Ciudad Juárez, Chih., Los autos de la plataforma de transporte DiDi son utilizados por bandas del crimen organizado para transportar sicarios, drogas y armas con las que cometen homicidios, informó el fiscal de la zona centro con sede en la capital del estado, Carlos Mario Jiménez Holguín. Precisó que este …
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Francisco Urdinez
Source: Getty
Summary: During the pandemic, Chinese medical and equipment supplies to Chile have come mostly from a diverse cast of Chinese players with local experience in Chile. They adapted to Chileâs unique system of emergency and disaster management.
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China has become a global power, but there is too little debate about
how this has happened and what it means. Many argue that China exports its developmental model and imposes it on other countries. But Chinese players also extend their influence by working through local actors and institutions while adapting and assimilating local and traditional forms, norms, and practices.