The Watcher returns to Disney+ with new episodes of the studio’s first ever animated series, inspired by their 1977 comic anthology, that tantalizes fans with alternate, hypothetical new versions of favorite stories, all observed and discussed in ‘Twilight Zone’ style; 9 episodes arrive, one each night for 9 nights, beginning December 22.
Sony's sequel Spider-Verse film, Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse, has made landmark impacts on this year's box office and the minds of superhero fans around the world. What began as a stellar success in 2018 with Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse has cascaded into even newer territory that pushes the boundaries
From “The Flash” to “Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse,” alternate universes are everywhere these days. There s a deep hunger for exploring other possibilities about how other worlds and other potential lives might unfold, and movies, books and TV shows about alternate realities and multiverses feed that appetite in an era when lots of people are asking exactly how we got to this point.