full well if ukraine cannot get as much out of the western border it can limit for example through delayed inspections are much will get through the bosporus as well through the green corridor. so bosporus as well through the green corridor. green corridor. so you think the ban on green corridor. so you think the ban on ukrainian - green corridor. so you think the ban on ukrainian trade | the ban on ukrainian trade flows will be reinstated today? i think right now the band as it is is on the import of grain into those country so in theory the grain can move through those countries and gets exported further up the reality also, the caveat is a cannot pile up at the ports of those european countries and considering that harvest is coming up for the same eastern european countries like poland, they have wheat harvests coming up they have wheat harvests coming up and after that they follow on with corn and they need to deal with that before they even deal with that before they even deal
Дипломати мають робити конкретний внесок в розвиток української торгівлі. Тепер вони відповідатимуть за свою роботу за визначеними показниками. Про це сказав міністр закордонних справ Дмитро Кулеба на брифінгу у четвер. "Що відбувалося раніше в системі? Наприклад, за результатами .