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Transcripts For DW DW News 20190424 18:30:00

we are similar. with wonderful people once to make the dream so special. for all true for. more than for. more on. this is africa coming up in the next fifteen minutes he is the ebola outbreak in congo is surging out of control the world health organization has taught me suspended its vaccination campaign as violent attacks on treatment centers forced into others to wind down their services what does this mean for the nation off the deadly virus. sudan's defiant demonstrations people from across the country are pouring into the capital hard soon to keep the pressure on the military council to put a civilian government in place will hear from one of the prisoners just. i'm kristie want to welcome to news africa. and a bona outbreak in eastern congo is said to be surging of control as attacks on treatment sanchez stalled if that's to treat those infected and to end the spread of the virus attacks in north kivu province have forced the world health organization to suspend its vaccination program and one of the hotspots off the outbreak since being declared last august the outbreak has more than one thousand three hundred confirmed and probable cases including eight hundred and fifty five deaths and the new number of causes or other cases has risen alarmingly in recent weeks. workers prepare the body of a child for burial another victim of this current outbreak of the disease the young are especially vulnerable two out of three children who contract die but about half of adults survive here of this treatment center in bay ne in eastern congo some of the survivors are working to treat new patients motivated by what they've been through themselves. my uncle became sick first and my parents went to look after him he died and then they got sick and died in the end we lost ten people four of us survived. fighting ever there is dangerous enough strict rules need to be followed workers need to be massed uncovered the outfits are hot and cumbersome especially in the stifling tropical temperatures of eastern congo. and then there's the violence last friday attackers shot and killed an epidemiologist from cameroon working at a hospital in the city of bhutan go in nearby carts were attackers armed with machetes then tried to burn down an absolute treatment center security personnel guarding the site shot dead one of the attackers and arrested another five the attacks on eveleigh treatment centers are further complicating the fight against the outbreak distrust of health workers and superstition is also complicating medical efforts to contain the disease president if used to shoot katie toward a treatment center and appealed for people to accept the doctors and except the disease is real. i ask you my countrymen my father's my little brothers listen and cooperate with the medical response teams that are working tirelessly here to read a kate this decease if you do so this disease will not spread anywhere anymore and we will contain it and get rid of it completely. so far invocations like that have not had the desired results the battle against this outbreak of eveleigh hangs in the balance. duff's admirably paid from doctors without borders has recently been in eastern congo she joins us now from paris where she is involved in coordinating efforts on the ground welcome said. pace so we're learning that health workers are being forced to suspend some of their operations on the ground the latest being the death oh today what does this mean for this latest outbreak of ebola which is already one of the deadliest we've seen. may certainly it means that it's going to be more difficult for patients to get care that they need. and certainly it means that there's of course the risk. spread even further though i think it's quite important to mention or before we focus on that on the fact that health workers have been affected and that the well the response has been infected which is certainly important that i think it's important to remember that this is an area that's very routinely affected by them and that these attacks on people that enters while unfortunate and while there are only likely to have a strong response. is just another example of the level of violence that's unfortunately endemic to this region and has been over some time right and then we have to say the treatment centers are being targeted in attacks one would wonder why. i think those reasons are complex and i don't think it's necessarily possible to say for sure why the treatment centers are being impacted or why the people respond as a as an entity is being is being is being targeted but i do think that it reflects a level of wants and an institutional mistrust on behalf of the population an area that unfortunately for a long time has not had a lot of confidence in government institutions which could certainly be contributing to this. the health department and how the actors can be construed as belonging to that and also to certainly remember that it's an area that prone to political manipulations. for various different reasons and certainly of all the response might be the latest point ok and you have just been on the ground here you've recently returned some of your colleagues are still there what is the situation like what is it like being on the ground in these areas during the slick . i mean it's it's tense for sure there's a level of concern certainly on have our teams. to you know whether or not they're going to remain safe and for how long and what other things can potentially be done in order to ensure that they do so that the that they remain so of oh certainly it's quite a lot of. it's emphasized the importance. in maintaining contact with or. all of the sectors of the community that we've been able to to speak to and to to have an even closer to the ground in order to make sure that our activities are able to continue right your organization has today called on the wall to rethink their response to able to what is meant by that. i think it means that it's time to look at how can we do what we're doing in a better way how can the motor response respond to not only different people up in this area but how can this become a mechanism by which the health system overall can perhaps be left stronger as opposed to weaker or when the epidemic does eventually end all right that's a paper loss the other the challenge we have been talking about you know attacks on treatment sanchez and the for suspension of some services on the ground and the fact that the says one of the deadliest outbreaks but it's not all doom and gloom particularly when you compare this case this outbreak to to the previous that we saw in west africa a few years ago. certainly yeah i mean yes this is the second biggest epidemic that's been recorded but you're absolutely correct it's nowhere near the amplitude that we saw i want to have a graph which should definitely be seen as a as a good thing. that it's not yet completely completely out of control and i think that there's. a willingness and in determination on behalf of all of the actors who are involved in the response that this is a moment to to rethink how our responding and to do so but to do so. you know better and more comprehensive way. ok that was structured and repaid from doctors without borders so i want to bring this to you briefly south african authorities are responding to a flood emergency which has killed more than fifty people in the southern and eastern parts of the country more than a thousand people have been displaced now heavy rains have triggered flooding and mudslides in coastal areas of the province i was in that's how that's undermined buildings causing them to collapse on their inhabitants of the people have been swept away by water major roads in and out of the port city of durban have also been closed. an extraordinary access to sudan way of protest leaders have called for a million people to march to demand the country's ruling military and of a power to a civilian administration the sudanese army ended the thirty year rule of president bashir two weeks ago after months of protests but the opposition is demanding the complete removal of the old regime tens of thousands of people have arrived by train in the capital hard to him to lend their support to the demonstrators camped outside the military headquarters in the capital opposition leaders have suspended talks with the army over every fusil to hand over power immediately. the opposition are now also threatening a strike to underline their demonstrative is. karim met up with an opposition leader in the capital to what do you want today from the military through this new consul in sudan. we want. to hear and every day. a swift and immediate transfer of. powers of political. decision making process to see really an administration that we are going to compose for all. forces that are submitting kinked this is this is what we want to get to happen if you want this you as a civilian concert you are not united today when we talk to the people in the street who are you are presenting today we. wonder if this isn't united because we have a long history of we have been together and we have signed together one. document . for freedom might change. all parties to that. declaration. to the litter and saw what. being there is indeed in that declaration so there is no we are united hundred percent if you say you are united what would happen if the military council don't hand over the power to a civilian council what will you do we are going to continue. our struggle to gain power for the people in this in this. for this end we are going of course to set up our. struggle including. declaration of political. strike. and civil. disobedience what does that mean exactly what would you do me or people to stop with going to stop being taxes being. the. war was that see if the government went with this happen this is soon as we get convinced that. we reached a deadlock. ended let's do a fix just. as soon as we get convinced. that thank you so much all right that was. speaking to one of the precious few days in sudan and that is it for now for africa as always you can catch a little story on our website or facebook page that's interact there i'm on twitter at. the next time i find. i. am not proud of my will not succeed in dividing us about not succeeding taking the people off the streets because we're tired of this dictatorship. taking the stand global news that matters. made for mines. for the first time for europe are in full swing. to the last plenary session of this particular european parliament because we'll have a new one. and the result of that election is going to be closely monitored in africa of the continent for all the chez years of a complex relationship with europe. also special folder. why they matter. hello and welcome to news from the world of arts and culture robert merrill and joining me shortly will be the world renowned cellist lonard engine broke also coming up france's bread of choice the baguette with only four and greedy and why is it such a to make. i think you've got too much clothing maybe else just with over two thousand pairs of jeans and he really does need them.


Transcripts For DW DW News 20190420 17:00:00

g w. this is a line from berlin clashes in central paris as yellow vest protesters reclaim the spotlight after the fire at notre dame cathedral. police have made scores of arrests as protesters battle officers and set fires in the french capital it's a twenty third street yellow vests demonstration. on the scene. also coming out northern ireland police arrest two suspects in the murder of journalist. she was killed while reporting on a riot in london to free on the eve of the twenty first anniversary of the signing of the good friday peace deal. americans are marking the twentieth anniversary of the columbine high school massacre two students killed twelve of their classmates and a teacher in the worst school shooting in the u.s. up to date. thanks for joining us we start in paris where yellow vests protesters have taken to the streets once again to protest wealth inequality this time and made heightened security following the fire in notre dame cathedral several days ago the protests quickly turned violent and french police say they have arrested more than one hundred people the protests in paris and other french cities are taking place for a twenty third. if we can the yellow vests say they want to remind the government that france faces many problems besides rebuilding the fire ravaged new to dump the thieves. our correspondent rebecca rivers is in paris covering the story for us hello rebecca we understand you have to stay in a relatively secure position but what can you tell us about what's going on in the streets around you. well i've actually been able to move away from that more secured position because things here is starting to die down a bit police are trying to clear this particular site and we've definitely seen a lot of the protesters move on but as police have been clearing the scene there's been more violent clashes between the protesters and the police and we're starting to see the debris that's now left over smashed windows of police keeping guard to stop looting and lots of debris from the smoke bombs and the little explosive devices used by the protesters but this particular place definitely coming to an end of the protest because a test is moving on. as you well know we're back of the yellow vest years have been at this for months but the temperature the intensity seemed different today is that true and if so while. that is true we've seen a bit of a resurgence shall we say of the violence we've seen a couple of months ago this is the twenty third consecutive week now of the yellow vest protests five months these have been going on every single week and they have been waxing and waning in terms of violence and numbers the last few weeks have seen the numbers die down but today even before the not fire was planned to be a resurgence of numbers and violence largely jew in response to a speech that emanuel macro was due to give on monday now that speech was it was postponed because of the not return fire but in it he was going to address some of the concerns of the protesters and so they were expecting to respond in kind expecting to be disappointed one might assume and respond in kind so this already had planned to be a very big day and it's proving to live up to that. well the sun is clearly setting soon what's expected later this evening. well as the protesters clear out from this site they may be moving on to other sites as you say it's very warm here so be a warm night to know whether deterrence here for protesters there is and called set . commemorative concert for not for example on fanaa and pm local time this evening and i know that the french interior minister has come out saying he's concerned about protests in the area and police presence presence will be beefed up around that concert area to stop scenes like we've seen here today thank you that's our rebecca ritter's in paris much appreciated to the u.k. now police in northern ireland have arrested two men over the killing of a journalist during a riot on thursday using the eighteen and nineteen year old suspects are being detained under anti-terrorism legislation hundreds gathered last night in london derry for a vigil in memory of lir mckee her death underlines the fragility of the peace process in northern ireland. the ceasefire babies was what they called us we were the good friday agreement generation destined never to witness the horrors of war but to reap the spoils of peace the spoils just never seem to reach the words of leader mckee a young journalist who was gunned down on thursday night in the city that it captured her heart a few months ago she wrote. derry is such a beautiful city i felt the love with it over the past year in love with a woman who hails from it here's to better times ahead and sing good bye to bombs and bullets once and for all. all of northern ireland's main political parties have condemned the violence which led to her day this was an attack on everybody in northern ireland doesn't matter if you're a catholic or protestant british or irish this is an attack on democracy they have attacked the community they've attacked the people of daraa they've attacked the peace process and they've attacked the good friday agreement the remick e wrote extensively about the decades long conflict in northern ireland known as the troubles between nationalists who supports a united irish republic and loyalists who want to remain part of the she was working on her second big writing about the disappearances of young people during and since the conflicts in iraq was also a fierce advocate for l.g.b. t. right you don't have gaydar i'm gay and so are you going to have to ok. and i hear that myself for much of my life because of what religion taught me about people like me. and when i stopped hearing myself i started hearing religion. within the l.t.v. community and we have a saying we tell people. that are. and what i realized was that it gets better for some of it gets better for those of us who live long enough to see it get better. my friends and colleagues have set up a craig funding campaign to support leaving the keys family tunisians are coming in every other minute and will go some way to honoring her they can see. now just some of the other stories making news around the world officials in afghanistan say they have ended an assault on the communications ministry in the capital kabul all the attackers have been killed after an hours long siege the violence comes a day after peace talks between the government and taliban insurgents were cancelled in qatar. in the libyan capital tripoli crowds have protested against the military offensive led by warlord khalifa haftar who opposes the u.n. recognize government this as news broke that the u.s. president had called half tar and a surprise show of support he already has the backing of egypt saudi arabia and russia. ukrainian president petro poroshenko and political novice a lot to me as selenski faced off in a final debate at kiev's olympic stadium ahead of sunday's runoff election today ukraine is observing a day of silence with political campaigning banned the day ahead of the vote the. egyptians have begun voting today in a referendum that could grant the country's authored tarion leader abdel fattah el-sisi another term in office the proposed changes to the constitution would also give the former army general more power over the judiciary a move heavily criticized by international human rights groups. this was supposed to be his second and last time in office but a gypsy and president of the c.c. is poised to extend his rule until at least twenty thirty gyptian citizens of voting on constitutional changes including one that would allow us c.c. to run for a third presidential term in all likelihood without any real challengers the changes are also meant to give the former general more control over the military and judiciary which rights groups say he's used to silence his critics. polls suggest the referendum will pass. constitutional amendments are necessary and important so that i'll say seek and complete his achievements because the constitution is not the holy qur'an the constitution can be adjusted according to the situation of the country. others are very much against the changes. i strongly oppose the amendments because they consolidate military and authoritarian rule and it makes no sense to be so different from the civilized world there are a president is in office for a term of four or five years and can then be elected for a second term. with after that another president assumes office in the idea that. c.c. rose to the top following a pro-democracy revolution that ousted long time autocratic leader hosni mubarak in twenty eleven sisi led a military coup against the man elected to replace mubarak mohamed morsi and was himself elected president in twenty fourteen since then r.c.c. has ruled egypt with increasing severity. human rights groups estimate he's jailed some sixty thousand people on political charges and staged unfair elections to remain in power public criticism of assisi has become nearly impossible. nevertheless. c.c. remains a key ally for western governments keen to defend their interests in the volatile region among those interests fighting islamic fundamentalism. the egyptian leader was in washington just two weeks ago to discuss military ties and trade with the us president donald trump for many egyptian activists however the referendum is a blatant power grab and the end of aspirations for a peaceful and democratic transfer of power. today marks twenty years since the columbine high school massacre in the united states where two students armed with guns in homemade explosives killed thirteen people on that tuesday morning the school in littleton colorado rose to tragic fame around the world a fate it today shares with other locations in the country like sandy hook and parklane but columbine is still remembered as the start of a modern era of school gun violence in the u.s. it's. scenes that have become all too familiar played out for the first time on april twenty nine hundred ninety nine the students who ran from the horrors of the mass shooting at columbine high school in littleton colorado could hardly have known that so many others would follow in their footsteps twelve students and one teacher died that day at columbine as well as the two disaffected teens who executed the massacre. survivors brought shocking stories of random cruelty inside. remaining grindin don't know not do you know we don't know yet the girl was. there in that in front of me. did we get. any of them in the way. they prayed it would never happen again. the response from then president bill clinton became a script too often repeated by other leaders. i can only say that the prayers of the american people are with you. since columbine there have been more than one hundred deadly school shootings in the us an estimated two hundred thirty thousand children have experienced a school shooting incident. students have had enough of politicians thoughts. in this in. the last two years shooting at marjorie steinman douglas high school in parklane florida set off a wave of protest against decades of political inaction over gun violence. students older guys nationwide marches since then some states have tougher gun access laws in response but little has changed in washington president trump has banned so-called bump stalks that make semi automatic weapons fire fost but he has promised to veto a bill that would tighten background checks on gun bias. two decades on the name calling by and still represents an unresolved american tragedy turning a football now and the bundesliga where leaders by and munich took their time but managed to carve out a one no win at home against. nicklaus deflected shot on seventy five minutes ended brahmins resistance after they had been reduced to ten men at the other end thrashed with god six nil leave the visitors stranded in the relegation playoff spot. however were helped by second bottom nuremberg losing at leverkusen lines beat dusseldorf there are two games later on saturday and two on sunday when dortmund visit freiburg hoping to cut the gap to byron back to a point. you're watching the news live from berlin coming up next is shift


Transcripts For DW Shift 20190428 09:15:00

and. your. friends in the streets for the matches. but his mom didn't like him playing in the streets at age five she brought him to a community playground project run by norman. we had a child safety. skills as jayden have norman to thank. god i used to work and both left and right so. touch football. and that i stood my culture with them yeah. the playground has since been closed due to a lack of funding and security measures in kennington this was the last of its kind but the community project did produce some good footballers including man united legend rio ferdinand and a few young players who gained early fame in the bundesliga such as adam oh look. and of course jane inside joke. around here where they can play for. you know pay for it it's all free for him. though you know they will get the coaching they need from from the moment. so yeah this is just this is this is a this is grassroots. and. tackling was forbidden and tactics were not so important instead the focus was on the joy of the game and its social aspects sports as an educational tool for the kids. to the culture. and. one of the ones. you can see that. children. every single. tennis ball. and you can see that he with a bit more passion. except for his buddy reese nelson jaded and reese became friendly rivals on the pitch. it was like yeah jay did not want to venture a favorite grease that never gets a playground so he's right there with quantum physics in terms of them playing together if i will be people who. have lived in both and never know yeah and especially when if you can't even close race race race started to come. to the center of the french gregory jenkins sound you could say do not a club but. yes they had to be a band back out on the street brings with the haters joins in but now that you have where you are right now on top. since the summer of twenty seven jaded has flourished at dortmund. but it all started back in two thousand and seven. when jason seven. from the street football project to the what but football academy. the first big step in his career. change goal is going to. develop the senses in and around london and we used to get. really sort of street a lot street football isn't for me and i kind of have a summit in place you know the clubs and jayden is one of those so he wasn't playing organized football and when he came people very quickly said oh we've got a really special player here when the boy it wasn't long before he got invited into train with the actual cademy team that were two years old and you could see that he was he was just unbelievably come from. he just played differently to get the kids . what was behind early. fame was to people of. people the wrong time the sort of if you. build it made a lot of questions so i took off some friends. of the o.c. to meet my family. just to do. especially in a giant city like london. especially. during the winter storms with. his parents so they did really well. you know i mean as much as they did because. you know the best training people speak later on when he was off at school program they could offer him to stay with. me which was a. problem for him which meant more time to concentrate on his passion. you know born with unbelievable skills you just play and practice with anyone else and that's what he's told on. at age fourteen his next big career step was this transfer to manchester city first small feat sixty six thousand pounds. but i wasn't shocked because honestly lots of footage of him over the top academies and he just looks so so it wasn't a surprise for us when he went to work for it because he had that tallinn there anyway and it was blue when he won it in a. way when he went to dortmund. to go to the. mention it's. probably one of the best managers in the world and you can see the woman. making that decision. the bet is you haven't made him. but i thought so i was surprised he wants at all. of those if you look young. free from the look on the who called. us up well. for that's one of the. process we could put in the ocean just. so. he's currently fighting for the bundesliga title with. the league's leading assist provided this season and the twenty eighth century made his international debut for england. is probably the one now everybody is talking about he said you know we cover magazines in germany. come from. germany and i feel that you can go on to bigger things you know you may be. surprised next day be. plans in the world. many of the big european clubs. where would he fit. i think is more the continent of spain i'd love to see him playing some other. big nights with someone from. the mix and i think it would be i think he would be no one to take i know i know he plays germany and i love him we're not going to be sure. and want to his long term followers have to cite. their duty to do and i'm proud of what you did. on proud of. your group you start from the roots. you. are young person. i know that when i. have a small in the face. and i just want you to you know to reach your ultimate goal and i know you can do that. you know i have every faith that you're well you can join it. you can look forward to seeing your progress. i have sensible. choose your german football and two thousand and nineteen. stadium people has been shining a fossil and not alongside messi. or maybe roy someday guardiola secret weapon that manchester city. could take people f.c. rosengarten sweden. choice could be antonia really go


Transcripts For DW DW News 20190424 23:00:00

hated in the heart of europe you are connected to the whole world. experience outstanding shopping and dining offers and triallists services. be our guest at frankfurt airport city managed by for. the war. frank as president has demanded the resignation of the country's police and defense chiefs that's over intelligence failures rates into the suicide bombings on easter sunday the government has confirmed information about possible attacks had not been passed on to relevant authorities the death toll has risen to three hundred fifty nine. so though it russian president vladimir putin has signed an order making it easier for people living in separatist controlled eastern ukraine to get russian passports in response ukraine's president elect for law to me is a lenski has called for more international sanctions against russia denouncing moscow as quote an aggressive state. north korean leader kim yong known has arrived in eastern russia ahead of a summit with president putin the meeting in the city of light of our stock will be the first between the two leaders main topics include economic cooperation and north korea's nuclear program. sudan's ruling military council has proposed new talks with the organizers of the ongoing protests that toppled president omar al bashir it comes as protest leaders threatened a general strike and called for a million strong march to demand an immediate transfer of power to a civilian government. in this ruling could they continue to bury the dead the lives of hundreds who were


Transcripts For DW DW News 20190419 05:00:00

the worst parts of. course are. dangerous thanks floods and droughts to climate change become the main driver of mass migration you can buy right any apocalyptic scenarios you want and probably most of them to come to. the climate starts here thirty years on t w. look at the fact that. the u.s. justice department has released the long anticipated munna reports which examines a legit russian interference in the twenty sixteen u.s. presidential election it concluded there was insufficient evidence that president trump's campaign colluded with moscow but did not clear trump of having illegally obstructed the probe president trump says he's been vindicated no collusion no obstruction i. but the opposition says he's not off the hook. the malo report outlines disturbing evidence. president krupp engaged in obstruction of justice and other misconduct and the responsibility now for the congress to hold the president accountable for his actions. indonesian president joko widodo has claimed a victory in violence a selection quick counts give him fifty four percent of the vote his opponent former general propose so beyond also claimed victory accusing the president of cheating official results are to be announced on may twenty second. paris has on of the firefighters who battled monday's place at notre dame cathedral. the city's mayor and president emanuel marco going to them for their service in ceremonies on thursday. this is state of the news africa coming up in the next fifteen minutes to sudan one week after omar al bashir al steps protesters are still on the streets and they vow to keep demonstrating until the transfer of power from the military is complete. on people want to do for all of us for sheer well you felt they got. a sense for those who wanted the fall of the regime well the regime still here with me. and as is them bobby and small thank you nine years of independence we asked just how free is the country i'll be joined by a human rights campaigner whose activism has made him an enemy of the state's.


Transcripts For DW Arts And Culture 20190507 17:45:00

who tried to bring heaven down to a late abstract artist also pino. but joining me straight away is john anderson the boss of all drug addict records this is a classical record company which is a bit special because it's a nonprofit making co-operative which puts the artists in charge it sounds wonderful joel. but how does it work because you have to make some money to pay people who who work for you of course we have a team of fifteen effect that we have to pay and that is a talent obviously but the goal with with all to take was to find a way of making. something in the world something which is not really of the world soul music which is priceless which is not transactional which is as a value completely different from commercial value. but in some way finding a way to come out a size and to put it in a marketplace and to do a service to the artists who are collaborating with us ok now and i like the way you choose who you will record it's a bit like one of those things on the something called the voice on the television whether you know it's kind of behind oldish and as you say you exactly this. is the scientific peer review process that we've co-opted for for arts. again the idea here is that we're trying to find a way to. choose our artist choose a repertoire in a way which is not motivated by a profit motive by marketing decisions and and things like this and so what we have what we built was a online platform to which people can apply in a demo but that is evaluated by the actual rostrum members themselves of the label and they receive a link with just the music so we don't know who they are where they're from and a woman. if there are all the young famous knots we evaluate on the bases the music itself and the interest of the program a list let's hear someone who who got through those were additional process this is the italian finnish victorio forte playing a piece. i should just mention that it's rachmaninoff but it's an especial arrangement is that yes ok now the record strong of the label just seems to be mostly contemporary i mean the very first thing you brought time was bugs piano music or first of yes you know i mean that's quite a nice market well the interesting thing about this is that is not a decision of myself or any explicit policy of the label but the music which does tend to make it through this filter which we have by the pure of you filter is the more innovative programming stuff which is less represented the stuff which we have already heard thousands of times just as a natural result of our selection process i think we are in the doing all. now you said in an interview although we just don't quite buy the c.d.'s decades it's all going to go wild laws so how are you going to make money or should i say make enough to keep going so it's certainly true that cd players are being built on the cars and the computers is going to go the way of vinyl at some point there are always the collections and there always be artists who need to to make see these also because it is a good business card having a tangible product that's very good but but yes there's no doubts that the market is moving towards digital and we're moving in that same direction or developing various online platforms which we hope will position isn't a good place to be. the interface between musicians the music industry and the public and you've got a jazz label again let's hit some music this is again an italian artist a massive media know. hopefully are pronouncing and his bad let's have a quick listen. please a rainy day on your jazz mabel just briefly what are you doing here in germany the home of the mighty dortch a gramophone and you're hoping to sort of put them out of business all in all there's no not even any intention of competition in the sense what we're trying to propose is an alternative to that. so the major labels they control more or less eighty percent of the market but it's a dime market it's also also they're struggling and in my opinion. the fact that the digital revolution that's part of it of course but it but it's actually a symptom of i think taking music in the wrong way and so we're trying to present it in a different way which we think is actually a positive way for the way that will get us out and of course the digital revolution for us is a good thing he told sound it's really fascinating we need more enterprising on for prose. in the business especially in the music business ventures of course changing good luck with this film anderson thank you from. thank you very much for joining us you might be interested in this next piece if you want to place in london a little office in london. the olympic park in london encompassed five hundred sixty acres of east london but after the olympics finished in twenty twelve what became of this vast sites well most of the buildings have been put to good use including what used to be the press center an enterprising group of architects have now turned it into a technology park for startups. in east london compact and colorful studios have been built in the space that served as the international broadcast center during the twenty twelve olympics. making gascon splitsville for conspiring architects he and his colleagues designed began training. hugely positive for london i think for local area but because of the level of development it happened. it's swept away a lot of the sort of local history and so we want to do this project as a way of reminding people about parts of the local history that they could be proud of. the bright colors used to the studios façade for example echoed the rapper's of suites that used to be manufactured close by. the architects didn't draw inspiration only from local businesses one studio facade commemorates an unusual landmark that used to be in the area. before the olympic. there's a very frank famous local landmark on the canal which was nicknamed fridge mountain . just a few years it was europe's largest white goods dumping ground. the tenants of the twenty one works spaces are as varied as the studios facades the mix includes a record label to music studios architects engineers and designers. is house manager his employer the transfer he was hired by the technology park to look after the studios and its tenants. he explains what really sets the gantry a past. we can make beautiful spaces you can design amazing spaces you can have great views but ultimately the thing that makes this place tick make it last beyond me to the tramp or even as a company will be the stories and the cooperation and the network that happens for people interrupting day to day covering their business to go. there sure to be a lot more fun in these colorful studios. now the art museum just outside barn in western germany is named after her and sophie are up who were two of the pioneers of abstract art in the early twentieth century the current exhibition their features works by auto pina it was actually one of the great abstract artists of the second half of the dredges century concerning himself predominantly with light fire and the culture. how do you bring heaven to earth how do you paint with light how can you reach outer space. the exhibition alchemy list and stormer of the skies explores artist otto pinas universe and finds his work exploding with raw power. like this volcanic eruption which practically flings its lava towards the viewer pina did not paint pictures like this with a brush but with fire here trying to here it really seems to explode on the canvas . it's called a fire because all peano always took a circle as his starting point and then sprayed it with a national paint focus to manipulate it with a fixative and then ignited the whole thing that's going to ensue and it and then during this process of ignition cheering the heat the paint would run you can see red spots the pay. read down like a melting pot so to speak and he meant it as certain moment he blew out the fire line. and what remained was solidified match up the material. let's hope you know it was using new painting techniques at the end of the one nine hundred fifty s. it was also during this time that he co-founded the artists group zero. this wasn't season it was a kind of turning point after the second world war that they wanted a more ideal world that was basically a transition to silence to tranquility. so what did pina have to say about that in twenty thirteen he visited an exhibition of his work in cars with. his instinct and . there was a need to see something in the light instead of in the dark there and shot him in the depression in the deepest your own we wanted to get to know one another world a new world and if necessary build it or help to build a new front in there to own your own health and. an artist whose work was truly inspired by the stars. and then in that museum is in an old railway station on the banks of the river rhine it's quite a place finally one of the world's most famous paintings go reading a letter it's an open window by the great loss a young man has been partially restored by the commander got to be in dresden and in the course of the restoration there was a sensational discovery parts of the picture had been over painted and not five a man detected by x. ray in the background there was a naked cupid and this figure is now piece by piece reveals and the cupid will be completely exposed to further restoration next year. and that brings us the end of ops and culture for now check out the website at d.w. dot com slash can. all face folks. now thanks very much for watching my thanks for the crew. join us again so far. pick up. their goals go lower but everything is still a program. even after the third to last match i'm going to sleep it seems. to come german gentleman. will qualify for europe. and we'll get. it done. and action packed life. anything's possible as long as our coffee and his friends can treat this movie theater. refugee camp. his life story ground to a. twenty seven years ago but there's no holding back his dreams. thank you for. sergeant may twenty seventh free on t.w. . some time in the twenty six. my great granddaughter. of the world be like in your lifetime. around half a century. when i was born there were three people you'll share the planet with nine billion. you world be around two degrees more. evidently sea level rise by at least one during this century. we're going to have some climate impacts which are greater than what we see already. it's really frightening. why are people more concerned. to be first on the


Transcripts For DW DW News 20190425 03:15:00

and illegally. i'd return to venezuela. visiting friends i don't think i'd ever go back there to live where i live there again i don't know so i'm not sure. beyond witness lose that matters. made for mines. this is africa coming up in the next fifteen minutes. break in congo is searching out of control the world health organization has taught me suspended its vaccination campaign as filed into tax on treatment same to force india others to wind down based services what does this mean. off the deadly virus. at sudan's defiant demonstrations people from across the country are pouring into the capital hard to keep the pressure on the military council to put a civilian government in place from one of the prisoners sneetches. i'm kristie want to welcome to news africa today in an ebola outbreak in eastern congo is said to be searching on trolling as attacks on treatments sanchez stalled if that's to treat those and fix it and to end of the spread of the virus attacks in north kivu province have forced the health organization to suspend its vaccination program and one of the hotspots off the outbreak since being declared last august the outbreak has more than one thousand three hundred confirmed and probable cases including eight hundred and fifty five deaths and a new number of causes or other cases has risen in recent weeks. workers prepare the body of a child for burial another victim of this current outbreak of the disease the young are especially vulnerable two out of three children who contract die but about half of adults survive here at this treatment center in bay ne in eastern congo some of the survivors are working to treat new patients motivated by what they've been through themselves. my uncle became sick first and my parents went to look after him he died and then they got sick and died in the end we lost ten people four of us survived. fighting ever there is dangerous enough strict rules need to be followed workers need to be massed uncovered the outfits are hot and cumbersome especially in the stifling tropical temperatures of eastern congo. and then there's the violence last friday attackers shot and killed an epidemiologist from cameroon working at a hospital in the city of tembo in nearby carts were attackers armed with machetes then tried to burn down an absolute treatment center security personnel guarding the site shot dead one of the attackers and arrested another five the attacks on eveleigh treatment centers are further complicating the fight against the outbreak distrust of health workers and superstition is also complicating medical efforts to contain the disease present future she katie toured the treatment center and appealed for people to accept the doctors and accept the disease is real. i ask you my countrymen my fathers my little brothers listen and cooperate with the medical response teams that are working tirelessly here to relegate this to seize if you do so this disease will not spread anywhere anymore and we will contain it and get rid of it completely. so far indications like that have not had the desired results to battle against this outbreak of eveleigh pines in the balance. duff's admirably paid from doctors without borders has recently been in eastern congo she joins us now from paris where she is involved in coordinating efforts on the crowd welcome city docs are paid so we're learning that health workers are being forced to suspend some of their operations on the ground the latest being the death of you oh today what does this mean for this latest outbreak of ebola which is already one of the deadliest we've seen. may certainly it means that it's going to be more difficult for patients to get care that they need. and certainly it means that there's of course the risk. spread even further though i think it's quite important to mention. before we focus on that on the fact that health workers have been affected and that the well the response has been affected which is certainly important that i think it's important to remember that this is an area that's very routinely affected by them and that these attacks on me will enters while unfortunate and moderately likely to have a response. is just another example of the level of violence that's unfortunately endemic to this region and has been over some time right and then we understand the treatment centers are being targeted in attacks one would wonder why. i think those reasons are complex and i don't think it's necessarily possible to say for sure why the treatment centers are being affected or why the people response as as an entity is being is being is being targeted but i do think that it reflects a level of wants and an institutional mistrust on behalf of the population an area that unfortunately for a long time has not had a lot of confidence in government institutions which could certainly be contributing to this. that the health department and health actors can be construed as belonging to that and also to certainly remember that it's an area and that's prone to and political manipulations. for various different reasons and certainly of all the response in what might be the latest point ok you've just been on the ground you've recently returned some of your colleagues are still there what is the situation like what is it like on the ground in these areas during the slick. i mean it's it's tense for sure there's a level of concern certainly on have our teams. as to you know whether or not they're going to remain safe and for how long and whatever things can potentially be done in order to ensure that that they do so that the that they remain so of certainly it's quite a lot of. it emphasized the importance. in maintaining contact with. all of the sectors of the community that we've been able to to speak to and to to have an even closer to the ground in order to make sure that our activities are able to continue right at your organization has today called on the wall to rethink their response to it all know what is meant by that. i think it means that it's time to look at how can we do what we're doing in a better way how can the emotion response response to not only the front of people in this area but how can this become a mechanism by which the health system overall can perhaps be left stronger as opposed to weaker or when the epidemic does eventually end all right that's a fatal ossie of the the challenge we have been talking about you know attacks on treatment sanchez and for suspension of some services on the ground and the fact that the says one of the deadliest outbreaks in the but it's not all doom and gloom particularly when you compare this case this outbreak to to the previous eleven that we saw in west africa a few years ago. certainly yeah i mean yes this is the second biggest epidemic that's been recorded but you're absolutely correct it's nowhere near the amplitude that we saw it was to africa which should definitely be seen as a as a good thing. that it's not yet completely completely out of control and i think that there's. a willingness and in determination on behalf of all of the actors who are involved in the response that this is a moment to to rethink how our responding and to do so but to do so. you know better and more comprehensively. ok that was dr and marie paid from doctors without borders so i want to bring this to you briefly south african authorities are responding to a flood emergency which has killed more than fifty people in the southern and eastern parts of the country more than a thousand people have been displaced now heavy rains have triggered flooding and mudslides in coastal areas of the province i was in the tao that's undermined buildings causing them to collapse on their inhabitants other people have been swept away by water and major roads in and out of the port city of durban have also been closed. an extraordinary access to sedan way of protest leaders have called for a million people to march to demand the country's ruling military and of a power to a civilian administration the sudanese army ended the thirty year role of president obama two weeks ago after months of protests but the opposition is demanding the complete removal of the old regime tens of thousands of people have arrived by train in the capital hard to him to lend their support to the demonstrators camped outside military headquarters in the capital opposition leaders have suspended talks with the army over every fusil to hand over power immediately. the opposition are now also threatening a strike to underline their demonstrative is. karim met up with an opposition leader in the capital to what do you want today from the military transition or consulate in sudan. we want. to hear and every day. a swift and immediate transfer of. power is of political. decision making process to see really an administration that we are going to compose for all. forces that are submitting kinked this is this is what we want to get to happen if you want this you as a civilian concert you are not united today when we talk to the people in the street who are your presenting today we. wonder if this isn't united because we have a long history of we have been together and we have signed together one. document we. declare mission for freedom might change all parties to that. declaration. a little sort of. being that is indeed in that declaration so we are united under this and if you say you are united what would happen if the military council don't hand over the power to a civilian council what will you do we are going to continue. our struggle to gameport all the people in this and in this. for this end we are going of course to step up. the struggle including. declaration of political. strike. and civil. disobedience what does that mean exactly what would you do me or be able to stop we're going to stop being taxes being. was that if the government went with this happen this is soon as we get convinced that. we reached a deadlock. in. a war ended let's do a fix just. as soon as we get convinced we are going to declare that thank you so much all right that was steve's every uphill chremes speaking to one of the prettiest exist in sudan and that is it for now from africa as always you can catch all our stories on our website and facebook page that's interact there at pointless if the next five. to. enter the conflict zone confronting the powerful markets this week here in tallinn is martin helmet deputy leader of the conservative peoples party of a strongly despite calling for blacks to leave the country feel insists fuz not a racist for nice even most good the move to support by christian feels we don't want to be the first to stone winter for conflicts. dealing with. a child being positive in many parts of russia it's a terrible stigma but in orphanages show yob it takes a different approach. here h.i.b. positive youngsters grow up with kids who don't have the fire risk. what's the daily routine like for the stand and how do the children themselves fare. in sixty minutes on d w. any time any place. video never. happened at the back of the. songs to sing along to download to come


Transcripts For DW Shift 20190727 10:15:00

100 gamers are battling it out this weekend in new york city for a top prize of $3000000.00 at the 1st ever fortnight world cup the tournament is the biggest and the wealthiest in the burgeoning e sports market the event has attracted the best fortnight players from around the globe most of them teenage boys each competitor is guaranteed to leave arthur ashe stadium with at least $50000.00 the online survival game has become an international phenomenon since it launched in 27. i'm called aspen you're watching news for the time to be. my 1st vice like moses sewing machine. icon for all women have bones by this ocean drones have been something as simple as learning how to write them by psychos isn't. since i was a little girl i wanted to have them by cycle of my home and he took me miss them and. finally they gave up and mentioned buying in my state this country turns because sewing machine sewing i suppose was more apt procreates for girls than writing advice and knowledge i want to meet those women back home who are bound by the duties and social rules and informed him of oded be supply. my name is the about of people home and a war that's easy to. believe . this might soon be a thing of the past. who needs cash when you can just as easily pay with an easy wallet worldwide digital wallets and our smartphones are growing more and more popular what systems on the market how do they differ from one another and how safe are they i would topic today on ship. most evil let's com a smartphone apps. that biometric solutions to your own hand might replace your wallet a scanner authorize the payment and that's it businesses are picking up on the trend and offering more payment services facebook even announced its own app recently but which one is right for me. that might depend on where you live and what you plan to use it for. a bouquet of flowers without any cash to many it's already an ordinary part of daily life. let users pay quickly and easily there's a wide range of apps to choose from. you can get the wallets through your bank then it's basically an extension of your regular account on your smartphone. or other connected to your mobile plan they conduct transactions via text message there is also a growing number of other providers whether global players for worldwide payments like google pay or pay pal or for certain countries and currencies like alley pay in china or india. the main principle stays the same. are for storing money. the balance usually comes from a bank account or credit card or is topped up in cash the app lets you pay by clicking a button scanning a q.r. code or with near field communication i use it mostly because they're really kind of because you can pay everywhere and anywhere with your mobile phone and it takes away the hassle of dealing with cash all with physical credit cards with more about payments you can just get a q.r. code and comes directly from your bank account. user should look out for fees though often sending money to friends is free of charge but many providers make a profit on other transactions pay pal charges 5 percent on international money transfers for instance that can become costly in the long run. so here's a checklist for farming that you wallet that's best for your needs what countries and currencies doesn't work and how can i top it up what payment options do i have and what does the option i use most cost and as always it's also important to look out for your security personal data. expert julie martin has some basic advice for choosing the right provider look for multiple factor authentication look for making sure that there is a backup. and make sure that they are warning you about how you should be interfacing with the technology. whether or not my money is safe depends on how i keep it leaving my wallet is probably a bad idea using 1234 as a password for my. also not the best but providers need to maintain security standards too. technically speaking most do you want to buy serious providers are well protected the data is encrypted and stored on secure service it's recommended to use which have been checked by at least 2 i.t. security companies one risk remains humans passwords need to be protected and you want to use are a popular target for phishing attacks which enable criminals access to what is digital wallets. this is the power and the danger of mobile banking you are your own bank and if you have bad security practices you lose your phone or something happens then you are the one who is going to suffer the consequences of that like online banking mostly you want to use 2 factor authentication for example password and fingerprint what if a transfer feels as though some providers have accommodating rules similar to a bank but that is not a given that usually circumvented the middleman making a profit and if there is no longer an intermediary there who is making money off of you. then you have a danger that you're not going to get that charge back there's nobody to charge it to send it back to you. so. some risks but doesn't money always. payment compared to other common methods we took a closer look. how secure is using it compared to using a credit card online the only way to answer that question is it depends it depends on the wallets and on the online payment system there are your wallet systems that are more secure than some of the online payment systems that are in use today and vice versa. i would prefer the wallet to using the credit card in the store because you've removed the human elements you don't have the cashier taking your credit card. copying it or memorizing it or whatever. and you will it is definitely more secure in the sense that. you don't have to worry about terry physically keeping the cash with you all the time and having enough to pay. every time i give my kids cash they seem to lose some of it for example they never lose their faults . so when it comes to security let's make a good impression but what about user data and the electronic transaction leaves a digital footprint when it comes to wallets but information is not only available to my bank but also to service providers like google pay pal our digital wallet is just another step towards transparent customers i mean cash has a certain anonymity to it that people like. you don't quite have in the same way with digital currency. digital transactions create footprints which many providers also use data about payments absolutely is being used about you absolutely using huge industry people making lots of money by analyzing payment flows from many users however the advantages outweigh the risks. all these private corporations know exactly what you're spending behavior is like what you are like as a shop your your behavior patterns essentially and that might be uncomfortable for some people but i personally it's not a big issue i would rather my transactions be tracked. back safe rather than not tracked but not say. in the end we need to choose what's most important to us. fun fact in germany we're huge fans of hot cash hardly anyone uses wallets here other european countries are less cash crazy is going to navia more people prefer a mobile payment and in many asian countries it has long become a part of daily life china expects harf a 1000000000 customers to use the wallets in 2090. and it's no wonder it's simpler less expensive and quicker than your classic bag if i wanted to transfer money from my regular bank on a friday afternoon for example i have to wait until monday morning for it to be processed when i use my wallet the recipient instantly receives the money along with the message that it has arrived and the best part is i don't always need a bank account for about. the world bank estimates that globally about 1700000000 people don't have access to a bank account for them he wanted could enable access to the financial system. one of sample is the digital payment system. it started in 2007 in kenya and is available in other african countries in india and in parts of eastern europe. the account is linked to a mobile phone number users can pay bills or transfer money by text message a large network of employees agents allows for the digital wallets to be topped up one of the interesting things about electronic quality is that in places where the banking system is less developed the least developed you find the highest levels of comfort with using digital well that's simply because people will grasp on to any alternative that works banking the unbind has come to facebook's attention to the plan to its caliber is supposed to be integrated into facebook messenger what's up users couldn't do worldwide payments in facebook's own currency libra the project has raised international criticism but facebook's entrance onto the strongly regulated financial market should give mobile payments another boost i think most likely in the next 5 years we will see big movements towards global capabilities because of players like we chat and facebook and others with these massive platform reach pushing the sector forward and. they. sort of help break down the barriers with governments to get on board and allow this cross jurisdictional use country to country use of these kinds of currencies it will become easier and easier. facebook's idea isn't necessarily new ebola it's using crypto currency is bitcoin have been around for years they encrypt transactions with blocks in technology which makes them particularly safe. crypto currencies only exist digitally and are not regulated by any bank the most well known ones are bitcoin and ripple. the term comes from the greek word kryptos meaning secret or hidden it points to the cryptographic encryption used for all components of the currency system. this technology is much safer than usual encryptions all information from balance a transaction is secured in a block chain meaning in a cryptographically encrypted protocol this way user data is stored safely. depending on the type of currency some of them are fully anonymous and nobody can see your payment history and that is a much more secure way of maintaining anonymity and payments. could potentially be as secure or more secure than cash. but this anonymity only comes with specific crypto currency so the advantages of digital wallets are they're easy to use they allow for quick transactions with a high level of security at least when you follow basic data protection guidelines one big disadvantage is the sensitive data you leave behind when you pay how much money i spend on water and when is very interesting to businesses and they're willing to pay huge amounts to know what's it like for you wish you well as to you you and why. that was now become a part of the shift community on you tube and subscribe to our channel be a look at everything from artificial intelligence and robotics to gaming and gadgets see who they are by by. check in and check out germany's man 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Transcripts For DW Kick Off 20190723 02:30:00

has intercepted the british like time to stand in pearl in the strait of hormuz through our. pictures montrose a real navy type 23 frigates currently deployed in the gulf try to come to the time because 8. obstruct. and reach them. good for the up to. iran has no rights to obstruct the ships passage let's. talk about all those countries calling on iran to release the tank we asked them to tell britain the same thing that most of us feel for there is simply no comparison between iran illegal seizure of a vessel inside a recognized shipping letter and the enforcement of e.u. sanctions it was planned for an act of state piracy. also coming up in parliamentary elections ukrainians have given their new president a strong mandate to fight corruption and that's rather remarkable considering what income but lawmakers allegedly did just staying in power. transfer and then overnight both want to transfer and however the company was mocked by widespread. over incumbent and. to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and all around the world welcome we begin the day with a growing crisis between the united states and iran and britain firmly caught in the middle today iran said that it has captured 17 spies working for the cia in sentence some of them to death the u.s. president reacted with a tweet calling that announcement fault. and nothing but propaganda at the same time the british government was in an emergency meeting to come up with a response to what it calls iranian piracy on the open sea on friday iranian revolutionary guard troops ignored warnings from the british navy and seized a british ship in the strait of hormuz the fact that it has taken 3 days for london to announce its response speaks to the few and frustrating options that it has ever since the u.s. withdrew from the iran nuclear deal britain has found itself in an almost impossible position how to help the rest of europe save the nuclear deal while maintaining ties with its most important ally the united states and to make matters more difficult britain is counting on a new trade deal with the u.s. after it leaves the european union later this year so the irony was not lost today when the u.k. said that it will put together a naval protection mission in the strait of hormuz to be led by europe and not connected in any way with a similar alliance that the u.s. is struggling to create because freedom of navigation is a vital interest of every nation we will now seek to put together a european and that maritime protection mission to support the safe passage of both crew and conquer in this final region we've had constructive discussions with a number of countries in the last 48 hours and we will discuss later this week the best way to complement this with the recent u.s. proposals in this area there was the u.k. foreign minister there jeremy hunt let's take this story now to london i'm joined by our correspondent barbara vai's all good evening to you barbara there is another important part of this story tomorrow we expect to find out who the new u.k. prime minister will be either jeremy hunt who we just saw or boris johnson i mean would you agree that this has to be the worst timing possible. we also know french that is the most likely candidate to step into downing street 10 downing street on wednesday afternoon is going to be boris johnson and the timing is absolutely horrific because of instead of sort of throwing himself into his favorite topic that is brecht's it and sort of go to europe and sort of the hit everybody around the head and say you now finally have to do what we brits want because i'm boris johnson i'm the new prime minister what he has to do is go cap in hand to paris and to go in and talk to them and say now listen can you come up with anything that swims off flies so we could form convoys in the straits of hormuz and protect the tankers there and so he has to sort of strike is rather to say polite and more or less consider a tone no insult against the french friend since we know how much he likes that and he also has to talk to i'm going to marco who is not an easy partner in negotiations like that so it's very difficult 1st day and week for boris johnson likely in all likelihood. do we know how boris johnson would handle the situation with with would it be different from what theresa may. we have not the foggiest idea to be truthful because when he was the foreign minister boris johnson upheld the european line he said we want to keep the nuclear deal was iran a life he was very diligent in talking to paris and talking to the linen sort of talking to the of the foreign ministers and trying to keep those diplomatic ties or diplomatic contacts as they were to iran life and he did not try to rock that particular boat bought now he's in a totally different position you already mentioned he does want to trade deal with the united states. so what boris johnson under pressure to be ready to sort of throw everything away she said just go to washington and say listen i sort of. changed sides here i'm going to be was you now and let's sort of beat the iranians over the head was a big stick and i'm your boy. british papers talk about the danger that boris johnson might make britain and to the us poor again we've had this was blair and the iraq war so that would not be very well come but we don't know what he's thinking we don't know what's in his head even his closest advisers say we should just have to wait and see what you do take a listen barbara to what the u.k. foreign minister jeremy hunt said today about this proposed maritime protection alliance. he will not be part of the us maximum pressure policy on iran because we remain committed to preserving of iraq chremes. but that's astounding what do you make of the u.k. announcing this maritime protection force in the strait of hormuz they wanted to be led by europe and not to be connected with a similar force led by the united states. and the political will behind this is quite clear i mean britain does as the of the europeans does not want to be drawn into this increasingly and pillage driven stance that washington shows to its around they don't want to be drawn into a possible military conflict in the region with which would be absolutely horrifying so they still trying to sort of keep diplomacy a life they're still saying now we really did something for iran we sort of worked it was them for so many years now they should sort of be more conciliatory towards us they should sort of give something back we tried our best and so this is the clinging to that but this situation objectively of course is dire and in the end they will have to come out with some sort of protection for chen can call unvoiced in the straits of homeless otherwise oil will not be transported and everybody will hit by that equally so difficult situation for the british side because they sort of stock this difficult situation by what you already called the tit for tat tanker crisis and also for the other europeans because they know they have more less have to get involved. before we run out of time to talk to me about the irony here britain leaving the european union later this year tonight it is asking europe to help it be a troll the holy see. yeah it's not all about taking back control i mean you can hardly sort of pronounce this without really start to start laughing because of course britain when it's under pressure it's just a medium sized country on the edge of europe and they of course do need their allies in europe and of course they need to rely on them and then they will have to turn around and say now let's do breck's it and now let's be enemies again i mean this is such an impossible political situation is entirely paranoid and what boris johnson will make will make off it there is no telling who you know our correspondent barbara has a little story for us tonight in london barbara as always thank you. or you're watching the day still to come. on india on its way to the moon does it also represent the latest launch in a new space race i'll try to find down in just a my. colleagues and guests as they say welcome to the new reality the parliamentary election has taken place you can see the data on the screen as we process preliminary results to put it in for months and which it will show in reality we may be looking at a situation when for the 1st time in the history of independent ukraine we'll have one party in the parliament which will be able to make all the decisions and will have the 226 votes to support all day legislative initiatives. isn't going to shoot and he said it will voters in ukraine went to the ballot box yesterday and made history for the 1st time parliament will be led by one party the party of the new president a blow to me as a lenski the comedian turned president who came to power with the promise of fighting corruption a mandate for change that is that much stronger tonight thanks to yesterday's parliamentary elections so let's take this story now to our correspondent nick connelly he is on the story in the ukrainian capital kiev force good evening to you nic so the president he must be laughing all the way to the parliament building his party controls parliament this should make it very easy for him i would think to get legislation passed to keep his current campaign promises will it. well brant these are really uncharted waters for ukraine politics as you mentioned this is a 1st the ukrainian politics the 1st ukrainian president to have an absolute majority in parliament his strategy of pulling those elections forward really banking that honeymoon he had with the voters really seems to have paid off not only that but also he's a rule new p.c. boards palm and not one of his new members of parliament has sat in parliament before you've got a t.v. chef there and a limb pick wrestler a fellow comedian so it's all expected that these people will be fairly pliable and easy to be disciplined compared to political veterans that have been in ukraine's parliament up till now what would you say nick was the parliament election result was it a strong show of support for selenski or was it more of a protest vote against the established. i think this is very definitely still a rejection of the establishment and the status quo the people who have been responsible for ukraine failing to live up to its potential this is a country that has huge huge economic potential but where people are still living much worse off than in neighbors like poland for instance so huge frustration about sons of living here selenski has been very careful since he won that presidential election a couple of months ago not to offend anyone in his big electoral coalition as it was to. please everyone to say bring peace to don't bask in the same time not sounding too friendly towards russia he's basically been in campaign mode all this time so i think they're only going to really find out what kind of president selenski will make now after these. elections election observers from the oas see they say that the election this weekend was fair and free however they accuse him combet m.p.'s of trying to buy votes in order to keep their seats as they've been anything said about that by the president today and i mean this really speaks to how big the problem of corruption in ukraine really is doesn't. but there's no getting around the fact that ukraine routinely comes at the bottom of european corruption rankings only russia routinely really doing worse i think the positive takeaway from today is that the old timers trying those tricks vote buying they didn't get away with it they were swept away by this tide of political newcomers that he has brought into parliament i think the real test of mettle and his real determination to fight corruption will be how he deals with. the channels made him a star in the 1st place and who's been really instrumental with his media resources in helping his political rise to power. used to own ukraine's biggest bank but it was nationalized under the previous government with support from western lenders because it's alleged. billions to buy real estate around the world including in the us if it turns out the business interests are now going to be given preferential treatment on the government the credibility in terms of fighting corruption will obviously be show our correspondent nick connelly on the story for us tonight talking about the fallout from this weekend's parliamentary elections nick as always thank you. well in hong kong it appears to be going from bad to worse over the weekend anti-government protests descended into violence but it all began peacefully as tens of thousands took to the streets against an unpopular extradition bill that they fear will erode the city's tanami as protesters headed for the office of china's communist party police fired on them with rubber bullets and tear gas and in a new development video has emerged showing suspected mafia members attacking demonstrators. it was a vicious assault gangs of men all dressed in white attacking anti-government protesters on their way home from another huge demonstration. the brutal attack was life streamed on social media showing journalists as well as protesters being beaten as the men rampage through a subway station and onto trains. the way i saw somebody bleeding all over the floor in front of me i tried to drag him away but they wouldn't let me but had all sorts of weapons and i came over and attacked me too. that's all that got up that although. i'm not position nor make it he was injured claims triad gangstas suggesting the shadowy criminal network was intervening in support of the chinese government as the dozens of injured received treatment police finally arrived on the scene and work used by witnesses of taking more than an hour to get there despite frantic calls for help so far no arrests have been made on monday from homs probating leader carry now condemned the attack which absolutely do not although that court of law will allow a levy laden spirit but rules it's not a solution to any problem above that this will only bring more followers. but other pro china nor makers focus their condemnation on the anti-government protesters who threw eggs and paint at china's hong kong liaison office. once again protesters clashed with police well into the night. such and should be severely condemned and i think these reposts look look still these provocative actions which we see here is the foundation the relationship between social couple and hold i guess it is the closeness of that relationship that pro-democracy protesters are worried about the concerns of expanded beyond the controversial extradition bail as fears grow that democratic freedoms of being a renegade fears that would only be stoked by the unchecked intervention a suspected criminal gangs. well it's 2nd time lucky for india's lunar mission monday's launch brings in the year closer to its goal of becoming the 4th country ever to land a spacecraft on the mood after the united states russia and most recently china the chandrayaan 2 lifted off from its launch pad in entrepreneurship state as play and with time sparking celebrations around the country's mission control space said these says will lift off comes a week after an aborted 1st attempt. the unmanned spacecraft will explore for the


Transcripts For DW Shift 20190729 00:02:00

so the go off to ensure the safe passage of british vessels. this might soon be a thing of the past. who needs cash when you can just as easily pay with an equal it worldwide digital wallets and our smartphones are growing more and more popular what systems on the market how do they differ from one another and how safe are they i would topic so they aren't the. most evil it's commerce smartphone apps. that biometric solutions to your own hand might replace your wallet a scanner authorize the payment and that's it businesses are paying up on the trend and offering more payment services facebook even announced its own app recently but which one is right for me. that might depend on where you live and what you plan to use it for. a bouquet of flowers without any cash to many it's already an ordinary part of daily life let's let users pay quickly and easily there's a wide range of apps to choose from. you can get the wallets through your bank then it's basically an extension of your regular account on your smartphone. or other wallets are connected to your mobile plan they conduct transactions via text message there is also a growing number of other providers whether global players for worldwide payments like google pay or pay pal or any wallets for certain countries and currencies like in china or india. the main principle stays the same the wallets are for storing money. the balance usually comes from of bank account or credit card or is topped up in cash the app lets you pay by clicking a button scanning a q.r. code or with near field communication i use mostly because they're really convenient because you can pay everywhere and anywhere with your mobile phone and it takes away the hassle of dealing with cash audit ring with physical credit cards with mobile payments you can just get a q.r. code and that comes directly from your bank account. user should look out for fees though often sending money to friends is free of charge but many providers make a profit on other transactions pay pal charges 5 percent on international money transfers for instance that can become costly in the long run. so here's a checklist for finding that you wallet that's best for your needs what countries and currencies does it work and how can i top it up what payment options do i have and what does the option i use most cost and as always it's also important to look out for your security personal data. expert julie martin has some basic advice for choosing the right provider look for multiple factor authentication look for making sure that there is a backup. and make sure that they are warning you about how you should be interfacing with the technology. whether or not my money is safe depends on how i keep it leaving my wallet is probably a bad idea using 1234 as a password for my. also not the best but providers need to maintain security standards to. technically speaking most do you want to buy serious providers are well protected the data is encrypted and stored on secure servers it's recommended to use which have been checked by at least 2 i.t. security companies one risk remains humans passwords need to be protected and you want to use are a popular target for phishing attacks which enable criminals access to what this digital wallets. this is the power and the danger of mobile banking you are your own bank and if you have bad security practices you lose your phone or something happens then you are the one who is going to suffer the consequences of that like online banking mostly you want to use 2 factor authentication for example password and fingerprint what if a transfer feels as though some providers have accommodating rules similar to a bank but that is not a given that usually circumvent the middlemen making a profit and if there is no longer an intermediary there who is making money off of you. then you have a danger that you're not going to get that charge back there's nobody to charge it to send it back to you. so. some risks but doesn't money always. how does mobile payment compare to other common methods we took a closer look. how secure is using it compared to using a credit card online the only way to answer that question is it depends it depends on the wallets and on the online payment system there are you while it's a systems that are more secure and some of the online payment systems that are in use today and vice versa. i would prefer the wallet to using the credit card in the store because you've removed the human element you don't have the cashier taking a credit card or potentially copying it or memorizing it or whatever. and you will it is definitely more secure in the sense that. you don't have to worry about terry physically keeping the cash with you all the time and having enough to pay every time i give my kids cash they seem to lose some of this for example if they never lose their phones. so when it comes to security let's make a good impression but what about user data any electronic transaction leaves a digital footprint when it comes to wallets that information is not only available to my bank but also to service providers like google or pay pal our digital wallet is just another step towards transparent customers i mean cash has a certain anonymity to it. that people like. that you don't quite have in the same way with with digital currency. digital transactions create footprints which many providers also use data about payments absolutely is being used about you absolutely some huge industry people making lots of money by analyzing payment flows from many users however the advantages outweigh the risks. all these private corporations know exactly what you're spending behavior is like what you are like as a shop where your your behavior patterns essentially and that might be uncomfortable for some people but i personally it's not a big issue i would rather my transactions be tracked. back safe rather than not tracked but not seen. in the end we need to choose what's most important to us. fun fact in germany we're huge fans of hot cash oddly anyone uses wallets here other european countries are less cash crazy in scandinavia more people prefer a mobile payment and in many asian countries it has long become a part of daily live china expects half a 1000000000 customers to use wallets in 2090. and it's no wonder it's simpler that's expensive and quicker than your classic bank if i wanted to transfer money from my regular bank on a friday afternoon for example i have to wait until monday morning for it to be processed when i use my wallet the recipient instantly receives the money along with the message that it has arrived and the best part is i don't always need a bank account about. the world bank estimates that globally about 1700000000 people don't have access to a bank account for them could enable access to the financial system. one example is the digital payment system. which started in 2007 in kenya and is available and other african countries in india and in parts of eastern europe. the account is linked to a mobile phone number users can pay bills or transfer money by text message a large network of employees agents allows for the digital wallets to be topped up one of the interesting things about electronic quality is that in places where the banking system is less developed the least developed you find the higher levels of comfort with using digital well that's simply because people will grasp on to any alternative that works by going the own bank has come to facebook's attention to the plan to its caliber is supposed to be integrated into facebook messenger what's up users could then do world wide payments and facebook's own currency libra the project has raised international criticism but facebook's entrance onto the strongly regulated financial market should give mobile payments another boost i think most likely in the next 5 years we will see big movements towards global while it's capabilities because of players like we chat and facebook and others with these massive platform reach pushing the sector forward and as they. sort of help break down the barriers with governments to get on board and allow this cross jurisdictional use country to country use of these kinds of currency it will become easier and easier. facebook's idea isn't necessarily new evil it's using crypto currency is like bitcoin have been around for years they encrypt transactions with block same technology which makes them particularly safe. crypto currencies only exist digitally and are not regulated by any bank the most well known ones are bitcoin and ripple. the term comes from the greek word crypto meaning secret or hidden points toward the cryptographic encryption used for all components of the currency system. this technology is much safer than usual encryptions all information from balance a transaction is secured in a block chain meaning in a cryptographically encrypted protocol this way user data is stored safely. depending on the type of currency some of them are fully anonymous and nobody can see your payment history and that is a much more secure way of maintaining anonymity and payments. could potentially be as secure or more secure than cash. but this anonymity only comes with specific crypto currency so the advantages of digital wallets are they're easy to use they allow for quick transactions with a high level of security at least when you follow basic data protection guidelines one big disadvantage is the sensitive data you leave behind when you pay how much money i spend on water and when is very interesting to businesses and they're willing to pay huge amounts to know what's it like for you which you all as do you use and why. that does not become a part of the shift community on you tube and subscribe to our channel been look at everything from our official intelligence on robotics to gaming and gadgets so you know they are by by. birth. home of species. a home worth saving. given those are big changes and most start with small steps little ideas tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the


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