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Transcripts for FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240604 05:02:00

stop immediately. real domestic terrorists, as garland put it, with whater seemed likero genuine outrage. i will not stand silently by as the integrity of the fbi is unfairly attacked. well, of course,tt mediaac organizationsan loved it. there's nothing they revere more than a victim. victims areti wholly so. they immediately took galan's side. they're being mean to the fbi. ll stop it,ow guys. that's notot allowed. butak if you take three steps back and think about it for a second, garland's position, which effectively is you're not allowed to criticize me. i'm the attorney general. the united states is pretty t weird. in fact, itotici is an inversiof the traditional relationship between the u.s. government and the population supposedly serves. according tola merrick garland, the onus is on american citizens to respect the fbi, obey it's your duty. but of course that's not true. din a democracy. the onus t is on the fbi to earn the respectt of americans they work for. you remember? ob


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20220817

0 some fatal cancers including lymphoma 5 and skin cancer, lymphoma 5 and skin cancer, death, heart attack, stroke and hair in the stomach or intestinesto of people 50 and older with at least one heart risk. don't take ifit allergic t to invoke a serious reaction can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put youoq in check and keep it there with convoke after gastroenterologist about renzo and learn how abbvie could help you saidmeme go the evening and welcome tucker carlson tonight. by all accounts, attorney general mark merrick garland was shocked to hear criticism of the raid on mar a lago last week. -a it turns out the girl lives in such a tiny, airless world of left wing activists and sycophants that had never occurred to him that anyone might object to siccing the fbi on joe biden's political opponents when woke twitter in the new york times are your only sources of news police state politics seems perfectly normal. trump is bad. find a reason to arrest him. that's how they think. re so if you watch garland carefully, this press conference the other dayave, you may have noticed that he appeared highly annoyed by the idea of havingo to stoop to explain himself to mere citizens. but he found a a solution being a liberal mayor. carlin's first instinct was to seize the role of victim because when you're a victim, you've already wonur the argument. you don't have to explain yourself, don't have to change your behavior. you're by definition the good guy. the victim always is . n being oppressed means never having to say you're sorry. so he's gonna explain to the press the fbi was in facte, the real victim here. menal fox news was asking unfair questions and that's just wrong f. so the real problem isn't that america's most powerful law enforcement agency is dangerously politicized and corrupt. no,emenis the real problem here is the people have dared to complain about it and they must stop immediately. real domestic terrorists, as garland put it, with whater seemed likero genuine outrage. i will not stand silently by as the integrity of the fbi is unfairly attacked. well, of course,tt mediaac organizationsan loved it. there's nothing they revere more than a victim. victims areti wholly so. they immediately took galan's side. they're being mean to the fbi. ll stop it,ow guys. that's notot allowed. butak if you take three steps back and think about it for a second, garland's position, which effectively is you're not allowed to criticize me. i'm the attorney general. the united states is pretty t weird. in fact, itotici is an inversiof the traditional relationship between the u.s. government and the population supposedly serves. according tola merrick garland, the onus is on american citizens to respect the fbi, obey it's your duty. but of course that's not true. din a democracy. the onus t is on the fbi to earn the respectt of americans they work for. you remember? ob and lately they have. not been doing a very good job and people know that they haven't been. the public's confidence in d the fbi has plummeted by double digits in just the last fewew years. and unfortunately, there's a reason for that and it's a huge problem. we need the fbibi. you can't just defund federal law enforcement thereeder are al of federal laws. most of them are. silly.. some of them are not silly at all. they're very serious so and they must be enforced. so we have to have an fbi and it has to be an fbi we can trust and we can't trust it until it's behavior, merit's trust until it's honest. and to the extent they can be transparent, consistent in t the way ithe enforces the law. we have to have a federal law enforcement agency like that. wean can't just make it go away and hope for the best. p but we're nowhere near that point because the people should be overseeing. the fbi have ignored egregious examples of corruption overth many years. buting they're getting very hard to ignore because they're just so obvious now and it's not g the mar a lago. consider the gretchen whitmer kidnaping . you may remember that stories from the fall of 2020 may event have founded little been heard how it ended. so it seemed like a terrorism plot was in fact a setup by the government to g take a group of ordinary people in michigan look like terrifying right wing extreme. those violent white nationalist joe biden is always mumbling about, well, turns out there aren't enough of those people in real life. they're pretty rare, actually . it's n not a very racist country despite what they tell you. so the justice department had to go create some and they did. and that's not justde our opinion. that was the finding ofraury a federal jury in michigan. so it's a shocking story really ,butt the details of that story are even worse than that. they are beyond belief. and we'll tell t you what they are in just a minute. but first to set the scene, here is gretchen whitmer herself. governor of michigan, announcing that she was the intended target of a terrorism plot. this is from october eight . twenty one earlier today, attorney general dina was joined by officials from the department of justice and the fbihe d to announce stae and federal charges against 13 members of two militia groups who are preparing to kidnapy and possibly kill me. l if you break the law orir conspire to commit heinous acts of violence against anyonee, we will find you. we will hold you accountable and we will bring you to justice. alll will bring in justice. i'm so important that militia groups have organized to take me out what a self aggrandizingr description. but the last thingan she said will bring you to justiceth. well, they actually tried to do that that at trial and thenks a retrial. and thanks to that, we have testimony and cross-examination that reveals what actually happened, how the fbi engineered this plot. now most of the media were paying zero attention to the silly kellie's of american greatness is actually covered it. we're grateful to her for what she's found. so here's the outline in really twenty , twenty , thirty five year old army veteran called dan chappell, nicknamed big dan was working as a contractor for the u.s. postal service deliveryst trucks scrolling facebook one night and chappell says he found sayou a pro second amendment group called wolverine watchmen. he says he just happenedpch, upn it. so chappell testified that heup was concerned by the group's'sf criticism of law enforcement. so he went to a police officer, friend of his and asked forit advice. none ofhe the messages within the group violated any law. but somehow within a week,de schappell wound up connectedd ts the fbi, to several fbi agents, including a special agent, on jason chambers. now, we learned through testimony in the trial this week why chambers was interested in the case. iter turns out that chambers in violation of fbi policy, was running a side hustle. you just incorporatedir the security firm called the xym intel and he saw his work on the wittmer case as a way to promote his own business. we know that because throughout 2020 someone affiliated bec with his business, their twitter account repeatedly tweeted nonpublic information tac about the kidnag case the dan chapel was building for the fbi. so it's not surprising givennc the built inen incentives here which were against policy. once again, the chambers appearo to do everything he could ton p make sure the investigation went according to plan. now,ec no investigation cann' go according to plan because there shouldn't be a planned investigation. is the process of finding out what happened. anpr investigation is not the process of orchestrating things to happen, buthi that'ss exactly what this became in all the fbi with chambers is the handler paid chappell big dan more than sixty thousand dollars in the course of just a few months. today, chappell testified that he made more money working for the fbi in seven months that hek did working for the unitedou states postal service over the course of an entire year. so there's a lot of money moving from the fbi, t the federal treasury to this informant. so the fbi t told chappell that in exchange for all of that money, you need to start assembling a group of rightou extremists for the fbi top prosecute. they made the whole thing ups and he did thatt with the fbi'si help within a few's weeks, the fbi created a new facebook group called patriot three percenters. is this i is why i should be carefo of facebook. it's just this group. it looks interesting. okay, soy. apple and several members of that group then attended a protest at the michigan state capitol . look at you bringing people together. the fbi handler texted schappell. now throughout that protest, th a whole lotook different from the january 6th protest chapel, keptinro touch, close touch with federal agents. he informs the fedsshe i. the thirty seven year old a man called adam fox t is at the stae capitol duringng a protest. now, adam fox has got to be one of the least powerfuliety peopln our society. he lived alone with his two dogs in the basement ofe a vacuum repair shop. why? becauseey he had no money whatsoeverin. te inr fact, he had so little mony that in order to get running water to brush your teeth or use the bathroom, he had to go to a nearby mexican restaurant and use their men's . so r chappell began texting thil diabolical mastermind fox hundreds of times. but fox seemed inherentlywr moderate, actually . look, things like this quote l our goal is to restore r the constitution. republic fox also said, quote, inep our hearts and minds we are not domestic terrorists. oh, sounds very dangerous. so based on those text text messages, the fbibi gave chappel more instructions. they provided shop with several five thousand dollar limit credit cards and they told himim to give those credit cards too fox s and tell them to spend it on guns and ammunitionox. so fox, despite the fact he hadm no money at all, his useic the men's room in a mexican restaurant to brush his teeth refused on 5% separateto occasions, he refused to b take the credit cards to buy gunsen and ammunition. then what a terrorist. then in july, 2020 twore suggested that fox and others fired rounds into the governor's mansion as well as at her cottage. a but the alleged plotters, including adam fox, again refused. n' want to hurt. the governor. , in august of 2020, the group started to splinter chapel. other informants were instructed wer to keep the group together. no, keep it together. keep the threat real. so they introduced anotherxp undercover agent, pretended to be an explosives expert. ha het showed the group a video ofu a bomb that blew up a vehicle to prove he v knew what he was doing.d t would that video come from what was made by thehat video f fbi? yous shaking your confidence a little bit? these details are reall e, by the way. they came out at trial.. then the bureau recruited a convicted felon and a longtime fbi informant called steven robson to introduce a newe idea to fox as well as o barry kroft. this time he was to kidnapp gretchen whitmer rabson with the fbi's money, organized several events, including a national militia a conferencem in ohio, training inee wisconsin and a meeting in delaware. fbi orchestrating all of this on july 18th. twenty one such militia meeting again organized by the fbi when they take over right wing extremists inn this case, they created them. so this militia meeting, an alleged plot or cult tied garbin rejected out of hand the idea of kidnaping. gretchen whitmer didn't want to do. no, i don't think so becausewe that's the governor. no, we're not crazy. we j w just want a constitution republic. okay, then u the topic came up again in august and then another defendant called daniel harris was equally adamant. no and grab. he said, i swear to god . g sood clearly, he said emphatically, out loud, explicitly, these are people were not interested in kidnaping. gretchen whitmer, the governor of michigan, but the fbi kept pushing the fbi informants drove the defendants to gretchen whitmer home. then they suggested killingcr the governor of virginia, alsoat a democrat, september 5th. 2020 fbi special agent jason chambers texted chappell, quote, mission is to kill the governor specifically, what country is this to pressure one of the defendants, a man called gary cross crossed into doing that. one fbi agent admitted this week that a female informant slept in the same hotel room as croft was honey trap fbi agents also testified this week that they regularly gothi high with adam fox. a they smoked weed with adam fox. they said he was so high tech he was high and all of histh meetings with again,. that's against fbi policy. you can't just give drugs to people and hope they do something bad. well, after all of this failed to produce a kidnaping plot, it fell on yet another fbi ginkomi richard trask, tona build a criminal case against the defendants. now, thatst same year, trask, who's now been convicted of beating his wife, called donald trump a piece of on social media. really? yeah, just nonpartizan federal bureaucrats, public servants doing their jobs. incredibly, after all of this, the person in charge, the field office overseeing the wittmer investigation. 2020 a. a man called steven dantonio was promoted, not fired, promoted to lead the dc field office in late 2020. you connect the dots here. in other words, the guyor who made sure thatma fbiur informants were active duringou a rally in the michigan state house in 2020se 2 as part of ths concocted plot, that same guy went on to become the guy who oversaw the investigation inton i wait for it january six, the election justice protest they're calling an insurrection. but just remember they, don't ask whether the fbi used informantsy to entrap anyone 6 on january six . you canan't do that or else youe insurrectionist yourself. nor are you allowed to ask steven and tontos agents were involved in the raid on marrawah, even though that's in florida and he's in washington. as it turns out, questions likei this are hate speech. >> watch all the buzzne on the internet and all over the airwaves. it does. itac does have an impact. well, i mean, you could say buzz. well, there's no pointntell, cag it there's not a lot of hate speech coming from pro trump. media outlets anger a lot of angry. the nation's premier law enforcement agency simply because donald trump is being investigated. r: oh, o it's hate speech. t and if there's one thing we about hate speechh is that it's not protected by the first amendment. you heard that part p of the constitution which says you can says whatever you want as long as msnbc doesn't designate your words hate speech. when they call any criticism of the fbi, that would be joe biden's personal defense force . they call that ch hate speech. what they'rere really saying a is you're committing a crime and see where this is going. but the truth is there are still questions about the fbi's behavior on and around january six . and given what happened in michigan where we know beyond question that the fbi tried to create an act of terror, it's fair to ask what exactly did happen on january six and whyh. the fbi is still hiding footage critically of the person who planted a pipe bomb outsideh the dnc on january 6th. while kamala harris was apparently inside something about for months. what exactly is going on here? we're, of course, not alleging anything. we don't know the answer, but a we know for a fact giveneh the fbi's behavior and we report this with great sadness over the last several years, itr is worth getting to the bottom of this. in fact, we have to if we're going to restore confidence in federal law enforcementre, nost one is asking these questions really apart from f revolver. news. and here's what they've come upa with . watch this. camera one shows the pipeip bomber walking up to the dnc grounds at roughly seven fortyty two p.m. he sits on bench one . thenen he gets up and walks offe screen. according w to the fbi, he walks the length of the dnc building and ten minutes later he comesen back to the same bench area and sits on a bench to there at seven fifty two pm camera to capture the pipe bomber sitting on bench two and we are told planting the pipe by the side of the bench next to the bush. are told the pipe bomber plants the pipe bomb there, but we can't see it. cameratase is clouded by a giant bush that blocks the scene. the pipe bomber even looks at camera to head on forr some reason. it's very frustratingecau becaus we can't t see the moment the pipe bomber plants the pipe bomb. but the fbi can. that's because the whole scenen should be captured on cameraca one as well and muchh more clearly than camera to camera. one has a clear shot of bothl benches. if the fbi released the fullse tape from camera one , we could see the pipe bomber planting the bomb. okay, so what exactly happenedn outside the dnc on january 6th? and why is no one asking that question and why has the department of justice not told? we've heard everything they want us to know about january six . why not more about this body of revolver news is well, as the people who is pressing fors answers, he joins us tonight. john , thanks so much for coming on . so we y we explained to us for those who may have been confused by the tape, which was that we just played, thatt was evocative raise questions. what do you think this and what is going on here? what does this add up to? w hawell, first, when it definitively shows this piece at revolver news available right now shows definitively and without question that the fbi is withholdingg , hiding, concealing from the public critical footage of the pipe bomber actually planting the bomb, actually placing the bomb down. he and they question is why would they do that? whyt? would they hide precisely the piece of footage that would be most likely to help them get the public to catch and identify the perpetrator? and furthermore, given g that we know that they're hiding this footage and that the bomb was placed outside of the democrat national committee building allegedly by some mago trump supporter, january 6 pipe bomber, why aren't democrats demanding to merrick garland, to steven the antwaun, to christopher wray that they released this piece of critical footage? what do you think the answer i mean, is so bizarre. i mean,, they're constantly telling you that right wing extremists or the great terror threat that we face. so here you have a case wherere someone somebody actually did put a pipe bomb outside the dnc and they don't seem interested was thatg out who it does notwa make sense at all. it doesn't make sense at all. and look, if people read the full piece of revolver news, you'll see that this is just one of many absolutely mind blowing coincidences related toi the pipe bomb situation. keep in mind, we know this pipe bomb that was allegedly planted the evening before wasn't discovered untililve after the c pipe bomb was discovered. twelve forty . that means there was an entire w morning of people walking by , of pedestrians, of motorists, of, dnc security who didn't see it. and even the secret service itself, which we knowsw by reports, swept the areaep. check w the entrances. the pipe bomb was placed just feet away fromdn an exit to the dnc building and the secret service missed it and they missed it so that the actual pipe bomb would first be discovered at the rnc discovered at twelve forty . and so when it was reported, the capitol police responded to it just a minute before that first and decisive assault on the capitol perimeter. so everything was timed in justn such a remarkable fashion a as o be frankly unbelievable. and i think everyone to pose these questions very directly and very forcefully f to merrick garland, to christopher wray and to stephen d'angelo because we really need answers at this point. and so liz cheneyoi was the genesis committee not interested in this? i think i don't't t knownow what the answer is , but it's certainly bizarre. thanks for your reporting on thissanksks. t thank you. so the real threat to the country is everybody knows it's not domestic terrorism. it'sre free crime and the degradation of daily life for people who live in cities. and nowhere is thatat clearer than in new york city, our largest drug addict is taken over a lot of the place, including upscale neighborhoods. so y the evidence is on camera. thank you know tucker carlson, america loves watching tucker. in prime time, democracy depends upon free speech fold. it doesn't look like our border at all. and brings it every night. and if you can't wait until tonight, there's tucker carlson today on america's streaming service. some of the best things i've ever heard in my whole life. it's tucker doing the most in-depth, extensive interviews. you won't see anywhere else. and 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