were intimate with one another. but after only three weeks, melvin and teresa decided they had made a mistake, and moved back home. gentlemen, change partners across from where you are. change partners and swing her. however, in this recent disappearance, neither teresa or her husband ron knew of melvin whereabouts. and the bank reported no activity on any of melvin s credit cards. he had a young son, he was early 20s, and this wasn t the kind of man that would run off and leave family obligations. which is why investigators began to suspect foul play.
trayvon s hands and the sleeves on his hoody, would be important in indicating that there wasn t the kind of assault against zimmerman as has been brairaise. i think the medical examiner s testimony on friday will be important. because it was interesting that the ballistics female, the person who testified today, only talked about the clothing that the muzzle of the gun touched the outer garment, but would not comment on the affect on the skin. she said that wasn t her job, but you have to be able to put the perforations of clothing together with the perforation of the skin and gunshot residue around the hole in the skin which in the autopsy report says
trayvon s hands and the sleeves on his hoody, would be important in indicating that there wasn t the kind of assault against zimmerman as has been brairaise. i think the medical examiner s testimony on friday will be important. because it was interesting that the ballistics female, the person who testified today, only talked about the clothing that the muzzle of the gun touched the outer garment, but would not comment on the affect on the skin. she said that wasn t her job, but you have to be able to put the perforations of clothing together with the perforation of the skin and gunshot residue around the hole in the skin which in the autopsy report says
he s definitely interested in selling books. he s got almost kind of conflicting interest it seems. he s also got a product he s selling. that product is something the military and teachers across america are willing to buy. atlantic city, new jersey, june 2011. so, you don t think it s a scare tactic? no, no. you always have to be ready for the worst. some of the things he talks about, locking the school doors, armed guards at schools, that wasn t the kind of childhood i had and it certainly wasn t the kind of childhood you had. is that the kind of childhood you think we should have for children? i m not to say whether we should or shouldn t have, the reality of it is it s here. the times have changed, it s a new game we re playing nowadays. what exactly are you training
election day and this is where the white house and tem kratz needed to start. you could tell in the room when harry reid was talking about john boehner s brain, that they were really infused by the election. they referenced it so many times in talking about the priorities. specifics were kind of the word of the day. everybody saying the other side has to give specifics. this morning republicans are saying don t expect any public counteroffer after what the president s team presented here, one of their big concerns is the $1.6 trillion in tax revenue over ten years. they say that s about twice where republicans think they might be able to get a deal and for them that was not a good starting point. kelly, can i quickly ask you why we should not expect a counteroffer interest republicans? isn t that what this whole game is about? reporter: public. if i didn t say public, let me emphasize. you did. reporter: we heard about the president s offer and what republicans are also saying