Actual bags, with comically large dollar signs, like something out of a cartoon bank heist.
A better thank you would be a sack of cash! [ MARTHA ASENCIO RHINE | MARTHA ASENCIO RHINE | Times ]
Published May 4
Updated May 6
Ever notice how appreciation holidays are for people who just need to be paid more? You never see Chief Financial Officer Appreciation Week or Venture Capitalist Appreciation Week or Celebrity Child Who Launched a Makeup Line Appreciation Week.
To that end, it is Teacher Appreciation Week, with an extra-special Teacher Appreciation Day today. It also is Public Service Recognition Week, which honors government employees. And next week brings National Third Shift Workers Day, celebrating those who work at night. All parties deserve respect, but due to limited space, letâs focus on teachers. Weâll shift later to getting DMV workers into the luxury cars they deserve.