hack-tivists. treat assange and wikileaks like the taliban. let me show you how this mess is spreading. wikileaks is in the center of it, of course. the boxes, let me tell you who else is involved. wikileaks in the center. then you ve got a bunch of websites that have been targeted by wikileaks. you ve got mastercard, you ve got visa, you ve got paypal. these aren t the payment systems of those organizations, those are the websites. so mastercard.com, visa.com, you don t do any business with them generally speaking. that s not the payment system of things. that s just their websites. but it might be a shot across the bow from wikileaks to say this is what we re capable of. on the other side you ve got facebook and twitter. they ve blocked some communications from groups called operation payback. the internet is a hard thing to contain. all along this thing we ve been seeing mirror sites which is pretty much any computer that can mirror wiki content and for