Home Secretary Priti Patel and Pakistan Interior Secretary Yousaf Naseem Khokhar clinched a new agreement dubbed a "landmark" deal, to speedily remove Pakistani nationals with no legal right to remain in the UK.
The Indian-origin minister has so far said she has no plans of resigning after Rishi Sunak and Sajid Javid made their dramatic exit from the Cabinet, triggering a flurry of ministerial and government aide resignations now adding up to 38.
Recording artist and song writer M.I.A. has once again spoken out publicly in defense of Julian Assange following the June 17 decision of UK Home Secretary Priti Patel to authorize the extradition of the WikiLeaks founder and editor to the US.
UK Home Secretary Priti Patel formally launched the Ukraine family scheme visas, announced earlier by the government, to allow British citizens and those settled in the UK to bring over their Ukrainian relatives impacted by the conflict with Russia