The board of governors of the Federal Reserve system and doctor christopher, the member of the board of governors in the Federal Reserve system. Welcome and congratulations to each of you for your nominations. I see friends and family in the room today and i welcome them as well. Were fortunate to have these two highly qualified nominees appearing today. These positions are critical to ensuring a safe, sound and vibrant Financial System in the healthy growing economy. The Federal Reserve was created by congress as the nations central bank to promote a stable economy and a safer more flexible Financial System. Among the Federal Reserve responsibility is conducting the nation Monetary Policy with the mandated promoting maximum employment, and moderate longterm Interest Rate. In addition to its Monetary Policy that oversees a significant portion of the sector including large, regional and Community Banks as well as certain nonbanks. It aims to foster a safe and efficient payment and settl
By Scott Bidroski On Wednesday, April 26, four Veterans were honored at a small ceremony hosted at the United Methodist Church in Hay Springs, Neb. Tr.
Missouri does not lack in caves with interesting histories and there are few more colorful than one that claims the rocks talk to you. It's true - sort of.