In India, the Twitter users have to shell out Rs 900 a month (or Rs 9,400 a year) to get Blue Verified status. As more than 4 lakh legacy verified users bid goodbye to the Blue check marks, some celebrities were offered a complimentary Twitter Blue subscription "on behalf of Musk". Twitter Blue Tick: Verified Checkmarks Reappear Briefly on Legacy Accounts Due to Bug Caused by Glitch Involving Internal Codes.
In a bizarre occurrence, the microblogging site also restored the verification mark to the profiles of celebrities and noted personalities who are dead, creating confusion about its new paid verification feature.
A day after Elon Musk revealed that he is "personally paying" for Twitter Blue for some famous personalities, author Stephen King asked the Twitter chief to give his blue tick verification badge to charity.
The legacy 'blue ticks' were considered coveted as they were only given to notable social media users like celebrities, politicians and journalists who had passed strict verification processes online.