symbolic win for democrats, senator reid said in a statement today, quote: the time for politics is now over. and, now the republicans have made more members in both houses of congress, they must take their responsibility to present bipartisan solutions more seriously. simply saying no will do nothing to create more jobs, support our middle class, and strengthen our economy. and as you are saying, earlier, still undecided in alaska, and washington state. but, even if those go republican way is not enough to take over the control of the senate. a lot to watch, a developing story, molly henneberg in d.c., thanks, molly. reporter: thank you. so much political intrigue, after running for months against the washington ruling establishment, a number of tea party backed candidates have won elections, transforming them into power players now. fox news has learned there is a draft, if you will, for the leader of the tea party caucus in the house, michelle bachmann to move into the house