eling in his RV. He also
spent many hours on his
flight simulator.
Vincent United Methodist
tive in various committees
belonged to the Moose
the Brunch Bunch Coffee
Fisherman. Jim served as
Mary’s Cathedral in Fargo,
ND from 1968 to 1972.
While there he also was
the editor of the diocesan
newspaper, Catholic Ac-
was transferred to St. Al-
phonsus Parish, Langdon,
year before being named
ish, Marion, ND, and As-
sumption Parish, Dickey,
was called to be pastor of
Holy Family Parish Grand
supervised the building of
completed in 1983. In
lin, ND to serve St.
Patrick’s Parish with mis-
sions at Alice, ND and
Sheldon, ND.
leave of absence from the
Diocese of Fargo to serve
as a priest chaplain at
Scripps Mercy Hospital in
there until his retirement
ued to be a priest on-call
tained his goal of process-
ing 635,000 pairs of eyeg-
lasses in 2009 (one pair
for every citizen in North
Dakota). At the time of
his retirement, he had
remember him as a man
filled with life and youth
and he put a majority of
that life and youth into
his family. He was ex-
tremely proud of his chil-
dren and grandchildren
sharing his pride. In re-
turn, his children and