Eastern Michigan University’s Campus Life and Office of Wellness & Community Responsibility presents Virtual Speed Friending, every Thursday through the end of the semester. The event series is co-hosted by EMU students, Isabel Berg and Keri Geis, for EMU students to be able to make new friends with other students.
Parasitic worms could hold the key to living longer and free of chronic disease, according to a review article published today in the open-access
eLife journal.
The review looks at the growing evidence to suggest that losing our old friend helminth parasites, which used to live relatively harmlessly in our bodies, can cause ageing-associated inflammation. It raises the possibility that carefully controlled, restorative helminth treatments could prevent ageing and protect against diseases such as heart disease and dementia. A decline in exposure to commensal microbes and gut helminths in developed countries has been linked to increased prevalence of allergic and autoimmune inflammatory disorders - the so-called old friends hypothesis , explains author Bruce Zhang, Undergraduate Assistant at the UCL Institute of Healthy Ageing, London, UK. A further possibility is that this loss of old friend microbes and helminths increases the sterile, ageing-associated inflamma