the hottest topic in washington, a very heated hearing on capitol hill during testimony by the attorney general. eric holder telling lawmakers that the world s most wanted man, usama bin laden, will never be captured alive, won t happen, he says. meaning civilian trials for him will never be an issue. the possibility of capturing but, let s we can t infinitesimal. he ll be killed by us or he will be killed by his own people, so he is not captured by us. we know that. but. attorney general, i respect respectfully that was not a trick question. sincerely, what if we do, though, catch him, alive. that is the question. and what i m saying is that, maybe i was being a little flip with mr. culberson and about about you know, reading miranda rights to his corpse but that is what we ll be dealing with, he will not be alive. martha: how does he know that, rich lowry is the editor of the national review and kirsten