Few days. As temperatures go up, so too does the risk of wildfire with hot, dry conditions earlier on the floor we talked with Cal Fire Division chief and he says that the shift in weather and fire danger in california this week was swift. What we are seeing right now is a rapid dry out of what we call our light flashing fuel. The grass is out there, it is a catch22. We had a great year of rain which is awesome for our reservoirs and Water Supplies but on the flipside its also more dangerous for fires to the small starts we are getting are starting to get larger quicker. As you can see over the last week we see about 150 new fires per week across the state which is an rapid increase than where we were a month ago. He says it is key for People Living in fire prone areas to be prepared by creating Defensible Space around the house. And also having a go bag ready with everything you need in case you have to evacuate. It really is remarkable how fast things dry out. We were talking a momen