To check if the bird is sleeping or not . This is probably the most touching, dad that you can imagine, i i would not say that he had a lot of time for communication. He even said that there was no time for communication, so the time that he could devote to us was remembered very well. He was busy all the time. I, when the Lunar Program was born, and then the Training Program began, it concerns sexuality, so even if when dad was at home, he either studied english, or if he had some short time to just relax, he and for him the biggest there was a high of inspiration if we were nearby, while quietly silent , then he could learn the language, we could be nearby, somewhere there was something to play, dig at his feet, or he stood an easel, and we were present in his office. Here is for him. It was great. A great achievement is that it was possible to have such a moment of freedom to communicate with the family and the fact that we are nearby. He believed very much in collective farms, but