As the war continues, Virginia lawmakers are speaking up. Senator mark warner spoke on the terrorist attack by Hamas on Israel this weekend saying the attacks are barbaric.
opportunity? oh, no question about it. when ahmadinejad stole the election in iran and everybody in the world knew it, the people took to the streets. the united states unfortunately remain the blissfully silent. we didn t even give a verbal support to the regime change and, of course, he murdered his own people and that was a missed opportunity. we should show as a national policy that we should support a regime change through the people of iran. we are just prolonging the inevitable. he is going to get nuke weapons. sanctions may delay the process. regime change have the best answer. shannon: what do you make of israel s role as they are closer geographically to the situation but it is clear how ahmadinejad feels about israel. he said his first nuclear missile is going tel aviv and the next one is going to the united states. israel, unfortunately, because of us is isolating itself from it the united states. they are not a is close in the sense that they share that
war on the united states in 1979. question claired war on israel in 1979 under ayatollah khomeini. they started taking hostages. they killed americans in lebanon, saudi arabia, iraq, afghanistan. now if this plot turns out to be credible, combined with the nuclear weapons development strategy, you have a declared war from an enemy with virtually no response for all these years. i brought in with me, an article from april 2010, fromç the new york times then defense secretary robert gates says u.s. match policy to iran. detailed three-page secret memo saying the obama administration doesn t have a plan. what is that plan? to neutralize iran. to degrade their capabilities to threaten us. either with terrorism or nuclear war.