purpose, to kill a lot of human beings quickly. an assault weapon is a weapon of war with no place, no place in a civil society. after back to back mass shootings, republicans are looking elsewhere for answers. just in the last two days, gop senators ted cruz and ron johnson and former president donald trump floated a laundry list of reasons for the country s mass shooting epidemic. here they are, they include video games, social media, wokeness, critical race theory, absent fathers, declining church attendance, too many doors at schools, and the list goes on and on. but one thing not on their list is the one thing that is unique to the united states of america. hundreds of millions of guns and minimal restrictions for acquiring them. to be sure, gun violence in the u.s. is a multifaceted problem that requires a multifaceted solution, but gop leaders are willing to consider every facet, except this glaring one. this debate is raging as a devastating picture emerges about tu