and maybe irrationally, that s not something we can accept. what do we do? there s not a good military president trump as a candidate and president really put the focus on china saying china s got to do more to rein them in. china, though, has an inherent interest. a, they don t want to completely destabilize north korea on their border, they also don t want a unified korea on their border that s aligned with the west, correct? right, with american troop t of course, no, that s exactly right. look, president obama also said that a path here to success in pyongyang has got to go through beijing. they really do they re the only nation state that has any degree of influence over pyongyang. it s limited at best. i think they re frustrated by that. president xi was none too happy about their recent missile test which was done, timed, people believe, timed for his visit to the united states to embarrass him. so it s got to go through beijing.