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Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 6PM 20140918

show was that both sides here were involved in a mutual altercation. >> reporter: perry says his client who he would not name will surrender if charged. he expects new details on the confrontation and beating to come out. >> we'll handle this case in courtroom. we're involved in our investigation at this point. >> i can't imagine that two men would take on 15 people. >> reporter: per reeces comments as half dozen persons of interest in the center city beating continued to file into central detectives. they've been giving statements to detectives on the incident. now city councilman james kenny wants federal investigators involved. >> have them monitor the case to see whether or not these actions rise to the level that need to be protected by federal law. >> reporter: kenny made his call to the feds after prosecutors revealed that pennsylvania law does not include sexual orientation in its hate crime statutes. >> this says a lot of pennsylvania that we don't have it. we federal government to protect our citizens. >> reporter: police sources say investigators have taken statements from five or six men and women in the crowd seen on video tape. documenting the attackers and the circumstances. charges may not come until the weekend. >> it's appalling that this stuff happens in 20 frein. >> reporter: now the us attorney's office says it has received councilman kenny' letter were not comment any further. fortunately perry would not comment on the call for a federal investigation. again tonight at least half dozen people have now given statements to police. two more expected to do so tonight. no charges are expected in this case before the weekend. lucy? >> all right, thatching dave. a delaware county man is sitting behind bars tonight accused of murdering his ex-girlfriend. police say they found him in florida. fox 29's sabina kuriakose live in upper darby. sabina. >> reporter: lucy, police say 38 year old lowry killed his girlfriend fled to florida. he was extradited and charged with murder today. let's take a look at his mug shot. upper darby police say they have more than enough physical evidence to prove lowry murdered his girlfriend in her em mr. son of a home last month. he is charged with strangling 3884 old griffin with a phone cord and then fleeing in her car to florida early last month. concerned family members called police when they didn't hear from griffin. officers found her body they believe she was dead for at least three days before police found her. during that time, it's believed lowry drove to florida. now, police say he has a long history of domestic abuse against griffin who had filed for her fifth protection from abuse order from lowry just one month before she was killed. upper dash plea police superintendent michael chitwood said lowry killed griffin after she refused to let him move back in. he has a message for anything in abuse seive a relationship. >> get out and stay out. get out and stay out. you can't -- i mean, this is a perfect example. five, pfa's how many how many times police were called between the domestic violence things. you know the tragedy is, she died and she didn't have to die. i mean that's the tragedy. she comes from a real nice family. we've spoken with mom and her sister and other family members and, you know, you see it over and over again. it's a tragic piece of our society. >> reporter: lowry was found by police in florida inside griffin's car with his wrists slit the same day police in upper darby found her body. police say the car was so totaled from the -- was totaled from lowry's blood that was spilled inside the car. now he claimed he found griffin dead. cops though don't buy it. again he's charged with murder and is being held without bail. now griffin and lowry have young daughter together. she was not home at the time her mother was killed and now police tell us she is in the care of relatives. that's the very latest here in upper darby. back to you. >> sabina, thank you. now to your fox 29 weather authority. here's live look at center city. going to be another night for a jacket things will go from chilly to cold. chief meteorologist scott williams is standing by with those details. scott? >> iain, right now we're looking at temperatures in center city at 72 degrees. but by friday morning some of you especially in the pocono mountains could wake up with temperatures in the upper 30s. but beautiful conditions right now we're looking at a nice sunset but here's the boundary that will be a game changer for tonight. looking at that cold front moving through right now pretty much a dry front take look at the early fall chill in northern sections of new england. this front is going to drop temperatures at or below freezing frost and freeze advisories and warnings posted there. for us stepping outdoors we're locking at partly sunny skies. temperatures will be dropping into the mid 60s by 11:00 o'clock but watch future temperatures play out by friday morning at 6:00 a.m. you can see north and west, we're looking at numbers in the mid 40s for pottstown. low 40s allentown. even upper 30s in the pocono mountains. we'll have the complete weekend forecast and also a warmup on the way coming up. iain and lucy. >> all right, scott, thank you. developing to night, accused killer eric frein is now one of the fbi's most wanted. pennsylvania state police and the fbi making that announce the a short time ago. they say 31 year old killed corporal brian dixon and critically injured troopers alex douglas at their barracks in pike county in the poconos on friday night. the reward leading to an arrest and conviction now sits at $175,000. the fbi says it will provide all resources necessary to bring frein to justice. >> this will allow us to search in any state territory or the possession of the united states and along with our extensive international relationships we now have made the world where he could hide a very, very small place. >> police still believe frein is in the blooming grove area and that's where they're focused their manhunt and they're continuing to follow hundreds of credible tips tonight. officials stress frein is considered armed and dangerous saying they want to capture him as soon as possible. meanwhile, governor tom corbett and authorities from afar away as california attended funeral services for corporal brian dixon. from friends and family to his law enforcement family thousands offed his memory and offered support to his wife and children. fox 29's jenn for joyce attended corporal dixon's services. >> ♪ >> reporter: thousands of law enforcement agents from across the state and beyond saluted their fallen brother in blue before he was laid to rest. 38 year old corporal brian dixon was shot and killed in an ambush outside of his pike county police barrack last friday. ♪ >> reporter: dixon's wife and the couple ,2 young boys followed behind the cassette as it was carried through saint peter' cass though drail. one of his close friends and colleagues spoke proudly of his late buddy. >> it is only fitting for a man with the spirit of a warrior and the heart of a lion to be honored and recognized in the way that he will forever be remembered. >> the manhunt continues for the suspect 31 year old eric frein they will do their part and fight for justice. >> i promise you that we will carry on the fight of good versus evil, a fight you fought so courageously and selflessly up until your last day here on earth. report roar dixon was a husband, father, brother, u.s. marine, penn state grad and now he's listed as the knifeth pennsylvania state police trooper to die in the line of duty. >> my heart breaks for that family. two young children. senseless act. >> reporter: pennsylvania state police commissioner told his wife tiffany that her family has their full support. >> you are in all of our hearts, you are a part of our family. we will be with you and your family forever. whether you like it or not. >> reporter: several memorial funds have been set up for corporal brian dickson and his family. for information on that, head to our website in scranton, jennifer joyce, fox 29 news. >> a woman is figh fighting forr life after stabbing inside a south philadelphia employment agency and here's what she does there. police say she actually helps ex-cons find work. the woman managed to walk to nearby hospital. fox 29's bruce gordon is live in south philadelphia right now. bruce. >> reporter: lucy, it is amaz amazing she is still alive. 54 year old caroline bass so franklin is hospitalized at this hour remains in critical condition after that morning attack inside the business she runs right here at broad and ritner. few people saw or heard anything and the police crime tape barely hints at the violence that took place. but douglas had came here to pick up a paycheck earned by her husband was shock nonetheless. >> that's crazy. people need to get they self together. >> reporter: police say dark complexioned black man supporting corn rows and goatee entered trinity staffing services around 9:15 a.m. it's believed he asked the business owner caroline bass so franklin for a job. she told the man there were no openings and asked him to fill out an application. he became encouraged. stabbed her repeatedly. stole her purse and punched another worker before rushing out. franklin stumbled across broad street to methodist hospital and was quickly transferred to jefferson. trinity clients had mixed reviews on the business. >> she does work with a lost ex offenders. but she gives people a chance to gain some type of employment. >> i'm not surprised what's going on. >> reporter: why is that? >> because they really -- they don't treat their employees with respect. >> reporter: franklin's business neighbors on south broad say trinity was not known as a nuisance property on the block. >> i was kind of shocked because like i said over the past four years there's been absolutely nothing -- i haven't heard an argument upstairs. >> reporter: as far as you can tell a well-run business? >> yes. >> reporter: at a the attacker is still on the loose at this hour described as a dark complexionecomplexioned africa supporting a goatee and corn rows last seen wearing a blue hoodie. police scowering this stretch of broad street for security camera video that might help them out. we know there was a camera mounted on the wall at methodist hospital right across the street. it appears the large tree blocks the view of trinity staffing services. iain and lucy? >> all right, thank you very much, bruce. pennsylvania man under arrest tonight for calling 911 several times in matter of hou hours. >> his emergency, he was lonely. >> plus the dog who just made amazing journey. a local family lost gidget several months ago and she just turned up on the other side of the country. the effort now underway to get gidget home. >> howard? >> another animated chip kelly today with some of the questions he gets from the media. it's entertaining when chip goes off. that will be coming up in >> philadelphia police want you to see this surveillance video of a laundromat robbery it shows the guy officers say walked into maytag laundry on the 5500 block of rising sun avenue in olney last friday. police say the man point add gun at an employee, gave him a plastic bag and told him to fill it up with money. the robber ran off with the ca cash. if you know that might help police give them call. >> the berks county drug task force has busted a marijuana growing operation. police seized more than 635 marijuana plants from home in district township. police are after the homeowner. they have second suspect dang lee in custody. police say they found more than poof hundred 40 marijuana plant cuttings in his car during a traffic stop. >> a western pennsylvania man has been charged with making three, 91 weren't calls to report bogus emergencies simply because he was lonely and wanted paramedics to show up. the 52 year old is charged with making false reports to authorities. police say that this guy called westmoreland cun tee 911 center three times in july with various bogus complaints including a claim that he had fallen and hurt himself. he is still in jail tonight. >> a chester county high school is stepping up its cleaning -- it's cleaning after one of the students there contracted the enterovirus. unionville chadds ford high school says a student is not in school right now. will not return until medically cleared. the enterovirus spread across the nation mainly striking children. some parents say they're not too worried and are satisfied without a district -- with how the district is handling all of this. >> they are taking precautions, letting everyone know, the parents do know about just keeping safe, washing your hands and things like that because viruses cannot be cured with antibiotics. >> the school district is urging parents to as always keep children home from school if they are sick. doctors say the enterovirus is very similar to the common cold. a pennsylvania missing dog finely found but found 3,000 miles from home. >> so the big mystery is, how she got there. well, this is gidget a good samaritan recently spotted the seven year old jack russell terrier wandering in a portland oregon suburb. gidget was and that taken to nearby animal shelter and once there, a micro chip implanted her was checked showing that gidget was from the philadelphia area. gidget's owner was contacted and after three months of searching she's now working on bringing her pooch back home. the shelter says gidget lost a few pounds but otherwise she's in good shape tonight. >> you just wonder about that journey. home ward bound disney movie. >> right. >> at least there's going to be happy ending. >> i hope so. >> all right. >> gidget had to go through a lot of weather to get to the pacific northwest, right? the weather for us it's been pretty comfortable. pleasant and really no concerns as we move no your thursday evening. right now, if degrees. the high today only 74. humidity comfortable at 53%. and we're looking at a pretty nice sunset at about 7:05 this evening. the high 74 degrees. the normal this time of year 77. nowhere close to the record of 90 set back in the 1800's. low 70s in philadelphia right now. but look at buffalo. we're looking at 54 degrees. temperatures in the 40s in canada and some of that cold air will especially move into northern new england. take look at this. we're talking frost and freeze advisers and watches for plunging temperatures there. north and west for us, we're looking at those temperatures dropping especially after midnight. watch how things play out. you can see upper 40s by 11:00 in the pocono mountains right in the 60s around philadelphia and then by tomorrow morning, temperatures north and west in the low 40s for allentown. upper 30s in the pocono mountains and we're looking at 50s and 60s mainly along and south and east of i-95. friday afternoon, temperatures stay below average. once again we should be in the mid to upper 70s this time of year. what about upper 60s by 5:00 on your friday in atlantic city. upper 60s in millville. mid 60s as we move into sections of the lehigh valley and then saturday morning we start to warm up. by saturday afternoon, temperatures will be in the upper 70 area wide across the area. as we look at the satellite and radar perspective here here's that weak boundary that will be moving through the cold front and once again the core of the coldest air is going to move into northern sections of new england tonight. so as we watch that front move through, high pressure sets up shop for tomorrow. and then as we move into the upcoming weekend, out ahead of our next system that won't arrive until sunday evening, we're looking at winds coming in out of the south and west that will warm us up for the last weekend of summer. it will feel more like summer and as we move into sunday, we'll keep that southwest wind. it's going to be warming into the low 80s as we move into sunday. we could see some sunday night showers linger in early monday morning. but look at the heavy rain. its it continues across sections of surgeon knew mexico moving into texas that flood threat over half a foot of rain has fallen in southern sections of new mexico. for us we're looking at mid 50s in the city for tonight. 47 degrees in the suburbs. cool conditions, dry and quiet and then mostly sunny feeling like fall. highs tomorrow only in the low 70s for philadelphia. the temple game looking nice at the lingering on saturday as we move into sunday, low 80s. 10-degree drop from sunday into monday as we kick off fall. monday night and then temperatures next week for highs stay in the low 70s. there's that forecast. 1:00 o'clock kick off. what about 80 degrees at the linc. >> i'm fine with it. i think howard is okay as long as it doesn't downpour or anything like that. >> i mean, 75 would be perfect. but you can't get everything you want. >> scott will work on it for you. >> okay. >> keep the rain away. all right. the flyers will likely be without their steady yesterday defenseman for the entire season. and it's another day with chip kelly and the mode ya. there are questions that are redundant and that set chip off. it happened again today. that's c ready for a great career? devry university's merit-based career catalyst scholarship can help you get started with up to $20,000 for qualified new students. apply now and start working toward your career, like devry grad, shelly joseph. as a student at devry, a business career was my goal. this was my career training ground... my professors, were also my coaches. their guidance helped me find career success... at microsoft. find your success with our career catalyst scholarship. classes start october 27. get started now. visit ♪ >> so many differ ways to discuss sunday's game against the redskins. obviously desean jackson coming back to play his first game against the team that released him. no robert griffin iii playing but his backup quarterback kirk cousins was once a teammate of nick foles. injuries could be factor. chip kelly practicing with rookie receiver josh huff who said he likely will be back next week. today linebacker michael kendricks did not practice for the second straight day with that calf injury and i'm told he's not likely to play on sunday. but we learned last year don't ask chip kelly about injuries. he won't answer those questions. the media, however, tried asking about kendricks. >> can good we get this out of way. tell me if they can play or can't play. i'm not a doctor. so it's a grade 32. i don't know what that means. you don know what that means. i don't care. i never ask those questions. there's no reason for me to ask those questions. >> chip kelly won't answer those questions. but then the question of distribution on kelly's offense came up again this year. that's distribution on his offense back in his days at oregon. >> here's what happened at oregon. we were up 50 points in a lot of games so we through the ball left and over i had that question last year a thousand times as you really emphasize a run. when the score is 50 to three at half time, we're not coming out in the second half and jacking the ball around. >> i love chip. >> terrible when you jack the ball around coming up sunday fox 29 "game day live" at 11:00. followed by fox nfl sunday at noon. joe buck and troy aikman have the call at 1:00. wrap up the game with post game report at 4:30. it's looking mr. like the flyers will will be missing kimmo timonen spoke for the fir since he was discovered with blood clots that reached his lungs. it's clear he wants to play the season and then retire but this is serious stuff. he's on blood thinners and likely will not play and there's an espn report that dominic brown the under achieving outfielder for the phillies was traded to cleveland for another under achiever. with a week and a half left in the season, does it help anybody? no. >> thank you, how war. >> that's it for us here at 6:00. have a great night. we'll see you back here at 10:00. this shouldn't happen to a dog. >> no, oh, oh, oh. oh. he hit a dog. >> the little dog mowed down during a crazy chase. can gordo be saved? then -- bachelorette party nightmare. trapped by a raging hurricane. >> baby. where are you? >> and what happened when they got out alive. >> whoo! and the red zone. the most dangerous time of the year for college coeds. >> you're in bed, nobody else is around. what are you going to do? what are you going to do? quick. what are you going to do? >> and new video of the missing college coed. >> this is the outdoor mall where that surveillance video was taken. then nanny if hell


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