also, the tony on broadway. i didn t think i would even be nominated. you may not know james corden yet but i do. an up and coming super star. you don t know whether to shake his hand or like his face. he s that attractive. this is piers morgan tonight. we begin tonight with coach mike krzyzewski. he made duke a basketball powerhouse. this summer, he carries the pride of america with him as he leads america s olympic basketball team to london. coach k, now, i know how important you are because everybody on my staff when they heard we were doing coach k got excited. like, whoa, coach k. why are you such a big deal? you must have a lot of polish people on your staff. so it means everything s going to go great here. you have a reputation based on one of the most greatest sporting careers america s seen. a peerless career. what does it mean to you to have that reputation? i ve been lucky to be at places where their brand help me right away. i graduated from we
nothing more nerve-racking than walking on in the finals. also, the tony on broadway. i didn t think i would even be nominated. you may not know james corden yet but i do. an up and coming super star. you don t know whether to shake his hand or like his face. he s that attractive. this is piers morgan tonight. we begin tonight with coach mike krzyzewski. he made duke a basketball powerhouse. this summer, he carries the pride of america with him as he leads america s olympic basketball team to london. coach k, now, i know how important you are because everybody on my staff when they heard we were doing coach k got excited. like, whoa, coach k. why are you such a big deal? you must have a lot of polish people on your staff. so it means everything s going to go great here. you have a reputation based on one of the most greatest sporting careers america s seen. a peerless career. what does it mean to you to have that reputation? i ve been lucky to be at plac
what scares her? nothing more nerve-racking than walking on in the finals. also, the tony on broadway. i didn t think i would even be nominated. you may not know james corden yet but i do. and you will, an up and coming super star. you don t know whether to shake his hand or lick his face. he s that attractive. this is piers morgan tonight. we begin tonight with coach mike krzyzewski. a winner in every sense of the word. he made duke a basketball powerhouse. this summer, he carries the pride of america with him as he leads america s olympic basketball team to london. coach k, now, i know how important you are because everybody on my staff when they heard we were doing coach k got excited. like, whoa, coach k. why are you such a big deal? you must have a lot of polish people on your staff. so it means everything s going to go great here. you have an incredible reputation based on one of the most greatest sporting careers america s seen. a peerless career. w
this is piers morgan tonight. we begin tonight with coach mike krzyzewski. he made duke a basketball powerhouse. this summer, he carries the pride of america with him as he leads america s olympic basketball team to london. coach k, now, i know how important you are because everybody on my staff when they heard we were doing coach k got excited. like, whoa, coach k. why are you such a big deal? you must have a lot of polish people on your staff. so it means everything s going to go great here. you have a reputation based on one of the most greatest sporting careers america s seen. a peerless career. what does it mean to you to have that reputation? i ve been lucky to be at places where their brand help me right away. i graduated from west point, coached there. pretty good brand. my next gig is duke university. which has a global brand. and a good one. then coach of the u.s. national team that has a really good brand. so i ve been on teams that have made me look a