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Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20171107 06:00:00

i'm serious so much got a good to have you with us a u.s. president donald trump has arrived in south korea the second stop of his five country tour of asia his trip comes amid simmering tensions with north korea over its nuclear program trump has visited the main garrison of u.s. troops stationed in the country and he is later due to hold talks with south korean president moves in the visit is being seen as an attempt to present a united front against pyongyang despite differences with south korean leaders over how to do so. well north korea and the u.s. have exchanged ever stronger threats and insults but what would a potential conflict really look like. in this propaganda film war breaks out on the korean peninsula. north korean troops annihilate u.s. forces though the actual outcome of any new conflict here would likely be different there's little doubt that the carnage would be great. and then there's the north's growing nuclear arsenal relations between the two countries reached a new low this year as north korea stepped up its nuclear program five nuclear tests were followed by the detonation of a hydrogen bomb the regime is also developing long range missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads. and. tensions soared at the end of july when north korea launched a second intercontinental missile which it claimed could reach the u.s. mainland. under pressure from the united states the u.n. security council agreed to tougher sanctions on the regime. pyongyang valid to exact revenge on washington and trump ramped up the rhetoric north korea beijing is reluctant to get involved. both sides will speak and act cautiously and not do or say anything that will irritate the other in september the u.n. imposed yet another round of sanctions on north korea including caps on oil supplies washington hopes that will knock out the north's nuclear program the prospects for a diplomatic solution do not look good the escalating the north korean crisis will be the biggest challenge of donald trump's asian trip. and heartache is following the tram visit in seoul and he joins us for more. donald trump's actually indicated he might be willing to meet kim jong un at some point he talked to american network about that let's just listen to what he said. i would sit with anybody i feel i don't think it's a strength or weakness i think sitting down with people is not a bad thing so i would certainly be open to doing that but we'll see where it goes i think we're far too early so boston is a trump kim meeting really want to enter a military alliance he made it clear he said the u.s. is our ally japan is not and the reason for that is that relations between south korea and japan aren't very good and that dates all the way back to the second world war and the atrocities that the japanese army committed here in south korea and that's how korea feels the japanese haven't apologized enough for and then also south korea doesn't want to enter that military alliance and antagonize china even further when it when it knows that china doesn't like this military alliance so this is a very very difficult balancing act that president trump is attempting here because he has to get china on his side to act against north korea because china arguably has the most influence over north korea and on the other hand he's trying to forge a military alliance has not only meant to counter north korea but that in the long run it could also be meant to contain china and china's rise in the region so as you can see not an easy task for the u.s. president so we ok best in what people there where you are in seoul say you know they've lived with the threat of north korea's nuclear program. longways missiles for decades and what do they think of the us president. people here are very divided there are those who welcome the u.s. president and they welcome his tough approach and his tough rhetoric towards north korea because they say that's the only language that north korea understands and then there are others who say that only makes everything worse deploying more troops deploying more military equipment in south korea just makes the situation more tense and therefore more dangerous especially of course for south korea and then so there are today to protest rallies that that authorities here have allowed just there behind me around the corner we can't see it one is pro u.s. and the other is against the u.s. and against trump's visit so you can see the atmosphere here a lot more divided and a lot more tense than it was on the president's previous stop in japan so he did his best in heartache of covering donald trump's visit to south korea thank you boston. police say the man suspected of killing twenty six people inside a texas church had been in a domestic dispute before committing the massacre devon patrick kelly's believed to have died of a self-inflicted gun wound after fleeing the scene kelly's in-laws reportedly attended the church in sutherland springs is the deadliest mass shooting in the history of texas. we write. the farsi charter always sought to bring people together by walk around segments take somebody give him whatever you may feel like the lord let him know it's good to see him in god's house the day. that this video from last month captures a service like any other it was faith family and friends until this sunday when a gunman came intent on killing among the many victims. we had a long night with our. babies we have left the pastas fourteen year old daughter our church was not comprised of members or parishioners we were a very close family we ate together we laugh together we cried together and we worship together. now most of our church family is gone. our building is probably beyond repair. and the few of us that are left behind lost tragically yesterday. the suspect is devon patrick kelly a twenty six year old with a history of violence he was discharged from the u.s. air force for beating his family he was chased out of town by residents before turning the gun on himself. amid the hatred of this tragedy are tales of heroism. that saw the fire fight between. the shooter and the church and the neighbor a resident here in town. after the fire fighting the shooter took off in a neighbor came over jumped in my truck and said he just shot at the church and said we had to get him i said let's go and that's what we did it's official say the gunman may have been targeting his in-laws. but we can tell you that there was a domestic situation going on within this family. the suspect mother in law attended this church we know that he had made threaten threatening a. threatening text from him. almost a tenth of the population of this town was killed on sunday in tiny southern springs they're holding each other that little bit closer. and michael is in sutherland springs he joins us on the line michael as we saw in the report this is such a small community that is trying to come to terms with what happened what have people been saying to you. well people are really still in shock after this tragedy happened yesterday i spoke with several people and they all said they don't really know how this could happen in such a small and tight community so that when springs is to one no one eighty year old resident to us left all his life you said this is unreal the chance to find words to describe this. and they're still trying struggling hard to to make sense is this you know the shooter as we mentioned has been named as the twenty six year old devon patrick kelly he lived near a sutherland springs we don't know that much more about his motive at this point but we have heard that he had mental health issues he was sort of the air force so how was he able to purchase weapons. well at apparently he he he she wasn't actually supposed to buy. supposed to be able to buy a weapon because he had he had been. sent to prison by the by the air force for force for abusing his his family. he received a twelve months. and said this and that sort of reparative from buying a gun but apparently the air force didn't enter this into the national system and that's why he he could have bought those guns because this this didn't come up when he tried to purchase these weapons. these michel's may go with the latest on the investigation there in sutherland springs michael thank you very much now to some other stories making news around the world saudi arabia has accused lebanon of declaring war against it because of aggression by the iran backed lebanese shiite militia hezbollah the comments by saudi gulf affairs minister tom or al shabab come amid a dramatic rise in tensions between saudi arabia and its longstanding regional rival iran. hong kong's top court will allow young democracy activist joshua want to appeal his prison sentence and that decision gives wang and his fellow activists nathan law one last chance to fight their prison terms for involvement in an unlawful assembly that sparked a huge two thousand and fourteen pro-democracy protests in the chinese controlled city. zimbabwe's autocratic leader robert mugabe has fired his bice president emerson. he had been a main contender in the leadership race to replace mugabe and the move opens the way from a god is wife grace to succeed him as president of a government said god where had been dismissed for disloyalty disrespect and unreliability. you're watching news still to come the u.n. is warning that two thousand and seventeen will be one of the hottest years on record but what are world leaders willing to do about it we'll go live to the u.n. climate summit in vaughan. but first monikers here with more on the fallout from the pair paradise papers will be what a world leader is going to do about those tax holes tax loops and tax havens well he'll finance ministers continue their two day meeting today in brussels top of the list of course is how to react to the latest data legal financial documents that reveal how the world's rich and powerful hide their money in offshore accounts i did many cases they do so perfectly legally and this is in this way trillions of euros lost to the state in taxes the e.u. had long plans to crack down on tax havens but not everyone is on board because offering tax breaks is the lucrative business. when it comes to tax dodging nike ticks all the boxes the paradise papers have shown a light on a complex network that helps the sportswear giant issue taxes in europe. among its strategies over the years she fighting money out of its european headquarters in the netherlands to bermuda where it paid zero tax the revelations have prompted potentially awkward questions about why storage fees didn't crack down on the practice. it's important to take action on tax evasion but i still need to examine the exact details in the document. the leaks have sparked some soul searching among e.u. leaders too as they face the fact that multinationals on the super rich have been able to avoid paying vast quantities of tax in europe without even breaking the law in paradise but paradise papers as i've understood it focus heavily on legal structures that facilitates tax evasion that means we need to tackle it and we intend to do so. sharp words but will they be matched with action the european commission estimates that the bloc could be losing up to a trillion euros a year to tax dodging failure to act could therefore prove a cost too high to bear. well apple starbucks a host of american multinationals are also part of the paradise paper's revelations when gold a german member of the european parliament has been pressing to close tax loopholes and we asked him if naming and shaming is effective and if even care. no clearly it's not enough but it's not the job of consumers to control transnational companies it's the job of democratic politics to take control of the globalization process so what europe has to do is we need minimum tax rates and we need common tax rules and full text transparency in order to fight that feeling that tax law is only for the small people while transnational business can avoid responsibility. german member of the european parliament now a grocery store on the outskirts of london is giving customers the finger that is giving them the option of using finger scanning technology to pay for their shopping but not everyone is ready to leave their cash and credit cards at home. just pop your finger on to the gun or to purchase your items customers at this grocery store on the outskirts of london cannot choose to leave their cash and credit cards at home. the biometrics gone build a three d. map of your finger brains generate a key that users can link up to their bank accounts. the companies behind the new payment technology say it could help businesses forge closer ties with customers. you have no identity of anybody and it's very difficult with the relationship any way they can to give you a lot a card which people don't carry these days so what their idea is if your finger with a lot of cards you never going to forget it you're always going to have it with you if you're also can make the payment it becomes much more convenient but the technology has also raised concerns about privacy crypto key generated by the finger brain scan is stored anonymously on servers but linking your finger to your bank account could enable your movements to be traced because so far around a thousand people have signed up to use the technology proponents say it's potentially huge and that it could even be rolled out in other areas like border security. well the last manned flight to the moon that took place and nineteen seventy two something fifty years later america's nasa wants to send humans again back to the moon with a new orion spacecraft and europe's group is part of it its defense and space division is currently busy finishing assembling the orion service module which is vital to the success of the mission. these brownout he subscripts may not look very impressive but they're indispensable the wafer thin thermal membrane to protect delicate components like sensors from extreme temperatures in space. you know hours of painstaking work technicians apply over twenty thousand individual strips to the for me to hi module. the strictly sequenced work is done under a clean room conditions initial testing is due within a few days. for me. personally it's the most exciting phase of the program because we're off the drawing board and on to the hardware breathing life into the vehicle as soon as we finish the integration will transition to the respective test phase. the module is a component of the arayan spaceship seen here in a computer simulation effectively its energy supply. its main features are its four special fuel tanks which can carry as much as nine tons of rocket fuel. arayan operates in conditions where temperatures can be as low as minus two hundred thirty degrees. is extreme could if we encounter this extreme temperature drop when the spacecraft is in high elliptical orbit behind the moon when it's innocence shadows and they help us to maintain the feel of a constant temperature so that we corresponding it always in a position to supply the engines with feel the logs and get them started inspiration that employs right type stuff to for. nasa enlisted the europeans for the project five years ago the first time ever to help construct a u.s. space capsule. atlas plans to deliver the module to be americans in early summer twenty eighteen fulfilling a key role in a moment like project. absolutely critical strike knowledge of supply and energy supply and supplies for the astronauts absolutely critical elements out there especially important. that's going to be using them in without nurse it basically would have been possible for nasa to accomplish this mission as it is in the east and the supply module costs three hundred ninety million euros and the two hundred people who built it can look forward to even more work naza has already placed the order for its successor. to think what we can achieve with technology sumi we should be able to tackle climate change too you would think so monica and that's exactly what more than twenty thousand delegates are trying to do right now they're meeting to try to implement the paris climate agreement in the german city of bonn now a u.s. official says america will continue to take part in these talks taking place in bonn that is the spike the fact that donald trump announced in june he would pull the u.s. out of the pact if he could not get a better deal or representatives from more than one hundred ninety countries are trying to hammer out the details of the paris climate agreement of the next two weeks and much is at stake. instead of taking their seats in class they're taking to the streets these youths staged a demonstration near the climate conference center and bone. they want the global community to limit greenhouse gas emissions. conference participants say the paris climate agreement of twenty fifteen was a step in the right direction countries have national climate targets now but they have to be solidified. this is an urgent moment and so i expect delegations to come here ready to do their jobs to get the rules set for paris and make progress but also individually to say what they're ready to do more. there's a south pacific ambience involved island nations threatened with submersion amid rising sea levels are getting special attention at the climate conference the targets set out in the paris agreement don't go far enough to prevent the impact of a climate disaster. in paris it was clear that our efforts would not go far enough it's also part of this agreement that we keep checking to see what we can do better . it's doubtful whether that will happen in bonn meeting the paris climate targets will require much more work but everyone here is aware that the pacific islands are quickly running out of time and database crista first brigade is following the day's action for us in bonn hi christopher the un is warning that two thousand and seventeen will be one of the hottest years on record so we're two thousand and fifteen and two thousand and sixteen has that added urgency to these talks. yes sumi it has added. to this talks but i hasten to add this is just one of many warnings that climate scientists have been making. in recent weeks in recent months in recent years i think another source of urgency at these talks these climate talks in bonn is coming from the fact that fiji is presiding over these talks the first small island nation to do so fiji of course one of the worst affected countries already by climate change the first ever country worldwide to have to relocate an entire village due to rising sea levels and we had yesterday a very forceful appeal for collective action from fiji's prime minister frank bainimarama he said our world is in distress there is no time to waste the need for urgency is obvious so the need for urgency is obvious in the world is though still headed for a three degree temperature rise by the end of the century according to the un so how bad the scientists think the effects of climate change would be in that case. well many scientists talk about what they call catastrophic climate change and with a three degree celsius rise in global temperatures that is almost certainly where we'd be heading one of the interesting things is that scientists have been able to observe since the one nine hundred sixty s. half a degree. in the rise of well temperatures and looking at the impacts of climate change and of that rise in temperatures i say just half a degree and what they've seen is that there's been a substantial increase in what they call extreme weather events we've seen just this year a devastating hurricane season in the caribbean we've seen droughts in eastern africa and southern africa we've seen heavy flooding in south asia all of this claiming thousands of lives causing billions in economic costs and as i say that's just with harford degree. celsius in rise in the rise of global temperatures so what's it going to be with three degrees i think you can expect a double triple perhaps a core drupal. increase in the impact of that kind of climate change christopher just very briefly if you can taking all that into account of their many pledges so far to limit emissions beyond what was pledged in paris. we're not expecting any fresh pledges at these climate talks next year there's going to be a global stocktaking process where countries that are part of the paris agreement will be reporting their progress in cutting emissions the question then will be is that enough the answer will be almost certainly no it isn't and that's when those emissions pledges will have to become far more ambitious years christoffersen bring great reporting from the un climate talks in bonn thank you christopher. you're welcome just a bit of sports now in football one of the all time greats is hung up his boots italian legend andre up here low played his final match for the weekend for new york city f.c. and is now retired known as a free kick specialist the thirty eight year old was the midfield lynchpin of the italy team that won the world cup in two thousand and six back to two champions league titles and six italian li crowns with milan and inventive. you're watching d.w. news still to come up on the program russia is marking the one hundredth anniversary of the communist revolution led by lenin and russians today have very different ideas about how those events should be remembered. plus wine as a symbol of cooperation we'll have those stories and more coming up in the next thirty minutes. to go to the bundesliga highlights. hamburg secure their first win since august defeating stuttgart to leave the drop zone. dormant time from eastern flank to crisis on saturday crumbling three two one home to buy. when cities are ingolf by the sea. all the walls and costly protective measures will has become. one. starting november ninth on g.w. . crime fighter the new season. radio crime thrillers begin. in. domestic violence cyber. human trafficking for investigative cases that keep you on your toes crime frightens stories of the best idea ever so every young person needs to listen to crime fighters and share tell a friend tell a friend to a friend crime fighter don't miss it. it's all about them. it's all about the story. it's all about george chance to discover the world from different perspectives. join us inspired by distinctive instagram others. d.w. story topic each week on instagram. welcome back you're watching news our top stories u.s. president donald trump is in south korea where he is due to hold talks with president moon j.n. the white house has said trump's visit is meant to reinforce his hardline approach to north korea's nuclear threat. and more than one hundred ninety nations are meeting in the german city of bone to try to implement the paris climate agreement a u.s. official says america will continue to take part in the talks despite president trump's threat to exit the pact if you couldn't get a better deal. well it is a day two of those talks in bonn in the landmark paris treaty the delegates are trying to move forward aims to keep climate change manageable by limiting global warming but many places are already seeing the effects of rising temperatures among them the u.s. state of alaska where glaciers are melting at an alarming rate. the juno ice field in alaska is the fifth largest in the world. spending almost four thousand square kilometers the landscape here seems made for eternity. but iran hood knows better the ice is melting. the scientist works on the mendenhall glacier and his measuring equipment has revealed that the ice is shrinking while most ten meters a year. but distant washington is not interested in whose research in fact president trump intends to cut funding for climate research by billions here and whose work is under threat when they start to cut funding for earth science that's going to have a big impact on our ability to study you know things like this flood that's going on here and to study the changes that we see in mendenhall in the juno ice field and so that's really where the big impact is going to come. the scientist says that trump is not only hindering his research work the president has also managed to convince many americans that climate change is a myth they're convinced that donald trump can come in and cut back on regulations cut back on climate change research and that's going to somehow stimulate the economy and you know that's very convincing to people that are who you know need jobs and need to support their families. but there's no denying the impact of these images between two thousand and seven and twenty fifteen the mendenhall glacier retreated by five hundred fifty meters. a few with two different colors of water. the lighter left side is the melted ice field water. is one of the big outlet glaciers from the ice field and the projection now is that by the end of the century about two thirds of the ice field here the g. and i's fields will and disappeared and so it's really important for us to understand how this water that's coming from the glacier is influencing the productivity in marine ecosystems. ecosystems to which creatures like these humpback whales belong. they live on plankton in krill. in groups they combine their efforts and build a net of air bubbles which they use to confuse and trap their prey. it's called bubble net feeding. bob jones offers boat trips for researchers and nature lovers he believes that climate change is unsettling the whales. are seeing changes with the in the food chain if the food chain is changed due to warming the water there we're going to see changes in the whale we're not we're not we're perfect place to research for this right now i mean this is a great place for whale watching but what's really important with climate change on the horizon and what we know and what we're learning about it we're going to for we're going to see more and more research being necessary. jayne's is furious that trump has described climate change as an invention of the chinese and put a climate change skeptic in charge of the u.s. environmental protection agency i feel it's it's a shame that our administration and our president has the nih the climate or at least put it in the background if it is personally at the st nicholas sad end and something that if we as american u.s. citizens should be ashamed. bob says. that scientists like me are and should also have presented their research better then the president wouldn't have been able to spread seeds of doubt you know. the entrepreneur though has a solution in the form of donations from wealthy citizens to secure future research funding and the results could become reality here. the industrial waste land in alaska's capital juneau is set to house a new ocean center a mix of multi-media museum and meeting place for citizens and scientists. and one scientist is already keen to use it as a safe house for his research out of reach of the trump government climate change that he's had already disappeared from the e.p.a.'s website. of the federal government as far as you know what i'm what i'm seeing and reading and what i've heard from my colleagues and scientists. were very very concerned about data sets and information that's not being collected i mean not not even to talk about perhaps what's being done with the existing data sets. he intends to keep a close eye on the data in the future. we're back at the mendenhall glacier. we've met up with a researcher you're in hood again he's keen to show us how climate change is becoming a threat to residents of juneau city it all fell way up and then as it floods in a nice will settle back down into the basin so essentially it's kind of like a giant bathtub that's filling up with melt water from the suicide glacier there and then draining out under the mendenhall so there's flooding on some streets they have to close some there is a visitor center that to turn off the power in some areas. here in alaska it's impossible to overlook the effects of climate change. and yet here in hood still has so much to do to make his fellow americans really understand what his research on melting ice means for their futures. for more on the effects of a global more warming we're joined by climate researcher carl friedrich slicer from climate analytics at the nonprofit climate policy institute and he is in bonn for the u.n. meeting mr slicer thank you very much for joining us we saw in that report how a lot of americans believe that climate change is a hoax and that scientific findings haven't really been able to convince everyone that it is manmade so how clear is the evidence really the evidence and climate change that it's manmade is absolutely clear is on every vocal that humans are causing this chain change and we see it all over the globe the sea ice sheets melting the sea marine heat of a sea of unprecedented scale you see extreme events occurring that we have never had before the evidence is the evidence base for this statement is absolutely clear and there's no doubt from a scientific perspective on that so it's unequivocal you're saying and the u.n. is also reporting that two thousand and seventeen is on course to be one of the three hottest years on record it's also been a year of extreme weather as we've seen across the world the argument that climate skeptics present is that these are naturally occurring cycles is there a clear link between global warming and what we're experiencing is like for example heat waves or wildfires direct link between man made climate change and these events occurrences is very clear and we see very high percentages of these events occurring just because of manmade climate change other events like for example tropical cyclones would also occur naturally but the impacts of climate change make them much more devastating as we see stronger hurricanes they are amplified that comes with more rain heavier flats and sea level rise makes to coastal flooding potential much more severe so talking about those the devastating impacts they have forecasters in bonn say we actually have already admitted so much carbon that the world is on track for fifty more years of warning let's listen to what the head of the world meteorological agency had to say on that. these negative trend is expected to continue for the coming coming fifty years anyhow so that means growing amount of the sauce there's a growing amount of comfortable recourse. that is a dire warning mr slawson or of fifty more years of a warming how bad will things get well it strongly depends on our action now because obviously warming isn't equal to warming so if we continue to emit at the scale of it currently and we'll see a warming of several degrees of it it's time for and it's just been described whereas if you take an action that is needed we'll be able to bend the curve and actually end the woman by that time so we'll be able to greatly limit the destructive potential of climate change and basically limit warming levels to what we agreed to in paris how much time is really left for that origin to action you're discussing we definitely need urgent action over the next recent years but we also in the in the middle of an energy revolution so we see change happening on the ground we can even say to paris agreement has unleashed the potential of entertainers and countries and investment funds and we have had to really move into the renewable domain and we see a mess of change there so i'm pretty optimistic that it can be done obviously other other fighters other. players in the political the main and currently u.s. and mr asian are pushing back against that so the jury is let out there if you are we able to manage that we see no glaciers and polar ice melting as we saw there in a report in ocean levels rising and it is clear that low lying islands like fiji for example would be the first victims of global warming what parts of the world do you think are going to be next to be so severely impacted by climate change. well we see impacts of climate change basically everywhere these heard about the arctic we have seen a melting ice the learn from rain forest nations fear for their livelihoods and for their forest survivals we see an unprecedented he'd raise in europe extreme events in the us flooding in china extreme and soon in south asia so i don't really think there's any region in the world that spared by climate impacts and so we all the same boat or the same canoe as if you jian prime minister said yesterday all right a call to action there for the delegates at the un climate summit in bonn karl predicts slicer researcher with climate analytics thank you very much for joining us on our program thank you. now it has been one year since donald trump won the us presidency and today voters are going to the polls in the state of virginia in a closely watched governor's race now virginia is an east coast state that's located just south of the capital washington d.c. it is almost evenly divided between democrats and republicans donald trump narrowly lost virginia to hillary clinton so what can the virginia governor's race tell us about the state of u.s. politics since trump took office debby's washington correspondent alex hunter from naaman went to find out. this is the most important governor's election inone let's turn it over really yes everywhere meet at kill us be a republican loyalist and lobbyist who wants to become virginius next governor we've got a secular growth and job creation and wage growth for junior should be first in the country and we can do the right policy economy education health care issues that matter in this race is key challenge however has been to maintain a distance from donald trump the president deeply unpopular in urban areas of the state without offending trump's core supporters in the rural parts he will speak their votes to get elected. i am perfectly satisfied with the president i think his appointments have been very very good he says things that i wouldn't necessarily have say but what he's accomplishing is very it's very good. i'm happy with his policies and i wish he were. stayed away from a cellphone. meanwhile democrats in virginia are trying to energize their base by associating gillis be with the president and his rhetoric activists showed up at this event with this giant chicken. ed gillespie is too chicken to stand up to donald trump from health care to the muslim ban to tax cuts for the rich. right away and. the democratic candidate ralph northam currently serves as lieutenant governor in virginia his in favor of stricter gun control and abortion rights and also on and he supporters hope to use this election to send a message to their voters don't approve of what's going on in washington with my opponent says he has such a great relationship with the president why in a president here in virginia campaigning for him so you know that looks to me like there's some disarray in their party our party is united. but the gym is going around the advice of states between its democratic leaning and its southern more rural areas which tends to vote republican it's. become pains were nasty with accusations flying back and forth and the race is still too close to call it's. the main focus for both parties now is to make sure their base shows up. and we're seeing how we go out and vote excuse you know please vote democratic for example take a look thank you so much good for your support thank you the genius being watched as a test for whether the democrats can convert anger at strom into a victory at the ballot box. now to an adverse events that changed the world on this day one hundred years ago bolshevik revolutionaries seized power in russia one of the defining moments of the twentieth century the bolshevik takeover of nov seventh one nine hundred seventeen was masterminded by ilya choi young of know as lenin the communist party leader began preparing for revolution during his years in exile in western europe the russian monarchy was eventually replaced by the soviet union but lennon's vision of a classless society soon gave way to a totalitarian state one hundred years later what is the legacy of the communist dream that is the focus of a new series starting today on news of the first episode looks at the legacy lennon left behind. the spirit of lennon flooders with the communist flags in a park in st petersburg a dozen young men and women are celebrating the one hundredth anniversary of the october revolution paying tribute to an era they've only read about they'd like to turn back the clock. the absence of the soviet union is only temporary the russian tricolor won't be for long communist facts will fly again. even though our country has taken a giant step backward i'm sure the triumph of socialism. that's our country's only future. that's exactly what russian revolutionaries thought when they stormed the winter palace in st petersburg one hundred years ago they proclaimed a new world of socialism with their leader vladimir lenin. seventy four years later the soviet union collapsed lennon's personality cult became something of a sinister joke the self-styled leader of the world's working class reduced to a tourist attraction at red square. a hundred years later i say the revolution was wrong. we should have continued to live under the dark life today to be better. when a country has there should be a revolution. russian officials appear ruffled by the celebrations it's been a long time since parades were held at red square that was back when kremlin leaders addressed the masses from the tribune of the lenin mausoleum. today's kremlin officials are making sure their historical narrative prevails official historians say the october revolution centennial is a dangerous inspiration for new protests. russia needs to look at the revolution differently the tragic events that led to the breakup of our country and huge losses should serve as a lesson for the future so that something like that you never happens again. i want to bring you. a russian population united in support of the kremlin that's the leadership vision the goal is to regain imperial strength more critical historians say that's why the kremlin is uncomfortable with the october revolution anniversary . pyar as a system of government plays a hugely significant role for russian leaders today. ariel ideology will be right in their putin's platform when he runs for president next year he wants to deliver a strong russia to the russians as mutual. a strong russia is in the offing not another revolution a century later lenin's ideology is not in the kremlin inspirational playbook consolidating power certainly is. well let's bring indeed abuse moscow correspondent yury russia for more on the story. this is a big anniversary but one as we saw the russians are having a hard time coming to terms with tell us more about the complexities behind london's legacy hi sue me i think there are many reasons for this in a verse or is so difficult for russians nowadays after all of the to pollution was a radical our people and our people is something president putin doesn't want in this country today and all the reasons don't want to either since nine hundred seventeen each generation of russians has lived a cataclysmic upheaval for us that the box of evolution about talking about right now then millions of lives lost in world war two and at last to the collapse of the soviet union and to the economy with it since then for russian stability metals and people associate revolution more than anything with instability so controversial anniversary will there be any official celebrations. yes but not the big ones during the soviet period nov seventh was a public holiday and one of the biggest day to liberation simply here today however is an ordinary working day and the public holiday has been moved to the event before with which was designated national unity day a military parade on the red square will take place later today but it will commemorate not to the revolution itself but the october revolution parades held on the square in ninety four to one from which the soviet soldiers went directly to the front lines of world war two and also a communist rally will be held closed to rights could be i will be reporting live from that and it's cold outside but i'm already well prepared for it fred that's very important yuri no even in russia lenin as we said is also seen as a contra controversial figure his legacy but his body is actually still preserved in a moderately i'm right on the red square why is that and could we see that change now i don't think so there are still many elderly communists and ordinary people in this country who adorable any and who associate with humans the soviet union the country of the lost and with it to their soviet identity so today's leaders in russia understand if lenin is removed from his smell soleil and buried with his family as he actually wanted to be too many russians would be upset i always said also the russians are going to vote in presidential elections next year do you think that stirring up memories of this revolution could actually cast a shadow over that vote. well although there are some russian politicians who like to stir up conspiracy i don't think the conditions today are comparable to those one hundred years ago sunni modern russia is an open and very pluralistic society that certainly deserves a democratic president and government but once again people want stability here people are afraid of the my diet evolution in ukraine that least of the version is they are presented to me through prague and propaganda in the russian state media occasional protests in big cities organized by opposition position politician alex and of on the don't change the fact that the vast majority of russians supported their president and his name is with me. all right i did every year earshot of covering the one hundredth anniversary of the october revolution or yuri thank you and stay warm now three countries the three wine makers one wine and it's very much in the spirit of the european treaty that it shares the same name with growers from france germany and luxembourg have come together to create a wine cellar that celebrates close ties rather than old rivalries and they named their hybrid after the luxembourg town of schengen which is where the you drew up plans for a passport for a cross border travel well the result of the winemakers experiment is a fitting tribute to european unity. his great square where for decades important european treaties have been signed in the town or shang and in luxemburg henry rupert's is an eighth generation winemaker here second one is not as well known as the treaty which has its name but that could change because right across from his vineyards over the border and the german town of pale and silent other vignettes of thomas schmidt also a passionate wine maker schmidt came up with the idea of making a wine from three countries luxembourg germany and france. french wine makers rumpled pack a completed the trio his then yacht is just a few kilometers away in france three countries three winemakers one wine. and the goods of. the borders are open why should we work together and combine our experience from germany luxembourg and france that's what brought us three together we've learnt a lot from it. or showing in corner is the wine on the label the three regions red for the german state of silent plea for luxembourg and yellow for france in the past war was waged at these borders among our grandfathers had fought in wars against each other our fathers then lived alongside each other and now we are making wine together and our children go to school together here in shanghai school and they great ultimately end up in the same bottle. as the social and it's certainly rare from a geological geographical point of view that three countries bordering each other all produce wine and that's happening here in this region in chang and transporting in europe in a glass showing just how harmonious europe can be. a reminder now of our top stories that we're following for you u.s. president donald trump is in south korea where he is due to hold talks with president moon jay in the white house has said trump's visit is meant to reinforce his hardline approach to north korea's nuclear threat and more than one hundred ninety nations are meeting in the german city of bawn to try to implement the paris i'm in agreement a u.s. official says america will continue to take part in the talks despite president trump's threat to exit the pact if you could not get a better deal. and now to a german designer who's there clean lines and muted colors have earned her the nickname the queen of les jill sander for the first time a museum retrospective of her works has opened we have some images of that for you we're back in a few minutes with more news. oh crisis on saturday crumbling three two one at home to buy. the team double. every journey begins with the first step and every language of the first word i looked in the nico he's in germany to learn german but. this is just why not with him. it's simple online on euro mile and for a. soft. d.w.b. learning course because fake german made easy. something nice when i ask him to daughters or dealing with anyone at all they killed many civilians with him in the us coming including my father why the things that i was a student i wanted to build a life for myself. but suddenly life became elish kind of zob. providing insights global news that matters d. w. made for minds. enter the conflict zone confronting the powerful lobby challenging those in power asking tough questions demanding answers. as conflicts intensify i'll be meeting with key players on the ground in the senate as the hour cutting through the rhetoric holding the possible facts of conflict so. conflicts on confronting the powerful song d w. they make a commitment they find solutions. they inspire. africa on the minds. of stories about people making


Transcripts For DW Business 20190923 13:45:00

just one country badly affected by a changing climate as world leaders gather in new york for the u.n. climate summit. this is the business i'm joined on in berlin while we begin with the collapse of the world's oldest travel company thomas cook had stopped operating after failing to secure a last minute bailout that's left more than half a 1000000 holidaymakers around the world stranded well have more on that in a minute but here's a look back at that era that's now come to an end it all began 178 years ago as a father and son outfit offering modest trips between english cities but it grew into a multi $1000000000.00 travel firm with global reach and $22000000.00 customers at the turn of the century the group expanded rapidly buying up tour operators hotels and airlines across europe among the firm's subsidiaries are tour operator necromancer which offers trips to customers in germany switzerland austria and others to that coax planes the groups the airline business comprise comprises of thomas cook airlines and condor germany together they have $105.00 jets. despite the group's collapse condor remains an operation flights are running normally but it's requested a bridging loan from the government and has said it cannot honor bookings made by a top thomas cook putting affected passengers in the same situation as thousands of others around the world. holidays a chance to distress and recharge the batteries not so for these travelers among hundreds of thousands of thomas cook customers wondering how on earth they're going to get hold. they just how disconnected i think the iberia jets get we should get more information but we're not too sure this is a nightmare they mistrust. not wanted really before would hold your thought can you do if you're overseas on a thomas cook holiday and you can continue to enjoy your holiday the cia is launching. this is the largest repression since the 2nd world war and we will be bringing home every party. back back to the u.k. as close as possible to their return date 150000 brits need to be flown home in all 600000 holidaymakers are affected. the farm has been struggling in recent years mounting debts at high interest rates alongside changing consumer habits combine to create rough conditions in the travel and aviation market uncertainty surrounding breaks it didn't help matters things came to a head last month in order to raise cash quickly the bosses put the airline business and condo up for sale before scrapping the proposal and presenting a rescue plan to investors despite huge if it's over the number of months. and that intense negotiations in recent days we have not been able to secure at the usual to say business for some. of the $20000.00 workers at europe's 2nd biggest travel company there may be smiles but the future is far from clear. for more let's bring in clifford coonan from our business team and really bartz at the frankfurt stock exchange early i want to start with you what does this mean for customers and for investors. well for many customers it means that they will either not be departing for their holiday there are about a 1000000 people that said who were booked and who now can no longer travel with thomas cook many will be repatriated as we heard in the report many will not conjure wants to continue flying but it needs money and it's unclear how long it will be continuing to fly and customers regardless of what situation they're particularly in will have to look for governments and insurance companies to cover their costs investors are looking at a disaster the company's share dropped by about 95 percent within the past year and of course tanked after this news. non-official trading here in germany it suspended in london the share was trading at one point under one cent. a painful time financially to be sure but clifford turning to now thomas cook's biggest shareholder is follow suit and what role does this chinese company play in all of this well. it was supposed to be thomas cook's corporate savior that was the idea instead it's been put into this rather difficult position but it's run by gwar guangcheng who's one of china's richest people he's a billionaire who sees himself as the warren buffett type of figure he's known in the u.k. maybe for best known for owning wolverhampton wanderers the ball club quite a flashy figure and we have here then what looks like a clash of business cultures in a way you have this chinese new money coming in to rescue the oldest tour operator in the world and coming up against a more traditional institutional investments wall with the banks who have appeared to have stopped this deal have been going through yes indeed it hasn't appeared to have worked but have we heard any reaction from them at all well it's been interesting they said in a statement that they had deepest sympathy for the people who were who'd been shocked by this they basically they're putting the blame i think that going through the language very much of the at the feet of the banks and saying that it's their fault and we may not have heard the last of those and yes and we can maybe something left to run the story turning to you really then how does thomas cox collapse impact the larger travel sector. well some people think that it will take over capacity out of the market and the benefit of those that remain tour operator to a for example or love tongs or ryanair or easy jet their shares are are going up but some people warn like an airline consultant i heard that the next collapse may just be around the corner problems besetting thomas cook are also basically the environment in which everyone in the travel insurance industry is operating over capacity price wars thank you very much only bartók the frankfurt stock exchange for san clifford going in from the doubly this is good to talk to you 2. leaders from around the world are meeting in new york today for the un's climate summit but they're not the only ones asking what the world can do to fight climate change over 50 banks and international lenders have announced they will start tracking the climate impact of their livings and investments it's called the partnership for carbon accounting financials and is a response to pressure from investors to pull out of heavily polluting projects in total the partnership manages around 3 trillion dollars in assets. joining me now is the president of the european investment bank than ohio welcome mr higher now there's been a big push to see financial institutions invest more in dealing with the climate crisis what is the i you be doing. me the you bank is the by far biggest multilateral and international lender when it comes to time the projects we have been very active when it came to the race 4 years ago we are going to have seen that the community of nations has made progress but not enough we are behind schedule when it comes to the carbonation objectives so we need a fresh start and it's so encouraging to see that this general assembly seems to be a very exciting one. a quantum leap in effort toward stick urbanization. now earlier this year the i the announced it would stop the financing fossil fuels can you get us up to speed in terms of how much has been achieved in this regard. well pretty much we have been out of court filings of for a very long time of the other hand i must say that our energy lending policy is not resource dependent it's emission dependent and we believe that the gas emissions for instance are too high and can be maintained we must move out of these fossil fuels so we are aware that it takes a transition period we are aware that it takes to help those regions which are dependent upon coal and guys but one should not hide behind these arguments in order to perpetuate the use of. these kinds of materials. thank you very much the president of the european investment bank on ohio there for us. the melody of a group of islands in the indian ocean is one of the countries that could be affected more than others by rising sea levels but at the same time it is dependent on tourism a major contributor to greenhouse gases our reporter robert was there. the mall deaves turquoise blue sea bright beaches a paradise on earth but the lowest country in the world is in danger bit by bit the sea swallows the islands eroding beaches dead palm trees pictures that don't fit into the postcard image for even him name from the environmental protection authority it's an all too familiar scene. the effects of climate 10 were already in the mob it's like if you go to the islands you see because the leadership it's really the same dog it. rains more frequently and thunderstorms more frequently this year 8 new luxury resorts will open such as the waldorf astoria if there are food rising sea levels have been taken into account the night costs approximately 1600 euros there are 11 specialty restaurants on the islands one of which is the long for 160 euros you can have a signature peking duck roasted in the maldives 1st classic wood fired oven the duck is flown in from germany the wood comes from australia the luxury guests are becoming more demanding requiring superdelegates and the resorts are delivering what they want. you have such an increase of of results opening because there's definitely a demand in terms of my d.v.d. a truly beautiful nutri distillation the number of visitors has been rising for years every 5th visitor comes from china this year for the 1st time more than $1500000.00 tourists are expected the archipelago in the indian ocean is especially popular for honeymooners pretty alexy pretty amazing everything you have offered but we have nice places in germany also hidden ones but i think here it's a bit like paradise i think you have to see that once in a lifetime when if not now. the maldives is unique as a tourist destination investors are now switching to lagoons on coral reefs they are building artificial islands these deals were arranged under the corrupt predecessor government. which withdrew the control for tourism projects from the environmental protection authority. that's it for me and the business team here in berlin for more business news and features check out d.w. dot com slash business or follow us on social media thank you very much for watching. that everybody in nature but they only really materialized in our brains. how does this process but what role does our perception play and how do colors influence everyday lives we took the finalists and behavioral scientists to find out. to morrow to decode 90 minutes on d w. where is home. with your family scattered across the globe the be. the book journey to the roots which again in the bush family from somalia live around the world to them one of them needed urgent assistance of. the family starts october and on t.w. . the world unto itself. with its own gravitational pull john. the finest musical compositions. with some mysteries trivia. the i. don't believe that he was into the don't tell me that there's enough. power for you and the joint you come up in the morning blame. resealed the symphonies of the hottest bombs. how did the romantic master come up with such a pessimist. the brahms code. was october 11th on d w 5. enough. with. the but. this is the news coming to you live from above and the ball is in their court now global leaders gather for an emergency climate summit this as the young around the world maintain the momentum of last week's mass rallies demanding action from our correspondent at the u.n. and. also coming up more than half a 1000000 vacations around the was


Transcripts For DW DW News 20191129 23:00:00

violence against children. this seems d.w. news live from berlin the terrorist attack on london bridge leaves 2 people dead but the terrorist is met with heroism and decisive action passes by a man with a knife wearing a fake suicide vest before police arrive and shoot the suspect did i am deeply saddened. that our city of london has again been targeted by terrorism and political turmoil in malta as the crisis sparked by a murdered journalist reaches the very top of the government prime minister joyce of must god is reportedly planning to resign imminently 3 all his close colleagues have already quips over the full hours. plus of friday's 5th floor bull again thousands of young people tank popping rallies around the world the call to action comes ahead of next week's un climate summit. in london police say they have shot and killed a man wearing a fake explosive device on london bridge after he stabbed 2 people to death video posted to social media shows a man in seville. and clothes are wrestling with the person believed to be the attacker surrounded by police other civilians back away one of them appears to be holding a large knife grabbed from the attacker footage also shows police checking a white truck which is parked across london bridge emergency services including ambulances were quickly on the scene. well earlier we spoke to eyewitness olivia bizzaro in london she told us what she saw as police responded to the attack. well i was on my way towards the french and i was coming out on my bike i had explosions at the time i can only assume that it was gunshots but then the police came and stopped all the cars and i thought it was the construction i wasn't really thinking and then continue going straight on to the pavement and then all of a sudden floods of incredibly panic people are just hoarding towards me and literally sprinting for their lives and i was just so confused and didn't know what was happening and to start running with them and sort of asking what was going on and one of the people screaming it was gunshots it was gunshots and so that more people started running and it was just a massive tunnel well it's now being reported that the attacker had previously been convicted of a terrorism related offense and was released from prison a year ago our british prime minister boris johnson has responded to vast let's hear what he had to say. while he's too early to say exactly what happened we will make sure that the government give gives the police and the security so says all the support that they need there will be for reassurance purposes i mean home state police presence on the streets and we're not only as you know putting 20000 more police officers on the streets of this country but i have long argued that it is it a mistake to allow serious and violent criminals to come out of prison and it is very important that we get out of that habit and that we enforce the appropriate sentences for dangerous criminals especially for terrorists that i think the public want to see. and there's been another stabbing attack this time in the netherlands police in the high say 3 people were wounded in the incident on the city's main shopping street they say it's unclear if the attack was terrorism related. now to some of the other stories making news around the world and iraq's prime minister abdul mahdi has announced his intention to resign it follows the deaths of over $400.00 people during week's events a government protests iraqis have been demonstrating against government corruption and unemployment. in south korea pups. has been sentenced to 6 years in prison for raping a woman with another pop star. secretly filmed the rape and shared the video online k. pop star whom was sentenced to 5 years in prison. rescue crews in albania are winding down their operation to find survivors of choose days deadly earthquake the operation is now focused on a collapsed beachfront hotel in the port town of duras 49 people have been confirmed dead across the region rocked by the 6.4 magnitude earthquake. media sources are reporting that prime minister joseph will resign court imminently his government had become in brolga in the political and legal crisis spotted by the murder of journalist daphne. she was investigating government corruption when she was killed in a car bomb attack 2 years ago. at 3 in the morning prime minister joseph gave a press conference he was upset by the investigation into death. as murder and the alleged involvement of his close colleagues for us this was not just a murder this was a major case that shook our democracy many. people greatly doubt that actually did everything possible to solve the murder of journalist. she was killed by a car bomb on october 16th 2017 last week the investigation into who contracted the murder led to the maltese energy entrepreneur york and finish allegedly he had transferred money via dubai to companies in panama these companies apparently belonged to most cuts tourism minister conrad miti and his chief of staff keith embry both resigned earlier this week co want to go ahead researched suspected corruption at the highest government level this week many demanded most cuts resignation they say he has blood on his hands because he trying to protect officials ali's release or stay through both feasible one sentence we reversed again cambria found no evidence and released him and they want us to believe that according to maltese media most cut intends to announce his resignation soon. well young climate activists around the world took to the streets in the 4th global fridays for a future strike demanding that governments step up their efforts to cut carbon emissions and this sending a message to the u.n. climate change conference which begins in madrid next week here in berlin thousands of young activists protested in the city center. in berlin it might have been the consumer frenzy of black friday for some but on the streets here and around the world people were on strike for friday's future a party atmosphere pervaded alongside the placards some took a dip in the city's river spray to draw attention to rising sea levels others simply felt compelled to demonstrate that it is and why are we here well there is a massive climate crisis and known as doing anything it's crazy to to us the small 30 in the us washington to have the younger generation on the streets although perhaps not in such numbers. but the message was the same. we're asking leaders to take action on the climate crisis civically today we're holding a funeral to i'm demonstrate to the public and to our leaders everything that we're going to lose in the climate crisis and everything that we've already lost. on the other side of the world in australia the call to arms of our house is on fire led to protests a metaphor for some but for others here in sydney it's a painful reality. i. think. i think. really. residents here are living on the front line of this crisis and the effects apparent if you saw the crowd shape it was some people couldn't come out because of this it was. really really telling that people cannot actually. i mean it's so bad in india the roots of this movement were clearly evident in the turnout with an impassioned call to galvanize the use. into something of a revolution. if we feel it is really really important to look again but not just right is a new generation because it's all about the system change and it's about finally getting your voices heard it is about to be moving does not match you know environmentalism. forward do not want to see me go to. south africa to demonstrations with some laying their bodies on the ground to make a statement about the impact that black friday's rampant consumerism is having on a global ecosystem. were the football and climb to 2nd in the bundesliga table after a 21 win at harm to new on berlin shall go open the scoring midway through the 1st half thanks to a thunderbolt by benito rahman this was the 2nd goal of the season. equalized for a new on with a penalty before half time the match was heading for a draw until shockers germany international. popped up with the winner with 4 minutes remaining giving the hosts a deserved victory. on saturday brasier dog travelled to the german capital to face here to berlin while dortmund courage lucianne father remains under pressure the bigger headlines this week focused on the club's rising star jade and century his relationship with dortmund has turned rocky which could see him leave the club earlier than expected. jaivin san shows been criticised for a lack of discipline before their recent champions league match against barcelona sensual arrived late for a team meeting yet he didn't dortmund's only goal in that defeat prior to that misstep head coach lucian fiver supped off sand show indorsements top clash against biron after showing poor form early in the match something which reportedly left the winter feeling humiliated and scapegoated dortmund sporting director downplayed the perceived drop. this to my stopcock that the topic is looking to the future jaden is a normal part of the team the longest on them on job despite the convincing appearance and show seems to be a problem case the club rejected a january sale of the youngster ahead of their match versus here to berlin. up i don't have the impression we're preparing in inverted commas a month for a transfer of this winter and i know that's according to the conversations we've had with him and his agent. if i'm not going to work for that contradicts recent reports suggesting dortmund are open to selling the winger they valued at 140000000 euros this winter as it stands lucian fivers job security is on the line and being an able to get the most out of his brightest star doesn't help the victory come saturday could steady the ship for both sanchez and fiver. in the himalayan region the world of kung fu there is traditionally a male one and these women behind me and nuns from a 1000 year old buddhist order spread across nepal and india and they using their training to send out a message of equality. everybody was back to the himalayan mountains the pak upon. think using it. ancient just to come back centuries only prejudice. one of the aims of gender equality because there are not many nuns who have been gone for there are not many girls i guess in the himalayas who have been doing and redoing like an example for them but up. these numbers are part of a progressive school of tibetan buddhism that encourages its followers to fight the patriarchy. the i aim is to lead by example in a region where girls are often seen as a burden. in all the religions they never said that girl is less than a boy but i think it's a. rule i would say it's a thing in the community that have left behind for many many many years and we being a little different. in this did. that last and coming out. the women see the martial art goes hand in hand with the practice of buddhism. and is in bold in them to spread their empowerment they've given self-defense workshops to almost 400 girls across the region. until and unless girls and boys that need to get in and male and female thing is not gone there wouldn't be a peace and harmony because one kind of person is always looking down at. the numbers it's a graceful for equality thing who will take time and patience. up next is your business update with my colleague stephen beasley. news from both remember you can follow us on twitter at news or get the latest news and information on our web site which is w dot com i'm. back to today's. 97. historical turning point in politics business families. iran the people of the islamic obama. opens up making its initial flirtation photos of strength in states of emergency


Transcripts For DW DW News 20191203 23:00:00

i respect. you. this is p.w. news live from berlin the evidence of misconduct in office is overwhelming that's the conclusion reached by the house investigation into u.s. president donald trump we'll go live to our correspondent in washington for the light coming up. as nato turned 70 french president a man who omac wrong. and stands by his warning of brain death that the alliance president trump calls the remark nasty language that all but disputes of a shadowy plan to some. and activist credit to avoid crosses the atlantic again by boat with a climate warning she says drastic measures are needed to cut emissions as she prepares to deliver her message to the u.n. climate something. i'm anthony held welcome to the program the u.s. house intelligence committee has released its impeachment report on president donald trump the final verdict on its investigation according to the 300 page document the evidence for and pitching president from for misconduct in office is quite overwhelming the white house to smear the report saying it failed to produce any evidence of wrongdoing finding support formal charges against trump. this report chronicles a scheme by the president night states to coerce an ally ukraine that is at war with an adversary russia into doing the pleasure of the president's political dirty work it involves a scheme in which donald trump withheld official acts of white house meeting as well as hundreds of millions of dollars of needed military assistance in order to compel that power to deliver to investigations that he believed would assist his reelection campaign well for more let's cross to washington and correspondent all of a sell it what are the key findings of the democrats' impeachment inquiry report and what we now know well anthony you just heard adam schiff speak so essentially the intelligence committee wrapped up the findings of their hearings that were concluded 2 weeks ago and they say and they say that there was all relevant evidence for president tom's wrongdoing as a reminder what the democrats are trying to prove your and the committees is that so-called quid pro quo and that is essentially that president tom withheld military aid. and wanted in exchange investigations into is a political rival joe biden who of course is very likely to be the democratic front runner the democratic presidential candidate in the 2020 election campaign now adam schiff the chairman of the intelligence committee said the president abused his powers for gaining the personal and political again and all of these findings are going to be the foundations for the hearings of the judiciary committee that is going there are going to start on wednesday and with him on what does this now mean for the u.s. president. well trump is calling this a sham and he's done so right from the start he's questioning the legitimacy and 5 you also was invited to take part in wednesday's hearing he neglected that of course as simply to not give the you give these hearings that legitimacy 1 the same accounts for the y. tells legal counsel now the republicans issued their role report as an act of defense if you will $123.00 pages and they argue that president trumbull's acting on genuine and reasonable skepticism over ukraine so they're trying to make the case that president is just fighting corruption in ukraine which of course is a interesting argument if you consider that corruption in ukraine should not necessarily be the business of a sitting u.s. president now what that means for trump is unclear at this point it is likely that he will be impeached out of office but the democrats hope that the voters eventual he will be will decide on his fate in next year's election but the public until now remains very much divided on the question of impeachment of a sell it in washington many thanks. in london les dissolve nato member states meeting seeking to pipe a over the cracks amid obvious divisions have been traded to i reception hosted by the queen at buckingham palace to mark the 70th anniversary of the advance its founding it follows a very public spat between french president a man woman and us president donald trump and the too late to set down to get an earlier it was somewhat hard to predict how the making would go. would you like. to give. everyone you want. not quite cordial combative tone pervaded the news conference with u.s. president donald trump and his french counterpart emanuel marc hong at the nato meeting in london on tuesday trump sharply rebuked mccraw for saying in an interview with the magazine the economist last month that quote what we are currently experiencing is the brain death of nato. it's a very tough statement to make when you have such. fresh you look at what's happened with the press if you look at what's going on during certain parts of this season of the year you just can't go around making statements like that. it's very disrespectful. micron however did not back down. i knew that from my statement we. shake a little bit all people have done. the 2 leaders seem to have differing visions of the role of nato what do you believe they don't want to write and frankly one of the benefits really the least is the united states would benefit the way we're helping your. soul this we'd all be on the phone call was made. and. another of the alliances big players german chancellor angela merkel remained upbeat about nato with all of the differences here but of course we'll have to discuss them we have to talk about the future of nato and the strategic partnership i'm fairly optimistic about this meeting mr. optimism alone however it will not be enough to bridge the divide within the alliance. hoffman has been following the summit from london from day he sent us this is this. maiden leaders would have a lot of reasons to squabble here in london there have been many problems multi-layered problems in the last weeks but it almost seems like they've struck a truce saying let's not talk about this not right now at least because we're here to celebrate the 70th anniversary of nato but that doesn't mean the truce will hold if you think about it money would not cost the french president's statements about the so-called brain death of nato or about trams repeated criticism of european allies not spending enough on defense or what turkey is doing in northern syria that all gives us reason to question whether this truce will really hold on wednesday the 2nd day of the leaders meeting here in london. next hoffman in london now to some of the other stories making news around the world. democratic senator mcconnell a harris has told supporters that she's ending her bid for the democratic presidential nomination she says she doesn't have the financial resources to continue campaigning 15 contenders still remain in the democratic field with 2 months to go to voting begins in iowa. tough incomer he has hit the philippines leaving at least 2 people did torrential rain and winds of more than 150 kilometers an hour brought down trees and electrical posts and forced hundreds of thousands to evacuate and ill is international airport was shut down with hundreds fucks can't. thing is climate activists credit has arrived in the portuguese capital lisbon headed for the un climate summit in the dritte she had been attending climate protests in the united states and made the entire transatlantic crossing by boat had refused to fly back to europe because of the carbon emissions involved. the final moments of the nearly 3 week journey across the atlantic ocean from the united states to lisbon portugal grettir turn bugg look tired and happy to be back on dry land the 16 year old swede said she took the transatlantic voyage by boat to prove a point. i'm not travelling like this because i want everyone to do so i'm doing this to sort out some of the messages because it is. easy. thank god it is impossible to live sustainable today and they're saying these become much easier to invoke arrives in europe as the un's cup 25 climate summit is in full swing representatives and delegates from some 200 countries have gathered in madrid spain to try and find a way to reduce the world's emissions of greenhouse gases her rival also coincided with the release of a bleak report from the world meteorological organization predicting that the past decade will most likely be the hottest in recorded history. says many don't realize the power of the popular movement this may be unleashed. i think people are andras to making the source of angry kids. to invoke says she'll be meeting with activists in lisbon before making her way to the climate summit on friday. all here in germany or thirties now reportedly believe russian intelligence was involved in the murder of a former chechen rebel commander in berlin. was shot twice in the head as he walked to a mosque in the german capital federal prosecutors are now planning to take over the investigation into his killing from work or thirty's soon after the murder in berlin suspicion arose that the russian intelligence services were involved the victim a georgian national fought in the chechen war against the russian government the suspected killers of 49 year old russian currently in custody reports say germany's federal prosecutor now also suspects the involvement of russian intelligence and is planning to take over the investigation is fine if there's a lot of evidence including the fact that the suspect was already wanted for murder in russia then he disappeared before reappearing under a new identity that's one of the key factors here. the murder in berlin could be similar to the poison gas attack carried out in britain on double agent. and his daughter in march 27th seen that prompted many western countries to impose sanctions on russia conservative foreign affairs expert keys of eta says the german government will also need to respond so. should it become clear that indeed russian government agencies were involved in this contract killing we must respond especially with sanctions and we need a coordinated european response as we had in the screen case. the russian government denies any involvement in the murder and has so far refusing to cooperate in the investigation. a bit of sport now and baseball is america's guy but it is also loved in latin american countries like venezuela but u.s. sanctions against the venezuelan government have been affecting the sport there now the u.s. reportedly plans to exempt to venezuela's baseball league from those sanctions the reprieve couldn't come at a better time because venezuela usually sees an influx of major league baseball talent fleeing the winter. nights at a baseball stadium a classic past time for many venezuelans but their national league had been under threats in august sanctions imposed by the trump white house block us players from signing for venezuelan change during the off season the decision led to dwindle ing supports an addict in the league's quality since it resumed in november. but. the level of a plate has gone down. and attendance at the stadium has also gone down quite a lot. but it's still an activity that the public enjoys through the environment are still good it's nice to come and have a good time but i mean you have a sort of what about the many and they'll be stars the venezuelan league offered an ideal solution during the off season a competitive environment and a chance to stay in shape. always heard about the venezuelan league always wanted to calm down experiences. another situation is pretty. amount here to play baseball i i want to play baseball and i want to come down and play baseball i'm not going to swell as a lot of a lot of great players i want to come to play with the south american nation does have a lot of great players and the best often head north the big money and started one was even world series m.v.p. and switch to 17 now with this exemption fans of players from both nations should be able to see once again cross political goodness and enjoy the sport they love i . feel watching think doubled. news. news africa with my colleague michael jr there are more news headlines coming out the top of the hour and don't forget you can always stay up to dive with the latest on our web site. www dot com or following us on twitter at the w news for now the math anyhow and thanks for watching. welcome to the this league here for a decent. place to talk about the. coverage. so you.


Committed to Reinforcing Climate Finance for Developing Nations, Says New COP29 President-Designate

Speaking at TERI, Mukhtar Babayev, who is Azerbaijan's Ecology Minister, said the focus will also be on building a clear and actionable roadmap for tripling renewable energy capacities and doubling energy efficiency by 2030 as agreed to at COP28


Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC News 20240604 00:13:00

reportedly says no decision has been made on kerry's potential successor. from the new york times' climate desk now, i am joined by lisa friedman. great to have you with us. john kerry bowing out then. do we know why and was it a surprise? did it come as a surprise to you? did it come as a surprise to ou? , . , ., ., , did it come as a surprise to ou? , . ., did it come as a surprise to ou? , ., . you? this decision was not much of a surprise- — you? this decision was not much of a surprise. there _ you? this decision was not much of a surprise. there has - you? this decision was not much of a surprise. there has been - of a surprise. there has been talk ofjohn kerry getting ready to step down for some time now. the previous un climate summit, the previous cop in 2022 in egypt's did not go that well for him, he came down with covid and was down for the account for part of that summit. so the sense was that summit. so the sense was that he was very focused on the summit that just happened


Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC News 20240604 01:15:00

he is expected to help out with biden�*s re—relection campaign. his decision to step down as climate envoy comes just one month after the cop28 climate summit, where he helped broker an international agreement for nations to transition away from fossil fuels. the biden administration reportedly says no decision has been made on kerry's potential successor. earlier i spoke with lisa friedman from the new york times' climate desk. john kerry bowing out then. do we know why, and was it a surprise? did it come as a surprise to you? thank you so much for having me. this decision was not much of a surprise. there has been talk ofjohn kerry getting ready to step down for some time now. the previous un climate summit, the previous cop in 2022 in egypt, did not go that well for him, he came down with covid and was down for the account for part


I was surprised by how easy it was to eat sustainably in Dubai. Here are my 5 favorite dishes.

While in Dubai, I skipped beef and mostly ate seafood or plant-based meals. Two-thirds of menu items at COP28 were plant-based.


3 things to know before traveling to Dubai

After visiting Dubai, I learned modest dressing is not required, Sharjah is worth a trip, and to research press and political freedom before you go.


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