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Ripon parents rallying against planned AT&T cell tower near school

Ripon parents rallying against planned AT&T cell tower near school Eric Escalante Replay Video UP NEXT A public comment session at San Joaquin County board meeting was dominated by hundreds of parents, calling for a stop to plans that would place a cellphone tower near a school. About 200 public comments were lodged with the county Board of Supervisors on April 20, many from parents and community members in Ripon. Each one echoed a similar message, specifically that they did not want a cell tower anywhere near Colony Oak Elementary School. “We are going to fight this to the end, and our hope is that we stop this before it goes in,” said Kellie Prime, mother of a sixth-grade student at Colony Oak Elementary School.


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afternoon highs, 3:00, 4:00, reaching 90 in inland valleys. upper 70s around the bay and talking about those 60s with the sea breeze at our coast. fog returns, that is going to lead to a cooler afternoon for the second half of your weekend and then the warmup in the seven-day outlook. >> terry: this morning, two children kidnapped by their father and taken for a ride on a stolen boat are safe. three-year-old brooklyn and two-year-old devin were rescued last night. their father is in custody. tomas ramon has the story from coastguard pier. >> the coastguard was unleashed the stolen sailboat in which christopher sailed away with the two children on tuesday. south san francisco police sergeant announced the successful recovery of the children. >> i'm glad to announce that they have been rescued from their three-day ordeal. >> reporter: they stead they received noticed any fri morning the boat had been spotted. after launching two boats they shadowed the boat until they were able to make contact. >> he said if it would be okay to make a boarding crew and he said fine. >> the children were fine. >> i'm never going to let them go. >> the children appear fine and unharmed. coastguard and f.b.i. and several other police agencies including south san francisco police started tracking the sailboat after spotted by a fishing vessel. south san francisco police put christopher in custody. he will be charged with kidnapping. >> terry: right now up in lake county a wildfire continues to burn out of control but fire officials have lifted mandatory evacuations. it's burning west of scotts valley road, eight miles east of ukiah. we shot dramatic scenes as flames devoured brush and timber in the area. the fire burned quickly and burned more than 1600 acres at last report. that is up from 500 acres. yesterday afternoon, it's 5% contained and plan so bring air tankers in sonoma county. this morning the coroner's office in san benito county is trying to identify a have the body of a teenage girl. it drew dozens of investigators and they don't believe it's believed to be sierra lamar. ama daetz has the story where the body was found. >> sky7hd looked down over a dense wooded area where a body was found. >> a pass are bie was in the area in the county and got out of his vehicle and see what he believes is a dead body, about hundred feet or so off the roadway. >> the sergeant handles media relations for the santa clara county sheriff's office. >> san benito sheriffs were short staffed today. they made a mutual aid request. >> the sergeant says they didn't get the call because of sierra lamar. they are the agency that is handling the case of the missing teenage. they confirmed the body is a female. they say it's a young hispanic female but they don't believe it's lamar. those who live near the spot where the body was discovered aren't surprised to hear what happened. >> it seemed like a good spotlights for it. there was nobody around here. >> it's wooded. a lot of people hike and ride horses through here. it's right next to the freeway. it's not unlikely somebody could dump a body and get on the freeway and go. >> sources tell me it does appear the body was dumped there as opposed to where the death happened but they don't believe it's sierra lamar. pittsburg police are looking for a person who shot a man to death at a busy park. it happened about 7:00 last night. the male victim was shot near the bocci ball court. so far no suspect description has been released. this morning san francisco police are searching for a missing teenager. 16-year-old vanessa dominguez was last seen last night. the academy student has asthma but didn't take her inhaler with her. at some time is the two-year anniversary of the san bruno pipeline explosion and fire. it's been a long two years for the people that live there. the recovery is far from over. heather ishimaru brings us up to date. >> reporter: jose is welcomed by his neighbor across the street. they haven't seen much of each over over the last two years. the bishop house survived the fire but theirs did not. he is about to start rebuilding. it's been painful two years waiting for this moment. >> it's like a nightmare. anywhere you go you don't feel like home. >> pipeline explosion and fire killed eight people and destroyed 38 homes. many more people were injured and more homes damaged. for the first year after the disaster the neighborhood was a scarf empty lots. now, its full-blown construction zone. >> it's nonstop. it's nonstop except for sundays, you can't sometimes work on saturdays. we're not sure why. >> the city has set up an office to see the work here. 8 of the 38 homes are rebuilt. 13 more are underway and it's uncertain. >> every day you see what a great house that is. >> nonetheless, it's he is grateful for his house and family that survived. they are hosting a social for residents but some stay to prefer in the neighborhood where it happened where they lost eight friends and a neighbors forever. >> we feel like where it should be last year and where it had taken place up at the corner. that to us is the special spot for us. >> terry: still to come, the search continues for a bay area college student near chico. family and friends can't understand how he would just vanish. they are also trying to track down on a carjacking suspect good morning! wow. want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. >> terry: san francisco giants dedicated their game against the los angeles dodgers to highway ma troll man, scooted youngstrum he was killed. gunman was shot to death by another officer. vic lee rode with the chp along the same stretch of road. >> the outpouring of sadness and from the public keeps growing. here at chp field office where officer kenyon youngstrum worked. >> it underscores in their mind while the individuals are just like me they are connected to family and friends. >> sam morgan has been with the chp for 30 years. he it isn't the first time he heard a radio call. 1199. an officer down. >> your mind starts racing. >> when the officer dies.... >> each one a piece goes with that individual. there is never a point i'm over that. you just learn how to manage it. sometimes there is thoughts of anger. there is thoughts of sadness and all the emotions go. >> reporter: there is also personal reflections. she married with two children. >> reflections what if it was me. how would my wife and children handle it. how would my family respond. you are brought into sharper focus with your own mortality. you see how risky the job can be. >> reporter: it's not something he dwells on but in the back of his mind. the potential dangers of each traffic stop no matter how small the infraction. >> are they friend or foe, are they going to yield peaceably. am i going to have to get in a physical confrontation with this individual. most of the calls we respond to we go home without incident but there can always be that one call that can pretty much be your last call. >> reporter: as officer morgan told me, he and his fellow officers are no different than you or i. they want to do their job well and at the end of the day go home to their loved ones. >> terry: san jose police have released a surveillance tape of a brazen carjacking last week. we highlighted the video for you upper left hand corner you see a woman out of the car. a man got in the vehicle and put a knife to her throat. the woman try to flag down another car. suspect joined by an accomplice hits her as they are driving away. 70-year-old victim suffered minor injuries. police need your help. described as men in your 20s. two fund-raisers last night in lafayette for a college student missing since last weekend. 20-year-old brett olson disappeared near chico. he was taking part in a party on sacramento river when he became separated with his friends. friends say he had been drinking. a $10,000 reward is out to help find brett. i've seen other camera shots, it's pretty clear but not so much over treasure island. >> santa rosa as eighth of mile visibility. they are socked in today. down around monterey, some fog, clouds in the east bay around hayward. right now, emeryville, nice shot where we do have partly cloudy conditions. >> terry: peek of blue. >> lisa: i see it too and we'll talk about the cooldown tomorrow and next seven days. >> terry: also, a deadly disease could be a mosquito bite away. nou next th [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso. i just finished a bowl of your new light chicken pot pie soup and it's so rich and creamy... is it really 100 calories? yes, ma'am. 100 calories. yea...i'm gonna need some proof. we get that a lot... let me put you on webcan... see? hearty vegetables... lean roasted chicken... and a creamy broth that tastes indulgent -- but isn't... so feel free to enjoy a bowl anytime. mmm i can still see you. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. >>. welcome back everybody. a live picture at the beach at surf city u.s.a., santa cruz, see the blue sky. clouds are way out there. blue sky at the beach. nice and sunny and nice and empty right now. down to a high of 76. beautiful degrees. >> west nile virus has claimed the fourth victim here in california, 85-year-old woman died after being infected by the mosquito born disease last month. all the victims were over the age of 80. one of the worst years on record for west nile virus. just last night. contra costa vector control sprayed discovery bay and other parts of the bay. >> nice overcast here, who is going to win out? >> the shot you saw down the road got the fog in monterey. fog and low clouds but everyone will see sun today. first we'll go to tahoe. 45 degrees. a chance of 80 and high fire danger but a warning from the national weather service tomorrow afternoon through tomorrow night for gusty winds, low relative humidity. now mount tam you can see some of the low clouds, marine layer at about thousand feet. we've got a bit of a breeze in some parts of bay. our roof camera, clouds right now overall we'll call it partly cloudy. marine layer is diffuse and compressed. in santa rosa, dense fog this morning with visibility really down to nothing. so be careful out there. live doppler 7 hd the fog for the most part will continue to be swept offshore today. one more day before things really begin to change around here in a cooler direction. as we head outside in the morning hours, it's not that bad with temperatures in the upper 50s for mountain view. fog is into fremont, fog in san francisco with low 50s in santa rosa. 59 with the southwest wind by the delta and 58 in san jose. highlights then today, we're starting out with the clouds around and another nice day with numbers ranging 60 at the coast and 90 inland. 35 degree spread and near normal temperatures, a little below normal in san francisco and oakland. compared to tomorrow, numbers will come down about five degrees. not a lot in the way of clouds even tomorrow associated with this area of low pressure. just the stronger onshore flow today, we're not seeing. that the high pressure continues to provide us dominant influence over the bay. for us, nearly perfect because it's also bringing up tropical moisture that is bringing the chance of thunderstorms for southern california, for the mountains and we're also looking at northwesterly swell for monterey bay. you saw the shot around santa cruz. many of the beaches down there, possibility of strong rip currents. keep that in mind if you are headed out this afternoon. numbers are warming up in the valley, thunderstorm possibility from north to south even w the deserts getting in the act. 92 in sacramento today. temperatures around the bay, pretty comfortable. mid 60s in the city. we should see about 70 here mid 70s in oakland, a little shy of that. sea breeze keeping half moon bay in the low 60s but notice the sunshine allowing for warming temperatures up to the north. marin and in as many. low 90s for friends in cloverdale. if you head eastward, you'll notice concord in the mid-80s and livermore and upper 70s to low 80s and santa clara valley. 73 in watsonville. lots of sunshine. we talked about the fog in monterey. so kind of a cool started but it really warms up. we'll look for the numbers to cool back down tomorrow. not a significant cooldown but by monday, we're still going to be on the blow side of normal. by tuesday and wednesday, warming back up, temperatures really heating up, looks like thursday and friday. check back with us. looks like an offshore wind event but there is also another low lurking out there. >> terry: that is why they have to keep it rear here for abc7 lisa argen's forecast, yeah, do it. [ laughter ] >> terry: dodgers are in town and much clutch came through again. larry beil has the morning sports. >> good morning, how do you spell clutch, try it, marco scutaro. he did it again he got a victory. orange friday at at&t park. tim lincecum in the third to 'pablo sandoval gets kemp and scores 1-0. pagan and brandon crawford, 1-1 game. lincecum had 7 walks in this contest. two outs in the sixth, second homer of the year,. >> hunter pence and ground ball and kennedy can't make the play. much clutch, marco scutaro. giants beat l.a. 5-2 and lead by 5 1/2 games in the west. >> a's in seattle trying to shake off the three-game sweep. mission accomplished as they faced felix. there is a blooper gets back the outfielder. one score and 1-0. there it goes. george cafaras. 4-1 athletics. a's add a couple runs in the fifth. josh donaldson, fair ball. a's go on to win 6-1 and hold the top wildcard spot in the al. >> in retirement don nelson has business ventures going on but it was all about basketball. nelson spent 31 years on the bench, nobody in n.b.a. history has won more games. he had two stints with the warriors and one of 12 new members enshrined into the hall. talked about his basketball. >> my uncle walt bought a basket and basketball for me and put it up in the chicken yard and didn't know really how tall it was supposed to be so he put it up 11 feet. he thought that looked about right. >> at the u.s. open, women's semi finals, serena williams, overwhelmed tenth seed. with a backhand winner. crosscourt to take the 6-1 and, 6-1 and 6-2 where she will face top seed. she rallied from the set down to beat maria sharapova hits a forehand long. 3-2, 6-2 and 6-4. just one and nine versus serena williams. >> that is a wrap. mike shumann will be here for your highlights and all the college football tonight at 11:00. have a great weekend everybody. i'm larry beil. >> terry: when we come back a looming decision over changing bus service in marin county puts local jobs on the line. new this morning, how many golden gate transit drivers are facing layoffs and the presidential race, this morning the president puts politics on par to remember what happened 11 years >>. >> terry: breaking news out have afghanistan. overnight a suicide bomber has killed six people in central kabul. take a look at video coming into the abc newsroom. taliban has claimed responsibility for the attack. bbc says some of the victims are children. taliban says the target was a u.s. facility nearby. they say all the dead were civilians. a spokesman for the u.s. military coalition forces are accounted for. it happened not far from nato headquarters and the u.s. embassy in afghanistan. >> campaign 2012 makes a bay area pit stop this weekend. vice presidential candidate paul ryan, in this video he was in sparks, nevada. he will be guest of honor at breakfast fund-raiser of brent jones and his wife. followed by a trip to google headquarters in mountain view. they will have a pep rally with supporters. tomorrow night. he will attend a fund-raiser in fresno. >> this morning, this morning more than two dozen bus drivers are facing the prospect of losing their jobs. golden gate transit district could lay off as many as 30 bus drivers. cuts could happen if the transit loses a contract of services in marin county. and to renegotiate contract would save it millions and they would keep the contract but provide 20% less service. it will be assessed during a september 17th meeting. >> romney-ryan ticket slamming the obama administration for the weak jobs report for the month of august. only 96,000 new jobs were created last month, 35,000 fewer than expected. jobless rate fell to 8.1% but only because a lot of people are no longer looking for work. in fact the u.s. work force has fallen to the lowest level in 31 years. on the other side of that coin, bay area companies will be filling more than 300 positions during next week's hire event jobs fair sponsored by abc7 and the job journal. that will be hotel wickham in san francisco. it goes from noon until 4:00 on wednesday. more information available at under see it on tv. president made no mention of the economy in his weekly address this morning. instead he called on americans to mark 11th anniversary of the terrorist attacks. >> last decade has been a difficult one. together we have answered those questions and come back stronger as a nation. we took the fight to al-qaeda, decimating their leadership and put them on the path to defeat. thanks to the courage and skill of our intelligence personnel and armed forces, osama bin laden will never threatened america again. >> he also noted the anniversary is being commemorated on tuesday by public service activities around the country. in the republican address, john borosso says the nation is not better off than four years ago under president george w. bush. >> the man who created the most talked about moment at republican national convention has broken his silence. clint eastwood finally addressed what he was thinking about when he went on with the rambling monologue to the empty chair. >> mr. obama sitting here. >> whether you thought he was rambling. >> what do you want me to tell romney. i can't tell them to do that. i can't do that to himself. [ laughter ] >> whether it was brilliant. i'm not going to shutup. >> there is more denying the most talked about speech of either convention. in an interview with the hometown paper, he gives a blow-by-blow of how it came to be. morning of his speech as he flew to tampa, he still hadn't chosen his words. i told them you can't do that with me because i don't know what i'm going to say. 15 minutes before he spoke, he arrived at the hall, still no plan. then right before he took the stage, inspiration. there was stool there and some fellow kept asking me if i wanted to sit down. when i saw the stool sitting there it gave me the idea. he acknowledges he stumbles and a bit but when people are applauding so much it takes you ten minutes to say five minutes' worth. eastwood went back to the stage paul ryan thanked him. we were all laughing. the speech immediately became a media phenomenon but he had no idea until the next day. tonight the hollywood legend is unapologetic. of his detractors, they are obviously on the left. >> thank you. thank you very much. >> terry: when we come back we'll take another look at the forecast. looks like a fantastic day. just a couple weeks it's going to be a fantastic day. lisa assured us of that coming to our area. mountain view, san francisco is going to be flying right over here you go little man. [ humming ] [ babbling ] the cheerios bandit got you again? [ both laugh ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios ...and now... you! [ giggles ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios >>. welcome back. we have a fantastic saturday on the way. starting out with the shot from mount tamalpais looking out eastward. you see sausalito in the foreground. things you can't see because of the overcast there. but above it you see the east bay hills. lisa argen is going to tell us when that overcast is going to get out of dodge in just a few minutes. >> terry: an eight foot sinkhole swallowed the car of a san francisco man. he a law student at duke university. he was turning around at north carolina campus when he dropped straight into the ground. gaping hole was not visible from the street. he wasn't the first to run into it. a truck driver got his tire stuck in the night before but the truck didn't go down. crews put up caution tape but next day it had blown away and the hole was not visible from inside a car. flash flooding almost cost a truck driver his life outside phoenix, arizona. it happened along a rising creek. driver had to climb on to the roof in rushing water slowly then suddenly washed the truck into midstream. rescue team used an aerial ladder and ropes to secure that truck and to secure the driver. they got him out there. the operation took two hours. it dumped two inches of rain in the phoenix area yesterday. >> faa is trying figure out out a landing door broke off. it fell from a boeing 767 jet on to a quiet street in washington. neighbors report hearing from a thud. faa high school tracked down the plane but isn't releasing the name of the company yet. lisa is here and i wanted to mention one event going on in city of concord. concord high school is having their second carwash. stop off and drop off a five or ten, i think that is pretty darn neat thing for young people to do. >> lots of sunshine. >> 86 for their high. back home. wind is blowing from roof camera. you see the clouds, mid-50s with good west wind, up to 20 miles an hour. we have fog around the bay but warm temperatures in the forecast. not for the whole weekend, i'll explain next. >> also, hunta virus scare impacts hikers. >> a brand-new dishwasher gets repaired 15 times and still doesn't work. i'm michael finney. good morning! wow. want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. and these are the ones you'll love on a school night. pillsbury crescent dogs with just a few ingredients you have an easy dinner... pillsbury crescent dogs... school night ideas made easy. that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun. >>. >> terry: would you like to go to lake tahoe? this is what you are going to get. live picture of lake tahoe. lisa argen confides in me it will be 80 degrees up there today. it will be fantastic and the lows, it's in the 40s right now. it's in the 40s, you got that cool fall feeling in the morning and goes back to the wonderful summertime later in the day. great place to be as usual. >> the hunta virus scare at yosemite is growing. officials have extended their initial warning to the park's high sierra camp. nearly 30,000 people can be at risk of being infected from a potentially deadly outbreak. >> in one of the most beautiful places on earth, a deadly disease is lurking. they are warning every visitor about the outbreak of hunta virus spread by rodents. >> i had a mouse run across my head. >> already, eight people have been known to contract the illness. three have died. in california, pennsylvania and west virginia. and there may be more cases as far away as france. >> this outbreak appears to be unusual in terms of the number of people affected and the number of deaths. >> it was first traced to the popular curry village campsite where rodents had gone into tents. a second campsite was also infected. last week, warnings like these went out to 10,000 people that visited curry village since june. it's not went out to an additional 19,000 visitors and 29,000 recent park visitors in all. >> this is possibly the greatest cluster that has occurred in united states that i'm aware of. >> early symptoms can take up to six weeks to appear and include fatigue, fever and chills. those quickly give way to coughing and breathing problems as the lungs fill with fluid. worst part is there is no known treatment or cure. >> there is nothing you can do if you were exposed. >> one of america's oldest and most popular parks has a serious threat. it attracts visitors worldwide. now it could mean a worldwide public health hazard. >> terry: bay area advance of the space shuttle is going to be getting a unique look at spacecraft. it's free. nasa is transported can the space shuttle endeavour down to los angeles. during that journey atop a 747. the endeavour will do low level flyovers and we are included september 20th. it will mass over moffett field and go over san francisco and other california cities. i don't know, maybe the san jose to oakland but stay tuned for the details where it will take place and weather on september 20th is going to be... i'm excited. i remember the pictures in new york. i'm very excited. >> lisa: the fog tends to back off for the month of september. the other is of. so we have that going for us so perhaps more of a clear shot. this morning we have areas of fog, some of them dense. we'll tall it partly cloudy in emeryville where temperatures in the 50s. winds have kicked up a bit. some areas are experiencing breezy winds, roof camera here 12 hours and 41 minutes of daylight. winds peaked over by the delta 29 mile-an-hour. live doppler 7 hd showing the low clouds, the fog banked up not only along the coast but we have the fog in marin, in sonoma a little piece of it over into the east bay. we've had some around san jose and also around monterey where sanity cruz has been clear. really kind of fickle fingers of fog this morning. you like that. [ laughter ] >> and 54 in redwood city. mid-50s in the city. we were down to 49 in santa rosa. we got longer nights and atmosphere relatively dry we cool off pretty quickly. cooler air drains into the valleys. north bay valleys maybe tomorrow upper 40s tonight. overall, partly cloudy. if you head outside another beautiful day. 60s at the coast including san francisco but more like the mid 60s in the city. then we have a giants game where numbers are going to start out in the low 60s and then we'll see a cooling trend get underway tomorrow night. not a huge drop in temperatures. we'll see a stronger onshore push. that is all due to this system here. it kind of backed off. that is the key to our forecast today. with the high pressure ridge, once again our dominant weather feature. fair weather, lots of sunshine. very comfortable temperatures, almost near normal but other parts of the states it's bringing up the subtropical moisture. creating the chance of showers and thunderstorms. this area of low pressure, it's going to increase the fire danger once it heads out of the bay area. there is another upper level system that will influence the weather in the sierra nevada. we'll talk about that in a moment. right now we have a northwesterly swell to the south of us, beaches look inviting but strong rip currents all the way down the coast. keep that in mind if you are outdoors enjoying all the good weather this weekend. knoll the northern sierra with 94 in yosemite. you'll notice the possibility of thunderstorms but warm weather returns to the central valley. we'll look at that little area of low pressure as it heads east. tomorrow bringing very gusty winds, northeast california, northwest nevada. not only the threat of thunderstorms and sparking a fire in the mountains today but an actual warning, high fire danger in the sierra tomorrow. low 70s in san mateo. pacifica, low 60s. we're talking mid 60s for the game today. that should be the high temperature at 3:00 or 4:00. 82 in novato. you head towards sonoma and calistoga, mid-80s and out over the hills, to the low 90s. monterey. you'll have the sun santa cruz 65 in monterey. giants game, beautiful day in the city. look ahead, a little bit of cooling tomorrow. still on the cool side on monday but after that its warmup. >> terry: thanks very much. if you are a brand-new alliance breaks down. should you demand a replacement? one bay area couple had no fewer than 15 repairs on their new dishwasher. michael finney explains what happened next. >> grace is telling me how her new dishwasher was cleaning her dioshs a shine. so why is her husband washing dishes by hand? grace says it's been a vicious cycle. >> i really was at the end of my rope. it's not a cheap dishwasher. >> they bought it last year for $800 and was working perfectly, at first. seven months later a problem. >> it wouldn't drain. there was water in the bottom. >> a repairman said to use less soap. simple enough but it didn't help. >> it continued not to drain. >> another repairman came, this one said, run some vinegar through a cycle. that didn't help either. >> and glasses were foamy. >> so another one came, he said use more soap and run the hot water first. >> stand on my left foot put less soap in it, this is crazy. >> dishes were coming out dirty. so another repairman took apart the machine and put it back together again. after that the dishwasher blew a fuse and so did grace. >> i was startled. >> reporter: by summer the dishwasher had undergone 15 repairs in all. grace had to skip work each time to wait for repair people. then the final blow. >> we turned it on, nothing, totally dead. >> grace shows us how the dishwasher won't even turn on. the warranty was about to send another repairman. grace wanted to barricade the doors. >> what did you mean? i said to more. >> she contacted 7 on your side. we contacted sure enough the company came through, offering the couple a brand-new brand-new dishwasher. kitchen aid said we aapologize to her. once we were alerted of the issue we were happy to replace her dishwasher. >> i feel like a little kid breaking up with a birthday present. >> state law requires manufacturers to repair defective products under warranty and if they can't consumer can't get a replacement. if you have a problem with a playians. let me know about it. >> still to come it's a hit comedy in britain but how does the in betweeners play with >>. >> terry: a hit british comedy series has been made in feature film. the inbetweeners opens today. how will it translated here. >> don sanchez has the review on the aisle. >> this the best holiday ever. >> big plans for these four misfits. thinking they know it all but they don't. their hotel is the first dose of reality. >> one of guys ranked nonstop but others chasing older women. one is a nerd who would rather see museums than parties in pools. so when they are in club, four girls walk in. >>. ♪ >> pretty silly. it's ridiculous. it's funny, in-betweeners has been a big hit in britain. masterpiece theater this is not. while sophistication ranges in periods, the show is charmingly funny. >> four guys obsessed with drinking and looking for romance isn't that what spring break is about. it's lewd, crude and rude, it makes american pie seems like crows from tennessee witness yams but it's meaning and style and there is even sympathy. i wouldn't be a roommate of these guys, but i did have fun. it's not appealing for everybody but i'll give it half a bucket. i'm don sanchez abc7 news and we'll see you on the aisle. >> terry: a reminder right now, abc7 all new action of buts, debuts will air at one in stead of two and followed by jeopardy. don't miss, katie the new daytime talk show with katie couric followed by "abc 7 news" at 4:00. lisa argen one last check of the weather. >> partly cloudy, some fog out there. but a nice afternoon. 60s at the coast. cooler tomorrow and monday and then we'll warm it back up through next week. >> thanks for joining us for the saturday morning news. abc7 news continues tonight at 11:00 p.m. we want to remind you about the alarm clock app for the iphone. download it for free to get


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