Trade balances havele also improv improved. In most cases this improvement has resulted from a combination of a relatively strong export growth particularly in spain and portugal, and very weak or negative import growth notably in greece. The contraction of domestic demand continues to play a role in this adjustment. Part of this is cyclical. But it also reflects rebalance from previously unsustainable domestic demand growth. Demand has to be contained and sbla h supply has to be increased. Supply adjustment takes more time. There are also signs that competitiveness gains have contributed to recent improvements in current accounts. Exports have held up relatively well in view of the weakening of external demand. Exports of goods and services have increased by 22 in volume for spain since 2009, and by 15 for ireland, 22 for portugal, 19 for italy. More importantly, some countries that lost export shares before the crisis has since registered positive perform arranges notably spain and p
Speak the headlines. New warnings about the impact of the second wave of the coronavirus with predictions of a rise in cases some scientists warn of the consequences of not bringing in tougher measures. Is quite plausible by the end of next month that could be 500 deaths a day. The whole of nottinghamshire will now enter tier 3 restrictions on friday instead of tomorrow affecting more thani Million People across the county. At one covid hotspot in Northern Ireland a fall in cases after restrictions were introduced but a warning. We are all in this together. If all of us are not in together, lives will be lost. I can see as soon as the lockdown happened, the hospital admissions did come down. France and germany are expected
to announce new measures as cases continue to rise in europe. Charities say the death of two adults and two children in the English Channel should be a wake up call. And with just six days to go in the us election donald trump and joe biden make their very different