French finance minister Bruno Le Maire said on Wednesday that France and Europe want to pursue an independent policy path from the United States and China, but intend to be "strong and reliable allies of the United States of America."
Britain is ready to provide an extra $500 million of loan guarantees to Ukraine, taking the total this year to $1 billion, British finance minister Jeremy Hunt said on Wednesday.
Morocco's state-owned phosphates and fertiliser producer OCP said on Wednesday it signed an agreement with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the World Bank's investment arm, on a 100 million-euro ($110 million) loan to build four solar plants to power its industrial operations.
China is expected to drop its demand for multilateral development banks to share losses alongside other creditors in sovereign debt restructurings for poor countries, breaking a major roadblock to debt relief, a source familiar with the plans said on Tuesday.
U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen will push this week for urgent resolution of requests by Zambia and Ghana for restructuring of their sovereign debts, and moves to conclude a debt treatment for Sri Lanka, Treasury said on Monday.