a hillary clinton presidency. hillary clinton has been at the center of the dishonesty. we know this add station and theiral -- administration lied about the iran nuclear deal. we know because they openly bragged about it to the "new york times." we know hillary clinton lied to us knowingly about the terror attack on the benghazi consulate. we know hillary clinton and president obama lied to people when they said they can safely screen syrian refugees. they cannot. and hillary wants to increase the number 500%. when you hear about hillary's dishahn nsy -- dishonesty and taking from dictators, this is not about politics. the cost could be the loss of moving forward. the first step forward is electing a leader that is truthful about the realities we face. only then will we understand support and demand the strategies required to confront this threat and because safety and security are the pre conditions for freedom and prosperity it is also the first step toward rebuilding the america we love. donald trump understands this. and that's why he will hillary build milosevich -- will rebuild our military. he will rebuild our borders. there is no such thing as a nation without a border. donald trump will enforce immigration laws and he will end the policy of deliberate nonenforcement and end the abuse of visa programs to protect american workers and the wages. he will take care of veterans by holding bureaucrats at the veterans administration accountable. he will fire those responsible for the waiting list and will give veterans the right care. no bureaucrat will get between a veteran and their doctor. donald trump will get america building again. he will blow uh bart ridiculous regulations and requirements that drive up infrastructure costs to get anything built. it is the most economy in the world and give every parent of every income and every ethnic background a choice of where their children go to school. and donald trump will help us rebuild and strengthen our communities. here again the first step to safety. the basis for strong families and good jobs and vibrant neighborhoods. that means restoring law and order. donald trump will show zero tolerance for those calling for the death of police officers. if anyone threatens the life of someone in the united states the secret service is on them in an instant. law enforcement officers deserve the same respect of the president of the united states. of course if individual officers are found to have violated someone's rights they must beheld accountable under the law. it is based on the rule of law. we are one nation under god, untau visible -- indivisable with liberty and justice for all. >> that's what has allowed us to absorb more. nobody is above the law and nobody is too small to deserve its protection. donald trump won our party's nomination because he is willing to tell the truth about the things that matter. he has a great running mate in mike penze. they will -- mike pe nce. they will put america first. tonight the challenge for everyone in this hall and everyone republican, democrat or independent who is watching at home and knows we cannot continue on our current course is to rise above our factions. rise above the politics we have inherited. ignore the lies of the news media and old order. to reject the suicidal dishonesty of hillary clinton and her establishment allies and to stand with donald trump and mike pence for what we know is true. we can make america safe again. we can make america work again. we can make america first again. and together we can make america great again for all-americans. thank you and god bless the united states of america. >> so, did you hear speaker gingrich at the beginning of the speech explain the senator ted cruz not endorsing trump? our next guest tried to spin the most awkward moment of the night that got cruz the booze. the boos. we go to cleveland this evening or early this morning. thank you for staying up on our all night coverage on the fox newschannel. as we heard senator cruz told the delegates to vote their con con -- conscience and vote for the candidate that they think upholds the constitution the best. gingrich says that means donald trump, obviously, but do other seize it that way? >> that was interesting about newt because he came right after cruz's speech. that was the most awkward part of the entire day. newt is trying to play peace maker. this was a scene of booing cruz in the middle of the speech and cruz's family being ushered out newt is spinning it the best he can. he said let's read between the lines. ted cruz is not explicitly endorsing donald trump, but said vote for conservative principals and vote your conscience. if you do that, it means voting for donald trump. what i thought -- >> did the people buy that? did the delegates buy that explanation? >> i don't think so. ted cruz is in an interesting position right now. short-term i don't know if a lot of conservatives are fans of ted cruz. he is taking a pretty big gamble. the gamble is donald trump will lose in november. if that happens i think what ted cruz did will be seen as smart. right now i don't know what ted cruz just did last night was good for him. >> and a lot of people are saying it will boomerang. others say four years, 2020, is a longtime away. people have short memories and they refer to ronald regan in 76, basically not endorsing gerald ford. >> i think ted cruz wanted his 1976 moment. i think that was his political calculation which is that he still thinks donald trump is not going to win in november, and as a result a lot of conservatives and a lot of republicans will want to go back to a more philosophically conservative person like himself. that's why he was trying to make those conservative arguments. >> we didn't see the hand holding and raising the hand hold-type victory v you usually see among the speakers and the presidential candidate. >> no, we didn't. it is an interesting decision first off that donald trump even invited ted cruz to come out and speak. it would have looked bad. it makes donald trump look like a bigger man by saying ted cruz could come out and speak even though he had not endorsed him at that point and interesting for ted cruz to say i am going out there and say to vote republican and republican principals, but i will not tell people to vote for donald trump. this was a nasty primary between the two of them. as everybody likes to point out, the day ted cruz got out of the race was the day trump was exploring the conspiracy theory that cruz's father was involved in the jfk assasination. >> i can imagine "lying ted" and his wife and all of that. radical islamic terrorism, a really strong speech, really strong by newt gingrich warning about that. do you think that will resonate and will have an impact on the campaign? >> i do and i found it intriguing that newt gingrich decided to spend a lot of his speech talking about that topic. we are seeing what newt would have been like. he is an explainer in chief-sort of person. i wonder if he is setting himself up for secretary of state or something like that. donald trump has said he wants newt to be part of the government in some sort of fashion. i felt like maybe newt had that in mind when he was talking about safety issues in america. >> well they certainly hammered that home dealing with the horrible terrorist atrocities that the western pearled has seen at the hand of radical islamic terrorism the past few weeks. from cleveland in the early morning hours, 3:48 eastern time and2:48 central. thursday night, the big finale. it was really quick. donald trump accepts the nomination and addresses the nation. >> what will he say? what will he propose? what will he tell us about a trump presidency? our political pam -- panel will look ahead as our coverage rolls on through the early morning hours. your business needs better technology to drive better performance. so you need it to be reliable and fast. really fast. introducing the comcast business summer savings event. fast internet speed to drive performance, plus cutting edge wifi for your employees and customers, and voice mobility so your calls find you wherever you are. get some of our most advanced products at a great price with over $500 in savings. call today and ask how to get these savings plus a $250 prepaid card. comcast business. built for business. ♪ it was always just a hobby. something you did for fun. until the day it became something much more. and that is why you invest. the best returns aren't just measured in dollars. td ameritrade. some final thoughts from hillary clinton. judy miller at the manhattan institute for policy research. she is a pulitzer prize winning author. the chief correspondent for the conservative review. so believe it or not the time has come to an end. so let's get your final thoughts on the day. daneen we will start with you. >> two-thirds of americans think our country is going in the wrong direction. too many americans feel like they have been left behind with progressive policies and a lot of americans think the game is fixed in washington. we look at everything they were able to get away with. they can be a leader for our describe and a leader that they are looking for. they will talk about energy security and they will talk about tax reform and what we need to do for job kreaation and our military veterans and how they need to be taken care of. this is the case they will make tomorrow night. >> is he talking about law and order and how politicians should adhere to that. judy? >> i hope he reaches out to the people he alienated both within his own party and political independents who wonder what the republican party stands for these days. does it stand for isolationism and protectionism? does it stand for calling people names and insulting them? i hope he repairs some of the damage that's been done by this extraordinary, bitter campaign that drove half of the people that should have been on the stage with him away. there were two reactions among republicans to what donald trump has done to the party by winning . one was to stay away and boycott the event as the bushes and the romneys romneys romneys and john kasich did. the other was to do as ted cruz did and confront him basically by not endorsing him. i am not sure which strategy will prevail. i know what we have seen these past three days does not inspire any confidence at least not for me. donald trump knows how to run something and that is supposedly one of the themes. this campaign, this convention has been a mess. i hope he stops attacking the media. donald trump would not be where he is today were it not for all of the free air time he got from all of us. i want a healing message and i don't know what he is going to say. >> no one knows what he is going to say. >> there is about $2 billion worth of free media he got. i think tomorrow he has a really big job and the first thing he has to realize is who is the audience he is actually talking to? is he talking to the audience that is in that convention hall and that is looking for red meat, that is screaming lock her up and doing things that i think the audience, the television audience has been like, oh my goodness, what is going on at this convention? he has to understand that he is talking to those independents who are not in the hall. he is talking to the undecided voters. his message needs to be one that is going to unite the country. there has been so much conversation about uniting the republican party. i think the american people in general are looking in these very difficult times and the challenges are looking for someone who will not divide us. they will bring us together. the rhetoric we have seen in the last three days and over the republican nominating process is not the type of messaging that is inter rational. it is not the type of messaging that brings people in. he has a serious problem with latina voters and he has to get up there and change the type of rhetoric that has come out on this stage in the last few days. there was a muslim speaker that got up and someone shouted out, no islam. he has to take control of that hall and say something inspirational and not just an attack on hillary and more decisive rhetoric. >> we could see it tomorrow night. >> i think he will be the big man in the room. he will show what leadership skills he has. that is what americans are looking for. >> i don't know whether americans are looking to just overturn the table or to vent anger at the paralysis in washington and the fact their lives haven't improved or the fact they want unity. i don't know. if the primaries were any indication they were anti-establishment. that's why bernie sanders was doing better than hillary clinton. it was because he was the anti-establishment candidate. now we have trump the anti-establishment candidate. >> but bernie sanders didn't do better than hillary clinton. he lost. >> he was doing better with the millennials and that's who she has to reach out to. >> for tomorrow for donald trump his kids have done a good job of showing who he is, but being a father cannot be your only qualification for being president. >> we have been on about 18 hours or so when he speaks to the convention. "fox and friends" is first. it is thursday, july 21st, night three of the republican national convention in the books. but not without some drama. >> god bless each and every one of you and god bless the united states of america. >> you can hear the crowd exploding this into chants, booing him off the stage for refusing to support donald trump. you're watching fox and friends first. the fourth and final day, if you


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas Election HQ 20160720 05:00:00

ation in your mouth and throat. zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. nexium can take 24 hours. try cool mint zantac. no pill relieves heartburn faster. the republican party making it official, it's done, donald trump is, in fact, the nominee. thank you so much for joining us, i'm heather childers. >> i'm kelly wright, trump's nomination tonight closing one of the biggest deals he's ever made in his life but sharing the limelight, his son, donald trump, jr., who cast the final vote. >> it is my honor to be able to throw donald trump over the top in the delegate count tonight with 89 delegates. and another six for john kasich. congratulations, dad, we love you! [ cheers and applause ] donald trump, again, appeared before the convention. this time, in a taped message calling for the gop to go, quote, all the way. >> for more on day two, we go to sam green, who's live for us in cleveland. high, shannon, another exciting day. >> it has been, heather, you know there was a lot of intrigue on the floor day because this was the day, as you pointed out that delegates officially, state by state, went through and cast their delegates and cast their votes on the floor and it was interesting because at one point, utah stepped up and said it was casting its votes for ted cruz and got overruled for the stage because they could only cast votes for someone who was in nomination and donald trump was the only person today. you saw there were new york, its delegation, with donald trump, jr., got to make it official, putting his dad over the top in the delegate count and it was a family affair tonight. tiffany trump also took to the stage, she and her brother both talked about the skills and the temperament that they thought made it official, why donald trump, they argued, by outlining a lot of their personal history in their experiences, was the one to become the next commander in chief. >> to this day, many of the top executives in our company are individuals that started out in positions that were blue-collar, but he saw something in them, and he pushed them to succeed. his true gift as a leader is that he sees the potential in people that they don't even see in themselves. [ applause ] tonight, we also heard from one of trump's former rivals, dr. ben carson. he is now a supporter of trump. i got to tell you, traveling on the campaign trail the last year or so, dr. carson is bun one of those people, he generally got the warmest response from the crowd and tonight, we saw him on the stage with no exception. >> this is a nation where our founding document, the declaration of independence, talks about certain inalienable rights that come from our creator. this is a nation where our pledge of allegiance says we are one nation under god. >> he really got a good response from the crowd tonight, but i got to say the most fiery speech came from new jersey governor, chris christie, also a former rival in this run for the presidency and rumored to be on the vp short list for donald trump. he is a former prosecutor, he used his time to go after hillary clinton, making the case against her on everything from benghazi to her private e-mail server. >> here it is, everybody. we didn't disqualify hillary clinton to be president of the united states. the facts of her life and career disqualify her. [ applause ] it is a role we saw him play on the campaign trail and one that was a big argument a lot of people thought for the reason why he could be the number two on the ticket with donald trump because he seemed so skilled and so passionate about making these arguments. so, day two was all about make america work again. talking about jobs and the economy, so there were business executives who took to the stage tonight as well. and our most recent polling with fox news shows that the majority of voters, they said the economy is their number one issue going into the fall elections by a margin of nearly four to one and when you put hillary clinton and donald trump head to head, this is one of those issues where he actually gets the better of her, our recent polling showing that he came out by a margin of 53 to 41% against her on the issue of the economy. tomorrow, i think it is make america first again. actually, that's today now, if you're on the east coast, but that'll be day three of the rnc, heather. >> it's very hard to keep track of. but you know, you were talking about chris christie and ben carson, they really lived up to their reputations, good guy, tough guy, with their speeches today for sure. >> they did. and the audience ate up both of their deliveries, and they really -- you could see they had built so much goodwill along the way and like i said, being on the campaign trail, even when you would be in a room say at the iowa caucuses where a number of these different candidates would show up, ben carson always god the most applause. people really just connect with him in some way. >> a lot of people wanted him in that position that donald trump is now in but that is not the case because donald trump is over the top and he's over the moon with feeling good about his nomination tonight. >> sure is. >> let's take a look at some of the highlights of day two. >> now perspectives on what day two was like, todd, good of you to join us tonight. >> thanks, kelly, don't know what day it is, but glad to be with you. >> let's start with today being tuesday going into wednesday, it's now officially 1:05 in the a.m. on the east coast. so todd, tell us your top five picks of tonight. >> i think the most -- i think number one, topping my list, is this issue with melania trump's speech from monday night. this is still an issue, and the campaign is hoping that it would not be an issue. but unfortunately, it is. and i want to say right out of the gate, kelly, i don't think that mrs. trump is to blame here. i can't imagine any republican with the right mind wanting to lift something from a democrat speech, especially an obama speech. so, the issue here is how the campaign handled this, not so much the speech, but how the campaign is handling it. and they're not handling it well, and as a result of that, they're getting off message. yesterday should have been about that fiery speech from rudy giuliani, and unfortunately, they're still dealing with the aftermath of that botched speech. >> quite a few people are still talking about it, and in fact, we'll be talking about it throughout the morning as well. because it is still something that's lingering out there, took away, as you said, from rudy giuliani's speech and also the message that they were trying to show for day one. so let me ask you about another factor, party unity. we heard from house speaker paul ryan tonight. did he do enough to talk about getting the party together and unifying? >> well, sweet lord almighty, kelly, it's like herding cats trying to get all these republicans together on the same page, and quite frankly, paul ryan hasn't been very helpful in that. just the other day, he was saying that donald trump wasn't his kind of conservative, but look, he came out tonight and he did a good job. he rallied the base, and quite frankly, some of his biggest applause lines last night, rather, some of his biggest applause lines came when he did talk about party unity. but i've got to tell you something, i've wandered through the streets and the restaurants and the bars around cleveland, and republicans are not unified yet. >> i like your tennessee slang there, sweet lord almighty. real quickly, before we let you go, chris christie, did he hit a home run tonight? >> we have another saying back in tennessee, he backed up and he brought it and he certainly did, pulling off a judge judy. i think the crowd really responded. just like rudy giuliani, he really inspired the crowd with that, then actually had them shouting back, guilty, and they wanted -- the crowd was chanting, throw her in jail or lock her up by the time his speech was over. >> all right. well, we got a tweet from hillary clinton out there as well saying that basically people should talk to chris christie about the -- a bridge. >> bridge gate. oh boy, it's back. >> touched on our psyche it h. e >> thanks, guys-hillary clinton mocking the republican convention at an event in las vegas today. listen to this. >> you know, when i was a little girl, i went to see when they reissued it, the movie the wizard of oz. and there were similarities that appeared to me. you know, lots of sound and furry, even a fog machine, but when you pulled back the curtain, it was just donald trump with nothing to offer to the american people. >> well, joining us now from our new york studio is the executive director of the new york state democratic party, also a former senior aide to hillary clinton when she was new york's junior u.s. senator. basil, the trump campaign has less staff, they're spending less money, but the two are actually running neck and neck in the polls, so is his unconventional approach seemingly working here? >> well, i think there are a few things that work. number one, you know, there was a tremendous amount of media attention because he ran against sort of republican or actually he ran against the system, he talked about the system being rigged, so there was a tremendous amount of media attention on his candidacy, and frankly, that, plus, you know, just his bombastic style sort of just pushed everybody out of the spotlight, and he took up so much of the air. that said, you know, he's had a last couple of weeks where we've been spending a lot of time talking about his potential vice presidential pick, so i'm not surprised that the polls are where they are right now. i expected this race to be close. of course, i think hillary will win in the end. but i expected this race to be close, i think he'll get a bump after his convention, hillary after hers, and then we'll see what happens after that first debate. that's what i'm really looking forward to. >> and i have a feeling a couple of these will come up as topics when we hit those debates. take to listen to what chris christie had to say today. >> in libya, in nigeria, guilty. in china and syria. >> guilty. >> in iran and russia and cuba. >> guilty! >> and here at home, for risking america's secrets to keep her own and lying to cover it all up? >> guilty! >> all right, so i'll steal todd's phrase that he just taught us. he backed it up and brought it but it looks like hillary is too, talking about the wizard of oz and such. is this a sign of things to come? >> well, a couple things. certainly chris christie's auditioning for, i guess, the second job he wanted since he didn't get his first job. which is fine, let him do that. but the truth of the matter is, that's really all that chris christie can do. he can come with this sort of prosecutorial style, but he really doesn't have much of a record in new jersey. a lot of folks in new jersey didn't like him and even the conservatives in his party did not like him, and they took him to -- they took him out in the back and beat him senseless because he hugged a president who came to help him after a hurricane hit his state. i mean, to me, you know, i don't think he's a darling of the moderates, and he's certainly not a darling of the conservatives, so i think he's auditioning for the second job that he wants in a trump administration. that said, i do think you're going to hear a lot of talk about hillary clinton's record as secretary of state. she has a great record as secretary of state. they're going to talk about her untrustworthiness, but the fact is a lot of that is based on 20, 25 years of fiction because she's been this prominent figure in american politics for that long. >> i'm sorry to interrupt. you mentioned that she has a great record as secretary of state. what do you think is the best thing that she did as secretary of state? >> well, frankly, she's led the conversation in terms of talking about climate change. she's led the conversation in terms of talking about human rights issues. she has gone to the middle east and at least tried to talk to countries that could potentially be our partners in fighting the war on terrorism, which is something that she talked about even on the campaign trail. she said, look, we cannot do this alone, and we have to take to task the countries like syria, like qatar, other countries that need to be stakeholders in this as well. we need to take them to task. she's had tough talk on this. >> sounds like, though, a lot of talk and not a lot of action, when she did have an opportunity to make some significant changes and here we are. >> well, get her to the white house, she'll do the job. >> basil, thank you so much for joining us. thanks. >> thank you. >> for more reaction, let's go to former republican congressman for the state of new york. he joins us now. john, the other panel members are out there somewhere, your colleagues pat and doug, but they're in cleveland, so we may not be able to get them for a moment. let's start with you as a panelist and someone who's been a republican and watching day two, what say you about how day two went? i mean, there are a lot of people there tonight who were trying to find out how do you make america work again, but they were also looking for a way of saying, okay, it's time for the party to come together and coalesce around donald trump and his status of trying to make america great again. >> yeah. i think -- i think they had a good night. but i think -- and i said this to heather off air -- i wish there was a little more pro what trump is going to do to make america great again, what are his specifics, not just saying we're going to crush isis, we're going to fix this. let's get into a little bit about how we're going to do it. and we need trump to be seen as a nicer guy than a nasty guy, a smiley guy, not a snarling guy. he needs to soften his image up a little bit to win over reluctant voters. they don't like hillary. they don't want to vote for hillary, that's clear. i think the convention tonight was very heavy on anti-hillary, and it's unnecessary. the country doesn't want to vote for her. when doug comes on here, he's worked for the clintons, he'll tell us on air, there is a resistance to hillary among voters. they don't like her. >> well, let's find out if doug, in fact, does have that to say, because i think that we do have them now. also back with us now former pollster for jimmy carter, and one time advisor for president bill clinton. glad to see you guys there in cleveland. doug, i'll let you start. follow up. >> i think john is right. there is an obvious resistance to the secretary of state. you can hear basil before really fumbling to try to come up with any substantial accomplishments of the secretary in terms of your question. and frankly, the answer to why the republicans are going negative is because the argument against secretary clinton is a strong one, stronger by what fbi director comey said, and i agree with john that donald trump has to flesh out his agenda with specifics. i think that's what we're going to hear on thursday night, and certainly my own recommendation, if i were advising the trump campaign, which i most assuredly am not in the same way i'm not advising the clintons, but my own advice would be to be detailed, specific, positive looking and forward looking. put another way, exactly what john said, i believe, are the imperatives for thursday night. >> i want to ask you this question based on what doug was just talking about, detailed, specific, and positive, and then going back to what john was saying about how to make donald trump look softer and gentler and kinder. i think the person who did that tonight better than anyone else was his son. >> yes. i think his children have done a great job for him, and i think his youngest daughter did tonight, and i think donald junior was really strong. i think his wife helped him. i think tomorrow, his other son, eric, and then his daughter, ivanka, is going to introduce him. they've done a lot to this, and people are seeing that, and it's being played in prime time, and that's helping to soften it. i disagree a little bit, not in the general thrust of what john and doug are saying, but i think that trump is -- there's a personality's going to come through, but his positive message has to have an edge to it. he is the nominee of a party that really kind of seized control for one reason, which is that he has taken on the establishment, he has been the voice of a country that is absolutely ready to overthrow the political class of which hillary clinton is the prime static member of. and that's very strong. and to the point about hillary just quickly, it's going to get worse, because the clinton -- i found out today, the clinton cash movie which i have seen about the foundation and the real scandals is being released not in theaters. it's going to go on the internet. everyone's going to be able to see it this weekend. it's going to be a real trouble for her. >> pat, thank you, pat and doug, stick around, and john is right here with us with heather and i here in new york. there's still much more to come. >> we're going to have more on the panel right after break. stay with us. routine. it's a hard thing to break. day in, day out. from point a to b, and back again. there's a difference between being alive and living. for those who can't imagine life without two wheels, allstate offers a genuine parts guarantee, that promises to fix your bike with original parts. talk to an allstate agent about all the things they do to keep riders riding. you've wished upon it all year, and now it's finally here. the mercedes-benz summer event is back, with incredible offers on the mercedes-benz you've always longed for. but hurry, these shooting stars fly by fast. lease the gle350 for $579 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. (ee-e-e-oh-mum-oh-weh) (hush my darling...) (don't fear my darling...) (the lion sleeps tonight.) (hush my darling...) man snoring (don't fear my darling...) (the lion sleeps tonight.) woman snoring take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. hillary clinton has already promised to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business. these men and women take pride in their highly skilled and good paying jobs that provide for their families and support their communities. they work tirelessly to power america. west virginia workers are the ba backbone of this economy, and hillary clinton is promising to put them out of work? >> let's go back to our political insiders, former pollster for jimmy carter, one-time advisor for bill clinton and former republican congressman for the state of new york. and john, i'll start with you. your reaction to that. i mean, we're talking about coal miners, we're talking about the economy, those rust belt states, they will be imperative when it comes to winning the general election. >> oh, yeah, listen, as bad as hillary looks on the e-mails and the crooked hillary and the lying and all, the record of her on jobs and all that is -- her husband had a good record. she has no record. she's trying to glom off of him. but that performance, months ago in west virginia, was a disaster for her. she tried to walk it back. the media didn't stick it to her the way they would a republican who did that. and i think this is fair game. i'm glad the senator did that tonight. >> john, what do you say about hillary clinton and the fact that tonight she was under fire from chris christie, the governor of new jersey, who said to the american people, basically, not only the people in the convention floor, but he said to all the people watching tonight, let me spew out the facts, and then you decide if she's guilty or not guilty. so, it was kind of like a public trial, if you will, but he did what he was perhaps told to do, and that was come out and rip hillary clinton's status as secretary of state apart. >> he's like the role of elizabeth warren to the democratic party right now. >> here's what i think. first of all, to shelley moore capito, you know, that's a very powerful and important attack, because donald trump needs to win ohio, kentucky, west virginia, pennsylvania, all states to a greater or lesser extent where working class jobs in general and coal mining jobs in particular are very important. and christie's critique was a very effective one, particularly vis-a-vis what hillary had says and what director comey has said vis-a-vis the e-mails. but there is one theme that they haven't gotten is inclusiveness. this is a country that is about 25% of the voting age population is minorities, and given a white convention, and really only paul ryan speaking to inclusiveness, i think it's a challenge for donald trump for thursday and indeed the campaign to make the case that he'll be the president of all america and that his policies will benefit all americans, regardless of geography, race, color, or creed. >> so, pat, how does he do that? >> well, i think that what he's got to do -- by the way, i think christie did do what he said he would have done if he had won the nomination in the debate. given his moment. but i think what he's going to do and i think doug's on to a very, very important point here, which is the republican party, frankly, is viewed as a party without empathy or concern for minorities, poor people, and what have you. donald trump is not an ordinary republican. what he has not done yet -- and i think he's -- he has to do is he has to connect to them that they're just as important as any person in the country, that they have been deprived. he is the one that can carry a message, particularly in the urban america, about the black unemployment, young unemployment, what's happened, because essentially, the democratic party has harvested votes by party for many years and delivered nothing except dependency programs. and that is a powerful argument if he makes it, just as it is for hispanics, and just as it is, by the way, for the opportunity for asians and young people. >> we are two -- we're halfway through the convention, you know? and i think pat and doug have hit on something but i want to go bigger than that. i think the republicans under trump have missed, so far, the real picture of the country and where we're at in this election, which is not the e-mails, it's not lying hillary. it's bigger than that. it's -- we talk about it on our show every sunday. the public thinks the entire economic system of our country is crooked, rigged against them, fixed for rich guys on wall street, and in the media and in washington, right? where is that message in this convention? why aren't they all saying that? paint the big picture. >> and today was that day. today was the day to do it. >> if they had done it, someone else might be the nominee. the fact is, most republicans have no idea what that message is, and that's why donald trump wiped out 17 other republicans. >> i know, oh, i know. >> that's why donald trump, jr., made that message clear in his statement about his father being able to be there for all people. that's the message he was trying to convey, is it not? >> it is the message, kelly, but it's got to be bolder, more inclusive, and more specific. >> well, somebody is listening to it, though, because we had shannon bream up at the very top of the show and she said the latest polls that she's seen when it comes to the economy, the american public thinks that donald trump would do a better job than hillary clinton, 53 to 41%. >> we've got to leave it there, but gentlemen, thank you, and there are undecideds that frank talked to who are still undecided, they're basically saying they have two toxic candidates and they don't know who to vote for, so the message has to be strongly given throughout the rest of the republican national convention. >> they need to detoxify donald trump. >> we'll end it on that note of we . >> well, new jersey governor chris christie became one of donald trump's loudest cheerleaders, after the new jersey governor dropped his own presidential bid, he may have outdone himself. >> he may have indeed. now you can hear the whole thing for yourself. it's coming up right after the break. i accept i'm not 22 i accept i do a shorter set these days. i even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. but i won't play anything less than my best. so if there's something better than warfarin, i'm going for it. eliquis. eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus it had significantly less major bleeding than warfarin... eliquis had both... that's what i wanted to hear. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... ...and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. i accept i don't play quite like i used to. but i'm still bringing my best. and going for eliquis. reduced risk of stroke plus less major bleeding. ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. squuuuack, let's feed him let's feto the sharks!sharks! yay! and take all of his gold! and take all of his gold! ya! and hide it from the crew! ya...? squuuuack, they're all morons anyway! i never said that. they all smell bad too. no! you all smell wonderful! i smell bad! if you're a parrot, you repeat things. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. squuuuack, it's what you do. welcome back. new jersey governor chris christie giving a barn burner speech at the republican national convention. >> indeed he did, and we've been talking about it. it may have been something of an audition, if you will, to become donald trump's attorney general. here's the speech in its entirety. >> good evening. good evening. i'm here tonight, not only as the governor of new jersey but also as donald trump's friend for the last 14 years. we are about to be led by not only a strong leader but by the caring, genuine, and decent person. i'm proud to say that the voice of the people of our nation is being heard in this hall tonight, and those voices want donald trump to be the next president of the united states. [ applause ] but everybody, this election is not just about donald trump, no. it's also about his democratic opponent, hillary rod hham clinton. now, in the past few weeks, we've seen the justice department refuse to prosecute her. over the last eight years, we've seen this administration refuse to hold her accountable for her dismal record as secretary of state. so, let's do something fun tonight. tonight, as a former federal prosecutor, i welcome the opportunity to hold hillary rodham clinton accountable for her performance and her character. [ applause ] now -- >> lock her up! lock her up! lock her up! . >> all right, all right, we're getting there. give me a few more minutes, we'll get there. here's what we're going to do. we're going to present the facts to you. you, tonight, sitting as a jury of her peers, both in this hall and in your living rooms around our nation. you see, since the justice department refuses to allow you to render a verdict, i'm going to present the case now on the facts against hillary rodham clinton. [ applause ] now, she was america's chief diplomat, so let's look around the violence and the danger today in every region that has been infected by her flawed judgment. but i'm going to be specific so that you can render your verdict tonight on the basis of the facts. let's go to north africa. she was the chief engineer of the disastrous overthrow of qaddafi in libya. libya today, after hillary clinton's grand strategy, their economy's in ruins, there's death and violence on the streets, and isis is now dominating that country. so, i'm going to ask you this. hillary clinton, as a failure for ruining libya and creating a nest for terrorist activity by isis, answer me now, is she guilty or not guilty? >> guilty! >> in nigeria, hillary clinton amazingly fought for two years to keep an al qaeda affiliate off of the terrorist watch list. now, what happens because of this reckless action by the candidate who is the self-proclaimed champion of women all around the world? these al qaeda terrorists abducted hundreds of innocent young women two years ago. these schoolgirls are still missing today. and what was the solution from the obama-clinton team? a hashtag campaign. so, now, let's figure it out. let's decide. hillary clinton, as an apologist for an al qaeda affiliate in nigeria resulting in the capture of innocent young women, is she guilty or not guilty? >> guilty! >> see, she fights for the wrong people. she never fights for us. she doesn't get the real threats that america faces. so, now, let's go to china. in china, hillary clinton praised the chinese government for buying our debt to finance barack obama's bloated stimulus plan. she was so desperate for chinese cash, she promised to oppose the buy american provision in the stimulus bill in exchange for the cash to finance a huge expansion of federal government spending. so, hillary clinton, putting big government spending financed by the chinese ahead of good paying jobs for middle class americans, is she guilty or not guilty? >> guilty! >> let's go to syria. in syria, imagine this, imagine this, she called president assad a reformer. she called assad a different kind of leader. there's now 400,000 dead. think about that. 400,000 dead at the hands of the man that hillary defended. so, we must ask this question, hillary clinton, as an awful judge of the character of a dictator and butcher in the middle east, is she guilty or not guilty? >> guilty! >> next, in iran, she launched a negotiation that brought about the worst nuclear deal in history. let me be clear. america and the world are measurably less safe and less respected because of the iran deal that hillary helped cut. period. after she launched those negotiations, she game the biggest cheerleader for this agreement in the end. it's a deal that will lead to a nuclear iran, an israel that will be much less safe and secure, and a much more dangerous middle east. so let's ask it. hillary clinton as an inept negotiator of the worst nuclear arms deal in american history, is she guilty or not guilty? next -- >> lock her up! lock her up! >> next -- oh, believe me, we're not done yet. the indictment is hardly complete. next, let's go to russia. she went to the kremlin on her very first visit and gave them that stupid symbolic reset button. you know what i think that button should have read? it should have read "delete." you know, she's very good at that, by the way. [ applause ] and it should have read "delete" because she deleted, in four years, the safety and security it took us to build in 40 years. the next year, she said our goal, america's goal was to strengthen russia, strengthen an adversary led by a dictator who dreams of reassembling the old soviet empire? what an extraordinarily dangerous lack of judgment. so, once again, we need to ask, as a flawed evaluator of dictators and failed strategist who has permitted russia back in as a major player in the middle east, is hillary clinton guilty or not guilty? >> guilty! >> now, we go to cuba. hillary clinton supported concessions to the castro brothers and got almost nothing in return for ending the embargo. she supported a deal that didn't even require this murderous regime to return a cop killer to face justice. see, i know about this personally. chezomar murdered a new jersey state trooper in cold blood, fled to cuba, and lives there under cuban protection to this very day. i want to ask you, how could someone live with their own conscience when you reward a domestic terrorist with continued safety and at the same time betray the family of a fallen police officer waiting for decades for justice for his murder? so let's ask the question. hillary clinton, as a cod ler of the brutal castro brothers and betrayer of the family of fallen state trooper werner foster and his family, is he guilty or not guilty? >> guilty! >> locker up! lo lock her up! locker up! . >> now, finally, here at home in one of her first decisions as secretary of state, she set up a private e-mail server in her basement in violation of our national security. let's face the facts. hillary clinton cared more about protecting her own secrets than she cared about protecting america's secrets. and then, she lied about it over and over and over again. she said there was no marked classified information on her server. the fbi director said, that's untrue. she said that she did not e-mail any classified information. the fbi director says that's untrue. she said all work related e-mails were sent back to the state department. the fbi director said, that's not true. so, as to hillary clinton, the charge of putting herself ahead of america, guilty or not guilty? >> guilty! >> hillary -- >> lock her up! lock her up! . >> i got another question for you. i got another question for you. as to hillary clinton lying to the american people about her selfish, awful judgment in making our secrets vulnerable, what's your verdict? guilty or not guilty? now, time -- time after time after time, the facts and just the facts lead you to the same verdict, both around the world and here at home. in libya and nigeria, guilty. in china and syria. >> guilty. >> in iran and russia and cuba. >> guilty! >> and here at home for risking american secrets to keep her own and lying to cover it all up? >> guilty! >> her focus group tested persona with no genuineness to be found is a sham meant to obscure all the facts and leave you able to vote for her. we cannot promote someone to commander in chief who has made the world a more violent and dangerous place with every bad judgment she's made. we cannot make the chief law enforcement officer of the united states someone who has risked america's secrets and lied to the american people about it day after day after day. here it is, everybody. we didn't disqualify hillary clinton to be president of the united states. the facts of her life and career disqualify her. [ applause ] see, i can tell that everybody in this hall agrees with this, but i want to take our last moments here to talk to all of you at home in your living rooms, sitting there tonight. you're the ones who will decide this election. we have an alternative. we have a man who is unafraid. we have a man who wants to lead us. we have a man who understands the frustrations and the aspirations of our fellow citizens. we have a man who judges people based on their performance, regardless of your gender, your race, your ethnic or religious background. i implore you, we do not need to settle for less in this election. we cannot reward incompetence and deceit. we need to demand more than what hillary clinton offers for america, because, see, we know exactly what four years of hillary clinton will bring. all the failures of the obama years but with less charm and more lies. [ applause ] tonight, those of us in this hall and the people at home, it is our obligation to stop hillary clinton now and never let her get within ten miles of the white house again. [ applause ] it is time to come together and make sure that donald trump is the next president of the united states! [ applause ] i am proud to be part of this team. now, let's go out and win this thing together! let's go get them! good night! >> good night, everybody. well, with me now, christopher bedford, he is the editor in chief for the daily caller. thank you so much for joining us so early. >> good morning. >> so, what do you think? just your overall response to chris christie's speech there. >> so, what i noticed is how much deferred from his speech four years ago for mitt romney. both times, we know that chris christie did want to be vice president and he was disappointed to not be chosen both times, but four years ago, he really spoke all about chris christie, and this time, he didn't really talk about himself at all. he attacked hillary clinton and he capped it in both ends with huge support for donald trump, so you can be sure that unlike four years ago, we're going to see him on team trump a lot over the next few months. >> do you think the difference of not talking about himself, talking more about donald trump is because he's auditioning for the job of attorney general? >> that seems most likely. he seems most suited for that. the one thing i thought was interesting was, if you're trying to be the balanced law enforcement agent in top of america's law enforcement, this was kind of a robespierre type speech. it certainly wasn't an unbiased speech. it seemed like he could have been auditioning a little bit more to be donald trump's attack dog, and he may have saved it a little bit more mike pence who was a little bit more measured, so chris christie seems like he put in his resume to say, donald, i'm still here and i'll still attack, attack, attack. >> he's kind of taken elizabeth warren role over at this point, not necessarily on twitter though. we'll see if that happens hillary clinton did have a response. here's what she tweeted in response to chris christie. she says, if you think chris christie can lecture anyone on ethics, we have a bridge to sell you. what could that possibly be talking about? i have no idea. >> that's another problem that christie's going to have, trying to be attorney general. it's, well, nothing has been proven, there are rumors all around him that he used his power, at least his deputies abused their power to punish political opponents and be kind of petty, and that will certainly get in the way of trying to be attorney general, depending on how the democrats do and how much power they have over a potential trump white house. >> all right. thank you so much for joining us. appreciate your insight and opinions, christopher bedford. thanks. >> thank you. >> well, they are among the most courted voters of this presidential race. >> the millennials. the millennial generation could ultimately decide who wins the white house next fall and up next, we will hear from a young voter who spoke at the convention yesterday on thousand ral -- how to rally a whole new generation of voters. constipated? 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>> thank you so much for having me. i think there are tremendous opportunities with millennials and donald trump. i think they fundamentally see him as an authentic candidate, someone that's not bought by special interests. that's something they very much do not see in hillary clinton at this point. they don't trust her, and i feel like she isn't who she says she is. >> well, when you say that, what are they -- what are they getting from donald trump that makes him believe that he is who he says he is? >> i think it's the style in which he communicates. you know, he's out there on social media just sort of saying what he means and saying it almost immediately after it happens. it doesn't look like hillary clinton's team where it has to go through a 20-person, you know, sort of bureaucracy to get out there. he's just talking about things in a common sense plain way and i think that's attractive to young voters. >> is he inclusive enough to your liking? >> you know, i think that any republican candidate is going to have to be more inclusive of young voters. that's something our party has struggled with since 2012. it was young voters that decided the presidential election against mitt romney in 2012, and if voting had started at 8:30, mitt romney would be our president today. so i think that any republican candidate is going to start out at a deficit so we need to make sure that we have the resources available for mr. trump to be able to win back young voters with this very important election cycle. >> so you heard donald trump, jr., tonight, and he was talking about how his father reaches out to all people and would like to create a nation that has prosperity for all americans, not just white americans but black americans, muslim americans, christian americans, you name it, he wants to do it according to donald trump, jr. how did that message strike with you? did it strike a chord with you? >> i thought donald trump jr.'s message was excellent tonight, he had a thoughtful passion nalt defense of conservative principles and this is something we've said all along at the republican national college committee, if we have a genuine, awe thent you can conversation with voters our age about conservative principles, they will eventually come over to our side because it's free market and liberty minded principles that run millennial's lives so that's discordant with a liberal establishment that wants to run things from the top down from washington, d.c. >> we thank you for your comments and being a young millenni millennial who was able to talk to the nation with your message. >> thank you so much. >> so, you know, when we see this, a young millennial like that and donald trump jr. resonating with them, and in fact, many people said donald trump jr. should be running because they believe a star has been born with a political future ahead of him. 30 years old and a father of five and perhaps what he said tonight, maybe his father will soften his approach and become more like donald, jr. >> we will see. >> we will see. it's now official. donald trump is the 2016 republican nominee. so we said if you need safelite to come to the zoo we'll come to the zoo! only safelite can fix your windshield anywhere in the us. with our exclusive mobileglassshops. and our one of a kind trueseal technology, for a reliable bond. service that fits your schedule. that's another safelite advantage. ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ has been a struggle. i considered all my options with my doctor, who recommended once-daily toujeo®. now i'm on the path to better blood sugar control. toujeo® is a long-acting insulin from the makers of lantus®. it releases slowly, providing consistent insulin levels for a full 24 hours, proven full 24-hour blood sugar control, and significant a1c reduction. and along with toujeo®, i'm eating better and moving more. toujeo® is a long-acting, man-made insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. it contains 3 times as much insulin in 1 milliliter as standard insulin. don't use toujeo® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you're allergic to insulin. allergic reaction may occur and may be life threatening. don't reuse needles or share insulin pens, even if the needle has been changed. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which can be serious and life threatening. it may cause shaking, sweating, fast heartbeat, and blurred vision. check your blood sugar levels daily while using toujeo®. injection site reactions may occur. don't change your dose or type of insulin without talking to your doctor. tell your doctor if you take other medicines and about all your medical conditions. insulins, including toujeo®, in combination with tzds (thiazolidinediones) may cause serious side effects like heart failure that can lead to death, even if you've never had heart failure before. don't dilute or mix toujeo® with other insulins or solutions as it may not work as intended and you may lose blood sugar control, which could be serious. toujeo® helps me stay on track with my blood sugar. ask your doctor about toujeo®. those hot dogs look good. oh yeah, hebrew national. their all-beef like yours but they're also kosher. so, not just any beef goes into it. oh, honey! oh! here, have some of ours. oh! hebrew national. a hot dog you can trust. [ boss ] it is a very smart plan. so we're all on board? [ paul ] no. this is a stupid plan. hate drama? go to research. price. find. only helps you get the right car without all the drama. >> we cannot make the chief law enforcement officer of the united states someone who has risked america's secrets and lied to the american people about it hillary clinton to be president of the united states of america. the facts of her life and career disqualify her. [ applause ] >> convention also heard from a couple of trump's children, as well as congressional leaders, mitch mcconnell, paul ryan, two republicans who have eventually embraced donald trump, though they have pointed out things that he has at sure, we have. you want to know what i call those? signs of life. signs of the topic of the day all day yesterday had to do with melania trump. what she said in her convention speech and what michelle obama said in her 2008 convention speech. republicans in the trump campaign have attempted to move past that. they did so with last night's second night. we will hear from a handful of republicans. we've got eric trump, another son of donald trump. the house speaker newt gingrich and the vice presidential nominee, mike pence. back to you. >> thank you very much. >> lots of talk before the roll call of the never trump camp creating some drama but wasn't to be. but that doesn't mean that it wasn't plenty exciting. look. >> 36 votes for the next president of the united states, donald j. trump. >> arizona delivers 58 bound votes. >> 172 votes to the nominee. >> and it's my honor to be able to throw donald trump over the top in the delegate count tonight with 89 delegates. >> but some republicans say that donald trump still has a little bit of work to do to truly unify party. joining us now by phone, the texas attorney general ken paxton. he is an unbound delegate. thank you for joining us this morning. >> thanks for having me on. i appreciate it. >> so first of all, you have not formally endorsed donald trump. do you plan to do that? >> i'm absolutely supporting him. i think tonight was a great night. when you have 17 candidates like we did which is probably more than we ever have. and they're qualified. i think it is difficult for people to come together at the same time. i think we're there now and i think you'll see a lot more republicans. not just the republicans but around the country to support trump against hillary clinton. >> i found it interesting. we just aired a little of it. and one of the features this evening, he talked about that. some people, the lack of unity that still needs to be worked on. he said we've had our arguments this year. sure we have. we call it signs of life. the party isn't just going through motions. so what other issues do you think that they need to tackle specifically to move forward and unify? >> well, i think it will become very clear when you're now down to two candidates. down to hillary clinton and donald trump. you'll have a very, i think he will spend his time focusing on the differences between him and hillary. i think people will see it, for me as an attorney general, i'm looking at legal issues. who will be appointed to the supreme court. i think those will be very differently answered. >> when you say talking about or focusing on the differences, do you think that there's been too much attack hillary clinton and not really getting into the specifics of not necessarily so much of what she has done wrong but what the republican party can do right moving forward? >> i think there will be both. she has a long record of service and there is a lot to contrast with. so that could be viewed as negative. some of the things she's done are really negative. so i think you'll see both the contrast and i think you'll see more specifics from donald trump about what he will do. >> also, issues in our own country right now. when it comes to the safety of our law enforcement. when it comes to targeting certain groups based on race or gender. how do you see donald trump needs to tackle that? >> you know, obviously, i was in dallas when the shootings occurred and it was devastating to our community. what was awesome about the event is that despite the tragedy, it was really wonderful to see the community come together to support the family. law enforcement. and i think we need to continue and i think donald trump will do it. i think he will support law enforcement. and i think ellen courage the communications between law enforcement and the community. >> .with you that morning after the dallas shoot hg occurred. how is texas doing right now? >> you know, i've been so pleased and impressed with the people of dallas, the people of texas who have really come together and put their arms around these families. they will suffer for years to come. the sacrifices of law enforcement. it's been remarkable. >> thank you so much for taking the time to join us and of course our prayers to everyone out there in texas. thank you. >> we really appreciate it. thank you. >> well, indiana governor mike pence officially becoming the vice presidential nominee. >> and he gives his acceptance speech wednesday night. that's tonight. what does he need to say? joining us from cleveland, strategist christopher metsler. i want to start off first of all what governor pence had to say in terms of defining himself. he said, quote, i'm a christian and a conservative in that order. what does that mean to the republican party now that he is sided with donald trump? keep in mind this is a governor who at once, at one time, endorsed senator ted cruz. >> i think it means a couple things. one of the most important things, i was in the hall this evening and it was absolutely electrifying. as i expect it will be tomorrow. it is important for him to look at unifying the base. and from a conservative standpoint, from a christian standpoint, from a republican stam, he is bringing a lot of the social conservatives to the fold. it is very, very important as you've heard all the speakers talk about, to make sure that the party is unified. he also brings the fact that he has been a governor for a short period of time so he is not tainted by the bureaucracy that goes on and on and on often in government. >> he's also been a member of congress and with some of his messages in terms of the lgbt community, he has offended some. those have caused hiv to be criticized by his own people. >> giving a speech before the american union. he is trying to bring more people in. >> it is time for to us come together. time for to us come together around this good man, the agenda of barack obama and hillary clinton has weakened america's place in the world and stifled our nation's economy. and so we must decide here and now that hillary clinton will never become president of the united states. >> is his message strong enough to win over republicans who are not quite satisfied with donald trump? >> i think it is. i think it is a combination of message. i think it is a combination of demeanor. i think pits we started the discussion in earnest tonight in the hall about really unifying the entire party. and i'll tell you this. the party will be unified against hillary clinton and in support of donald trump. so let's not underestimate as well. is he perfect? no. there are no perfect candidates. we understand that. but i think from this perspective, it was a smart pick. yes, he's been criticized for all these things. but of the candidates running, which one has not been criticized? >> very good. >> what does governor pence to have say tonight as a vice presidential nominee? >> i think he has to let everyone know that he in fact can take over and to be the commander in chief. i think he has to let everyone know that he will fight for the middle class. and i think he has to let everyone know, this is not about legacy. this is about changing the country at its core. i think you will see an electrifying speech tomorrow. >> thank you very much. thank you. once a trump adversary, now an ally. >> dr. ben carson takes center stage to praise his country's nominee. it was one of the more popular speeches of the night. welcome back. 2:15 on the east coast. >> it doesn't feel that way. >> former presidential candidate ben carson getting one of the most enthusiastic responses from the convention. >> indeed, ventiongoers giving good doctor a standing ovation. here's what he had to say. >> i have to start out by saying one very important thing. i'm not politically correct. and i hate political correctness. because it is antithetical to the founding principles of this country. and the secular progressives use it to make people sit down and shut up while they change everything. it is time for us to stand up and shout out about what we believe in. >> i devoted my career to studying and operating on the human brain. this remarkable organ defines our humanity. it gives us the ability to not only feel and observe, but to reason. when we elect a president, we need to use that power of reasoning. to look at their history, their character, what kind of people they realliful are it makes all the difference in the world for us. and it is going to be so critical right now. we must resist the temptation to take the easy way out and to passively accept what is fed to us by the politically elite and the media. because they don't know what they're talking about. but they have an agenda. now we must also be weary of the narrative that's being advanced by some in our own party. the notion that a hillary clinton administration wouldn't be that bad. the effects would only be temporary. that it would only last for four if not eight years. they're not using their god given brain to think about what they're saying. it won't be four or eight years. because she will be appointing people who will have an effect on us for generations and america may never recover from that. that's what we have to be thinking about. interestingly enough, we have to start thinking about what would hillary clinton do if she was in fact the president? she would appoint supreme court justices. she would appoint federal judges. and that would have a deleterious effect on what happens for generations to come. not only that but she would continue with a system that denigrates young people, puts them in a place where they'll never be able to get a job. where they're always going to be dependent and on where they can therefore be cultivated for their votes. this is not what america is all about. this kind of deception. and this is what we the people have the necessary obligation to fight. now, one of the things that i have learned about hillary clinton is that one of her heroes, her mentors was saul olynski. and her senior thesis was about him. this was someone that she greatly admired. and that affected all of her philosophies after that. let me tell you something about him. he wrote a book called rules for radicals on the dedication page, it acknowledges lucifer, the original radical, who gained his own kingdom. now think about that. this is the nation where our founding documents, the declaration of independence talks about certain inalienable rights that come from our creator. this is a nation where it says one nation under god. every coin in our pocket and every bill in our ability says, in god we trust. so are we willing to elect someone as president who has as their role model somebody who acknowledges lucifer? think about that. the secular progressive agenda is antithetical to the principles of the founding of this nation. if we continue to allow them to take god out of our lives, god will remove himself. our nation will not be bless asked it will go down the tubes and we will be responsible. we don't want that to happen. now, donald trump understands this very well of he understands that the blessings of this nation come with the responsibility to ensure that they are available to all. not just the privileged few. this is exemplified by his willingness to take on the establishment against all odds. it is evident in his passion for the american worker. it is found in his desire to put his considerable skills on behalf american interests. not his self-interests. i am proud to support donald trump. an extraordinary businessman. the right leader for a time such as this. but do you know what? it is not about donald trump. it is not about me. it is about we the people. and thomas jefferson said that we would reach this point. because we the people would not be paying attention and it would allow the government to grow, to expand and to metastasize. but he said, before we turn into something else, we the people would recognize what was going on. what we were about to lose. and we would rise up and we would take control of our nation and i say, now is the time for us to rise up and take america back. >> that's ben carson there speaking at the national convention on day two. let's bring in our political panel. the campaign adviser to hillary clinton in 2008. at the manhattan institute for research. also the pulitzer prize winning journalist, and the chief political correspondent for the conservative review. ladies, thank you for joining us. so dr. ben carson was well received by the crowd on the convention floor tonight. for all intents and purposes gave a speech they wanted to hear but some have taken exception to the fact that he used the word lucifer and connected hillary clinton to that. is it right? is it fair that democratic opponents should be demonized and called satan or lucifer? >> i think we know the answer to that question. it is no surprise. certainly tonight was much more well produced than last night. the chaos and the anger and the, there weren't as many lies told. but they still found a way of getting in the gutter and surprisingly that came from ben carson. the idea that he would be connecting her to lucifer. that's the political rhetoric we're living in now and that's the political rhetoric that has been led by donald trump. this is a reflection of the country that he wants, and the words that he wants to be spoken in this election. and i think we should be very afraid. >> in other points, dr. carson said some statements that not only pleased the base but also perhaps pleased a lot of republicans who wanted to hear him talk about all americans. was able to do that and get away from the comment he made in the initial part of his speech. >> well, he made that comment. he was hague out the case of hillary clinton, who she idolized. it wasn't something that he made up. >> idolized at the time or admired saul alinsky. >> yes. he was appearing to the christian base. the kroid was very enthusiastic. people on the right love ben carson any way. and what towed say in terms of hillary clinton, he is hague out the case for why individuals should not be voting for her. her lack of accountability and responsibility, her lack of leadership in the state department. there's a long list of things that hillary clinton has done that is really a turn-off for a lot of people. >> again, i'm sorry. go ahead. >> probably what you were going to mention which was right before that part of the speech, he talked about specifically education and young people. and the millennial vote, we were mentioning earlier, will be key. for either candidate. so did he do a good job in that respect? >> no. i don't really think he did. i mean, that job fell to the trump children. and one had to acknowledge tonight that what was striking about this convention is the extent to which it has become donald trump's convention. the children being the forces of height, a family being the forces of light, even though they, too, were very negative. but then leaving the surrogates to do the attack. but the overall impression, this is the attack, the negativity, the comparison of hillary with a lucifer worshipping person. somebody ought to tell mr. carson, dr. carson, that a fundamental pillar of american democracy is not taking god in or out of our hives but separating god from the state. because i cover a part of the world where there is no separation and as we all from isis, it is not pretty. i was very struck by the negativity of the tone of the speakers and the extent of which the party of lincoln has become the party of trump. the party that freed the slaves was addressing a party with only 3% delegates is that only 14% hispanic delegates which is half of what governor romney was able to a semiwhen the last time. i don't see why you win an wleks that narrow a base. >> all right. a lot. we'll be with you throughout the night and we'll have more discussion on what's going on at the republican convention. >> the house speaker paul ryan calling for party unity saying it is the key to defeating hillary clinton. >> up next, hear what the speaker said about making the gop stronger. as our special election coverage continues. welcome back to the much anticipated speech from house speaker paul ryan. he has broken with trump on many of the nominees' proposals. but tonight, he called for unity. that's what he was reaching for in the republican party as he attacked hillary clinton's policies. here is his speech in its entirety. >> friends, fellow citizens. i can't tell you how much i appreciate the privilege of addressing this 41st convention of the party of lincoln. and as part of my chairman duties, let me thank all the people of this beautiful city for looking after us this week. and above all, above all, i want to thank the men and women who are here from law enforcement for your service. you know, standing up here again, it all has kind of a familiar feel. students of trivia will recall that last time around i was your nominee for vice president. it was a great honor. it was a great honor even if things didn't work out quite according to the plan. hey, i'm a positive guy. i found some other things to keep me busy. and i like to look at it this way. the next time that there is a state of the union address, i don't know where joe biden or barack obama will be. but you'll find me right there with vice president mike pence and president donald trump. democracy is a series of choices. we republicans have made our choice. have we had our arguments this year? sure we have. do you know what i call those some signs of life. signs of a party that is not just going through motions. not just mounting, mouthing new words from the same old stuff. meanwhile, what choice has the other party made in this incredible year filled with so many surprises? here we are. at a time when men and women in both parties so clearly, so undeniably want a big change in direction for america. a clean break from a failed system. what does the democratic party establishment offer? what is their idea of a clean break? they are offering a third obama term brought to you by another clinton. and you're supposed to be excited about that. for a country so ready for change, it feels like we've been cleared for takeoff. and then somebody announced we're all going back to the gate. it is like we've been on hold forever. waiting and waiting to finally talk to a real person and somehow we've been sent back to the main menu. watch the democratic party convention next week. that four-day infomercial of politically correct moralizing. and let it be a reminder of all that is at stake in this election. you can get through four days of it with a little help from the mute button. but four more years of it? not a chance. not a chance. look. the obama years are almost over. the clinton years are way over. 2016 is the year america moves on. from now to november, we will hear how many different ways progressive elitists can find to talk to the rest of america. to tell voters that the obama years have been good for you. you should be grateful and well, now, it's hillary's turn. the problem is really simple. the problem here is very simple. there is a reason people in our country are disappointed and restless. if opportunity seems like it has been shipping away, that's because it has. and liberal progressive ideas have done exactly nothing to help. wages never seem to go up. the whole economy feels stuck and millions of americans, millions of americans, middle which is a security is now just a memory. our president likes to talk forever about poverty in america. if high sounding talk did any good, we would have overcome those problems long ago. this explains why under the most liberal president we've had so far, poverty in america is worse. especially for our fellow citizens who need it most and were promised better. the result is a record of discarded promises. empty gestures. phony straw arguments. shady power maze like the one that gave us obamacare. constitutional limits brushed off as nothing. and all the while, dangers in the world downplayed even as the threats go bolder and come closer. it is the last chapter of an old story. progressives deliver everything except progress. yesterday we know better than most. we know better than to think republicans can win only on the failures of democrats. it still come down to a contest of ideas which is really good news, ladies and gentlemen. when bits ideas, the advantage goes to us. against dreary back drop of arrogant bureaucracy, all that progressives have in store for us. the republican party stands as a great enduring party. we believe in making government as ronald reagan said. not the distributor of gifts and privilege but once again the protector of our liberties. let the other party go on making its case for more government control over every aspect of our lives. more debt to pay, more rules to follow, more judges who make it up as they go along. we in this party, we are committed to a federal government that acts again as a servant, accountable to the people. following the constitution. going not one inch beyond consent of the government. we in this party offer a better way for our country. based on fundamentals that go back to the founding generation. we believe in a free society. where aspiration and effort can make a difference in every life. where your starting point is not your destiny. where your first chance is not your only chance. we offer a better way for america. a reformed tax code for free enterprise instead of enterprising hobbyists. a reformed health care system that operates by free choice instead of by force and doesn't leave you with cold chooless bureaucrats. a commitment to a renewed 21st century military. giving them the care that they were promised and the care that they earned. and we offer a better way for dealing with persist tent poverty in this country. a way that shows poor americans a way beyond liberal poverty and check writing. with opportunity and independence. the happiness of using your gifts and the dignity of having a job. and do you know what? none of this will happen under hillary clinton. only with donald trump and mike pence do we have a chance and a better way. last opponent. last point. let the other side go on and on with the constant dividing of people. always playing one group against the other. in america, aren't we all supposed to be and see beyond class? see beyond ethnicity? are all these lines drawn instead of locking us into groups? real social progress is always a winding of the circle of concern and protection. it is respect and empathy overtaking blindness. understanding by the true pressure we are all neighbors and countrymen. calling each one of us to know what is right and kind and just. and to go and do likewise. everyone. everyone is equal. everyone has a place. no one is written off. because there is goodness in every life. straight from the declaration of independence. that is the republican ideal. if we won't defend it, who will? so much, so much that you and i care about. so many things that we stand for in the balance of this coming election. whatever we lack, we should not lack for motivation. in the plainest terms i know, it is all on the line. so let's act that way. let's act that way. let's see if the edge we have. this year surprises and dramatic turns can end in the finest possible way. when america elects a conservative governing majority. we can do this. we can earn that mandate if we don't hold anything back. if we never who's sight of the space. if we never who's sight of what is on the table. our candidates will be giving their all, their utmost and everyone of us has got to go and do the same. so what do you say? what do you say that we unify this party? what do you say that we unify this party at this crucial moment when unity is everything? let's take our fight to our opponent with better ideas. let's get on the offensive and let's stay there. let's compete in every part of america and turn out at the polls like every last vote matters because it will. fellow republicans, what we have begun here, let's see this thing through. let's win this thing. let's show america our best and nothing less. thank you. thank you. and god bless. >> paul ryan speaking there for roughly 12 minutes. and he only mentioned donald trump once, if you were counting. for reaction we are joined now by a fox news political analyst. thank you for joining us, first of all. >> thank you for having me. my pleasure. >> so paul ryan may have mentioned donald trump's name just once. what he said was pretty significant and what a lot of people needed to hear or wanted to hear. that was unification with him. he went so far as to say the next time you see him, he will be right there next to vice president mike pence and president donald trump. was that enough? >> all i can say is this is paul ryan 2020. do you remember 2004, this is the only time i'll come pair paul ryan to obama. 2004 obama gave his speech about unifying. that's the speech. that's the paul ryan that i know. not only tonight did he unify the party. he has laid the beginning of a foundation to run for president. >> and he also mentioned progressives. why did he do that? what did you think about what he had to say? >> now, i don't like liberal policies but i like progressive policies. we are more the progressive party. liberals use fear. we want to give people tools to build the house. so basically he was saying that this is the party that can actually create a better america, a more prosperous america. i think not only did he unify the party, i think he brought the progressives on board. >> today's theme -- i'm sorry. yesterday's theme was supposed to be putting america back to work. the economy. some of the lines he said, he talked about obamacare for a moment. he talked about president obama calling him the most liberal president that we've ever had. and that as a result of that, poverty in america is worse, especially for our fellow citizens who were promised better and need it the most. how do you think donald trump and this mike pence can pull over those people who are undecided into the party? how can he assure them that he can get them jobs? >> first of all, tax policy, tax policy, tax policy. we need to her on taxes. and actually give the american people their money back. because they know best what to do with their money. talk about the issues. talk about what you're going to do. let's stop talking about highin hillary. what we want to know, what are you going to do? obama and his policies has actually made this country worse. our middle which is a is now in a poverty which is a. the bottom line is what are you going to do to rectify what has been done wrong? >> that's where i was going with my questioning. a hot of -- or some of the criticism of the convention so far is that it focused too much on attack hillary clinton and not enough on some of those specifics. what the party can do for people who are not this at the convention but are at home hopefully watching. >> what is so sad about my party that i'm a member of the republican party. we are poor communicators. so we're trying to take a page out of the liberal play book. stick with what you know. right now we don't look like the party that i joined. the bottom line is this. what they need to do is stop with the insults. that's why donald trump is our nominee. >> all right. always an honor to have you on. >> thank you. >> this giving voters a new perspective on the nominee. >> up next, donald trump jr. and why he said it was the most surreal safety doesn't come in a box. it's not a banner that goes on a wall. it's not something you do now and then. or when it's convenient. it's using state-of-the-art simulators to better prepare for any situation. it's giving offshore teams onshore support. and it's empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesn't seem right. at bp, safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. at bp, safety is never being satisfied. mary buys a little lamb. one of millions of orders on this company's servers. accessible by thousands of suppliers and employees globally. but with cyber threats on the rise, mary's data could be under attack. with the help of at&t, and security that senses and mitigates cyber threats, their critical data is safer than ever. giving them the agility to be open & secure. because no one knows & like at&t. it is my honor to be able to though donald trump over the top with 89 delegates. and another 6 for john kasich. >> congratulations, dad, we love you. >> the delegates for the state of new york. being a delegate i got to be a part of that process. i didn't realize you could may with it that way. that's why pennsylvania deferred so kindly. i had a lot of friends in that delegation. they deferred their votes so new york could get and it be the one to though him over the threshold. and i work with the chairman. it was great. >> when they see how hard he's worked. especially him in this whole process to be the guy that says, here you are. this is what you've worked so hard for for the last 18 months. it is awesome. the most surreal moment of my high of. >> that's a great moment for donald trump jr. and all the children who were this to see their dad get the nomination. and his entire speech that he gave for the republican national convention in the last hour. let's wrap up this hour with our political hour. judith miller, adjunct professor. a pulitzer prize winning author and journalist. and the chief political correspondent. we go back to the second night of the republican convention. and at this point, you want to see the party start to get together. you want to see them get together in unity. have they achieved that? or do they have some heavy lifting to do between now and thursday when donald trump comes out to give his speech to the people who support him at the republican national convention? >> i think things have certainly gotten better. this whole election year has been a marathon. so there have been a lot of changes over the course of the election. this campaign. so i think people will recognize the fact that if we doing with hillary clinton, it will be another four more years of obama presidency. high taxes. she is attack the fossil fuel industry. that means jobs and revenue. people are concerned about safety and security, and their concerned about the economy. >> in terms of who you thought addressed the topic of the night. including putting people back to work. >> i was going to ask myself, what did we learn about donald trump's economic plan? we know he has no plan for how to build our infrastructure. no man for how to raise wages. he said that wages are too high. he has no man for making college affordable. ba you have a lot of effort saying, he would be a disaster for our economy. and that includes the chamber of comers and i think that is reflected in paul ryan's stage. he looked so tortured. i think four years ago when he was the vice presidential nominee. he was smiling and so energetic. it he understands what is really at stake is the loss of the republican party. >> isn't it amazing when you look at the different people and the perspectives on the speeches. your perspective was metly opposite of what she thought of his speech. she thought i'm so proud to be a republican. that's one of the things she said. as a result of his speech. >> the only beacon of hope on that stage. when he runs for president, they're going to may that chip of him being the one to say he's the nominee. and i think paul ryan understands how dangerous that is. >> the economy as well. we were talking about this. one of the greatest polls, the american people, 53-41, apparentlily believe that donald trump can do a better job with the economy. >> right. the poll indicate that this could be a very, very close election. so no matter what one is feeling with the various candidates, the respective candidates, i think so much will depend on turnout. the point of any convention is to not only energize the base but expand that tent and reach other people. paul ryan is in a very good position to do that. i agree with her, a melancholy tone. this was not the same man we saw before. there was something nostalgic. the tone, the tenor. >> when you listen to what paul ryan was saying, it's this a man who hofs the republican party. cheerily loves america. we saw that when he ran for vice president. and when he was, so many look to him as being the leader of the party. now he's to work donald trump and even at some point, he's had to go out and defend donald trump. and snap him on the happen-- do bode well? >> people need to call as they get together. that's what it is all about. again, the goal is to really turn our country around. two thirds of americans don't think our country is going in the right direction. i think that's huge. very telling. >> the thing that was a word count done. there were two times as much speeches. when they looked at the word count. one was hillary clinton. two was america. three was donald trump. and four was the economy. fourth. there is no specificity. >> we have to wrap it up there. thank you. >> we'll be right back. stay with us. ♪ ♪ take on any road with intuitive all-wheel drive. the nissan rogue, murano and pathfinder. now get 0% apr for 72 months, plus $500 bonus cash. ♪ thosthey are.sses? do i look smarter? yeah, a little. you're making money now, are you investing? well, i've been doing some research. let me introduce you to our broker. how much does he charge? i don't know. okay. uh, do you get your fees back if you're not happy? (dad laughs) wow, you're laughing. that's not the way the world works. well, the world's changing. are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed? wealth management, at charles schwab. it is official. the republican 2016 ticket is trump-penz. thank you for staying with us or just joining us. if you are, i'm heather childress. >> i'm kelly wright. donald trump is telling the convention that his nomination is a movement, but we have to go all the way, he added. >> let's send it over to rich who is live for us once again in cleveland this morning. another exciting day on tap, but it was exciting yesterday as well, right? >> good morning, heather and kelly. there are still some day two convention goers hanging around downtown cleveland, though mott many. though not many. they are transitioning into the third day of the republican national convention. the theme for tomorrow or i guess later today, much later today, is make america first again. it is the theme of the donald trump campaign that america has fallen behind and his policies will help correct that. last night the convention heard from two of donald trump's children including eric trump -- excuse me donald trump, junior. trump siblings offered the family side of donald trump. >> for my father impossible is the starting point. that's how we approach his business projects. that's how we approach his life. whether it is teaching his granddaughter how to swing a golf club or tackling the toughest negotiations, he is always fully committed. >> whatever he does he gives his all and does it well. his desire for excellence is contagious. he possesses a unique gift for bringing the trait out in others starting with those closest to him. he has always helped me be the best version of myself. by encouragement and by example. >> so that was tiffany trump and donald trump, junior. we will hear from eric trump. it is a big family and with former speaker of the house newt gingrich and the running mate on the republican ticket, mike penz, the indiana governor. last night was supposed to focus on the economy and instead it turned to hillary chin be to. hillary clinton. the former mayor of new york city played a couple nights previous essentially being the attack dog against the democratic ticket. the convention officially and finally nominated donald trump last evening. it was the closes -- closest republican nominee since the 1970s. there were other officials who spoke including the house speaker, paul ryan and the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. the two top elected republicans in the united states who have also at times aired their differences publicly with donald trump. both supported him and both endorsed him, but thisy have taken issues with his rhetoric and policies. we expect to hear more from that much later today as the republican national convention hits on its third day to "make america first again" the theme dealing with america's position in the world. >> all right, looking forward to it. thank you so much as always. we'll check back with you. don't go far. >> i won't. the convention will hear from a number of other speakers on wednesday in addition to governor penz. >> it will feature one of the most highly anticipated speakers of the convention, senator ted cruz. will he throw his support behind donald trump? joining us from cleveland is the bureau chief at talk media news and a fox news contributor. ellen, good for you to stay out there in cleveland. >> you deserted us though. >> it is my hometown. >> she likes to be close to the action. she is. so what do you say about senator ted cruz? will he make nice or will he go ahead and make a plan to announce for 2020? >> rumor has it that he is not going to announce for 2020, but he will try and pave the road for 2020. that means that he might be talking a little about donald trump. he will be talking more about the values and where the republican party goes. that is going to be his way of , again, making room for himself just in case donald trump doesn't win this election, then ted cruz sees himself as the guy who can win the nomination in 2020. >> he also has some very poignant things to say about the media. he says the media has always taken -- have gone out -- it is early in the morning, isn't it? >> or late. >> he said the media has tried to attack him on his christian values, and because of that he believes that many in the media and many have looked at him as being some sort of theocratome whacked out person is what he said. >> well, they can blame the media all they want. the media has done a lot of free committees meant so -- free advertisement for hillary clinton. whether it is negative or positive, she's has gotten a lot of media attention. the fact is that part of donald trump is that he has already been in people's living rooms. people vote for who they want in their living rooms for the next four years. he has been there with "the apprentice" and they know him. i don't think the free media is the issue as much as it is what donald trump was saying and what ted cruz was not saying. >> so tomorrow night when ted cruz takes the stage many will be watching with anticipation about what he might say. i know you can't speak for him, but it it seems likely that he will try to make some sort of opportunity to unify the party, don't you hing? >> if i were him i would take the unity position. he is certainly going to talk about republican values. in that way he might try and weave in some donald trump ideas. that would be good for the party. there is no question about that. i think he is also going to branch out a little bit on his own just to say, hey, guys, if donald trump doesn't make it, i'm your next guy. i think that is what he will rye to do and knowing ted cruz, that is what he will do. >> and let's keep in mind that one of his good friends, in fact, a man who endorsed him, and who is now the vice presidential nominee, mike pence from indiana, both stated clearly and publicly that they are christian first and conservative and in that order. >> well, you know, that's not terribly surprising. i remember that linda main johnson said he was first a free man and being a democrat was third or fourth down on the list. that's not surprising. you may say they took that from lyndon johnson. i don't know who they took it from. the fact is he is somebody who is an american, and in that respect he's got to be loyal to american values and interests. as they say in the state department, we don't have permanent friends and permanent enemies. we only have permanent interests. >> on that line he and governor pe nce get along -- pence get along and push for unity. >> you can push for unity and not necessarily -- >> enjoy yourself in cleveland. i know we are missing your private parties. >> thank you. >> hillary clinton is not taking the week off. she spoke yesterday in ohio and today in las vegas. it comes as sources tell fox that she has narrowed down her picks for vice president. just happened to leak that out. on the short list we are told the current virginia senator and tim kaine and secretary of agriculture and former iowa governor tom millsack. joining us is a gop strategist, but right now in november he is planning to vote for hillary clinton. how are you doing and good morning? >> how are you doing? >> i'm doing great. first of all her response to what is going on at the rnc and clearly an attempt to grab the attention away from the convention. >> not only that, hillary clinton is trying to get as many people in the media asking is this a circus, and is this a joke? if she can get that to happen, then soon the question becomes the reality, and that would be the narrative that she wants to come out of the -- out of cleveland. >> let's talk about her two potential vp picks. first of all let's begin with kaine. your opinion. >> kaine has a huge problem. he received $1 -- $160,000 worth of gifts. i don't think she wants two candidates on the president and vice president side accused of pay to play. you have tom vilsack is the cure to insomnia, but a continuation of obama which is donald trument p is hitting hillary on. that's a problem. she is also rumored to be looking at james devritas who would shorer up on national security and say i fought for this country for decades and he has the most experience out of any vp contenders. then there is the governor of colorado. he owns a microbrewery that is very good in denver. and then he became the mayor of denver and he is the governor of colorado. he has a 60% approval rating across the state. >> who do you think is the best out of those you just named? jay i think hillary -- >> i think hillary clinton would be benefited by devritas now that isis is pushing in europe. >> we have to talk about this. you are a gop strike that jest and you -- strike strategist and voting for hillary clinton. is that still the case and what would it take for you to vote for the trump-pence ticket? >> donald trump has had months to convince me and failed to do that. never trump means that. that goes through election day. i really do not want to be voting for hillary clinton, but in my opinion donald trump is worse and cannot be allowed near the white house. think of it as you are in a burning building. with trump you can jump out at the 20th floor and hillary you can jump out at the third floor. both are unattractive options, but one is worse than the other. trump's campaign has divided the country and divided the party. he has made no attempts at unifying us. he was attacking john kasich just yesterday and i don't see anything that is -- >> what about his pick of governor pence as a vp pick? does that do anything to help bring you over or perhaps unify the party? >> i like governor pence a lot and i have a lot of respect for him, but the ship as sailed. the star of david tweet where he defended it after the fact, you have him saying the judge could not give an impartial ruling because of his race, every single instance where he has divided republicans and americans and never turned around and apologized. >> you theng it is worse than hillary clinton lying about her private e-mail server or lying about the e-mails she received being classified? >> let's look at the two candidates. again i am not a hillary clinton fan and it pains me to say this, but hillary clinton is somebody who wants to expand the size of the government. donald trump is somebody who wants to take over the government and rule almost in a dictatorial sort. >> the famous picture of the tanks rolling up the street to crush the tiananmen square protestor donald trump was rooting for the tanks tanks and i cannot support that. >> some would also say the policies and the decisions that hillary clinton made when she was secretary of state has gotten us to the state we are now with isis on the rise, and the world in a state of danger for americans and for people all over the world. >> yes, hillary's policies have not been good and beneficial to the country. i don't think donald trump's policies will work. he talked about tactically nuking places et cetera. >> thank you so much, evan. appreciate you joining us. >> thank you. joining us again this hour , the campaign advisor to hillary clinton in 2008, judith miller from the manhattan institute of policy research and a pulitzer prize winning author and the correspondent for the conservative review. we have been watching the entire events for the past two days. we have talked about are they on message in terms of the economy and getting america back to work? are they on message for making america safe again? the republican party, what is at stake for them? should they not come out of this convention unified and able to move forward in terms of as donald trump says making america great again? >> what's at stake is what we are currently witnessing now, a lack-luster economy, concerns about national security and worldwide security and jobs. so many more people are on food stamps now. so many people are out of the workforce. these are the circumstances that we are facing now. we are looking at smaller government. kelly, lower taxes, less regulations. these are the pro-growth solutions and the pro-growth policies our country needs in order to turn our economy around for job creation and lower taxes. that's the direction we need to go in. >> i will bring up a point real quick. donald trump, junior, in his statement, said his dad wants to create an america where all people can be prosperous. when he said that he was very inclusive about it. he was not excluding anyone because of race, ethnicity orie ridge -- or religion. he tried to include everyone. people even stated that donald trump senior, the nominee, should be more like his son in terms of tone and tenor and in terms of speaking. >> there has been lots of talk within the campaign that his own children including donald junior and eric and tiffany and melania have told him to be less trump. it is now the party of trump and the power of the party of trump is celebrity rather than an emphasis on the party which has done very well by itself. let's not forget the republicans still control 31 state houses. the house, the senate. this is the party that could be very, very powerful, but has chosen not to work with the democratic president and the result has been something the american people don't like. we have two candidates whom the american people seem not to like and perhaps what we should do at election day is hand out clothes pins. >> you said something very key. as we were watching earlier throughout the night we saw frank luntz with his media polling and the pollster was talking about the undecideds. they had a group of undecideds and they had two candidates they can't warm up to. in fact, one voter who was distraught was saying these two candidates are toxic. another lady described the two candidates that these are american presidential candidates and described as two pittbulls at the gates of hell. what does that say to you about the undecideds? they too have to decide who to vote for. >> i think that shows the importance of this convention and the convention for democrats that will take place in philly. when we are through with the democratic convention and you align both of these together and look at who actually unders -- understands the point to reaching out to undecided voters it will become clear. the last two days and what we will see over the next two days has been solely focused at the base of the republican party. there has not been out reach. there has been platitudess in donald junior's speech about his father representing all-americans but thisy have gone in the opposite direction of the research and the planning they did after they lost the 2012 election. the autopsy report and every recommendation that that report made for the republican party they have gone in the opposite direction. democrats and you will see hillary clinton do it, and they will be talking to undecided voters. that will be the point of next week's convention. maybe we will see that in the next four to eight hours, when you have your kids being the adult in the room, i don't think that it is likely we will see that. >> you are chomping at the bit. wrap it up real quickly. >> i am waiting to hear donald trump talk about his plans when he address dashz dash. >> and we will end it there. >> i will start with you on the panel next time. i promise. >> we did start with her. >> oh, okay. more coverage of the republican national convention is still ahead. and we will have the latest on the efforts to protect the men and women who protect us. >> president obama is saying some local police departments need more resources. so what's his plan? that's next. welcome back to "toks -- fox news." there is other news that has been going on that we need to talk about. 5 law and order emerging as a major theme. after two police ambushes that claimed the lives of eight officers. now president obama said some local law enforcement officers need more resources. jackie ibanez joins us from the new york newsroom with that story. hi, jackie. >> hello, heather. security is top of mind following the assassination of police officers in dallas and baton rouge. is -- as they addressed the concern on the campaign trail president obama met with the neation's top cop -- the nation's top cop and the fbi. they discussed ways to better protect law enforcement while bridging the gap between the cops and the communities they serve. >> the more we can do to make sure that these are their police departments and they had an interest in protecting them. these will be for the police officers who do their jobs. >> obama says the police departments nationwide have asked for the additional paining to deal with -- training for active shooter situations and bulletproof vests among other things. >> i appreciate the efforts that have taken place. we have a lot more work to do. i want to repeat that this is nothing something we have been able to do solely from this office or the justice department or the fbi or the department of homeland security. this is something that will have to be bottom up and not just top down. >> i in a letter -- in a letter written to the nation's law enforcement community mr. obama wrote "as you defend us with quiet dignity we proclaim loudly with appreciation the acts of service you perform as part of our daily routine. we will get through this difficult time together. thank you for your courageous service. we have your backs." some say he had eight years to deliver this message and support men and women in uniform, but instead he spent that time dividing the country. on the same day there was another cop shot and killed in the line of duty in kansas. heather and kelly, back to you. >> our prayers to his family and to law enforcement across the country. >> absolutely. absolutely. two of donald trump's children addressed on convention night, his youngest daughter and eldest son. >> it was a big day for donald, junior. he was able to announce his father as the nominee and gave a rousing speech in which he went on the attack of hillary clinton. you will hear it in its entirety up next. >> last night one network delivered bringing you fair and balanced insight of the rnc moment. >> it is time to come together. >> we will put americans together. >> 2016 is the year america moves on. >> donald trump is a fighter and i know he will fight for this country. >> what happens next? tonight, don't miss our powerful coverage. plus ted cruz and eric trump and vice presidential candidate mike pence and more take the main stage. there is a reason why we are america's election headquarters. we are number one on all of cable. welcome back. donald trump's wife, melania, headlined the first night -- headlined i should say. that's the correct way to say it. headlined the first night. >> it is early. >> yes. last night we heard from another family member, donald trump, junior. the speech came a few hours after he cast the new york delegation's vote officially handing his father the gop nomination. here is his speech in its entirety. >> good evening. i'm donald trump, junior. i'm -- thank you. thank you. i'm the father of five young children from 2-year-old chloe to kai who just turned 9. i am the husband to vanessa, an amazing wife and mother. a son of a great man. [applause]. i am an american, and tonight i want to talk to you about the country we live in. the country our children will grow up in. for my generation this is the most important election of our lifetime. one that will determine the future of our country and in turn the future of the world. for too long our country has ignored its problems punting them down the road for future generations to deal with. in business i was trained by my father to make the tough investments and decisions today to ensure a brighter future tomorrow. we have actually started to believe that solving our great problems is an impossible task. that's why we need to elect a man who has the track record of accomplishing the impossible. [applause]. for the first time parents no longer think their kid will be as well off as we were. we've lost the confidence in our leaders and the faith in our institutions. remember one thing. we are still americans. we are still one country and we are gonna get it all back. [applause]. we're gonna get it back better than ever before. i know we'll get it back because i know my father. i know that when people tell him it can't be done, that guarantees that he gets it done. i know that when someone tells him something is impossible, that's what triggers him into action. when people told him it was impossible for a boy from queens to go to manhattan and take on developers in the big city, rather than give up, he changed the skyline of new york. [applause]. i've seen it time and time again, that look in his eyes when someone says it can't be done. i saw that look a little over a year ago when he was told he couldn't possibly succeed in politics. yes, he did. for my father impossible is just the starting point. that's how we approach his business projects. that's how we approach his life. whether it is teaching his granddaughter how to swing a golf club or tackling the toughest negotiations, he is always fully committed. that's why the person who would never office before stood on this stage 11 months ago and in this very arena with 16 professional politicians, and this week that same man will stand before you as our party's nominee for the president of the united states of america. [applause]. thank you. as a proud son and family member, it was one of the great honors of my life to be able to put him over the top in the delegate count earlier today. [applause]. his unrelenting determination is why he is going to become our next president. it is why i know that when my father says he can fix the country, he means it. you want to know what kind of president he'll be if let me tell you how he ran his businesses, and i know because i was there with him by his side on job sites, in conference rooms from the time i could walk. he didn't hideout behind a desk in an executive suite. he spent his career with regular americans. he hung out with the guys on construction sites pouring sheet rock and hanging -- pouring concrete and hanging sheet rock. he listened to them and valued their opinions as much and often more than the guys from harvard and warton locked away in the offices away from the real work. he has recognized the talent and the drive all-americans have. he has promoted people based on their character, street smarts and their work ethic. it is not simply paper credentials. to this day many of the top executives in our company are individuals who started out in positions that were blue collar, but he saw something in them, and he pushed them to succeed. his true gift as a leader is that he sees the potential in people that they don't even see in themselves. [applause]. the potential that other executives would overlook because their resumes don't include the names of fancy colleges and degrees. i know he values those workers and those qualities in those people because those are the individuals he had my siblings and me work for when we started out. he would trust his children's for ma tiff years with these men and women says all you need to know for donald trump. we didn't learn from mba's. we learned for people with doctorats in common sense. [applause]. guys like vinny stellio who taught us how to drive heavy equipment and operate tractors and chain saws and worked his way through the ranks to be a trusted advisor of my father. it is why we are the only children of billionaires who are as comfortable in a caterpillar as we are in our own cars. my father knew that those were the guys and the gals that would teach us the dignity of hard work from a very young age. he knows that the heart of the american dream is the idea that who ever we are, wherever we are from, we can get ahead. where everyone can prosper together. [applause]. the other party also tells us they believe in the american dream. they say we should worry about economic inequality and i'm mobility. you noy what, they are -- you know what, they're right. but they don't tell you that it was their policies that caused the problem. and it was their policies that have no accountability. [applause]. they gave us the worst immigration system in the world. it is one that imports i'm mobility and drives down employment and wages for hispanic americans and african-americans and everyone. an immigration system that favors illegals over those trying to go through the process legally, and at times even over law-abiding citizens. it was bernie sanders himself that warned a large tide of new workers keeps wages low and poverty high. the other party gave us public schools that far too often tail our students -- fail our students especially those without options. growing up my siblings and i were truly fortunate to have choices and options that others don't have. we want all-americans to have those same opportunities. ]applause [. our schools used to be an elevator to the middle class and now they are stalled on the ground floor. they are like soviet era department stores that are run by the clerks and not the administrators. you know why other countries do better on k-12? they let parents choose where to send their own children to school. [applause]. that's call competition. it is called the free market. it is what the other party fears. [applause]. they fear it because they are more concerned about protecting the jobs of tenured teachers than serving the students in need of a good education. they can't to run -- they want to run everything from the top down. they tell us they are the experts and they know. the other party gave us a regulatory state on steroids. dodge frank was a thousand pages long and it has spun up 22,000 pages in regulations. imagine trying to digest all of that before you even open your doors for business. that doesn't help consumers. what it does is destroys small business for big businesses. who can afford the vast number of lawyers and accountants needed to comply. dodd frank is consumer protection for billionaires. [applause]. >> we produced the thickest network of patronage in world history. it is composed by the people at the top. we can't win that one any longer. it is too risky. let me talk a little about risks. the other party is the party of risk. i've spent many times with many great americans who served this country in the military, and they know what's at stake. when we have weak leaders in positions of power, americans risking their lives for our fry domes are less safe. almost daily i get a call or text from a real american hero. his name is mark guiss and i am proud to call him a friend. mark was part of the security team at the annex on the grounds of conflict in benghazi. mark was one of the men who received frantic phone calls from his buddies at the compounds, calls that pleaded for help, calls that he and his team tried to answer. a call that didn't save all of his friends because secretary clinton's state department ignored their request for help both on the night in question and even in the weeks and the months leading up to the attack. it was a tragedy and one that would be repeated were she to win the election. ask mark who is fit to lead. who has the judgment to lead. who will take that call at 3:00 in the morning. better yet, ask yourselves if you were in mark's shoes that night, who would you rather call? let me tell you something about risk. if hillary clinton were elected, she would be the first president who couldn't pass a basic background check. it's incredible. hillary clinton is a risk americans can't afford to take. she says she will issue executive orders to take away americans' guns. she wants to appoint judges who abolish the second amendment. just look at how effective those laws have been in inner city chicago. a city with the toughest gun laws in the nation. 3400 american lives have been lost since this administration took office in 2009. you know why the laws failed? because criminals by definition don't follow laws. [applause]. rather than prosecuting real criminals she would strip hard-working, law-abiding citizens of their right to protect themselves and their families. she will throw every possible obstacle in the path of safe, reliable and affordable energy produced in america, by americans and for american businesses and families. rather than being energy independent our country will be forced to remain beholden to her buddies in the middle east. those are risks we can't afford to take. when we win, we are not going to have to. there is so much work to do. we will not accept the current state of our country because it is too hard to change. that's not the america i know. we will unleash the creative spirit and energy of all-americans. we are gonna make our schools the best in the world for every american and every single ethnicity and background. we are gonna put americans first, all-americans. it is not a special class of crony elites at the top of the heap. we are gonna elect a president who will work with everyone to pass legislation that will make our country great again. a president p who will give us a tax code that will free the american economy and end special loopholes for the wealthy. a president who will give an immigration law that will protect american citizens and gives them jobs. a president who hillary peel and replace obamacare without leaving our vulnerable citizens without health care and do it without destroying medicare for seniors as hillary clinton a president who knows we can't simply delete our problems, but that we have to tackle them head on. a president who won't allow pc culture to put the safety of our children and loved ones at stake. a president who won't bow and pander to nations that shudder at the very thought of america's existence. a president more concerned with the safety and comfort of his fellow americans than the feelings of those hostile nations abroad who have given the option -- who if given the option would wipe america off the face of the earth. a president not beholden to special interest foreign and domestic and one who funded his entire primary run out of his own pocket to prove it. a president who will secure and defend the borders of the united states and who will appoint judges who believe that freedom requires a limited government. >> i think you listen to the young donald trump layout the vision for what the nation can be and the part that is most telling is he talks about the data analytics and having to have focus groups over what hillary clinton's favorite ice cream is, right? you literally have to have these focus groups to determine what is important to you. i think all of us recognize that donald trump at his core knows exactly who he is and knows packly what he wants to do. it is the path that people are so excited and passionate about, the certainty of what hillary clinton would bring the certainty of $23 trillion in debt. donald trump talked about this. schools who can't educate kids, people are excited about the uncertainty of what done malled trump could -- donald trump would bring to the white house. >> a lot of people would be struck by what donald junior had to saivment he said we didn't learn from mba's. we learned from people who had doctorats in common sense. it reminds me of my mother. she said you can get all of the book smarts in the world, but if you don't have common sense and street smarts, you won't go very far in life. it seems that donald trump, junior has echoed the sentiments of his dad which is having great common sense in addition to having the wherewith all to take risk and have the ability to say the impossible saying i can make it possible if i work hard enough. >> two thoughts, not unlike your mom, i grew up as a farm kid, and recognize that the most important things when you wake up in the morning is not to get your own breakfast and take care of yourself, but to get up and feed the farm animals, the cows and the chicken and the pigs we had and recognize that when you serve something bigger than yourself and in my case it was a farm, that it allows all parties to raise and recognize that core purpose. the second thing and one of the great struggles in government is that we don't reward risk taking. take risk in the private sector in your reward with promotions. take risk in the public sector and you may get a smiley face in the performance review. we have to flip that so people are rewarded for taking risks and getting the government organizations to perform with the same level of value the private sector can. >> donald junior made it clear about making america work again. he said it is for all-americans. it is not just some americans, but all-americans. his dad would try to bring that prosperity to everyone, and to lift all of the votes from poverty and middle class and it would appear those impoverished and poor school choices and giving them an opportunity to get the better education and to get the better job. >> the only way we as a nation i think donald trump talked about this and he is exactly right, but the great concern is the fact that for the first time in our nation's history, children of the american people believe their children won't have a brighter future than they have today. the number one problem facing our country the american people believe is the government itself. we have to lift all votes for all people and have to get government out of the way so people can excel. >> i want to end quickly talking about saving detroit, is this a microcosm of in terms of what the national need is 1234 do we have to lift all votes including the detroit which went through bankruptcy or because of failed policy? >> absolutely the case. what you have to worry about when you watch a city that for years spent tens of millions of dollars more than they take -- than they took in. they gave money to the public employee unions and they couldn't possibly afford to pay them back. the largest bankruptcy in american history. if our country does not move away from $20 trillion in debt and bridges falling down and water that isn't safe and schools that teach children you have to worry about what that means four years from now if we don't move to a path of changing how government delivers the services. >> mark ash, thank you very much for joining us this morning. >> why to -- great to be with you, kelly. >> day two is in the books and day three is starting in a few hours from now. >> coming up, final thoughts from our panel as the convention moves forward. stay with us. ♪ ♪ he has a sharp wit. a winning smile. and no chance of getting an athletic scholarship. and that is why you invest. the best returns aren't just measured in dollars. or today and the next day are going to be crucial. that's when the base has to get fired up, but they have to do more than that they have to expand it. >> governor pence is scheduled to speak today. and the strength that he can bring to the tickle is of course the economy. but in his speech today, do you think that he'll be able to talk more about that? >> i'm sure he will. he did a good job in indiana as far as their budgeting and spending and job creation. and i thought donald jr. gave a great motivational speech and i think he is somebody who will be very appeal to go millennials. he also talked about his father, how he was a great role model and mentor to him. i think it speaks volumes. >> a lot of people were saying because of the donald trump children coming forward, people are gaining a new perspective of who donald sr. is. so it speaks well as a great father figure and certainly if you're going to move forward and make a nation great, it has to begin in the home of the people. >> and to that point, so many americans feel so left out right now. this is an anti-establishment wave going on. so you can't really underestimate donald trump. he's appealing to democrats, he's appealing to blue collar workers. >> one of the things that happens is the enthusiasm p. even republicans on the floor in cleveland are saying they have never seen such crowds in the audience. so i don't know what happened with the enthusiasm gap. we're certainly not seeing it being front and center. >> what would you want to see? how do you define the enthusiasm? what do you think that you would like to see there at the convention on the floor? >> well, the seats have been not necessarily full at all times. the energy, the excitement. i've gone to many conventions and whether you're democrat or republican, the air is electric and there is so much excitement in the hall. and i just think quite frankly not saying this from a by iasse or progressive standpoint, it has been missing and that should be a serious red flag for the trump campaign. >> just to be fair, several people that i've spoken to that are there have a complete and totally different perspective. they think that it is invigorating. >> and people dancing. >> ultimately if you're conducting a festival of hating hillary, it's hard to get people really in pro happy and enthusiastic. they can be very fired up and angry at hillary, but is that enough to really unite the party, is that enough to bring people together. and i know donald trump who spoke so eloquently as his mother did, you know, about all these qualities of their father, but let's remember what the american people know, and that is that they're talking about a man with three wives and not a man of the people. >> that will wrap it up. fox and friends first at the top of the hour. . and unbelievable evening. today has been a very, very special day, i'll never forget it, it's something i will never ever forget. i'm so proud to be your nominee for president of the united states. >> over the top. donald trump officially become the 2016 republican nominee for president. >> and his own son donald trump jr. casting the deciding vote to secure his father's mom nation. >> it's my honor to be able to throw donald trump over the top in the


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Sunday 20160522 10:00:00

good morning, everyone. sunday the 22nd of may, 2016. i'm anna kooiman. this is a fox news alert. clues from the cockpit, the chilling last words coming from the pilot before that doomed egyptair flight vanished from the radar. and then in the world of politics hillary clinton takes aim at donald trump after he's endorsed by the nra. >> you want to imagine what trump's america will look like, picture more kids at risk of violence and bigotry. picture more anger and fear. >> our children are in danger with the prospect of donald trump in the white house? is it true? sheriff david clarke will react. and left stunning when watching the news -- oh, yeah, that's my car that was just stolen. it crashes violently. well, we'll show you. she actually is going to be here live on our show this morning. she had a personalized license plate. "fox & friends" begins right now. ♪ >> good morning. >> it's pouring down rain outside and we have a pool outside, because it's "fox & friends" weekend. >> that's when the lifeguard plows the whistle, out of the pool, we heard thunder. >> we have some pool safety toys. >> i actually was a lifeguard. that was my first job. we would play this cd back when we played cds. it was called "thunderstorm" and meant to be used when you would sleep and get the kids out of the pool. >> that was brilliant. >> you faked thunderstorms to get out of work? >> i love that. >> rick, it's confession morning. when i was a life guard i put the chlorine in the pool to bomb it one day because i wanted the day off. i put a sign up that says we had to do it. it was a monday. >> anna's made people not like the weather. >> meteorologist -- >> oh, my gosh, it's not pouring down rain, it's just sprinkling across the parts of the east. here's the temperatures, kind of notice cooler air out across the the west. cooler in the east, but the central part of the country really heating up. that's going to be the trend certainly for the day. that hot air though is going to move off towards the east this week. as you notice this big dip, we're clearing out across the east. even down to florida, drier conditions, but we have the pesky conditions. kind of a coastal storm, if it were winter it would be bring us a lot of snow. it remains in the area. so remain unsettled, not a washout, but scattered showers, certainly definitely a considerable amount of cloud cover. that's the story with us again for a lot of say through tuesday, wednesday, i think we finally clear out a bit. but we also warm up. here's your temperatures. warmth across the plains and you notice everything in the west and warming up to the east. by the time we get to wednesday, we have readings in the 80s and 90s. it will feel like summer. people have been wondering where it is across east, here you go. >> be thankful you're in india, 123 degrees. >> toesty. we'll start with the news headlines. afghan officials are saying that monther is was traveling in the afghanistan border and he was likely killed and he has posed an imminent threat to the u.s. and afghans who have been targeted by the taliban for some 15 years. brand new developments in the egyptair plane crash, the chilling last moments on board the doomed paris to cairo flight. now revealed in an eerie audiotape released from the cockpit. . >> the pilot sounding calm, report nothing issues. and investigators not ruling anything out including terrorism as it's revealed protesters wrote we will bring this plane down in arabic on that exact plane two years ago. the search for black boxes now under way and debris starts to surface. and bernie sanders fighting back. the democratic presidential candidate calling out dnc chair debbie wasserman schultz saying she will be out if he's elected. sanders says he supports her primary challenger for her house seat. this after he repeatedly accused the dnc of favoring his rival, hillary clinton. she criticized sanders after his supporters unleashed brutal attacks on the head of the democratic party. well, it was $1 million night for joey logano with two laps remaining the drive ever caught up to kyle larson to win the all-star race. it was his first time winning that race. but getting to victory lane came with some confusion early on. nascar was trying a new format of two 50-lap segments to increase the passing in the final green lap dash. those your news headlines. >> thanks. all right. a lot going on in the world and to sort it out we want to bring in david clarke, he's the milwaukee county sheriff. great to see you, sheriff. >> good to see you, thank you. >> you saw the endorsement that donald trump, the presumptive nominee got from the nra two days ago. yesterday, hillary clinton weighed in in a speech at the trayvon martin foundation in florida. here's what she said a trump presidency would mean for america. watch this. >> donald trump said that in his very first hour as president, heaven forbid. he would overturn president obama's actions to strengthen background checks and on his first day in office he'd mandate that every school in america allow guns in classrooms. every school, he said. that's no way to keep us safe. if you want to imagine what trump's america will look like, picture more kids at risk of violence and bigotry. picture more anger and fear. >> i'm sorry, makes many elaugh to -- me laugh to hear he's causing anger and fear. but do you think it would result in more children be at risk for bigot bigotry? >> no, i don't think. i wonder if she thinks that when she's surrounded by the secret service. she wants the public to eat cake but she wants to live in a security blanket. she is entitled to it, but so are we. i'm still in louisville where the convention was held. and the national rifle association is one of the largest civil rights groups in amera. if black kids are at risk from anybody it's from other black kids and black on black crime. her party has december estimated the black party, it has black kids shackled to failing k-12 public schools and urban centers and where black men in the urban centers can't find meaningful work. so before she continues to open her mouth and put her foot in it, she ought to think about what she's talking about. donald trump has made it very clear that the second amendment is important. the second amendment is important to first amendment and it's important to the fourth amendment, prohibition of searches and seizures, so donald trump is right only this issue and mrs. clinton is dead wrong. >> she said we could have a sensible approach to gun regulations in this country. do you buy that? she said do you want to keep the guns in the hands of the people who protect us. but out of the hands of those who are mentally ill. >> we have to keep prosecuting the laws on the books. we don't enforce the gun laws. what i mean by we, we can't get criminal prosecutions when we bring these forth. so if we want to reduce crime in america, we want to reduce violence, if we want to put kids in a safer environment then what we have to do is attack the criminal element, not law abiding gun owners. mrs. bill clinton is in support and stands for gun confiscation. this is veiled language that she uses. and she knows exactly what she's talking about. this is kind of dog whistle for i'm going to take the guns out of the hands of every law abiding american. that would be wrong for america. >> and sheriff clarke, that's one thing that donald trump brought up at the nra on friday, that he believes hillary clinton wants to abolish the second amendment all together and she needs to release her list of supreme court replacements for scalia, just as he did last week. he says that she's heartless hillary, the new branding from him. because she wants to take away the ultimate equalizer from women and -- in high crime neighborhoods who are trying to protect their children. do you think this will work for donald trump? >> well, sure. because we all know -- we in law enforcement anyway, and most law abiding gun owners know that a gun in the hands of the law abiding person is a safer area. gun free zones are killing fields. gun free zones have gotten people killed. every mass shooting that's happened in america for the most part, it's occurred in a gun free zone. the only person that is safe in a gun free zone is the criminal. >> so sheriff, i want to get your take on new rules being proposed for the democratic party. democratic party is fractured in a way a lot of us weren't paying attention to. new rules stipulate that speakers at democratic state conventions cannot be heckled in effect. the point of this of course is to ease the way for hillary clinton to secure finally the democratic nomination. what do you make of this? a party that is, you know, purportedly in favor of free speech, telling people be quiet, accept hillary. >> i'm just amazed by this, but i shouldn't be coming from the democrat party. look, mrs. bill clinton's campaign if it was a tire she'd have a low leak right now and needs to get that patched before she has a blowout. she is a flawed candidate, she knows it. this mparty knows it. she's up against a socialist she can't put away and secure this nomination. she will probably secure the nomination, but she'll come out of it so battered and bruised that in the end going into november she's going to limp into november. so they have to silence people because they don't want people bringing up her flaws within her own party and most of that is coming from her opponent. bernie sanders. >> and bernie sanders has been calling for this open convention which in years past democrats have been against because it would keep out, you know, it would keep out moderates. this time around, though, bernie sanders wants the open conventions so that they can have independents coming in. what does that say about the shifting narrative of the democratic party, do you think? >> well, they have to walk on eggshell, the democrat party, because they don't know what to do with bernie sanders. if they alienate him too much -- he's getting the shaft by the way from the democratic party. but his supporters aren't going to like that. just a couple of months ago we were talking about the fissures and the fractions in the republican party and it's coming together now. but if bernie sanders is alienated too much and his supporters are alienated too much, they'll either sit it out or he'll run as the third party candidate. look, bernie sanders doesn't owe anything to the democrat party. this is his last go around. he won't be able to look at this in four or eight years thinking he'll run again. this is kind of his last hurrah. and he's made it very clear. i was happy to see that. he was -- he's made it very clear he's in this thing until the bitter end. >> i'm with you, sheriff. go bernie. great to see you this morning. thanks a lot, sheriff clarke. a quick programming note, donald trump will be on the program at 8:30. stay tuned for that. straight ahead a fox news alert, peta is demanding medical records after two horses drop dead on the track. and a teacher in big trouble for the question he asked his students about donald trump. speaking of trump he join us live in morning along with governor mike huckabee and a ton of other cool people including kevin mccarthy. hi, kevin. 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talk to your rheumatologist. this is humira at work. welcome back, a fox news alert now. peta now demanding medical records after two horses dropped dead at the preakness stakes. undercard races yesterday in baltimore. >> well, the winner of the opening race homeboykris collapsed shortly after celebrating his victory. in the fourth race, another horse broke its leg and had to be euthanized right there on the track. >> here to tell us what happened is a former jockey and a trainer. >> good morning. >> so two horses gives the impression this is common. first tell us what happened and how common are horse deaths on the track? >> yeah, injuries on the track are not that common. it's one in 1,000. although that's still too many and we continue to work to reduce that number. unfortunately these two situations are on a high profile day, you have the mixed emotion of having a successful meet and record attendance and then unfortunately losing two horses. any time we lose horses or equine athletes it's a sorry day for us. the first horse won the race and actually was on his way back to the barn and it looks like he may have suffered a heart attack. the horse will go in for the necropsy today and be checked out, completely checked over. >> well, it looks like and the questions from peta this morning they want the veterinary records released and a complete list of medications they were administered before the preakness race. what would that tell us about the death, in anything? >> obviously those records are sent to the racing commission. we own six racetracks in america and every jurisdiction has a different rules. but those last 60 days of medical records would be turned over to the state racing commission. and they would look at it and see if there was any illegal medicines, blood was taken on both horses and thoroughly checked. it's paramount to our company and to the integrity and the safeness of the human and the equine athlete on the track. >> and some animal rights activists would say these horses are pushed too hard. are they? >> no, being a former jockey and my son being a jockey, some of these horses are cared for better than the trainers are cared for themselves. and we have bad apples in every business, and we constantly work to weed those people out. but once again, our ownership was just in washington just last week with the bar bill, trying to make medications national reforms to get everybody on the same page. almost like this election process where you have different rules in different states we're trying to uniform these rules so that everybody runs under same rules. it's paramount we are horse lovers. people that work in this industry absolutely love the animals. and this is a hot -- we all suffer when we see something like this. >> tim ritvo. thank you. >> thank you, guys. up next, what happens when bernie sanders goes to the border to check out that wall? we're about to find out. and you probably enjoy the video game version of angry birds but what about the new movie? kevin mccarthy's review is nix and he joins us. will it be a good movie for your kids? come on in! you're here to buy a car. what would help is simply being able to recognize a fair price. that's never really been possible. but along comes a radically new way to buy a car, called truecar. now it is. truecar has pricing data on every make and model, so all you have to do is search for the car you want, there it is. now you're an expert in less than a minute. this is how car buying was always meant to be. this is truecar. ♪ shoshow me more like this.e. show me "previously watched." what's recommended for me. x1 makes it easy to find what you love. call or go online and switch to x1. only with xfinity. welcome back to some quick headlines. 23 minutes past the hour. bernie sanders at the border. the socialist presidential candidate stopping at a park between san diego and tijuana. it's a meeting place for those divided by border and while there he called for comprehensive security reform. a georgia man walking around in the "star wars" costume made some people nervous. his weapon was a little too convincing. they called the coming saying he was -- cops saying he was pointing them at the cars. he denied that saying he wears the costume for charity and they don't fire laser beams. kevin mccarthy is here, fox news contributor, founder of a perfect day for a movie, with the weather. >> it's so much fun. so many films opened up including "neighbors 2" and start off with "neighbors 2" the sequel to the successful first comedy. did not know this, that sororities in the united states cannot throw parties in the sorority house. but fraternities can. >> yeah. >> tucker and i both knew that. >> i did not know that. >> run of the last frontiers in gender rights. >> so three characters, three women, start their own sorority and try to break that rule and have parties at their house. they move next door to seth rogen's character and this creates a whole war. like the first neighbors -- so it's not as funny as first movie. i felt it redundant, it tries so hard to be the first movie. i gave it a 3 out of 5. the best scene was the epic shot where seth rogen sat on an air bag. did you see the first one? >> i did. it was hilarious. >> i wanted to see how they pulled it off, how they did the new air bag scene in this one. watch this. i tweeted you before about how you did first one, which blows many my mind. how did they do in in the second one? >> they used a dummy. they put it in the same position, blast it up in the air. then it would land. then -- then look at the position it lands in. i would like flop into the position, basically. >> does the dummy look anything like you? >> yeah. >> dressed like you. >> it's a white dummy. >> yeah. >> it's amazing to me though, because you think he sits in the chair, but if you watch the shots you don't see the edits. it looks like he's going up and landing. a cool shot. 3 out of 5. n not as good as the first one. >> what about "nice guy?" >> well, ryan gosling plays a private detective and teams up with russell crowe. and the cool thing about this film is that gosling we know him so well as a dramatic actor. i love drive, i love the notebook. this is one of the funniest roles he's ever played in his career. he's fantastic. it balances out action and comedy very well. i love him in this movie. i will say that the trailers do give away a little too much. stay away from the trailers. see it cold. if you can. it's fantastically well made action comedy. 4 out of 5. i love it. >> that happens way too often. i don't know why they put the good stuff in there. >> they're trying to lure in as many as possible. >> the other day tucker was at mcdonald's. he got the happy meal. he noticed the toys were the angry bird toys. it's weird. now they're making a movie out of a video game? >> yeah. we have gotten to this point. i love that you get happy meals still. >> well, yeah. >> i like the happy meal toys. this is five years too late. come on, this game was popular how many years ago? why is it coming out now? i guess it doesn't matter because it's number one, making a ton of money. beat out "civil war" and "neighbors 2." the cool thing about it, you play the game, the third act of the movie is the game you the birds launching into the destruction. here's the cool thing about the movie, sean penn all he does is grunt for the entire film. >> did he get paid? >> he basically grunts the entire movie. he plays a character called terrence, he's hilarious. but zach galifianakis is in the film. the third act, there's some good adult humor in the game. a lot of adults play the game. >> no story line? >> no story line. >> will we see a pacman or -- >> they did the movie "pixels." >> they did it. >> i was joking. >> they're making a ton of the movies. i gave it a 3 out of 5. i still like "jungle book" and "zootopia." >> i love that. the messaging a being who you don't want to be. >> the positivity. >> kevin mccarthy, ladies and gentlemen. >> you are a flaming ball of positivity. >> i love you guys and love being here in the studio. >> "captain america, civil war", yes. >> coming up -- look at this. a horrifying crash sending a race car driver flying. how they walked away totally fine. live from new york it's bernie sanders with his friend, hillary clinton. >> remember, remember when i told everyone to stop talking about your damn e-mails? [ laughter ] what a schmuck! >> oh, my gosh, remember all those states like wyoming where you beat me by a lot and i still got most of the delegates? i don't really like people. [ laughter ] i only talk to them because i want to be the president so bad. for mortgages. quicken loans. home buy. refi. power. official mortgage sponsor of the pga tour. i am totally blind. i lost my sight in afghanistan. if you're totally blind, you may also be struggling with non-24. calling 844-844-2424. or visit & in a world held back by compromise, businesses need the agility to do one thing & another. only at&t has the network, people, and partners to help companies be... local & global. open & secure. because no one knows & like at&t. you stay up. you listen. you laugh. you worry. you do whatever it takes to take care of your family. and when it's time to plan for your family's future, we're here for you. we're legalzoom, and for over 10 years we've helped families just like yours with wills and living trusts. so when you're ready, start with us. doing the right thing has never been easier. legalzoom. legal help is here. after a kidney shouldn't do go skiing. and skip your meds.good . with my optum pharmacy plan, they discovered my prescription wasn't filled when i left the hospital. they called to remind me about taking my antibiotics so i don't end up back in the er. and this run down the mountain... let's keep between us. this is healthier, powered by optum. from health plans to providers to employers. we connect all parts of health care. healthier is here. a john deere 1 familywhy is tractorever enough of it? with quik-park lets you attach and go. imatch quick-hitch gives you more time for what you love. so it takes less work to do more work. autoconnect drive-over mower deck? done. they're not making any more land. but there's plenty of time if you know where to look. now you can own a one e sub-compact tractor for just 99 dollars a month learn more at your john deere dealer. remember when i told everyone to stop talking about your damn e-mails? [ laughter ] what a schmuck. >> oh, my gosh, and remember all those states like wyoming where you beat me by a lot and i still got most of the delegates? i don't really like people. i only talk to them because i want to be the president so bad. please don't tell. >> i think they know. now leave. >> never. ♪ >> i'll leave, never. >> so true to life. it's not even fake. >> but you can't really look at bernie sanders and not think of larry david. >> almost the same person. 33 after the hour. we are following some stories making headlines. starting with this fox news alert. turning to chaos in western austria overnight after a three people were shot. police say the gunman got into the loud fight with a woman near a venue, went to get a gun out of his car. and started to fire at random. before turning the gun on himself. no word on a motive. unbelievable video to show you as terrifying crash sends several race cars flying through the air. >> one lap left. >> oh! >> huge accident! a huge one. >> it happened during the formula 3 european championship in austria where one car spun out and then hit two other cars. despite a few broken bones all the drivers involved are expected to be okay. and blame the employees not the company. an inside review at facebook shows conservative news censoring was done by individual choice, not something that was institutional. turns out the trending department run by millennials was not much experience -- with not experience. mark zuckerberg sat down last week to talk about a censorship claim. and a teacher suspended for a law exam and it was a -- called into question about trump. here's why. the high school test asked if donald trump becomes president of the united states we are "a," screwed, "b" screwed. he said he occasionally gives his students joking questions. and he is being kicked out of class once the administration caught wind of that situation. those are your headlines. and this is your weather. take it away, rick. >> hey, guys. so a lot of florida is has had a soggy week for the last five or six days. look at your weather map. take a look at kind of the southeast in general. this is the future radar for the next day and a half or so. you see a front going to clear the area. doesn't happen that often this time of the year. we're at the start of the rainy season, we have going to dry out for next few days which is a very nice break. today, across the mid-atlantic and the northeast, we remain unsettled. not a complete washout. we'll see the sun i think for a lot of areas by the afternoon. but for the start of the day, some showers. maybe a quick thunderstorm or two. down across the southeast, you see that sunshine finally beautiful day really across much of the area and dry conditions. not humid at all. however, go across parts of texas and oklahoma, severe weather. tornado or two, certainly. some strong winds and some hail. same across the northern high plains, nebraska, the dakotas. around the great lakes a spectacular one. all right. back to you. >> thank you. well, memorial day weekend is the unofficial kickoff to summer and it will include pool parties. this month is national pool safety month. listen to this. an average of ten americans died from drowning every day and one in five of them were children, 14 years or younger. here to show us how to keep the kids safe is mom allison jacobson. nice to see you. disturbing statistics. nearly 400 children drown each year in a spa or pool. >> it's two a day if you go up to age 15. two a day are drowning and 75% are in when somebody is supervising them. so it's not like they're alone. there's a parent around when the drownings are occurring. >> a lot of the big problems with the pools, you know, the backyard pools, the ones that are above ground. they don't have proper safety netting. >> no. in fact, i said the number one thing, if you're going to have a pool it has to be fenced. because it's not just your kids it's anybody. so this is a fence. a removable fence. but you want something self-closing and self-latching. so if it shuts, it's automatically shut. you don't want to keep anything around the edges so they can climb up and over. if you have a pool you need to have a fence. >> what about this pool alarm, safety turtle. how does this work? >> this is great. when you have multiple kids you may have a toddler who you don't want in the pool or even pets. this is a band that will go on your child as well as your pet. as soon as it's submerged it will sound a loud alarm. you can put it from 800 feet away. so you'll know if your child fell in and what's great about it, it works in salt water too. it can plug into a computer. you can take it to the friend's pool. but what bothers me in the most when i see people not paying attention to they're kids. put down your phone or your book. none of this takes the place of keeping an eye on your children around the world water. >> what does this do? the cord dome? >> we can't forget about the electrical hazards, your phones and your computers. this protects them. so the electric shock, it will stop it. it covers all the cords. >> what about this unisense, what is this? >> well, this -- egi-sense, it gives you ideas about how to keep your kids safe. what we're talking about here, some of the things that the parents have a false sense of security. so you have the floater that your child can wear, the arm bands, but you need to get your kids in swim classes. you can't think just because they're wearing a floaty they'll be safe. again, constant supervision. >> we put children in as young as a few months old. >> i saw that. >> in your mind, how early should we be getting your kids into swim classes? >> well, look, there's something called survival swimming versus swim classing. survival swimming is for the kids that age. it's with their shoes on and their clothes on because if they're going to fall in that's what's going to happen. as early as possible, get them in survival swim. always keep a cordless phone with you at all times around the pool. if you have a party with a lot of little kids, hire a lifeguard because you can't have eyes and ears all over. >> thank you so much, allison. great advice. well, we want to thank best way, power steel pool by best way, they were kind enough to set this up for us in the pouring rain this morning. coming up, democrats crying foul, now making new rules to silence hillary's critics. our next guest worked as an adviser to the clinton campaign and she says the new rules are great. and high school senior stunned when she's watching the news and said, hey, that's my car, stolen and crashed after a chase. how will she explain that to mom and dad? she will join us live straight ahead. thousands of people came out today to run the race for retirement. so we asked them... are you completely prepared for retirement? okay, mostly prepared? could you save 1% more of your income? it doesn't sound like much, but saving an additional 1% now, could make a big difference over time. i'm going to be even better about saving. you can do it, it helps in the long run. prudential bring your challenges desormeaux. . . patty melt becomes more than just patty. ham unites with its better half. and a club sandwich becomes part of a club you definitely want to be in. real cheese people would never eat a slice wrapped in plastic when they can have a slice of 100% real. natural cheese slices from sargento. we're real cheese people. let's get up and moving and grooving on a sunday morning. a run away blimp crashing to the ground in philadelphia with two people on board. it wrapped around a utility pole, deflating and both passengers were unharmed. a landing by a solar powered plane. the solar impulse 2 touching down late last night in dayton, ohio. that's the hometown of a modern day airplane inventor, wilbur and orville wright. well, it will make one last stop in new york before completing its 14-month worldwide journey. tucker, over to you. thank you. more signs of disarray in the democratic party after last week's convention in nevada, bernie sanders' supporters got violent. it good so bad the state's democratic chair got death threats. here's one. >> i just wanted to let you know that people like you should be hung in a publish execution to -- public execution to show we won't stand for this kind of corruption. >> you're a [ bleep ] fascist! >> i was interested in your dictatorship. just had a few questions regarding how i need to vote for the dictator in november, hillary. >> hillary the dictator. some democratic party leaders are proposing new rules for future conventions, including rules that would prevent protesting. here to weigh in, jehmu greene. >> good morning. >> wouldn't the democratic party be on the side of people expressing their opinion? here you have the hillary focused establishment trying to squelch free expression on behalf of bernie. >> no not at all. i think it comes down to making sure that all voices are heard. i have been on the other side of this. in 2008 i was shouted off of the convention stages as a supporter for hillary. but ultimately, the party came together and we all backed president obama. these new rule changes are about making sure that everyone's voice is heard. everyone has an understanding of what the rules are. what they are in place, and if they're go -- if there are any changes they get a heads up. there are a lot of new voters coming into this process. that is good for democrats. as they come into this process, it's up to us as a party to make sure they understand the rules. and that there are opportunities for their voices to be heard. >> i'm sure you catch the irony of the idea that all voices must be heard. on college campuses, only one set is heard. yet when it's a threat to hillary clinton everyone has to shut up and obey. do you see the irony there? >> i gedisagree with the premis. i think college campuses should be remain free to express -- >> but they're not. but they should allow other voices to be heard. when liberals win, the conservatives are shouted off the stage. >> i think progressives have stood up for free speech in the leeshdship role for quite some time. when it comes to the new convention rules you need to be able to make sure if you're speaking for senator sanders you cub heard. if you're speaking for hillary clinton you can be heard. >> i'm for that. so the idea that bernie sanders who is in some states is getting over 90% of the votes of people under 30, he's the future of your party so far, he's a sore loser because he hasn't gotten out. hillary didn't get out until june in 2008. >> certainly, none of the clinton campaign and anyone of her surrogates are asking him to get out of the race. >> of course they are. >> we're looking at how he's escalating the conversation of division when we should be moving together and so that's a little bit concerning. but i think ultimately the passion, the energy, that 90% number you quoted, these new voters. this is good for democrats and good for the ultimate nominee. i certainly believe that nominee will be hillary clinton. >> good for hillary clinton, put away a 74-year-old socialist from vermont. why is that -- >> not on his age. >> come on. >> look at the passion he's brought in. but it's on him. he does not want to come across as a sore loser. he could be starting to teeter on that edge when he looks like he's escalating these issues versus trying to be a uniter. but we have a lot of time for him to do that. >> i agree with you. it's very inconvenient when people have sincere beliefs rather than a sense of entitled speech. great to see you, jehmu greene. jeb bush flew across the world to talk about donald trump. he said something interesting about trump supporters. we'll play it for you. and a high school senior is stunned and she sees her own car crashed after a car chase. it was stolen. how will she explain that to mom and dad? that's coming up. before i had the shooting, burning of diabetic nerve pain, these feet learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. but i couldn't bearpain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. ask your doctor about lyrica. ♪ ♪ (singing) you wouldn't haul a load without checking your clearance. so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck. ♪ no, you're not ♪ yogonna watch it! ♪tch it! ♪ ♪ we can't let you download on the goooooo! ♪ ♪ you'll just have to miss it! ♪ yeah, you'll just have to miss it! ♪ ♪ we can't let you download... uh, no thanks. i have x1 from xfinity so... don't fall for directv. xfinity lets you download your shows from anywhere. i used to like that song. hey, everybody, how you feeling? a massachusetts teenager devastated after her car was stolen right from her driveway. then she saw it crash violently on the local news. slamming right into another car in the middle of a busy interaction. abby randall joins me now. thanks for being with us. >> hi. >> tell me what happened first. you wake up in the morning and your car's gone from your driveway? >> yep. i wasn't planning on taking that car that day, so i was late for school, i was rushing. i left the house. i got into my mom's car and i didn't even notice it was gone. >> and then once you do realize it's gone, you're heartbroken, where's my car, it was kind of a family heirloom wasn't it? >> my grandmother passed it down to my parents before i even got my license. >> and then your friend on facebook sends you some video captured on the local news of what? >> it wasn't even the news channel. it was actually just a youtube link to the dash cam video. and then i watched it before i got ready for school and then got ready for school. i went downstairs to plan on telling my dad about it and he was already watching it on the news. >> it's not like the movie "dude, where's my car," but dude, where's my car. how did you know it was yours? >> i've had the car for ten years. i knew it was my car. it was like instinct. >> and the license plate said abby 16 on the back of it. how shocked were you when you saw it on this youtube channel? >> it was insane to watch. because i had already known that the car had been crashed, but to actually watch it was just crazy. >> well, the car looks totalled. are you going to get a new car? >> right now i'm going to college and i don't have a car and the money that we will probably get for the car won't be enough. >> fortunately, nobody got injured in all of this. can you tell us the back story on that? who was involved in the crash? >> i'm not really sure. my dad actually did talk to the man who had the dash cam and he told us kind of what happened at the scene. and i'm really glad that no one got hurt because that was an intense impact for all cars. >> it looked pretty rough. abby randall, thank you so much. we hope that you get a car heading to college. >> thank you. >> have a great day. that's crazy isn't it? coming up on "fox & friends," hillary clinton takes aim at donald trump after he's endorsed by the nra. >> you want to imagine what trump's america will look like, picture more kids at risk of violence and bigotry. picture more anger and fear. >> but will america really be less safe under a president trump? governor mike huckabee is here to react at the top of the hour. then call him the dictator of love. kim jong-un is playing matchmaker for his sister. ♪ tired of working for peanuts? well what if i told you that peanuts can work for you? that's right. i'm talking full time delivery of 7 grams of protein and 6 essential nutrients. ever see a peanut take a day off? 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ask your doctor if movantik is right for you. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. good morning, friends. sunday, the 22nd of may. i'm anna kooiman. brand-new clues from the cockpit. chilling last words coming from the pilot before a doomed jet vanished from radar. and then hillary clinton goes after donald trump after he's endorsed by the nra. >> you want to imagine what trump's america will look like, picture more kids at risk of violence and bigotry. picture more anger and fear. >> picture more anger and fear. will america really be less safe and being bigotted under trump. and you won't believe what jeb bush just said about his supporters. "fox & friends," hour two starts right now. ♪ tucker clayton and i, we are all out of hot hair this morning. we are so worn out from blowing up these pool toys for you. >> it's the weirdest thing i've ever seen in three and a half years on the show. >> the cornucopia of pool floats. >> i'm surprised that this is the weirdest thing you've ever seen on this show. >> who devised the inflatable pretzel. it's brilliant. >> did you know it's pool safety month? >> it is. 400 kids a year, unbelievable, two a day. we have great gadgets outside to protect your kid and family around the pool. >> we're having some fun around the pool. i hear you have the watermelon, mr. >> you're going to want to be careful because this water is cold. it did not come with a heater this morning. and it's still chilly here in midtown manhattan. take a look at the map. show you what is going on. this is the satellite radar picture. you can see things really clearing out across parts of the southeast. you generally don't see fronts go that far south this late in the season. along with that in terms of mid atlantic and the northeast, we have a pesky system that's going to continue to stay in the area for the next number of days. bringing instability and showers. severe weather today in the plains, tomorrow in the plain, in fact tuesday in the plains. the next six days. 'tis the season. >> thanks, rick. >> we're going to start your headlines with a fox news alert. we have new developments this morning in the deadly egyptair crash. the chilling last moments on board the doomed paris to cairo flight now released. >> egyptair 804 contact padova. >> thank you so much, good day. >> the pilot sounding calm, reporting no issues shortly before the plane vanished from the radar. investigators not ruling anything out, as it's revealed protestors wrote we will bring this plane down in arabic on that exact plane two years ago. and president obama headed across the pond today to continue his apology tour. he will visit vietnam and japan and make a historic appearance at hiroshima. he will attempt to make amends for the atomic bomb dropped by the united states. critics are outraged, hoping he will press for release of prisoners. jeb bush traveling the world to a safe place to finally break his silence on donald trump. listen to what he said yesterday in amsterdam. >> what i fear is that people looking down their nose will say the people supporting donald trump are a bunch of idiots. they're not. they're legitimately scared, they're not as optimistic, for legitimate reasons. >> he also says trump appeals to people's dissatisfaction with america rather than offering real political solutions. bringing governor mike huckabee this morning. nice to see you, governor. >> good morning. >> good morning. well, the other day of course donald trump receiving the endorsement of the national rifle association. hillary clinton firing back yesterday in ft. lauderdale, florida, at the trayvon martin foundation. i want you to hear what she had to say about it and get your thoughts. >> we know the gun lobby is powerful. i believe it's the most powerful lobby in washington. we know that some candidates will say or do anything to keep them happy. if you want to imagine what trump's america will look like, picture more kids at risk of violence and bigotry. picture for anger and fear. ask any -- any of the mothers here tonight if they want to live in that kind of america. enough and enough. >> enough is enough. she says donald trump is pandering to the nra and to voters. what do you say? >> you know, i hope that she's right about something she just said. that the gun lobby is the most powerful lobby. because if so, she won't be the next president. that will be a reason to get on our knees and thank god. this is a person who would take away our ability to defend ourselves. she is surrounded by people who are armed and has been going back to the 1970s. that's the last time she was not accompanied by somebody armed and ready to protect her. but most americans don't have that opportunity. they have to take care of themselves. and hillary would take away the ability of a typical american citizen from defending themselves, their homes, and their families. that's why donald trump had better be elected president or this is going to be a much more dangerous country. >> it's obviously tough for anybody to get elected president. there's a long piece in the "new york times" this morning about all the republican donors who are not supporting donald trump. a, are you surprised by this, and b, does it matter? >> i'm not surprised and frankly it's refreshing. look, the donor class has long totally directed the political class and it's the working class who has taken the gut punch. for once, donald trump has basically thumbed his nose at the donor class all through the primary and said, guys i'm not going to need you. having an independent president who is not completely embedded into the hands and minds of the donor class would be refreshing. he's got a lot of donors who are coming aboard, but i don't think these are the donors who have an expectation that they're going to get something in return. the kind of donors sitting aside are the ones who didn't get what they want and if they can't pay for play they're not going to play. good. we need to get rid of them. they need to get out of the system. >> sounds like the donors that come forward aren't saying i'll scratch my back if you scratch my back. the spending for clinton is at $182 million and donald trump just under $60 million. donald trump has brought on paul manafort. cory lewandowski is saying i'm manager. how much do they need to beef things up to be able to compete in the general election? >> i think it's pretty evident that they've done a really amazing job. hillary clinton's campaign is bloated, overblown and still losing. she may get the nomination, but she's having to fight bernie every day. donald trump has destroyed everybody on the stage, including me, and he did it not even spending much money. he's got a very lean and mean operation. that's refreshing in politics. i think it bodes well for donald trump's election. he will beat hillary clinton and he will do it handily. >> there was much more made of course of the rift in the republican party in the primary. but not much attention on the democrat party, the chaos that unfolded at that nevada convention where hillary supporters shouted down by bernie supporters. now they're changing the rules. they don't want anybody speaking out of turn at the state conventions. they want to quiet the bernie sanders supporters. what do you make of this? >> don't you just love free speech and free expression? the democrats have become a laughing stock. in the name of freedom, they shut down voices that are voices of descent, they want political correctness and now they want to control people's emotions. americans really can't function with that much control by somebody else who want to tell them what to think, what to say, and now even how they have to feel about it. >> on college campuses, a conservative stands up to speak and is shouted down and liberals applaud. >> yeah. >> but when bernie sanders supporters voice their opinion and it affects hillary's chances of getting the nomination, ooh, they must be quiet. >> the nevada convention kind of looked like a massive jerry springer show. a lot of us who are hold enough remember 1968 when the chant was "the whole world's watching," and they were. the net result was when richard nixon said we'll have law and order, he was overwhelmingly elected. this is going to be a contrast. donald trump believes that americans ought to have law and order and that we ought to support the police. and we ought to support citizens who protect themselves. this should permeate throughout our society. the most dangerous places in america are like south chicago and baltimore and washington, d.c. that's where the democrats really run at full circle. i don't think that's a model for america. >> we are glad to see you back on fox. >> great to be with you guys. take care. coming up, hillary clinton says donald trump is helping to recruit terrorists. >> we now do have evidence. we have seen how donald trump is being used to essentially be a recruiter. >> is there evidence of that? we'll get to it. >> then she put her life on the line to protect this country, but this marine was just banned from walking at her high school graduation because of her uniform? how does that happen? ♪ made in america here's the plan. you grow up wanting to be a lawyer, because your dad's a lawyer. and you land a job with a 401k and meet your wife. you're surprised how much you both want kids, and equally surprised you can't have them. so together, you adopt a little boy... and then his two brothers... and you up your life insurance because four people depend on you now. then, one weekend, when everyone has a cold and you've spent the whole day watching tv, you realize that you didn't plan for any of this, but you wouldn't have done it any other way. with the right financial partner, progress is possible. it's more than a nit's reliable uptime. and multi-layered security. it's how you stay connected to each other and to your customers. with centurylink you get advanced technology solutions, including an industry leading broadband network, and cloud and hosting services - all with dedicated, responsive support. with centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you're free to focus on growing your business. centurylink. your link to what's next. e #1) when returning home from deployment, you know, you-- you have money saved up so you're lookin' for that car to drive around in, and usaa actually makes that process so much easier. you can find the car and you can find it to your liking by using their app. i'm definitely able to see savings, uh, through using the car buying on usaa. i mean, amazing savings. i was like, wow. if i can save this much, then i could actually maybe upgrade a little bit. (announcer) save on your next car with usaa car buying service, powered by truecar. exclusively for usaa members. when you say we're going to bar all muslims, you are sending a message to the muslim world and you're also sending a message to the terrorists. because we now do have evidence, we have seen how donald trump is being used to essentially be a recruiter for more people to join the cause of terrorism. >> hillary clinton says there is evidence donald trump helps recruit terrorists, but is there really? let's ask steve emerson. >> former secretary of state, you choose your words carefully. she says we have evidence that this is the case. what do you say? >> well, let's look at it. it's hard to find actual statistics. but we looked at the frequency of arrests post trump's comments and pretrumps comments that would be a variable about whether they're recruiting more. and the level of attacks post-trump versus pre-trump's comments. let's look at a level in the united states. last year in the united states, there was 71 isis arrests. so far this year, there have been about 13. that's at a rate of -- 20% of the rate of last year. of those 13 this year, only eight were hatched after trump's comments. none mentioned in the wiretaps submitted to the court, none mentioned donald trump. >> where's she getting this information from? >> i think there was one recording made by one isis member who exploited her comments and said i'm motivated by donald trump. but no attack, no post-attack recording and claim of credit has ever cited donald trump nationally or internationally. and the stats prove that in terms of frequency of attacks and level of recruitment. they've actually gone down following trump. the assumption is underlying her comments is somehow muslims around the world are going to be motivated to carry out fire-breathing attacks based on the offensive rhetorics. are americans going to suddenly turn into terrorists because of the vast amount of anti-american rhetoric in the muslim world? >> we're not going to find the people by just continuing to be so nice and so soft. i have many muslim friends, and they agree. they have a tremendous problem with the radical islamic terrorism. what she said is sodium. >> what do you say to that? >> ms. clinton doesn't mention the term islamic terrorism. that's the same, you know, problem of -- they won't mention the term. if you don't mention the term, you're playing into the hands of islamic terrorists. that's what i say. the bottom line that motivates islamic terrorists is the belief that the u.s. is engaged in a war against islam. that's propogated by groups that the white house has invited repeatedly. they've legitimized that very message. >> she's being slammed for these comments that there's, quote, evidence. and donald trump earlier this week was slammed for suggesting right away that it was terrorism in the egyptair crash. did he jump the gun on that? >> the media has been going bonkers on the suspicion. they quoted tons of officials. egyptian officials have gone on record saying they believe it's terrorism. there's no 100% guarantee proof. it's leading people to believe. suspicions are leading in that direction. let's go back to hillary clinton's comments. isis could give a hoot about what americans and others say about them. they march to their own drummer. >> steve emerson, appreciate it. coming up here on the show, we're going to talk to donald trump a little bit later. target's new policy, letting customers use the bathroom with a choice now causing the company some major trouble. then she may look like a regular nun, but our next guest says she's anything but typical. stories you won't hear anywhere else. that's next. ♪ if time is infinite, why is ta john deere 1 family tractor can give you more time for what you love. because with our quick-attach features, it takes less work to do more work. nothing runs like a deere. see me. see me. don't stare at me. see me. see me. see me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. i'm not contagious. see me to know that... ...i won't stop until i find what works. discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75% skin clearance at 3 months. while the majority saw 90% clearance. do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur... ...tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms... ...such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. see me. see me. see me. on my way. find clear skin... and a clearer path forward. for a different kind of medicine, ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. time for the math portion of the test. it's news by the numbers. first, nearly $20. that's how much target stock has dropped since announcing its transgender bathroom policy. down from nearly $85 a share. next, more than $746,000, that's how much the federal government is spending to teach students at the university of kentucky how to shop for fruits and vegetables. finally, $125. that's how much it will cost you from vodka made from san francisco fog. they use fog catchers to turn mist into water for vodka. one of the most inspirational women in america who reached millions through her catholic broadcast network. mother angelica passing away this easter. and now one of her closest friends penning a biography. the author and managing editor, raymond joins us now on "fox & friends" weekend. good morning. >> good morning. great to be with you guys. >> thanks for coming on the program. tell me about your relationship with her and what valuable lessons you learned from her. >> look, this is the first woman in the history of broadcast, forget nun, to found and lead a television network for 20 years. she has an extraordinary legacy that she leaves behind just on the surface. getting to know her, she founded several religious communities, she reached millions of people, now in 300 million households. i got to be with her during the last 15 years of her life when she was in this long silence. you know, she had a stroke and she couldn't speak. she prayed and offered her suffering and sacrifice for others. and the amazing thing about this book is i'm able to capture this woman of enormous will who even surrendered her will in those last days. she reaches millions of people from a corner room in her monastery unable to speak, unable to really move, but she could still communicate in beautiful ways. i was with her during much of that period. i was able to witness this great sacrifice of this woman. and her last great mission. >> looks like you have a nice back and forth with her. can you share a story or two that really resonates in your heart about her? >> i'll tell you something so funny. you see what a force of nature she was. bob hope said her timing was better than most comedians he'd ever seen. and that was true. even during her last years, i'd be talking. when someone else the room, suddenly she fell asleep. i'd say, she was fine, she was laughing and engaged, but she just fell dead asleep. so that person would leave the room. the minute the door would close, her eyes would pop up, she'd drop the blanket and start laughing. she just didn't want to deal with these people. her spirit remained intact. so many people reading the book have told me they have found their own meaning in faith on the other side of this pain and suffering. mother angelica demonstrates that you can affect billions of people. i have had people who got off of drugs from catching a word from her during these 15 years of silence. >> i think we should be paying more attention to mother angelica rather than these hollywood stars and athletic heros. >> i'm with you. >> great new book. the book is called" mother angelica: her grand silence". >> pleasure to be with you guys. coming up, bernie sanders says that he is in it until the very end. >> we are going to fight in california and the remaining five other states to get every vote and every delegate we can. >> now it's do or die for the socialist senator. in california, we are live there next. then she put her life on the line to protect our country. but this marine was just banned from walking at her high school graduation because of that uniform she's wearing. how does that happen? 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(baby babble) not even close. reach for the orange, it's 100% shmorange! our vitamins contain no gluten, dairy or artificial flavors. so we invented a word that means that. shmorange! and it rhymes with the color of our bottle. to help spread the word, we made t-shirts! reach for the orange, it's 100% shmorange! it's do or die for bernie sanders in the state of california with two weeks left until the primary there. sanders needs to win to stay in the race against hillary clinton. lauren blanchard is in san diego. good morning, lauren. >> reporter: good morning, guys. bernie knows he definitely needs to win majority of california's 475 pledged delegates, plus the pledge delegates from the remaining states left to vote to take his fight to the democratic national convention. >> we have an uphill fight in order to win a majority of the pledge delegates. but we are going to fight in california and the remaining five other states to get every vote and every delegate we can. >> reporter: clinton leads sanders by just under 300 pledge delegates. but factor in super delegates, and that lead grows to a difference of over 700 delegates. sanders has called super delegates, a system dumb and unfair and something he plans to change at the democratic national convention. california is a semi-closed primary, which means voters need to register as democrats or as no party in order to vote and they need to register by tomorrow. we can guarantee bernie sanders will be asking people to get out and register later today and tomorrow at a handful of rallies. >> thanks a lot lauren. we're also following these stories, a new chilling message from isis. the terror group calling on its followers to launch attacks here in the united states and also europe during their holy month of ramadan. isis considers it will be the most sacred period for acts of sacrifice. the reported statement is the first by a high level isis leader since late last year. and a shocking development in the prince death investigation. the legendary singer may have been dead hours before his body was even found. he may have died up to six hours. i it is also believed he received iv fluids the day before his death. no words on when his autopsy will be released. and she signed up to put her life on the line for this country, but that's not enough for this marine. they refused to let her walk at graduation insisting she wear a cap and gown instead of a uniform. a fellow graduate brought her down from the bleachers to sit with her classmates when she said no. [ cheers and applause ] >> well, the school says she could have worn her uniform underneath her cap and gown, but that's against marine dress code, she said. and god save this english pop singer. she had one job, but she missed her cue. ♪ >> while standing in front of 90,000 stands, karen harding, she just froze and didn't start singing until the very end. the 24-year-old blamed the mistake on technical difficulties. when it goes live and there's that many people. >> here to fix our technical difficulties. >> or rapidly increase them possibly. we have a big pool party going on with some really brave kids. it will warm up this week, though. take a look at the map. a lot of people this time of year start to say, hey, what's summer going to look like. here is what noaa put out. pick your part of the country. either side of the country, above average temperatures we could be expecting. later in the show, i'll show you what to expect precipitation why. today, watch what happens throughout the day. we still continue to see scattered showers throughout the day today, tomorrow, and even into tuesday across the mid-atlantic and the northeast. down in the southeast, we start out really beautiful. and we've got really a pretty spectacular day across all of florida. into the northern plains, a little bit of severe weather also firing in the afternoon. especially areas of nebraska and kansas could be seeing a tornado or two. over towards the great lakes, you're looking beautiful. across the west, a little bit more sun, winds die down a little bit. over to you. it is national water safety month and we're closing out may with memorial day weekend. here with tips, lifestyle expert. >> nice to see you, too. thank you. >> so you really brought some color to our -- >> i did. exactly. >> you have great tips for an outdoor space. >> summer is all about the outdoors. so we want to create an inviting and comfortable space. my first tip is literally you want to just create a relaxing seating area. this sectional is great because it's neutral. you can have pillows and throws. they're colorful. >> where did you get these? >> all the outdoor furniture and accessories are from cost plus world market. >> love that place. >> it's really close. >> you can go there and get coffee samples. >> exactly. they're great because they're seating and also a side table. and then of course, you know, if you don't have a huge space for -- the cocktail station is my number one party tip. you want to create a self-service cocktail station so you're not playing bartender. all cups, glasses, ice, everything's right there. so they can seven themselves. >> this is actually just a potting bench. >> i decided to turn it into a drink station. and you can use a table, too. you can do the same thing on a great tray. >> some color here and umbrellas as well. >> sunscreen's important. so shade is good. of course another really affordable way is lighting. so string lights are all the rage. >> popular now. >> you would just see the z -- >> which are fine. but we like to take it up a notch. flamingos are really on trend, so are pineapples. i love mixing and matching lanterns. don't get caught up in everything has to match. just bring what you have outside. string lights. hang some lights in the front, in the back, and you're good to go. >> you're going to be back next hour. we're going to have some fun floats and games. >> water toys and pool party essentials. >> awesome. that's coming up later in the show.hank you so much. we want to thank best way for the power steel pool. tucker, anna, do you guys want to come out into the pool? >> kids, it's like they don't even feel the cold. >> they don't care. they're just having fun. coming up, donald trump is being called one of the most divisive candidates ever. our next guest says it started on the left and bernie and hillary are making it worse. then kim jong-un is playing matchmaker. ♪ ♪ love and marriage ♪ love and marriage just gotta get the check. almost there. i can't reach it. if you have alligator arms, you avoid picking up the check. what? it's what you do. i got this. thanks, dennis! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. growwwlph. it's what you do. oh that is good crispy duck. [phone buzzing] [engine revving] [engine revving] [phone buzzing] ♪ some things are simply impossible to ignore. the strikingly designed lexus nx turbo and hybrid. the suv that dares to go beyond utility. this is the pursuit of perfection. so yostanding up.ddle. with a friend. or you're a skier. or snowboarder. or a skier with two kids who snowboard. wait, where's your wife? there she is. you also like to work out. less intense? there we go. or you want to know your heart rate. when you're doing this. or this. or this. or this. which means, you should probably wear this. beat yesterday with vivoactive hr. from garmin. welcome back, everyone. 43 minutes now past the hour. facebook kacaught red handed censoring conservative lauren suterland for even mentioning it. facebook also telling her her censorship comment was removed by mistake. kim jong-un trying to launch rockets towards the united states is also now matchmaking for his sister. the north korean dictator launching bachelor style dating competition to find her a perfect husband. suitors must be at least 5'10" tall and previously a member of the army. tucker? here's the question of the season. has america been consumed by identity politics? >> republican governors and legislatures are erecting one barrier after another that make it harder for black people to vote. it's a blast from the jim crowe past. >> we would work on japan, china and mexico because they're taking our jobs. >> the american people are sick and tired of billionaires running our economy and our political life. >> our next guest says this election has brought out the worst in american politics, and hillary clinton, bernie sanders, and donald trump are making it even worse. joining us now, linda chavez. great to see you this morning, linda. >> thanks, tucker. >> you believe all three candidates left in the race are exacerbating what you refer to as identity politics. >> absolutely. what's happened is, instead of emphasizes the one in our national motto, out of many one, the politics today is all about the many and it's all about appealing to people on almost a tribal basis. you have hillary clinton appealing to the black lives matter, to the whole question of people's membership and minority groups, to women. you have bernie sanders who's substituting for race, she's substituting class. then you have donald trump who's basically trying to tell whites they have to be worried because mexicans and chinese and others are stealing their jobs. i think that's very divisive. i think it started on the left. it started with so-called minority groups. now it's spreading to whites who are starting to feel anxious about their ethnic identity. >> i don't think you can argue that trump isn't divisive. but he's making a different argument it seems to me. bernie and hillary are saying the u.s. ought to offer spoils of our society based on skin color. trump is saying foreigners are a threat to americans. i haven't heard him say that white people are under attack by people of color. did i miss that speech? >> what he does say is that mexicans are stealing american borne jobs. he's said that -- he's -- his whole policy on immigration is not just to stem the flow of the illegal immigration. if you go right onto his website, he wants no legal immigration for at least two years until the native born have jobs. that's why you see some of the white eye departmenidentity gro on. it's why you see groups with -- >> hold on a second. with respect, all americans at the bottom of the income scale very much, in fact primarily black and hispanic americans, have their wages undercut by foreigners of any color who come here and work for less than they get paid. why is that a racial conflict? isn't it a national conflict? >> we could debate the politics of immigration and in fact every serious economic study that's been done has shown that in states with high levels of immigration, wages are actually higher, they're not lower. the people who are taking jobs as poultry processers and other respects are really people who are doing jobs that americans have assumed. so this is one of the, i think, misconceptions that trump is out there trying to promote. >> okay. but i just want to be clear. can you think of an instance where trump has said, hey, white america, people of color are taking your jobs or is that just something you're imputing to his speeches. >> what i do know when he gets busy tweeting, he tweets from sites for white genocide. and he made the point, not in his opening, not that illegal immigrants were bringing crime and were rapeiists. he said mexico is sending us rapists and criminals. >> so if you don't like mexico, you're a racist? >> we are an immigrant country. in fact, virtually all of us have some immigrant roots. people look at me and assume that my immigrant roots are mexican. actually, the only immigrants in my family came from ireland. i think this whole idea that we're going to pit one group against the other, the left has done it for years. it's now affecting others. i think the whole idea of victimhood is one that's not good for america. we're not victims. we don't need to be made great again. we are great. we are the greatest nation in the world and we don't need a strong man to come in and make us great again. we need the people of the united states to pull together, to think of ourselves as a family and as people who are made up from many different parts of the world, but we're not the many. we don't want to become multi-cultural. we have a culture. we are american. and we ought to be pulling together be one people. >> great to see you. thanks for joining us. coming up hillary clinton firing back after the nra endorses donald trump. she says he'll make the world a more dangerous and bigoted place. trump as first response to clinton's comments is happening here live next hour. you're not seeing double. adam sandler meets his doppelganger. that's next. what's it like to be in good hands? man, it's like pure power at your finger tips. like the power to earn allstate reward points, every time i drive. ...want my number? and cash back for driving safe. and the power to automatically find your car... i see you car! and i got the power to know who's coming and when if i break down. must be gerry. hey... in means getting more from your car insurance with the all-powerful drivewise app. it's good to be in, good hands. in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. all across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, the lowest taxes in decades, and new infrastructure for a new generation attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in rochester, with world-class botox. and in buffalo, where medicine meets the future. let us help grow your company's tomorrow - today - at well, you know him from this classic movie. ♪ >> i liked it. >> were you awake yet inadam sandler has a doppelganger and the two share more than a similar face and he has the same name as sandler's new netflix movie. >> that's too weird that a character in one of his new movies has the same name as you. >> it's unbelievable. >> how did you come to meet he adam sandler from the picture you posted online. >> absolutely. he invited me out. he responded to the post saying come party with the better max kessler. >> you look like him, obviously for years. >> yeah. >> people come up to you for years and said are you adam sandler? >> yes. ever since i went to overnight camp in sixth grade and people go you look just like adam sandler. when i went to college freshman year people would say max kessler or adam sandler. >> you have a similar accent. do you get better seats in restaurants? >> now i do. >> what's your dating life like? >> it's taken off. >> has it been distorted by the similarity. >> it has. >> do they expect you to speck like him. >> can you do an impression. i did one for people out there. people are always asking me questions, asking me to do things. >> you know you have to do it here. >> i did it out in l.a. it was one of my favorite scenes. he's trying to get the ball clue the clown like we do at mini golf courses in "happy gilmore." and he turns to the clown and goes, "you're going to die clown!" . >> that's good. >> you had a chance to meet him. after this post that went viral. what did he say to you when he saw you for the first time? >> the first thing he said you're from new england? yeah, i'm from new england. we hit it off right from there. he asked me if i played basketball. still waiting for that one on one game. >> both celtics fans. >> i think he might be a knicks fan. >> i have a weird feeling you're going to be in an upcoming adam sandler movie. >> this experience is unbelievable. he has my number. give me a call. >> you're willing and able. >> i am. glad to meet you. coming up here on the show, hillary clinton takes aim at donald trump after he's endorsed by nra. she says he'll make the world a more dangerous place. trump's comments are here live. you wouldn't order szechuan without checking the spice level. it really opens the passages. waiter. water. so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? 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[ "dreams" by beck ] hmmmmm... hmmmmm... the turbocharged dream machine. the volkswagen golf gti. part of the award-winning golf family. wrely on the us postal service? because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. that's why we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. here, there, everywhere. united states postal service priority: you so yoless intense?k out. there we go. which means you need to know your heart rate. when you're going up that hill. or holding up that post. or hiking on that trail. baaaaah! that was weird. or you want to know how many calories you burned. when you're doing this. or this. or this. or this. which means, you should probably wear this. beat yesterday with vivoactive hr. from garmin. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla, apremilast. otezla is not an injection, or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months. and otezla's prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your dermatologist about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. good morning. it's sunday the 22nd of may, 2016. i'm anna kooiman. brand new clues from the top hit chilling last words coming from the pilot before that doomed jet vanished from radar and plunged into the ocean. >> hillary clinton takes aim at donald trump after his endorsement by the nra. >> you want to imagine what trump's america will look like, picture more kids at risk of violence and bigotry. picture more anger and fear. >> scary. trump is here with his first live response. the biggest loser bomb shell saying they were drugged by nbc. and told to starve themselves. the show's resident doctor now responding to these claims. "fox & friends," hour three starts right now. ♪ here comes summer ♪ ain't nothing hotter ♪ living in the water 55 degrees outside. that doesn't stop children jumping into our outside pool party. we're here with some pool tips. >> we're making a big splash ahead of memorial day weekend. >> i can't get past that story i was drugged by nbc. it may have happened to me. i was there for four years and i don't remember any of this. maybe they put a rufie in my decaf every morning. i'm going to watch that segment. >> i will too. we go outside to rick. >> reporter: you guys want to get in this pool. >> looks great. >> reporter: hot out here. >> yeah. sweating. >> reporter: it will be by wednesday. show you what's going on. we had this pesky disturbance across the mid-atlantic into the northeast for the better part of four or five days. cold front associated with it will stretch down through florida. florida cleared out, you're dry and sunny. we still have this system across the northeast for the next two to three days. we expect scattered showers off and on. another system out west that brought sno rain and winds across areas of the northern rockies. as it jets out to the planes expect to see severe weather across the central plains. tomorrow it barely budges to the east. still dealing with it on the u.s. severe weather all week long along the central plains. we heat up across the northern plains and east coast as well for this coming week. back to you. we're going to get straight to your headlines. three minutes after the hour because we had a fox news alert. police officer fighting for his life after being shot early this morning outside of boston. that officer from auburn was driving and collecting evidence when the shooting happened. the officer's family are at his side as police search for the shooter. no word who that shooter could be. we're following that story and update you with any news as it breaks. also this morning brand new developments in the deadly egyptair crash that killed 66 people. the chilling last few minutes revealed and eerie audiotapes released from the cockpit. >> egyptair 804 contract padova, sue 2-0. >> the pilot sounding calm. investigators not ruling out anything including terrorism as it is revealed protesters wrote we will bring this plane down in arabic on that exact plane two years ago. the search for the black box is under way as debris starts to surface more. >> bernie sanders on the attack. the democratic presidential candidate calling you want wasserman-schultz saying she will be out if he's elected. he supports her primary challenger. this after he repeatedly accused the dnc of favoring his rival hillary clinton. >> and shocking accusations against reality weight loss show, "the biggest loser." contestants said they were drugged by nbc. trainers reportedly forced them to take illegal drugs and starve themselves to lose more weight. this comes after a study saying metabolism and hormones caused most contestants to gain the weight back. nbc responded saying it prohibits the use of illegal drugs. what a wild story. also over eating causes weight gain. back to a story that's the drama within the democratic party right now. the split is becoming wider and the emotions are running higher than they have in many years on that side. bernie sanders is now saying that he is supporting the opponent of debbie wasserman-schultz. she's a conman but also the chairman of the democratic national committee and being primaried by somebody to her left. bernie sanders says i'm on the side of that guy not for debbie wasserman-schultz. >> in florida are you with wasserman-schultz or are you with her opponent? >> well, clearly i favor her opponent. his views are much closer to mine than wasserman-schultz's. let me also say this in all due respect to the current chair person. if elected president she would not be re-appointed to be chair of the dnc. >> suspicions are growing. at last check 90,000 signatures for debbie wasserman-schultz to step down. debbie #debbiedowner. they think she's been favoring hillary clinton. >> of course. this is the contest. the back story, we remember during the fall when everybody was like when you are going to debate so people can watch. nobody watches on saturday night. hillary clinton did pretty well during those debates. >> keeping files that the democratic party could have helped bernie sanders supporters. >> we covered this for months. the democratic party has and the sides on behalf of hillary clinton. all of them want to be an ambassador to belgium in the hillary clinton administration. it's a party that need to be a neutral arbiter. >> she's calling for an open election to let these independents in. if you look at the history of the democratic conventions, the reason they didn't want open conventions in the mast they didn't want moderate voice. they didn't want moderate voices in these conventions now hillary clinton representing the moderate voss in the party or establishment, bernie sanders supporters part of the left. >> superdelegates that they have. come on. "saturday night live" even referenced it last night in one of their big skits. >> there's nothing democratic about the democratic party. i'm hardly a bernie supporter but let's be honest when 90% of democratic voters are voting for the guy he's the future of the party. she's the past. when she says my husband is an impressive guy they never heard of him. >> polls head-to-head gyps donald trump he wins. hillary clinton against trump, trump wins. hillary clinton is firing back at donald trump's nra endorsement the other day. she was down in florida, speaking in florida at fort lauderdale at trayvon martin foundation. she was surrounded by the patience of victims of gun violence and she said this about donald trump. watch. >> the gun lobby is powerful. it's the most powerful lobby in washington. and we know that some candidates will say or do anything to keep them happy. you want to imagine what trump's america will look like, picture more kids at risk of violence and bigotry. picture more anger and fear. ask any of the mothers here tonight if they want to live in that kind of america. enough is enough. >> more kids exposed to violence and donald trump says he wants to do away with gun free zones. where do we see these mass shooting, at schools gun free zones where kids are sitting ducks. look at san bernardino and paris. if the good guys had guns maybe we would have a different situation. we had governor mike huckabee on earlier. he said she's hypocritical because she's surrounded by body guards who have guns. >> i hope that she's right about something she just said the gun lobby is the most powerful lobby because if so she won't be the next president and that's a reason to get on our knees and thank god. she's surrounded by people who are armed and has been for almost all of her adult life going back to the 1970s. most americans don't have that opportunity. they have to take care of themselves. >> one is gun violence has accelerated pretty dramatically under barack obama. she should explain why is that. hillary throws out this statistic. 33,000 killed by guns. two-thirds of those people, 21,000 were killed by their own hands by suicide. the democratic party is in favor of suicide, physician assisted suicide, the law in oregon. they are against that? >> right. >> what is the point here exactly? two-thirds are suicides so it's very misleading to include that in your total gun violence deaths. >> it's leaving out cities like chicago which has exploded in violence under the obama administration. that's always ignored. >> chicago which has the strigtest gun control laws in the nation. they blame wisconsin for it. >> big endorsement from the nra for donald trump, many are saying as a way for the republican party to be unified. donald trump will be on the program in 20 minutes and respond to those claims by hillary clinton in just a bit. terror becomes a top issue on the campaign trail after the crash of that egyptair flight a couple of days ago. who has a stronger message on the question of terror, donald trump or hillary clinton? governor jeb bush breaks his silence about trump's followers. >> what i fear is that people kind of looking down their nose will say people supporting donald trump are a bunch of idiots. their not. donald here again in moments. tired of working for peanuts? 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bernie sanders saying he would replace beeny wasserman-schultz immediately if he became president. seems like a big deal. >> this is one of the most interesting things i've seen in a long time. this political year is so unprecedented with donald trump and what's happening with him on the republican side and then bernie sanders saying he's supporting debbie wasserman-schultz's opponent in the august 30th democratic primary there in florida. he's a supporter of bernie sanders. then saying if he becomes president which nobody expects him to but you never know because it's a crazy year he'll fire debbie wasserman-schultz immediately. it's clear that there are such huge divisions here in the democratic party and this is one thing that donald trump is kind of counting on. he's got that big deficit among hispanic voters. how many bernie sanders supporters and we saw a little bit of this in west virginia, don't know how much it will translate across the rest of the country, how many bernie sanders voters is a protest against hillary clinton come out for donald trump in november? >> that's a fascinating point. this idea that everybody will fall in line, of course. everyone will unite around hillary clinton when all is said and done and the dust settles. the millennial vote which bernie sanders has tapped into, the youth vote may not get out of bed. >> yeah. they could stay home or decide to file a protest vote. could do it with donald trump. do it with gary johnson whose polling in double digits now as the libertarian candidate and according to our polling is drawing equally from both hillary clinton and donald trump. so he may not affect the overall outcome if he continues to draw equally from both but certainly kobe a place for some of those bernie sanders supporters could lodge their protest. >> john you know this so well. the question is why? why is this happening? >> why? because the political establishment with its blinders on and its tunnel vision has completely failed to read the mood of the american electorate on both sides of the fence. there are so many people in this country, and it would appear to be a majority on the republican side because if you look at the collective vote for donald trump and ted cruz it was up there around 70%, 80% and it's not that high on the democratic side probably more 40%, 45%. so many people in this country are sick and tired of sending politicians to washington and nothing getting done. that they are saying heck with all of you we'll go with somebody else which is why these alternative candidates -- bernie sanders is not an outsider but certainly outside the political mainstream -- are getting so much traction this year. we saw it in some of the mid-term elections. mississippi was a wake up call for republicans that they ignored. they breathed a sigh of relief let's go back to status quo. >> when it comes to politics of terror and hillary clinton painting donald trump as being reckless and saying that it was terror that blew the plane out of the sky. you have some guests coming up on the program on fox news sunday. >> divisive and dangerous is what hillary clinton said about donald trump. both of them, trump more forcefully both saying they suspect terror brought down egypt injury 804. we'll lead off the program with jeh johnson. we'll talk to him about that. talk to him about the long lines at tsa checkpoints, particularly midway in chicago and what the department of homeland security plans to do about that. there's an increase in other than mexican migration. we'll talk to him about that. mike mccaul will be here and we'll talk to pete sessions senator who is with donald trump's campaign. so back to you. >> thanks, john. great to see you this morning. >> we'll be watching. coming up almost pool party season and some cool tech to keep you safe while having some fun. we have top gadgets for your pool. a terrifying crash race car flying. heart stopping video you need to see once again. "fox and friends weekend" continues live from new york city. (war drums beating) fight heartburn fast. with tums chewy delights. the mouthwatering soft chew that goes to work in seconds to conquer heartburn fast. tum tum tum tum. chewy delights. only from tums. not to be focusingo finaon my moderatepe. to severe chronic plaque psoriasis. so i made a decision to talk to my dermatologist about humira. humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear, and many saw 75% and even 90% clearance in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ask about humira, the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists. clearer skin is possible. hello and happy sunday my friends. quick headlines for you now before you head out the door for chump. president obama en route to vietnam to continue what many are calling his apology tour. he'll visit vietnam and japan making a historic appearance at hiroshi hiroshima. he'll make amends before the bomb being dropped during worth war ii. a terrifying crash cents a race car flying through the air. what? >> huge accident. >> look at that. wow. it happened during the formula 3 championship in austria. few broken bones. all drivers involved expected to be okay. official start of summer less than a month away. now is the time to get your pool side tech gadgets in line. >> you boys and your toys. >> these are the best. people started in the pool with these. these are remote control boats. the tugboat -- the recommendation is never operate these with people swimming in the pool. >> what do they cost? >> the fireboat is, it's the real deal. >> that's awesome. >> the real deal. this thing will pile through the water. >> you just lost me for the rest of the show. >> i have to get behind the wheel. >> for 450 you get the fireboat and they comrady to run. you get the battery and you're in business. >> everybody needs some shoes while they are at the pool party. you got some bluetooth speakers that float. >> this is incredible. got a little water in it. but this floats in the pool. this is from ivation. what is that? it's an alarm you would be hearing if you were inside the house, there's an alarm associated with this safety device which protects the pool and this is for above ground pool. this safety buoy the pool needs to be calm. it doesn't come with a battery. you need your own nine volt battery. if a child falls into the pool or a pool up to 30 feet in length it will sound the alarm warning you that somebody is in the pool or an above ground pool or spa and they shouldn't be there. super loud inside the house. >> can you guys hear that? >> up to 200 feet away. it works. it's the highest rated safety device for protecting drowning, this is affordable. i want to show enthusiast. people who already have a pool, there's an amazing app and this app is what gives you control of your pool, so let's see if we can get the camera close enough for this one because there's a lot of details to it. you're very good with that. let me pull in. this is called iaqua lane. you virtually have any pool system you can control your bisexual your smartphone. why would you want to do that? you can turn on the pump. you can see what the ph balance is. turn on the heaters, waterfall effect. anything you have. what this let's you do you can save a lot of money. you know the expense of heating a pool or spa. this lets you monitor that from afar. you will have total control of that and saving a lot of money. >> clayton has mastered this. >> you ready for the race? >> best way for the power steel pool by best way. thank to you them for setting up this pool. >> to the cyber guy thank you so much. >> hillary clinton takes aim on donald trump after he's endorsed by the nra. >> you want to imagine what trump's america will look like, picture more kids at risk of violence and bigotry. picture more anger and fear. >> donald's first response to those comments is live next. >> this has a tight turning radius. ears we've helped one million business owners get started. visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. legalzoom. legal help is here. premium like clockwork. month after month. year after year. then one night, you hydroplane into a ditch. yeah... surprise... your insurance company tells you to pay up again. why pay for insurance if you have to pay even more for using it? 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>> good morning. >> good morning. so i want to run the latest poll numbers by. this is in "the washington post"/abc poll showing a lead of hillary clinton by two points, margin of error, 46-44. do you expect to pain taken that going forward for the next five months? >> we certainly hope so otherwise i wouldn't be doing it. i think we're doing really well. we have had some tremendous rallies. people are in love with what we're saying. you know i think we'll do very well. i think we'll do even better than that. she's ineffective. bernie sanders said she's not qualified to be president and he meant it and he said it because, you know, frankly with her decisions you look at libya, you look at offshoots of libya, benghazi, et cetera, et cetera, so many different things we can go on for days. when you look at her decisions, just bad judgment. she suffers from bad judgment. that's bernie sanders saying it. i mean he's been rather nice to her. he didn't pick up on the emails which i think was a big mistake. i'm going to pick out big league because she shouldn't be allowed to run for president. she has bad judgment and, therefore, should not even be qualified to run as president. >> she went after you last night. i'm sure you saw when she was down there in fort lauderdale, she was speaking at the trayvon martin foundation and said this about you. listen. >> donald trump said that in his very first hour as president, heaven forbid, he would overturn president obama's actions to strengthen background checks. he said that also on his first day in office he would mandate that every school in america allow guns in classrooms. every school he says. that's no way to keep us safe. if you want to imagine what trump's america will look like, picture more kids at risk of violence and bigotry. picture more anger and fear. >> wow. those are harsh words. she says trump's america will picture more kids at risk with violence and bigotry. what do you say to that? >> first of all those are just words. she's reading off a teleprompter. she doesn't have her own words. and she talked about guns in classrooms. i don't want to have guns in classrooms all on the highway some cases teachers should have guns in classrooms because teachers, things that are going on in our schools are unbelievable. you look at some of our schools, unbelievable what's going on. i'm not advocating guns in classrooms. remember in some cases and a lot of people made this case teachers should have guns, trained teachers should be able to have guns in classrooms. as far as bigotry our country has never been month divided than it is now. we have a president who is a total divider. and hillary is weak, she's a weak president. it will be four more years and probably four more years worse than what we've been going through. >> some say the republican party is the one that's very divided, but this nra endorsement is this a sign that the republican party is starting to rally behind you >> i was really honored to get this endorsement. i went there, i was the keynote speaker and i went to make a speech, frankly to the nra. we had a tremendous crowd close to 10,000 people. and they were giving standing ovations for every other sentence. it was an amazing energized crowd. and before i went out they announced they were endorsing me and i believe they never done that to a candidate that hasn't gotten to a convention yet. we have a convention coming up in a little while and we haven't gone through the convention. in some cases they don't endorse. they are a tough endorsements. the most powerful endorsement in all of politics. i was honored not for that reason but i was honored because they are really tremendous american people. these are great americans. they love the country. they want, beyond guns they want our country to being a great again. they want america to being a great again. my theme. and i was very honored to get it. i didn't know about it. and i found occupant about it just before i went up to speak. so speaking was very easy because you felt good. >> so i'm sure you tread "new york times," it's your home town paper, you're an avid fan. they have a list of republican donors, guys who have given millions in the past who say they are not supporting you. i'm sure you know all of them. under no circumstances they say are they giving you money. do you care? what does this mean? >> no, i don't care at all. these are people that won't have access to the white house and they one that. they can't tell me what to do like they do every other candidates. they endorse people like jeb bush. they would have had total control over jeb. they would have had total control over many people. many candidates endorse me. as far as the rickett's family i don't know the family. i know pete rickett, he's governor of nebraska. he's a great guy, really. a good governor. doing a good job. they talk about the rickett's family can't be talking about all of them because pete endorsed me the governor. >> in this article they point out that there's some contention. let donald trump fund it himself. he says he's a billionaire let him fund it himself. bernie sanders also taking you to task on whether or not you're a billionaire. listen to bernie sanders. i want you to respond. >> the american people also understand that donald trump cannot and will not ever become president of the united states. and it's not that trump is a billionaire or at least he tells us he's a billionaire, who knows. probably as broke as everybody else. he doesn't often tell the truth. >> your response to that. in this piece they point out $1.2 billion spent by the republican party in 2012 for mitt romney. of course we know where that ended up. are you prepared to self-fund all the way to that amount of money? >> what i have done and what i always said i would self-fund through the primaries and then make a decision. i have. i've spent about $50 million of cash and funded entirely other than the small donations through the primaries. now i'm helping the republican party through the, you know, rga, through a lot of different groups actually. but helping the republican party and we're getting it funded and we're dealing with reince preibus and everybody else. i'll be investing a lot of money. i'm putting in a lot of my own money. a tremendous amount of my own money in the race. i'm helping other people get money. i'm helping governors. i'm helping senators. i'm helping other people in the race. i think we're doing very well. i must tell you, i don't need these people put in. i don't even know most of these people. what they should do is talk about the you unification that' taking place. so many different people are with us. senators are coming out. congressmen are coming out. there's tremendous, tremendous unity happening in the party and that's been the big story. so i was not really surprised because it's in the "new york times." i call at any time failing "new york times." it's a failing newspaper. i don't see how it continues on much longer because you take a look at the economics of that newspaper. but when you look at what the "new york times" wrote they only wrote the negative. they had some of these people that will not have access to me. they won't have any control. they are people that want to put up money and if they are in the coal industry or any industry they want to have access, i'm going to take care of our industries properly like as an example energy, kocoal and othe industries. they have lost their access and they know that with me and that's the only reason. >> do you think the affected donors hassing changed the republican party view. the republican leadership is for open borders. party voters are not. do you think that's because big donors on the republican side are for more immigration? >> you know, i think you have two views on it p.m. i'm for strong borders. i'm for the wall. mexico will pay for the wall just in case you had any question without doubt. i'm for strong borders. i'm also for people coming in to the country, lots of people coming into the country but legally. a lot of people you mentioning the donors don't want that. they want people to come in for other reasons. you have to ask them what their reasons are. i don't think that's the primary reason. the reason is they have no control over me. i'll do what's right for the country. they have no control. as far as wealth is concerned, i bore rod a million dollars. the company is worth more than $10 billion. i filed my papers about a week ago. everybody is amazed at the numbers. i'm very liquid. to finance a billion dollars i would have to sell a building, have to do something like that. will i do that? i could. i have the option of doing it. i have a lot of cash and cash flow. would i do that? i don't know i have the option of doing it. i'm raising money for the rnc, i'm raising money for other republican groups, i'm raising money for people running for the senate and congress. i'm raising a lot of money for other people. also included in rnc we're going to work together. they have a great network. they built a great network which we need. they built over years they built a network in cities and in states throughout the country. you can't do that in the period of two or three weeks. so i'm raising a lot of money for a lot of people that are running as republicans and i would much prefer if i win getting in there and having a senate and having congress where we have the majority and right now ice going to be some close races. >> mr. trump, do you have any plans to woo bernie sanders supporters who are fed up with the system as bernie sanders is declaring war on debbie wasserman-schultz and some of his supporters are trying to get her to step down saying the system is rigged same talking point you used against the republican party before you became the presumptive nominee. your going to try to woo them to your side >> i hear and i look at polls and i hear a lot of those people are coming with us. what i saw, i think it's 38% or something thereabouts in west virginia that if hillary ran in west virginia as an example, i would get 38% of the people that bernie sanders people would come with us. that's a tremendous amount. i mean we would get a tremendous amount of people. but i'm hearing it's in the 30s and maybe it's, you know, i see different numbers obviously for different places. but some of the numbers are very high. a lot of the bernie sanders voters they do not like hillary clinton. they don't respect her. they think she's crooked hillary as i call her. she is crooked hillary. just look at her record. a lot of those people will come with me. one thing i'll say, bernie sanders and me, i'm no fan of bernie sanders but ooh he's right about one thing. trade agreements. we have the worse trade agreements. they are incompetently done. many of them are done for the donors that don't want to support me so you understand. those people would come with me. i would make great trade agreements bernie can't. >> mr. trump great to have you on this show. thank you for taking the time. coming up here, president obama giving more than 4 million workers overtime pay. cry critics said he did that before and it failed miserably. reward points, every time i drive. ...want my number? and cash back for driving safe. and the power to automatically find your car... i see you car! and i got the power to know who's coming and when if i break down. must be gerry. hey... in means getting more from your car insurance with the all-powerful drivewise app. it's good to be in, good hands. in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. all across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, and the lowest taxes in decades, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in buffalo, where the largest solar gigafactory in the western hemisphere will soon energize the world. and in syracuse, where imagination is in production. let us help grow your company's tomorrow - today - at it's considered one of the most significant reforms of the obama era and it just happened. >> the department of labor finalized a rule that extend overtime protections to 4.2 million more americans. it's a move that will boost wages for working americans by $12 billion over the next ten years. we're more than doubling the overtime salary threshold. >> critics say the president's overtime vulnerable a job killer. some say it already failed at ibm and it won't work now. >> stewart varny is here with more. stu, great to see you. >> i hope you're getting overtime for this. >> ibm. what happened? they are comparing to it ibm. what happened? >> ibm under a court ruling was forced to pay overtime or make overtime eligible to 7,000 employees. what they simply did was reduce the base pay, paid overtime so nobody gained anything. the workers made the exact same amount of money. it's shell game. >> let's suppose you're running a business and a couple of people on the sales team. a couple make $40,000 a year. now you got pay them overtime if they make calls from home. which sales person doesn't make calls from home. you got to adjust that job. supposing you're one of the workers making $40,000 a year. your salary. occasionally in the past you could see a couple of hours off to see the doctor and then work from home. now have to rethink that. the job will adjust the business will adjust and the worker will adjust. no net gain that's my opinion. >> interesting. if you care about wages and i think everybody wants to see wages rise, you are arguing it's not possible for the government to just suspend math and tell people their wages will rise. >> businesses will automatically react to the new rules that come down the pike. i don't think the government should be in the business of controlling income whether it's $15 minimum wage or whether it's overtime for people who make less than $47,000 a year. essentially it's politicians getting right in the middle of the worker-business capitalist environment. >> will it work short term? >> i don't think so. if it weren't for politicians this is politicians buying votes. vote for me and you'll get overtime. for me to get 15 bucks an hour it won't work. >> it's out of step with the modern economy. there are certain companies that their employees at the office building. they have conference meetings. but the modern economy has individuals all over the country working hours that they can work to hobble together. >> flexibility is the name of the game in the modern economy. actually i also see this as a field day for lawyers. you can just see it coming a mile off. i had to take a phone call at 8:00 at night. i want overtime for that. i'm suing. it's a charter for a lawyer at grandizement. >> the northwest reliable donor base. >> you're absolutely right. that's what it is. >> work on a weekend. >> overtime. got it. >> coming up president obama's apology tour continues today. this time he's on his way to vietnam and he's going hiroshima to apologize for ending the second world war. we're live on the latest stoch his asian tour. stay tuned.p of his asian tour. stay tuned. pet moments are beautiful, unless you have allergies. flonase is the first and only nasal spray approved to relieve both itchy, watery eyes and congestion. no other nasal allergy spray can say that. go ahead, embrace those beautiful moments. flonase changes everything. hey, everybody. good morning. >> from beethoven to justin bieber americans will pay a pretty penny for celebrity hair. we don't mean a barber shop. >> this is crazy. will you guys pay for a bag of elvis' hair? >> look at this. take a look at this graphic. elvis presley's hair went at auction back in 2002 for $115,000. che guevara $100,000. >> he was a furry guy. >> napoleon only went for $13. >> justin bieber, $40,000. >> abraham lincoln is multiples of napoleon's hair. $39,000. willie nelson. >> had to be the whole braid. $37,000. >> that's unbelievable. most went for 53 grand and john lennon, people will take the dna and make clones of these people. that's what you would do. >> you run a barber shop. what would prevents you from sweeping up a bag of hair and selling it on e-bay. >> handmade barber shop. would you guys do anything when celebrities come in. sweep up the hair and sell it. >> not really. >> what do you do with the excess hair. you don't log the drains. >> it goes in the garbage. >> you don't stuff pillows with it or knit anything? >> how much it would go for auction? >> higher than napoleon? >> definitely. >> how about beethoven. >> how about willie nelson. >> that's a species of religion. if you're paying for hair that's like some kind of, you know, medieval in this. >> i collect comic books. that's where i draw the line. we didn't want to tell you. the ladies were trying to get tucker and i in these booths to get our hair cut. they've been telling us we need hair cut. >> you guys agree your hair is your strength and every time you cut it you get weaker. >> no. >> you look better. >> manmade barber shop. thank you for the chairs. thank you guys for coming in. >> hillary clinton pushing bernie sanders to dropout. because she did what president obama was in the lead. is it his turn to quit? the brand new interview everybody will be talking about today. that's next. >> we got to get your hair cut. >> yeah, we do. thousands of people came out today to run the race for retirement. so we asked them... are you completely prepared for retirement? okay, mostly prepared? could you save 1% more of your income? it doesn't sound like much, but saving an additional 1% now, could make a big difference over time. i'm going to be even better about saving. you can do it, it helps in the long run. prudential bring your challenges good morning, everyone. it's sunday may 22nd, 2016. i'm anna kooiman. brand new clues. chilling last words from the pilot before that doomed jet vanished from radar and plunged into the ocean. >> and hillary clinton warns that if donald trump becomes leader of the free world buckle your seat belt ladies and gentlemen we're in great danger. >> you want to imagine what trump's america will look like, picture more kids at risk of violence and bigotry. picture more anger and fear. >> we just talked to trump minutes ago. we'll show you his response in just a second. president obama bringing back the apology tour. he started that. now he's going to vietnam and say sorry. next up hiroshima. we're live at his latest stop in a few minutes. "fox & friends" hour four. we start at 6:00 a.m. and this one is ready. ♪ ♪ ♪ you're not going to see this on tv. there's a lot of things going on here. above ground pool on 6th avenue. >> bathing beauties with flowers on their cap. an old art, old sport but with a new twist. >> the gotham synchro team. so magnificently weird. >> it's 55 degrees outside. they are undeterred. we're glad to see enthusiast morning, 9:00 a.m. hour. >> rick is standing next to the pool. >> reporter: this is the best thing we've ever had in the show. i've been on the show for ten years and this was probably the best. somebody else said this is the best booking ever. very nicely done producers. >> hop in and we'll play the music for you. >> this pool is icy cold. they will testify to that. it will warm up this week. let's show you what's going on. this is why it's chilly. had this disturbance here across the mid-atlantic and into the northeast for days for so much of really a lot of the month of may. very chilly across most of the east and that's the case for the next coupling of days. out across the east we have this system dealing with also, some rain, snow, cooler temperatures and today it will bring severe weather anywhere you see that yellow up and down the central stripe of the country we'll be dealing with threat for severe weather. tomorrow it moves off to the east. we have it again for tuesday right in the central part of the country and even into wednesday, thursday and friday all kind of the same area each day we have a threat for severe weather. along with that a lot of rain and some spots may be seeing five to six inches of rain by the end of the week. temperature wise we warm up quickly and take you through the next few days. if you're across the northeast hoping for warmer temperatures, look at wednesday readings in the 90s. there you go. >> thank you, rick. we'll start this segment with your headlines at this hour. police officer fighting for his life right now. being shot early this morning outside of boston. the officer from auburn was driving and collecting evidence we're told when he was shot. the officer's family is at the hospital by his side. police are searching for the shooter. no word who that shooter could be. we'll continue to follow this and bring you updates as we get them. brand new developments in the deadly egyptair plane crash that killed 66 people. the chilling last moments on the doomed flight now reveal an eerie audiotape released from the cockpit. >> egyptair 804 contact padova. 1-2-0. >> the pilot sounding calm reporting no issues to swiss air traffic controller shortly before the plane vanished. investigators are not ruling anything out including terrorism as it reveals protesters wrote we'll bring the plane down in arabic on that exact plane two years ago. the search for black boxes is now under way. exaggerator took the preakness and deny nyquist the win. tragedy hit the early races. home boy chris collapsed after celebrating his victory. in the fourth race another horse broke its leg and was euthanized right on the track. >> some of these horses perform better than the trainers themselves take care of themselves. they are pet animals and lovers and everything. we obviously have bad apples in every business. constantly work to weed those people out. >> he's now demanding medical records of the two horses that died. there's a million dollar night for joey logano. he won the all-star race. first time winning that race but getting to victory lane came with some confusion. nascar was trying a new format of two 50 lasted segments for the final last dash. >> those are you headlines. >> lap dashes. dangerous. hillary clinton was at the trayvon martin foundation in fort lauderdale, florida. she was there last night responding to the speech donald trump gave when he got the endorsement of the national rifle association. it was pretty over the top. wipe the sleep out of your eyes and remember this is real. >> we know the gun lobby is powerful. i believe it's the most powerful lobby in washington. we know that some candidates will say and do anything to keep them happy. you want to imagine what trump's america will look like, picture more kids at risk of violence and bigotry. picture more anger and fear. ask any, any of the mothers here tonight if they want to live in that kind of america. enough is enough. >> donald trump was on our show earlier to respond to her saying that he's pandering to voters before the nra crowd and he said she's actually hypocritical to have these secret service around her, these body guards that are armed heavily. listen. >> well, first of all, they are just words. she reads off a teleprompter. you notice she reads off a teleprompter. she always does. she doesn't have her own words. i'm not advocating guns in classrooms but remember in some case, a lot of people made this case teachers should have guns, trained teachers should have guns in classrooms. as far as bigotry our country right now has never been so divided as it is right now. we have a president who is a total divider and hillary is weak, she's a weak person and will not be a president -- it will be four more years and probably four more years worse of what we're going through. >> hillary made the point imagine what donald trump's america will look like. i know what obama's america looks like. it is more divide. more people living on the street behind me. this country is in a lot of trouble. that's the only reason trump exists because people are completely freaked out about the way it's going. this is a president pushing transgender bathrooms on a country that doesn't know what they are. that's somebody who seeks to divide the country. don't lecture to me about division. >> what bernie sanders has been tapping into across this country he's been fired up and angry at debbie wasserman-schultz. his campaign has basically been saying her twitter account, debbie wasserman-schultz is rivaling if not exceeding the disgusting tweets that he says donald trump has been putting out. and he's fired up. look, she's facing an election right now in florida. he said he's not going to support her, he's supporting her opponent opinion listen. >> in florida, are you with w h wasserman-schultz or are you with her opponent? >> clearly i favor her opponent. his views are much closer to mine than wasserman-schultz's. let me also say in this all due respect to the current chair person. if elected president she would not be re-appointed to be chair of the dnc. >> they complained in the past about debbie wasserman-schultz and the placement of those dabts on saturday night that wouldn't draw large crowds and sanders campaign not having access to some files and data for a period of time that the clinton campaign was allowed access that could have brought on more supporters. they say the system is rigged for hillary clinton against sanders. >> boy. >> super delegates. >> look what's unfolding in the new rules invention. we don't want bernie sanders supporters speak out, we don't want anybody heckled. hillary clinton was just asked on meet the press to respond to this with chuck todd. here's her response. >> i wanted to make it clear that i know what this feels like having lived through it. i have 3 million more votes in the case of obama and myself it was neck and neck in the popular vote. i have far more pledged delegates. it was much closer between me and obama. i'm going to be the nominee. i want to spend a lot of my time, as you've seen me do really taking on trump because i find what he says, the kind of candidacy he's presenting to pose danger to our country. >> chuck, presumably asked her the question, because earlier this week she came out and said i'm the nominee. i got this. it's not over yet. i got this. >> would you say this? i think she would be the nominee. but when you say i'm already the nominee that's a sign you fear on some level you won't be the nominee. they are worried. why wouldn't they be. this very different. this is an ideological contest. with hillary and obama they agree on basically everything. bernie and hillary don't agree. he thinks she's a phoney. they are not into it. it's a religious movement for them. i don't think they will back her. >> also exposing how weak of a candidate she could be come november in the general election. it's not going to be so easy. >> a match-up right now new poll shows bernie sanders in a head-to-head match-up with donald trump would beat him. hillary clinton head-to-head with donald trump would lose. >> this doesn't shock me at all. sanders prescriptions are insane and turn news to venezuela in a week. his descriptions of what's going on in america is not that far off. it's a wage problem. people don't have enough money or jobs. the middle class is dying. trump is saying the same thing. that's why they are both doing well. >> let us know what you this about this. go to our facebook page. you can weigh in. leapt us know your thoughts. >> 12 minutes after the hour. president obama heading back on the road for what many are calling his apology tour. first stop sorry vietnam we're live on the ground there next. >> the biggest loser bomb shell. did the reality show drug its contestants? did nbc give drugs to its contestants? that's the allegation. >> unbelievable if true. wow. soon. morning with stops in vietnam and then on to hiroshima, the city where the second world war ended. >> kevin cork is traveling with the president in hanoi. good afternoon, good evening, kevin. >> reporter: good evening from hanoi. president obama bringing with him an ambitious agenda as he makes his way here to hanoi, vietnam and then later to japan. he's expected to hand here in vietnam in little over an hour from now. we'll have that for you here on fox news. it's a major trip because the president will try navigate some fairly sensitive waters including the past history between the countries, twooitwo between the u.s. and vietnam and the bombing of hiroshima. security cooperation is expected to dominate the headlines because the vietnamese would like to expand arm sales from the u.s. for their own security. united states for their part would like to do it but there's a thorny issue of human rights as well as the past ban which is now decades old on some arms sales to the vietnamese. that could change here during the president's visit. we expect to hear a bit about that. of course there are american veteran groups back home who say the president needs to make sure he focus on the mia issue and return of remains of american servicemen who have been kept here in vietnam since the end of the war and all of this is ahead of the trip to japan where another historically significant event the bombing of hiroshima is expected to dominate headlines. the president said he will not apologize in any way for the bombing of hiroshima or nagasaki. however he's expected to address the issue. just a couple of things i want everybody to keep in mind as you view this asia trip from sort of a 30,000-foot level. number one, security cooperation will be a major component. how to thwart the destabilizing threat of china. does that mean more arm sales here in vietnam and what does that mean as far as u.s. and japanese cooperation is concerned. number two, navigating those very sensitive waters, guys, as it relates to the bombing of hiroshima and of course the path between the united states and vietnam very thorny issues, indeed. i'll have it for you again. the president is expected to land here a little more than an hour from now and i'll have it for you right here throughout the day. for now, back to you in new york. have a tiger beer for us. >> the fact he's in hiroshima. of course it's an apology. what else is it? >> he book ended his presidency the beginning of his presidency going to germany with his apology tour and then at the end. >> i'm sorry. fox news alert socialists fill the streets of venezuela. three years ago bernie sanders spokesman praised the country. what happened? our doctor will break it down. then call him the dictator of love. kim jong-un is playing matchmaker. tired of working for peanuts? well what if i told you that peanuts can work for you? that's right. i'm talking full time delivery of 7 grams of protein and 6 essential nutrients. ever see a peanut take a day off? i don't think so. harness the hardworking power of the peanut. wrely on the us postal service? because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. that's why we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. here, there, everywhere. united states postal service priority: you if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla, apremilast. otezla is not an injection, or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who 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it was a real country. massive oil reserves. educated country. how did this happen so quickly? >> left wing politics, tucker. this is what happens when you actually create a socialist state. this is the recipe. karl marx never creates utopia. he creates disasters. venezuela is a wake up call for those millennials who think bernie sanders will creating paradise on earth. >> you saw this in your own family. hungary was a real country. under the soviets it became something different. >> my parents were in00 fwary after world war ii which was a nation behind the iron curtain, taken over by the soviets. in the space of just six years this country went from being one of the most advanced nations in western europe, the co-partner to the austria-hungary empire and became a basket case. as soon as more and more power was taken by the communist power, the economy tanked. my father was in prison as an anti-communist agitator. he was forced to work in a coal mine by the communists because the economy doesn't work. when you break the laws of supply and demand, then everything goes south. venezuela is the sixth richest oil nation in the world. they now have rationing of food. tucker, the president, listen to this, said to women, don't use hair dryers because we don't have the power from the power stations to run your hair dryers. it's like monty python. >> what's so strike is so resistant to evidence these ideas are. we both grew up in a country that fought a lot about socialism. it was obvious it didn't work. as a practical matter why have these ideas so discredited by actual events retained their hold on the left? >> two things, i think, tucker. 199, november 9th, we won the argument. the people on the wrong side of the iron curtain took down the berlin wall. they said enough. but 20 years later, 25 years later it's back. two reasons. why? because the left distorts history. they have this argument oh, it's not socialism itself it was just badly implemented. wrong. it's socialism itself. secondly and this appeals to the youth i guess, i'm a little bit older than the millennials. you're promising perfection. you're promising paradise. as a conservative you know you can't perfect human beings. you should just get out of their lives and allow them to have liberty to run their own existence. the left says we'll give you perfection and that's where the danger begins. >> you may think organized religion is ludicrous but not have as stupid of what replaces it. thanks a lot. >> thanks, tucker. coming up hillary clinton ramping up her attacks on donald trump. >> do you think that donald trump is qualified to be president? >> no, i do not. >> glad we got that question out of the way. certainly to be the nastiest election in american history. our next guest says oh, yeah it's going to be. and the biggest loser bomb shell. did nbc feed drugs to its reality show contestants? that's the claim. we'll have the sordid shocking details coming up. ♪ if you need advice 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[phone rings] ah, it's my brother. keep going... sara, will you marry... [phone rings again] what do you want, todd???? [crowd cheering] keep it going!!!! if you sit on your phone, you butt-dial people. it's what you do. todd! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. i know we just met like, two months ago... yes! [crowd cheering] [crowd cheering over phone] he was unqualified to be president. i believe that deeply. i'm going to keep focus on donald trump because i will be the nominee, i will be running against donald trump in the fall, and i do not want americans and good thinking republicans as well as democrats and independents to start to believe that this is a normal candidacy. it isn't. >> hillary clinton ramping up attacks against donald trump especially after new fox news latino poll shows a key part of her base has an unfavorable opinion of her. the gloves coming off. are we about to witness the ugliest race in history. so let's ask john. you've seen these new polls. i want to put up these unfavorable polls. donald trump, hillary clinton not well-liked. hillary clinton is getting close to donald trump's unfavorable ratings. among month rates, 49%. >> both have negatives. hillary's is more likely to be permanent. she's been in the public eye for 25 years on the national scene and her negatives are related to fact, what do you like least seven out of eight voters say she's dishonest, she lies, she's corrupt. we've seen this from whitewater through travel gate all the way to now with the clinton foundation that she has these permanent negatives. >> why are they changing so much. you recall her popularity rating while she was secretary of state was in the 60s. >> not really. in fact she had negatives. what's changing now she's running for president and it seems the same old hillary. scandals. e-mail service scandals with ties to potential donors for the clinton foundation is really just, you know, re-opening of a bad wound. trump is take advantage it because hillary has been after him to raise his negatives and his negatives are going away and his favorables are increasing. i've seen this before for candidates particularly i worked for prime minister netanyahu, frank rizzo, arnold schwarzenegger. >> let's look at his unfavorable. 28% among republicans. among conservatives, 39%. among undecided 80% has an unfavorable view. is that the key undecided. >> 26% of all voters are undecided. they are voting 35% for hillary, 34 for trump. the rest are for independents. tinting thing, our poll is a-week-old. there are polls now like fox news where trump is ahead. even today "the washington post" released their poll and they have trump ahead by two points. his favorable/unfavorable match hers in "the washington post" poll. like we had from our polls a month ago we had his positives rising four points and his negatives down five. by him playing offense with hillary he's able to, you know, increase his favorables and lower his negatives. >> it's helping that bernie is attacking him. >> her allies launched the national negative campaigns on trump, tens of millions of dollars trying to keep his negatives high because the only path for her to win is to make his negatives higher than hers. >> fascinating. we're in for a brutal campaign season. >> ugly is the path for hillary. >> great to see you this morning. >> tucker over to you. >> that sounds like a lot of fun. to your headlines. we start with a fox news alert. a police officer was shot today outside of worcester, massachusetts has died. coming from our fox affiliate in boston. these are live pictures coming in right now from the scene. the officer was from auburn a town in the central part of the state. he was driving and collecting evidence when he was shot. the officer's family is at the hospital by his side. police are still searching for the shooter. no word on who that might be. we'll continue follow this and bring you updates as we get them. she signed up to serve this country but that's not enough for marine megan howard. they refused she walk graduation. they insist she wear a cap and gown instead of her uniform. she said no. a fellow classmate brought her down to sit with her classmates. the school respond by saying she could have worn her uniform underneath her cap and gown but that's against the dress code of the marine corps. shock accusations against the weight loss reality show "the biggest loser." ex-con testants telling "new york post" they were drugged by nbc. trainers there reportedly forced them to take illegal drugs and starve to lose more weight. this comes after a study that says genetic, changing metabolism and hormones caused the contestants to gain their weight back. they said they chose unhealthy practices and mine games. nbc network responded by saying it prohibits the use of illegal drugs. that story continuing to unfold. and now rick with the weather. >> reporter: we have chilly temps for new york city. >> we do. >> reporter: you're open for a warmer weekend. all right. sorry. come back wednesday. going to warm up by then. show you what's going on. a lot of people ask what will the summer look like. nobody puts out it's seasonal outlook. here's what june through august meteorological summer will look like according to the folks at the prediction center. a little bit cooler and a little bit above average precipitation as well. areas across the central plains taking above average precipitation. same goes for the nuclear northeast mostly new england. rest of the country average, kansas of typical precipitation. today more rain across the northeast, mid-atlantic, southeast spectacular. severe weather all along the central corridor from north dakota to texas and out across the west rain and mountain snow in the northern rockies. back over to you. memorial day weekend unofficial kick-off to summer is days away and will include pool parties and, unfortunately, have some scary things happen like drownings. check out these stats. from 2005 to 2013, 3,500 drownings annually. here to show us how to keep our kids safe is the director of pool management and training brendan. good morning. thanks for being with us. let's first talk about drowning because it's something that parents need to be aware of. >> we're used to bay watch image of a kid splashing and crying for help. if somebody is drowning and not able to get enough air to cry out. it's important you understand,000 recognize a child who is in distress. >> earlier in the show we highlighted a lot of gadgets that will go off, be a alarm that will go off if the water is disturbed and a parent is inside. we should not be depending on these devices should we. >> exactly. waterfall layers of protection but no substitute for supervision. you need to designate an adult water watcher who is at the pool watching the kids not doing anything else. splash alarms are great. gate, barriers, self flashing gates are important. you have to have someone watching the kid. >> parents with kidos at home okay this is the summer time to teach kids how to swim. you're against water wings and other things why. >> it promotes a false sense of security. you're more likely to think they are okay. they can deflate. they can come off. they can even trap a child's face down in the water. >> i'm going to keep my eye on my kid. what about teaching the kids to swim. water wings might keep them more face in the water. >> if they learn how to swim at a diagonal angle they won't learn how to save themselves. they have to learn how to swim face down in the water so they can glide the wall. >> let's go over here with one of the kids. it's not all about the kids splashing with big arms. >> they need to take breaths, having face under water, staying under water and relaxing. learning how to float and be buoyant. that's more important. >> some very strong kickers here this morning. kids thanks for coming out. are you having fun? >> yeah! >> all right. brendan, thank you so much. also want to thank howard frame pools for bringing out the pool. the economy is the number one issue on voters mind. why is hillary clinton talking about guns and global warming when it's still about the economy? maria bartiromo is here to weigh in next. and hillary and bernie return to "saturday night live." >> remember i told everybody to stop talking about your damn emails. what a schmuck. >> remember when you beat me by a lot and then i got most of the delegates. making quest for his sister. he's looking for the perfect husband for his sister. must be 5'8". a graduate of the communist country university having served in the military and a former party member. kim jong-un botched a similar attempt due to his high standards and personal flaws of her. a california veteran reunites with a kitten. he started caring for the feline after he spotted him at the baghdad airport. knowing the cat's chances of survival was slim he contacted the spca to take him home. so far so good. welcome back. at the top of the hour nearly 20 years after bill clinton's campaign coined the phrase it's the economy stupid a new poll shows majority of voters still feel the same way. >> shocking james carrville scrawled that in the clinton war room. maria bartiromo is they're break it down host of "sunday morning futures" which starts in 15 minutes. >> it's mystery. obviously over and over again we hear the economy, jobs number one issue. and you just don't hear it from hillary clinton. in fact just the other day when she said oh, i'm going put my husband in charge of the economy because knees how to do it. right there that sentence alone was such a -- it just showed such a lack of understanding of really what's important for the american voter today, and her lack of understanding on how to do it. she's already told us what she wants to do. she has been push sod far to the left by this democratic ideology of higher minimum wage, higher health care costs, bigger government grip on business, reigning in industry. she told us what she wants to do with the economy and that's going to lead to businesses sitting on cash and not really investing. >> pretty similar formula. it's a smart point. run on middle class economic issues and one win. the counter pressure is coming from donors who have other pressures. they want to feel virtuous and in touch and progressive as they push things like global warming. >> that's why we're seeing these unconventional candidates do so well. donald trump's tax plan include as 15% corporate tax. now what a 15% corporate tax would do for the markets and economy? it would create a boom. the question on trump how does he pay for it because this is going to add to the deficit. but if he actually moves the needle on economic growth that will pay for part of it. he gets the economy back up to 4%, 5% which would be unbelievable that will create jobs, and certainly part of his goal is to bring money back from overseas. he'll get companies to bring money back from overseas. he's zeroing in on just the economic issues that will lead to job creation. it's true. >> with hillary clinton trying run on her former husband's -- excuse me former president record. is that a good idea. yesterday charles payne said yes the economy was good. >> let's not forget we were on the door step of a new era. 1990s. we were going into the year 2000. we had a dot-com boom. there was a lot going on in the economy one bill clinton. having said that he did balance the budget and lead to a surplus. and it was major job creation because of what was going on and probably part of his politics. that's not where she is right now. i mean her ideology, she speaks about it every day about what she's going to do with the economy and that is reign in business. she wants to raise $1.1 trillion in new taxes. if we were to see taxes go even higher what do you think that will do to small business? will they be more apt to higher? >> president obama's overtime rules we've seen a shift. we were talking this morning about the shift, how they have to shift salaries around. newt gingrich is on today. >> he'll talk about this. another thing hillary wants to double down on is obamacare. obamacare is one of the key reasons why businesses are not hiring. newt gingrich will talk about that and talk about this major divide going on. bernie sanders, you guys were just talking about it. bernie sanders against debbie wasserman-schultz, what will happen come the convention. we'll talk to newt gingrich. live president of the san francisco federal reserve coming on, john williams. he'll give a big speech tomorrow. >> i know for a fact i'll watch that show. thank you marksry a. >> in ten minutes. coming up here on the show, may national water safety month. that doesn't mean you can have some fun. we have some perfect pool games for your next pool party. that's coming up next. when cigarette cravings hit, all i can think about is getting relief. only nicorette mini has a patented fast-dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. i never know when i'll need relief. that's why i only choose nicorette mini. i thodid the ancestrydna toian. find out i'm only 16% italian. so i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors was eastern european. this is my ancestor who i didn't know about. and they're tsa approved. >> we will have more "fox & friends" in a minute as rick play croquet. you are the best, stacie. thank you. >> thank you. >> happy summer. ♪ if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, and you're talking to your doctor about your medication... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira helping me go further. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. doctors have been prescribing humira for over 13 years. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Sunday 20160612 10:00:00

hi, friends. good morning. it's sunday the 12th of june. i'm anna kooiman. breaking right now, fox news alert, gun fire erupting inside an orlando nightclub. the gunman just confirmed dead. police now calling it a mass casualty situation. >> orlando to command, we have shots fired on scene. requesting you to stay back. >> command all units to position of cover behind your apparatus. >> garrett tenney has the breaking details. garrett, what can you tell us? >> reporter: good morning, y'all. there's still a lot we don't know about the situation because the police have had their hands full. but just a minutes ago, they confirmed on twitter that the shooter inside the club is dead. they said they will advise us shortly with more information. but what we know right now is that shortly after 2:00 a.m., there was a mass shooting at the pulse orlando nightclub. around 2:30 a.m., the gay dance bar posted everyone get out of pulse, and keep running. police tell us there has been multiple injuries and you can see some of those people being loaded on to stretchers outside. then as police responded to that shooting, you can hear in this video there were more gunshots fired outside the nightclub. >> now we have active fire shots outside. we have the shooter currently inside armed. we cannot take any more, we are on lockdown. >> reporter: then police carried out the controlled explosion. they haven't told us why they did that yet because frankly they have been caught up in the middle of the situation. there are unconfirmed reports on twitter from folks who say they were inside the nightclub. one tweeted never seen so many dead bodies on the floor. god is good that my friends and i didn't get shot. another tweeting, four of us still hiding. lights are off in club, cops are here but haven't got us yet. officials have not confirmed how many people have been injured but just a few minutes ago, the orlando police department tweeted, we can confirm this is a mass casualty situation. support from local, state and federal agencies. we expect to brief the media shortly. the pulse orlando just posted an update to the facebook page saying as soon as they have any information, we will update everyone. please keep everyone in your prayers as we work through this tragic event. thank you for your thoughts and love. again, we should be hearing from the orlando police department any minute now and we will bring you those updates as they come. back to y'all. >> thanks a lot, garrett tenney. we want to go to nick hornstein, an eyewitness to this. nick, are you there? >> i am. how are you, tucker? >> fine, thanks. tell us what you saw. >> well, i was woken by the gunshots and i went out on the roof here. and, you know, there are people running, screaming from the club, helping to carry others, you know up, just as far away as they could get them. >> and nick, how long has the situation -- has it been ongoing? is the scene still active right now? when is the last time you heard shots and what's the current situation? >> there were shots exchanged about an hour ago i believe. yeah, still a huge, huge scene. the roads are backed up with cars for about a mile, just police cars everywhere. the s.w.a.t. team just came out. of the building. and they looked like they're about to head out. >> and nick, we're hearing it's just come into our -- urgent that the nightclub, that the shooter is dead and our garrett tenney reported that as well. there are reports from the people on the inside who were concerned there was more than one shooter. does it look to you that officers are scanning the area for other suspects or does it seem to be that they're just trying to wrap things up and make sure the things are tended to? >> yeah, it seems like things are under control. there's like i said, an exchange of gun fire. nothing after that. so i think they had the scene neutralized over here. >> roughly, how many gunshots do you think you heard and how many people were carried out? >> i heard at least half a dozen, and i saw just probably at lre injured. >> and nick -- >> that's just outside the club. >> nick, you were initially awoken by gun fire at 2:00 or 3:00 and then a pause november gun fire. presumably we heard about a hostage situation and then another volley of gun fire. it was two different incidents? >> pardon me? >> it was two separate episodes of gun fire is what you heard? >> correct. there was the initial gunshots from the shooter and then this brief exchange which i assumed to be police. >> and nick, you know, we're not from that part of the country. can you tell us what is your neighborhood like on any given evening? is this an area that's known to have problems around there or not? >> i'm actually not from here, i'm just visiting a friend. it's not typical, but, you know, it seems like there was the singer shot at the venue shot last night and then there is maybe a bigger problem in orlando. >> can you see outside -- what does the law enforcement presence look like? >> it's still heavy. like i said, they still have the roads blocked off, s.w.a.t. teams gather around the truck. maybe debriefing or something. but definitely seems to be that they're clearing the scene out a bit. >> and nick, we have heard reports of obviously many casualties unfortunately. some of which were staging right near the locations. is there a sense that everyone has been wounded has been transported to the hospital or still rendering care on the scene? anything you can tell us about what's happening right there? >> i saw them taking people a couple of hours ago but seems like they have most of them off to the hospital which isn't very far from the scene. just a couple blocks away. so i think everybody has gotten taken care of so far. >> how about the surrounding building, like the building that you're in. have you been speaking with any neighbors or what's going through their minds at this hour? >> there's actually -- this building there's no neighbors. it's an apartment on top of a business. but the police have the area cordoned off. >> all right. nick, thank you for calling in this morning. >> have a good one, guys. >> so what we know at a nightclub in orlando, florida, a man opened fire. we know from nick hornstein, an eyewitness on the building next door, on the roof, in his estimation about 15 people carried out wounded. >> some reports have had it even higher of multiple people potentially killed. dozens wounded. so as of right now, reports as they often are from scenes like this conflicting, and varying in ranges. also we have just confirmed that the shooter himself has been killed. i believe the police confirmed that so the scene -- less active now than it was. but still very much ongoing as we heard from nick on the roof tap. >> pete, right now we are hearing from witnesses inside the club. let's take a listen. >> right now my nerves are so tense, i don't know what time it is. i just know cops and dogs and helicopters and ambulances. i don't know if the people are still out here or if they're not. >> we want to bring in steve rogers, a retired lieutenant and a frequent guest on the show. good to see you this morning. >> you're welcome. >> what's the first response to this? you're getting a call, what do you do? >> you immediately deploy your s.w.a.t. team. like a special forces in the police department because you don't know what you're running into. you don't know if you have one, two or three shooters and you don't what the motive. understand a lot of gay gentlemen go to this club, was it a bias related shooting, who was targeted? we need to find out who what when where why. >> we were reporting tragic news out of orlando, that a singer who had done very well on the show "the voice" was shot and killed outside a concert. are there concerns about copy cap instances? not to say they're related at all. they're about four miles apart, but is that something that concerns law enforcement? >> yes a very good question. we are always concerned of that. is there any connection to the incident, and in this case on the surface it looks like none. but there are incidents that you have copycat killers go out. it seems in this incident, because of the number of casualties, this individual or individuals we still don't know if that's other shooters, went out to do a lot of damage to a lot of people, for a reason yet to remain to be seen. >> i have been listening to the police scanners in orlando as they report what's happening on the scene. there was also a report of a controlled detonation. and then even early reports said that the shooter may have had a vest on. but these are unconfirmed reports. how would police be respond -- what would that controlled munition mean? >> what they did, what was interesting, the individual wanted to go down shooting. probably the bomb was going to be detonated upon the arrival of the police. they'll send a robot in and the robot will actually put a device on the explosive device and it's a controlled explosion. that's what they did this morning. >> will it be covered with a box? >> oh, yeah, they carry the explosive devices in their truck and their shrapnel would be limited. >> this all began four hours ago and what you're looking at is live pictures, what you're seeing on the screen, the still shots are some that we have taken from eyewitnesses from twitter. but steve, i want to get to your take on -- when people were inside, they were saying that they were initially thinking this was just part of the carnival type atmosphere going on in the club. it was just part of the music going on or something. the fear that these people were going through and then trying to get out, how does the nightclub handle something like that? i mean, likely they had some sort of security, but to get all the individuals out while they're in panic mode. >> one word -- impossible. we have all been in nightclub, it's dark, the music is blaring and glaring and when there is an incident or fire, there is panic. people are being stampede and trampled on. it's impossible to control a situation like that, especially with gun fire. >> steve, contrast the panic of the scene with again listening to the police department in realtime. the calm with which they have handled this, moving the perimeter in and moving it back out. calling in eod. how often do they train for this? >> an active shooting situation is almost every month now. they're trained to respond to every single incident you can imagine and the objective is public safety. get the innocent lives out. protect them first and then neutralize the shooter. but you never know what you're walking into. you see the footage of the police cars coming to the scene. you know what's going through your mind, there's a sniper ready to take you out. it's very intense but they're very, very well trained. no doubt they ended up saving a lot of lives by a quick response. >> i'm sure you thought about this, it seems like an absolute increase in mass shootings. any theories as to why? >> i have to tell you that's a lot of angry, angry, crazy people out there. how do we bring it under control? it's something that i guess our forensic psychologists have to figure out down the road. i can tell you this, we dead learn that when young people -- the video game, the violent on tv and in the music, we are consumed with violence in this nation. it does have a detrimental effect on a good number of people and we're beginning to pay the wages of that. >> it does seem that way. steve rogers thank you for joining us this morning. we're going to continue to follow this breaking news out of florida. the mass shooting at the nightclub there, the pulse nightclub. moments ago police confirmed that the shooter is dead. our coverage continues right after this. don't go anywhere. you're watching "fox & friends" weekend. if you need advice for your business, legalzoom has your back. our trusted network of attorneys has provided guidance to over 100,000 people just like you. visit legalzoom today. the legal help you can count on. legalzoom. legal help is here. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. what's in your wallet? 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[ gunshots ] oh, my god, they're shooting back and fire. >> gun fire inside a packed orlando nightclub, police are calling it a mass casualty situation. they're just confirming that the gunman is now dead. >> we spoke moments ago to an eyewitness to this crime. he was on a rooftop next door when shots broke out around 2:00 in the morning. he said he watched as paramedics and fellow club goers carried out at least 15 wounded in his estimation. >> that's right. a lot of early reports unconfirmed. but the reports said upwards of a hundred shots fired. could have been less or more. some reports said potentially the shooter was wearing a vest, but again, multiple gunshots and casualties as high -- we have heard multiple killed. i have heard upwards of 40. but again, all unconfirmed. police have not come out yet and reported exactly what they know, exact as you noted that the shooter appears to have been killed. there appears to have only been one, although it's a very fluid situation. they continued to move the perimeter out. explosive ordnance experts are on the scene. >> and the hospital issued a statement they are on lockdown after they have received several gunshot victims. they are only allowing essential workers to come into the hospital. also arnold palmer hospital has been placed on lockdown as well. >> yeah. there were initial reports that hostages were taken and/or a bomb was present and we can't confirm that. apparently the bomb squad did detonate something in the nightclub. >> an eyewitness inside told "the orlando sentinel" that he had been able to get out, but his brother who was on crutches was still inside. he also said that he was in a -- in an area of the nightclub that was far away from the shooter. but he said he had seen two people and it was pow, pow, pow, something that was constant. but what we're hearing from police is that the shooter is dead. so, you know, there are conflicting reports obviously about what was going on inside and people have their own ways of viewing situations. but the shooter according to police is dead. >> yeah. as is always the case, a lot of confusion on scene. initial reports rarely correct. but we're here for more information. garrett tenney is live in washington, d.c. he has been following this story for us. what do you have? >> reporter: well, that's the key point, that the orlando police department tweeted out, the shooter is now dead. and there was a lot of questions if there was more than one gunman initially. as you mentioned a lot of the initial reports it's unclear what the situation is there on the ground. but saying the shooter is dead would seem to indicate that there was in fact one shooter. there were also questions as if there were explosive devices involved there. that's something we don't know whether or not that was the case, but police said they will update us shortly. but they are calling us a mass casualty situation. we don't know exactly how many people were killed and injured. but we do know local, state and federal agencies are all there on the ground, assisting in this investigation. what we do know, shortly after 2:00 a.m., there was this mass shooting at the pulse orlando night club. this is around 2:30 a.m. the gay dance bar posted on the facebook page, everyone get out of the pulse and keep running. and you mentioned that one witness who was inside told "the orlando sentinel" he heard at least 40 gunshots. less than -- about an hour ago now, police carried out a controlled explosion. we don't know why they did that. we do know typical in the hostage situations in the past, that is a tactical strategy that they used to distract a shooter to move in. we don't know if that's the case here or not. but we're expecting an update from the police shortly. hopefully we'll get a lot of the questions answered. >> garrett tenney, thank you. 20 minutes after the hour. we are continuing to follow the breaking news out of orlando, florida. a mass shooting at the nightclub there. the gunman now confirmed dead by police. police are calling this a mass casualty incident. our coverage continues after this break. >> now we have active fire shots outside. >> we have the shooter currently inside armed. we cannot take any more. we are on lockdown. ng a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there is only one place where real and amazing live. seaworld. real. amazing of many pieces in my i havlife.hma... so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at thank you. ordering chinese food is a very predictable experience. i order b14. i get b14. no surprises. buying business internet, on the other hand, can be a roller coaster white knuckle thrill ride. you're promised one speed. but do you consistently get it? you do with comcast business. it's reliable. just like kung pao fish. thank you, ping. reliably fast internet starts at $59.95 a month. comcast business. built for business. good morning, everyone. this is breaking right now. police say the gunman who stormed into a popular florida night club opening fire is now dead. and it's not yet clear how the shooter died but orlando police are calling the scene there in that city a mass casualty situation. one person who was inside describes the chaos. >> i wiped all the blood off in the grass because it was wet, my shirt was soaked. i don't know what's behind me. >> several people being treated on the scene right now. there are reports that at least 20 people -- 20 people have been shot. police are clearing the area as dozens of emergency vehicles swarmed the area. local, state and federal agencies all on the scene at this hour. we'll bring you more as it comes in. >> all right. switching gears now -- >> now to politics. the presidential race under way at a meeting in utah two days ago. mitt romney apparently according to people who were there broke into tears talking about what has happened to the republican party under donald trump. he went on to attack the other 16 candidates who ran against him for not beating him. here's part of what he said, quote, ted cruz basically was praising him and kasich was in well after the time that there was no possible pathway to becoming the nominee. >> the large field of gop contenders for that presidential bid from the gop side that they didn't play their cards correctly, that they were fighting each other rather than fighting the front-runner that gave rise to donald trump and that's given him staying power. he's doing the 2020 vision thing. >> it's true. you get the sense he's thinking out loud and processing out loud and is very much and almost completely out of touch with the electorate on the conservative and the republican side. that's just utterly on the left as well. utterly frustrated with the status quo. when donald trump said you lost in '08 and in '12 and they want to move past that chapter. he's sort of saying no, no, in revisionist sense, that's what we're supposed to be about. there's -- there's two different strands missing each other. so completely right now. i think the strand is quite clearly with mr. trump who's articulated we don't want to lose any more. we have a different way of articulating it. mitt romney i don't know he's being effective. >> like he's looking after, tucker, not just the -- into the past recently. leading up to donald trump's rise, but even past the presidential election in november. almost saying, okay, we're -- this is what we're going to have. i don't like trump, i don't like hillary clinton. i'm going to vote for somebody, i'm going to write somebody else's name in but he doesn't think there's any way anyone else can be president, but he's looking into the future. and he's worried that donald trump is so corrosive he's damaging that as a whole. >> he's trying to get hillary elected is what he's doing. it's a binary choice. you have a choice between donald trump and hillary clinton. now we know that mitt romney is. by the way there's no debate over who has the finger on the republican pulse. mitt romney got fewer votes in the republican nominating contest four years ago than donald trump just got. he got 13 million, and romney got fewer than that. you can disagree with him or think he's appalling or whatever, but he's far more republican than mitt romney is. >> indeed. it feels presumptuous to be talking about how we put the party back together or he puts the party back together in december of 2016 when there's such a consequential election in between. donald trump has something to say about this and he fired back at mitt romney yesterday. this is what donald trump had to say in tampa, florida. >> i watched this poor, sad mitt romney this morning. he suffers from misogynist. i don't think he knows what misogynist is. he doesn't like trump because i said you can't give him a third chance. he's a stone cold loser and he choked. you can never give a choker a second chance. we have a war to win against a very crooked politician named hillary clinton. okay? the republican party really should get their act together. they have to come together. we've got to win. and if for no other reason the supreme court. remember that. one thing i'll say about the democrats to a much greater degree they stick together. they stick together. much more so than the republicans. >> well, that is definitely true. the last one. it's easier for the democrats to stick together because it's not an ideological party. it's a party about acquiring and wielding power. whoever is more likely to do that get -- gets the support. >> to their credit -- >> i heard one pundit say that the most unified party is the one that wins the presidential election. do you think that's the case? >> i think the divisions within the democratic party are deeper than we give them credit for being. mine, bernie sanders basically got every white liberal in america and hillary clinton got everyone else. but i think they're much more obedient during the election year. >> we have newt gingrich and ben carson on to ask the very questions to, about the state of the race on both republican and democrat side. so we'll continue to follow this as we also continue to follow the breaking news out of orlando. a mass shooting inside a nightclub there. several victims, confirmed now that the gunman is dead. >> we'll have the latest details and reaction from a former detective. that's coming up. don't go anywhere. it's more than the cloud. it's multi-layered security and flexibility. with centurylink you get advanced technology solutions. including cloud and hosting services - all from a trusted it partner. centurylink. your link to what's next. a john deere 1 familywhy is tractorever enough of it? 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>> hi, yes. >> tell us -- describe to us what you heard initially and how the scene unfolded. >> well, you know, i was up late. i live less than, you know, a block and a half from where the orlando nightclub is. and, you know, all i heard were very loud pops. you know, shots, like multiple shots. and it came in sequence. there was a lot of gun fire and i just heard it for the duration of at least, you know, a couple of minutes. a lot of gunshots. >> did you recognize gunshots as such at the time, you knew what they were and how long would you say they lasted? >> you know, at first, i didn't make much of it. but as it went on, it hit me, this is gunfire. it's frightening, it's terrifying this is happening literally on our front doorstep. you know, you hear about mass shootings all the time. but you never expect one to happen like right in your own neighborhood. and, you know, the stories that we're hearing that i'm seeing online and on twitter from my friends who go to this nightclub often are, you know, that -- just devastating to hear about what happened tonight. >> give us a sense, ollie, if you can, what the neighborhood is like on a day to day basis. i mean, is this a crime ridden neighborhood, do police seem to have problems in that neighborhood? is it not that type of a neighborhood at all? >> you know, the location of pulse is -- it's considered as part of -- [ inaudible ]. this is a place being developed and there aren't shootings like this that i would -- that i would, you know, necessarily know about. i don't really see stuff like this happen often. if ever at all. so that's why it's so shocking to see this happen. you know, so early in the morning, you know, right when -- you know, right when we had a shooting just yesterday, you know, in orlando. it's just back-to-back, you know, this is becoming a very big problem. and, you know, i have to leave the home. me and my neighbor, we just decided that we're going to leave because as things were unfolding throughout the night, we just became afraid that, you know, in case the situation might spread, we decided to leave the home. >> well, ollie, that was my next question. you had the initial volley of gunfire at about 2:00 a.m. were you there while the second series of exchanges of volleys of gunfire occurred? because there are reports that there was a second exchange or second volume of fire and if you would, how long did -- was it between those incidents? >> so the original -- the first shots that i heard that was around 2:00 in the morning. you know, after that -- after the gunshots occurred, there were -- you know, i could hear the helicopters come in. they had been flying in the morning. they're still flying. i could see them right now. you know, police have blocked off the entire main street and avenue, and they have called in not just orlando police, but orange county police as well as seminole county police. i had already left the area because i wanted to look after my own safety and some of my neighbors who i had called overnight were -- they returned my calls. [ inaudible ] he could hear the gunshot and he heard the explosion for when the officers used the controlled explosion to enter the facility. >> i know it's hard to tell of course but did you have any sense of how many guns were were fired? >> no. but dozens of gun shots. >> and describe what you saw as well. i mean, when we hear numbers of upwards of 20, you know, are there just stretchers coming out and ambulances and carrying people from the club and shuttling them away periodically? >> from our vantage point -- [ inaudible ]. >> i think -- yeah. looks like we lost our guest. but that was an eyewitness account from a neighbor who lived right nearby the pulse nightclub in orlando which was the scene of a mass shooting overnight. >> we know the reports, still an active scene. they have -- i was listening to the police scanner again on the break and the cordon remains. they still have a perimeter. it appears that the s.w.a.t. team is no longer actively engaged inside pulse, but they're still assessing the situation. the eod is still on scene, explosive ordnance team. if you're on the ground right now, a lot of cont -- contingencies that are ongoing. >> and in the active shooting situations, police are using social media in a way that you wouldn't have seen ten years ago or something. orlando police have gotten on twitter and initially they were saying, look, our updates are going to be coming through here. police stop e-mailing us and calling us. they were getting inundated with so many calls with a mass shooting situation as they call it and now they're asking the public with any information. to please come forward, as they continue to search for answers. but they say local, federal and state law enforcement are all assists in this. we are expecting a briefing from them in about 20 minutes. >> year. there was initially -- they called for a briefing at i believe 4:30 in the morning. then it was so fluid they had o to -- they pushed it back to obviously deal with the situation now. we'll hear from them at 7:00 and get on the ground situation. >> a lot else is going on in the world. >> we'll start with this as your fox news alert. another shooting that just happened, about ten minutes away from the overnight orlando nightclub shooting. listen to this. right now investigators are trying to figure out why this man shot the former "the voice" contestant christina grimmie on friday night. the shooter is identified as 27-year-old kevin loibl of st. petersburg, florida. grimmie was signing autographs after her concert. she greeted loibl with open arms, and he shot several rounds before her brother tackled him. and this convicted sex offender armand dixon is back in police custody. he was located in a storm drain by k-9 units and a robot. police say another one is on the loose, clausen, and he's dangerous and to call 911. protesters planning to gather outside the stanford university commencement calling for the recall of a judge after a controversial rape sentence. more than a million people already signing a petition to oust judge aaron persky for handing down a lenient six month jail sentence to former stanford student brock turner who sexually assaulted an unconscious woman on campus. he and his father said that the recommended sentence of six years would be severely impacting. and donald trump steps up his war of words against elizabeth warren. >> pocahontas, elizabeth warren, i call her goofy. pocahontas is not happy. >> but is it racist to say she lied to get ahead? some say it is. a mass shooting inside the florida nightclub and police expected to give an update at the top the hour. we'll bring that to you live. now you can. when you lease the 2016 es 350 for $329 a month for 36 months. see your lexus dealer. because my teeth are yellow. these photos? why don't you use a whitening toothpaste? i'm afraid it's bad for my teeth. try crest 3d white. crest 3d white diamond strong toothpaste and rinse... ...gently whiten... ...and fortify weak spots. use together for 2 times stronger enamel. crest 3d white. man, it's like pure power at your finger tips. like the power to earn allstate reward points, every time i drive. ...want my number? and cash back for driving safe. and the power to automatically find your car... i see you car! and i got the power to know who's coming and when if i break down. must be gerry. hey... in means getting more from your car insurance with the all-powerful drivewise app. it's good to be in, good hands. the wolf was huffing and puffing. like you do sometimes, grandpa? 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(children giggle) symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes. call or go online to learn more about a free trial offer. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. good morning, everyone. it's a breaking story we are following right now. the gunman who stormed the packed florida night club overnight and now confirmed dead by police. police call it a mass casualty situation as witnesses report hearing dozens of gunshots. >> that's right. we're expecting an update at the top of the hour. stick with us. we'll bring you a live press conference with the orlando pd. they'll have the latest. now we go to tucker with this. >> well, thanks, anna. donald trump hammering senator elizabeth warren of massachusetts on the campaign trail over the last couple of weeks. donald trump hammering, hammering elizabeth warren of massachusetts on the trail over the last couple weeks over her claims of being an american indian which turned out to be false. the media have been quick to respond to this of course, saying his renewed comments are quote, this is "the washington post" version, leaving republicans feeling squirmy again. like there's something wrong with pointing this out. but is it wrong to call her out for using a false story for personal gain? here to react, from the bernie sanders campaign, chuck, good to see you. how is it racist to point out that elizabeth warren lied about being an american indian in order to get a better job? isn't she the one at fault here? >> i think if you lie on an application it's not a bad thing, but if you advise the campaign, if i was advising donald trump he'd -- he's not asking this mexican red neck, i would say call her lying ted or call her goofy and draw the distinction but do it in the way that don't -- maybe doesn't offend native americans. being donald trump is being donald trump. >> wait a second. wait a second. wouldn't american indians be offended that elizabeth warren lied about being one of them in order to take advantage of a racial set aside program which she did, reserved for american indians. but she got in it through dishonesty. >> you're making my point. i think you're exactly right. i think there's a way that you spin that to make people know that you shouldn't be doing that and bringing up that she's offended these people, not calling her a name of an indian person who had done something with the american government. people can go into all this -- let's not distract away from somebody being dishonest. call it what it is. >> i think it is worth having a debate on whether or not, you know, we should use racial discrimination in hiring and promotion. hopefully that'll happen. so meanwhile, sanders surrogate is blasting elizabeth warren saying she doesn't get brownie points for slamming donald trump. here is nina turner on that question. >> it's easy for democrats to attack mr. trump. you don't get any brownie points from me and other progressives for getting into a twitter war with donald trump. that's easy. when the fight was hard, where was elizabeth warren? attack me for me saying this, but i'm a truth teller at this point. >> well, i think she's a truth teller. where was elizabeth warren, why didn't she sign on to the bernie campaign? >> she makes a great point. one thing about the bernie sanders and the donald trump supporters i have learned out there. there's a lot of passion, there's a lot of anger and a lot of angst. so people out there on twitter and facebook having saying lots of things about elizabeth warren. and about the president for that matter. and they defend donald trump because they're very passionate about the people they support. but i will say this. she makes a good point. when bernie sanders took on the secretary, the -- former secretary of state, everybody was with her. it was really hard to go out and work against the entire machine. so i think you see a little bit of that pent up . . . . ristine exhausted the standard treatment options for her disease, doctors working with the center for advanced individual medicine at cancer treatment centers of america suggested advanced genomic testing. the test results revealed a finding that led to the use of a targeted therapy that was not considered for christine before. now, they're helping fight her cancer on another, deeper level... the genetic level. this is precision cancer treatment, an approach to care that may help patients like christine enjoy the things that matter most in their lives while undergoing treatment. the evolution of cancer care is here. that's definitely something worth celebrating. learn more about precision cancer treatment at appointments are available now. good morning, everyone. it's a breaking story that we're following for you right now. the gunman who stormed a packed florida night club overnight is now confirmed dead. police are telling us this. they are also calling it a mass casualty situation. as witnesses report hearing dozens of gunshots. we're expecting an update from the fbi on this rapidly developing situation at the top of the hour, but before we hear on the ground from the orlando police department, let's bring in steve rogers. he's a retired lieutenant from the nutley, new jersey police department. right now, we've got reports from the police that the shooter has been killed. what else is going on at the scene? we've heard explosive orderd -- ordnance teams. what now are they doing? >> they are going to gather as much evidence as they can close to the scene and as well as in the range of the perimeter. the couple of issues here. what is the motive? this is important to the investigation. what type of weapon? we've got witnesses saying they heard pop, pop, pop. >> we're hearing multiple reports, over 100 shots fired. >> 100 shots. it could have been an automatic weapon and that may tell us that he reloaded. there was some time there to do a lot of damage. the other question that has to be answered is in fact there was an explosive device, this suspect build this device alone or was there someone with the suspect? if this is a bias-related crime. it was in a club that a lot of gay gentlemen visit. those are questions that need to be answered which may lead to maybe another person involved. >> when you think about the people packed inside the premier gay night club of orlando is how they bill themselves on their website. when shots ring out and dark in there. there are reports people thought it was part of the show, part of the music and your heart drops, i got to get out of here. they put that on their facebook page, everybody run, get out as quick as you can. what kind of challenges does security have, does the night club have getting everybody out? >> complete chaos. impossible to control. you have a stampede, being stepped on, pushed aside, i'm sure there was a lot of injuries involved because of this mass chaos. you are in a club, you hear pop, pop, and you think it's part of the show and all of a sudden there's bodies around you. until the police got there, one could only imagine what was going on in that club. >> in a couple of minutes, we're going to hear from the authorities on the ground, the press conference. what could we hear from them? what could they confirm for us? >> i'm sure you are going to hear who the suspect was. that's very important. you are going to hear maybe, maybe a motive, which they may not have right now, but you'll hear how many casualties but most importantly you are going to hear that the investigation is going to be ongoing. >> thank you so much. stand by for analysis coming up after the 7:00 press conference we're awaiting. four minutes before the top of the hour and we're minutes away from an update on that top story. a mass shooting inside an orlando night club. police will hold a news conference at the top of the hour. we will bring that to you live. plus mitt romney takes another shot the at donald trump. blaming the other republicans candidates for trump's rise. the latest on the war -- [dad] can i enter the kingdom of the two fairies? [daughter] you have to say the password. [dad] is it...giggling goldfish? [daughters] no! [dad] smelly jelly? [daughter] uh-uh. try again. [dad] password's coming in! [daughters yelling] no! [vo] you work hard to protect what matters. that's why we're proactively advancing our security to develop strong authentication technologies that go beyond the password to protect your accounts. [dad] wait, wait, wait. what's the password? [daughter] stinky feet. [vo] wells fargo. together we'll go far. real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there is only one place where real and amazing live. seaworld. real. amazing good morning, earn. it's sun the 12th of june, 2016. i'm anna kooiman. we have a fox news alert here. a mass shooting in florida. the gunman who stormed a pack florida night club overnight, spraying bullets, sending people running for their lives is now dead. >> we have shots fired on scene. opd is requesting you stay back. command to all units position of cover behind your apparatus. >> police now calling it a mass casualty situation as at least 20 people are reported injured. multiple people are being treated on the scene right now. news scanner audio describing the chaos. [ no audio ] >> we'll try to get that scanner traffic for you. right now, though, we are waiting for an update for the police and fbi any moment now. we're going to head right to peter doocy live on the scene in orlando. peter, what are you hearing? >> we are about an hour and 10 minutes beyond the time that the orlando police department confirmed via social media which is the only way they have been communicating with us through what has been a very chaotic night that the shooter is dead and i can tell you there are dozens of law enforcement officers who are securing an enormous crime scene. it's several long blocks, long, the part where we are, there are s.w.a.t. officers who look like they have had a very long night, standing right next to their cars. police tape up. there's no urgency right now, it doesn't seem, with these officers, but they do seem they are very serious about keeping the crime scene and keeping a perimeter, keeping us back from it. we're standing a block away from pulse night club. there are two large crime scene investigative vehicles and right near pulse there's an ambulance pulling out with the sirens on and the street is so jam-packed with police vehicles that he's kind of having to weave his way up the street toward the main drag to where there's an opening heading toward the hospital presumably. we think we're going to get an update any minute now from a representative from a few of the agencies that responded and we just got here, it's hard to tell exactly how many there are, but this is as large a response as you see for an event like this. obviously, the response matches the severity of the incident last night and now we're hoping to get more details about just how many people were injured inside and also who the shooter was, hopefully. >> right. peter, i think we're looking at your camera feed right now. do we have any details on the scale of this and can you see any activity outside the night club from where you are? >> it looks like some police evidence-gathering truck, the big truck is repositioning themselves right now. obviously, they may have arrived at some point when it was still dark as the situation was still unfolding. it looked like they are actually repositioning to get closer, slightly closer to pulse night club, but beyond that, there's really not a whole lot of activity. there are still i think two helicopters right now right above the scene and there are, again, dozens of law enforcement officers, but nobody is running right now. nobody is screaming for anybody to get back. it was a few hours ago, as this was unfolding that the police -- the pulse put out on their social media accounts for everybody to get out and keep running. the scene right now is more calmed down but the sun is just coming up and it seems like they are using that to their advantage to kind of get a lay of the land to see exactly where everything happened last night, just in case there was anything that happened outside the night club. >> peter we heard unconfirmed reports at the beginning that the shooter may have worn a vest, that explosives could have been involved. we heard also about a controlled detonation by the police either before, during, or after. there was a second volley of gunfire and i'm hearing reports that explosive ordnance experts are still there. do you know whether or not they have any concerns about an explosive device still on scene or does it look like evidence-gathering at this point? >> it looks like evidence-gathering. we're a block away from the night club. if they thought there was a live ordnance inside, we would be pushed back a lot further than this. it would seem just like the lack of emergency from the law enforcement and the fact that they are letting us set up our cameras, you should see more live pictures in a minute, the scene is over. >> after hearing that the shooter has been -- has died. we're not sure how the shooter has died. did he take his own life? was he taken down by police or others within the night club or within the neighborhood? we'll hopefully get some of those details in moments when we hear from law enforcement there on the ground. peter, local tv affiliate there is reporting that one police officer was injured and taken to orlando regional medical center. any news on that? >> we know that -- i saw that same report and it said that not only was there one officer taken to the hospital, possibly some kind of a shoot-out, but also there were so many casualties from inside this night club that the victims were being taken in the back of pickup trucks and one of the local reporters saw an officer performing chest compressions on someone who had been shot in the back of a pickup truck, so that gives you a sense of just how much of a li life-or-death race it was to get some of the people to the hospital and how severe a lot of injuries were. we don't have right now because it did just happen, we don't have a ton of specifics about how badly survivors were hurt or how many people were killed, but there was a real race to get people to the hospital which is nearby but still, obviously, there are social media reports that there were a lot of injuries, to their arms and abdomens, based on what was seen at the club and the hospital. they were loading people in whatever they could because there were not vehicles ready. >> we want to play some sound from an eyewitness to this crime last night around 2:00 a.m. here it is. >> right now, my nerves are so tense. i don't even know what time it is. my phone is dead. i just know that there are cops and dogs and helicopters and ambulance and i don't know if the people are still out here or they are not. >> and what kind of -- >> between sweat and blood, i don't know what's behind me. it's under my nails. >> are people from the neighborhood gathered around the police tape? >> right now, it's a lot of press. we're in a secure area. i can tell you i'm a block away from an apartment building and next to target, there are people out on balconies, trying to get pictures of a horrible crime that happened in their front yard. it is a very popular area. timing around 2:00 a.m., there wouldn't have been a lot of people out but there are a lot of stores, restaurants. we're in the shadow of downtown, orlando, but i would say a 10-minute drive away from any of the theme parks. we're far away from the theme parks. close to downtown. there's a lot of stuff going on. this is obviously a busy place, and there would have been -- it's hard to imagine when you see how densely populated it is here, the scene that unfolded about 4 1/2, 5 hours ago. >> peter doocy live on the scene for us. thanks a lot. we're going to bring in former police department steve cardy. as peter is saying, it seems like the immediate area around the club has been locked down and it seems to be under control in some senses of the word. the community can still at wit's end. what is going on at the moment for everybody in the neighborhood? some people will be going to church and work this morning. >> the importance is to maintain the integrity of this scene and investigation. when we see individual murders, we look at two things. we look at money and love. mass shooting, we look at revenge or terrorism. that's why you have all the local, federal, and state authorities in this on already in the event that it is a terrorist act or was it a an act of a madman for revenge? >> what would police be doing in preparation for this press conference? are they confirming numbers? details? potentially could we hear about who was responsible? could they know that by now, name and identity? >> they may. they likely will not release that. they will keep this pretty close to the vest. they will release just enough information to give it out to the public so that they can quell and answer some questions that are out there. they are not going to release a ton of details. they are going to come out very, very slowly. >> the first order of business as you said is determining this wasn't a terror attack? >> yes. >> what are they looking for? >> they are dealing with all the mass casualties. they have got a huge crime scene. they have got multiple, multiple injuries. >> we're going to right to the press conference. >> we're going to have mayor dyer speak first, then we have ron harper with the fbi. they will take a few questions afterwards and answer what they can, but then we'll continue to provide updates as the day goes on. >> tonight, our community witnessed or experienced a very horrific crime. many lives were lost and many more individuals were impacted by witnessing the crime. many were saved however by the heroic efforts of the men and women of opd, the orange county sheriff's office, seminole county sheriffs office. we have great cooperation from fdle and fbi. all our law enforcement agencies, fire departments from orlando, seminole and orange county and all of the hospital personnel that have been working through the night. we're a strong, resilient community. tonight, we had a crime that will have a lasting effect on our community. we need to stand strong. we need to be supportive of the victims and their families. i would ask chief neena to explain what happened. >> good morning, so at approximately 02:02 hours this morning, we had an officer working at pulse night club who responded to shots fired. our officer engaged in a gun battle with that suspect. the suspect at some point went back inside the club where more shots were fired. this did turn into a hostage situation. from there, obviously, multiple officers from various agencies responded. s.w.a.t. team responded. at approximately 05: 00 hours this morning the decision was made to rescue hostages that were in there. our s.w.a.t. officers exchanged gunfire with the suspect. the suspect is dead. he appeared to be carrying a rifle, an assault-type rifle and a handgun and had some type of device on him. that's what we're doing right now, checking the area for devices. there are multiple people that are dead inside. i don't want to give anyone a number right now, but multiple people are dead inside pulse night club, and at least 42 people have been transported to various hospitals around. so do not have an exact count. obviously, our condolences go out to the friends and family. we're going to continue to work with the fbi and law enforcement and the sheriffs office on this joint investigation. at this point, i'll turn it over to the sheriff. >> thank you, chief. while this certainly is a tragedy for our community, i will reiterate what mayor dyer said, that this community is resilient and this is a time in which we all should come together. the orange county sheriffs office responded along with the orlando police department to the initial incident. there were deputy sheriffs involved with the orlando police personnel on the initial entry just after 2:00 a.m. this morning. in addition to that, members of my hazardous device team responded and have been engaged in helping to secure the scene as well. we have had as many as about 100 of my personnel who have been actively engaged in this incident. i will also reiterate that this is a collaborative effort. at this point, the central florida intelligence exchange center has been activated. that is our intelligence-sharing consortium for this region. we'll be working along with the fbi as well as the other law enforcement agencies as this investigation continues. again, what i would say to our community is that if you are aware of any of the activities that may have led up to this horrific scene, to share that information with your local law enforcement authorities. as we move forward, we will make every effort that we can to ensure that this community remains a safe and secure community. we have that commitment from all of the local law enforcement agencies. we have multiple sheriffs offices and police agencies who have committed to work to that endeavor, and if you see something suspicious-type activity, we have shared in this community in the past, our expect station that you say something about it, if there's anything that looks unusual at this point, this is an incident as i see it that we can certainly classify as a domestic terror incident. at this point, i believe the next speaker is going to be the supervisor agent in charge of the regional florida department of law enforcement office, officer danny banks. thank you, sheriff. i'll reiterate a couple of things that were said. one of the important thing is do we consider this an act of terrorism. absolutely, we're investigating this from all party's scperkt as an act of terrorism. any time we have potentially a dozen victims in inform our communities that we can qualify that as terrorist activity. whether that's an domestic terrorist activity or international one is certainly something we'll get to the bottom of. we're glad to have the partnerships we have spoken about, particularly the partnership of the fbi here. one of the important things that we'll obviously get to the bottom of is do we have any indicators before this event happened today. we will have some more information i'm sure forthcoming to all of you about who this individual is, was he a lone wolf, does he have any associates? those are certainly all of the things that will be looked into now as part of our intelligence and investigative activities. you know, the state of florida is a huge state, certainly for a lot of different reasons. one of them tourism and our industry and our businesses here and we have no suggestion that there's any threat to either of those, either today nor in the near future. that certainly is a concern. right now, it's important, the message we want to put out is we have no indication of other types of activities similar to last night's activity either in the state of florida or anywhere else in the nation right now is, but we're putting every collective resource we have together to validate that statement and ensure the safety of the remainder of our zens not only today but through the next weeks. i want to reiterate the point, our see something, say something, campaign is valid, it works. as you come up with and you are aware of information that is concerning to you, it's concerning to us. if you are aware of information relative to people either conversations, social media, or actions of people in our community that you believe could threaten the rest of us, please let law enforcement know. use those tools to let law enforcement be aware of that information so we can act on it. i'll turn over the rest of the interview now to our assistant special agent in change for the fbi orlando office. ron hopper. >> let me start by saying i offer the condolences to all the friends and family members that are victims to this senseless tragic act of violence this morning. fbi stands shoulder-to-shoulder with everyone you see here to address this matter. we're not just looking at this from one perspective. i'll tell you that every resource in the fbi will be brought to bear on this investigation, and i would echo with mr. banks just said, at this time, at this particular time, there's no reason to believe, we have no credible or singular information to suggest that there's any further threat to orlando or the surrounding area or anywhere else as it relates to this particular incident. i would caution everyone to be mindful that the fbi is known for slow, methodical detailed investigations, we follow the facts, see where they lead to and take them to the ultimate end. there's nothing we won't do to get to the bottom of this case and we'll be prepared to present any information we can when we can and are able to present it to you. we look forward tok to being as completely transparent as possible. we here in the orlando region, especially with the fbi and the partnerships we share here, we take that see something and you say something, we take it one step further. if you see something, you say something, we will do something. if you have information that would relate back to today's events, please share it with us and i would urge you to call the 1-800-call-fbi public access line. we're conducting countless interviews and you'll be seeing a huge presence from the fbi in the coming days to resolve this matter. thank you. >> before questions, i want to add a few more things. there were at least nine officers that were involved in the shooting of the suspect. one of our officers was injured. it appears his kevlar helmet saved his life. so he has an injury to his eye, but it looks like the bullet did hit his kevlar helmet. nine officers involved in the shooting and one officer injured but not that seriously. so it looks like that kevlar helmet saved his life. i think we'll take questions now. >> what do you know about the gunman? >> we'll determine anything about the gunman to the fbi. [ inaudible question ] >> we're looking probably in the range of 20, but we don't want to give you an exact figure. multiple people transported to the hospital. unfortunately, there are people that we're trying to clear that the pulse night club of all and any devices. we did find a device on the suspect himself, and possibly his car, so we're trying to clear all that and, unfortunately, there are some people who have succumbed to gunshot wounds, maybe 20 inside the night club. >> can you go into a little more detail about your timeline once you were able to stop the suspect and get in there? i know that you had some of the surviving victims -- >> absolutely. 0200 hours, our officer who was working extra duty, responds to the shots fired, and he and two others officers exchanged gunfire with the suspect. this developed into a hostage situation. right about a little after 5:00 this morning, we made the decision to go in and rescue. we were being contacted by people in the bathroom, nearby, at least 15 people that were in a separate area, and our biggest concern was future loss of life, we want to save those people, so we did an entry and exchanged gunfire with the suspect. again, after some explosive devices were used as well as our bear cat was used to get through the wall. and from there, we exchanged gunfire with the suspect, and he was dead at that scene, but officers did a great job, s.w.a.t. team did a great job. there were at least 30 people who were saved during that rescue. [ inaudible question ] >> i would say at this time we're looking into all angles right now. we have suggestions that that individual may have leanings toward that particular ideology, but right now we can't say definitely so we're running everything to ground. >> what about the fact that there was. [ inaudible ] >> from what we know so far, we don't know if that any impact on the happenings this evening. >>. [ inaudible question ] >> 42 taken to three area hospitals and approximately 20 dead inside the club. i don't want to give you an exact number. [ inaudible question ] >> the question was if it was tied to any type of terrorist activity and islamic state activity and we're always looking for any tie in any mass shooting situation such as this. >>. [ inaudible question ] >> absolutely not. there's no indication that this was related to the christina grimmie case. >> what about the bear cat? >> the shooting started inside or did it start outside? >> right at the entrance, we believe. it's all part of the investigation. [ inaudible question ] >> our officer shot the suspect. [ inaudible question ] >> we're checking the area. there were some devices found, unknown if there, the team is cg for devices right now. >> can you characterize the shooter who came here to randomly shoot people or was he organized and well prepared? >> it appears he was well prepared and organized. >>. [ inaudible question ] >> i don't have the exact description right now. >> [ inaudible question ] >> he's not from this area. >>. [ inaudible question ] >> can't comment on whether he's a u.s. citizen at this point because we're still trying to positively identify him as the suspect. [ inaudible question ] >> we're looking in all leads right now. we don't leave any stone unturned. there's a possibility. we will look at everything. [ inaudible question ] >> yeah, there was a report of shots fired. that turned out to be not true. there was some type of disturbance related to all the people who were responding but that was taken care of pretty quickly but no shots fired at ormc. nawk. >> no -- [ inaudible question ] >> no witness accounts of second shooters that we're aware of. [ inaudible question ] can you talk about that initial interaction between your officer and the gunman? >> the officer was working extra duty in full uniform at the night club at about 0200 hours. he responded to gunfire and at that point engaged in a gun battle with the suspect, unknown if he hit the suspect at that time. two other officers were nearby and also engaged the suspect as well. and like i said, we don't know if he was hit during that exchange, but that turn into a hostage situation and, obviously, the s.w.a.t. team, multiple agencies responded. >> have you had any indication of whether the gunman continued to shoot people inside after he went back in the second time? >> that's all part of the investigation. [ inaudible question ] >> unknown at this time. we had indications that there were approximately 320 people total in the club when it was open tonight. like i said, we rescued about 30 people. about 42 people were transported to area hospitals. [ inaudible question ] >> absolutely. so we were getting contacted by multiple people from within inside the club who were alive in a separate part of the club. so we made the decision to do an explosive entry on the outside of the club to get to those people. we also used the armored vehicle to help defeat that wall and from there we were able to rescue people and our s.w.a.t. team at that time encountered the suspect somewhere in that area, near one of the doorway entrances and shot and killed him. [ inaudible question ] >> yeah, the noises you heard when you were out there were two distractionary devices. >> [ inaudible question ] >> many time, s.w.a.t. team members use distractary devices just for that, to distract the suspect. >> we'll take a few more questions. >> do you know what the condition is of the 42 people right now? >> all being treated for gunshot wounds. i can't give you the exact conditions. >> what about the device? i know you said there were [ inaudible question ] >> well, our s.w.a.t. officers are highly trained for that situation but we take all of that into account. thank you. >> chief, there are a number of agencies here now. what is the very next step of all of these agencies? >> obviously, we're all going to work together to investigate this from start-to-finish. the fbi will be the lead investigative agency for this incident. florida department of law enforcement will assist with the actual officer-involved shooting portion of the case. [ inaudible question ] >> we just know that he has something on him that we'll say suspicious device at this time. we're trying to verify that. >> we plan for the next update at 9:30. >> you'll be here at 9:30. >> thank you. wow. we just learned a lot from that press conference. to recap quickly. at 2:00 a.m. an off duty cop providing security for this night club got into a gunfire exchange with the suspect who went inside, held some number of hostages. it sounds around 30. he was killed ultimately three hours later. the headline is that this may be an act of international terrorism. there are some suggestion in that press conference. >> if you listen how many times every one of those members of law enforcement, if you see something, say something, that means law enforcement is concerned about possible additional ties to this person, whatever his motivation was. so the fact that the fbi is taking the lead with this investigation clearly indicates that it's going down that road or is terrorism. >> wow. >> you are listening to the same press conference we were. break down for us the way that the police did during the presser of the first gun fight that law enforcement got involved with with the shooter and then the shooter going inside and having a hostage situation and then them going in to rescue what they said about 30 people. >> like many night clubs throughout the country, they are police officers that are stationed outside in the event of some sort of a problem. very brazen act. somebody with ideological intent to murder, to take down a police officer at the entrance of the club. if it's an active situation and the shooter is already in there, wasn't engage with police, police are going to go to the shooter and terminate him. once it's a hostage situation, we turned it over to s.w.a.t. and we turn it over to a negotiator. >> who does make that call? that's a bold call. you've got hostages, a shooter, potentially a device. who makes that call and what's the trigger for the call to go in and try to forcibly free hostages? >> it's the supervisor on the scene. when he goes in, he's got hostages, the shooting is stopped. it was between law enforcement and him and other people are being killed, it's going to certainly take a lot of intelligence before they go in there, so i would imagine that they were speak to go a lot of people. that's why they said don't call in anymore because they were on the phone with people in there trying to get intelligence and tactical information so they could make that entry, know where he was, know where to go, know where to ignite the distraction device. >> somebody at that press conference, i think it was our own peter doocy asked is there any tie to islamic terrorism? i think that was the question. we could barely hear it and the response from the fbi special agent is there are indications that yeah, possibly so. >> it may have leanings toward that ideology. they know more than they are saying. >> they want to be certain before they jump on that. >> would they say without real evidence, would they? >> no, they have real evidence. they want to keep this close to the vest until they really know what's going on. >> hence, the see something, say something. the ripple effects. >> there are concerns beyond this night club. >> at the beginning of the press conference, we heard it was being investigated as either domestic or international terrorism and peter doocy is the one who pressed them and asked them that question. peter, what can you tell us? >> anna, we're right on the very edge of the crime scene. the scene they just described at 2:00 in the morning, 2:02, an officer who was working at pulse night club engaged this gunman in a fire fight, basically. that was all playing out in a very populated area. the sign for pulse might be out of shot, it's two blocks down here. there's a lot of buildings around here that are obviously -- there would be a lot of people out around here as it turns out at 2:00 in the morning on friday night and while the headline right now about who this gunman is is going to come from that fbi agent who answered my question about whether or not there is a radical islamic terror connection by saying that there are indications his leanings are toward radical islamic terror, the rest of the numbers that they just gave us are really, really stunning. it's hard to believe. there were 320 people in the club. they rescued 30 people at about 5:00 a.m. when they decided -- when they knew that there were 30 hostages in there. they decided they were not going to be able to negotiate with the gunman, so they executed -- they breeched a door. they rescued 30 people out of the 320 in there, but the estimate that they are giving us again, they do not have a specific count of how many people lost their lives in the club because they are still sweeping it for ieds because they already found something that they described as a device that concerned them greatly, they are saying that the estimate is 20 people are dead inside the night club right now, so 42 people were taken to the hospital. that was the first number that we heard. that kind of jumps out at you, 42 injuries and that is horrible, but it gets even worse when you find out that there are 20 people inside, victims of possibly, according to the fbi just now, a block away from the crime scene, victims of somebody who may have leanings toward radical islamic terrorism. now that's the information -- that is the latest information that we've gotten. you can see the scene has calmed down, but based on the description that we just got from multiple law enforcement agencies in terms of the investigation and also the intelligence that they are gathering, they have a lot of work to do inside the club and outside the club. somewhere nearby here also we have reason to believe that the suspect's car has been found because one of the officers -- one of the officers who just spoke said that they are clearing out the inside of pulse night club, but that they are also trying to make sure that there's nothing inside this suspect's car, and, again, they wouldn't provide any information other than he is a male and that he may have leanings toward radical islamic terror. >> boy. this story has changed our assumptions changed abo we've seen a lot of night club shootings over the years and it's always somebody who has been thrown out and goes home, gets a gun and come backs. islamic terrorism, boy. >> soft target. he's got a lot of people who were there. law enforcement was there. he wasn't afraid to engage him. at the end of the day, it's going to be much worse than what we're looking at right now. >> local, fate state and federal officials are working together. they are calling the gunman well organized and well prepared. he had a rifle and handgun and some sort of device. they are trying to figure out if the device was real. what does that look like? take us inside the night club. >> well, inside the crime scene itself, he obviously had time to set up these devices, these explosive devices, and it took a lot of planning. at the end of the day, they look at his computer and they go up on his phone, you are going to see there was probably months and months of planning. >> find yourself in the police position here. peter doocy asked the spokesman, is there any indication this was related to islamic terror? >> may have leanings toward that ideology. >> would they ever in a million years say something like that, something so potentially incendiary without real evidence? >> not unless there was certainly yes. there was good evidence for him to make that statement. the fbi is very conservative and that comes -- he didn't just make that decision. that decision comes from up high to say something like that to the national media. >> extensive, extensive planning. high-capacity weapons. ieds is what our own peter doocy talked about. extensive planning as we talk about. is this a crime scene or is this a war zone? what law enforcement faced there was someone sent to kill, presumably if the fbi is indicate whag we think it's indicating, for a higher ideology, is that how we should be looking at this? >> yes, yes. i would say that we have to look at it like this because from -- i've been talking on mass shootings since virginia tech, almost every major mass shooting going on in the united states, and i'm not surprised by this, i'm not surprised by this whatsoever. >> peter doocy has a clear vantage point there. what can you add? you want to say something. >> i think it is important while the fbi obviously made quite a headline there by admitting that this person may have had leanings toward radical islamic terrorism, they were very careful to also point out that they don't think that there is any continued threat tied to this person in the orlando area or anywhere. so that -- in their eyes, whatever they know about this person, they don't think that he's part of a larger cell, but they also don't know if he's a lone wolf. these are all things they said they don't know. they said he may have been a radical islamic terror pa -- sympathizer. he did have a rifle, a handgun, and incendiary device. >> the question was asked was he a u.s. citizen and the response was we're not sure because we're not certain of his identity and yet you just reported that you think that they have located his car. if they are tying a man to a specific car, they know his identity, wouldn't be that right? >> it depends. you got to also keep in mind orlando is a place where at a time of the year just like this, there may be just as many rental cars on the roads as residence cars, we're in the theme park capital of the world. this is a busy week for vacations. school just got out. we don't know anything about the car but they did just mention that they were trying to clear the car as well and that is why this is as close as we can get to pulse, still about a block and a half away. >> it could be a rental car. it could be a stolen car. it could be his own car. they believe he was in that car. >> false identity. you never know. false documentation. at this point. could we be looking at -- in this case, when they say leanings toward an ideology, that could mean a larnger network or an individual who radicalized themselves and had very little expertise or trained themselves, based on that press conference is, do you have any sense as to what it's pointing toward? >> just exactly what you said. we don't know whether it's a lone wolf or whether he's part of a bigger organization, whether he's going to come out as they did with the san bernardino shooters pledging for isis. it's just too early. we're going on what little information we have, and we can only make speculative decisions. >> and in this political environment, it seems to me that law enforcement officials would be really hesitant to even imply a connection to islamic terror unless they had some pretty strong evidence? >> look how long it took them in san bernardino. >> right. and it was pretty obvious, pretty fast. it took them a long time. >> we had buddy dyer, the mayor, the chief of the orlando police department, then the sheriff, then the fbi. some of them talked about domestic terror, see something, say something. our own peter doocy do you think there was ties and he may have leanings toward that ideology, does that comply they didn't want to answer that question yet? >> i don't think that they want to answer that question this early, even if they have that information. they don't want to cause an uprise of fear in the united states. it's their job to do their job, investigate, you know, find out the reasons why, you know, arrest additional people that are involved, and do what they can do to try and learn as much as they can to prevent these things from occurring again. >> and they also did mention toward the end that they do not have any information that would indicate there are other instances like this coming down the track and they are working with every resource they have to validate that this morning. we're going to keep you here and just a recap for you if you are just waking up with us, a mass shooting inside an orlando night club is now a possible case of domestic terror or international terror. as many as 20 people are dead. at least 42 people taken to the hospital. the shooter killed in a gun fight with the s.w.a.t. team. breaking news coverage continues right after this. so you like to work out. less intense? 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[ no audio ] >> this is the first time we're seeing these images. horrific scene. >> we have a phone interview we want to go to now. paul joins us now. he's the ceo and a former supervisor of manhattan's da office, criminal court unit. thanks for being with us. >> awms a pleasure. >> when you hear these numbers, they are startsing. 20 people possible died. 42 at the hospital. one officer injured. what is going through your mind in the size and cope scope of this when you hear this shooter may have been had leanings of radical islamic ideology? >> what you are going to find right now is the fact-finding process is under way. the collaboration between law enforcement between the orlando police department, fbi, flde and atf is top shelf. they are going to start gathering intel from him, how long he's been communicating about this. they are going to look at everyone who is connected with this. they will go after his laptop and start interviews, connect with the shooters, eyewitnesses, dct information, a search of his vehicle. right now, that's what law enforcement is going to converge on, as far as identifying the pedigree of this particular individual. >> law enforcement was just asked at this press conference whether this guy had ties to islamic terror and they suggested he did. is that something they would casually say? >> i'm surprised they said it. they are going to keep it really close to the chest and they have to. they have got to be extraordinarily judicious when it comes to mentioning the world international terrorism. let's not rule it out. this could clearly be that. it's a prime soft target. it has a big splash. orlando is a big market. that being said, when you look at the totality of the event, the motives behind this could be several. it could be islamic terrorism but also it could be a hate crime. it could be domestic violence. it could be an act of domestic terrorism. once we peel back the onion, we would learn more. >> you would surprise that the fbi would in answer to a question by our own peter doocy say they may have had leanings toward that radical islamic terrorism. you said you are surprised they answered that. if they were to have may have leanings, that wouldn't be based on speculation. that would be based on some sort of evidence. what sort of evidence 0 could they be basing that on, would you just speculate that they would speculate on it baselessly? >> no, no. we're coming back to the initial point and you have an all-star cast athey are running him immediately. any information, they've got a great sort of information to lead them. >> and what other types of things could that be? . >> would he have been carrying a koran? a flag? what types of evidence would lead them to say that there's a chance of that? . >> first, he may have made statements inside the nightclub, which they haven't said, while he was doing the shooting. we've seen it in paris and brussels and a number of other places. it could be where he's from, is he a nationalized citizen. he could be from syria. who knows. but they know. when they are examining him, it could be the weapons of choice that he's using. they haven't divulged that. these are things that are probably already in place to say this could be an act of international terrorism. >> so they said they don't know who this guy is, his identity, whether he's a u.s. citizen or not. how do they go about determining who he is? >> the collaboration of law enforcement is really impeccable in our country. most people don't understand that. instantaneously they'll have information from i.c.e. and military intelligent units on this particular individual. if there is ever particular information, vis-a-vis, traveling in and out of the country, they are going to know that very quickly. >> paul, there was a brave hostage rescue, we're told in this press conference. 30 innocent civilians were saved surrounded presumably by bodies of the dead who had already been killed by this shooter. could that be premised on the fact that whoever is inside had larger intentions or it was an act of terrorism as opposed to a random shooting. does the potential link towards that ideology hasten the decision to go in on a hostage rescue? >> if they see that it's imminent at that point, that's where they are going to go. the men and women on that team, they are like firefighters. they are running in to danger. and everybody is running out. they made that decision based on the intel at hand at that time. >> and do you think that what they've done is -- was protocol, that's the way it should have gone down? >> the only way i can describe that is textbook. anybody watching should rest assured, this will proceed expeditiously but also as a textbook. >> we're going to bring in steve rogers, retired lieutenant from the new jersey police department. just to recap, here's the fbi statement that we just heard. we do have suggestions that the individual may have leanings towards that particular ideology, ideology being radical islam. we have indications. what could that mean? >> i was stunned that that statement was made. i was a member of the joint tariff task force and they are meticulous in how they do this. including statements. that wasn't even brought up until peter doocy brought that up. that troubles me. that would be the first thing they would want to let out. i'm concerned, and you nailed it, tucker, we've got to be very careful of what we say, especially in reference to international terrorism connections. i would hope that they have enough indication, were using words like they are suggesting. i think it's more leaning towards, in my view -- look, obviously i don't have any evidence and it seems like, some sort of a domestic terrorist act but to tie this in to a possibility of being international connected is troubling. >> could there be a reason for that rather than just a politically correct culture that we live in, they wanted to make sure they got out all of the facts about how many were injured, how many dead, how many hostages, are there other reasons? >> i wonder if the question was never asked, if it was going to be brought up. it was a question by peter doocy that got it out of them. >> if you see something, say something, they say. shouldn't they be giving out relevant details like that? >> it makes you think, maybe there is something more to this than they are telling you. they have to be very careful and transparent to what they are saying. >> a sense of where they were talking about it but also could be, hey, we think this was an individual who is acting alone radicalized but acting alone. could that be part of their calculation? >> yes, it could be. the fact is, they don't know. if there is an international connection and we've said this all along, we're at war, the war is coming to this country, whether it be a lone wolf is really immaterial. the fact is, terrorism is here and it's here in the united states and we've got to deal with it. i would only hope that they would be a little more careful in bringing to the public issues like this before making statements like that with solid evidence. >> and or straightforward. >> you've got to be straightforward. look, years ago, politically correct, don't tell the public, they are going to panic. we know what is going on. we need the truth and we need it based on solid evidence. >> they didn't say it for a long time. >> that's right. they didn't have the evidence that they needed to say it but i've got to tell you, the fbi agent, no law enforcement officer said anything about that until peter doocy brought the subject up. it was an answer to the question. >> interfering with the job of law enforcement, wouldn't you want to know? >> the fbi, i could tell you, are the best in the business. i would hope that the agent was authorized to say that. i would hope he was. and if he was, they might have enough evidence. >> i remember covering the san bernardino shooting and being in that neighborhood and hearing that a neighr said, you know, i've noticed some bizarre activity going on at this home at night and i was scared to say anything because i was worried about being seen as islamic phobic. >> that's right. that's the key. people have to, if they see something, to say something. it may end up saving lives. >> indeed. >> that's why it's important. >> not to indict anybody at that press conference, they are doing the best they can at the moment. >> that's right. >> if you see something that looks suspicious and has ties to this, be willing to talk about it. >> without compromising the investigation, just say, look, this is what we found on them. this is why we believe there may be an international connection. >> sure. such a good point. why wouldn't they do that? >> because they may not have the evidence. sometimes we say things on the air that come out the wrong way. >> no. i have the quote right here. we have suggestions -- flat out, we have suggestions that the suspect -- >> suggestions. not evidence. he never should have said that unless you have absolute evidence and, again, i give credit to peter doocy to get that information out if it is in fact true. >> they believe to have the car of the gunman because along with the assault-rifle and a handgun had some kind of a device. >> no credible further threat. >> because they know that there is not a cell involved, could be leaning towards domestic terrorism. the point is, they are still gathering evidence. they have to look at his computer, his cell phones and his background and see if anyone knew him, interview him. it's startling to me that they would come out this early and say there is a suggestion of international terrorism. >> they better be right. >> we'll keep you here for more insight. right now, we're going to reset the show and as you are just waking up with us, we're going to inform you what is going on. good morning, it's sunday, june 12th, 2016. as many as 20 people are dead and 42 people have been taken to various hospitals. >> the incident could be terror-related. >> we consider this an act of terrorism. absolutely we are investigating this as an act of terrorism. anytime we have a potential of dozens of victims, we can qualify that as terrorism activity. whether it's domestic or international, we'll get to the bottom of it. >> the gunman opened fire at the pulse nightclub at 2:00 a.m. in orlando. the shooter going back into the nightclub and started taking hostages. s.w.a.t. teams later, about three hours later, we're told, making the decision to storm in and try to rescue hostages and ultimately killing him. police say he was armed with something that looks like an assault rifle and handgun and some kind of a device. >> gosh, you can imagine this panic. this is video of survivors and they are trying to find safety while many were covered in blood. police say they believe there is no more threats to the area. >> so there's a press conference about half an hour ago. peter doocy was at that press conference in orlando and asked a question about whether the shooter had potential ties to radical islam. >> reporter: and it seems like a lot to a question, tucker, because all of these law enforcement officers from the different agencies made a point to say we consider this, we classify this to be an act of terrorism. they said that 320 people or so were in that club last night and that right now at pulse nightclub, about a block and a half behind us, 20 of those club goers are laying inside dead and so is a gunman who they say had leanings for radical terrorism. this is from the fbi agent in charge on the scene. listen to this. >> we're looking into all angles right now. we have suggestions that that individual may have leanings towards that particular ideology. but right now we can't say definitively. >> and behind us there is a crowded street. tons of investigators are here. 42 people were taken to the hospital. they located the suspect's car and the reason we don't know how many people were killed by this person who they consider to be a terrorist, whether it ends up being domestic or foreign, is because they are still inside the pulse nightclub sweeping the area for devices. there was at least one controlled explosion overnight. they detonated something. we don't know exactly what it was. and then there was another explosion that they said was a diversionary tactic. at least one s.w.a.t. officer at 5:00 a.m. -- so to go through the timeline with you quickly, 2:02 a.m. is the exact time that an officer who was working at pulse nightclub, which is a premier gay nightclub in orlando, got into some kind of a fire fight with this suspect. some other injuries joined him there. the suspect then went inside. and for the next three hours he killed approximately 20 people and held as many as 30 people hostage. so it's 5:00 a.m., three hours after this started, the police made the decision to go in and save these 30 hostages. and when they breached the door, they went in. as it turns out, there were nine officers who went in, nine s.w.a.t. officers. and one of them was shot in his kevlar helmet. he had a eye injury but he's expected to be okay. he had some kind of a head injury but the suspect is dead inside the nightclub along with 20 of his victims and possibly still improvise sd explosive devices. they need to make sure there's nothing left in there before they go in to see who the suspect is and what he had with him. the scene behind us, there is no more urgency to save any more lives but there is great urgency to figure out who this person is and figure out what kind of a connection to radical islamic terrorism he may have because there is obviously something if the fbi went so far to say that that is something that they think he had leanings towards. >> well done. >> peter saying that a valiant effort. that fluid death toll of 20 could go up. >> the mood on this couch has changed even. not that we didn't take this serious. it was serious the moment we learned about the shooting in this nightclub. multiple deaths. but now we're hearing about a potential tie to islamic terrorism. we're always very careful. you don't want to point fingers or assume motives. with that question being answered by the fbi and an admission that this is likely leanings towards islamic terrorism, you've got san bernardino and ft. hood. this would be a higher death count than both of them. something to let soak in. >> we have ron hopper on the phone, special agent in charge in orlando. agent hopper, are you there? >> yes, sir. can you hear me? >> we sure can. thank you for joining us. did the suspect have ties to islamic terror? and the direct answer he got at the press conference you were at, yes, we have suggestions that he was inclined in that direction, something to that effect. what can you tell us about that? well, what i can tell you is that the history that we know of this individual so far is that he may have made threats that he was tied to it. obviously we're in the initial stages of the investigation and we're running every lead to the ground. >> agent, he made threats -- he had ties to what? >> there are allegations that the individual has made threats in the past and has ties to terrorist organizations. however, those have not been confirmed or vetted so far. obviously, we are in the initial stages of this investigation at this time. >> agent hopper, that information coming to you from what? his computer? his cell phone? his social media? someone who knows him? a family member? where does that information come from, those allegations? >> unfortunately, i can't divulge that information at this time because that's tied to the active investigation so we're trying to be as clear and transparent as we can because we want the general public to feel as safe and secure as possible and that's not something that i can share. >> are any of the witnesses that you spoke to inside, are they saying that he made any threats specifically linked to radical islamic ideology during the fire fight? >> i can tell you that all of those interviews are actually ongoing right now and, to my knowledge, that hasn't been shared with me but i can't say that it hasn't been because, as you can imagine, this is kind of a busy, hectic scene at this moment. >> is there anything about this acknowledgement or recognition, agent, that he made threats in the past, i think you alluded to it was in the past. how does that affect or change your organization? does it change where you look? what impact has that had on the work that you are doing? >> i will tell that you any investigation involving a mass shooting we treat very seriously and throw all of the resources that we have on this particular type of incident regardless whether it's considered quote/unquote a terrorist event. so there is obviously an uptick in urgency and everything we're doing is being investigated to the maximum potential. >> it sounds like you know this man's identity. do you? and was he a u.s. citizen? >> i can't confirm that we in fact know his identity for sure. once we do, that information we'll be sharing. we'll be having a 9:30 press conference here from the orlando area. >> can you give us an age range on the gunman? >> it would be a very general age range so it wouldn't be something that would be accurate, that you would appreciate, unfortunately. >> do you have any more information about either the primary weapon used on the incident or the ploexplosive device? we're told there was a de detonation device. what do you know about the explosives found on the scene? >> i can tell you that the investigation is still going on at the scene and no explosive has been determined to be on the scene. there were devices that appear to have resembled the device but we do not have information that it was a device. a long gun type weapon was used the scene is continuing to be cleared to gather forms of evidence. >> as far as a device, was it a wearable device or was it placed or both? something that was targeting participants at the nightclub or maybe first responders? at least initially what did it appear? >> unfortunately, i can't comment at this time because the investigation is still ongoing. >> can you tell us how many hostages there were and if any were killed? >> i don't have the official numbers but there were upwards of 300 people in the club when this took place and i can't be more proud of the men and women of the orange county police department because their actions saved lives. >> several being 30 rescued and saved, according to the press conference that we were listening to. the hazardous device was called in. during the hostage negotiation process, tell us how that played out. who was talking with the gunman? were they able to talk to the gunman? >> i can't comment on that because i was busy devoting resources with the fbi. >> can you confirm that the fbi is -- and it was stated at the press conference -- but actively in the lead and this is now a federal investigation? >> yes, i can confirm that we have a single lead in the investigation but work collectively with our state and local counterparts. we are very blessed to have a fine-working relationship with our men and women in law enforcement. we'll continue to work it as a unified command but that is correct. >> so are you confident that there was no plot involved and that the public in orlando and the rest of the country should feel safe, that this wasn't part of something bigger? >> yes. i can tell you there is no singular or qualified events to any or potential plots here or throughout the u.s. that we are aware of. again, we are running everything in the ground and at the initial stages of this investigation. as i've said before, these are marathons, they are not sprints. >> absolutely. can we take implication from that that you believe that this person acted alone without extensive outside support? >> i can tell you at this point in time that is the information we have but we're treating as if it could be any number of things. we're going to let the facts lead us to the conclusion as the fbi always does. >> agent hopper, thank you for joining us. appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. >> friends, we're going to continue to follow our top story of the morning out of florida. terror inside an orlando nightclub. as many as 20 people dead and the gunman killed in a s.w.a.t. shootout. >> our breaking news coverage continues throughout the morning. what super poligrip does for me is it keeps the food out. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. super poligrip is part of my life now. with usaa is awesome. homeowners insurance life insurance automobile insurance i spent 20 years active duty they still refer to me as "gunnery 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that it was confident enough or early enough in this investigation to say that this person had, quote, leanings towards islamic ideology, that was the quote, it pretty stunning if you think about all of the instances in the past in the u.s. and how long it has taken authorities to kind of even indicate that possible jump. it's not definitive yet. but they are saying that this shooter was well-prepared, well-organized and everything from that news conference indicates that it was somehow tied to international terrorist groups or domestic terrorism. that changes the entire dynamic politically and we've seen it before after paris and likely will see it again in this current threat environment within which we live. >> you're always on special report but you're doing "fox news report" for chris wallace. donald trump tweeted this out. "really bad shooting in orlando, police investigating possible terrorism. many people dead and wounded." he has sometimes in the past spoken more harshly than that as breaking news has been coming about. what do you make of this? >> well, i think all of the candidates, both candidates are probably going to react to this quickly and i assume there will be some statement from hillary clinton soon this morning. first and foremost, it's a tragic situation. approximately 20 dead, some 42 taken to the hospital. and, you know, the first reaction is the thoughts and prayers for the families there involved. this, obviously, will have, as we've said, political ramifications. but in the first part, authorities are really trying to figure out if there are other people involved, if this is a network, if this is something else that some other shoe is going to drop and that's what we saw with paris and, unfortunately, it looks like, at least at this hour, that's what we're seeing in the u.s. >> indeed, bret. there's still a lot that we don't know. again, that question was clarified and we don't know the extent of the islamic ties, whether it was truly a muslim devoted to isis or just a want-to-be thug. nobody knows. you've got conversations about guns and this was a gay club that was targeted. where does this conversation go politically? >> we've seen these things happen and everything gets thrown at the wall at the beginning and until we know more facts, it's important to be cautious with everything we say. you're right. these arguments on social media will continue about access to guns. we don't really know exactly how this person got his weapons. and we don't know if these ties are legitimate to a terrorist organization or a homegrown domestic terrorism act. >> thank you, bret. coming up, our team coverage of the breaking news out of florida continues. stick with us. great time for a shiny floor wax, no? not if you just put the finishing touches on your latest masterpiece. timing's important. comcast business knows that. that's why you can schedule an installation at a time that works for you. even late at night, or on the weekend, if that's what you need. because you have enough to worry about. i did not see that coming. don't deal with disruptions. get better internet installed on your schedule. comcast business. built for business. there have been ties to terrorist organizations. however, those have not been confirmed or vetted so far, as obviously we are in the initial stages of this investigation at this time. >> you're listening to there a voice from ron hopper, assistant fbi special agent in charge of the investigation going on in orlando, florida, this morning. police say as many as 20 people are dead and at least 42 people have been taken to area hospitals after a gunman opened fire inside of a popular nightclub. >> our community has experienced a very horrific crime. many lives were lost and many more individuals were impacted by witnessing the crime. we need to stand strong and be supportive of the victims and their families. >> the gunman opened fire at a public nightclub cled pulse around 2:00 a.m. eastern. exchanging fire with an officer that was stationed outside of that club providing security. the shooter then going back into the nightclub taking hostages and, unfortunately, we're hearing killing upwards of 20 people and injuring 40 s.w.a.t. teams. it may be a tough decision to swarm into the nightclub, exchanges gunfire with the heavily armed suspect and then -- but eventually killing him. mistake he was armed with what they are describing as a long gun or an assault rifle as well as a handgun and some sort of explosive device or something made to look like an explosive device. >> police say they think there are no more threats to the area. they are investigating this as an act of terrorism and trying to learn more about the shooter and whether or not he had ties to any other terror groups and whether or not he's a lone wolf. i want to bring in distinguished chair and frequent guest. this is a little confusing. we just had the fbi special agent in charge saying that this guy bragged about being a part of an islamic terror group but there are no ties to a islamic terror group in orlando. how can that be true? >> that's the question. if that statement is true, that this individual has boasted of connections or loyalties to the islamic state, it really is impossible to rule out any other connection and i kind of think it misses the point. we're not interested anymore after san bernardino number whether or not the islamic state is in command and control of people such as the san bernardino killers. the question is, do they share the same ideology. if this man turns out to be a jihadi, you can bet that there are other people in that state, even in that city in orlando, who share the ideology and that's the most important thing of all. don't just look for operational connections. look for anybody who sympathizes and shares the same ideology. >> and what will make the fbi and the fed who are leading this investigation -- what would make them definitively say that it was indeed islamic terror? is there anything that they could find, any evidence that they could find at the scene on the suspect, in his car, people that he has spoken with on his computer, anything to make them definitively call it that? >> well, speaking from personal experience, i was in los angeles from the day of the san bernardino attack and i was actually working with the fbi and as soon as the attack occurred, as soon as the individuals were identified, instantly the fbi did what they called a scrub. they stopped to scrub the social media and internet. and they are looking for a fingerprint of this individual. there may be some kind of bragging. remember, the boston marathon bomber had written scrolls inside the boat, jihadi ideological statements. more obvious, now that they know who it is, they are going to be doing an intensive scrub of the social media to say what this man has said. >> dr. gorka, you used an important word, ideology. we yet don't know the depths of commitment but they are leaning towards that ideology. they targeted a gay nightclub known to be the premier gay nightclub in orlando. would that tell you anything on the ideological side? and also, how is this -- as you're watching this, we're all kind of taking this in. what's your overarching opinion as to what it is? >> look, there are homophobics in every society. we'll have to wait and see but there's nobody like isis or islamic state that makes videos of the execution of men because they are homosexual. they throw young men off the top of high buildings simply because they are home foe sexuals. there is no group like the islamic state today that actually is proud of executing in vicious ways people simply because they are homosexuals. number one, people must be aware, this is a jihadi trait. secondly, what does this mean for the general public? this is why i wrote my new book. every american, especially after san bernardino but even now to date, if it turns out, you must understand you are on the front line of this war. it's not just our brave men and women in the middle east wearing a uniform. it is everybody, whether you carry a gun, it doesn't matter, you must be alert and aware of your surroundings and most important of all, you must report suspicious activity. if that had happened in san bernardino, 14 people may still be alive today. all americans have a role to play. you must be aware you are on the front lines. be alert and report anything that you see which is suspicious. >> isn't it the message -- and we saw this in san bernardino. we were just reminded from a neighbor of the couple responsible for act, was afraid to report anything because of fear of being islamaphobe. >> it's horrific. i spent eight hours with a midwest police force, 250 officers teaching them about jihad, helping them understand about al qaeda and islamic state. after eight hours of talking to them, a young woman walks up from the administration, from the department of homeland security and says, look, dr. gorka, that's all very interesting and i disagree with all of this. this is the primary threat to americans is white supremacist. >> dr. gorka, i apologize. stand by. we need to take a break. we'll come back to you as the news warrants. okay? >> thank you. still ahead on the program, our team coverage of the florida nightclub shooting continues. as many as 20 people gunned down in what is now being investigated as a terrorism. hmmmmmm..... hmmmmm... [ "dreams" by beck ] hmmmmm... the turbocharged dream machine. the volkswagen golf gti. named one of car and driver's 10best, 10 years in a row. hi, everyone. breaking story out of florida. a gunman spraying bullets and taking hostages and getting into a fire fight with police inside a packed orlando nightclub. as many as 120 people are dead and at least 42 people are in the hospital at this hour. >> we are now learning it's being investigated as an act of domestic terrorism as the fbi is trying to uncover more information on the shooter and his motives. peter doocy is live for us in orlando. he was at the press conference at the last hour and has the very latest on this unfolding story. good morning, peter. >> reporter: good morning, tucker. the key question right now is who did this and why. pulse nightclub, about a block and a half behind us, is billed as orlando's premier gay nightclub. there were 320 people inside last night at 2:02 when a police officer, who was doing security for the nightclub, engaged the shooter in some kind of a fire fight. other police officers joined him. the shooter went back inside and then for three hours authorities tried to figure out the situation, what was going on. there were 30 hostages inside helpless. at 5:00 in the morning or so, they made the decision to breach the door and to go in and try to save those hostages. they did save the hostages. one of the nine officers from the s.w.a.t. team was shot in his kevlar helmet. he's expected to be okay. once the 30 hostages were released and once they made it to safety, the officers realized that there were as many as 20 people dead inside. they went out to the pulse lounge on a saturday night now laid dead sunday morning inside along with the suspect who was killed by authorities. many law enforcement agencies responded quickly. the scene has calmed down now. it's less of a race to save lives and more of a race to see if they can figure out anything about this person but i did ask if tlargs any known connection to the radical lichl and the fbi said this. >> we do have suggestions that individual may have leanings towards that particular ideology but right now we can't say definitively so we're still running everything to the ground. >> reporter: all that we know is that he had a long gun and some kind of a device. one of the explosive ordinance teams is inside pulse to try to make sure there are no other devices that could do anybody harm and since that sweep is still going on, that's why we do not know exactly how many people were killed in this horrible event that everybody has called a terrorist attack. we just don't know at this point if it was a domestic terrorist attack or foreign terrorist attack because nobody is ruling anything out this morning. we have another update from the fbi in one hour. >> peter doocy, thank you. joining us now, former fbi investigator bill daly. thank you for joining us. there's no mention at all that this guy bragged about his ties to islamic terror groups. it's another connection of how wildly politicized these questions have become and how hard it is for ordinary people watching the news to discern what is really happening. >> on one hand you could call it politicized and the other thing is, there's a lot of information flowing around and how it flows and what direction it takes can change very much from the beginning -- >> but if the fbi spokesperson announces this, that's not a relevant -- >> you're right. the fact is that, a, i'm surprised, much like other people said this morning, that they would come out this early and say it. however, if he is saying it, we need to discuss it. it's out there and what does that mean and what potentially route could this investigation take? they are ruling out or ruling in what the direct connection might be with any kind of inspired jihadi movement or activist on behalf of i.s. or any other group as well as any other ties that this person might have. sometimes we're finding that -- at least historically as we look at these people, they have multitude of interests and how they actually and why they carry out acts, sometimes to this day, it's becoming a little bit vague and opaque. sometimes we've seen a combination of workplace violence, workplace aggressive behavior and people who have been inspired by i.s. or other islamic groups. in this case, they will look at whether this person was, a -- it boils down to, a, was this person sent by a radical group to be here, b, were they activated or were they inspired? now, those are the three categories. how does that translate into the government's determination of how someone would fit into a terrorist category -- >> haven't they made that calculation already? they said there are no credible further threats. >> i believe at this point they are saying there's no credible threat. they have gone out to all electronic connections that could be made, government intelligence agencies out there looking at all of this data, big data, sorting through it very quickly to see whether this person had any recent connections or calls with anyone here, overseas and to see if there's any active plans. probably eliminating of any immediate additional plans or activities by saying that this person didn't have any more immediate contact communication with people in and around the area. so they are probably saying, at least for the time being, that this is safe and we don't think anything further is going to happen at this moment. >> former fbi investigator bill daily, thank you. we may come back to you. >> a lot more coming. still ahead, horror inside a nightclub. a terror investigation now open. approximately 20 people are dead. up next, we'll take a closer look at the local community there and talk to a radio host who knows that neighborhood very well. i wanted to know where my family came from. i did my ancestrydna. the most shocking result was that i'm 26% native american. i had no idea. it's opened up a whole new world for me. a♪ should i stay or should i go? 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>> thanks for joining us. we appreciate it. now we're going to go to joe kelly. he's on the phone with us. he's a news director of news 96.5 wbdo there in orlando. joe, thank you for being with us. if you can give us a little bit more of a sense of what this community is like around there, we've been wondering if it's a problem zone for orlando law enforcement or quite a safe neighborhood? >> you know, it's actually a really nice -- there's been a bit of a renaissance. we call it sodo, the sodo neighborhood, stands for south downtown orlando. there's been a rejuvenation in the last couple of years. it's a nice part of town. like much of orlando, it's not very far from more high-crime neighborhoods but this is not a bad side of town. this comes as a shock to all of us. >> absolutely. we're working -- all of us are working on limited information today trying to gather facts, gather a sense of context. and when the special agent was asked, he said the shooter may have had leanings towards radical islamic ideology. may. it's an active search. we don't know if this is someone of muslim faith or personally radicalized or what the context is. is there a large muslim population in orlando or not? >> yeah, there is, actually. we are an incredibly, incredibly diverse community. people come to orlando, florida, from not only around the country but around the world. there's not a day that goes by in which i don't encounter someone speaking a foreign language. my neighbors speak portuguese and my other neighbors speak russian. we have a significant islamic presence in our community. and whether or not this gunman was muslim or islamic-related, that's going to be part of the fbi's investigation. they are going to have to look into that and find out what the motive was behind the shooting. >> yeah. we should say that the fbi says that the shooter was not from orlando. we don't know more than that. thanks for the context. appreciate it. >> during that press conference, we heard the question asked if this was a u.s. citizen and the question was unknown. still ahead, we'll talk about the nightclub shooting. >> and we'll speak with newt gingrich and dr. ben carson. they will be joining us later on in the show to discuss what happened. our team coverage continues in moments. before i had the shooting, burning of diabetic nerve pain, these feet learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. ask your doctor about lyrica. 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>> i've been watching all of news accounts and, i mean, it seems that way but i think that what we must do is have one spokesperson and that spokesperson being that the fbi had taken over the investigation. all of that information should come from the special agent in charge. of course, there's a lot of other variables there. looking at this whole overall picture, it makes us think about paris and makes you think about a motive. it was a gay club and we know how isis and the radical muslims feel about gays. and then on the other side, the professionalism of the person that if he was alone -- that's another thing -- so much confusion, who's to say that it might not have been another person there who escaped out of there. >> there's so much more we don't know. we know for a fact that the special agent in charge said this guy bragged about belonging to islamic terror groups. the fbi said today and we know that "the new york times" and washington post did not include that fact in their stories about this shooting. >> we know what happened in san bernardino. they needed to have the koran in front of them before they would say it was a radical muslim attack. with all of that said, that makes me think that this guy could have been on the watch list or was being followed and i honestly believe they shouldn't come out with that so quickly until they have information. now, if it's an ongoing attack and a possibility of other people getting involved and doing things, yes. >> very briefly, could it be that they are going to get it out there for key evidence at this point? >> let's get our facts lined up. i feel the same way that this has all of the marks of a muslim -- radical muslim tear terrorist. >> thank you for that. we've got to take a break. we're going to reset at the top of the hour. for "fox & friends" after this. in a good, clean salad, every ingredient is the main ingredient. the new green goddess cobb with avocado, bacon, freshly made dressing, tomato... and chicken. at panera. food as it should be. hi, everyone. we're following breaking news out of florida this morning. the fbi is looking into whether a mass shooting in orlando is a possible act of terror. >> overnight, a gunman opened fire inside a popular orlando nightclub murdering as many as 20 people, injuring at least another 40 in the hospital. we asked about the suspect's possible ties to islam. >> what i can tell you is the history that we know of the individual is he may have made threats that he was tied to terrorism. obviously there obviously we're running -- >> he made threats that he had ties to what? >> there's allegations that the individual has made threats in the past to having ties to terrorist organizations. however, those have not been vetted so far. we're in the initial stages of this investigation at this time. >> agent hopper, that information coming to you from what? his computer, cell phone, social media, someone who knows him? where are those allegations coming from? >> unfortunately, i can't divulge that information at this time. we're trying to be as clear and transparent as we can because we want the general public to feel as safe and secure as possible but at this time that's not something that i can share. >> are any of the witnesses telling you that he made any threats specifically linked to radical islamic ideology during the fire fight? >> i can tell you that all of those interviews are actually ongoing right now and, to my knowledge, that hasn't been shared with me but i can't say that it hasn't been because, as you can imagine, it's been a busy and hectic scene. >> authorities are still investigating all leads. police will be holding another press conference at this hour with an update. first, we go to our own peter doocy who has been following this story live from orlando all morning. he has the latest details on the ground. peter? >> reporter: pete, the question now, seven hours now after the pulse nightclub was attacked here in orlando, florida, about a block and a half behind us, is why did this gunman with a long rifle, a handgun and some type of a device attack target the club that bills itself as orlando's premier nightclub. now, to set up the very troubling events, at 2:02 a.m., a police officer who was working security outside of pulse ebb gauged this attacker and a fire fight erupted. some backup officers did come but the gunman made his way into the nightclub where 303 people were just enjoying themselves on a saturday night, early sunday morning. many were able to escape. but 30 people were taken to hostage and between 2:00 and 5:00, the police were not able to negotiate with the shooter and hostage taker and made the decision to breach the outer wall. they were able to rescue 30 people but 20 others laid dead in the nightclub and so does the shooter now. he was killed by the authorities. we don't have an exact body count at this point. we don't know how many are victims at this point still seven hours and change after this happened because the facility is still being swept for incendiary devices, possible bombs that this person left behind. now, again, to this point, why was this premier gay club in orlando targeted? i asked the fbi if there are any connections to radical islamic terrorism and this is what we heard back. >> we're looking into all angles right now. we do have suggestions that that individual may have leanings towards that particular ideology but right now we can't say definitively so we're running everything into the ground. >> reporter: and obviously things have shifted from a search and rescue, hostage rescue scenario to an investigation phase. that's changed since 2:00 this morning when the incident unfolded when pulse posted on their social media, everyone get out of pulse and keep running many of the club goers made it out and 20 did not. 42 are at a local hospital right now. we hope to have more details within the next 30 minutes or so. >> peter doocy, thank you for your great coverage this morning. we're going to bring in a former police detective a lot of talk this morning about a possible motive with this shooter. it was a gay club and they were apparently having a latino pride event last night. was it an islamic terror event, workplace violence, just someone who wanted to cause as much carnage as possible? why did us that matter to our investigation? >> because that divide as motive on what actually occurred here. as the doctor said earlier, their hate of gays, did that play a part? we don't know. we can speculate but we have some solid stuff to go on. there was a three-hour gap before he was terminated. we don't know what type of communication he had, what he told the fbi or told people who may have been survivors. >> why are the authorities hesitant to release his identity. they say they believe they know which car he drove there. they told us earlier in the show about statements he made about islamic terror and don't know his identity. how is that the fact? >> i don't believe that to be true. they know who he is and learned who he was during that three-hour time period before they terminated him. they know a lot more than they are going to reveal to the general public. >> it took a while are to the fbi to designate it as such. we saw during the initial press conference it was not acknowledged. peter doocy asked that question. that special agent called in to our show to basically affirm that. but still, a lot of uncertainty. might there be a reason why the fbi is getting ahead of this and say, we this it is? >> i think they took a lot of heat in san bernardino because it took them so long to come out. i was on the show when they came out and held that press conference and said they believe it was wad radical islam. it wasn't a workplace violence or lover's quarrel. we don't know the extent of the ideology. there's so much uncertainty, we're just going off what the fbi has told us that those leanings are mostly like exist. >> in history, they don't usually do that. it took us all for a surprise. >> no one wants to disseminate untruths but all of us have an interest in knowing what it was about in order to protect ourselves. what is the line between keeping information private and sharing it with the public? >> typically it's the integrity of the investigation to protect the integrity of the investigation. being that the suspect is dead, they don't need to do that. >> right. >> they need to do their investigation if there are other ties, especially in that area, ties to potential links that may occur somewhere else in the united states. that's something that they've got to be on. >> it was a profound statement they made at the end of the press conference, that they do not believe that there's a threat of another incident like this happening once again. how could they be sure of that? >> i don't think that they can be sure of it but they must have some sort of information to make a statement like that. again, going back to the fact that he was on a terror watch list and known to the fbi and orlando police department, they know who he is. >> in the first press conference, they initially called for one at 4:30. that didn't happen. they moved it to 6:00. now there's another press conference at 9:30. are they commonly that close together? is there new information that you think they are going to release? is that why? or are they going to do it regularly? >> typically when there's new information to be released, they will generally hold another press conference or they will say in anticipation of where their investigation is, they will have information that says there will be a 10:00 a.m. press conference. >> why would the fbi be involved? >> terrorism. >> it's a local crime, obviously. would that be the only reason? >> the fbi takes the lead in terrorism cases. >> right. >> they are the lead investigators. >> unless they believe it is terrorism, they wouldn't take the lead, right? >> they probably would not come out publicly and state it until they knew for sure it was a terrorist act. >> let's talk about what is going on on the ground there. we know that during the press conference they said the shooter was armed with some sort of assault rifle, they believe, and a happened gun device. they brought in a bomb squad to try to detonate that or subdue that if that was indeed a real one or if there were more. they are also sweeping a car that they believe belonged to the gunman. what else is going on and as they are combing the scenes, what are they looking for? >> in terms of the crime scene, right now it's done. the suspect is dead. so they can fake their time and they want to be meticulous in gathering information. they want to make sure that safety is the prime concern, that nobody else get hurt and there wasn't an incendiary device that could go off later. that's always a concern for law enforcement, especially arriving on a scene like this. >> steve, thank you for your insight. >> thank you. >> appreciate it. ten minutes after the hour, next on the program, former house speaker newt gingrich join uses to talk about the terror investigation that is now under way. and then dr. ben carson will join us live at this hour. our team coverage continues right after this. ♪ experience the thrill of the lexus gs f sport. because the ultimate expression of power, is control. this is the pursuit of perfection. so yolthere we go.k out. which means you need to know your heart rate. when you're going up that hill. or holding up that post. or hiking on that trail. baaaaah! that was weird. or you want to know how many calories you burned. when you're doing this. or this. or this. or this. which means, you should probably wear this. beat yesterday with vivoactive hr. from garmin. real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there is only one place where real and amazing live. seaworld. real. amazing but do you really know what it means?ound a lot these days. no. the answer is no. because it's complicated and science-y. but with my nutrition mixes, you don't have to worry about the science. you can just put it in your pie hole. mmm peanuts, pecans, cashews. i'll have another helping of science, please! so whether it's energy or heart health you're after, start optimizing your nutrition with my specially mixed nutrition. planters. nutrition starts with nut. i could hear a lot of people. >> afraid he's going to die k. >> it was supposed to be us. we were talking in the dressing room. my friends, my family heard kids, everybody that we know was in that club. like, on a day-to-day basis, we talk to them. >> witnesses reacting to the horrible shooting inside a nightclub in orlando hours ago. it's being investigated by the fbi as terrorism. >> and we're expecting an update from the police in minutes. until then, we'll go to house speaker newt gingrich. >> first of all, i hope we extend our prayers to those that lost loved ones. it's a terrible thing to wake up to as a sunday morning and seen as one more tragedy. i don't know enough and i'm not willing to jump ahead to assert that this is terrorism related to islamic supremacist doespite the fact that they have released the name of the shooter. i think we all need to pay attention to the fact that there is a pattern of people connected to the internet who are potentially very, very dangerous. >> right. >> we don't have a strategy to stop them right now. >> we don't. we know that the fbi announced this morning that this guy apparently bragged about connections to islamic terror groups. the fbi said that. "the washington post" and "new york times," two most important paper in america, did not include that in their write-ups. that seems dishonest and intentional. >> the leads in this country are intentionally dishonest. that's why you have the rise of trump and sanders. people know that the game is rigged. they don't want to tell us the truth about the world or trade deals or who is getting paid off in washington or tell us the truth about islamic terrorism. why would you expect "the washington post" and "new york times" to be honest in any serious way? >> mr. speaker, you've seen this as a tragic incident. you've seen incidents like this and conversations are triggered by them. how could this incident -- and again, we're learning so much. we don't know everything -- we're getting this in realtime. how should this be focused? >> in part, i hope tragically, that the gay rights movement will come to realize that islamic supremacy is their mortal enemy. people get killed in countries dominated by sharia if they are gay. so i think in that sense, maybe this is the beginning of a new conversation about how serious of a threat islamic supremacist is. if the fbi knew that this guy was engaged with serious islamic groups, we're going to have to redefine for the courts national security restrictions and say if we know that you're in contact with people who actively want to kill americans, we're going to lock you up. we are not going to wait for you to go kill americans to prove you're sincere because you have to isolate and cauterize the wound. we did this to the nazis in the 1930s. this is an alien ideology that wants to destroy our civilization and our current approach to it is incredibly incompetent. so you have tragedy after tragedy. i was very surprised to see how rapidly the fbi was saying that this guy was probably a terrorist and i think it tells that they had been monitoring him. well, that's unacceptable. >> it seems willfully dishonest. it seems like some authorities, not all, are intentionally misleading the public about the nature of the threat. i can't get past that. >> the fbi agent referred to that ideology. he couldn't use the words islamic extremism. he said "that ideology" because he probably would have been reprimanded. the obama administration has willfully avoided telling the americans the threat which is winning the war. if you look around the planet, from yemen to afghanistan, we're in a world life death str ug gel with a radical movement and they want to destroy western civilization and yet our leaders in both europe and america blindly say they can't really mean it. how many incidents does it fake for them to realize they mean it and you better hope they don't get nuclear weapons. >> newt gingrich, thank you. >> thank you. police are expected to give another update on the nightclub shooting in just minutes. we'll bring that to you live. >> plus, dr. ben carson will join us live as well. stick around. spending the day with my niece. that make me smile. i don't use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well fitting dentures let in food particles. just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in, it's about keeping the food particles out. try super poligrip free. the fbi is investigating where mass shooting is linked to islamic terrorism. at least 20 people are dead and 40 injured. >> the gunman opened fire at the pulse nightclub around 2:00 in the morning, exchanging gunfire with the cop at the door and taking hostages, up to 30 of them. s.w.a.t. team members exchanged gunfire with the suspect and in the end killed him. >> authorities are still investigating all of the leads, they say. they are trying to learn more about the shooter and his motive. we'll be getting an update at any moment as we await a press conference. the president has been briefed about the tragic shooting in orlando, florida. our thoughts and prayers are with the family members and the victims. to gather more information to pursue the investigation and support the community. well, we are learning that as law enforcement does have the name of a possible gunman. however, they are still investigating that. we're going to bring in a fox news contributor and terror analyst. wally, when you hear the fbi in that press conference saying that the gunman did have leanings towards possible radical islamic ideology, what crosses your mind that they came out so soon to say that during the press conference? >> well, number one, historically that was the fbi and other authorities have said in san bernardino and other attacks. but we need more information. and obviously to get to the point to mention the possibility by the fbi, it means that they have evidence or the beginning of evidence. now, we're interested in knowing what kind of evidence would it be that the person was on their list. would it be that the person had said things that were revealing or that they had information of a different nature? >> walid, the fbi has acknowledged that they believe the individual had leanings towards radical islamic ideology. you're working with mr. trump and at the front lines of dealings with these issues. a friend said isis issued a call to attack americans during the holy month of ramadan which is ongoing right now. are we seeing a continuation of a new model where it's motivating others and how do we deal with it? >> reporter: well, they are very cautious and dealing with what the fbi is saying. if they are saying that this is leaning towards jihadist terrorism or islamic terrorism, we're going to have to wait for them to say that and then what is isis doing? let me answer a question saying they say it's islamic terrorism. yes, indeed, isis and other jihadi organizations have been calling on friends and supporters to target the united states and to target nightclubs, such as public places specifically, as you just said, there were releases made about the period of ram man dan. it has nothing to do with organizing more people. >> yes. so we foe that the fbi is classifying this as terrorism. which would make it by body count the worst terror attack in this country since 9/11. what do they mean when they say terrorism? what is terrorism, according to the federal government? >> well, that could be violence and people have been killed or injured but, more importantly, to determine that it's terrorism, it's the political intention or ideological intention that there could be inspiration either by an organization or ideology that calls on its members to cause massive casualty. >> that's exactly right. ultimately the ideology affixed to that. >> yeah. and with the tragedy that happened at the nightclub, you can't help but draw parallels with what happened in paris at the bataclan theater. all of those victims, they have families. it's just awful to even think about. but why is it important, walid, to fight terrorists away and are you concerned that islamic terrorist groups are coming to the west? >> well, first of all, islamic radical or jihadi group are already present in the west. i mean, if this is really the product of isis or isis affiliated or even al qaeda, even jihadi group, if this is the case, this is indeed the largest jihadi terror attack against the united states since 9/11. this would be significant. because the last one was san bernardino and it was a reflection of what was happening in brussels and other places. this country is under attack. the united states of america is under jihadi attack, if indeed it's proven to be jihadists. >> but will it change the scenario? we spoke to newt gingrich. there seems to be a persistent unwillingness of people in charge of this country to acknowledge the nature of the threat and a tendency to lie about it. why? >> because this is a question of policy. remember, the obamaadministrati consistently denying that this is of jihadi nature. actually, they don't want to call it jihadi or islamic terrorism because their advising body has been telling them that it's lack of jobs and foreign policy of the united states going wrong. they haven't a doctrine. they can't say we were wrong for the last eight years. so they are going to continue with that. >> a lot of mr. trump's rise has been tied to fighting back against political correctness. do you think that's infected so many parts of our culture that were unwilling to call it what it is? >> when it comes to national security, it's even more dangerous. it is basically a bad reading of the fact. it's not just politically incorrect. it's a matter of not being able to read who is the enemy and that is very serious. >> indeed. walid phares, thank you. we appreciate it. >> thank you. we do have reaction from the other candidate in this presidential race. hillary clinton just tweeted this. "woke up to hear the devastating news from florida as we await for more information my thoughts are with those affected by this horrific act." we are in orlando with the latest on the nightclub shooting. >> and ben carson will join us with the possible political fallout from all of this. stay tuned. question, are my teeth yellow? ...have you tried the tissue test? ugh, yellow... what do you use? crest whitestrips crest 3d whitestrips whiten... 25 times better than a leading whitening toothpaste i passed the tissue test. oh yeah. crest whitestrips are the way to whiten my lineage was the vecchios and zuccolis. through ancestry, through dna i found out that i was only 16% italian. he was 34% eastern european. so i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors we thought was italian was eastern european. this is my ancestor who i didn't know about. he looks a little bit like me, yes. ancestry has many paths to discovering your story. get started for free at at our retirement plan today. not now! i'm cleaning the oven! yeah, i'm cleaning the gutters! washing the dog! washing the cat! well i'm learning snapchamp! chat. chat! changing the oil... 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(vo) but with nationwide it's no big deal. okay, your retirement plan is all set. nationwide? awesome. nice neighborhood. ♪ nationwide is on your side well, there was an overnight nightclub shooting in orlando and the fbi is saying it was an act of terror. as many as 20 people were murdered and another 42 in hospitals now with injuries. as we learn these heartbreaking details, families and friends are still dealing with the horror at several orlando hospitals now overrun by dozens of gunshot victims. >> steven haulck is outside of the hospitals in orlando. >> reporter: there have been dozens and dozens of family members that have come down. it was agonizing because they didn't get information. we saw people in tears trying to desperately get information from hospital officials and about two hours ago they finally let people inside. they are asking family to show an i.d. and proof that they are connected to a potential victim. we spoke to an individual who came out and family members are here learning at this location, at the hospital that their loved one has passed away. 20 wepeople are dead in the clu. we're told that 42 were transferred to local hospitals. i can tell the ormc, the hospital that we're at, has been locked down as it has been for hours. family members can show security and go through to find out information relative to their loved one. we've been told that an upcoming press conference from law enforcement, the chief surgical officer will speak to give details on exactly how significant this has been as they have had multiple surgeries this morning because of so many injuries that were flooding in over a few hour period. back to you guys. >> thanks a lot. we appreciate it. all right. we are now hearing cbs news is reporting the identity of the man. he is said to be born in 1986, from port st. lucie, florida. >> our pete doocy asked during a press conference if this was islamic terror. listen. >> what i can tell you is the history that we know of this individual so far is that he may have made threats that he was tied to -- >> i think your phone went out for one second. to be clear, he made threats that he had ties to what? >> there's allegations that the individuals made threats in the past to have any ties to terrorist organizations. however, those have not been confirmed or vetted so far. as obviously we are in the initial stages of this investigation at this time. >> agent hopper, that information coming to you from, what, his computer? his sole phone? his social media, somebody who knows him? a family member? where does that information come from, those allegations? >> unfortunately, i can't divulge that information at this time because all of those things are tied to the active investigation. we're trying to be as clear and transparent and that's not something that i can share. >> are any of the witnesses that you spoke to inside telling you that he made any threats specifically linked to radical islamic ideology during the fire fight? >> i can tell you that all of those interviews are actually ongoing right now and, to my knowledge, that hasn't been shared with me but i can't say that it hasn't been because, as you can imagine. this is a busy and hectic scene. >> cbs is saying that authorities are telling them that they are leaning towards islamic terrorism as a motive in this case omar martin is the alleged suspect and he was born to afghanistan parents. >> here to weigh in is trump supporter dr. ben carson. dr. carson, thanks for joining us this morning. your reaction to the attack this morning. >> well, obviously it's very concerning. you know, as i've been saying for many months, we have to get much more serious about the way that we look at potential terrorist activity. you know, if you were having a party at your house and inviting 100 people and you had knowledge that one of those 100 people was a terrorist intent on creating havoc, would you still have that party? or would you say, well, it's just 1 out of 100. that's not so bad. we don't really have to change anything. that's the situation that we're in now. we need to carefully examine how we are doing things and the political correctness is beyond the pale. in texas, there was an explanatory memorandum that came out and one of the things it indicated is that in order to accomplish the kind of civilization. >> i had that they wanted, they would depend on america's political correctness to protect them while they were undermining our system. this is not to say that all people of islamic background are bad people nor would it be any other group that has radical elements. but we have to be smart enough to separate them out. >> one of the casualties in all of this is in the faith in the system and authorities. one of the saddest parts of this is all of a sudden you wonder who to believe. are the people in charge being honest or bound by a political agenda that doesn't let you tell them what actually happened? >> also, look what is happening down at our southern border. we have not been serious about that it's what they call otms. they are establishing terrorist cells within our country. why are they here and what are they waiting for? we have got to get serious about this or we're going to destroy ourselves with our silliness. >> dr. carson, we read moments ago the statement from the white house about the president being briefed and how his heart is soft and prayers going out to the friends of the victims. what do the american people need to hear from both presumptive nominees today? what do you expect we'll hear from donald trump and hillary clinton? >> i don't know about hillary clinton but i suspect that donald trump will come out with some very strong statements about logical approaches that we will take to try to screen people appropriately in order to have the right level of vigilance when it comes to things going wrong. and what's interesting, this incident took place at a gay bar. i think many people on the left need to understand that these radical elements, they hate gay people. they subject women to horrible things. these are people that they are at with their own survival and to just be ideologically driven that you can't see that, it's problematic. >> dr. ben carson, i hope you'll stay with us for a minute. we'll take a quick commercial break but we'll come back to you. >> okay. >> thanks. we'll be right back with continuing coverage of the horror in orlando. ♪ ♪ it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don't take entresto. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure... ...kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow i love ya, tomorrow.♪ ask your heart doctor about entresto. and help make tomorrow possible. ♪ you're only a day away ♪ tonight, our community witnessed or experienced a very horrific crime. many lives were lost and many more individuals were impacted by witnessing the crime. we need to stand strong. we need to be supportive of the victims and their families. >> and as more details come in, this crime appears to be more and more an act of radical islamic terrorism here on our soil in orlando, florida. let's bring informer presidential candidate dr. ben carson. it's reported now -- cbs is reporting the name of the shooter is omar mateen, parents are from afghanistan, he's a u.s. citizen himself. again, not to indict muslims universally but i'm from minneapolis where we've seen muslims travel to syria and train with isis. what do we do to ensure that there is allegiance as opposed to attraction to radical i'd rolli ideology? >> we need to assure that we will help to protect the muslim communities. one of the reasons that they are so mute on these things because of their tattling implications are severe. it could be death. they need to know that we will come to their aid if they reveal information about some of the radical elements. it's really the only way that we're going to find out. we need to be talking with the i imams and clerics. if they are with us, we will also be with them. >> so the assumption is that somehow they will absorb through osmosis. do you think those values can get people to sort of buy in to american values when they come here? >> well, you know, i subscribe to teddy roosevelt philosophy. teddy roosevelt said we're a nation of immigrants and we welcome anybody from any religious group, any ethnic background oreg origins. if they don't, they ought to stay where they are. >> do you think the peaceful muslim groups are doing enough to speak out against these radicals? >> well, i think they are afraid. they are terrified. and they see how tepid our responses are, you know, why are they going to risk their necks? we need to make sure that they understand that we will be with them if they will work with us. if they refuse to work with us, you know, i'm afraid that perhaps some of the darker elements of our nature may take, you know, control of our actions. >> what does that mean, dr. carson, we will be with you if you are with us? what do you mean by that? what does that look like? >> that looks like when they call for help, because they have, you know, exposed some activity that's going on in the community, they need to know that we will in fact provide them the kind of protection, surveillance, whatever is necessary. that needs to be a consistent feature. . >> our enemies are vicious. thank you for joining us. thank you. >> ten minutes before the top of the hour. . >> where will the fbi go with the investigation? attack, but it could have been. are there signatures and what does it tell us of those behind us? >> whether or not this was isis, this is keeping with the code shariah. the penalty for homosexuality under that law is death. they're throws gays off buildings in iran, hanging gay people from cranes. now they're slaughtering them in night clubs here in the united states. that's what we're dealing with. it's not a tiny minority, as president obama would have you believe. more than half of muslims worldwide believe this barbaric code should be the law of the world and we should all be subject to it. it's horrific. >> you're seeing it throughout west africa, by the way. this is widely known. they're open about it. they don't pretend otherwise. you're saying this is consistent with their beliefs. >> absolutely. this is what the prescribed code says. even here in the united states, more than half of the muslims believe that shariah law should supplant the u.s. constitution. that doesn't mean all of them believe you should slaughter gays but it should give people pause, what are the beliefs of people who are not assimilating well to our culture. >> thank you for your time today and for your expert analysis. at 56 minutes after the hour, we'll take a quick break and be back with more on the horror going on in orlando, florida. . allergies? 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