LABOUR called for urgent government action today to tackle a lack of Covid-19 tests for students as they return to in-person learning, after England’s largest training provider said it was “horrified” by the shortfall.
Government guidance required 16 to 19-year-old students to return to in-person teaching this week, alongside the reopening of schools and colleges.
Independent Training Providers (ITPs), which deliver thousands of apprenticeships and traineeships, have warned however that they will not receive Covid-19 testing kits until the end of March.
JTL, the largest ITP in England and Wales, has expressed alarm at the lack of support from the government.
of the criteria for choosing which offices to close. suggesting it may not have properly considered the local impact. for its part the social security administration has been encouraging people to access services on-line pointing out it recently upgraded the web site. the special committee on aging which did the report will hold a hearing later today to examine the impact of the field office closures. ainsley and heather back to you. the time now about 10 minutes until the top of the hour. beware of bursting bottles. check your liquor tcabinet befoe you leave the house because something in there could explode while you are at work. the situation finding himself in the situation with the law. how is day of jtl ended in handcuffs. but first let s check in with steve doocy to see what s coming up. gtl, gym tan law. for today you are right. coming up on fox & friends a key terror suspect linked to