Bretly D., suspected of the murder of Rotterdam psychiatrist Jean van Griensven, among other things, showed a firearm to a passerby at Rotterdam-Zuid station shortly before the deadly violence. He then went to the victim's home “in a straight line.” The Public Prosecution Service (OM) said this on Wednesday while explaining the state of the investigation into 24-year-old D.’s suspected crimes. The court in Rotterdam held the first public introductory hearing in the case in the extra-secure chamber. The suspect remained in his cell and did not attend.
Bretly D. (24) from Rotterdam is charged with attempted manslaughter in addition to the fatal shooting of Rotterdam psychiatrist Jean van Griensven. He tried to strangle a man in Zupthen and injure him with a knife. In the run-up to the first preliminary hearing next week, the Zutphen victim’s lawyer confirmed that her client was put in a chokehold and his throat was forcefully closed, among other things.
Why are morpho butterflies blue? That is what high school students Frederique Kerstens and Koen van Griensven investigated in their high school profile paper at the Leiden Institute for Research in Physics. In doing so, they won the KHMW Profielwerks
Factors influencing the spatio-temporal dynamics of plankton communities in small tropical lakes are not well understood. This study assessed plankton communities in response to spatial and seasonal (wet vs dry seasons) changes in environmental variables in Lake Kanyaboli, a small satellite lake on the northern shores of Lake Victoria, Kenya. Water quality variables, including pH, conductivity (EC), dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature, Secchi depth (SD), nitrates (NO3-), nitrites (NO2-), ammonium (NH4+), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), were monitored monthly at six sites spread throughout the lake for one year. Phytoplankton and zooplankton samples were collected and analyzed for taxon composition and abundance. Two-way ANOVA showed no significant interaction between site and season for all variables, except Chl-a. A t-test showed significant seasonal differences in SD, DO, NH4+, NO3-, NO2- and TN. Thirty phytopla
THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) Dutch troops used “extreme violence” often deliberately during Indonesia's 1940s war for independence, and military leaders and politicians in the Netherlands largely ignored the excesses, a long-running research project concluded in findings published Thursday.