Page Six, Whedon’s current issues stem from his recent wedding to Canadian artist Heather Horton, whose efforts to apply for a green card have been somewhat hampered by her marriage to a man who does not, in technical terms, exist. That is, there’s no such person in the government’s records as “Joss Whedon,” even though that’s what Whedon’s apparently been putting on his state-issued IDfor many years, because apparently the brand really is just that strong. As such, Whedon can’t correct certain errors on the pair’s wedding certificate, because he doesn’t have a birth certificate, which he can’t get, because he can’t prove he’s “Joseph Whedon,” and not just “Joss”.
Delroy Lindo is an actor who goes deep. He goes deep preparing for his roles, and he goes deep talking about them although, as he told
The A.V. Club in our interview with him, he sometimes has trouble articulating what goes into his process, because in the moment he’s just trying to do right by the story and the people telling it. The deconstruction comes after.
Lindo has acted in pretty much every genre you can think of, in films and on TV, but some of his buzziest roles have come out of his fruitful, decades-long partnership with Spike Lee. The two teamed up for a fourth time when Lee cast Lindo as Paul, a tortured soul haunted by his experiences in the Vietnam War, in Lee’s war/heist movie hybrid