A sneak peek at upcoming happenings in San Diego County include holiday events and celebrations, concerts, street festivals, performances, art shows and blood drives
Here's a peek at upcoming San Diego community events, including Hanukkah Rally for Light, Latke and Vodka Ladies Night Out, Hot Toddy Bar, Cookie Party, Christmas Bazaar, Holiday Gem Boutique, art museum party, blood drives, library events, menorah lightings and club meetings
Yarn bombing is sometimes labeled graffiti or "guerrilla art." But since its inception in 2005 in Texas, according to most internet sources it s become more than "a way for crafters to make creative use of their leftover yarns and unfinished pieces." It is "a great way to draw attention to something that otherwise goes unnoticed, like a tree, a statue, or some random street post," says website FeltMagnet or, according to Bella Vistan Debra DeVilbiss, "a celebration of creativity [and] a coming together through contribution."
As we do every year, the Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette asked area nonprofits what was on their Christmas wish lists volunteers, iPads, paper towels or gift cards, whatever they needed. We hope our readers have reached out and made the holidays merry for the organizations that do so much for our communities all year long.