Airbnb owners frustrated with Rotterdam, will fight moratorium if approved | The Daily Gazette
The town of Rotterdam is entertaining the idea of setting a moratorium on short-term rentals. However, the owners of some Airbnb properties here say the move would infringe on their rights as property owners and business owners.
“We’re concerned about the government overreach,” said Glenn Schworm, who owns six short-term rentals in Rotterdam with his wife Amber. “This is a property; we’re not breaking any laws. Matter of fact, we checked, there’s no laws being broken and there’s no code violations being broken.”
Rotterdam continues audit into police department | The Daily Gazette
The town of Rotterdam is continuing to conduct an audit on its police department, following only the release of recommendations related to a “Phase 1” audit of the department.
“What the Phase 1 really was about was process and procedure,” said Town Supervisor Steven Tommasone. “Phase 2 is about specifically looking at files, data contained in those files and doing an audit of a robust sampling of those having to do with the registry.”
Announcement of a “Phase 2” audit of the department comes after Tommasone sent a press release Feb. 18 stating the department didn’t have proper policies and procedures in place for the sex offender registry after an officer made a mistake registering an offender.
MASSENA — The executive director of the Business Development Corporation for a Greater Massena says that, despite the current pandemic, he’s still working to help local business and bring more