witnesses, the more witnesses, the more the american people can see and make up their minds but our job is to present the case and then decide whether articles impeachment candidates on the trail don t talk about it at all, to talk about it tonight, not just us talking about it. if you put on screen, headlines from political, they called the dumpster fire today, cnn said they can t shoot straight, democrats are botching the impeachment fight. democrats can t figure out there trying to impeach trump or not. does that hurt the overall cause as you head into an election? the proof will be in the putting. what is open about tonight was all of the issues that the president is involved in that hurt the american people, taking away healthcare. not being in the paris climate agreement, confusion in foreign affairs, the trade processes he is utilizing. it was made very clear that
whether articles of impeachment should be raised. bret: these candidates on the trail don t talk about it all, didn t talk about it tonight and you ve seen the coverage of this, it s not just us talking about it. if you put up on the screen the headlines from politico, they called it a dumpster fire today. cnn said that if the gang that can t shoot straight. democrats are already botching the impeachment flight. slates the democrats can t figure out if they re trying to impeach trump or not. does that hurt the overall because as you get ready to head into an election? i think the proof is going to be in the pudding what was spoken about tonight was all of the issues that the president is involved in that hurt the american people. taking away health care. not being in the paris climate agreement. confusion in foreign affairs and the trade process is that he s utilizing. so i think what was made very clear is that america needs a new pathway, a new future with the democratic candidat