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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas News HQ 20180729 17:00:00

thank you for joining us on a very busy sunday. still waiting for a slow news day. treating all morning. june of 2015. the president's lawyer this morning renewing attacks on the former lawyer for the president could mayor rudy giuliani pulled no punches over the secret recording of a conversation with then candidate tromping 2016. also treated this morning from his club. before the president heads back to washington. >> k., leland. giuliani says cohen is a pathological liar. a very different description when you remember what he referred to him has an interview with abc news just two to go in in the interview he said that michael cohen is an honest, honorable lawyer. including one with michael cohen's client donald trump is >> i found out like a board ousted that he was recording his clients which is a desirable offense. i found out he not only did the lawyers, but he had a conversation with one colleague, chris cuomo in which he made a big show putting his phone in a drawer. he said will be off the record, no recording. he then proceeded to record two hours of that conversation. makes it a total liar. i didn't know that. >> his attorney lanny davis yesterday and again this morning. they go to the interview on "fox news sunday." seemingly focused on giuliani's warning to stop talking in giuliani's assertion that he is violating attorney-client privilege. he said the minister giuliani seems to be confused. he expressly waived attorney-client privilege last week repeatedly and inaccurately and all confidentiality claims. all of this this abc news report an agreement between cohen and trump is over. he said in a phone call yesterday evening but is not sure if the agreement is informally renowned. not a surprise to many people. >> hard to imagine why. thank you. president trump is really not shy about taking credit. touting the gdp reports. critics are warning that this News coverage is provided. and americans understand why is it fair for one country to try just 10% and for us to church to .5% had his mantra is let's do away with terrorists. with a free trade and see how it works. >> there's a lot of pain. i'm sure you've heard the call. a letter from aaron chamber of commerce talking about potential they want trade were saying it will cost south carolina jobs as manufacturers do at any business would do. general motors has warned on friday of more potential layoffs. you mentioned bmw down there. although not hiring a couple thousand workers. what you say to those workers when they lose their job. just got a take on a mission for a better trade deal. decreasing regulations. leland: i haven't seen any press statements by general motors or bmw about not being able to find workers. we will move on to the issue we just heard from ellison barber of god as it relates to rudy giuliani in his standoff with michael cohen. rudy giuliani may and july talk about the same man. take a listen. >> he doesn't have any incriminating evidence about the president for himself. >> if he's backed up against the wall, you will live because despite all his life. >> rudy giuliani and michael coen. is this going to be a problem if the white house wants to keep going a pathological liar couple months ago they said he's an honest, honorable lawyer. >> things have changed since 8th from 2017. by the year ago. so proud of donald jay trump junior for being open, honest and transparent. this nonsense needs to stop. we treated today by the president. thank you, congressman. we'll check in with you as time moves on. right here on fox news channel after a show coming out catch the entirety of chris wallace interview with rudy giuliani. he will respond to those two very different sound bite and views on michael cohen. 49 minutes from now. >> 100 days out from the 2018 midterm elections. ahead of thursday's trimaran tendency, senator bob corker has become a referendum on the candidate as they have president trump and his policies. thank you so much. we appreciate it. >> thank you. honored to be with you. the race has started off as you being of the candidates. i'm not really sure if you would ever use that when it comes to politics. a lot of you agree there's only one issue where you really separate yourself and that would be to legalize marijuana. i'm curious what you're doing up the stage with the race so close to separate yourself. >> first off, we've been able to do under my leadership and what president trump is trying to do with america. the lowest state in the nation and we have been in sanctuary cities. we have a lot in common, the performance and results the conservatives in the state of tennessee one. >> my next question you talk about the administration. the races as much much about president trump than anything else. we have a tweet from dianne feinstein and a strong supporter of the tax cuts military cash and champion a right to life policies. great candidates running, but diane has been my friend for years. we served in the house. am i right? >> i certainly understand. i on the other hand have always kept my focus on the great state of tennessee. if we are going to solve our problems come our domestic problems come up on top in washington d.c. it will happen in tennessee mlb ready to be the right person to serve in the governorship. >> been in the lead there. that being said, your state has never seen a female governor. and i say about with the utmost respect for your campaign. >> absolutely without a doubt. where indicated in her post better numbers are going out and to be honest with you, i don't think people should vote for because i'm a woman. i qualify with an understanding, but it doesn't go unnoticed. in the year 2020 we will be celebrating the 20th anniversary of tennessee getting women across the nation the right to vote. >> will they have a minute left. very popular. what you wanted do differently if you want to be a replacement? >> a lot of the accomplishments would not have taken place to get the agenda. i have a proven record of a working ability. a lot of great things in place i want fiscal responsibility for my state and i like to be known as education reform and the most pro-business state in the nation. >> definitely created a college education. he is able to work on transportation. >> spokesman for congressman john lewis that is resting comfortably at this hour. after being hospitalized on saturday for an undisclosed illness. he was ill during a flight. the 70 euros civil-rights icon is under routine observation and expect it to be released later today. he's been expected at an event in atlanta last night. he went to the hospital after they are on the flight to atlanta. liz: stay with us. investigators search for answers after a man kills four family members and then turns the gun on himself in texas. >> we just heard pop, pop, pop. i don't know. he just took off running. trains are a talk radio panel taking on president trump's new vow to shut down his government if democrats don't vote for the wall and immigration reform. 50,000 people in california evacuated from their homes as more than 12,000 firefighters battled 17 major fires across the state. our own jonathan hunt does in southern california with a preview. >> hundreds of homes destroyed, thousands still under threat and tens of thousands of residents evacuated as flames keep coming. we'll tell you about the her up efforts after the break. are you ready to take your wifi to the next level? train to the manager of the los angeles trader joe's killed in a deadly standoff last week is being laid to rest. 27-year-old died in a shootout between police and the suspect. the suspect now facing one murder charge and 30 other counts from the incident. liz: new details on the apparent murder suicide in texas that left five people dead on friday night. the suspect shot his 85 grilled father inside a nursing home before turning the gun on himself. witnesses described the chaos. >> i thought it was just falling down. i heard somebody say run, run. >> and then i saw all these people running and they are saying run, so my dad family described him and started taking off. >> officers were later called to the couple's homework to more family members are found dead. investigators are his children to determine the motive for the killings. >> the reports out of california where we learn a family of three likely died of a fast-moving car fire. president trump declared a state of emergency yesterday after two firefighters died in the blaze. jonathan hunt joins us live from california with the latest. the fight still goes on. >> yeah, leland, let's start on this start on the stuff we can here in california was some good news and that comes from right here in the san bernardino mountains above the resort city of palm springs for the fire has been burning since it was started on when day. now thanks to helicopters and the heroic efforts of hundreds of firefighters on the ground, they now have a good grip on this fire. it is some 29% contained, having burned around 13,000 acres. they are confident enough now to let some of those firefighters go. they are moving on to fight other fires. one of those that they may be headed to as the car fire in northern california around the city of redding. that is the most devastating fire burning at the moment in the state of california. it has scorched something like 130 square miles. it is still only 5% contained. this destroyed more than 500 structures and according to account by the associated press, 300 of those were home. 5000 more homes remained under threat. as you mentioned, five people believed to have been killed. two firefighters officially confirmed and a woman and her two great-grandchildren aged four and five are said to have been killed or the flames. that information coming from the family of that one in. 38,000 people in and around the area have been evacuated. very tough times and dates for. listen here. >> the fire has no mercy. it is just everywhere. >> the flames were not even one block jan peter. nothing i've ever heard in california. >> the car fire is far from the only fire burning in northern california. the famous wine region of nafta is a victim one of those fires at 150 acres so far burned. tough fire still being sought by firefighters at yosemite in the county in northern california. right now some 12,000 firefighters are battling 17 major wildfires up and down the state and in those situations obviously exhaustion and resources are going to play a major part in what is going to be a long few days ahead for all of those firefighters. >> a long few weeks and months as wildfire season continues. jonathan hunt, check bid with u.s. news warrants. liz: after the break, more fallout in the rush investigation amid new allegations. president trump had advance knowledge of meetings between his campaign and russian officials. how the administration is responding to this. at the trump administration works hard to reunite families, he doubles down on his call for immigration reform. what he says could have been if there is a vote on the border wall. paying too much for insurance you don't even understand? well, esurance makes it simple and affordable. in fact, drivers who switched from geico to esurance saved an average of $412. that's auto and home insurance for the modern world. esurance. an allstate company. click or call. paying too much for insurance that isn't the right fit? well, esurance makes finding the right coverage easy. in fact, drivers who switched from geico to esurance saved an average of $412. that's auto and home insurance for the modern world. esurance. an allstate company. click or call. ♪ keep it comin' love. if you keep on eating, we'll keep it comin'. all you can eat riblets and tenders at applebee's. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. i'm ray and i quit smoking with chantix. i tried cold turkey, i tried the patch. they didn't work for me. i didn't 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mueller rush investigation has gotten confused and that he sees growing chaos surrounding mueller's probe into the type of trinitron campaign in russia. carrot and he joins us now at the very latest. not the first person to say these things. [inaudible] >> related to the investigation by house republican said the fbi and doj surveillance did not speak in the fbi released more than 400 pages of previously classified documents related to surveillance. most of the documents were largely redacted particularly debeers justification for seeking the surveillance warrant. the unredacted fashion show that the democrat funded an unverified steel dossier was a major component of the fbi's application. documents are real deputy attorney general rod rosenstein signed up for the last request for surveillance which was prompted house republicans who claim he should not be overseeing an investigation that he's a witness to it. gop lawmakers are threatening to hold in contempt for not providing the documents they requested in their investigation. on "sunday morning futures," and devin nunes says he believes president trump's justice department is playing politics and wants to see democrats take control of the house. >> i'm quite confident because i've seen this many times before. there's games going on at doj and fbi, hoping embedded in hoping embedded republicans lose the house in the fall. if that happens, you essentially shut down everything. rod rosenstein will not be held in contempt. fbi will not be held accountable. everything will be buried. >> doj has not responded to those specific criticisms, but they did say this if they continue to work with gop lawmakers until the conversation as long as doj meet the deadline for the request by the end of next month. liz: everybody has a side and they're sticking to it. thank you very much goodly land. leland: president trump says he'll shut down the government before it will force democratic lawmakers to focus on reform. i would be willing to shut down government to the democrats do not give us the votes for border security which includes the wall. the steward of laundry, kitchen release. we bring in our top radio panel. although there's a notion behind you, so you're not in atlanta right now. robert, people could agree the last government shutdown over immigration did not end well for the democrats. >> complete control. if they have a government shutdown with republicans in charge of the house of the house, the senate coverage at issue in white house command -- >> we are to have a government shutdown with republicans in control. they didn't end well for democrats. >> the primary thing as it will be so close to the election. almost as if they want to step on the good economic numbers. step on all the good messaging by turning it back to a fight over immigration. nobody wants to pay for the wall. by all means are not going to invest $25 billion in building the wall. take the money and employ every single homeless veteran. $100,000 a year. leland: do they want to pay the $25 billion. they want to send the bill? >> the republicans want to do it. the democrats don't. if you look at the whole country, it's like a guy whose head is in the oven and his speed is in the freezer and on average you sign. that is kind of how i see this issue. today, the key to this is the difference in the midterm election between the house election in the senate election and what i think president trump is doing here is trying to run up wins in the senate as much as they can be willing to sacrifice the house. >> you can sort of take that up one step further. how does this play better for the senate than it does house elections. >> for republicans to pick up seats in the senate, they have to win in places that donald trump on. they think it's very doable. trump would like to have a few more efficient is going to lose the house to matter what. leland: missouri, indiana, michigan, all places the wall does pretty well. an important question about how big are president trump's coattails. we know what they were like in the primary. then it comes to the issue of the general spirit take a listen of his promised signature guys that. >> i am going to work very hard. i'll go six or seven days a week when we are 60 days out. and i will be campaigning for all of these great people that do have a difficult race. leland: you guys have a big race coming up. the governor's race down there in georgia. we no president trump endorsed the underdog. the underdog is the republican nominee. he comes down to georgia and campaigns for him. will that make a big difference you think? >> and he comes down to campaign. you have to understand as much as they motivate his base that he is as dynamic of a motivating her. in the metropolitan areas like atlanta, marietta, savanna, augusta, columbus, they will see a democratic turnout. leland: was not the same talking point we are from democrat to donald trump would motivate so much of the liberal base to come out for hillary clinton and we all know how that ended up. >> we did hear the argument that i have to say about think robert's point is ridiculous. dr. senna versus house if you're talking about indiana were trump won by a long way in the seat held by democrats, that is one thing. he talked about a much closer race here in colorado with mike coffman. i would not want to see donald trump come campaigning for me. leland: play that out one more iteration. has he talked about that with you? or is that sort of talking to voters in the district. >> that is talking to my listeners and see what's going on locally. when you because democratic opponents routinely but the district and slightly democratic. it's not a red sea by any stretch. that's her president trump will be careful. he's got advisors who will tell him not. if someone says please don't come come he's not the kind of guy who will come anyway. >> that is true and also allow for places that he has time for her with six or seven days a week on the road. he's got choices. great and insightful conversation. we will talk to you guys sometime soon. enjoy miami in the ocean. >> thanks, leyland. a powerful earthquake slams a popular tourist destination in indonesia. but officials are just releasing about the death toll. paul manafort goes on trial today. we will ask an attorney what he expects to see in the courtroom. >> they are putting manafort in solitary confinement in order to get him to break. maybe they succeeded in cracking the skype. i don't know. i don't keep track of regrets. and i don't add up the years. but what i do count on is boost®. delicious boost® high protein nuritional drink now has 33% more protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals boost® high protein. be up for life. boost® high protein. no, what?? 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joins us with what he expects. thank you for joining that. >> my pleasure. liz: i'm curious to the implications of the two separate trials. what are your expectations? >> is that we have in the trial of the eastern district of virginia presided over by judge ellis. obviously a fantastic judge. a somewhat unusual motion of the prosecutor. andrew weissman has a very successful and renowned prosecutor sort of help to be above reproach ethically. he has asked for a jury questionnaire to be sent to 60 or 70 jurors so they can get evidence about whether jurors will bring to the table in terms of judging the evidence. but we can see as wise men trying to discern the jurors have any bias. that would allow manafort to determine that as well. we know in the eastern district of virginia it has been reported for a long time now. the eastern district of virginia is a different jury pool than what comes out in washington d.c. liz: is sort of want to see the jury, but also how this plays out politically. what's important is this stems from the mall or investigation by the charges have nothing to do with russia. >> arrived. there's no allegations. nothing in this trial will be a link i don't think to collusion and it will be excluded at what this has to do of course is just that the indictments are about. the evidence will be limited to that. the prosecution has very strong evidence. in terms of political implications, one of two things is true in terms of political implications for trump and that is number one, either he hired manafort to be his campaign manager and did not know about the ukrainian connections and all the problems brought to the table in which case he has to deal with all the allegations that he is a failure to properly that his candidate or he did know and if he did know, obviously that begins to make it make trump look like he has very serious problems in bringing in somebody who's an unregistered foreign lobbyists and the money-laundering bank fraud or. >> we are 100 days away from the mid-term with their primary races between now and november. i'm november. incurious approval of the mudslinging when it comes even though at the beginning of her conversation with that as far as the election is concerned the charges made sense on the initial investigation but they are in no way related to allegations of collusion. >> there's some runoffs of the other elections between now and november. what we are going to see this first of all northern virginia we have a county that went 59% were trump and that is why the defense wants to see this trial separate. if you see achenbach shand but obviously the folks opposed to trump, those who don't like the agenda or don't like him or don't like that is too mendacious to be trusted, they will seize on this and i think there's going to be a definite backlash in certain areas. you had mr. patella on a moment ago talking about the georgia governor. stacy abrams may very well be able to make a turnaround in the metropolitan atlanta counties another suburb and more educated places that would trump so to speak that turn out for the more rural poorly educated counties they can also strongly for trump. if she's able to turn out the educated areas the sophisticated voter and it looks like she will be a graduate of yale law school, fantastic lawyer in her own right with absolute groundbreaking democratic and the democratic party in the house. she may be in that race simply because of the trump factor. these can have a hard time. i'm sorry, go ahead. liz: i want ask you one more question. i'm running out of time. as far as potential consequences , the possibility of an acquittal in a number of other outcomes. the penalties he could be facing are pretty severe. >> at a severe penalties. i believe that at any point not even if the jury seated after testimony begins, manafort and his team can always approach and say all right, we don't like the government. we don't like this jury appear we want to cut a deal. they can do that anytime. just because the jury seated does doesn't mean we can't still cut a deal if the evidence starts to look bad enough. they can negotiate that anytime. we don't know what all mr. manafort may actually know or be able to say. if the trial starts to fall apart. >> is a starts to get underway. thank you. >> the church pushing back on demands releasing americans passed overseas. what options are on the table to get him back. a spectacular show, there it is. see who these guys are when we come back after this. ♪ lite autoglass, we really pride ourselves on making it easy for you to get your windshield fixed. with safelite, you can see exactly when we'll be there. saving you time for what you love most. >> kids: whoa! >> kids vo: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪ with tripadvisor, finding your perfect hotel at the lowest price... is as easy as dates, deals, done! simply enter your destination and dates... and see all the hotels for your stay! tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites... to show you the lowest prices... so you can get the best deal on the right hotel for you. dates, deals, done! tripadvisor. visit liz: you can see here the skies are full of black and gold as the knights jumped into the 2018 westmoreland county airshow could the army soldiers incur flute by the american flag to 100 events every year. the performance taking place this weekend marking the 20th year of the spectacular dissent at the arnold palmer regional airport. leland: president trump ready to impose what he calls large sanctions against turkey must the releases an american pastor currently held in turkey for two years. committee spirit with the back and forth. hi, connor. >> the u.s. and turkey are both members of nato and are supposed to be strong allies, but a war of words breaking out between the two presidents of the country. president erdogan say in a few places government, turkey will not back down. the united states will impose large sanctions on turkey for the longtime detainment of a great christian, family man and wonderful human being. he suffered greatly at this innocent should be released immediately. arrested following a failed military coup against the turkish government has been held in a turkish jail for nearly two years. it was moved to an apartment and it appears that there was an effort to sort of reduced the tensions between the united states and turkey. president erdogan believes the pastor is connected to the churches cleric who lived in the united states and new claims orchestrated back in 2016. run since attention has deepened the rift between the nato allies, but the relationship has really been framed for some time now. it's not just this issue. issues coming to life right now. the u.s. and turkey have disagreed over the policy in syria and also turkey's authoritarian policies of the government. there's a lot of reasons why the relationship is strained. the sun right now has the potential to reduce what is already deteriorating situation in all-out sanctions and acrimony back and forth. something will be watching very closely in the coming days. >> the latest issue between the united states and turkey have many. conor powell, thank you. >> still ahead. one young entrepreneur hopping on his local police department. we will tell youwo how much mony he has raised so far. value of your car. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty ♪


Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Dave Briggs 20180801 08:00:00

Get a jump on the day's news with Christine Romans and Dave Briggs. chinese goods could be raised from 10% to 25%. they would cover things like fruits and vegetables, handbags, refrigerators, rain jackets, even baseball gloves. china's foreign ministry moments ago saying blackmailing and pressure by the u.s. will never work and promising to take countermeasures, if needed. the u.s. has already imposed 25% tariffs on chinese goods worth $34 billion. china quickly retaliated with tariffs on $34 billion in american goods. the president addressed the trade war at a rally in tampa last night. >> china and others, remember this, have targeted our farmers. not good. not nice. and you know what our farmers are saying? it's okay. we can take it. these are incredible people. we can take it. now we're going to open up markets. we're going to do it the way it should be. and all of this stuff, you're going to make it back and it's going to be made back faster than anybody would know, but we haven't been treated right. >> president trump says the tariff tit for tat will eventually open up markets. that may be the end game, but so far, it is destabilizing well-established markets. as a stop gap, the administration announced a week ago it's preparing a $12 billion emergency aid package for farmers caught up in the trade war. the move has been panned by many republicans for being a short-term fix. markets in asia were down slightly overnight. today will be paul manafort's first full day in front of a jury. one thing certainly became clear in opening statements yesterday, president trump's former campaign chairman is ready to pin the blame for his alleged financial crimes on his top former aide. cnn is told the president followed developments in the trial from air force one. cnn's jessica schneider has more from washington. >> reporter: dave and laura, it was a fiery first day in the paul manafort trial. lawyers for both sides gave the jury their opening statements. prosecutors called manafort a shrewd liar and said he's made millions of dollars in secret income from what they called a, quote, cash spigot, that came from working with his golden goose in ukraine, viktor yanukovych. of course, that is all the basis of these charges in virginia, that manafort hid the money he made from foreign lobbying in 37 foreign bank accounts. prosecutors say he never paid taxes on any of that money, and then they say he lived an extravagant lifestyle, complete with multiple homes, and even, get this, a $15,000 jacket made of ostrich. on the flip side, manafort's attorneys will be mounting a dual defense. first, they say it was the russian oligarchs manafort worked for who actually demanded he pay into those secret accounts. and secondly, manafort's lawyers are trying to shift the blame to rick gates, saying it was gates who, of course, is manafort's former deputy, who's already pleaded guilty to other charges. they say gates was really the one stealing and embezzling the money. so, of course, it was a lot packed into this first day of the trial with the white house continuing to distance itself from paul manafort and pointing out that these charges have nothing to do with manafort's time as campaign chairman for president trump. dave and laura? >> jessica, thanks. cnn has learned special counsel robert mueller has referred several cases to federal prosecutors in manhattan. sources say they relate to whether high-profile americans failed to properly register as foreign agents. among the subjects, longtime democratic lobbyist tony podesta along with a former republican congressman and a white house lawyer under president obama. all three men did work on behalf of ukraine. mueller has already turned over a case involving trump personal attorney michael cohen. no comment yet from the special counsel, the u.s. attorney, or any potential subjects. president trump putting a little physical distance between himself and the mueller investigation by campaigning for republican candidates in florida last night. things got tense when his supporters fiercely heckled cnn's jim acosta. [ crowd chanting ] >> president trump did nothing to calm the crowd or stop it. the president's son, eric, retweeted the video, which was then retweeted by the president. jim acosta has more for us in tampa. >> reporter: dave and laura, at a rally here in florida, the president steered clear of the subject of the russia investigation, instead returning to one of his favorite topics on the campaign trail, immigration, telling his supporters here that there should be voter i.d. laws across the country. at one point remarking that you need an i.d. to buy groceries. here's what he had to say. >> only american citizens should vote in american elections, which is why the time has come for voter i.d., like everything else. you know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card. you need i.d. you go out and you want to buy anything, you need i.d. and you need your picture. >> reporter: the president also lashed out at the news media, referring to reporters in the back of the room as fake news, even talking about what he considers to be fake polls. but at the same time, the president talked up a poll that shows he's one of the most popular republican presidents in recent history. dave and laura? >> thank you, jim. and anyone wondering, you do not need an i.d. to buy groceries. elsewhere, immigration officials have agreed to hold off briefly on deporting a group of families that have just been reunited after being separated at the border. an attorney for the family said last night the government will stay removals through friday, a small win as advocates try to buy more time for immigrants they say have not had a full opportunity to make their case for asylum in the united states. earlier at a hearing on capitol hill, an hhs official heading up the reunifications told lawmakers he had warned over the past year about the dangers of family separation. but the head of i.c.e.'s enforcement division had these glowing words about detention centers where the government is housing these children. >> i think the best way to describe them is to be more like a summer camp. these individuals have access to 24/7 food and water. they have educational opportunities. they have recreational opportunities, both structured as well as unstructured. >> now, officials at the hearing had few details to offer about the plans going forward for reunifying the hundreds of children still separated from their parents at the border. facebook removing a network of suspected russian-linked accounts it says were organizing political events in the u.s. it's the most extensive effort to interfere in american politics the social network has publicly disclosed ahead of the midterms. the social media giant trying to prevent a repeat of 2016 when accounts connected to a kremlin-linked troll group posed as americans on its platform. at a cybersecurity summit in new york, vice president mike pence blamed the obama administration for the attack. >> in a very real sense, we inherited a cyber crisis. the last administration all but neglected cybersecurity, even though the digital threats were growing more numerous and more dangerous by the day. >> asked by cnn to respond to the facebook reports, a russian official said she hoped materials will be presented to the russian side. all right, coming up, identification could take years, but this morning remains believed to be americans from the korean war are being flown back home. we're live at the ceremony in south korea. still nervous about finding a new apartment? or discover magic when you hit the open road. with the free audible app, your stories go wherever you do. and for just $14.95 a month you get a credit, good for any audiobook. if you don't like it exchange it any time. no questions asked. you can also roll your credits to the next month if you don't use them. so take audible with you this summer... on the road... on the trail... or to the beach. start a 30-day trial and your first audiobook is free. cancel anytime, and your books are yours to keep forever. no matter where you go this summer make it better with audible. text summer5 to 500500 to start listening today. korean war is taking place this morning at an air base in south korea. the remains handed over last week by the north will be flown to hawaii for forensic examination. officials say that process could take a very long time. cnn's paula hancocks joining us live from osan air base in south korea. paula, good morning. >> reporter: hello, dave. well, that repatriation ceremony is currently under way. the commander in chief saying words at the beginning, saying how important it is that all service members are brought home from combat zones around the world, and that is what today is about. now, there are 55 caskets in that hangar at osan air base as well during that repatriation ceremony. they will be brought here to be loaded onto the c-17 planes, taken to hawaii then for formal identification where vice president mike pence will be receiving them as they touch down for the first time on u.s. soil. since the korean war, some 65 years ago. now, we have been hearing some details from officials. they say that after the initial investigation, a couple of days, they believe these men, these service members were from the korean war. they believe many of them were american. one dog tag was found amongst those remains. that family has been identified. so, for at least one family, there is some sense of closure since these remains have been returned from north korea. also, some other military hardware, some helmets, some boots. all of this equipment is going to be crucial for forensics experts in hawaii to try and figure out who exactly is represented within those 55 caskets, but a very solemn day here at osan air base, a very important day for the united states military for the united nations command as well to say they will continue to try to find all of their service members who are missing around the world. dave? >> hopefully, a step towards closure for all those families. paula hancocks live for us in south korea. thank you. a passenger and the pilot of an aeromexico jet are in critical but stable condition this morning following a crash in durango, mexico, on tuesday. aeromexico flight 2431 was headed to mexico city but went down after takeoff in a field just beyond the runway. there were 97 passengers and 4 crew members on board. 49 people were hospitalized, but no one died. the brazilian maker of the aircraft says it's ready to assist mexican authorities in their investigations. coming up, a superhuman feat accomplished by a man fittingly named clark kent. a young swimmer beats a record held by an american icon. that story ahead on "early start." of heartburn. so you don't have to stash antacids here... here... or, here. kick your antacid habit with prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. i knew at that exact moment ... i'm beating this. beginning to trickle out. we spoke today with a nurse who lost her home. she'd lived there 20 years, raised her kids there. she actually left even before the evacuation order, says she saw a wall of fire in her rearview mirror. she is a nurse. she is back at work. she saved her scrubs before she left her home. she says it's good to be back at work, it's good to feel you have a purpose to not feel like you are a victim. now, the weather is not helping this fire. it is still very, very hot here. humidity is not high. high humidity would have helped the firefighters. the skies are very overcast, which makes getting planes and helicopters up there to help this fire, makes that very difficult. dave and laura, back to you. >> nick, thank you for that report. no prison time for a former penn state fraternity brother who pleaded guilty in the hazing death of a sophomore pledge last year. ryan burke was sentenced to 30 months probation, including 3 months of house arrest and 100 hours of community service. the charges stem from the death of timothy piazza in february of 2017. the 19-year-old died after drinking large quantities of alcohol on his first night pledging at the beta feta phi fraterni fraternity. piazza suffered a traumatic brain injury from several falls. this was the first guilty plea in a case that involves 26 defendants. an attorney for the piazza family calls the sentence an important step towards justice. he's not cryptonian, just human, but clark kent is superman in the pool, anyway. over the weekend, he shattered michael phelps' longstanding record from 1995, beating his time in the 100-meter butterfly by more than a second. not only is he fast, he's pretty smart. >> always have fun and never give up on your dreams, no matter what anybody says. and yes, that was one of my dreams, to beat michael phelps' record, since i was 7. >> phelps went on to win 28 olympic medals. clark kent has been swimming competitively for just four years. incredible. all right, a federal judge stops blueprints for 3d printed guns from going online. how long can it keep dangerous people from carrying untraceable guns? and prosecutors call paul manafort a shrewd liar, but manafort's side is blaming a former deputy for his troubles. hey there people eligible for medicare. gimme one minute... and i'll tell you some important things to know about medicare. first, it doesn't pay for everything. say this pizza is your part b medical expenses. this much - about 80% - medicare will pay for. what's left is on you. that's where an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company comes in. this type of plan helps pay some of what medicare doesn't. these are the only plans to carry the aarp endorsement for meeting their high standards of quality and service. so call unitedhealthcare insurance company today and ask for your free decision guide. with this type of plan, you'll have the freedom to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. and when you travel, your plan will go with you - anywhere in the country. whew! call unitedhealthcare today and ask for your free decision guide. stay out of dangerous hands? china and others, remember this, have targeted our farmers. not good. not nice. >> president trump defending his trade policies with china. now word overnight the next round of tariffs could escalate dramatically. shifting blame. heated statements and a $15,000 coat. a fast start to paul manafort's trial on financial crimes. welcome back to "early start." i'm laura jarrett. >> i'm dave briggs. 4:31 eastern time. chilling words on this website, laura, defense distributed. the age of the downloadable gun begins. this is a serious story, probably not getting enough attention. >> absolutely. >> a federal judge blocking a government settlement that would allow plans for 3d guns to be downloaded online. the ruling coming just hours before those plans were set to publish with growing concerns about people being able to make their own untraceable plastic weapons, even ar-15-style assault rifles. the judge's block is temporary, though. it puts a hold on the settlement a gun rights group and the government reached in june that would make it legal to post the plans on the internet. >> the founder of the gun rights group defense distributed says his company's site is going dark until he can further review the judge's order. before the ruling came down, he spoke to cnn's laurie segall about concerns publishing plans could endanger the public. >> reporter: the democratization of guns online, giving people the ability to 3d print their own guns would make it feasible for felons, minors, mentally ill to have access to firearms. are you worried about those repercussions? >> no, i don't believe that access to information is ever tremendously negative or a bad thing. i know that people can use information for bad things, but this isn't a justification to, what, stop a publisher from speaking? >> nearly a dozen states sued to stop the firm from publishing the printable plans. president trump even weighing in, tweeting "3d plastic guns being sold to the public doesn't seem to make much sense!" the white house later confirmed it supports the existing law. >> the president is committed to the safety and security of all americans. he considers this his highest responsibility. the administration supports nearly a two-decade-old law and we'll continue to look at all options available to us. >> now, it's worth noting, the state department cleared the way for the settlement that would have allowed the printable 3d gun plans. the nra releasing a statement saying it supports existing laws that make it illegal to manufacture, sell, and possess an undetectable firearm. but just last month, nra's spokeswoman, dana lash, defended exactly the opposite viewpoint. >> what democrats call quote/unquote ghost guns and the rest of us simply call freedom and innovation, 3d printed guns. >> under the terms of the settlement, 3d printed gun plans were not supposed to be available online until today, but more than 1,000 people have already downloaded the plans to print an ar-15-style semiautomatic assault rifle. the trump administration's pending china tariffs could be significantly higher than first announced. a source familiar with discussions has confirmed that tariffs on $200 billion worth of chinese goods could be raised from 10% to 25%. they would cover things like fruits and vegetables, handbags, refrigerators, rain jackets, even baseball gloves. china's foreign ministry moments ago saying blackmail and pressure by the u.s. will never work and promising to take countermeasures, if needed. the u.s. has already imposed 25% tariffs on chinese goods worth $34 billion. china responded in kind. the president addressed the trade war at a rally last night in tampa. >> china and others, remember this, have targeted our farmers. not good. not nice. and you know what our farmers are saying? it's okay. we can take it. these are incredible people. we can take it. now we're going to open up markets. we're going to do it the way it should be. and all of this stuff, you're going to make it back and it's going to be made back faster than anybody would know, but we haven't been treated right. >> president trump says the tariff tit for tat will eventually open up markets. that may be the end game, but so far, it's been destabilizing well-established markets. as a stop gap, the administration announced a week ago it's preparing a $12 billion emergency aid package for farmers caught up in the trade war. the move has been panned by many republicans for being a short-term fix. markets in asia were down slightly overnight. today will be paul manafort's first full day in front of a jury. one thing became very clear yesterday in opening statements. president trump's former campaign chairman is ready to pin the blame for his alleged financial crimes on his former top aide. cnn is told the president followed the developments in the trial from air force one. cnn's jessica schneider has more from washington. >> reporter: dave and laura, it was a fiery first day in the paul manafort trial. lawyers for both sides gave the jury their opening statements. prosecutors called manafort a shrewd liar and said he has made millions of dollars in secret income from what they called a, quote, cash spigot that came from working for what they called his golden goose in ukraine, the pro-putin former president victktor yanukovych. of course, that is all the basis of these charges in virginia, that manafort hid the money he made from foreign lobbying in 30 separate foreign bank accounts. prosecutors say he never paid taxes on any of that money, and then they say he lived an extravagant lifestyle, complete with multiple homes and even, get this, a $15,000 jacket made of ostrich. on the flip side, manafort's attorneys will be mounting a dual defense. first, they say it was the russian oligarchs manafort worked for who actually demanded he pay into those secret accounts. and secondly, manafort's lawyers are trying to shift the blame to rick gates, saying it was gates who, of course, is manafort's former deputy who's already pleaded guilty to other charges. they say gates was really the one stealing and embezzling the money. so, of course, it was a lot packed into this first day of the trial with the white house continuing to distance itself from paul manafort and pointing out that these charges have nothing to do with manafort's time as campaign chairman for president trump. dave and laura? >> okay, jessica, thanks. president trump putting a little physical distance between himself and the mueller investigation by campaigning for republican candidates in florida last night. things got tense when his supporters fiercely heckled cnn's jim acosta. [ crowd chanting ] the president and his people did nothing to calm the crowd. the president's son, eric, retweeted the video, which was retweeted by the president of the united states. jim acosta has more from tampa. >> reporter: dave and laura, at a rally here in florida, the president steered clear of the subject of the russia investigation, instead returning to one of his favorite topics on the campaign trail, immigration, telling his supporters that there should be voter i.d. laws across the country, at one point remarking that you need an i.d. to buy groceries. here's what he had to say. >> only american citizens should vote in american elections, which is why the time has come for voter i.d., like everything else. you know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need i.d. you go out and you want to buy anything, you need i.d. and you need your picture. >> reporter: the president also lashed out at the news media, referring to reporters in the back of the room as fake news, even talking about what he considers to be fake polls. but at the same time, the president talked up a poll that shows he's one of the most popular republican presidents in recent history. dave and laura? >> jim, thanks for that report. immigration officials have agreed to hold off briefly on deporting a group of immigrant families just reunited after being separated at the border. an attorney for the families said last night the government will stay removals through friday. it's a small win as advocates try to buy more time for immigrants they say have not had the full opportunity to make their case for asylum in the u.s. at a hearing on capitol hill, an hhs official heading up the reunifications told lawmakers he had warned over the past year about the dangers of family separation, but the head of i.c.e.'s enforcement division had these glowing words about detention centers where the government is housing children. >> i think the best way to describe them is to be more like a summer camp. these individuals have access to 24/7 food and water. they have educational opportunities. they have recreational opportunities, both structured as well as unstructured. >> essentially echoing the words of fox news host laura ingraham. officials at the hearing had few details to offer about plans going forward for reunifying the hundreds of children still separated from their parents. facebook removing a network of suspected russian-linked accounts it says were organizing political events in the u.s. it's the most extensive effort to interfere in american politics the social network has publicly disclosed ahead of the midterms. the social media giant trying to prevent a repeat of 2016 when accounts connected to a kreml kremlin-linked troll group posed as americans on its platform. at a cybersecurity summit in new york, vice president mike pence blamed the obama administration for the attack. >> in a very real sense, we inherited a cyber crisis. the last administration all but neglected cybersecurity, even though the digital threats were growing more numerous and more dangerous by the day. >> asked by cnn to respond to the facebook reports, a russian official said she hoped materials would be presented to the russian side. identification could take years, but this morning, remains believed to be americans from the korean war are being flown back home. we're live at the ceremony in south korea. fifteen percent or more on car insurance. and it's time to get outside. pack in even more adventure with audible. with the largest selection of audiobooks. audible lets you follow plot twists off the beaten track. or discover magic when you hit the open road. with the free audible app, your stories go wherever you do. and for just $14.95 a month you get a credit, good for any audiobook. if you don't like it exchange it any time. no questions asked. you can also roll your credits to the next month if you don't use them. so take audible with you this summer... on the road... on the trail... or to the beach. start a 30-day trial and your first audiobook is free. cancel anytime, and your books are yours to keep forever. no matter where you go this summer make it better with audible. text summer5 to 500500 to start listening today. officials say that process could take a very long time. cnn's paula hancocks joins us live from osan air base in south korea. paula, bring us up to speed. >> reporter: well, laura, this ceremony is under way at this point. i'm here at the runway of osan air base, where two c-17 planes are waiting to take those remains on to hawaii, and they will be greeted by vice president mike pence there as they touch down on u.s. soil. they'll be there for identification. now, at this point, there is a service member playing the bagpipes, leading six vans, each of them carrying one casket to those c-17 planes, and they will be received with full honors by many standing by here, u.s. service members, some of the families as well from osan air base coming to pay their respects to these service members. now, there will also be a flyover. four f-16s will be flying over what is known as the missing man formation, which is always do you know at memorial ceremonies like this. and certainly, what we've been hearing at this point over the past couple of hours from officials is that they do believe that many of these remains are likely american. these remains that were given back by north korea. they say there's no reason to believe that they are not from the korean war. this is very initial analysis, of course, just a couple of days they have been able to look at those remains. but officials have been positive about this, saying that they are hopeful this is the start of being able to take more americans home, and the u.s. military, the united nations command say this is incredibly important, to make sure that no one is left behind, that they continue the search for prisoners of war, for missing in action around the world, and make sure that they can bring them home. and of course, there were 17 nations that were part of that united nations command that were fighting during the korean war. so, it is possible that there are other nationalities that are represented within those remains as well. one dog tag, we're told, was found, and the family has been identified already. the family will be given that dog tag in coming weeks, we're told by officials. so, certainly, for at least one american family, there is some sense of closure, and it is so important for these families from the korean war, 65 years since that war finished. the flyover happening right now. >> reporter: four f-16s you saw flying over there as a mark of respect. >> what a scene there. >> reporter: this is -- this is known as the missing man formation. fly-overs are often associated with celebrations, but this is the one that is used for memorials. it is important to show the respect to those remains that are coming back. and certainly, this is a very somber, a very symbolic day for the u.s. military here and also for the united nations command. as i say, it's not just the u.s. military that may be represented within these remains, but 17 countries were part of the combat forces in the korean war. many more nations around the world had support staff, had medical staff that were within this. so, certainly, this is a very important day for many families who lost loved ones. >> paula, thank you so much for that reporting. a somber day indeed. coming up, tesla has struggled to sell cars, but hey, surfboards are no problem! 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4:56 and a check on "cnn money" this morning. global markets and stocks futures were mixed overnight. stocks finished july on a down note. the dow had its best month since january, adding nearly 5%. strong quarterly results from apple could help boost the market today. the company sold about the same number of iphones as a year ago, but sales and profits soared as it made more money from higher priced devices. apple's report comes as investors are increasingly jittery about tech stocks. last week, facebook and twitter tanked after their results disappointed wall street. but apple's shares rose after hours. they're up 16% so far this year. apple is now within striking distance of becoming the first u.s. company ever to be worth $1 trillion. ceo tim cook also announced apple will be coming to cvs and 7-eleven later this year. low unemployment and a tight job market are finally translating into better pay. last month, american workers received the biggest raise in nearly a decade. wages and salaries rose 2.8% from a year ago. that's the biggest gain since september of 2008. the number suggests employers are finally feeling the pressure to raise wages so they can attract and keep workers. and we could see more evidence on friday, when the labor department is scheduled to release the july jobs report. another food safety scare is tanking chipotle shares. the stock fell nearly 7% yesterday after at least two people reported getting sick at a location in ohio. chipotle tells cnn it shut down the restaurant temporarily as a precaution. says it's working with local health officials. chipotle has suffered a series of health scares in recent years. the most serious was an e. coli outbreak in 2015 that sickened 60 customers in 14 states. surf's up at tesla. the struggling electric car manufacturing dipping a toe into the surfboard business in what could be an effort to keep the company afloat. tesla offered 200 limited edition surfboards for sale at $1,500 a pop on saturday. they sold out by sunday and are now fetching up to $5,000 apiece on ebay. tesla says its surfboard features the same high-quality matte and gloss finishes used on its cars. the company has experienced financial turmoil lately, even asking refunds from suppliers in order to help turn a profit. >> they look pretty great. >> they look very cool. i can't surf, but i'll take one. "early start" continues right now. a federal judge says instructions to make 3d guns cannot go online as planned, but how long will untraceable guns stay out of dangerous hands. china and others, remember this, have targeted our farmers. not good. not nice. >> president trump defending his


Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Dave Briggs 20180801 09:00:00

now word overnight the next round of tariffs could escalate dramatically. shifting blame. heated statements and a $15,000 coat. a fast start to paul manafort's trial on financial crimes. good morning, and welcome to "early start." i'm laura jarrett in for christine romans. >> good to see you, my friend. i'm dave briggs, wednesday, august 1st, already, if you can believe it. 5:00 a.m. in the east. we start with a chilling story for many americans this morning. a federal judge flocking a government settlement that would allow for 3d printable guns for sale. you could print out the instructions to guns on the internet, if you can believe it or not. this is a terrifying ordeal for many parents in this country who simply know that their kid could be printing that at the moment. now, the founder of the gun rights group defense distributed says his company's site is going dark until he can review the judge's order. before the ruling came down, he spoke to cnn's laurie segall Get a jump on the day's news with Christine Romans and Dave Briggs. get this, a $15,000 jacket made of ostrich. on the flip side, manafort's attorneys will be mounting a dual defense. first, they say it was the russian oligarchs manafort worked for who actually demanded he pay into those secret accounts. and secondly, manafort's lawyers are trying to shift the blame to rick gates, saying it was gates who, of course, is manafort's former deputy who's already pleaded guilty to other charges. they say gates was really the one stealing and embezzling the money. so, of course, it was a lot packed into this first day of the trial with the white house continuing to distance itself from paul manafort and pointing out that these charges have nothing to do with manafort's time as campaign chairman for president trump. dave and laura? >> okay, jessica, thank you. president trump putting a little physical distance between himself and the mueller investigation by campaigning for republican candidates in florida last night. boy, did things get tense when his supporters fiercely heckled over the past year about the dangers of family separation, but the head of i.c.e.'s enforcement division had glowing words about detention centers where the government is housing children. >> i think the best way to describe them is to be more like a summer camp. these individuals have access to 24/7 food and water. they have educational opportunities. they have recreational opportunities, both structured as well as unstructured. >> that official essentially echoing words from laura ingraham on fox news. officials at the hearing had few details to offer about plans going forward for reunifying the hundreds of children still separated from their parents. facebook removing a network of suspected russian-linked accounts it says were organizing political events in the u.s. it's the most extensive effort to interfere in american politics the social network has publicly disclosed ahead of the midterms in november. the social media giant trying to prevent a repeat of 2016 when accounts connected to a kremlin-linked troll group posed as americans on its platform. asked by cnn to respond to the facebook reports, a russian official said she hopes materials will be presented to the russian side. identification could take years, but this morning, remains believed to be americans from the korean war are being flown back home. we're live at the ceremony in south korea. so you have, your headphones, chair, new laptop with 24/7 tech support. yep, thanks guys. i think he might need some support. yes start them off right. with the school supplies they need at low prices all summer long. save $200 on this dell laptop at office depot officemax. save $200 on this dell laptop another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works in just one week. with the fastest retinol formula to visibly reduce wrinkles. neutrogena®. yogyoooogiiiiiii!! but when it comes to mortgages, he's less confident. here, yogi. fortunately, there's rocket mortgage by quicken loans. apply simply. understand fully. mortgage confidently. get approved in as few as 8 minutes. maybelline's fit me foundation. fits skin tone and texture. blurs pores. controls shine. our most diverse shades ever. maybelline's fit me matte + poreless. only from maybelline new york. you'll make my morning, buty the price ruin my day.ou? complicated relationship with milk? pour on the lactaid, 100% real milk, just without that annoying lactose. mmm, that's good. live from osan air base in south korea. paula, i know you've been there for several hours. bring us up to speed. >> reporter: well, laura, right now, the caskets are being loaded onto the c-17 planes, which will then take the remains from the korean war to hawaii for identification. six by six, these caskets are being put on to the c-17s, and there are 55 in all. officials tell us that from their initial observations and from past experience, that could well represent the remains of far more than 55 service members. now, we have been hearing from those officials who have just had a couple of days to start the investigation process, forensic experts coming over here to osan air base. they say that some of these remains are likely american. they say they do believe that they are likely from the korean war as well. so, certainly, what north korea has told the united states, at this point they say there is no reason to disbelieve that, and they will have to, obviously, take months, potentially even years now to try and identify exactly who these remains belong to. now, we do know also there was a dog tag within these remains that north korea gave to the united nations command. the family has already been identified, and notified, we're told. and that dog tag will be sold to that family within weeks. so at least one american family today has some kind of closure, 65 years after the korean war finished, although officials say they don't know necessarily if his remains are alongside that dog tag. back to you. >> 65 years. paula, thank you so much for that reporting. a passenger and the pilot of an aeromexico jet are in critical but stable condition this morning following a crash in durango, mexico, tuesday. aeromexico flight 2431 was headed to mexico city but went down after takeoff in a field just beyond the runway. there were 99 passengers and 4 crew members on board. 49 people were hospitalized, but amazingly, no one died. embray, the brazilian maker of the aircraft, says it is ready to assist mexican authorities in their investigations. coming up, it was not a game, it was an absolute shame for the new york mets. andy scholes with the gruesome details in the "bleacher report," next. new laptop with 24/7 tech support. yep, thanks guys. i think he might need some support. yes start them off right. with the school supplies they need at low prices all summer long. save $200 on this dell laptop at office depot officemax. stay at la quinta. where we're changing with stylish make-overs. then at your next meeting, set your seat height to its maximum level. bravo, tall meeting man. start winning today. book now at give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you don't. i'll take that. [cheers] 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. new ensure max protein. in two great flavors. new ensure max protein. does your business internet provider promise a lot? let's see who delivers more. comcast business gives you gig-speed in more places. the others don't. we offer up to 6 hours of 4g wireless network backup. everyone else, no way. we let calls from any of your devices come from your business number. them, not so much. we let you keep an eye on your business from anywhere. the others? nope! get internet on our gig-speed network and add voice and tv for $34.90 more per month. call or go online today. all right, we'll get to the mets' devastation in just a moment, but we start with the nba continuing to embrace gambling, inking a new partnership with mgm. andy scholes has more in this morning's "bleacher report." good morning, my friend. >> hey, good morning, dave. commissioner adam silver and the nba have been the league most supportive of legalized gambling for years and are now the first to have an official partnership with a sports betting operator. the league announcing yesterday their nonexclusive deal with mgm resorts. espn reporting that it is a three-year deal worth $25 million and allows mgm properties to use nba and wnba branding. silver has said in the past he believes the nba should get a 1% integrity fee on each wager made on the nba. now, that is not a part of this deal, but silver still says that this partnership is great for the fans. >> whether they're at a bricks and mortar casino or using an app online, that it's going to be an experience that both mgm and the nba have worked on together where the customer is first and foremost. all right, the nationals keeping their team together at the trade deadline, and at least for one night it looked like it may work out. washington putting an absolute beatdown on the mets. they're up 7-0 after the first, went on to win 25-4. it was the worst loss in mets history. it got so bad, the mets' broadcasters just started reading out of the media guide to pass the time late in the game. shortstop jose reyes even came in to pitch in this one late. it's a bad season for the mets, and this was probably the low point. and like i mentioned, yesterday was the trade deadline for major league baseball, and the rangers traded pitcher jake deikman to the diamondbacks. texas is currently in arizona playing them, so deikman decided to just hop on the bullpen cart to go from clubhouse to clubhouse, getting a ride from the mascot. just another reason why every team should bring back the bullpen cart. pretty awesome. all right, the minnesota vikings rewarding star wide receiver stefon diggs with a new contract. according to espn, it's worth $81 million over five years. diggs was just a fifth-round pick coming out of maryland, and he got emotional yesterday speaking about his dad, who passed away back in 2008. >> basically looking at the family and it meant a lot to me. so, you know, with this day coming forward, it just came full circle, and i have a lot of emotions, you know. you can understand a little bit. but you know, for it to come all the way around, i just, i'm happy that i can look at my mom and smile and tell her that everything's going to be okay. >> yeah, and diggs flew his mom out for that announcement. you see him posting the picture of him giving her a big hug there in minnesota, guys. and it's been quite the year for stefon diggs. of course, he caught the minnesota miracle, that big catch to beat the saints in the playoffs. >> that's right. >> and now getting rewarded with that contract. good for him. >> he and thielen and kirk cousins. a federal judge stops blueprints for 3d printed guns from going online, but how long can it keep dangerous people from carrying untraceable guns? and prosecutors call paul manafort a shrewd liar, but manafort's side is blaming a former deputy for all of his troubles. it was here. i couldn't catch my breath. it was the last song of the night. it felt like my heart was skipping beats. they said i had afib. what's afib? i knew that meant i was at a greater risk of stroke. i needed answers. my doctor and i chose xarelto® to help keep me protected from a stroke. once-daily xarelto®, a latest-generation blood thinner significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. warfarin interferes with at least 6 of your body's natural blood-clotting factors. xarelto® is selective, targeting just one critical factor. for afib patients well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto® compares in reducing the risk of stroke. don't stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of stroke. while taking, you may bruise more easily, or take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto® can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. it may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. get help right away for unexpected bleeding or unusual bruising. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. before starting, tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures and any kidney or liver problems. learn all you can to help protect yourself from a stroke. talk to your doctor about xarelto®. escalate dramatically. shifting blame, heated statements, and a $15,000 coat. a fast start to paul manafort's trial on financial crimes. welcome back to "early start," everybody. i'm dave briggs. i'm asking you for an image of a $15,000 ostrich jacket, because i don't know what that looks like, laura jarrett. >> send it to us, please! >> i want to know. >> we want to know. i'm laura jarrett. it's 30 minutes past the hour. a federal judge blocking a government settlement that would allow plans for 3d guns to be downloaded online. the ruling coming just hours before those plans were set to publish. with growing concerns about people being able to make their own untraceable, plastic weapons. the judge's block is temporary, but it puts a hold on the settlement between a gun rights group and the government that was reached back in june that would make it legal to post the plans on the internet. >> the founder of the gun rights group defense distributed says his company's site is going dark until he can review the judge's order. before the ruling came down, he spoke with cnn's laurie segall about concerns publishing plans could endanger the public. >> the democratization of guns online, giving people the ability to 3d print their own guns would make it feasible for felons, minors, mentally ill to have access to firearms. are you worried about those repercussions? >> no, i don't believe that access to information is ever tremendously negative or a bad thing. i know that people can use information for bad things, but this isn't a justification to, what, stop a publisher from speaking? >> now, nearly a dozen states sued to stop the firm from publishing the printable plans. president trump even weighed in, tweeting "3d plastic guns being sold to the public doesn't seem to make much sense!" the white house later confirmed it supports the existing law on the books. >> the president is committed to the safety and security of all americans. he considers this his highest responsibility. the administration supports nearly a two-decade-old law and we'll continue to look at all options available to us. >> it is worth noting, the state department cleared the way for the settlement that would have allowed the 3d printable gun plans. the nra releasing a statement saying it supports existing laws that make it illegal to manufacture, sell, and possess an undetectable firearm, but just last month, nra spokeswoman dana lash defended exactly the opposite viewpoint. >> what democrats call quote/unquote ghost guns and the rest of us simply call freedom and innovation, 3d printed guns. >> before the site went dark, more than 1,000 people downloaded plans to print an ar-15-style semiautomatic assault rifle. the trump administration's pending china tariffs could be significantly higher than first announced. a source familiar with discussions has confirmed that tariffs on $200 billion worth of chinese goods could be raised from 10% to 25%. they would cover things like fruits and vegetables, handbags, refrigerators, rain jackets, even baseball gloves. china's foreign ministry saying blackmail and pressure by the u.s. will never work and promising to take countermeasures, if needed. the president addressed the trade war at a rally last night in tampa. >> china and others, remember this, have targeted our farmers. not good. not nice. and you know what our farmers are saying? it's okay. we can take it. these are incredible people. we can take it. now we're going to open up markets. we're going to do it the way it should be. and all of this stuff, you're going to make it back and it's going to be made back faster than anybody would know, but we haven't been treated right. >> the administration announced a week ago it's preparing a $12 billion emergency aid package for farmers caught up in the trade war. the move has been panned by many republicans for being a short-term fix. markets in asia were down slightly overnight. let's discuss all this with political economist, chief strategist at horizon investments. good to see you. >> good to see you, dave. >> these tariffs, if they're ratcheted up from 10% to 25% on $200 billion worth of chinese goods, given that china essentially has a president for life in xi jinping, how do you expect this to play out, and can our farmers, quote, take it? >> well, the polls in the midwest show that the republicans may be in some trouble. this is maybe a self-inflicted wound. there will be some aid, at least $12 billion, i think maybe more, but this trade story with china i think's going to get worse. i think they'll retaliate more. maybe there's a glimmer of hope with western europe, but i think u.s./china relations will continue to deteriorate. >> you know, greg, it's interesting, the president is in this very public spat with the koch brothers. the "wall street journal" editorial has a pretty interesting write-up, saying, "congratulations to the kochs. they're receiving such thermonuclear attention because they decided not to bow to mr. trump on trade, immigration, and other issues that the brothers and their political network count as crucial to economic liberty." is this the right move for the president, in your view? >> well, it involves money, and i think a lot of republican candidates were hoping for major funding from the koch brothers, are now caught in the middle of this interparty feud over largely trade. and i don't think that's going to end any time soon. so, what a story. you've got both parties now divided. you've got the democrats divided by the increasingly far left group and the moderates. you've got the republicans divided over trade. i think these divisions might actually widen over the next few months. >> but the koch brothers don't just represent money. these billionaires represent $400 million in prepared political donations over the next two-year election cycle, and president trump tweeted just yesterday, they've become a total joke in republican circles. he says, "i never sought their support because i don't need their money or bad ideas. they love my tax and regulation cuts, judicial picks and more." how do you expect this could play out, not just in the midterms, but perhaps beyond, perhaps into 2020? >> well, it's one of many reasons, dave, why i think the republicans are in trouble this fall. if i had to make a call right now, i'd say the house flips back to the democrats. the senate, which i always thought would stay republican, narrowly, now is more in play. a lot more republicans look v vulnerable right now. so, without the koch brothers' money for this election and then in 2020, i do think that's a significant story. >> absolutely. thanks so much, greg, for all of your analysis. we're going to keep an eye on this, for sure. >> good to see you, greg. >> all right, yep. >> thanks. well, today will be paul manafort's first full day in front of a jury. one thing certainly became clear in opening statements yesterday -- president trump's former campaign chairman is ready to pin the blame for alleged financial crimes on his former top aide. cnn is also told the president followed developments in the trial from air force one. cnn's jessica schneider has more from washington. >> reporter: dave and laura, it was a fiery first day in the paul manafort trial. lawyers for both sides gave the jury their opening statements. prosecutors called manafort a shrewd liar and said he has made millions of dollars in secret income from what they called a "cash spigot" that came from working for what they called his golden goose in ukraine, the pro-putin former president, viktor yanukovych. of course, that is all the basis of these charges in virginia that manafort hid the money he made from foreign lobbying in 30 separate foreign bank accounts. prosecutors say he never paid taxes on any of that money. and then they say he lived an extravagant lifestyle, complete with multiple homes and even, get this, a $15,000 jacket made of ostrich. on the flip side, manafort's attorneys will be mounting a dual defense. first, they say it was the russian oligarchs manafort worked for who actually demanded he pay into those secret accounts. and secondly, manafort's lawyers are trying to shift the blame to rick gates, saying it was gates who, of course, is manafort's former deputy, who's already pleaded guilty to other charges. they say gates was really the one stealing and embezzling the money. so, of course, it was a lot packed into this first day of the trial with the white house continuing to distance itself from paul manafort and pointing out that these charges have nothing to do with manafort's time as campaign chairman for president trump. dave and laura? >> jessica, thank you for that report. joining us now from washington, cnn legal analyst michael zeldin, former federal prosecutor and former special assistant to robert mueller at the justice department. michael, what do you make of this move going after gates, throwing him under the bus right there in opening statements? you can see this is clearly the strategy, since gates is cooperating with the special counsel, but is this a smart move? >> i don't think that manafort had any choice but to attack gates, and perhaps, the oligarchs, to say, essentially, i didn't file these false tax returns, i failed the f-bar filings, not because i intended to do that, but because i was misled. i relied on other people. i relied on their honesty. and i was let down. and they're to blame, not me, and therefore, let me free. i don't see any other defense to these cases that he faces but to say it wasn't me, i relied on others. >> what do you make, michael, of the speed and the pace of day one? we expect jury selection to even play out over days. it was lightning quick. we get to opening statements. what does that tell you about how this trial might play out? >> well, what we all predicted to be a three-week trial may end up being a two-week trial. they're just moving fast. the judge is making everybody spend long days in the courtroom, and i think that's actually good for everybody. there's no need to stretch these things out. the jury wants to get on with its life. and so, we'll just zip through all of this stuff. >> michael, you know, obviously, they're not talking about russia, they're not talking about collusion, they're not talking about president trump, but president trump is keeping tabs on what's going on in that courtroom, according to jeff zeleny. take a step back for us, pull back and explain, what is the danger to president trump in this trial? >> well, i think principally, it's political from the standpoint of if there is a conviction in this case, it's hard for him to try to delegitimize mueller. if mueller has convicted manafort, even though these charges don't relate directly to the president, it's hard to say that this is a renegade prosecutor, out of control, on a witch hunt, and the like. so, it's really optics, laura, more than it is potential legal jeopardy for the president, unless, of course, manafort is convicted and decides that i don't want to do my second trial in d.c. because it will end up as badly as this one did, and therefore, i want to start cooperating with mueller and can answer questions, such as did the president know about the june 9th trump tower meeting. >> does it strike you as interesting that we're even at this place where the former campaign chairman is in court on tax evasion charges? you know, it's interesting, his lawyer outside of court yesterday said absolutely no chance that he will cooperate. we've all been wondering whether he would flip. did you think for a moment there might be a chance that he would actually cooperate before we got here? >> yes, absolutely. i think i said on television that i would be surprised if in the end, even if it was on the courthouse steps, manafort and the prosecutors wouldn't reach cooperation and plea agreement, because the charges here are so straight forward -- failure to file tax returns, failure to file the foreign bank account reports, bank fraud -- that there was no real defense for manafort, especially with gates' testimony. but lo and behold, manafort is holding firm, he's going to go to trial. but as we just mentioned a moment ago, if he's convicted, then he may think about whether or not it's better to work out a cooperation agreement now than face a second trial in d.c. and, perhaps, spend the rest of his life in prison. >> that's awfully expensive. speculation being that he is counting on a pardon from president trump. michael zeldin, great to have you on "early start" this morning. thank you. >> thanks, michael. all right, coming up, identification could take years, but this morning remains believed to be americans from the korean war being flown back home. we're live at the ceremony in south korea, straight ahead. so you have, your headphones, chair, new laptop with 24/7 tech support. yep, thanks guys. i think he might need some support. yes start them off right. with the school supplies they need at low prices all summer long. save $200 on this dell laptop at office depot officemax. alright guys let's go! let's do this directions to the greek theater (beep) ♪can i get a connection? 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>> reporter: well, laura, the final caskets are being loaded onto two c-17 planes which will then head to hawaii for identification. we have seen 55 caskets being carried onto these planes. it's really a ceremonial and somber day for the u.s. military, for the united nations command, and a chance, according to the usfk commander in chief who made a speech to honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. and we know that officials from the dpaa, the department for the prisoners of war, the missing in action, they have done just a few days of initial assessment of these remains, and they say they do believe that they are from the korean war, which ended 65 years ago. they also say that many of these remains are likely american. they also told us there was one dog tag that was included within these remains. the family has been notified in the united states, so there's at least one family who has some kind of closure, knowing what happened to their loved one. >> a somber but important moment. paula, thank you for being there. a passenger and the pilot of an aero mexican jet are in critical but stable condition this morning following a crash in durango, mexico. aeromexico flight 2431 was headed to mexico city but went down after takeoff in a field just beyond the runway. there were 99 passengers and 4 crew members on board. 49 people were hospitalized, but get this, incredibly, no one died. 5:49 and a check on "cnn money" this morning. global markets and stocks futures mixed overnight. stocks finished july on an up note. the dow had its best month since january, adding nearly 5%. strong quarterly results from apple could help boost the market today. the company sold about the same number of iphones as a year ago but sales and profits soared as it made money from higher priced devices. apple's report comes as investors are increasingly jittery about tech stocks. last week, facebook and twitter tanked after their results disappointed wall street. but apple's shares rose after hours. they're up 16% so far this year. apple now within striking distance of becoming the first u.s. company ever to be worth $1 trillion. ceo tim cook also announced apple pay will be coming to cvs and 7-eleven later this year. low unemployment and a tight job market are finally translating into better pay for you. last month, american workers received the biggest raise in nearly a decade. wages and salaries rose 2.8% from a year ago, the biggest gain since september of 2008. the number suggests employers are finally feeling the pressure to raise wages so they can attract and keep workers, so we could see more evidence friday when the labor department releases the july jobs report. another food safety scare tanking chipotle shares. the stock fell nearly 7% yesterday. that's after at least two people reported getting sick at an ohio location. chipotle tells cnn it has shut down the restaurant temporarily, really as a precaution. it says it's working with local health officials. chipotle has suffered a series of health scares in recent years. surf's up at tesla. the struggling electric car manufacturer dipping a toe into the surfboard business. tesla offered 200 limited edition surfboards for sale at 1,500 bucks a pop on saturday. they sold out by sunday and are now fetching up to $5,000 apiece on ebay. tesla has experienced financial turmoil lately, even asking refunds from suppliers to help turn a profit. looks like a pretty cool surfboard. >> i know what you want for christmas. >> yeah, i'm in. faster than a speeding bullet, or at least a fish. a young swimmer with a very cool name beats a record held by an american icon. >> announcer: "cnn money now" brought to you by la quinta inns and suites then, use the ultimate power handshake, the upper hander with a double palm grab. who has the upper hand now? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer And Sandra Smith 20180801 13:00:00

thanks to our powerful trade policies, the trade deficit is falling and falling. american steel mills are back open for business. we are starting to set new records, and nobody believes it could happen this quickly. democrats want to raise your taxes. they want to destroy your jobs. they want to crush our industries with crippling regulations. and you know the stock market is up almost 40% since that great november day. and america now is winning again like they haven't won before. >> bill: it went on like for over an hour. the headline. u.s. workers get the biggest pay raise in 10 years. wage growth that has been stagnant for americans. >> absolutely. gdp numbers last quarter were very good. around expectations a little over 4%. more than sustainable growth. something you can hang your hat on. again, economists, moody's say if the trade policies were fully implemented you could shave up to 3/10 of a point off the gdp. it's trillions of dollars of lost economic activity. >> bill: scaramucci is writing about a visit to illinois. he says trump's attack on tax cuts, deregulation and tariffs on foreign competitors is a winning strategy. a strategy designed with workers and not just wall street in mind. the commitment that american companies give to train 3.8 million more workers over the next five years. >> it's great. we shouldn't be demonizing wall street. that's not a fair thing to do. wall street is not suffering in this economy. they're doing quite well. the dow is record highs, s&p is doing quite well as well. that's good. the macroeconomic numbers. the guys who support employers deserve to be held up high and undergird the economies, the pillars of it. that was barack obama's approach to populous economic messaging to attack wall street and the holders of money and that's the wrong way to go. >> bill: the economy is always a hot issue. you wonder what this news does to democratic talking points. they will level against republicans. >> it is difficult to envision the message they'll take to average voters. employment is around 4%. record low unemployment numbers for minorities and african-americans, latinos. this is all good news and the message that democrats will try to leverage is something familiar to us from the bush era, the hamburger flipper jobs. jobs that aren't necessarily great jobs. low paying, low prospects for advancement employment. to somebody who has a job who didn't have a job who only spends 22 weeks out of work as opposed to 30, 40, 50, they'll take it. it will be tough to message that. >> bill: noah, thank you. we'll see what happens on the tariffs. you make a good point. let's see where it goes. >> sandra: 65 years in the making, vice president mike pence in hawaii today to take part in the honorable carry ceremony receiving what are said to be the remains of dozens of u.s. service members killed during the korean war. the remains were turned over by north korea to fulfill a promise made by kim jong-un at that singapore summit with the president. greg palkot is live in london with the latest on this. greg, what more do we know about these remains? >> we do know a little more, sandra. that's important. thought to be 55 remains of u.s. service members killed and lost in the korean war are being flown over to hawaii. they arrived last friday from north korea to a u.s. base in south korea. since then there has been an initial examination of the remains. an official today confirming he does believe they are american and they are from the war. to show what they're up against doing the final forensic examination in hawaii, there was only one dog tag included in the remains and they don't know whether that dog tag is related to what was turned over. the remains were put in caskets and draped in the united nations flag and then transferred to a plane and on their way now to hawaii. >> sandra: what's the significance of vice president mike pence's participation? >> bill: very important for him. he will participate in a ceremony. his father fought in the korean war. that's the biggest thing for him. he will receive the remains in the honorable carry ceremony happening at the joint base pearl harbor hickam, aside from the personal and human significance of the transfer it has big diplomatic importance. remember, this was one of the promises made by north korean leader kim jong-un to president trump at their summit in singapore in june. there hasn't been a lot of other takeaways as of yet from that summit but an important one happening today back in hawaii. back to you. >> bill: next hour here our headliner we'll hit the important stories. the former house speaker newt gingrich is live coming up next hour. join us for that then. this rally last night in tampa was something else. >> sandra: you were live last night covering all of it. what a crowd it was. >> bill: the crowd was jacked up. tampa, something we talk about every presidential cycle. a couple big elections coming up in november down there. they turned out in a significant way. we'll see how it reflects in 97 >> the outset of this administration it became clear from early on in a very real sense we inherited a cyber crisis. the last administration all but neglected cybersecurity even though the digital threats were growing more numerous and dangerous by the day. make no mistake about it, those days are over. >> bill: he suggested the obama administration is to blame for the cybersecurity issues plaguing our country. peter king, how are you. everybody points fingers at everybody else. no, you did it, you didn't follow through, no, it is your job, your responsibility. where does it stop? >> i would say in fairness to the obama administration jay johnson, secretary tried. at the end of the eight years the obama administration we weren't better off than we were. A look at the day's news and headlines. they waited until to month after the election and president obama told them to put together the report. they put it together in three weeks and the findings of that report were different from everything we were telling us. right up until december 5 we were being told that russia, while they were interfering they weren't favoring anyone. suddenly we're told russia was favoring president trump all along. which i don't believe was the case. clapper is proving my point. the administration did talk, they did threaten russia and no impact whatsoever. they continued what they were doing before. >> bill: nielsen said the next 9/11 will reach us online instead of an airplane. 21 states have no concrete plan to fight back against any intrusion. how could that be? what do we need to do now? >> again, this is really up to the department of homeland security to control the efforts. we have to pressure the states and encourage them to cooperate with the federal government with a shared threat analysis and come up with defenses so their voting system cannot be interfered with. you do have 50 different states with their own way of doing it. it's important for them to realize they can be hacked. >> bill: are you hearing from administration and the states that they're taking it seriously? >> i think more of the states have to realize this is a serious threat. in the last election there is no really finding that they interfered with the vote totals but they can try to disrupt the voting charts and rolls and again we know that russia and other countries, especially russia, is going to do to do this. we have to again get the states more involved in this. department of homeland security is doing a lot but they can be doing more and we know russia is going to do it. if russia will do it someone else will also try to do it. but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in clinical trials to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. with tripadvisor, finding your perfect hotel at the lowest price... is as easy as dates, deals, done! simply enter your destination and dates... and see all the hotels for your stay! tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites... to show you the lowest prices... so you can get the best deal on the right hotel for you. dates, deals, done! tripadvisor. visit a surprise. adults spend half of every day connected to media. nielson total audience say adults spend 11 hours every day listening to, watching, reading, interacting with some media on some level on some device. study also shows more than 2/3 of u.s. households have a subscription to a live streaming service. >> sandra: if you're sleeping 6 hours a night only a couple hours you're doing something else. >> bill: you're online more than you sleep in america. >> sandra: guilty. >> bill: do you think it's 11 hours? >> sandra: that's tv. it's reading if you download books on your device and catching up on the news. it's media. >> bill: hulu, hbo. binge watching. they can binge watch "america's newsroom" every day. we would not have a problem with that. we only ask for three hours 9:00 to noon. all there for you. >> sandra: moving on. it has been two weeks now since the iowa college student mollie tibbetts went missing. in their most recent news conference police and f.b.i. in iowa revealing few details about the investigation sounding ever more mystified. >> don't know where mollie is at right now. i am not going to draw any conclusions about the circumstances of her disappearance other than it is not consistent with her past. but i can assure you our focus right now is to find mollie. we need to find mollie so anything you can do or anybody in the community can do to help us do that, that would be very much appreciated. >> sandra: let's bring in former boston police superintendent in chief and managing director. thank you for coming on the program this morning. it is a desperate search on right now. the news conference, we were waiting on that yesterday afternoon and really didn't get a whole lot of new details. but that could mean that they've got some serious leads. what do you make of what you know so far? >> we don't know exactly what happened. we're praying for the family and for her safe return. the fact that law enforcement is not getting out a ton of details could be they have some type of leads they want to run down and keep a close circle around it so as not to alert individuals they might be looking at them or getting on a trail. they will try and find any possible way they can to find out exactly what happened. this could be simply she wanted to have some time away, think about her school and future, her relationship. it could be that someone has taken some criminal action and we've seen these cases before. the smart case, the young girl in new hampshire sometimes held for extended periods of time and reunited with their families. >> sandra: one piece of information we learned is she was about to go away to the dominican republic. we're just finding that out from her family. she lived at this house during the summer with her boyfriend and her boyfriend's brother. her boyfriend's brother was about to get married in the dominican. so they were all about to leave as a family on this vacation. >> and the family knows her best and knows that -- if that's what her plans were, that's a concerning development that she would change and not be in line with those and not be back at the home. that does cause for concern. >> sandra: daniel, we just did this report on the average person is spending 11 hours on some sort of media every day. our digital footprint is pretty big these days. she was said to be wearing a fit bit watch while she was out jogging and she was an avid runner. she had a laptop at home during her homework on. active on social media. her boyfriend said she sent a snapchat that night. we don't know the details of that. but how are authorities using that digital footprint to try to track her down? >> they are going to look to see exactly that. we can geo locate where photographs were taken by people. we can tell by your fit bit where you run every day. we saw it with the military identifying their jogging routes. law enforcement look to that information and find out where she was and see if they can parallel anyone else in the same area around the same time. cell phone tracking and all those things can be looked at. sometimes, however, it takes a while to get that information from the providers. i remember homicide we had in boston of a dominoes driver. they stolen his phone. i wanted to track the phone and the provider was saying it wasn't an imminent need because the murder had occurred. they might be sifting through records and what digital footprint she had that day and overlaps with others that might have been in the area. >> sandra: she was last seen around 7:30 p.m. july 18th. we're about two weeks into the search for her now. we know that there are hundreds -- more than that, i know we're up into the thousands now looking for her and continue to do so, daniel. at this point, based on your experience, she has been missing for two weeks now. does the search continue to ramp up from here? >> the search continues to ramp up. we have to find out exactly what happened to this young lady. hopefully it's returning her to her family. but we need to look at every possibility as to what could have occurred here. the law enforcement authorities are going to be asking for help. you need everyone out there who saw anything no matter how small or irrelevant they think it is to share it. we had thepittsfield jogger. that case wasn't solved for months. a witness saw a car and gave a description after the vehicle. nine months they were able to identify the murderer from a piece of information that wasn't as informative at the time and it filled in the blanks and now we have him in prison. >> sandra: i spoke to her father the other night and desperately asking for anyone who say anything out of the ordinary not even sure if it was tied to mollie but to give authorities that tip. thank you for coming on this morning. >> bill: just need one clue. 29 past. president trump hitting the trail once again, this time in tampa, florida, last night. >> president trump: we need to elect more republicans. we need more votes. and we need to elect ron desantis as your governor. >> bill: so the president hoping that backing will give desantis the boost he needs to win a primary at the end of august. it will not be without a fight. adam putnam is the republican challenging desantis and he is live next. >> turn around and put the knife down. put the knife down. >> sandra: dramatic body camera footage showing just how difficult a job police officers have each and every day. more on this shoot-out with an armed suspect. more of this next. e look like? 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[ claps hands ] ♪ ooh i'm not hearing the confidence. okay, hold the name your price tool. power of options based on your budget! and! ♪ we'll make heaven a place on earth ♪ yeah! oh, my angels! ♪ ooh, heaven is a place on earth ♪ [ sobs quietly ] >> bill: 9:33. fox news alert watching two big events happening now. first the senate hearing about to get underway just a day after facebook said it had uncovered efforts to manipulate our upcoming mid-term elections in what frame is that? alexandria, virginia, the trial of paul manafort starts its second day today. he is facing bank and tax fraud charges. watching that for developments as well. day two. >> sandra: president trump hitting the campaign trail in florida last night urging the crowd to vote republican in the upcoming mid-term elections and throwing his support behind the candidacy of congressman ron desantis to be the state's next governor. >> president trump: we need to elect ron desantis as your governor. i know him well. he is a great guy and will be an incredible governor. i don't do these endorsements easily. i don't need to be here but i love this state. >> i appreciate your support, mr. president, but i appreciate more the leadership you are showing for our great country. >> sandra: let's bring in ron desantis's challenger in the republican primary adam putnam. thank you for joining us this morning, sir. what did you make of the rally last night and the direct mentions of your opponent? >> we were glad to have the president in florida. he is certainly here a lot with his second home here. i love the fact he was in florida to highlight vocational education, something that is the highest priority of my campaign. something that i've put out a very specific plan on how we put vocational and technical training back into our middle schools, back into our high schools and stop treating our vo-techs and community college like second class citizens. >> sandra: you have repeatedly claimed you are very closely aligned with president trump. why has he thrown his support behind desantis and not you? >> well, i do support president trump's agenda and i'm not surprised. congressman desantis is certainly comfortable with the ways of washington i'm focused on florida. our attorney general and sheriffs. i'm focused on florida issues and challenges. if we're going to make america great again we have to make sure our third largest state is doing our part and under rick scott we had an exceptional economy. i have a plan to make it stronger. there is no doubt in my mind that a lot of people at the trump rally last night were trump/putnam voters. >> sandra: considering both you and ron desantis claim to be closely aligned with the president on his policies and his strategy, where do you differ the most with ron desantis? >> well, i think it's a difference between a washington focus and a florida focus. i know florida best and i have a plan, a specific agenda to put florida families first, florida jobs first and florida's public safety first. if a hurricane is threatening to make landful, you need a governor who doesn't need to find a map to discover where the town is. i'm the candidate for governor who has a vision, a plan, and a knowledge of florida to be able to implement a conservative pro-business agenda to make our state even stronger and even better than it already is. >> sandra: i want to call up the latest real clear politics poll. desantis pulling 39% to you 27.8%. that is more than a 10-point lead at the moment. that is a flip from what we did see before the president threw his support behind desantis. you had been leading in the polls before that happened and before that fox news debate down there. what does this say about president trump's influence in these elections? >> well, it certainly says that the president is well liked in the state of florida. but i also know that floridians will make up their own minds about who florida's governor should be. look, we don't want to import washington dysfunction into the state of florida. the fact that they are just not able to roll up their sleeves and solve the many problems. here in florida we're a model for the nation. we've taken our unemployment rate from double digits to under 4% in the last 7 1/2 years and cut taxes, balanced the budget every year. we've cut our debt rather than lifting the debt ceiling like they've done in washington so i'm focused on putting florida first and that's a very different approach, i think, than what we're seeing in the other candidates who are running for governor here in florida. >> sandra: did you talk to the president while he was in town? >> i did not. >> sandra: he did not mention you by name yesterday and there was a lot of anticipation to see how the president would handle that knowing that you are a big supporter of his. he didn't say anything negative about you while he was there. >> no, he didn't. there is no reason why he should have. because he knows that his agenda is an agenda that i support. cutting taxes, getting that second supreme court justice on our court, continuing to fight hard for american workers and florida farmers when it comes to these trade renegotiations. but he also knows, i believe, that we need strong states pulling their share of the load. and that's what we've seen here with governor rick scott and what we've seen with attorney general pam bondi and that's what my campaign is rooted in. making sure florida is doing the best job that florida can do in spite of some of the dysfunction that goes on in washington here in florida a thousand new people are moving here every day. we roll out the red carpet for small businesses. my campaign is all about our veterans, our small businesses, and making sure that we put career and technical education back into our schools. >> sandra: we had ron desantis on the program yesterday. great to have you on the program this morning. and pam bondi, by the way, the florida a.g. has thrown her support behind you. adam putnam, candidate for governor in florida, thank you. >> thank you. >> bill: 20 minutes before the hour. primary is august 28 there. from l.a. video hard to watch. police officers killing a hostage and the department now releasing dramatic video showing how difficult a job authorities face each and every day. apparently the first death in 13 years. william la jeunesse is live in l.a. what happened? >> good morning, bill. l.a.p.d. started wearing body cams in january and released the video. june 16th police get a 911 call, a homeless man who just stabbed his girlfriend. you be the judge if the shooting is justified. >> put the knife down. turn around and put the knife down. put the knife down. >> the man in red is perez, a large kitchen knife. when he refuses to put it down police fire bean bags. he is unphased by the first round and deflects the next two or three with a folding chair and then grabs a hostage and puts the knife to her throat. according to police and witnesses begins to saw off her head when officers fire hoping to kill him before he kills her. instead both are shot. here is how the scene unfolds. >> drop the knife. drop the knife, drop the knife. >> at this point in time you can see the situation. l.a.p.d. had gone 13 years without killing a hostage or bystander, this was june. in july we had the shooting at trader joe's when police exchanged gunfire and killed the store manager. >> bill: that is so real watching that on camera. what happens now, william? >> as you know in any police shooting there will be an internal investigation on use of force and be evaluated by a review board and the civilian police commission and the d.a. you could have the doj or even the f.b.i. look into a civil rights violation. here is the chief. >> there was much more work remaining and only upon the full review upon the investigation will i be in a position to provide my recommendations on the actions of those involved. >> perez was a gang member just out of prison. he has multiple felony convictions. the victim's family will file a wrongful death claim later today. the coroner will come out with a report saying was she killed by the knife or by the police? that will go into the court case obviously. a lot left to be done in this case. >> bill: william la jeunesse reporting in los angeles today. >> sandra: we have some breaking news out of the white house this morning. right now president trump is firing off against his attorney general yet again on twitter calling on jeff sessions to end the mueller probe. we'll have more on that in a moment. >> bill: the suspect in the murder of border agent brian terry extradited to the u.s. out of mexico. what awaits him in arizona now. >> sandra: democrats ramping up their fight for documents on supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh's time working in the white house. former congressman jason chaffetz joins us on all these big stories next. >> i will not put the american taxpayers on the hook for a senate democrats fishing expedition. l of once-weekly ozempic®. in a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. oh! under seven? 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is this different from what he has done or said before? >> he said similar things before. he has normally called out rod rosenstein in the constitutional line of authority. his direct report there is the attorney general. so to do it via twitter as opposed to picking up the phone is different. i do think that senators grassley and bob goodlatte, the chairman of the judiciary committee and house and senate should call up bob mueller and rod rosenstein and explain the conflicts of interest. the president is right on the conflicts of interest but congress needs to do that, not the president. >> bill: the president has a problem with the a.g. he can fire him, right? can jeff sessions fire rosenstein? what sort of authority does sessions have over this mueller probe now? >> well, he has the authority. he should have never recused himself in the first place. the real work is going on behind the scenes, though, with michael horowitz the inspector general looking into these things. jeff sessions, i can't figure out what he does all day. he doesn't really do anything as best i can tell. the inspector general is diving into this. >> bill: another tweet. paul manafort worked for ronald reagan, bob dole and many other highly prominent and respected political leaders. he worked for me for a very short time. why didn't the government tell me he was under investigation. the old charges have nothing to do with collusion. he is trying to clarify what the manafort trial is all about? >> he is being factual there. manafort has a history there. i used to say that hey, it's not the government's responsibility to tell a candidate. the more i've thought it through we protect presidential candidates and give them secret service protection, we give them c.i.a. briefings. if somebody is under investigation i think they have an obligation to tell that candidate. >> bill: we'll see where this goes. another topic for you. what will happen with brett kavanaugh? chuck schumer is looking for a million pages of documents. they're saying that this is the way it works with kagen and invoking the kagen rule. where does it grow? >> great news for kavanaugh. he sat on the bench for a long time. plenty of writings to look at. the democrats have nothing. they lose the moral high ground. they wouldn't even meet with him. to say we need to see more documentation at the same time you are saying we don't need to bother to meet with you, i think they lost that moral high ground. i think there is a differentiation between some of the political time where president bush could claim executive privilege. they would have to go document by document as opposed to his time as an attorney and sitting on the bench. shouldn't say as attorney but time sitting on the bench. a staff secretary a political role. the time on the bench is fair game. >> bill: brett kavanaugh, does he go through before october 1? >> oh yeah. i do. it's all in the control of the republicans. i think senator grassley will negotiate that way through as mitch mcconnell will and orrin hatch. they know how to do this and they'll get it done. >> bill: mexico extraditeing the accused begunman in the fast and furious matter. >> sandra: fire crews trying to contain the flames of monster wildfires on the west coast. what they're facing today. plus apple within striking distance of hitting one trillion dollars in market value. pennies away. money man charles payne will be here. ♪ >> sandra: fox news alert on the wildfires in california. officials now saying the carr fire, one of the most destructive happening in the state, was started when a vehicle broke down and burst into flames. lauren blanch art is live in redding. >> we're along highway 299 where the car broke down. since then the carr fire has destroyed more than 113,000 acres of land and even now the fire is only 30% contained. more than 4,000 firefighters are working to get this fire under control and it has destroyed close to 1,000 homes. it has forced tens of thousands of people from those houses. >> it wiped out our house, it wiped out our next door neighbor's home. we were in the middle. the home on one side is still standing, the home on the other side is like ours, just pretty much rubble. >> the tricky part now is the steep terrain you can see here. firefighters have to go through this as they create containment lines and trying to get rid of a lot of dry brush and catch the spot fires. >> sandra: what a look there. any relief for these crews as they continue to work tirelessly? what's the weather look like? >> well, today it will stay hot and dry but the forecast is good news tomorrow and friday saying cooler temperatures may be on the way. the ferguson fire is another one burning north of here near yosemite national park has forced the park to close until sunday turning away tourists and shutting down summer camps for kids because the air is so bad. >> we couldn't risk it. it was a no-brainer once we knew the health department said the air quality wants safe for kids. >> the town of redding is handing out free facemasks to anyone. it is dangerous for kids. you can see in the distance how hazy it is. this stuff is not safe to breathe. officials are saying if you do not have to be outside in this, don't go out there. sandra. >> sandra: lauren on the ground in redding, california. what a scene there. >> bill: president trump classic campaign mode talking about the economy, democrats, immigration, mid-terms. we'll play the highlights and newt gingrich is our headliner moments away. come on back. a heart valve pro. so if there's a better treatment than warfarin, i'm up for that. eliquis. eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis is fda-approved and has both. so what's next? 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and if they do, they're paying a 25% tariff or tax. so you know what i say to that? dump all you want. i hope you dump a lot. now thanks to our tariffs our steelworkers are back on the job, american steel mills are back open for business. >> and just this morning a white house official confirmed to fox news that a second round, a new round of tariffs against china punishing china is now under consideration at the white house. this would be another 25% tariff on top of the 25% tariff already in effect. it would target $200 billion worth of chinese imports, food, machine wry inputs and china is already threatening counter measures. the president touted the rosie employment picture for minority groups in this country and on the subject of minority groups today at the white house he will be meeting with a group of african-american pastors to talk about prison reform and make no mistake. there is an underlying political opponent. he sees that african-americans -- he wants to lure african-americans away from a party that he believes has taken them for granted, the democratic party. >> bill: thank you, doug mcelway from the north lawn. >> sandra: what a night that was. let's bring in newt gingrich former house speaker and fox news contributor. welcome back. well, what did you think of the president last night? >> look, i think he is extraordinarily excited. he is watching his policies work. and i think that's something that is very hard for the washington establishment to come to grips with. the fact is, you saw job numbers this morning. dramatically better than projected. we now have the lowest black unemployment in american history. which is a very positive thing. it's sad that liberals can't relax and say you know, having fewer and fewer people out of work is a good thing. the question that i think is fascinating is if president trump is right and so far he has had a pretty good run at this, this economy will get bigger and stronger going on out for another four, five, six years. if that happens, the impact on politics in america will be tremendous because you will have this huge contrast between food stamps and unemployment under obama and better jobs, higher take home pay, greater opportunities under trump. at some point the gap will be so wide that among asian americans and latino americans and african-americans you will see drift away from a democratic party. you saw last night a president who is enthusiastic and believes his policies are working and i want to make one last point, this is a major fight we'll have to have in the country. the chinese since 1991 have routinely and consistently cheated. they grew as fast as they did, the estimate by the obama director of national intelligence was they were stealing $460 billion a year in intellectual property trump has decided he wants to stop it. the chinese don't want to stop. this will be a real fight and we need to understand that. and i think the people who are against the trump policies need to explain why they favor allowing the chinese to steal. >> bill: you said a lot. i hope we can get to all of it. we'll just chip away a little bit at the whole answer there. i thought this rally for him last night was a home run. the place was going nuts. i can't recall a time during president bush's first term almost two years in where he could have a rally like this or even president obama two years in. he lost 63 terms in the mid-term election in 2010. he is hitting on all these points. i thought immigration was the biggest applause line of the night. he came back to it over and over again. he loves to poke the democrats in the eye. here is a really good example. sound bite two on brett kavanaugh and the obstruction that the president alleges. watch. >> president trump: so far the democrats haven't given us any votes and that's because they will do anything they can to not help the trump agenda. brett kavanaugh, highest education, best grades, best tests, best everything. they thought 15 years ago he was going to be a supreme court judge. look at justice gorsuch, how good is he? not allowing these great people to serve their country is a disgrace. >> bill: that's on kavanaugh and also on the ron desantis thing. ron desantis wants to be the republican governor in florida. he made an ad this week where he has his child he is talking about make america great again and i'm teaching my kids the words how to build the wall and in return for that ad he gets the president to do a rally in florida and mention his name 10 or 15 times. what is the political transaction at work here where the president says if you get on board with my message, i will get on board with you and i will help lead you to victory. what is happening now within the party in this relationship back and forth? >> well, look, it's totally fascinating. i have written two books about it because it is so fascinating. you have in president trump a very strong personality who has a very definite view of the world. it turns out that at least among republicans, his activities are wildly popular. i think 88% of the republicans approve of him, which is a higher number except for the period right after 9/11, a higher number than any president in modern times has had in their own party's approval. so when he goes in and says i like ron desantis, ron jumps 16 points in a week. when he went into georgia for brian kemp, kemp won the primary pulling away. now, the test will be this fall transferring into winning the general election seats. i think washington is so anti-trump and the liberal media is so anti-trump they don't understand what's happening out there. one example. sanctuary cities, 84% of the american people believe sanctuary cities increase crime. 84%. now, every democrat in the senate co-sponsored senator feinstein's open border bill. the democrats are talking themselves out on these radical left agendas which in the "washington post" and "new york times" and cbs news all sounds terrific. but i think when you get down to september and october, we'll discover there is a red wave, not a blue wave and that people will repudiate the kind of radical extremism we're seeing emerge in the democratic party. >> sandra: the big question will be where is the mueller investigation at that point and a big test of the robert mueller probe is day two of the trial for paul manafort, the president's former campaign manager. the president, mr. speaker, just tweeted this out. paul manafort worked for ronald reagan, bob dole, many other respected political leaders and worked for me for a very short time. why didn't government tell me that he was under investigation? these old charges have nothing to do with collusion. a hoax. president just tweeted that a few minutes ago, mr. speaker. >> i think the president has every right to be deeply, deeply frustrated at the failure of his attorney general to exercise leadership. i also note that in the "wall street journal" this morning you had a former special agent of the f.b.i. wrote a devastating piece where he suggests pretty directly that brennan, the head of the cia and radical leftist. brennan may have used the c.i.a. to set up the f.b.i. to start the whole investigation based on a series of things we we now know increasingly are false. imagine you're the president and looking saying let me get this straight, the f.b.i. lied to the fisa court judge, the c.i.a. may have deliberately set up the f.b.i., and i got an attorney general who doesn't have the toughness needed to start cleaning out the snake pit. by the way, notice what the trial is about. they aren't going after manafort for collusion with russia. they're going after him for things like taxes. this exactly what independent counsel do. they can't solve the case they were hired to do. if manafort wins it. there is a good chance he will. mueller will look like a fool and i think the whole country will shrug off everything else that mueller does. >> bill: he has another trial right after that in the d.c. court. jeff sessions, another tweet from 40 minutes ago. this is a terrible situation. attorney general jeff sessions should stop the rigged witch hunt now before it continues to stain our country any further. bob mueller is totally conflicted and 17 angry democrats doing his dirty work are a disgrace to the usa. what authority right now does jeff sessions have if he were so inclined to clean house? could sessions end it today? >> he is the attorney general. he could fire -- >> bill: the president could fire jeff sessions and he is not going to. if he is this upset why not? >> he is not going to fire jeff sessions because the fix is in in washington and he would not be able to get anybody approved. the senate would go crazy. a third of the republicans would go crazy and you would be back in a kind of watergate-like environment. president trump is far better off to endure this publicly be angry but endure it. on the other hand if jeff sessions wanted to as attorney general, he has absolute authority to fire the entire mueller team. and i originally tweeted that i thought mueller was a very respectable guy and i watched him hire these 17 lawyers that trump is talking about, this is a disgraceful, one-sided witch hunt by a bunch of left-wing democrats and it is compounded because we have learned since then about comey, we've learned since then about the number two guy at the f.b.i., we've learned since then about strzok. every time we turn around we learn more things that indicate that the sickness in the justice department and the senior levels of the f.b.i. was very real and i think should scare everybody. you have the power of the police being that corrupt, huge dangers for freedom in america. >> sandra: newt gingrich, thank you for being with us. >> bill: two stories developing on north korea. what could be the remains of 55 american soldiers on their way home today. disturbing new evidence the rogue regime might still be building missiles. cory gardner is coming up. >> sandra: a judge blocks plans to release 3d blueprints in a battle pitting gun control against the first amendment. >> bill: what a case that is. booming economy. strong labor market handing american workers their biggest pay hike in 10 years. charles payne doesn't have so much pain today. he is coming up. when it's too cold for camping, we go camping. when it's too hot to work, we work. too wet to keep going? nah. this is the gator xuv835. with game-changing heat and air and three-wide seating. it's never too anything for anything. nothing runs like a deere. get $400 off the gator xuv835m at any participating john deere dealer. >> bill: playing out in federal court. a judge halting the release of blueprints to make plastic guns on a 3d printer. want to bring in america's a-team, kayleigh mcenany, jessica tarlov and steve hilton. are you comfortable in the eastern time zone, steve? >> i think i'll get through it. >> bill: what do you think of this case? >> you aren't going to introduce jessica? >> i went. it was quick but i was there. >> bill: jessica tarlov. take a second bow. >> i just can't believe that this is happening actually. there is something about it that just feels so -- so wrong in terms of this technology being completely in the hands of people you just cannot be sure who will get it. i just don't understand it. >> bill: is there a case here? >> absolutely. the president said yesterday via twitter it doesn't make sense, the idea you can use a 3d printer to create a weapon that's untraceable. the administration came out yesterday saying it's been illegal since 1988 to print the guns that are untraceable. we're all on the same page here. it shouldn't be permitted or allowed. >> bill: he said i'm looking into the 3d plastic guns. i spoke to the nra. doesn't make much sense. >> we are all on the same page. the president noting he did speak to the nra. something he often does on issues related to guns that fires up some on the other side from saying he will just follow whatever the nra said. if you think back to parkland maybe we'll raise the age people can buy guns and the nra said we don't do that and then he went back to their position. we should take this as a victory that we agree. >> bill: cody wilson, big victory for public safety and law enforcement safety is the case he is making. >> it isn't. with technology like this some of the people who are best at using at are children and why this is so troubling. it leads to a much bigger question that i think we'll increasingly have to look at which is are the costs of technology and the internet and all these things we take for granted starting to outweigh the benefits. you'll get more and more of these really troubling and difficult questions. >> bill: how do the justices rule in the supreme court. you can't have a 3d printer because it's based on what? >> there is nuance here. it has been illegal to print the plastic guns since 1988. the nuance here is the manufacturer is claiming he wants to print the blueprints. >> they're order out there to begin with. >> it will go to the supreme court. does it violate the first amendment rights of the individual who wants to print them? >> sandra: a lot of people have a hard time -- it is expensive to consider doing this. the cost of the 3d printers involve range from $5,000 to $600,000. they would also need really high-quality plastic to actually make these. what do you make about the president? bill just read that looking into it and not a definitive answer. >> the president is clear the administration said since 1988 it has been illegal. the president says it doesn't make sense. he is trying to see what tools he has add his disposal to deal with this in the executive branch. it is a judicial issue that needs to be settled. >> bill: alex jones is making news and the parents of sandy hook are some of the messages he is sending out. some families suggesting they've had to move seven different times because they're being harassed. he is looking to dismiss a case against him for defamation. what sort of first amendment right does alex jones have despite whether you agree or disagree with the things that he says? >> he has the right but you have to ask what sort of person is he that would be doing this? what is the matter with this person? it's really hard for me to understand how anyone can be so sick in the head as to behave like this. and to keep going with it year after year. >> sandra: then to see the real-life consequences that result from this. in this case this particular family having to move seven times and receiving death threats. >> to say they should be paying him money for what's happened to him as a result of him spreading the most egregious falsehood of his career and there have been many. facebook took down his account for 30 days, suspended him over what they saw as hate speech coming out of his show. that's not a new thing. alex jones has been this person since the beginning. there are a number of people in prominent positions including the president of the united states of america who have appeared on his program. and i think have a lot to account for. >> bill: what he alleges is that there were actors in town in the classroom. >> i'm not a parent. to suffer through the loss of your child should be the greatest loss that you ever can imagine but -- >> sandra: the mother, i would love to see my son's grave and i don't get to do that. we made the right decision referencing her seventh move. they have to live hundreds of miles from where their 6-year-old is buried. >> alex jones his commentary about sandy hook is appalling. we stand against this kind of hate speech, which is what it is. >> bill: you are an attorney, right? how do you define or draw the line between first amendment right whether you agree with it or not in something that is defined as hate speech and harmful to others? >> i consulted with my harvard law colleague this morning to discuss this case. this case, in order to prosecute someone in the press for defamation like alex jones you have to approve malice. that is very hard to do. justice scalia said the case should be overturned and our framers would be appalled the new first amendment right is written into the constitution for the press. should be overturned. when the president said we need to look into libel laws, that is exactly what he is saying. >> bill: stand by. we aren't done with you yet. you didn't come all this way for nothing. >> sandra: breaking news for you out of the trial of trump's former campaign manager paul manafort. after a first day of fiery opening arguments what we're learning is going down inside that federal courtroom. >> bill: apple, take a bite of this. the company is on the verge of going where no company has dared to go before. how -- can you knock on the door of a trillion dollars loud and clear? charles payne can. >> sandra: what does the stock price have to be? >> right around $200 and we're bumping on that. come on back. ♪ ) joni: think i'd give up showing these guys how it's done? please. real people with active psoriatic arthritis are changing the way they fight it. they're moving forward with cosentyx. it's a different kind of targeted biologic. it's proven to help people find less joint pain and clearer skin. don't use if you are allergic to cosentyx. before starting cosentyx you should be checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms of an infection. or if you have received a vaccine, or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. mitzi: with less joint pain, watch me. for less joint pain and clearer skin, ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. appropriate for them. the care that ctca brings is the kind of care i've wanted for my patients. being able to spend time with them, have a whole team to look after them is fantastic. i empower women with choices. it's not just picking a surgeon. it's picking the care team, and feeling secure where you are. surround yourself with the team of breast cancer experts at cancer treatment centers of america. visit appointments available now. with tripadvisor, finding your perfect hotel at the lowest price... is as easy as dates, deals, done! simply enter your destination and dates... and see all the hotels for your stay! tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites... to show you the lowest prices... so you can get the best deal on the right hotel for you. dates, deals, done! tripadvisor. visit with amazing amenities like movie theaters, exercise rooms and swimming pools, public cafes, bars and bistros even pet care services. and there's never been an easier way to get great advice. a place for mom is a free service that pairs you with a local advisor to help you sort through your options and find a perfect place. a place for mom. you know your family we know senior living. together we'll make the right choice. >> sandra: after seven hours in court yesterday a jury was selected and agreed upon in the paul manafort trial. opening arguments began and we're getting brand-new details from inside of that courtroom on day two. peter doocy is outside of the courthouse in alexandria, virginia. >> the judge in the courtroom gave the mueller team a lecture about the language they've been using in their case against paul manafort. the judge t.s. ellis told prosecutors to stop using the word ol gark because it has no role in this trial. he says the people the mueller team keeps calling that have a lot of money but so do george soros and the koch brothers. the mueller team need to find another word. there has not been any mention of the name donald trump. the president tweeted about the case. paul manafort worked for ronald reagan, bob dole and many other highly prominent and respected political leaders. he worked for me for a very short time. why didn't the government tell me he was under investigation? these old charges have nothing to do with collusion, a hoax. the manafort defense team's strategy was trying to undermine the star witness, rick gates. the manafort attorneys say rick gates is the one who transferred the controversial money into accounts including consulting fees collected from ukrainian political figures and manafort's lawyers say gates was embezzling millions. gates lied to special counsel investigators about it and said he was guilty before agreeing to testify against manafort. they say the star witness can't be trusted. i spoke to kevin downing and asked him how manafort is doing. i asked them what they expected from the mueller team today. they're happy to be on trial. >> sandra: didn't get a look at him entering the courthouse today in the gray van as he entered the building, right? >> we didn't see him outside but he is sitting there in court right now and he was about an hour and a half early, sandra. >> sandra: peter doocy. thank you. >> bill: 10:32. ♪ >> sandra: you're on camera, bill. >> bill: apple is feeling no pain. it's on track to become the first trillion dollar company in the history of capitalism. charles payne host of making money on fox business network. market cap $982 billion. >> we have to get around 203 or 204 and we hit the big t. >> sandra: what does it mean? >> a big milestone. you have this great american company that continues to execute. there are so many things from the earnings that came out last night. what i took away the average selling price on an i-phone $724. they thought it would be $693. by the way, the best paying for the iphone x. americans are paying up. a reflection of the american and global consumer. >> sandra: apple still just has the name recognition and branding. >> the halo effect. we don't talk about how many ipads and macs they sold. music business went up 50%. so confident how they are doing business now they upped the guidance to wall street. the current quarter they say $62 billion in revenue. >> bill: making money through apps and streaming. one of my sisters back in ohio was arguing. bill, i don't want to buy a knew phone. it costs me for $700. i said how many times a day do you look at the phone? if you had a choice to lose your purse or smartphone which would be choose? it is becoming irreplaceable because the amount of reliance we have on them more and more. >> you go to the store and as long as it's in your pocket your transaction will be registered. it is indispensable. apple has competition and why it's so amazing they can continue to execute like this. >> sandra: are you skeptical if that can continue? >> i've had it in my retirement account and i lost track 12 years or so. let me tell you, when iphones were coming out, a true story. i thought about this. i have a niece. when the first iphone was coming out she couldn't wait to buy it. she wasn't working then. if you took this money and bought apple stock he would be better off. so she bought the phone. >> bill: we have a good news story on the economy. baoj now. wages are up first time in 10 years, payrolls are up as well. blew past projections. >> yesterday we had the employment cost index. worker compensation rose at the fastest pace in 10 years. 10 years driven by benefits but also wages. what i loved when you look into it the sector i talk about all the time, natural resources, construction, maintenance, the people that hold our country together. their benefits went up 3.4%. dirty fingernail jobs. their compensation went up 2.8%. phenomenal. this morning what you look at on the screen blew me away. adp comes out with the job support and the government numbers comes out on friday. i look specifically at manufacturing. in the last 19 months 836,000 manufacturing jobs. >> sandra: incredible. >> 19 months prior to that, 26,000. no wonder they thought it couldn't be done and said you need a magic wand and they said it's impossible. 836,000 in 19 months. >> they were getting used to it and we came to a point we were just anticipating it. >> we learned how to appreciate mediocrity. maybe we'll set the bar too high but i think we are now. >> sandra: what is going on with wages. we're seeing better numbers on the economy wages were stagnant. are they moving? >> they're moving but not as fast as they should. two things hurting wages. one, the people who are making the most money as they leave the job force you have younger workers coming in don't make the same amount doing the same kind of jobs and the skills gap is deafening. everything people talk about. i don't care if it's tariffs, federal reserve. the number one impediment to our economy is the unskilled worker. if we can get people skilled up forget about it. a big push last week and yesterday. president trump signed another piece of legislation into law. we're way behind on that. it is not an overnight fix. if you want long-term prosperity we've enjoyed for decades that's the place to do it. >> bill: you're talking affluence going higher. look at that. >> i'll get some in your retirement account. >> sandra: you guys are unbelievable. hemmer is excited about the apple stock. >> bill: an amazing american achievement. >> bill sends me emails every now and then on things. he has amazing insight on investment. >> sandra: charles, how long have we known each other? what are you doing to me? >> i'm serious. >> bill: having some love. >> sandra: every commercial like he is like this on the markets. stocks. all right. thank you. >> bill: retirement, bro. >> sandra: bombshell revelation concerning peter strzok, why he wanted top level security clearance for the mueller investigation. the head of judicial watch, the group behind this report will join us live next hour. >> bill: president trump being compared to president reagan in the free trade battle? is trump borrowing a page from the reagan playbook? >> we know if america wants more jobs, it's more world trade, not less. so to breathe better, i go with anoro. ♪ go your own way copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way, with anoro." ♪ go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma. it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. these may worsen with anoro. call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain while taking anoro. ask your doctor about anoro. ♪ go your own way get your first prescription free at here. the important point about this argument is that it reveals the real seriousness of the president's trade strategies. often dismissed as a superficial response to pick a fight with china, whatever. but he said repeatedly that he is for free trade but also fair trade. as far as he is concerned, there is this word he uses over and over again, reciprocity. what that means is we should be treated fairly. and actually the fairest of all is no trade barriers. he said that repeatedly. no one seems to listen. >> bill: working toward in europe. >> it seems to be working in his favor in the sense that what we heard from kudlow this weekend when the europeans showed up they started making offers completely in line with this strategy. for example, to remove all tariffs on car imports from europe and the u.s. >> bill: if they get victory with the china deal. you don't know what comes as a result of that. the reason why we did this segment there is a piece. with this new offer to abolish tariffs president trump must be getting something from the ronald reagan playbook. in a 1986 summit in iceland mr. reagan proposed to the leader of the soviet union the radical idea that both countries should get rid of their nuclear. it led to the biggest nuclear disarmament in history. can we make a jump? >> it was a brilliant comparison, i thought. analogous to president trump going to the e.u. and saying we want zero tariffs. hopefully we get to zero. if not i think we'll likely see the greatest reduction in tariff and non-tariff barriers in history because of this president willing to take on tariffs that have been there 50 years since world war ii. no president tried to do this. president trump will be known as the ultimate free trade president. >> we'll have to wait and see on that one. it is a long road not only with the e.u. and certainly with china and hopefully we're nicer to canada and mexico, too when it comes to having trade conversations. any time there is legitimate reason to have a conversation about president trump and ronald reagan that doesn't sound completely off base is a point for him going into the mid-terms. the president is rated extremely highly on his management of the economy, 55%. a lot higher than how he is rated on other issues. so if he can continue to hammer these points and there can continue to be op-eds between him and ronald reagan it's to his benefit. i don't know how it all shakes out. people liked ronald reagan. >> sandra: the three of them right in "the new york times" if his goal is more jobs and higher wages america comes out the big winner under the zero tariff scenario and points out that the president's koun ill of economic advisor, american tear of 3 1/2%. china is nearly 10%. the world average is around 10%. speak to the president's bigger strategy here? >> this is the crucial point. i think again if you go back to another relevant historical comparison here you hear the critics of president trump oh, he is starting a trade war. no, it was bill clinton who started the trade war. he started by surrendering to china and president bush and president obama continued that strategy of surrender and the costs. you can count in the millions of jobs lost. in incomes not just stagnating but falling for working americans and there is another social cost, too, the devastation in communities. when a factory closes down it is not just the jobs and go and the economic consequences, the community is destroyed. all these consequences are the result of the trade surrender that started with bill clinton, continued with bush and obama and finally we have a president who is engaging in the trade war in order to win it. i think the benefits you are already starting to see with the confidence that's coming back. >> sandra: you can see from the rally last night he sees he is winning with this. >> he thinks he is winning with a whole host of things. you ever to suffer at first for the net payoff in the end. i wonder how much his voters are willing to suffer through a trade war? >> bill: china's economy is hurting right now. on bended knee. there is an advantage here. let's see whether or not they can pull it off. thank you, come on back. in a moment is facebook cracking down? what changes they hope to make and might affect the way you use it. >> sandra: nba announcing a true game changer. why its new partner could change everything. ♪ without costing $100, $200 or $400. enriched with vitamin b3 complex, for beautiful skin. olay. they won't hike your ratest foover one mistake. see, liberty mutual doesn't hold grudges. for drivers with accident forgiveness liberty mutual won't raise their rates because of their first accident. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty ♪ >> bill: facebook cracking down on political influence campaigns. they did a mega deal for the nba and it could change how we bet on it. what is the nba doing? >> $25 million deal with mgm resorts. one decade ago there was a referee who went to jail for betting on nba games. if you could imagine it would be a sports league to form a partnership with a gambling house. mgm resorts will let the nba know if there are strange betting patterns and the nba can catch stuff. do i want to go to mgm resorts to bet on nba games because they'll sometimes have proprietary information. >> bill: that is slippery. didn't we do this story a couple months ago about you as a fan being able to bet on a baseball game as you are sitting there? >> if you're a regular better it's okay. we were discussing this earlier, ncaa is where the concern comes in. the players aren't getting paid. you are placing bets at a game. this is the first of its kind an non-exclusive. the nba could work with other casinos. the money trick -- trickles down to the players. the more you bet on the game the more goes into the pocket books. >> what do you think pete rose is thinking today? >> bill: he thinks the baseballs are juiced. >> facebook says it discovers pages aimed at influencing political opinion. they removed 32 pages from facebook and instagram. one account had 300,000 followers. these foreign actors bought 11,000 dollars worth of ads. the biggest deal here is the pages also created 30 events that people may have actually attended. this has some real world real tangible side effects the same way we saw with the 2016 presidential election. >> what's the goal? causing chaos? >> the goal is exactly that. to create chaos and political division. one of the pages was promoting a counter protest to a white supremacist rally, the other was pushing the abolish ice movement. controversial issues. this is coming up at this hearing today. some lawmakers said it will be one of the issues they'll talk about. facebook says they can't say with total certainty that russia is behind it but there were similar tactics used this time around that were used in 2016. here we go again. we knew it would happen. the f.b.i. and social media companies and the white house all did. >> bill: are you a cubs or white sox fan? >> cubs. >> sandra: you know the answer. >> bill: the poor mets. they gave up 25 runs in one game. >> you know what the new york mets have in common with serena williams? they both suffered their most lopsided lost ever yesterday. serena lost silicon valley. 25-4. first time since 1876. >> sandra: hemmer, i have one question. are you a cubs fan? >> reds fan always. thank you, steve and carley. >> sandra: a solemn journey. the remains of u.s. service members from the korean war heading home 60 years after the gun went silent. mitzi: psoriatic arthritis tries to get in my way? watch me. 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last week in what is considered a goodwill gesture linked to the summit in singapore and undergo dna tests. they're taking part in an emotional ceremony earlier today. >> this is a solemn reminder that our work is not complete until all have been accounted for no matter how long it takes to do so. >> sandra: dan springer is live in honolulu with this. good morning. >> good morning. this is a really big deal to many, many people. partly because it shows how far the united states will go to bring home its servicemen who paid the ultimate sacrifice and also it could provide emotional closure for dozens, if not hundreds, of american families. vice president mike pence will be here in honolulu and speak at what is called an honorable carry ceremony. 55 boxes containing the remains of servicemen killed during the korean war which ended 65 years ago almost to the day. pence's father fought in the war and earned the bronze star. he will be accompanied by two people whose fathers were killed in the war and bodies never found. also at the ceremony is a fighter in korea along with his younger brother. for many years they've been meeting every tuesday for them today will be emotional. >> i know how it feels to have somebody that lost their lives for freedom to come home. i feel it and i feel bad for those who cannot identify to receive their dads or brothers when they come home. >> 36,568 americans were killed in the three-year korean war. of them 7,689 are still missing. most of them believed to be killed in north korea. 208 sets of remains were turned over by north korea in the 1990s and in 2004 a group of americans were allowed in and found many more remains. now the defense p.o.w., m.i.a. accounting agency which is based here in honolulu will spend the next several months and in many cases years trying to identify the remains that they are receiving today. it is a massive undertaking but the forensic people who do it know their job matters. >> one of the few countries in the world that spends this type of effort and time and money to bring closure to our military families and each and every one of those families has been made a promise by the u.s. military to come home. we're the end of that promise. >> the formal ceremony will take place eight hours from now a mile away from where we're standing in front of this building and then the real work will begin to try to identify those remains and give closure to many american families. >> sandra: amazing story. thank you very much from hawaii. >> bill: fox news alert. president trump calling on the a.g. jeff sessions to pull the plug on special counsel bob mueller's russia investigation. former house speaker newt gingrich reacting to the tweet that came out today. last hour in "america's newsroom" the former speaker said this. >> i think president trump is far better off to endure this, publicly be angry and endure it. on the other hand if jeff sessions wanted to as attorney general he has absolute authority to fire the entire mueller team. >> bill: this hour live from the white house john roberts picks it up from there. there is more to comment on this. good morning. >> there certainly is. a lot of people saying a lot of different things. many people seeing this as an instruction on twitter from the president to jeff sessions. let's show you what the president tweeted a short time ago. attorney general jeff sessions should stop this rigged witch hunt now before it continues to stain our country any further. bob mueller is totally conflicted and the 17 angry democrats doing his dirty work are a disgrace to the usa. the important word in the tweet is should. not must or i'm ordering him to. it could be seen as an opinion rather than a directive. sources are telling me not to read too much into it. i talked to rudy giuliani a short time ago before we came on the air and he told me we've been saying for months it is time to bring this inquiry to an end. the president has expressed the same opinion. i'm told this is the president expressing an opinion, nothing more than he has said several times in the past. adam schiff, the ranking member on the house intelligence committee certainly is reading a lot into it tweeting this morning the president of the united states just called on his attorney general to put an end to an investigation in which the president, his family and campaign may be implicated. this is an attempt to obstruct justice. hiding in plain sight. america must never accept it. this tweet is important for a couple of reasons. the president has said on several occasions something very similar. it is clear he is keeping up the drumbeat he believes that sessions made a mistake by recusing himself from the russia investigation and exposing the administration to this. the other important aspect of all this is mueller is scrutinizing the president's tweets as he considers whether there was obstruction of justice in the firing of james comey. other news today on the trade front the president considering harsher punishment for china for what he calls unfair trade policies. the president as he has said in the past has another $200 billion of chinese goods teed up for tariffs. sources tell fox news the president wants to increase the tax to 25%, which would really take a huge bite out of chinese imports. sources say there is a broad realization in the president's economic and trade teams that china is a bad actor when it comes to trade and the u.s. has to play hardball if it wants to get changes. at a rally in tampa last night the president says his strategy is working pointing to the dumping of chinese steel into the united states. >> president trump: they aren't dumping so much anymore, you notice? and if they do, they're paying a 25% tariff or taxes. so you know what i say to that? dump all you want. i hope you dump a lot. now thanks to our tariffs, our steelworkers are back on the job, american steel mills are back open for business. >> but the president did have a lot of people scratching their heads last night when he was talking about the need to show a personal i.d. in order to vote in the mid-term elections. he said this. watch here. >> president trump: time has come for voter i.d. like everything else. voter i.d. if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card. you need i.d. you go out and you want to buy anything, you need i.d. and you need your picture. >> just a personal observation, when i've been to the grocery store and bought beer or wine they ask me for my i.d. but certainly not when i buy eggs, milk, butter or anything else. the president got good economic news. the employment payroll firm saying 219 jobs were created in july. the number for the jobs report coming out on friday expected to be lower 190,000. the new numbers my portend a larger number when the jobs report comes out on friday. >> bill: i imagine you still get carded. i laugh a lot of times when they do that. thank you, john. >> sandra: we all hope to. for more on all this marc thiessen, fox news contributor and fellow at the american enterprise institute. i'm sure you do as well. >> i get carded all the time, absolutely. not for my oreos but my beer absolutely. >> sandra: got to get to the president's tweets here. this is a changing situation at the moment. tweeting out that the attorney general jeff sessions should stop this rigged witch hunt right now. john roberts pointing out a lot of people are seeing it as an instruction to sessions using the word should. >> depends on the meaning of the word should is. look, this is just another over reaction. trump has been railing against the mueller investigation saying the witch hunt should be shut down forever. this is nothing new. he hasn't instructed the attorney general to do anything. this is not by twitter. this is more of the president's frustration with the mueller probe and the fact is he has an interest as newt gingrich said in seeing this through because he claims he did nothing wrong. if there was no collusion as he says repeatedly, then there will be no evidence of collusion to be found. so he has an interest in seeing this completed and quite frankly completed soon. we need to get past this. >> sandra: he took on paul manafort who is sitting in day two of his trial. he said these old charges have nothing to do with collusion. a hoax. he even says why didn't the government tell me he was under investigation and further distanced himself from man fort saying he only worked for me a short time? >> he is right the charges have nothing to do with russia. though on the other hand, you know, paul manafort was a guy who was known to be working for the pro-russian premier of ukraine and had this shady past and so i think trump showed bad judgment in hiring him in the first place but he also fired paul manafort because of ukraine when it came out there was a news story in the middle of the campaign that a list had been found in a safe in ukraine with all sorts of illegal pay-outs, he let him go. so he actually fired paul manafort when news emerged about his dealings in ukraine. he is right this has nothing to do with him. >> sandra: i want to get sound from newt gingrich who joined us last hour and he was able to respond to this. watch. >> this is a disgraceful, one-sided witch hunt by a bunch of left wing democrats and it is compounded because we have learned since then about comey, we've learned since then about the number two guy at the f.b.i., we've learned since then about strzok. every time we turn around we learn more things that indicate that the sickness in the justice department and the senior levels of the f.b.i. was very real. >> sandra: that was following a tweet from the president this morning saying agent strzok should have recused himself on day one, marc. >> that's true that he should have recused himself and the bias that was uncovered in the i.g. investigation is deeply disturbing but also quite frankly the fact that anybody who meet with russians to try to get dirt on their opponent is disturbing. everybody is waiting to see will michael steele put out information that trump new about the meeting. we already have a smoking gun about a campaign getting dirt from the russians on their opponent, it was hillary clinton. her campaign, the dnc through a cut-out, a lawyer hired fusion gps who hired michael steele who met with russian intelligence to collect dirt and hillary clinton's campaign spokesman actually said that if he had known about it, he would have gone and met with the russians too and nothing wrong with it. how is it okay for hillary clinton to have pro-actively sought dirt from the russians but the trump campaign met at the russian's request? it's all bad. >> sandra: a lot of tweets. marc thiessen, thank you. >> bill: florida last night, pennsylvania tomorrow, ohio on saturday. president trump is hitting the ground running in his push to get republicans reelected in the mid-terms. karl rove will break it all down. we'll look at the map later this hour. >> sandra: new emails peter strzok was asking to keep his security clearance after joining the mueller team last year. why the group behind the report says the request could be the key to proving bias against the trump campaign. >> bill: looking for clues in the disappearance of an iowa college student. part of an exclusive interview with tibettes' boy front but first information from investigators. >> we don't know where mollie is at right now and i'm not going to draw any conclusions about the circumstances of her disappearance other than it is not consistent with her past. supervisor, who agreed to it. so he wanted the authority to issue national security letters, which essentially are secret requests for information that fall short of needing court approval. he also wanted -- he said this was essential, which is very unusual. he wanted the ability to declassify information. he wanted to keep that ability. why on earth would he need that ability in the new position? mr. strzok is not an honest guy in the sense he was removed by mr. mueller over these text messages, mueller didn't tell anyone about it for four months. then he was removed, walked out of the f.b.i. headquarters after the i.g. report showed more anti-trump bias. given what he was doing and the lack of trust we have in what he was doing, we should be asking why was it he needed this essential power to declassify information? issue national security letters? what was he doing for mueller's team? that's the big question. the corruption around strzok has infected the mueller operation, few want to talk about it. mueller needs to be asked directly about it. >> sandra: and we asked that question in the context of all those anti-trump text messages that have now been revealed between peter strzok and his then lover lisa page. so then is this, tom, are you able to conclude from your own research, is this the smoking gun? does this prove bias on the part of the f.b.i. towards the trump campaign? >> he was asking for unusual authority to use for the benefit of mr. mueller. this is why the president is frustrated. he sees peter strzok doing these odd things and being an anti-trum per. no wonder he is calling on jeff sessions to shut the mueller operation down. when you have folks like mueller who was behind the fisa warrants that are so outrageous and having this agenda against trump, getting the special dispensation to take all the authority he had as number two counter intelligence official and move it into the mueller operation for who knows what purposes? we can't trust what he was doing. emails like this lead to more questions. >> sandra: the president tweeted said jeff sessions should stop the mueller witch hunt right now. he also says this, russian collusion with the trump campaign, one of the most successful in history, is a total hoax, the democrats paid for the phony and discredited dossier along with comey, mccabe, strzok and his lover lisa page used to begin the witch hunt, disgraceful. final thoughts from you. >> the president is right on target. there is no evidence of collusion. mueller has issued three indictments about what the russians were doing. none of those indictments reference known collusion with americans. in many ways mueller's job is over. >> bill: federal judge putting a stop to downloadable 3d guns. the fight is not over. we'll explain what's happening on that front? the deadly fire in california is getting bigger by the day and the flames already destroying 1,000 homes. we're live from the scene in moments coming up here. >> tech: at safelite autoglass, we really pride ourselves on making it easy for you to get your windshield fixed. >> teacher: let's turn in your science papers. >> tech vo: this teacher always puts her students first. >> student: i did mine on volcanoes. >> teacher: you did?! oh, i can't wait to read it. >> tech 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these old charges have nothing to do with collusion. a hoax. so far this morning the two witnesses have been a political consultant who did work with paul manafort in the ukraine and the agent present when the f.b.i. showed up at paul manafort's house. he said they knocked on the door and used the key to enter the manafort residence for a raid when nobody answered. the f.b.i. will not say where the f.b.i. got the key. sandra. >> sandra: all right. peter doocy, thank you. >> bill: another alert. a long journey home. the remains from what is believed to be dozens of u.s. soldiers from the korean war arriving in hawaii. positive outcome from the singapore summit but troubling news, two. evidence that kim jong-un continues to work on a missile program. the state department still optimistic that kim will keep his word. >> what we're going on is the commitments that chairman kim made to our president. the commitment to denuclearize. >> bill: cory gardner sits on the foreign relations committee. thank you for coming back to "america's newsroom." one dog tag, 55 sets of soldier remains. we wait until we can confirm this ultimately, right? >> you're right. it's great the honored remains are on their way back to the united states. thousands of americans are praying they may find out a lost or loved one is part of the ceremony today. this will take a long time. >> bill: the fact that mike pence flew to hawaii, what does that suggest to you? >> as a son of a korean war veteran it is important to not just the president but millions of americans who served overseas, whether the korean war, whether more recent conflicts. this country would go to the trouble and expense to make sure we leave no one behind. that's what you are seeing in the effort today and why it's important. it will take time. we'll have to figure out what it is and who we are able to find and detect but this is a good step. >> bill: a big decision to send him. >> it is. >> bill: some of the remains that came back before were not human remains. >> it will be a long process. >> bill: it really is a sense of trust we're offering toward chairman kim. last down in tampa you may have heard this comment from the president in the rally on north korea. >> president trump: we have our hostages back. [applause] there has been no nuclear testing. [applause] there has been no missiles or rockets flying beautifully over japan. [applause] i think our relationship is very good with chairman kim. >> it appears the level of tension we had a year ago has settled down a little bit but reports of continued missile testing. what do you have on that for us? >> i think it remains cautiously optimistic is what it means for us. you have a north korea who said they would work toward denuclearization. we have to push them on that. they've separated denuclearization from building advancements at their missile facilities. they have not tested a missile in over 200 some days. that's a good step. that's why we have to continue this doctrine of maximum pressure. we won't let up and we'll sanctions north koreans violating u.n. or u.s. sanctions and pressure china to do more and anybody who violates it will be subject to u.s. law and u.n. security kol so*l aoutions. we are in a better place we were but a long way to go. >> bill: i think you're right about that. who do you think makes the next move then? >> i think we'll have to continue the conversation about what verification means, what the transparency to look into the nuclear program means, how we have some kind of accountability of what they have and what they don't have. this is going to be continued steps between the u.s., negotiators and north korean negotiators how to get a better understanding of their nuclear program and the denuclearization steps will begin with concrete and verifiable measures. >> bill: come on back. senator cory gardner from colorado. >> sandra: a lot of talk about this. a federal judge temporarily blocking the release of blueprints for 3d printed guns. a texas company aiming to start offering downloads today. several states pushing for a restraining order. gillian turner is live in washington with the story. >> at midnight last night courts in new york, new jersey and washington state barred cody wilson and his company from uploading instructions for making 3d printable guns online. the ruling judge of the western district said there is a possibility of irrep able arm. authorities are citing concerns about public safety. >> if it fires once, it fires once too many. it is an undetectable weapon to get into an airport. a crime scene for no way for officers or deputies to investigate it further. >> the company tried to publish its instructions in 2013 but shut down by the obama administration state department. they reached a settlement with president trump's state department in june that allowed them to start publishing today, august 1. a decision many critics disagreed with and sought to pin on president trump directly. >> he has a chance to issue an executive order to just put an end to it. to tell his own administration to reverse position. he has not done it yet. >> he is the president. he can tell his administration what to do. it's in his hands. >> the white house insisting today the safety and security of all americans is the president's highest responsibility and priority. deputy press secretary hogan gidley pointing out the administration remains committed to a 20-year-old law that makes it illegal to own or make plastic guns of any kind including those made on a 3d printer. >> bill: the president is making a push in the buckeye state. he is getting involved in a congressional special election that will happen on tuesday. are some in the republican party starting to get worried? he won the state in 2016 by eight points. >> president trump: this may be, probably is, the greatest movement in the history of our country. even they will say that. to keep it going we need to elect more republicans. we need more votes. new laptop with 24/7 tech support. yep, thanks guys. i think he might need some support. yes start them off right. with the school supplies they need at low prices all summer long. save $200 on this dell laptop at office depot officemax. save $200 on this dell laptop that's the same thing ti want to do with you. it's an emotional thing to watch your child grow up and especially get behind the wheel. i want to keep you know, stacking up the memories and the miles and the years. he's gonna get mine but i'm gonna get a new one! oh yeah! he's gonna get mine but i'm gonna get a new one! when it's time for your old chevy truck to become their new chevy truck, there's truck month. get 10 or 14 percent below msrp on 2018 silverado pickups when you finance with gm financial. plus, during truck month make no monthly payments for 90 days. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. first, it doesn't pay for everything. say this pizza is your part b medical expenses. this much - about 80% - medicare will pay for. what's left is on you. that's where an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company comes in. this type of plan helps pay some of what medicare doesn't. these are the only plans to carry the aarp endorsement for meeting their high standards of quality and service. so call unitedhealthcare insurance company today and ask for your free decision guide. with this type of plan, you'll have the freedom to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. and when you travel, your plan will go with you - anywhere in the country. whew! call unitedhealthcare today and ask for your free decision guide. >> president trump: we had virtually no help, very little from democrats, very little. not because it's not right, but because they don't want to give trump any victory. we need to elect more republicans. we need more votes. >> sandra: president trump at a campaign rally in tampa, florida got the crowd going. he was only getting started. the president set to visit ohio this weekend to stump for congressional nominee tro*i balderson in a special election. the race closer than expected in a district the president won in 2016 by 11 points. karl rove, former white house deputy chief of staff to george w. bush and fox news contributor. quite a night last night, karl. should republicans be worried in ohio? >> sure they should be. this district is an open seat and republicans have found themselves in close races in comfortablely red territory for the last year and a half. they've won the races, held onto the seats that were vacated by people joining the trump administration, but in this race they have to be careful. the democrats have nominated a pretty good candidate who is young and attractive and moderately liberal, not far out left wing. and he ran until recently a very smart campaign. he started off by saying we need new leadership in the democratic party. i don't support nancy pelosi. he sounded like a moderate democrat who was appealing to the suburban voters in this district in delaware county in particular, a big suburban county north of columbus trying to peel away republicans who might have been concerned about donald trump's behavior. but he made a big mistake in the last couple weeks. he got himself interviewed by chris matthews and matthews drilled him about his lack of support for nancy pelosi and he finally admitted he would support whatever democrats the democrats came up with for speaker and that sounds like nancy pelosi. >> sandra: interesting. the president is going to make his way there this weekend. what impact will he have in that state? >> well, it's interesting. the troy balderson the republican whom i met when i spoke earlier this year at the delaware county reagan/lick -- lincoln dinner. an interesting guy. he has donald trump coming in this week and he is running a television ad featuring the endorsement of his candidacy by john case -- kasich who is a never trum per. he wants the president to rev up the troops but the suburbanites that were suspect about the president. the president won by 11 points but 52% of the vote. a high third party vote with suburban white well-educated soft republicans saying i can't vote for the president and i can't vote for hillary. i'm giving my vote to a third party candidate. >> sandra: newt gingrich was our headliner last hour and weighed in on the impact the president is having in close races including the one with ron desantis. >> when he goes in and says he likes ron desantis ron jumps 16 points in a week. when he went into georgia for kemp he won the primary pulling away. now, the test will be this fall transferring that into winning the general election seats. i think washington is so anti-trump and the liberal media is so anti-trump they don't understand what's happening out there. >> sandra: it was remarkable the turnaround in the state of florida. >> and in georgia as well. again, these are primaries. there is a difference between. if you've got a popular president who is popular inside his party that he is able to endorse somebody and carry them across the line. donald trump has that power in spades here. he is the power plant when he endorses somebody. in a general election he has to be careful about it. he is treading in the 12th district into territory where his popularity is great in the rural counties, not so good in the big suburban county and that's the weakness the democrats are trying to exploit with their candidate danny o'connor. >> sandra: the president trying to energy republicans to get out and vote this november. what do you expect to see on the part of democrats less than 100 days out from election day as far as strategy is concerned? >> well, they are conflicted because their party is being disrupted. you have the -- and then you have democrat like danny o'connor saying i have to win by getting votes for people who are republicans or republican leaning and i can't sound like a left wing lunatic. they're conflicted. we see it in the discussion about nancy pelosi who is toxic. their candidate did well in the 12th by saying i want new leadership. he has returned to that theme in his closing ad. i want new leadership. washington is broken. republicans and democrats need to work together. he may have damaged himself maybe fatally by that interview with chris matthews. it is resonating across the district. he says one thing on the stump and another thing on national tv. >> sandra: what a night last night for the president that was. >> wow, wow. >> sandra: all right. karl rove, great to see you. >> thank you. >> bill: "outnumbered" is coming up next. a quick preview. hello, ladies. >> the big fallout from facebook's announcement finding new attempts to medal in our upcoming election using sinister tactics. a lot of finger pointing going on from both sides of the political aisle. and big questions whether we can eliminate that cyber threat and have full faith in our democratic process. >> democrats making a full-court press to block or delay the nomination of the president's supreme court nominee. whether it will work or backfire when it comes to the mid-terms. >> so much conversation coming up with our "outnumbered" guest in the center seat. sometimes it's bill hemmer. >> it's not today, somebody else. >> bill: see you in a couple minutes. an exclusive interview with the father of mollie tibbetts as the search for the 20-year-old ohio student enters its third week. >> just come home. we're looking. we'll find you. just -- she is a brave girl. she will be fine. standard of craftsmanship, you need a higher standard of craftsman. see for yourself at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. when did you see the sign? when i needed to create a better visitor experience. improve our workflow. attract new customers. that's when fastsigns recommended fleet graphics. yeah! now business is rolling in. get started at keeping up with the garcia's. keeping up with the harvey's. keeping up with the wahh-the-wahh the romeros. carters. patels. the allens. wah... wolanske's. right, them. no one is going to have internet like this. no one is going to have internet like this. gig to more homes than anyone. not just the joneses'. over here. xfinity. the largest gig-speed network. >> bill: friends now say mollie tibbetts was planning to travel to the dominican republic this weekend for a wedding. her family pleading with anyone with information to come forward. moments ago we heard from molly's father in an interview. matt finn is watching the story from the midwest bureau. what do we know today? >> moments ago molly's father told us he talked to his daughter the sunday before he went missing. they talked for two or three hours for the wedding she is going to. excited to use her passport for the first time. the wedding was for her brother's boyfriend. the wedding has been canceled. it was not unusual that mollie went jogging by herself the day she went missing. she was an avid jogger, jogging up to 45 minutes each day. her father tells fox news they're trying to increase the reward for mollie by partnering with crimestoppers and a local bank to accept donations. the reward so far is around $2,000. mollie's father rob reiterates the family loves the boyfriend and -- mollie's dad says the family and community is fighting like hell and pleading for any information. >> everyone knows everyone. everyone talks to everyone. you can't do anything there without someone seeing it. we need to get that person or persons to come forward with that information. if people don't have anything to hide, they don't have anything to fear. >> mollie's father said his daughter is a poised, responsible girl but joked she is not perfect. she has a messy room and a bad driver. >> bill: investigators are using her social media footprint. she has a fit bit she used the run as well. how is that tracking going? >> mollie's father said she was always on her iphone and very unusual she has been out of contact. the iphone is missing. she was an avid runner and used her fit bit. investigators will try to get as much information as possible from these devices. authorities say getting all that information from the providers like apple and fit bit could take time and something we've seen in previous investigations, bill. >> sandra: matt finish on the story out of chicago. >> sandra: the white house slamming facebook after it uncovers a coordinated political influence campaign trying to influence our elections. more at the top on "outnumbered." let's take a look at some numbers: 4 out of 5 people who have a stroke, their first symptom... is a stroke. 80 percent of all strokes and heart disease? preventable. and 149 dollars is all it takes to get screened and help take control of your health. we're life line screening... and if you're over 50... call this number, to schedule an appointment... for five painless screenings that go beyond regular check-ups. we use ultrasound technology to literally look inside your arteries... for plaque which builds up as you age- and increases your risk for stroke and cardiovascular disease. and by getting them through this package, you're saving over 50%. so call today and consider these numbers: for just $149 you'll receive five screenings that could reveal what your body isn't telling you. i'm gonna tell you that was the best $150 i ever spent in my life. life line screening. the power of prevention. call now tow to learn more. >> sandra: get excited. gear from the galaxy far, far away is hitting the auction block. hans solo jacket expected to fetch $1 million next month as part of a collection of the rare film memorabilia that includes the lightsabers and the storm trooper helmets. the auction taking place in london, september 20. i take this very seriously, as i know many do. so i made sure not to -- >> bill: i think they will get $1 million for that. >> sandra: yeah. i do, i do. no question. >> bill: what is apple doing? >> sandra: lord. should i look? >> bill: go ahead. >> sandra: is it trillion-dollar company yet? >> bill: before we say goodbye. it is not.


Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Brooke Baldwin 20180801 19:00:00

to an end as he stated many times. we look forward to that happening. the president is not obstructing, he's fighting back. the president is stating his opinion. he's stating it clearly. he's certainly expressing the frustration he has with the level of corruption that we've seen from people like jim comey, peter strzok, andrew mccabe, there's a reason the president is angry. frankly, most of america is angry as well. there's no reason he shouldn't be able to voice that opinion. once again as i stated earlier, the president stating his opinion. it's not an order. he's been crystal clear how he feels about this investigation from the beginning. >> you said a moment ago the investigation itself is corrupt. the mueller investigation, you mentioned comey and strzok. >> the entire investigation based off dirty, discredited dossier that was paid for by an opposing campaign. The latest news from around the world with host Brooke Baldwin. at a public rally and yet people trying to yell over and defending them from doing their jobs and yelling their network sucks on live tv. do you support that or not. >> we certainly support free will do of the press, we also support freedom of speech and we think those things go hand in hand. >> what's she saying there, kaitlan? >> she took an interesting tactic, brooke, blaming the media saying they report too much on national security interest and reveal too much intelligence sometimes, which is an interesting approach that had nothing to do with what was happening at that rally last night. i think the reason the white house was asked this question was not simply because the crowd at the president's rally was championing this, it happened when the president was a candidate. of course sarah is right, they do have free speech to say whatever they want. the point of this is the president himself retweeted a video of those supporters of his chanting at jim acosta saying that. that's why the white house is getting the questions. it's not simply that it happened but the president retweeted it and seemed to endorse it happened on his own twitter feed where the white house says he's expressing his opinions. >> jeff, you were in the room. when that happened, what was the reaction in the room? >> the reaction, sarah sanders said on the one hand, yes, the white house does not endorse any of that. as kaitlan said, that's not actually true. actually the defense of this, going back to how she says the press needs to act responsibly. no question that is accurate. but then she brought up a debunked, absolutely false statement really from more than a decade ago about a cell phone conversation of osama bin laden being reported on. it was reported at the time, that was debunked literally a decade ago. sarah sanders was reading that from the podium as a fact using it as an example of how she says the press is not responsible with national security measures. that was their prepared response to something that happened last night, going back decades ago to something that has been debunked. the reality is the white house has done very little to push back on the violence atri ralli and conversations atriali s at. the majority of people are interesting, kind and courteous. there are always a number of people who are chanting slogans like this. that certainly gets attention. but the white house drew itself into this, as kaitlan said, because the president endorsed it. brooke. >> jeff and kaitlan, thank you very much. back to the president's tweet this morning on sessions and questions of obstruction, with me harry litman, former u.s. attorney, deputy assistant attorney and cnn national security analyst and former fbi special agent. great to have both of you on. harry, let me start with you, you've got it, on this tweet where you essentially have the president ordering his own attorney general to end the investigation into himself and campaign and russian interference that already clearly produced dozens of concrete results not to mention "the new york times" last week broke the story that the personal counsel is looking into trump's tweets into their wide ranging obstruction inquiry. do you think, sir, on the face of it, is the tweet obstruction of justice? >> you know, on the face is one thing, but the basic question about whether it's strong evidence of obstruction, is it a command or kind of suggestion. man, it's a mighty thin distinction. he uses the word "should." but he says right now it is staining our country. it's a rigged witch hunt. i think if i were in the oval office and hearing the president of the united states use these words, i would take it as an order. by the way, order or not, it's still solid evidence of obstruction. the big we is going to be, is he trying to shut down the probe and why. yeah, it certainly doesn't help him. the times does report it. but he should have known this from his lawyers months ago. each and every one of these tweets is totally admissible. it's not simply the individual ones. as you put them all up against one another and follow the sequence, it really spells out someone who is ordering this probe to be shut down. >> asha, you heard sarah sanders say, no, no, no, this wasn't an order. this was trump's opinion. he's simply expressing his frustration. you have the president's attorney then soon after, rudy giuliani, saying, no, this was his first amendment right of free speech. to harry's point he said should, didn't say must. but aren't these tweets official samts from the white house? how do you read this. >> yes, they have been construed as official tweets. we know, for example, travel ban litigation his tweets were used as evidence of what could have been his intent in promulgating that. brooke, i just want to point out the irony, when he's stating these things and freedom of speech but i think it was only a week ago he started to strip high national security officials of security clearances for expressing their opinions. >> right. >> one thing i just want -- what i see in addition to what harry said about the pattern of obstruction, he's clearly feeling heat. it could be for the manafort trial and what he's afraid will come out. let's remember mueller that indicted 25 russian nationals and 3 russian companies. that can't make putin very happy. this is starting to uncover, embarrass and expose their operations here. i have to wonder in that private meeting one-on-one, whether he has pressure coming from another direction that we don't know about to try to get rid of this investigation. >> harry, just going along with this tweet and i want to move onto manafort, if trump made this request in private, this order or whatever you want to call it in private, wouldn't mueller then be like green light, interview witnesses, who was in the room just as he has for comey and conversations around michael flynn. wouldn't that be similar? >> completely. so that's right. you would go through and ask how would a reasonable person have construed this kind of eruption from the president and especially the giuliani statement it's just first amendment is a real non-s.e. s r sequitur. it's just speed. how would you take it, et cetera. it's right flat out in front of us. i don't think it takes much of a strong inference to say trump is trying to issue an order here. the point you make is good, sessions is recused to either a bizarre order to try to carry out. >> rod rosenstein, leads you to wonder, does he understand that. the other piece you didn't hear from russia today, not only did russia attack and interfere in the u.s. elections in 2016, they are still doing so into the midterms this november. so asha, even if this wasn't an order, why would this president -- why would the white house want this whole investigation to be shut down because of russia currently? >> that's the question. once again, these are going -- mueller is equally going after russians as much as links potentially between the campaign. if the president was being sincere when he stood -- walked back his walk. i can't remember where we are in the walk backs to the walk back, he believes the assessment that russia interfered in our election, this cannot be a witch hunt. this is finding the people responsible for that election interference and that cyber attack. so you know, it's trying to have it both ways and very puzzling. >> asha and harry, thank you so much. great, great point. thank you both on that. coming up next, we want to get to paul manafort and the trial at the courthouse in virginia. day two of the form early campaign chairman. details on why one of the star witnesses may not testify. gut wrenching video of aeromexico plane crash and its aftermath. amazingly every single person on board that plane survived. in just a couple minutes we'll talk to the teenager who shot this video. later members of a conspiracy theory group show up at the president's rally last evening in tampa. we will explain who they are and why they were there. stay with me. i couldn't catch my breath. it was the last song of the night. it felt like my heart was skipping beats. they said i had afib. what's afib? 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>> well, i think if given this tape, often passenger cell phone recordings can be extremely helpful in investigations, and it will be on the black box but the weather played a role. so many have wind shear, detection, these microbursts are so powerful they can literally drive a plane into the ground. a lot of the study stemmed from delta air lines flight 191 which crashed in dallas. tomorrow will be the 33rd anniversary of it, august 2nd, 1985. there aind shear, microburst, drove a plane into the ground. it's important to know this, not only can it put a plane in the ground. >> excuse me we're going to trump's personal attorney rudy giuliani. >> i said it just yesterday on fox that we believe that the investigation should be brought to a close. we think they are at the end of it. they should render their report, put up -- i guess if we were playing poker, we're not, put up or shut up. we have everything to believe they don't have anything. the president has done anything wrong. they don't have any evidence he did anything wrong. they have evidence up this alley and that alley, chasing things about cohen. we found out t scl. week before that t horo report cast doubt on the legitimacy of the clinton investigation and in particular this one. although in the clintonvestig hy were biased but no effects of bias. in this investigation they ren . that's still investigated. they had such a severe bias they shouldn't hav been involved in it. i don't know what the consequences lawyer, one of the consequences would be you're going to attack the legitimacy of the investigation. >> the attorney general see this as a directive? >> no, it isn't at all. as we said immediately, it's an opinion. he used a medium he uses for opinions, twitter. one of the good things about using that, he's established a clear sort of practice now that he expresses his opinions on twitter. he used the word should, he didn't use the word must. there was no presidential directive to follow it. he didn't direct him to do it and he's not going to direct him to do it. >> is he still interested in meeting with mueller? >> he's always been interested in testifying. it's us, meaning the team of lawyers, including me, that have the most reservations about that. as lawyers, i don't know, you all watch television. i don't know if you find a lawyer on television that ever thinks their client should testify. >> why should we believe that, though? everything he says indicates the opposite, he doesn't want to? >> really? i haven't heard him say that. i've heard him say i want to be interviewed if my lawyers can reach an agreement on what the ground rules will be. we've had a hard time doing that. we're still -- i'm not going to give you a lot of hope it's going to happen. we're still negotiating. we haven't stopped negotiating. the most recent letter, they sent us a proposal. we responded to their proposal. they took about 10 days. yesterday we got a letter back for them. we're in the process of responding to their proposal. >> why doesn't he fire rosenstein. >> he wants the investigation to come to a conclusion and not interfere. what's why this whole obstruction of justice is nonsense. if he wanted to obstruct it, he could end it. then you could battle whether he has the legal right to do that, which i think he does. he's not going to do that. he has made it clear he wants it to run its course. on the other hand he's a person with a first amendment right to defend himself, first amendment right to express his opinion. as a president it's more important to express his opinion. these kind of allegations can do damage to the country, not just the particular president. if he believes he's innocent and he is innocent, he should speak out. >> you said the other day conclusion is not a crime. some people said you're moving the goalpost. >> no, no, no. i said that from the very beginning. you know, jeff, it's like an alternative argument, which is a little too subtle, i guess. he did not collude. there is no evidence he colluded. in the alternative, conclusion is not a crime. so if you wrote a brief, you'd say throw it out on the wall, no conclusion. if you don't want to throw it on the wall, throw it on the facts. >> do you think obstructing is a crime? >> of course it's a crime. >> you said the president -- >> under article 2 of the constitution, i'm not fog to tell you my opinion of it because i haven't gotten to the conclusion of researching it. under our conclusion if the president is acting within his capacity as president and he fires someone, that can't be questioned. now, is there a narrow area where you could question him? i don't know. we don't have to deal with that. he had legitimate reasons for firing comey. just look at the horowitz report about his investigation of hillary. look how he started the investigation. look how he ended the investigation of hillary, rather. the whole who areal in the bureau was under serious questioning while he was there. a host of reasons. he wrote memo. >> a legal defense under article 2 and factual defense. if he didn't have article 2 he didn't obstruct anything. the cases say this, not all of them but many, the best proof is in the pudding. he didn't obstruct the investigation. it's been going on for a year and a half. they talk to every witness they want to. they haven't asserted an executive privilege. they have every single document. unlike other presidents, who had every right to do it, but we didn't assert executive privilege. thank you. >> thank you. >> i didn't witch it. i understand there was a big development but i don't know. >> okay. so this is obviously rudy giuliani, this is the president's attorney. he's at this campaign event in new hampshire and he was caught by reporterses. he's made news, he was on cnn with allison cammarata this week. the latest thing this week was conclusion isn't a crime. let's read from headlines we heard from rudy giuliani now. talking about a lot coming from the tweet the president sent out earlier this morning essentially saying his own attorney general should end this, in his words, witch hunt, this entire investigation where mueller was appointed not, by the way, by the ag but rod rosenstein, deputy attorney general. saying the mueller team, they don't have anything. saying this whole investigation needs to end, we heard from sarah sanders in the briefing. reiterating about what the president said in a tweet, it wasn't a directive, it was an opinion. no, they don't want to fire rod rosenstein. so let's go to harry litman, former u.s. attorney who is back with us. i've got to tell you, the point in the end, harry, where you heard rudy giuliani say he did not collude. on the other hand conclusion isn't a crime. i'm getting lost or confused in all the spin. >> yeah, i think that is the country. they backed away from no conclusion, to, well, maybe conclusion isn't a crime. i think here it's a misnomer. they haven't been talking conspiracy. the bigger point is his assertion about the legal and factual defense, the notion that under article 2 the president can't violate, be guilty of obstruction of just, something the supreme court has announced. on the facts, it doesn't really matter where the investigation has -- the president when he was speaking with comey was trying to shut it down for so-called corrupt motives basically to keep it coming home to roost in the white house. so i think both it's factual and legal defenses don't really hold up. it has been a series of statements, restatements and revisions from rudy giuliani in the last few weeks who seems at peace with it. >> another statement from rudy giuliani, harry, stay with me, julia, he have you standing by as well. giuliani on this whole will the president sit with mueller for the interview, he said the mueller team counter-offered on this trump interview, might that be a reason why the president seems so rattled today? >> we don't know yet. it seems a big hint. we're reporting -- i'm trying to report right now about what this letter from mueller actually said. we don't know. we know they had not heard from mueller. it was radio silence for a while. perhaps they heard something back that could have agitated him, although i into with a source earlier that said that wasn't the case. it is an important piece of information rudy let out there. we need to unravel this. otherwise his arguments are the same that the president said should and not must. i don't know about you, if the president of the united states said to me, you should do something and i worked for him, i don't think there's a lot of difference between those two. but i think they are trying to slice the salami, because an order could be interpreted as more obstructive than just a kind of a suggestion that, you know, i hate this investigation and you ought to make it end. as you knowr brooke, sessions has recused himself. so he can't actually fire mueller. he would have to ask rosenstein to do it, if he could ask him at all. >> which he just said they don't want to. >> right. they don't want to. look, the president has wanted all these people gone. we know that. he's tweeted about sessions, he's tweeted about mueller, he's tweeted about rosenstein. this is not new. the president doesn't like any of these people even though, by the way, as you know, he has appointed each and every one of them except for mueller whom rosenstein appointed. >> harry litman, if you're robert mueller, the special counsel here and you're obviously looking at the president's tweets, taking in what the president's attorney is saying on television, what are you thinking right now? >> first i'm thinking this is all admissible. much of these might be designed to play to the base or whatever but each and every tweet is going to be a piece of evidence that's going to go to the critical issue in obstruction. we know for sure he tried to shut down the probe. the question will be did he have so-called corrupt intent. was he basically trying to keep -- protect his own skin and that of his family. each of these is going to be significant. i think they are also significant in the aggregate, brooke, because the more the president sort of waffles and says different things and back pedals and changes the narrative, the more it looks like the truth is, in fact, something he knows -- he has guilty knowledge about, which is he's trying to shut it down for selfish reasons. >> let me -- jeff toobin is joining us. i'm told he's at -- there he is. jeff, you're there in new hampshire. were you there when giuliani was talking to reporters? did you just hear what he said? >> yeah. that's why i'm here is i'm following mayor giuliani around. i thought he said something interesting i had never heard him say before. he said, well, this was on twitter where he gives his opinion, and it's not -- the statements on twitter are known to be opinions as opposed to presidential directives. i don't know what exactly to make of that. >> official white house statements. >> well, that's the other thiet. i believe sarah sanders in the past said these were official white house statements. that distinct was something new i hadn't heard before. i don't think if it's legally significant but it's an attempt to draw a line between what he says on twitter and official orders that he gives. i don't know if that would hold up legally. i don't know how you would test that. that distinct that distinction the mayor drew is one i hadn't heard before. >> saying the mueller team reaching out and counter-offer for interview between the president and mueller team. tell me more about what the president said and your interpretation of that. >> one thing he has been saying all week, i've been with him much of the week, ten days ago we responded to their latest proposal for the interview but we hadn't heard back from them. today we just heard back from the mueller office in terms of their latest counter-proposal. this has been going on for months this drama about will he testify, will he not testify, these negotiations. based on everything i've heard from the mayor, notwithstanding the president's professed desire to do this. it certainly seems like no interview is happening. that then raises the question of whether mueller will issue a subpoena and are we off to a multi-month legal battle that could wind up in the supreme court. just in terms of a voluntary agreement to testify, that sure looks unlikely based on everything i've seen. >> just lastly back to giuliani regard to this tweet, it wasn't a directive to the attorney general, it was the president's own opinion. he was the one who said -- he didn't say we have the tweet highlighted, he said attorney general jeff sessions should stop this rigged witch hunt. it's not like he said must, which sounds mighty reminiscent to me, jeff, who said on the would, wouldn't think. >> yeah. you know, again, when the president of the united states says to a cabinet member, you should do something, that skhur sounds like an ordered to me, whether it's on twitter or not. the interesting distinction the mayor was attempting to draw moments ago, oh, well, it was on twitter so it's more of an opinion rather than a directive. people can evaluate as they choose to. >> okay. all right, jeff toobin, thank you so much in new hampshire. gloria and harry, thank you. beautiful, beautiful this time of year. quick break and back with more on this breaking story next. fact is, every insurance company hopes you drive safely. but allstate helps you. with drivewise. feedback that helps you drive safer. and that can lower your cost now that you know the truth... are you in good hands? 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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20180802 00:30:00

was shot and killed while riding his bike. he once treated former president george h.w. bush. this evening, what authorities now revealed about the alleged motive. the concern at this hour in the east. flash flooding already tonight. the new wave of blinding rains from florida all the way up to the northeast. the family of a grandfather and decorated army veteran calling police for help about an armed intruder. the grandfather killing him. but when police arrive, they accidentally kill the grandfather. and the consumer warning tonight about certain salads and wraps and a possible parasite. good evening. and it's great to have you with us here on a very busy wednesday night. and we begin with the stunning new video from inside that passenger plane that crashed during takeoff. at least 65 americans onboard. a passenger recording as the plane gathers speed down the runway, taking off from durango for mexico city. you can see right there the the scene, racing the injured to local hospitals. yet somehow, all 99 passengers and four crew members onboard that durango to mexico city flight tuesday escaping with their lives, and tonight are speaking out. >> the plane starts climbing up. it was almost whiteout conditions. and -- >> reporter: what could you see out of the window? >> nothing. >> reporter: father esequiel sanchez of chicago, one of at least 65 americans onboard, recovering from a broken arm, says he thought the plane never should have taken off. >> it was a strong, heavy bump. we could -- i could actually feel the landing gear buckle. >> reporter: dorelia rivera did everything she could to protect her daughter. >> i looked back and all i saw was smoke and flames. >> reporter: passengers crediting the actions of flight crew with helping get people onboard to safety and away from the burning plane. but tonight, questions about why it took off. in this time lapse video, you can see the fast-moving storm coming in around the same time A roundup of the day's events. voter i.d. you know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card. you need i.d. >> reporter: when was the last time the president went to a grocery store? >> i'm not sure. i'm not sure why that matters, either. >> reporter: because of what he said last night. i've never had to show an i.d. when i go to buy groceries. most people don't. >> certainly, if you go to a grocery store and you buy beer and wine you're certainly going to show your i.d. >> reporter: is that what the president, who doesn't drink, meant? >> he's not saying every time he went in. he said, when you go to the grocery store. >> reporter: it stems from a conspiracy theory the president has long peddled, that millions of people vote illegally in american elections. it's just not true. so, today, we asked -- does the president still believe that millions of people are voting illegally in this country? is that the basis for this push for requiring voter i.d.s? >> even if there are ten people that are voting illegally, it shouldn't happen. >> so, let's get to cecilia vega at the white house tonight. and cecilia, i want to go back to the headline you reported there at the top, abc news first reporting it late today that special counsel robert mueller has informed the trump legal team that he wants to ask the president about obstruction of justice. and you're learning that mueller has also agreed to limit the scope of the interview? >> reporter: yeah, david, we've been talking about these negotiations, they have gone on for months. mueller's team wanted a wide-ranging interview, everything from obstruction and collusion to questions about the firing of james comey. but sources are now telling us that mueller has agreed to cut out some topics. we don't know exactly which ones. the president's team, on the other hand, wanted to cut out obstruction, clearly, they were not successful at that. >> cecilia vega at the white house tonight. thank you, cecilia. and president trump's morning tweet storm also included an angry tweet about another target of the special counsel, his former campaign chairman, paul manafort, who is now on trial. the president asking in his tweet, who was treated worse, mob boss al capone or paul manafort? but the president also saying that manafort had little to do with his campaign. and mueller's team appearing confident they have enough evidence against manafort, today saying they might not even call manafort's business partner, rick gates. abc's kyra phillips at the courthouse in alexandria, virginia, tonight. >> reporter: president trump today, wading into the trial of his former campaign chairman, tweeting -- "who was treated worse, alphonse capone, legendary mob boss, killer and public enemy number one, or paul manafort, political operative and reagan/dole darling, now serving solitary confinement, although convicted of nothing?" this, though the president has distanced himself from manafort for months. >> manafort has nothing to do with our campaign. >> reporter: fact is, manafort ran the trump campaign during a crucial period. he's now accused of lying to the irs and hiding tens of millions of dollars in offshore bank accounts. money he made working for a ukrainian political party with deep ties to the kremlin. he has pleaded not guilty. today, prosecutors stunning the courtroom by declaring they may not call the man billed as their star witness, manafort's former business partner rick gates, who accepted a plea bargain from special counsel robert mueller. manafort's attorney argues gates is "willing to say anything to save himself." and today, prosecutors said, "he may testify, he may not." they focused their efforts on portraying manafort as a man who spent lavishly while cheating on his taxes. even calling the manager of a men's clothing store who testified that in just five years, manafort spent $929,000 on suits. it all seemed to annoy judge t.s. ellis, who remarked, "the government doesn't prosecute someone because they wear nice clothes, do they?" and kyra phillips back with us tonight outside the courtroom there in alexandria. and kyra, we saw that tweet from the president, asking who was treated worse, paul manafort or prime suspect in the murder of dr. mark hausknecht, who once treated former president george h.w. bush. the doctor was shot july 20th, as he rode his bike to work down a busy street. the suspect also on a bike, and police say rode past the doctor and opened fire. the case baffling investigators, who for nearly two weeks have been desperately pleading with the public for tips. >> one of the tips included the fact that the suspect's mother was a patient of the doctor and died during surgery over 20 years ago. >> reporter: today, police raiding a home linked to pappas, but finding no sign of the man who they say has been missing for about two days and is now considered armed, dangerous and possibly suicidal. investigators saying it's possible that he once worked in law enforcement, helping, they say, to explain the suspect's alleged precision in the brazen murder in broad daylight. >> there was a lot of planning that went into this. there was a lot of planning and, sadly, some skill. >> and marcus moore joining us live tonight outside the houston home that police raided earlier, and police believe the suspect may actually be getting around by bicycle, marcus? >> reporter: david, investigators believe he could be on the same ten-speed bicycle they say was used during the murder. and tonight, they have renewed their call for the public's help, urging anyone who sees pappas not to approach him, but instead to call police. david? >> marcus, thank you. a stunning public apology today from the catholic bishop in harrisburg, pennsylvania. bishop ronald gainer called a news conference to release the names of 71 clergy and seminarians accused of child sexual abuse, going back to the 1940s, calling them, quote, very sad moments in diocese history. the announcement comes as the state prepares to release a grand jury report on clergy abuse across the state of pennsylvania. fl itcn the east at this hour. 24 million americans from florida all the way up to pennsylvania after a july that already set rain records. heavy rain already flooding roads in vienna, virginia, in this system, and triggering water rescues in fairfax county, virginia. those calls for help started before dawn this morning. the steady rain in the forecast through friday, just look at the map, it stretches all the way up the coast. there is concern tonight, so, let's get right to meteorologist rob marciano with us live tracking it all. hey, rob. >> reporter: hi, david. you know, where it's not raining, it's really humid, and that's feeding some of the severe thunderstorms and heavy rainmakers, like you mentioned. look at the flash flood watches from florida all the way to pennsylvania. we've had warnings tonight in mobile, it's been raining heavily in atlanta and the setup is the same. high pressure pinning that flow against that front that's not moving. the next couple of days, more rounds of rain coming over super saturated flow. and this setup really doesn't move to the east until well into the weekend. could seal four -- see four, five, maybe six more inches of rain across an area that doesn't need it. david? >> rob marciano with us again tonight. thank you, rob. and meantime, the battle against wildfires is still ranging in the west at the this hour. newly released video tonight of a family racing to escape the towering fire tornado of the deadly carr fire. more than 1,400 homes and structures now destroyed in that fire alone. vice president mike pence is in hawaii tonight, welcoming home the possible remains of american service members who fought in the korean war. north korea handed over 55 boxes, but just one dog tag i.d. u.s. officials tonight say a preliminary review has confirmed the boxes do contain human remains, likely americans, they say. forensic teams at joint base pearl harbor-hickam will work to identify them. there is still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this wednesday. the consumer alert about certain salads and wraps and a possible parasite. also, the family of a grandfather who called for police help after an armed intruder, that grandfather killing the intruder, and when police arrived, they accidentally kill the grandfather. what we're learning tonight. there's also news tonight about that hostage and the hostage-taker killed by police. what we've now learned about the case. and you'll want to stay tuned tonight. america strong tonight. and michael phelps will want to stay tuned for this too, because tonight right here, the 10-year-old swimmer they call superman. what he just accomplished in the pool, and you're not going to believe his name, either. stay tuned. stay tuned. ... had a ball being a dad... ...and built a career in construction. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain from moderate to even severe diabetic nerve pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. and i love building memories that can't be washed away. ask your doctor about lyrica. give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you don't. i'll take that. 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(announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. can make you feel unstoppable. ♪ but mania, such as unusual changes in your mood, activity or energy levels, can leave you on shaky ground. help take control by talking to your doctor. ask about vraylar. vraylar is approved for the acute treatment of manic or mixed episodes of bipolar i disorder in adults. clinical studies showed that vraylar reduced overall manic symptoms. vraylar should not be used in elderly patients with dementia due to increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements, which may be permanent. side effects may not appear for several weeks. high cholesterol and weight gain; high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death; decreased white blood cells, which can be fatal; dizziness upon standing; falls; seizures; impaired judgment; heat sensitivity; and trouble swallowing may occur. you're more than just your bipolar i. ask about vraylar. to the index and we have learned the identities of two americans killed while cycling in tajikistan. lauren geoghegan and jay austin were touring the world and blogging about it. isis has claimed responsibility. and this video does appear to show a vehicle deliberately ramming the cyclists. two europeans were also killed. there's new fallout tonight after that hostage-taker was killed near l.a., along with the hostage. the family of elizabeth tollison filing a lawsuit tonight against the lapd. body cam video showing police opening fire on the suspect, who was holding a knife to her neck. both were killed. the family calling her death tonight totally preventable. and the usda issuing a public health alert for two dozen salads and wraps contains beef, pork and poultry. products distributed by caito foods may be contaminated with a parasite causing intestinal illness. sold at trader joe's, walgreens and kroger. we have more on our website. when we come back, why michael phelps will want to hear our america strong tonight. you're turning o the street when you barely clip a passing car. minor accident - no big deal, right? wrong. your insurance company is gonna raise your rate after the other car got a scratch so small you coulda fixed it with a pen. maybe you should take that pen and use it to sign up with a different insurance company. for drivers with accident forgiveness liberty mutual won't raise their rates because of their first accident. liberty mutual insurance. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty ♪ metastatic breast cancer is relentless, but i'm relentless too. mbc doesn't take a day off, and neither will i. and i treat my mbc with new everyday verzenio- the only one of its kind that can be taken every day. in fact, verzenio is a cdk4 & 6 inhibitor for postmenopausal women with hr+, her2- mbc, approved, with hormonal therapy, as an everyday treatment for a relentless disease. verzenio + an ai is proven to help women have significantly more time without disease progression, and more than half of women saw their tumors shrink vs an ai. diarrhea is common, may be severe, and may cause dehydration or infection. before taking verzenio, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection. verzenio may cause low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infection that can lead to death. serious liver problems can occur. symptoms may include tiredness, loss of appetite, stomach pain, and bleeding or bruising more easily than normal. blood clots that can lead to death have also occurred. talk to your doctor right away if you notice pain or swelling in your arms or legs, shortness of breath, chest pain or rapid breathing or heart rate. tell your doctor if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan to become pregnant. common side effects include nausea, infections, low red and white blood cells and platelets, decreased appetite, headache, abdominal pain, tiredness, vomiting, and hair thinning or loss. i'm relentless. and my doctor and i choose to treat my mbc with verzenio. be relentless. ask your doctor about everyday verzenio. be relentless. if you have moderate to thsevere rheumatoid arthritis, month after month, the clock is ticking on irreversible joint damage. ongoing pain and stiffness are signs of joint erosion. humira can help stop the clock. prescribed for 15 years, humira targets and blocks a source of inflammation that contributes to joint pain and irreversible damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. help stop the clock on further irreversible joint damage. talk to your rheumatologist. right here. right now. humira. finally tonight, america strong. the 10-year-old superman, really. check out his name. just listen to them cheering. >> go! go! >> reporter: and listen to his name. >> go clark! go! finish! >> reporter: the far west international swim championship in california near san francisco. that young swimmer leading the pack, his name is clark kent. >> nice job, clark! >> reporter: clark kent apuada is just 10, that's what his parents named him. they're clearly superman fans, but now it would seem they have their own superman in the pool. taking first place in the 100-meter butterfly with a time of 1:09. breaking the record by just more than a second, a record set 23 years ago by michael phelps when he was about the same age. phelps would go on to win 28 gold medals -- could clark kent be next? >> that was one of my dreams, to beat michael phelps' record since i was 7. >> reporter: one dream realized. but it wasn't his only gold medal. >> i won seven gold medals. and that gave me the high point award. >> reporter: this little clark kent started swimming at 3. leaping from buildings? at this rate, one day soon. >> hi, david. i'm clark kent apuada, also known as superman in the pool. >> reporter: this little superhero had some very human advice for the rest of us. >> always have fun and never give up on your dreams, no matter what anybody says. >> go, go! >> way to go, clark. and michael phelps cheering you on, too, tonight. i hope to see you right back here tomorrow. good night. this is the after version. what did it look like before? tonight see the heartbreaking side by side comparisons of a neighborhood that didn't survive the wildfire near redding. and fire prevention is not just about trimming trees or making defensible space. tonight practical changes we all can make to reduce the risk of wildfires. i'm spencer christian. we'll have a close-up look at current weather conditions near the fires and declining air quality. >> live where you live, this is abc 7 news. >> we were told to leave, yes. and that's just -- we worked our butts off for everything we have, and we just don't want to lose it. >> that woman speaks to something we can all understand, and that is sheer fear, a feeling faced by many wildfire evacuees. good evening. thanks for joining us. i'm larry beil in for dan ashley. >> and i'm ama daetz. today governor brown said we are in charted territory, facing multiple wildfires that don't wait for the typical fall season to spark. >> more than a dozen wildfires burning currently. we're focused on a few that are the biggest, the most


Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20180905 00:30:00

storm surge warning here in gulfport, because of three to five feet of storm surge expected. the mobile bay has to watch out. flash flooding with 6 to 12 inches of rain possible. don't forget, this thing moves all the way through the end of the week, we'll be talking about what's left of gordon in the middle of the country. david? >> all right, we know you'll be tracking it into the night and first thing in the morning on "gma." ginger, thank you. and as ginger just reported, gordon is expected to slam ashore right there along the mississippi coast, where schools, businesses, resort casinos have all been shut down tonight, and families are racing to protect their homes from rising water and, of course, dangerous flooding. abc's victor oquendo is there tonight. >> reporter: tonight, the ominous first bands of rain slamming into the gulf. gordon now closing in. winds of 70 miles per hour, as much as a foot of rain threatening millions in the hours ahead. states of emergency now stretching from louisiana to alabama. >> it is time to take this as a serious storm and be prepared. >> reporter: the space station capturing gordon as it gained expecting a direct hit. david? >> all right, victor oquendo and ginger zee tonight, our thanks to both of you. in the meantime, next this tuesday evening, to another storm swirling tonight, this time, the explosive new book about president trump and the white house. it's called "fear," and in it, author bob woodward revealing for the first time that the president reportedly took part in a practice drill for a possible interview with the special counsel. woodward reports his lawyers were so concerned, they made their case to robert mueller themselves, saying the president should not be questioned. well, tonight here, the president and his team are now denying what's being reported in this new and explosive book. and you're about to hear the phone call, the audio between the president and the book's author, who tried multiple times to get an interview with the president. here's our senior white house correspondent cecilia vega. >> reporter: president trump once seemed eager to sit down with special counsel robert mueller. >> would you be willing to speak under oath to give your version of the events? >> 100%. >> reporter: but according to the new book by veteran >> hello, bob. >> president trump, how are you? >> reporter: the president called last month, asking why he wasn't interviewed for the book. woodward says he tried. >> i never got a call. i never got a message. who did you -- who did you ask about speaking to me? >> well, about six people. >> well, they don't tell me. >> a senator. i talked to kellyanne about it two and a half months ago. >> reporter: the president conceding he had actually been told about the request. >> who were the senators? no, they never called me about it. >> senator graham said he had talked to you about talking to me. now, is that not true? >> senator graham actually mentioned it quickly in one meeting. >> reporter: at one point, counselor to the president kellyanne conway walks in the room. >> i'll speak to kellyanne. i am a little surprised that she wouldn't have told me. in fact, she just walked in. i'm talking to bob woodward. he said that he told you -- >> yes. >> -- about speaking to me. but you never told me. why didn't you tell me? i would have been very happy to speak to him. >> reporter: conway then gets on the phone herself. >> hi. >> hi. remember two and a half months ago, you came over and i laid out, i wanted to talk to the president? and you said you would get back to me? >> i do. and i put in the request. but you know, they -- it was rejected. i can only take it so far. i guess i can bring it right to the president next time. >> reporter: the president not letting up. >> it would've been nice, bob, if you called for me, in my office. i mean, i have a secretary. i have two, three secretaries. if you would've called directly -- a lot of people are afraid. >> reporter: in the book, called "fear," woodward paints a picture of top aides ridiculing the boss behind his back. after the president repeatedly questioned the cost of america's large military presence on the korean peninsula, defense secretary jim mattis bluntly told him, "we're doing this in order to prevent world war iii." exasperated, mattis later told close associates the president, quote, "had the understanding of a fifth or sixth grader." chief of staff john kelly once reportedly complained the president is "an idiot," saying, "it's pointless to try to convince him of anything. he's gone off the rails. we're in crazytown. i don't even know why any of us are here. this is the worst job i've ever had." woodward says others spend their days trying to prevent president trump from making catastrophic mistakes. former chief economic adviser gary cohn even swiping sensitive papers right off the oval office desk to keep the president from seeing them, saying, quote, "got to protect the country." the president not holding back either, saying of his favorite punching bag, embattled attorney general jeff sessions, "this guy is mentally retarded. he's this dumb southerner. he couldn't even be a one-person country lawyer down in alabama." in his phone call with the author, the president already bracing for the backlash to come. >> we're going to have a very inaccurate book and that's too bad. but i don't blame you entirely. >> no, it's going to be accurate, i promise. >> all right, okay, well, accurate is that nobody's ever done a better job than i'm doing as president, that i can tell you. >> all right, cecilia vega with us live from the white house tonight. and cecilia, in that audio that you were just playing there, as it continues, we actually heard today that president trump tells bob woodward he has always been fair. we just heard him say, i don't blame you completely for this. now the president is lashing out at the author and the new book. >> reporter: yeah, david, he's now going after woodward's credibility, and mind you, he is among the most respected journalists in this town. the white house says this book is nothing more than fabricated stories and it does not end there. this just in from the chief of staff, he calls it, quote, total bs, and from the defense secretary, this is, quote, a product of someone's rich imagination. but tonight, david, woodward is standing by his reporting. >> cecilia vega with us from the white house. cecilia, thanks, as always. and next, to those fireworks at the confirmation hearing for supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh. tonight, what happened before the hearing could even b and at one point today, the tensions were so high, judge kavanaugh's children, his young daughters, had to be removed. democrats furious that 42,000 pages relating to his record were just revealed on the eve of his hearing. republicans furious the other side trying to delay because of that. watching it all, terry moran, who has covered the court for years for us. >> reporter: before judge brett kavanaugh's hearing even began, democrats tried to end it. >> the nomination of judge brett kavanaugh. >> mr. chairman? mr. chairman? >> reporter: one by one, raising objections. >> we believe this hearing should be postponed. >> reporter: talking over the republican chairman, senator chuck grassley of iowa. >> well -- >> and mr. chairman, i therefore move to adjourn this hearing. >> okay. >> reporter: it was all carefully choreographed, and it wasn't long before protesters chimed in, too. all the while, the nominee sitting stone-faced, although, as the room grew ever more raucous, his young daughters were removed. apparently, it wasn't a scene fit for kids. at issue for democrats today -- transparency. overnight, 42,000 documents from kavanaugh's long paper trail from his time as a key aide in the george w. bush white house dumped on the committee. this, after the trump administration claimed executive privilege and blocked the release of tens of thousands more. democrats claim they cannot do their job, evaluate and vote on the nominee, with so much evidence missing. >> we wouldn't hire an intern, sir, with only 90% of their resume and we're putting somebody on the supreme court. >> reporter: republicans fired back at their colleagues. >> this is the first confirmation hearing for a supreme court justice i've seen basically according to mob rule. >> reporter: struggling to defend their nominee through the clamor. >> i know you deserve this position. i'm proud of the president for nominating you and, frankly, i wish you the best, because we're going to confirm you. >> reporter: with so much at stake, democrats are making clear they will ask tough questions on the issue of presidential power and the president who nominated kavanaugh. >> this is a president who has shown us consistently that he's contemptuous of the rule of law. >> reporter: a real concern. kavanaugh, as trump's nominee, who has written that sitting presidents shouldn't be investigated, could protect the president if a challenge to the mueller probe hits the high court. and looming over everything else here, the fact that kavanaugh's likely confirmation would cement a conservative 5-4 majority on the court for generations, and for the first time in decades, put decisions like roe versus wade back up for debate. >> we're talking about the impact that one individual on that court can have. >> reporter: at the end of the long day, finally, the committee heard from the nominee himself, who defended his independence. >> i do not decide cases based on personal or policy preferences. i am not a pro-plaintiff or pro-defendant judge. i am not a pro-prosecution or pro-defense judge. i am a pro-law judge. >> all right, terry moran live from the capitol tonight. terry, that hearing wrapping up just a short time ago, lasting nearly eight hours, by our count here. and we know senators will have a chance to start questioning judge brett kavanaugh tomorrow. the hearings contentious already. but terry, bottom line here, do democrats have the power to stop this nomination for a judge that would really shift the court for a generation? >> reporter: he would, david, but the odds are long against democrats. today, they tried to fire up their base, grab the public's attention, so that in the coming days, when that go at him hammer and tongs, they can show in their view he's not fit for the court. but they don't have the votes. and with jon kyl, a conservative stalwart from arizona, former senator who has been shepherding the nominee, kavanaugh, through the nomination process, he's now taking john mccain's seat. the odds got even longer. david? >> terry moran, who will be watching this again for us tomorrow. terry, thank you. there are new developments coming in after that deadly labor day weekend boating accident. a collision on the water. the sheriff's department reporting just moments ago that a third body has now been thcolorado river. one boat plowing into another after sunset on saturday, tossing 16 people into the water, sinking both boats. those three people were killed and the search continues tonight for one more still missing. there's still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this tuesday. the backlash. some americans setting their sneakers on fire tonight after nike names colin kaepernick the face of their campaign. the famous names tonight coming to his defense. the crane collapse in an american neighborhood. you can see that house there split in two. also tonight, respect for the american worker. the man who was once an actor on "the cosby show" shamed for working at trader joe's. but what's happened tonight, now that so many have learned of his story? and this was interesting. late today, the hunt for dorothy's stolen ruby slippers from "the wizard of oz." well, the fbi with a break in the case after more than a decade. what authorities revealed late today. we'll be right back. with neulasta onpro patients get their day back... to be with family, or just to sleep in. strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. in a key study neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17% to 1%, a 94% decrease. neulasta onpro is designed to deliver neulasta the day after chemo and is used by most patients today. neulasta is for certain cancer patients receiving strong chemotherapy. do not take neulasta if you're allergic to it or neupogen (filgrastim). an incomplete dose could increase infection risk. ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious lung problems, allergic reactions, kidney injuries and capillary leak syndrome have occurred. report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. in patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes fatal crises can occur. the most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. ask your doctor about neulasta onpro. pay no more than $5 per dose with copay card. ask your doctor about neulasta onpro. (sharon) smoking caused my throat cancer. but, walking every day makes me feel like myself again. well, well, almost. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. (cat 1(cat 2) smell that? (cat 1) gravy! (cat 2) that's not gravy, that's extra gravy. (cat 1) whoa! (cat 2) that's friskies extra gravy! paté and chunky! (cat 1) gravy purr-adise. (cat 2) purr-adise? really? 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>> i want to, like, make some new friends because i'm going to a new school this year. >> reporter: and her brother going into kindergarten. are you scared? not at all. >> he's fearless. >> fearless? he's fearless? we loved that. he starts second grade tomorrow. are you excited to go to school? do you want to go? he shows us just a little bit. and then he spells out his shirt. >> a little -- >> a little kindness can change everything. and then there was jack. what's your name? >> jack. nice to meet you. >> nice to meet you. i'm david. good to finally meet you. how old are you? >> 8. >> starting second grade. when do you start? >> like thursday. >> thursday? >> yeah, i think so. >> little nervous? >> i'm excited. >> you are? he is. he knows his friends and he met his teacher. you like your teacher? >> yes. >> tell me why. >> i just like how -- i just like her. >> tell me one thing about her that you think, you know what, i'm going to like her this year. >> i just -- she's friendly, she's nice. she's not too, too strict, but she's strict. >> yeah, she's going to keep you in line. >> yes. >> and do you think you're going to learn a lot from her? >> yes. >> you do? >> yes. >> all right, well, you just met one friend right here. i'm rooting for you. >> thanks. >> and then there was jeter, sixth grade, new school. that would make a lot of people nervous. not you? >> no. >> i want to know your secret. >> oh, um, my friends have my back. >> and when your friends have your back, you're set. do you have their back? >> yeah. >> all right. when your friends have your back. over and over and over, thieves target apple stores running off with thousands of dollars of stuff. tonight we're live explaining what one city has done to stop these crimes that seems to be working. i'm wayne freedman in fountaingrove, santa rosa, where a neighborhood has gone from ashes to move-in ready in roughly 11 months. a lot of people say it was due to hard work. the owner of this house says divine intervention. that's coming up. >> live where you live, this is abc 7 news. >> sometimes taking the risk can pay off. >> no risk, no reward. nike is playing that game, and they're using a former 49ers star to do it. good evening. i'm dan ashley. >> and i'm ama daetz. colin kaepernick has been without an nfl team ever since he left the niners in 2017. >> now the former quarterback has been chosen by nike as the face of its new ad campaign.


Transcripts for FOXNEWS The Big Weekend Show 20240604 04:59:00

getting a trader joe's brickwork has a good one that such a good one. quick senior ranks only come back. >> what a let down brickwork's never going to let you down. how we anticipate boxing max and jake paul is been postponed. this comes after tyson suffered a medical scare on an airplane caused by ulcers okay guys to make yourselves feel a little older, mike tyson with a heavyweight championship in 1986 that is nearly 40 years ago for forever never heard of a boxer bowing out of a fight because of an old circuit with this thing is ever going to happen. this will sell more than any fight this year 100,000 people at dallas in at&t stadium. >> apparently the plane had been sitting on the runway for a long time. it was overheated i do not know if that is anything to do with it. questionable ulcers from sitting on a plane. >> you never know what some of the medical conditions are. >> true jew. hope the fight happens provokes how about this abbasid rock 'n' roll seat singer at the opening


Transcripts for FOXNEWS The Big Weekend Show 20240604 04:58:00

>> mr. harris are you driving? actually i'm pulling into my doctor's office actually. >> is a driving license suspended or because you work that is correct your honor. >> he doesn't have a license. [laughter] [laughter] lopes. that is just fun. very, very stupid. cost of those aptly amazing you gotta get around too go to get around. [laughter] a marily maryland tent that thee getting a new trader joe's because they saw the sign. they're like oh my goodness tj's. it was a high school senior prank absolutely brought the qr code on the sign led to never going to give you up. they rolled the entire town they're very depressed and realize they're not in fact


Transcripts for FOXNEWS The Big Weekend Show 20240604 08:58:00

>> mr. harris are you driving? actually i'm pulling into my doctor's office actually. >> is a driving license suspended or because you work that is correct your honor. >> he doesn't have a license. [laughter] [laughter] lopes. that is just fun. very, very stupid. cost of those aptly amazing you gotta get around too go to get around. [laughter] a marily maryland tent that thee getting a new trader joe's because they saw the sign. they're like oh my goodness tj's. it was a high school senior prank absolutely brought the qr code on the sign led to never going to give you up. they rolled the entire town they're very depressed and realize they're not in fact getting a trader joe's brickwork


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