The situation is worse in the case of the Indian IT industry, with none of the 54 companies in the NSE-1000 index having a female CEO. Market leader TCS, which employs more than 200,000 women (constituting over a third of its workforce), has no women in its key managerial personnel (KMPs), as per its annual report. In fact, among the top 5 IT companies, only Wipro has a woman in a KMP role - it appointed Aparna Iyer as CFO in September last year.
Patanjali had pleaded with the NCLT to consider its offer late last month. Rolta is a defence focussed software company which was admitted to the bankruptcy process in January 2023. It owes a consortium of banks led by Union Bank of India (UBI) Rs 7100 crore and another Rs 6699 crore to unsecured foreign bond holders led by Citigroup, with total debt of close Rs 14,000 crore.
The Union Bank of India has rolled out a limited-period MSME New Year Festival Bonanza campaign, offering loans at attractive rates of interest and nil processing charge. Find out more about the campaign and the customer meet held in Mangaluru under the regional office.
The Union Bank of India invites online application for the post of Manager (Law). Name of the Post: Manager (Law)No. of Post: 25 (Twenty-Five)Essential Qualification and Experience• Bachelor s degree.
For the first nine months of the current financial year, PSBs have earned a cumulative profit of ₹98,358 crore as compared to ₹70,166 crore in the year-ago period, an increase of 40.17%.