their money on porches or whatever and then to their money on porches or whatever and then to get my money back so what and then to get my money back so what they and then to get my money back so what they are trying to say is you can come what they are trying to say is you can come back to part time work, to education can come back to part time work, to education or can come back to part time work, to education or mentoring, but the tintes education or mentoring, but the times also education or mentoring, but the times also quotes figures saying six in ten times also quotes figures saying six in ten of times also quotes figures saying six in ten of those workers who have left in ten of those workers who have left teft in ten of those workers who have left left work since the start of the pandemic would not consider returning the pandemic would not consider returning. | the pandemic would not consider returnina. , , , ., returning. i presume most p
and the home of the brave rachel: good morning and that is your star-spangled banner to wake you up this morning and remind you how amazing this country is. keep sending these patriotic photos to fox and friends i am happy to be back. will: great to have you back. wearing the boots. rachel: the cowboy thing today. pete: the national day of the cowboy. you claim to be a cowboy? lawrence: i can t wear them, i can t wear it every day but a couple days out of the year. rachel: i have seen you lawrence: when i m in the diners i have cowboy boots and you don t put that on when the national anthem is on. rachel: name it national wednesday. lawrence: if you speak to me. pete: are you on the ranch often? lawrence: no. pete: when is the time? kevin: i am cross-country. lawrence: sometimes i remember my roots. rachel: there is nothing more beautiful, here we are, this is fire in wisconsin, i go for a walk and you can clearly ski, bales of hay are red, white and blue,
The Hancock County Animal Shelter is in need of help.It typically has around 22 staff members, but right now it has just 10."We're still making sure minimum nee