need to take these steps. but at this particular moment, don t mix these things up with what they re going through and what s going on for the rest between reparations and the climate reparations. where are we getting the rest of this money from? you know, what cracks me upows p is so rich that john kerry, es who shows up for some green i energy meeting, flies in his private and the truth is they could care less. they want us to pay between reparations. my family wasn t even here ow why during slavery, so i don t i knw how i m going to be stuckh with reparations and now what we want to do is we want to payr other countries, he says.ay, le we re the mostav generous people in the world. americans. okay, well then leav. omewhere ee it that go somewhere else.y pay already generous. is this a shakedown? a global shakedown? yes, dagen yes. for trillions and trillions oftl dollars. actually , the money shouldof be comin dollae money shg in thr direction for the benefits that we ve se