between eight years of bill de blasio and a decade of andrew cuomo, it is easy to be optimistic that a new mayor is coming, but it s hard to it i just how bad things have gotten. tucker: that is really true. they get so much for coming on tonight. appreciate it. so as predicted, that suspension was in fact the firing. chris cuomo is gone. he defended his brother, that s his crime. but what about the dash what did he know exactly and how he is he escaping punishment? chris cuomo is doing it. the dwarf king really didn t know? we have details. and apparently producers he can go shopping on our website, christmas shopping. tuckercarlson is the place. earn about covid-19,
i didn t even ask you about we appreciate you coming on. thank you so much. thank you so much, tucker. tucker: last-minute holiday s to shop and go to tuckercarlson we spoke to roger stone for a full hour. it is worth catching up on that conversation. it was fantastic. we ll be back tomorrow night and every weeknight at 8:00 p.m. here s sean hannity. sean: they cue, tucker. welcome to hannity. everybody else seem to have turned the page. we refused to on this program. 109 days counting and tonight the taliban along with the rest of america s enemies are now taking advantage of your president joe biden s obvious weakness on the world stage. coming up, former secretary of state mike pompeo will join us with the very latest out of russia, china, the middle east, afghanistan. and later, stacey abrams thinks
because of it. it s out today, we appreciate your coming on tonight, congrats on the book. thank you so much. tucker: meanwhile as a result of bad and intentionally bad policies, they ve never seen before. all over the united states, obviously organized, who is behind it? a senior police has looked into it. by the way, you can head over to tuckercarlson during the break, tons of merchandise in the store. we will be right back.
tucker: it we are out of time. unfortunately. it s cyber monday, so if you shop tonight you can do it at tuckercarlson you can also watch the episode of tucker carlson today on the michael sailor cryptocurrency. he will tell you in a way no one else will. a truly fascinating. that s on fox nation. sean hannity takes over now. have a great night. sean: i follow him religiously. spew on totally fascinating. sean: tucker, thank you. welcome to hannity. explosive new details surrounding zero experienced hunter biden s laptop from. public corruption now in the plain sight between zero experience hunter, chinese communist officials, and yes, the big guy, joe biden himself. direct evidence that joe biden lied to the nation when he said he had never discussed his
unfortunately. it s cyber monday, so if you shop tonight you can do it at tuckercarlson you can also watch the episode of tucker carlson today on the michael sailor cryptocurrency. he will tell you in a way no one else will. a truly fascinating. that s on fox nation. sean hannity takes over now. have a great night. sean: i follow him religiously. spew on totally fascinating. sean: tucker, thank you. welcome to hannity. explosive new details surrounding zero experienced hunter biden s laptop from. public corruption sean: tucker, thank you. welcome to hannity. explosive new details surrounding zero experienced hunter biden s laptop from. public corruption now in the plain sight between zero experience hunter, chinese communist officials, and yes, the big guy, joe biden himself. direct evidence that joe bidenn lied to the nation when he said he had never discussed his foreign business dealings. we have evidence he was in meetings on a huge deal with china.