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>> reporter: with former new jersey governor chris christie in north dakota and her doug burgum also set to join the race this week. republican candidates are seeking breakthrough. former south carolina governor nikki haley took a swipe at florida governor ron desantis for picking a fight with disney after they posed his so-called don't take a say gabriel. >> because they went and criticized him, now he's going to spend taxpayer dollars on a lawsuit. like all of this vendetta, we have been down that road. >> reporter: desantis called it bizarre and focused his attention on trump whom he trails by double-digit margins. >> i think there's a lot of voters who just aren't going to vote for him. for us to bring new people in the party. >> reporter: on the meeting at the justice department, cbs news has learned special counsel jack smith was there underscoring the seriousness of the discussion. smith has not spoken publicly about the case but has been moving aggressively behind the scenes to secure testimony from thousands of people close to the


trump, in his desire to not have media, or book authors misquote him, essentially provided jack smith with a particularly blockbuster piece of information. donald trump describes that he knows that classified records are sensitive, and can't just be declassified by blinking his eyes, when he is no longer president. but i think also really important, because it's just at least, if he's pretending you're not pretending, that he has a classified record, that he hoped to use in a personal petty vendetta. that is really important. i have to say alex, from not necessarily always about the charges, but about what it towels, prosecutors as they try to explain the story of, why did donald trump keep more than 100 classified records at mar-a-lago? and after he had been subpoenaed for these records, by federal grand jury, and


recommend attacking iran. >> yes, layers of irony here, tali farhadian weinstein. -- there is the legal part of this and then the public opinion part of this. talk to me about, legally, the importance of having his statements on tape. >> yeah. this is blockbuster evidence, alex, legally speaking. and it's not direct evidence of the crime that we had been anticipating that he would be charged with, which is, having the classified documents at mar-a-lago. this obviously is happening in a different setting and different time. but it's what we call other acts evidence or rule 404b evidence that comes into support those charges, or tells us -- his intent, that he knew how classification works, that he was not supposed to have it in that he was holding on to it. his motives -- i mean, that's hung over the documents case. why did he have the stuff? and now we have an answer that i think would be meaningful to a jury, which is personal vendetta, ego. he was wounded by these stories


i think would be meaningful to a jury, which is personal vendetta, ego. he was wounded by these stories about merely and he thought he could use documents like this to help himself and maybe legacy build. and depending on what comes out we might learn something about his m o about how he managed to get documents into his hands that he should not have had, all of which can shed light on and support the mar-a-lago charges. and everything i have said is true even if it is all a ruse. even if he was waving around a blank piece of paper -- >> a blank piece of paper -- >> -- or something that was not even classified in the first place. prosecutors can still do all the work that i just described. >> as far as charges and building a case, which is -- i mean, is it a bigger deal in this instance, in terms of the charges it supports, in however


stuff? and now we have an answer i think meaningful to a jury which is personal vendetta. he was wounded by these stories about esmilley and he thought h could use these documents like thisd to help himself maybe legacy build. andga depend on what comes out,e might learn something about his of how he managed to get documents into his hands that he shouldn't have had all of which can shed light on and support the mar-a-lago charges. and everything i've said is true even if it's all a rouse, if he was waving a blank piece of paper or something written by somebody else or something that was not even classified in the first place. prosecutors can still do all of the work that i've just described. >> do you think -- as far as charges and building a case, it is a bigger deal in this instance in terms of the charges it supports the fact he knew the documents weren't classified and was in possession of them in


california at the time of the muferd. >> not only was he not in texas, he was on the other side of the country. >> he was. >> was there anything to suggest that he had some kind of vendetta against the chapa family? >> we were not able to find any connection between cristobal melchor and the chapa family or the olgin family. >> he then showed melchor the letter, and melchor was stunned. >> but he was even more surprised when he saw his picture on the last page of the letter. >> that was because melchor immediately recognized the photo. he knew when and where it was taken. plus, he said, the original photograph was of two people. the missing man, he said, was his former roommate, david strickland. if the snapshot was a surprise to melchor, the name david strickland was an even bigger one for detective volaman. turns out, he had crossed paths with david strickland before. >> i had interviewed david strickland in 2012, just days


stayed at home, we followed the covid rules, they were the ones that put the rules in place, but yet what were they doing? i think that is quite true. were they doing? i think that is quite true-— were they doing? i think that is cuite true. �* . ., , ., ., quite true. angela in east london in a second, quite true. angela in east london in a second. dan _ quite true. angela in east london in a second, dan in _ quite true. angela in east london in a second, dan in bromley, - quite true. angela in east london in a second, dan in bromley, is- quite true. angela in east london in a second, dan in bromley, is this i quite true. angela in east london in a second, dan in bromley, is this a | a second, dan in bromley, is this a stitch up, dan? a second, dan in bromley, is this a stitch up. dan?— a second, dan in bromley, is this a stitch up, dan? good morning, nicky, it is very nice — stitch up, dan? good morning, nicky, it is very nice of— stitch up, dan? good morning, nicky, it is very nice of you _ stitch up, dan? good morning, nicky, it is very nice of you to _ stitch up, dan? good morning, nicky, it is very nice of you to have _ stitch up, dan? good morning, nicky, it is very nice of you to have me i stitch up, dan? good morning, nicky, it is very nice of you to have me on i it is very nice of you to have me on the show. — it is very nice of you to have me on the show. i— it is very nice of you to have me on the show. i was _ it is very nice of you to have me on the show, i was filmed _ it is very nice of you to have me on the show, i was filmed by- it is very nice of you to have me on the show, i was filmed by bbc- the show, i was filmed by bbc breakfast. _ the show, i was filmed by bbc breakfast, in _ the show, i was filmed by bbc breakfast, in mm _ the show, i was filmed by bbc breakfast, in 2017! had - the show, i was filmed by bbc breakfast, in 2017! had to i the show, i was filmed by bbci breakfast, in 2017! had to open the show, i was filmed by bbc. breakfast, in 2017! had to open a mental— breakfast, in 2017! had to open a mental health— breakfast, in 2017! had to open a mental health gallery _ breakfast, in 2017! had to open a mental health gallery for - breakfast, in 2017! had to open a mental health gallery for ads i breakfast, in 2017! had to open a mental health gallery for ads in i breakfast, in 2017! had to open a . mental health gallery for ads in my own borough _ mental health gallery for ads in my own borough. the _ mental health gallery for ads in my own borough. the guy— mental health gallery for ads in my own borough. the guy that - mental health gallery for ads in my own borough. the guy that was i own borough. the guy that was filming — own borough. the guy that was filming it — own borough. the guy that was filming it was _ own borough. the guy that was filming it was called _ own borough. the guy that was filming it was called dan, - own borough. the guy that was filming it was called dan, and i| own borough. the guy that was i filming it was called dan, and i had to he _ filming it was called dan, and i had to he shot — filming it was called dan, and i had to he shot on — filming it was called dan, and i had to be shot on some _ filming it was called dan, and i had to be shot on some camera - filming it was called dan, and i had to be shot on some camera and... i filming it was called dan, and i had i to be shot on some camera and... no, nicky, _ to be shot on some camera and... no, nicky, this _ to be shot on some camera and... no, nicky, this is _ to be shot on some camera and... no, nicky, this is not — to be shot on some camera and... no, nicky, this is not a _ to be shot on some camera and... no, nicky, this is not a stitch— to be shot on some camera and... no, nicky, this is not a stitch up— to be shot on some camera and... no, nicky, this is not a stitch up at- nicky, this is not a stitch up at aiim — nicky, this is not a stitch up at aiim it— nicky, this is not a stitch up at all... , ,, , nicky, this is not a stitch up at all... , ,, ., _ nicky, this is not a stitch up at all... ,, ., _ , all... it is a bit desperate by his opponents? _ all... it is a bit desperate by his opponents? desperate - all... it is a bit desperate by his opponents? desperate dan! it. all... it is a bit desperate by his| opponents? desperate dan! it is all... it is a bit desperate by his i opponents? desperate dan! it is a vendetta, does it not stink a


vendetta, does it not stink a vendetta to you? t vendetta, does it not stink a vendetta to you?— vendetta, does it not stink a vendetta to you? i think what you are looking _ vendetta to you? i think what you are looking at _ vendetta to you? i think what you are looking at here _ vendetta to you? i think what you are looking at here is _ vendetta to you? i think what you are looking at here is truth, i vendetta to you? i think what you are looking at here is truth, and l vendetta to you? i think what you are looking at here is truth, and i | are looking at here is truth, and i have _ are looking at here is truth, and i have worked _ are looking at here is truth, and i have worked with _ are looking at here is truth, and i have worked with three _ are looking at here is truth, and i have worked with three separatel have worked with three separate police _ have worked with three separate police constabularies, _ have worked with three separate police constabularies, and - have worked with three separate police constabularies, and i- have worked with three separate| police constabularies, and i think no-one _ police constabularies, and i think no-one is — police constabularies, and i think no—one is above _ police constabularies, and i think no—one is above the _ police constabularies, and i think no—one is above the law, - police constabularies, and i think no—one is above the law, and i police constabularies, and i think| no—one is above the law, and you have _ no—one is above the law, and you have to _ no—one is above the law, and you have to recognise _ no—one is above the law, and you have to recognise one _ no—one is above the law, and you have to recognise one thing - no—one is above the law, and you have to recognise one thing — ii no—one is above the law, and you l have to recognise one thing — i am not really— have to recognise one thing — i am not really interested _ have to recognise one thing — i am not really interested in _ have to recognise one thing — i am not really interested in feeding i not really interested in feeding scandal. — not really interested in feeding scandal. i_ not really interested in feeding scandal. i am _ not really interested in feeding scandal, i am interested - not really interested in feeding scandal, lam interested in i not really interested in feeding scandal, lam interested in thej scandal, lam interested in the truth, — scandal, lam interested in the truth, and _ scandal, iam interested in the truth, and i_ scandal, lam interested in the truth, and i have _ scandal, lam interested in the truth, and i have had - scandal, lam interested in the truth, and i have had to - scandal, lam interested in the truth, and i have had to work, | scandal, i am interested in the l truth, and i have had to work, to some _ truth, and i have had to work, to some extent, _ truth, and i have had to work, to some extent, in _ truth, and i have had to work, to some extent, in conjunction i truth, and i have had to work, to some extent, in conjunction with truth, and i have had to work, to. some extent, in conjunction with all three _ some extent, in conjunction with all three of— some extent, in conjunction with all three of these — some extent, in conjunction with all three of these police _ some extent, in conjunction with all three of these police forces - some extent, in conjunction with all three of these police forces to - some extent, in conjunction with all three of these police forces to deall three of these police forces to deal with drugs— three of these police forces to deal with drugs and _ three of these police forces to deal with drugs and device _ three of these police forces to deal with drugs and device issues, i three of these police forces to deal with drugs and device issues, and. three of these police forces to deall with drugs and device issues, and it is very— with drugs and device issues, and it is very difficult _ with drugs and device issues, and it is very difficult in _ with drugs and device issues, and it is very difficult in lockdown - with drugs and device issues, and it is very difficult in lockdown to - is very difficult in lockdown to establish _ is very difficult in lockdown to establish... people _ is very difficult in lockdown to establish... people in- is very difficult in lockdown to establish... people in the i is very difficult in lockdown to i establish... people in the higher echelons — establish... people in the higher echelons of— establish... people in the higher echelons of society— establish... people in the higher echelons of society can - establish... people in the higher echelons of society can hide i establish... people in the higher. echelons of society can hide things. what _ echelons of society can hide things. what amazes — echelons of society can hide things. what amazes me _ echelons of society can hide things. what amazes me to _ echelons of society can hide things. what amazes me to this _ echelons of society can hide things. what amazes me to this day- echelons of society can hide things. what amazes me to this day is i echelons of society can hide things. what amazes me to this day is whyl what amazes me to this day is why they do— what amazes me to this day is why they do so — what amazes me to this day is why they do so. because _ what amazes me to this day is why they do so. because it _ what amazes me to this day is why they do so. because it will - what amazes me to this day is why they do so. because it will always i they do so. because it will always -et they do so. because it will always get found — they do so. because it will always get found out _ they do so. because it will always get found out. it _ they do so. because it will always get found out. it is _ they do so. because it will always get found out. it is about - they do so. because it will always get found out. it is about truth i get found out. it is about truth investigation, _ get found out. it is about truth investigation, and _ get found out. it is about truth investigation, and i— get found out. it is about truth investigation, and i have - get found out. it is about truth. investigation, and i have always been _ investigation, and i have always been a — investigation, and i have always been a great _ investigation, and i have always been a great admirer— investigation, and i have always been a great admirer of- been a great admirer of investigative _ been a great admirer ofl investigative journalism, been a great admirer of. investigativejournalism, i been a great admirer of- investigative journalism, i have been a great admirer of— investigative journalism, i have got the books — investigative journalism, i have got the books on — investigative journalism, i have got


from his move to hand pick a state board overseeing disney world operations. joining me now is my good friend, senior correspondent, dominic paton. thank you for joining us. here as you know, you've written about, it desantis took desantis to federal court for launching a targeted campaign of government retaliation against disney basal look companies opposition to florida 's so-called don't say gay law. then you have, last, week disney announces it's pulling the plug on the development plan you orlando. the ceo, bob iger, question to desantis, does the governor even want disney's huge business and tax revenue? tell us how the counsel disney campus in pucks florida, and do you think it could hurt desantis politically? >> well,, alex let me be clear, governor desantis has a unique ability of making president biden the walt's knee company donald trump, and the two republican senators from florida, and above allows. all of whom, agree has vendetta


the orange county mayor said that these 2,000 jobs not moving to florida was a result of disney not having an inclusive and collaborative work environment. the florida democratic party chair said that this loss happened because of desantis' unhinged personal vendetta against disney. natasha chen, cnn, los angeles. hours after montana's total ban on tiktok was signed into law, a group of users is suing the state. they say the new law is unconstitutional and violates their right to free speech. montana's ban goes far beyond restrictions enacted by other state, some of which have blocked the use of tiktok on official government devices. the new law goes into effect in january. three self-described fbi whistleblowers testified in the u.s. house committee hearing thursday. their testimonies are key to republican allegations that the nation's top law enforcement agency is weaponized and biased


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