Whether it’s a teacher who inspires students to be their best, a kid who shovels the driveway for their elderly neighbors or a company that donates services, time and products to the community, there’s no shortage of local heroes in our community.
Welcome to November and the official start to the holiday season! Before we know it, stores will be blasting holiday music and commercials of kids excitedly running downstairs to rip open presents galore will play across our television, computer and cell phone screens. Local nonprofits rely on the giving on time, money and other donations […]
Welcome to November and the official start to the holiday season! Before we know it, stores will be blasting holiday music and commercials of kids excitedly running downstairs to rip open presents galore will play across our television, computer and cell phone screens. Local nonprofits rely on the giving on time, money and other donations to operate, and it doesn’t take a lot of any of these three things to make a difference. This month’s Hometown Hero, Victoria Threadgould, provides an inspiring story about how giving can change people’s lives. View Full Screen