Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Kelly File 20160616 08:00:00

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donald trump doubles down on his immigration stance. but opens the door to gun reform. this is "special report." association, to talk about keeping people on terrorist watch lists from buying guns. the nra opposes such legislation. but also backs the gop presumptive nominee. senior national correspondent john roberts reports tonight on what could be a true test of leadership. >> some people love me. my problem is they love me or hate me. >> under withering fire from democrats and republicans following his comments on the orlando massacre. donald trump wouldn't back down an inch.
insisting doing the same old thing when it comes to terrorism isn't working. >> we have to stop on a temporary basis at least, we have to stop people from pouring into our country we have to stop it. >> until we find out what the hell is going on. >> president obama and hillary clinton are battering trump for what they call divisive, inappropriate rhetoric. obama angrily ridiculing obama's criticism. trump firing back that it makes a difference. >> unless you're willing to discuss and talk about the real nature of the problem and the name of the problem, radical islamic terrorism, you're never going to solve the problem. >> but trump did say something that caught the white house' eye in a favorable way. after meeting with nra officials yesterday, trump said he wanted another meeting to discuss
denying gun purchases to people on the terror watch and no fly lists. in an exclusive interview, trump said he might be open to changing some gun laws. >> i'm going to be looking at it very seriously. the terror watch list and the no fly list, i'm going to be talking to the nra about that. >> the issue is a sensitive one for the nra, which opposes a measure in congress to do that. their fear that innocent people often wind up on those lists. trum aides wouldn't eliberate on his thoughts, but the white house cautiously welcomed him to the gun control debate. >> we would welcome the support of anybody. >> the trump campaign is explaining why trump seemed to suddenly take aim at troops who served in iraq at his rally in greensboro last night. trump appeared to accuse service members from taking the money from the hearts and minds of locals. >> i want to know who were the soldiers who had that job. i think they're living well right now. >> trump's campaign insisted he
was talking about iraqi soldiers, but it was americans who controlled the money and there were some convictions for theft and bribery. last september trump appeared to implicate americans. >> i want to know who were the soldiers that are carrying cash of $50 million. cash. how stupid are we? i wouldn't be surprised, if those soldiers, i wouldn't be surprised if the cash didn't get there, i have to be honest. >> trump's comments angered a number of iraq war veterans, a constituency that trump can ill afford to alienate. a new "washington post" poll found trump with a 70% disapproval rating. brett? >> john, thank you. while some republicans are questioning whether they can support donald trump, one republican governor said today, he definitively will not vote for the party's nominee. maryland governor larry hogan who endorsed new jersey governor chris christie for president
last year said today while he will not be voting for trump, he does not know who he'll vote for on election day. christie did endorse trump, hogan left the possibility open of writing someone in. on the democratic side, hillary clinton focused her attention on the general election, attacking donald trump over national security in the wake of the orlando terror attack. even as she continues to campaign for the white house, her democratic opponent continues to hang on. senior political correspondent mike emanuel reports from virginia. >> a new bloomberg politics poll reveals that hillary clinton has opened up a double-digit lead of likely voters over trump. clinton blasted trump's response to the orlando massacre. >> after all the twitter rants and conspiracy theories, we've been hearing recently, it's time for substantive discussions about how we protect our country. how we respond to terrorist
attacks. like the one that tragically occurred in orlando. >> clinton held a conversation with military families and veterans to make the case she should be the next commander-in-chief. >> as president i will make identifying and stopping lone wolves a priority. we will assemble a team from across the government, private sector, our communities, to get on top of this challenge. >> in battleground wisconsin, a new marquette university law poll has clinton leading by nine percentage points, 46-37 with 13% saying they will support neither of them. last night clinton tried to convince her rival for the democratic nomination, senator bernie sanders that it's time for the party to unify. clinton and sanders met privately in washington for almost two hours, with some of their top advisers also in the room. a clinton aide said quote clinton and sanders agreed to continue working on their shared agenda, including through the platform development process for the upcoming democratic national
convention. while sanders said the two discussed a variety of issues where they're seeking common ground, substantially raising the minimum wage, campaign finance reform and making health care universal and affordable. at the head of the meeting, sanders said he's also seeking changes to the way the party selects its nominee. >> we need major changes in the democratic party, in converting it to a party of the people. welcoming working people, welcoming young people. we need an electoral process. which is worthy of the democrats. >> primary season ended last night with clinton winning the district of columbia contest. but sanders shows no sign of going away. bret? >> mike emanuel live in new york norfolk. the fight over gun control in the wake of the orlando attack made its way to the senate
floor. democrat senator chris murphy of connecticut took over the floor today to demand a vote on gun control measures, senator murphy is demanding that lawmakers strike a deal over stronger background checks and blocking suspected terrorists from being able to buy guns. new details on the orlando terrorist attack investigation and a new focus on omar mateen's wife. what she knew and when. correspondent steve harrigan has the latest on that investigation tonight from florida. >> law enforcement officials are now calling the orlando shooting both a hate crime and a terror crime. but they refuse to say whether the arrest of the killer's wife is imminent. >> i'm not going to speculate today as to any charges that may be brought or indeed about whether any charges will be brought. it is premature to do stuff. it would interfere and hamper the investigation. >> noor salman, the 30-year-old second wife of the orlando killer could face charges as an
accomplice to 49 counts of murder. salman told investigators she knew her husband was planning a quote jihadist attack unquote. and said nothing to authorities. salman, from california, met the killer on a muslim dating website. the two were married in 2013 and have a 3-year-old son. fbi agents searched the california home she grew up in, one of four daughters in a conservative palestinian family. salman also said she was with the killer when he purchased ammunition and a hollister. and accompanied him on at least one of his scouting missions to the pulse nightclub. new details are also emerging about the behavior of the killer during the three-hour slaughter sunday morning inside the pulse nightclub. he made at least five phone calls during the attack, three to 911, one to an as yet unidentified friend an one to a local news station, he did not go on air but identified himself as a shooter to the producer and wanted to make sure the station was aware of the attack.
the security firm where the killer worked is defending its screening process. mr. mateen passed a full background investigation, criminal history, employment, driver's also, drug, medical in 2007 when he was hired by g 4 s. the weapon used for most of the killings was a semiautomatic rifle developed for use by the u.s. special forces. according to manufacturers and experienced shooter with this rifle can fire up to 45 rounds in one minute. bret? >> steve harrigan in florida. thanks. defense secretary ash carter said our partners need to do more to fight isis in iraq and syria. cy believe there's more that nato can do and i believe there's more that each of us as individual nations can do to hasten the destruction of isil. >> nato defense ministers have agreed to extend training of iraqi troops. some of the wreckage of
egyptair 804 has been found a month after the plane crashed into the mediterranean, killing all 66 people on board. a search committee says a ship found the plane's parts in several areas and has provided photo evidence of the wreckage. the cause of that crash, still officially unknown. up next, a live report on the search for a toddler ripped from his family by an alligator at disney world. first, here's what some fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox 13 in tampa, two steps forward, one step back for spacex. the company launched two communications satellites into orbit. but the rocket that sent them hurling into space failed to make a successful landing. it was the first landing failure since march. fox 29 in philadelphia, jurors are deciding fate of 11-term congressman chaka fatah. prosecutors say he ran a quote white collar crime spree that stretched from philadelphia to washington, d.c. defense lawyers say the justice department is trying to smear
fatah through the racketeering case. this is a live look at los angeles, the beach in los angeles from fox 11, big story there tonight, where fire ripped through a warehouse near los angeles causing explosions and toxic fumes that led to evacuations of about 300 people overnight no one was hurt in the blaze at the plastics plant. the cause of the fire is still under investigation.
a horrific and to a family's vacation to disney world after investigators recover the body of a 2-year-old boy dragged away from his family by an alligator. >> peter doocy is live in orlando with this horrible story and how the events unfolded. >> good evening, bret, instead of waiting in line for rides, one nebraska family was waiting all night to see if their toddler was still alive. this afternoon the sheriff and a priest gave them some grim news. >> at about 3:30 today we recovered the remains of the
2-year-old from the water. that body has now been turned over to the orange county medical examiner for an autopsy. >> the 2-year-old lane graves was near the water's edge, one monorail stop from the magic kingdom when the alligator appeared, snatching the boy and pulling him from his father's outstretched arms. the mom was nearby. the whole thing lasted just seconds. a witness tells the "orlando sentinel" said quote i looked over and here comes one of the lifeguards, he said everybody get out of the water. the mother was there, she was frantic running up and down looking. disney sent down its beaches and marines so the sheriffs personnel could search the lagoon. wildlife officials say that since the waterway is man maima five alligators were caught and
killed here. we won't know if they got the killer gator. until the medical examiner compares bite patterns there had been 23 fatal gator attacks in florida, this the 24th is the first at disney world. disney does have a system in place to find and get rid of alligators. but it's a huge property and someone familiar with the landscape told me there are so many alligators here that at night it can be like jurassic park. bret? >> horrible story. peter, thank you. lawmakers take a step towards censuring the nation's top tax man. the irs commissioner. republican lawmakers say john koskinen failed to provide information demanded by congress and lied under oath into an investigation whether the irs targeted tea party groups. the resolution urges koskinen to resue or be removed. no word yet if the full house
will take up this matter. the federal reserve will not raise interest rates for now. >> proceeding cautiously in raising our interest rate target will allow us to verify the economic growth will return to a moderate pace. that the labor market will strengthen further. and that inflation will continue to make progress toward our 2% objective. >> and that's how the fed chairman says it today's news did not help the markets break a losing streak now at five straight sessions in a row, the dow down 35 points, the s&p 500 off 4, and the nasdaq closed down 9 points. trish regan the host of the intelligence report joins me now with today's news from the fed. good evening, trish. why when the fed has previously indicated they want to move rates higher are, they saying well maybe not? >> because they want to that's clear, they want to get off of
this extremely low rate environment that they're in. but it's challenging, because the economic fundamentals still aren't there, they're growing at 0.8%, that's a reality they can't ignore. be very threatening to overall markets in that the uk, great britain, is thinking about leaving the european union. and investors are rattled by that in terms of what it would mean for global markets. they have that on the horizon. so a lot of stuff out there that makes them reticent to raise in this environment. you know the fed has been so strong in the past, trish, some investigators are now saying that the fed is making itself increasingly less relevant. why are they saying that? >> they're saying it because this is a fed that keeps telling us as you pointed out, bret, over and over again, they want to raise rates and they're to get off of this extremely low-rate environment. every time they don't do it the
other thing i would ad d to thi, bret, the more information the better. we want to hear from the fed and yet investors are starting to say okay, guys, enough is enough. janet yellen, how many press conferences are you going to give? back in the old days, the '80s, the '90s, you had to do some research to figure out what the federal reserve did on any given day. we're now in anonnt are they t the world what they're doing, they then are having a press conference about it and it's not just from janet yellen. you have other members of the federal reserve board out there talking all the time and it's having an effect in that it really influences investigators one way or another to the point now where some are saying okay, forget it i'm not going to listen to the fed any more. >> trish, as always, thank you, the intelligence report, 2:00 p.m. weekdays on fbn. check it out. next, my conversation with the dalai lama. we have that going for us. p?p?h
the dalai lama met with president obama today. despite objections from china. even before the meeting at the white house, chinese officials criticized it, because they believe that tibetans spiritual leader is sponsoring a movement to divide the country. i got a chance to ask the dalai lama shortly after he met with the president what it was like. >> well i really feel something like, a reunion. i know him. since many years. >> this is your fourth time, maybe? >> as president, maybe. got into a situation in tibet and also china. and then i also mentioned the one of my commitment is
promotion of human value. to education. >> the dalai lama's short white house visit is yet another sore point in a decades-long, some say centuries-long conflict between china and tibet. tibet claims china is suppressing tibetan autonomy and its buddhist religion and culture. china says a 1951 agreement gives it sovereignty over tibet and accuses the dalai lama of leading an anti-government uprising. after a revolt in 1959 the dalai lama fled tibet and has been living in exile ever since. every meeting, between dalai lama and a u.s. president or foreign leader, has drawn heavy criticism from china. including today. it is always controversial, because of china's reaction.
to your meeting with anyone. >> yes. that's normal. >> normal. >> yes, it's routine. we are not say -- not seeking independence. it's our interest. provided we should have full right for preservation of our own culture. our rich buddhist knowledge. knowledge of buddhist philosophy. out of many buddhist countries, many buddhist, read tibetan buddhist. i think kept, i think best or more complete about tradition. i think president xi jinping mentioned sometime back, the buddhism is important part of china's culture. so this is something, something new. a leader of communist party, you
see. mentioning some positive thing about buddhism. wonderful. in the past, they said a communist system. they supposed to say follow -- atheism. people who really believe atheism, not many principles. that's a fact now. so i think chinese people, including leaders, i think are getting some new experiences. so there is change. there's a tight control, it's that kind of system. no future. so you say only question of time. china have to open. >> they said today through their spokes people under the cloak of
religion, the 14th dalai lama peddles his political ambitions of dividing china all around the world. we ask all countries and governments not to give him any room to carry out such campaigns. even less risking arousing the firm opposition of 1.3 billion chinese people. >> we have opportunity to ask 1.3 billion chinese, each, i don't think it's the same view. >> do you follow u.s. politics? >> these days, no. the candidates. argument or criticism like that. >> and what do you think about it? >> sometimes okay. i think american people, i think have sort of ability to touch. so you will choose your leader,
i think right kind of person. >> one of the issues is immigration. and refugees. you're in essence a refugee. you have now in tibet an immigration issue with chinese coming into tibet to work. so when you hear about the u.s. grappling with that issue, what do you think from your perspective? some politicians in the u.s. are making the same arguments about immigration and border security and you know, limiting the number of people coming in. >> all white americans come if outside. so i think if the several millions or hundred million come if outside. then, you see you have to think
seriously. a few millions, easily into this country. no problem. >> the white house said you expressed condolences about the death in florida. >> yes. >> your thoughts about that and if as we're learning this is someone who killed in the name of religion. >> that's wrong. that's wrong. the very word muslim terrorist, that i think is wrong. terrorist is a terrorist. they are not strictly speaking, strictly speaking, there are not practicing religion. the genuine muslim practitioner. wonderful people. and islam, teach this practice of love. they pray to allah, allah consider you see, is love. >> but the main threat that the u.s. seems to be facing is from that one place, a radical
version, perverted version of that religion, right? >> no, i feel that's, their use is a religion. if they use it the koran word, it's wrong. and actually these people i do not consider genuine muslim practitioner. >> i've heard you talk about inner peace and trying to get to inner peace. and in today's day and age with all of these things and the technology, all of our families and all of our kids deal with, what do you say to a family who says it's running so fast and the world is so fast. >> i think we should be more compassionate human beings. for your own health. for your own inner peace, a happier family. we need these things. money will not bring inner
peace. money, will not bring harmony among your own family members. i think scientists also say the healthy mind, peaceful mind, very important for our health. good health. so healthy mind, healthy body, very close. >> and considering all the things we face around the world, are you optimistic about the world's future? >> yes. because you know i mentioned, the scientists, my friend, is it basic human nature is more positive. basic human nature is more negative, then no hope. >> last thing. have you ever seen the movie "caddyshack"? >> what? >> "caddyshack" the movie. >> i don't know. >> the part about the dalai lama. have you ever played golf? >> no.
>> you're not a big hitter. >> badminton. >> but not golf? >> no. >> there's a classic movie called "caddyshack" where they talk about the dalai lama. i had to ask you about it. >> i don't know. >> well thank you very much for the time. >> thank you. had to ask him. big hitter, the llama. thank you for the dalai lama for that time. the sign of a flip-flop or a strong leader? our panel weighs in on truch's stance on gun control and the latest on the campaign trail, next.
a ban on muslims would note have stopped this attack. neither would a wall. i don't know how one builds a wall to keep the internet out. >> so not one of donald trump's reckless ideas would have saved a single life in orlando.
>> ask the gays what they think and what they do, not only saudi arabia, in many of these countries. with the gay community, just ask. and then you tell me who is your friend, donald trump or hillary clinton. you tell me. >> one issue, donald trump and hillary clinton going back at it. new polls came out today. "washington post" poll about favorability. there you can see clinton 43 favorable/unfavorable. and trump hitting a new high in the unfavorables at this poll at 70%. a national poll out, bloomberg poll has clinton up 12. there you see 37 for trump and libertarian gary johnson at 9%. the real clear politics average has clinton up about 4.2. let's bring in our panel. joan goldberg, senior editor of national review. mara liasson, political
correspondent national public radio and tucker carlson, "fox & friends" weekend. thoughts? >> what is there to say? it is every single day you try to get a catch to the raging controversy and then donald trump or hillary clinton pulls the chair out from under you and you have to deal with someone sg else. >> let's start with the nra and trump's suggestion he's going to negotiate with the nra to move forward negotiation to possibly take terrorist watch lists people off being able to buy a gun. >> if we go by the normal rules of politics, he's created a hot mess for himself with this. the nra rightly, i changed my position on the terror watch list thing, it's a bad idea. >> bad idea how? >> that you can't have an extra judicial process the way the terror watch lists are run, it is just simply a bad idea to have the government just simply deciding unilaterally without a
review process, who is a terrorist, potential terrorist and who is not. even james comby, the head of the fbi doesn't like the idea. because he says it would interfere with the ability to track these people. i think there's a reason why both the aclu and the nra are against it the problem with the narrow point of nra voters, he made this process and now he's violating the voters when there's a hot controversy. but also for people like me and other conservative who is say that you know his promises that he's going to toe the line on these conservative issues, whenever we run into one of these situations, he makes it clear that his promises have an expiration date. by sort of basically saying i'll going to adopt to the nra about essentially adopting the democrats' position, underlines his argument about how can you trust me to stick to these promises i've made. >> here's what the nra released.
quote we're happy to meet with donald trump, the nra's position on this issue has not changed. the nra believes that terrorists should not be able to purchase or possess firearms, period. anyone on the terror watch list who tries to buy a gun should be investigated by the fbi and the sale delayed while the investigation is ongoing. at the same time due process protection should be put in place that allows law-abiding americans who are wrongly put on a watch list to be removed. mara? >> it certainly seems like you could work out a compromise on this. the nra doesn't want people on the watch list to be able to buy a gun and all the democrats in the senate don't want it, either, you would think you could work out those due process issues and come to some kind of agreement. to me the bigger more interesting thing is what jonah is talking about, donald trump, a wrecking ball going through every conservative principle that he can come across, is now arguing the democrats' position on this. he tried to do some clever jiu-jitsu on gay rights, trying to separate gay people from muslims and from hillary clinton. but i'm wondering what he's going to do next.
>> tuck centre. >> there are two problems with it the political problem is that trump has kept the conversation on guns, that's not the lesson of the orlando shooting. guy pledges allegiance to isis and kills 49 people, how is that the nra's fault. by wading into this, we're talking about it as if this is a problem that could be solved with gun control. no serious social scientist believes that, there's zero evidence. the second problem is the one that mara alluded to, due process, you can't solve the problem except with due process, do we want 0 to live in canada where the government can take away one of your constitutional rights without telling you, because it doesn't like your opinions. we have a process called the criminal justice system. why are we giving it up? if are you not considered safe enough to be allowed to fly or go hunting, why are you living next door to me? why do we -- if we believe someone is a terrorist, why don't we indict them? >> there are many different perceptions about loshd and the causes and motives -- orlando. i want to read the new york
times main editorial today. in which it says the precise motivation for the rampage is unclear, it appears that mr. mateen was driven toward hate for gays and lesbians it occur tragically, this is the state of american politics, driven too often by republican politicians, who see prejudice as something to exploit, no the extinguish. as the funerals are held for those who perished on sunday, lawmakers who have actively championed discriminatory laws and policies and those who have quietly enabled them with votes should force themselves to read the obituaries. the 49 people killed in orlando were victims of a terrorist attack. they need to be remembered as casualties of a society where hate has deep roots. >> i'm reluctant to say this, but that might be the single dumbest editorial in the history of the new york times.
it's like a pinata, can you hit it from any angle and get some reward. first of all, the guy was a registered democrat. he swore allegiance to isis. somehow the republican opposition to gay marriage that is somehow associated with this? i know for a fact that a lot of the founders of the nazi party were gays. should we revisit the issue of naziism based on the fact they were homosexuals? it's lewd yus and one of just like with the gun stuff that tucker was talking about, one of the examples from the top down from barack obama to a lot of the mainstream media they don't want to talk about this for what it is. which is a terrorist attack. a guy motivated and inspired by radical islamic terrorism. want to move the conversation back to comfortable topics like gay rights and gun control. it's a giant con. >> there is a the whole back and forth radical islam and what the president said yesterday, whether you say it or don't say it. there's no islam in this
editorial. there's one word, terrorist, at the very bottom. is some people have called donald trump a cartoon caricature this is the cartoon caricature of what people would say about a liberal editorial page. however, there's no doubt that terrorism, anti-gay hatred, and easy access to assault weapons were all part of what happened. to say that it's only one thing is ridiculous. >> it's a very specific species of anti-gay hate. it's the islamic species, that's exactly right. >> we should point out it's not clear that he wasn't gay. >> that's exactly right. but this skind of the thing proposition, which if you have a problem with gay marriage, you inspired this attack. no, this is not, this is not an american form of homophobia. this is a middle eastern form. so why is it america's fault? what you're see something very recognizable if you have have talked to liberals or listened to the president, this is america's fault. no, actually it's not.
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he has been fixated on the phrase, and i quote, radical islam. as if those are magic words that once uttered will stop terrorists from coming after us. >> unless you're willing to discuss and talk about the real nature of the problem and the name of the problem radical islamic terrorism, you're never going to solve the problem. >> more from the back and forth today from the two main candidates. the presumptive nominees. this is "u.s.a. today" hillary clinton talked to the paper in her first interview after meeting with vermont senator bernie sanders tuesday night clinton did not rule out one of his key demands as his democratic presidential bid winds down that party chair woman debbie wasserman schultz should be replaced. obviously she has supported debbie wasserman schultz in the past but says we have got a great group and maybe
so: back with the panel. marah, surprising. >> no. she is not ruling anything out because this is the beginning of a very diplomatic dance with bernie sanders. they want the exit and they want the endorsement of her to be gentle. they are not ruling anything out. and they want his supporters and they want sanders to not just campaign against trump, which he has promise to do do but also support her and signal to his supporters that they should, too. >> she also signaled, jonah, that more progressive -- she is leaning toward more progressive profile toward her vp pick when she was asked about sanders being vp. surprising? >> not really. it's kind of amazing. everything is amazing this political year. it's kind of amazing even now bernie sanders is pulling her to the left, even after thee has wrapped up the nomination. i mean, it doesn't usually work that way. but i think it makes sense. the passion of the democratic party are on the
left wing base and she at least wants to sound like she has open mind to those guys. >> were it not for her us husband, of course, she wouldn't be the track nominee or senator or secretary of state. she has disavowed his policy. he is going to be in charge of my economic policy if only, are you kidding? people with elizabeth warren's world view will be. she got the nomination at the price of disavowing everything did i for eight years. >> i want to story dnc hack. there is a gawker story out there. we don't often site gawker. leaked online this dnc report of what they called was opo research against donald trump. in the statement, just moments ago to fox news, trump said this: this is all information that has been out there for many years. much of it false and/or entirely inaccurate. we believe it was the dnc that did the hacking as a
way to distract from the many issues facing their deeply flawed candidate and failed party leader. too bad the dnc doesn't hack crooked hillary's 33,000 missing emails. mara? >> makes no sense. the dnc spent a tremendous amount of time and effort, lots of little interns and others have been compiling this huge data file on trump as every party does on the opposing candidate. >> from published reports. >> open sources. and the russians, who i guess were too lazy to do it themselves decide to do hack it but why? donald trump says why would they want to dump it all out there. the whole purpose of opo research is to use it in the most skillful way possible in ads or at the right time. it makes no sense that they would want to dump this out in a big clump. >> what could be in it that would influence the course of the race? what don't we know? if there was a picture of him conducting a satanic mass it wouldn't change things.
he has just proved impervious to this kind of politics. this is what we find. >> i think it's very hard to figure that out. the idea of somehow leaping to exonerate russian hackers is an interesting part on the trump administration. trump campaign i'm going to have to think about a little bit. >> we have the online show maybe we can
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suspect balanced and unatrade. i'm off for a little while on a little summer vacation. before i go we have "special report" online. log on. we will talk about the llama. >> thursday june 16th. a tragedy ending at the happiest place on earth. the body of a 2-year-old boy grabbed by a gator in front of his parents found. many are asking where is the warning? we are live with the outrage disney is now facing. >> isis vengeance. the chilling facebook post from the cold blooded killer at an orlando nightclub. >> a graduate getting a huge standing ovation for this speech. >> we will win, we will win, believe me, we will win.
>> "fox & friends first" starts right now. >> a few showers around new york city as you wake up this morning. bruce springsteen, always like that. >> i am heather childers. >> i am abby huntsman. >> we begin with the fox news alert a little boy dragged away by an alligator in front of his parents was found dead and disney is under fire. >> why were there no swimming signs but not a single one warning about the dangerous
reptiles. >> leland has more on the controversy. >> you still don't have an answer on that specific question. any person, any parents has an almost physical reaction to it. we have a picture of a young man who was killed. 2-year-old lane grave on his third day on a trip to disney world in elk horn, februanebras. he was grabbed by a gator around 9:30at

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Product , Font , Newscaster , Media , Firearm , Gun , Weapon , Trigger , Rifle , Airsoft Gun , Musical Instrument , Air Gun , Assault Rifle , Plucked String Instruments , Gun Barrel , Shooting Sport , String Instrument , Guitar , Electric Guitar , Electronic Instrument , Guitarist , Bass Guitar , Shooting Range , Arm , Joint , Hand , Recreation , Shooting , Machine , Sport Venue , Bumper , Human Leg , Finger , Text , Glass , Automotive Window Part , Thumb , Windshield , Mouth , Human Body , Chest , Military , Footwear , Leg , Shoe , Jewellery , Advertising , Thigh , Auto Part , Presentation , Motor Vehicle , Mode Of Transport , Transport , Signage , Sign , Traffic Sign , Asphalt , State Park , Automotive Wheel System , Road , Street Sign , Landscape , Vehicle , Pedestrian , Memorial , Billboard , Headstone , Nonbuilding Structure , Public Utility , Monument , Brand , Car , Minivan , Street , Road Surface , Automotive Tire , Grave , Tire , Wheel , Cemetery , Lane , Mid Size Car , Parking , Parking Lot , Sidewalk , Traffic , Family Car , Intersection , Metropolitan Area , Commercial Building , Urban Area , Town , Human Settlement , Infrastructure , Traffic Light , Street Light , Mixed Use , Apartment , Downtown , Metropolis , Urban Design , Roof , Tower Block , Light Fixture , Lighting , Siding , Winter , Snow , Fence , Sash Window , Daylighting , Shed , Scaffolding , Skyscraper , Corporate Headquarters , Brutalist Architecture , Headquarters , People , Crowd , Audience , Fan , Slam Dunk , Player , Basketball , Protest , Championship , Employment , Combat Vehicle , Military Vehicle , Armored Car , Tank , Army , Soldier , Military Organization , Troop , Humvee , Self Propelled Artillery , Military Uniform , Infantry , Silhouette , Fun , Shadow , Sky , Friendship , Backlighting , Snapshot , Photography , Darkness , Adaptation , Games , Lecture , Television Program , Singer , Singing , Military Person , Marines , Law Enforcement , Statue , Sculpture , Art , War , History , Competition Event , Debate , Academic Conference , Sports , Performing Arts , Competition , Talent Show , Artistic Gymnastics , Stage , Acrobatics , Dance , Sign Language , Community , Luxury Vehicle , Executive Car , Gmc , Car Dealership , Journalist , Facial Expression , Television Presenter , Newsreader , Technology , Tie , Television , Display Device , Multimedia , Electronic Device , Display Advertising , Screenshot , Aerospace Engineering , Airport Terminal , Stadium , Ceiling , Leisure Centre , Space , Leisure , Factory , Public Transport , Shopping Mall , Amusement Park , Passenger , Amusement Ride , Festival , Parade , T Shirt , Sleeve , Astronaut , Electric Blue , Jersey , Meeting , Convention , Movie , Scoreboard , Electronics , Sports Equipment , Led Display , Electronic Signage , Thoroughfare , Emergency Vehicle , Traffic Congestion , City Car , Driving , Sports Sedan , Pedestrian Crossing , Police , Police Car , Compact Sport Utility Vehicle , Land Vehicle , Sport Utility Vehicle , Truck , Pickup Truck , Chevrolet Suburban , Chevrolet , Limousine , Automotive Design , Chevrolet Tahoe , Cadillac , Pope , Cardinal , Religion , Tradition , Auto Show , Automotive Lighting , Compact Car , Logo , Line , Company , Graphics , Rectangle , Graphic Design , Trademark , Label , Smile , Poster , Hair Coloring , Flat Panel Display , General Motors , Senior Citizen , Organism , Facial Hair , Human , Laugh , Glasses , Jaw , Forehead , Water , Furniture , Table , Desk , Parliament , Trial , Chair , Club , Race , Nightclub , Magenta , Entertainment , Song , Music Artist , Freestyle Wrestling , Professional Wrestling , Contact Sport , Music Venue , Disco , Light , Rock Concert , Concert , Night , Fictional Character , Hair , Eyebrow , Nose , Skin , Black Hair , Chin , Cheek , Eye , Long Hair , Eyelash , Lip , Portrait , Iris , Brown Hair , Neck , Photomontage , Team , Social Group , Collage , Exhibition , Vehicle Door , Midnight , Performance Art , Musical Theatre , Theatre , Selfie , Tooth , Rear View Mirror , Airline , Car Seat , Automotive Mirror , Personal Luxury Car , Rolls Royce , Door , Sedan , Ford Five Hundred , Hybrid Vehicle , Full Size Car , Wall , Gate , Shade , Garage , Outdoor Structure , Automotive Tail Brake Light , Mini Suv , Retail , Service , Compact Mpv , Crossover Suv , Mazda Cx 9 , Suzuki , Trunk , Hatchback , Automobile Repair Shop , Nissan Qashqai , Audi , Kia Motors , Toyota Venza , Toyota , Aerial Photography , Pc Game , Extreme Sport , Video Game Software , Air Travel , Ice , Aircraft , Airplane , Ground Attack Aircraft , Air Force , Head , Buzz Cut , Ear , Muscle , Multimedia Software , Website , Web Page , Online Advertising , Subcompact Car , Saturn Vue , Ford Windstar , Ford Freestar , Automotive Carrying Rack , Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor , Cadillac Dts , Supercar , Number , Machine Gun , Gun Accessory , Airsoft , Ranged Weapon , Ammunition , Handgun , Laser Guns , Fire , Emergency Service , Fire Department , Ambulance , Emergency , Fire Apparatus , Firefighter , Commercial Vehicle , Bus , Signaling Device , Interior Design , Filling Station , Airliner , Aviation , Wide Body Aircraft , Flight , Narrow Body Aircraft , Airport , Aircraft Engine , Jet Engine , Boeing , Airbus , Airbus A320 Family , Boeing 787 Dreamliner , Airbus A330 , Boeing 767 , Boeing 737 , Airbus A380 , Jet Aircraft , Flap , Aerospace Manufacturer , Takeoff , Boeing 777 , Cargo Aircraft , Boeing 757 , Landing , Airport Apron , Military Transport Aircraft , Military Aircraft , Fighter Aircraft , Runway , Boeing 747 , Boeing 747 400 , Net , Solar Energy , Symmetry , Cloud , Cumulus , Atmosphere Of Earth , Atmosphere , Smoke , Explosion , Meteorological Phenomenon , Pollution , Wind , Disaster , Storm , Geological Phenomenon , Missile , Rocket , Spacecraft , Daytime , Atmospheric Phenomenon , Horizon , 3d Modeling , Wrinkle , Beard , Moustache , Plaster , Flooring , Sand , Wave , Beach , Natural Disaster , Sea , Coast , Wind Wave , Heat , Flame , Riot , Gas , Wildfire , Auditorium , Watercraft , Biathlon , Floor , Wood , Hardwood , Carpet , Wood Flooring , Stairs , Tile , Room , Laminate Flooring , Wood Stain , Plywood , Beige , Pattern , Food , Crochet , Play , Snack , Sportswear , Baking , Living Room , Couch , Design , Window Covering , Dining Room , Cabinetry , Molding , Window Treatment , Kitchen , Recliner , Countertop , Iron , Lumber , Woodworking , Metal , Tool , Personal Protective Equipment , Learning , Office , Classroom , Sitting , Top , Publication , Reading , Chest Of Drawers , Drawer , Nightstand , Varnish , Coffee Table , Bench , Concrete , Swiss Ball , Ball , Exercise Equipment , Television Set , Office Chair , Shelving , Shelf , Black , Standing , Flash Photography , Style , Photograph , Elbow , Landscape Lighting , Evening , Supervillain , Joker , Fiction , White , Monochrome , Black And White , Monochrome Photography , Eyewear , Sunglasses , Circle , Vision Care , Macro Photography , Lamp , Light Bulb , Flashlight , Torch , Emergency Light , Headlamp , Hardware , Optical Instrument , Wetsuit , Lens Flare , Microphone , Audio Equipment , Neon Sign , Gadget , Video Game Arcade Cabinet , Communication Device , Mobile Phone , Portable Communications Device , Screen , Smartphone , Feature Phone , Arcade Game , Waterway , Water Resources , River , Channel , Lake , Loch , Reflection , Reservoir , Inlet , Boat , Water Transportation , Watercourse , Boating , Bed , Interaction , Bedroom , Textile , Comfort , Bed Sheet , Mattress , Scene , Linens , Bedding , Hospital , Flesh , Foot , Cat , Sole , High Heels , Loudspeaker , Film Noir , Darkroom , Dress , Book , Fearful , Freezing , Winter Storm , Precipitation , Blizzard , Chrysler Neon , Plastic , Drinkware , Padlock , Drink , Distilled Beverage , Alcoholic Beverage , Vodka , Comfort Food , Freshwater Aquarium , Aquarium , Soil , Fish , Pet Supply , Aquatic Plant , Animal , Houseplant , Fish Supply , Aquarium Lighting , Plant Stem , Marine Biology , Goldfish , Bony Fish , Cypriniformes , Aquarium Decor , Cookware And Bakeware , Boiling , Cuisine , Cooking , Wok , Recipe , Dish , Shoulder , Audio Engineer , Abdomen , Bodybuilding , Physical Fitness , Fitness Professional , Biceps Curl , Barechested , Rim , Automotive Exhaust , Cave , Caving , Rallying , World Rally Championship , Pipe , Handbag , Bag , Leather , Fashion Accessory , Hand Luggage , Luggage And Bags , Baggage , Material Property , Tote Bag , Shoulder Bag , Diaper Bag , Birkin Bag , Ford Flex , Lincoln Navigator , Range Rover , Honda Element , Texture , Still Life Photography , Square , Subaru , Custom Car , Lexus , Lexus Hs , Subaru Impreza Wrx Sti , Hood , Organ , Temple , Portrait Photography , Pleased , Action Film , Hair Iron , Hair Care , Monocular , Honda , Laser Pointer , Office Supplies , Incandescent Light Bulb , Gps Navigation Device , Computer Program , Perching Bird , Helmet , Gopro , Pet , Curtain , Bridal Clothing , Wedding Dress , Stomach , Iphone , Mobile Device , Portable Media Player , Telephone , Van , Maglev , Electric Vehicle , Train , Rv , Minibus , Helicopter , Light Commercial Vehicle , Happy , Throat , Morning , Sunlight , Rural Area , Mist , Haze , Fog , Paint , Painting , Stock Photography , Artwork , Diagram , Illustration , Natural Environment , Forest , Jungle , Woodland , Rainforest , Shrub , Garden , Police Officer , Nature Reserve , Biome , Wildlife , Grass Family , Military Rank , Earth , Astronomical Object , Flower , Astronomy , Science , Planet , Crocodilia , Alligator , Crocodile , Reptile , Pond , Nile Crocodile , American Alligator , Saltwater Crocodile , American Crocodile , Bank , Turtle , Birds Eye View , Hippopotamus , Amphibian , Terrestrial Animal , Vertebrate , Common Snapping Turtle , Snake , Viper , Scaled Reptile , Terrestrial Plant , Bird , Chelydridae , Sea Turtle , Tortoise , Indoor Games And Sports , Classical Architecture , Presidential Palace , Official Residence , Seat Of Local Government , National Historic Landmark , Tower , National Monument , Walkway , Panorama , Shirt , Outerwear , Jacket , Document , Paper , Paper Product , Parallel , Emblem , Circular Saw , Headphones , Miter Saw , Abrasive Saw , Machine Tool , Saw , Power Tool , Milling , Radial Arm Saw , Cold Saw , Table Saw , Workbench , Impact Wrench , Hammer Drill , Angle Grinder , Reciprocating Saw , Rotary Tool , Fisheye Lens , Cathedral , Attic , Beam , Elliptical Trainer , Exercise , Exercise Machine , Sewing Machine , Carmine , Log Cabin , Cable , Action Figure , Robot , Basement , Hand Tool , Chevrolet Hhr , Mitsubishi , Mitsubishi Endeavor , Random Orbital Sander , Pen , Ball Pen , High Speed Rail , Playstation Vita , Lama , Monk , Basilica , Map , Tropical Cyclone , Geology , Ecoregion , Atlas , River Delta , Bight , Tropics , Ocean , Vegetation , Promontory , Mountain Range , Chinese Architecture , Place Of Worship , Strategy Video Game , Unesco World Heritage Site , Pagoda , Ancient History , Chinese New Year , Carnival , Cheerleading , Monastery , Gautama Buddha , Social Work , Non Commissioned Officer , Headgear , Crew , Bodyguard , Guru , Elder , Professor , Spoke , Office Equipment , Moonlight , Animation , Conference Hall , Student , Floral Design , Education , Teacher , Hearing , Hair Accessory , Floor Plan , Plan , Drawing , System , Naval Architecture , Ship , Engineering , Circuit Component , Electronic Component , Electronic Engineering , Vacation , Travel , Costume , Middle Ages , Fashion , Payment Card , Brain , Major Appliance , Home Appliance , Clothes Dryer , Laundry Room , Tile Flooring , Mesh , Triangle , Calm , Composite Material , Bathroom , Plumbing Fixture , Bathtub , Toilet , Sink , Plumbing , Marble , Tap , Bathroom Sink , Shower , Shower Base , Household Supply , Laundry Supply , Household Cleaning Supply , Laundry Detergent , Animal Shelter , Chocolate , Buttercream , Icing , Tableware , Small Appliance , Bottle , Brickwork , Brick , Cobblestone , Slope , Solar Panel , Solar Power , Bathroom Accessory , Plastic Bottle , Liquid , Cylinder , Fluid , Chemistry , Glass Bottle , Fixture , Wrist , Blender , Food Processor , Kitchen Appliance , Drinking Water , Box , Display Case , Transparent Material , Kitchen Knife , Spray , Toilet Seat , Bidet , Urinal , Bread Machine , Steel , Water Feature , Refrigerator , Wing , Shower Panel , Column , Prison , Handrail , Energy Drink , Red Bull , Water Bottle , Toothbrush , Flyer , Superhero , Led Backlit Lcd Display , Stage Equipment , Collaboration , Television Studio , Laser , People In Nature , Grassland , Summer , Meadow , Field , Prairie , Plain , Hill , Anime , Pasture , Farm , Plantation , Dairy , Annual Plant , Milk , Layered Hair , Bob Cut , Photo Shoot , Bangs , Cash , Mo Ney , Currency , Saving , Calligraphy , Symbol , Handwriting , Clothing , Street Fashion , Coat , Trousers , Leggings , Blazer , Jeans , Adventure , Climbing , Walking , Overcoat , Trench Coat , Pantsuit , Cool , Dress Shirt , Medical Equipment , Fur , Dog Breed , West Highland White Terrier , Canidae , Dog , Yorkshire Terrier , Carnivore , Companion Dog , Cairn Terrier , Terrier , Norwich Terrier , Small Terrier , Non Sporting Group , Puppy , White Coat , Baby , Dog Walking , Sporting Group , Obedience Training , Leash , Art Exhibition , Mammal , Morkie , Snout , Toy Dog , Australian Silky Terrier , Rare Breed Dog , Biewer Terrier , Australian Terrier , Vulnerable Native Breeds , Miniature Schnauzer , Schnauzer , Conformation Show , Felidae , Guard Dog , Cream , Playground , Outdoor Play Equipment , Sports Training , Strength Training , Pilates , Chip , Indoor Rower , Knee , Nail , Wristband , Endurance Sports , Running , Headpiece , Display Window , Skyline , Cityscape , Dusk , Operating System , Star , Sleep , Bedtime , Nap , Pillow , Meal , Eating , Brunch , Lunch , Family Pictures , Supper , Party , Family , Breakfast , Flower Arranging , Floristry , Baby Shower , Hotel , Sphere , Globe , Off Roading , Dirt Road , Off Road Vehicle , Road Trip , Safari , Horse , Ranch , Stallion , Mare , Eventing , Mustang Horse , Animal Sports , Mane , Home Fencing , Canal , Highway , Freeway , Mountain Pass , Fender , Denim , Metro , Forklift Truck , Construction Equipment , Working Dog , Siberian Husky , Alaskan Malamute , Canis , Police Dog , Sled Dog , Wolfdog , German Shepherd Dog , Herding Dog , Dairy Cow , Cattle , Bovine , Cow Goat Family , Livestock , Horn , Working Animal , Sheep , Herd , G Oat , Goats , Herding , Grazing , Goat Antelope , Herder , Hay , Straw , Agriculture , Alcohols , Irish Wolfhound , Kangal Dog , Livestock Guardian Dog , Street Dog , Nissan Titan , Volkswagen Amarok , Honda Ridgeline , Ford Super Duty , Toyota Hilux , Chevrolet Silverado , Ford Explorer Sport Trac , Dodge Ram Srt 10 , Crop , Hot Hatch , Hyundai , Avengers , Captain America , Racing , Motorcycle Speedway , Auto Race , Credit Card , New Year , Motorcycle , All Terrain Vehicle , Mud , Hobby , Motorcycling , Baseball Field , Baseball ,

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