The Davis School District has a three-member independent review team in place to investigate how the district handled allegations of bullying and racism against 5th-grader Izzy Tichenor, who later died by suicide.
The independent review at Foxboro Elementary School is to include interviews of Izzy Tichenor’s family, school personnel, and students in fifth and sixth grades.
This story involves suicide. If you or someone you know needs help, call the 24-hour National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. The Beyond the Books team has obtained new information on the investigation that Davis County School District pledged to conduct following the death by suicide of 10-year-old Isabella “Izzy” Tichenor, on Nov. 6.
DRAPER, Utah When her 10-year-old daughter tried spraying air freshener on herself before school one morning, Brittany Tichenor-Cox suspected something was wrong with the sweet little girl whose beaming smile had gone dormant after she started the fifth grade.