a wonderful life they both say. but. slovakia is also a tourist country especially in the high touch us we ve come to a typical slovakian restaurant. but there will come a day when i found as a welcoming gesture allow me to serve you bread and salt and our local brandy slivovitz. around here we say salt over gold that is our daily bread. so welcome to the latter franca cheers. of the.
the fresh cheese is then hung up to dry in a small trailer next to the hot and sold straight away price eight euros a kilogram. the number of customers each day depends on the weather if it s nice we get twenty but sometimes just two or three. any cheese even the smokes variety that is not sold directly up here on the mountain pasture is sent to the local dairy. it s the end of the day for the farmer and his wife there is a life in and with nature and with animals it s a wonderful life they both say. but. slovakia is also a tourist country especially in the high taxes we ve come to
years, drug cartel-related violence. so then you have the pushback, right, from the mexican ambassador saying, hang on a second. this is taking it too far. what he said about the fact, look, the people buying the drugs, those are the people that should be called the financiers. exactly. and point that he s trying to make is that mexico does not want to be in the company of other countries that harbor terrorist organizations. i m talking about countries in the middle east. so what they prefer is that these organizations be called trans national criminal organizations. and that s a situation that mexico is not one of those countries, which as you can imagine, would have a lot of repercussions not only for tourism in mexico, which as you know is a very big tourist country. it has taken a big hit recently. exactly. and mexico needs all of the investment that it can get. you don t want to be on the list that has world terrorist